!  Poems by Gerardus  !

File 13 of 25

    To One and All...
    The poems in the following * POEMS13.HTM * file have been arranged
    in the order they have been written.   The depth and nature of the
    poems therefore indicate the changes the author experienced during
    the time they were produced. There are more than 540 poems and the
    quality between the first ones and the last ones is remarkable!

    Many of the poems practically wrote themselves and all I had to do
    was sit still long enough for them to come through.  At the time I
    was totally amazed where they all came from.  Often I thought that
    I had become that good all of a sudden.  This naturally is not so,
    for all I did was function as an instrument or channel of the Soul
    I really am. I hope that many of these poems speak to the Soul you
    are, and if so; they really come from you!

    The poems in all their "simplicity and profoundness" form a course
    in metaphysics just by themselves.  It is possible therefore to go
    through them one by one, and learn more than by reading a stack of
    books.  The poems in these files are aspects of my Higher Self and
    with great pleasure do I hereby dedicate them:
           - To the World of Man and his Infinite Endeavours -

     Only because of the steady performance of my Benefactors have my
     poems been realized.  Humbly I acknowledge the great changes and
     growth that took place within me in the years 1979 to 1984.

                            Sincerely yours,
                                         Gerardus Everardus Tros


                           LOVING CONSCIOUSLY

         Within our Loving Consciously...
                  within the Love we know...
                                        that is Us...
                                               by knowing Us...
                                   I am at Rest in Peace.

         For I know
                that You know Me
                         by knowing You
                                 through loving Me.

         While the Honesty we are...
                               moves within Us...
                         and is Ourselves in Freedom...
                                    by our so Conscious Loving.

         Unequalled in the Life we knew.

                Unequalled in the Love we are.

                              To Each Other...
                                        for Each Other...

         In Peace of Knowing Us
                to be the Self in Loving
                                we are and share.

                In the Serenity of our Closeness
                                        in being Lovers.

                                            Loving Consciously.


                             THE DREAM I AM

         By knowing the Suffering I am...
                              I know my Loving.

               While the Suffering I endure...
                                      is knowing not...
                                                 her Pain.

               Oh how...
                      how can I but know her Pain.
                                So that I know her Loving.

         How can I but lessen...
                        and get to know
                 the Pain and Suffering we endure
                           and make our Loving bloom
                        to Fullness in Perfect Pleasure...
                                                 without Pain.

         I can but dream...
                   the Silent Dream...
                                  in unawareness...
                                              of her dreaming.

                             The Dream I am.


                            DISTURB YOUR PLAN

               Yes... I know.
                           For I know me.
                                       Thus knowing You.

         And what You want...
                  is really there.

                               But You still look...
                                         but don't know where.

         For your Mind...
                   that's but dividing...
                               is not the Source...
                                             for your abiding.

               But to Learn in Time
                        to hear your heart...
                                    is the Secret...
                                               and Truest Art.

         For Minds are Tools...
                        and have no Clue.

               And but misguide...
                              the God in You.

               So Search and Seek your Heart's Advice...
                   It knows your Taste... It knows your Spice.

               For Hearts are God...
                          and Minds but Man.

                                  So let no Mind...
                                            disturb your Plan.


                              BECAUSE OF IT

         Oh yes... Oh yes
                         my Love.

               Come and sit on the Floor.

                    Come and sit where you always sit
                            and feel the Peacefulness of Being.

         Oh yes my Love...
                    come and sit right close to me
                                    and feel the Feelings I am.

               And then slowly...
                       take my Hand
                             and kiss it.

               Kiss it with the Feelings...
                                      you do feel.

               Kiss it with the Sphere...
                                 of Peace you feel...
                                            because of us.

         For the Sense of Living...
              and the Nature of Being
                                     my Love
                          - is to be the Peace Within -

              The Peace within the Self...
                                       you are...
                                            through me.

         And slowly then...
                    lean back...
                    and feel the Universe of Love
                                within the Beauty you are.

                                                 Because of it.


                      BUT EXPRESSED SO DIFFERENTLY

         Oh yes... my Love...
                 - about Love and Lust -
                             the Two Opposites Forever.

               Yet Love and Lust are One.
                         But expressed in different Dualities.

         To Love...
               is seeing Lovingly.
                        By making You 'The Love'...
                                  and I the Instrument...
                                                    of Loving.

         To Lust...
               is seeing an Object...
                         to satisfy Desires...
                                   is using the Object...
                                            as the Instrument.

         And also...
               seeing a Person Lovingly...
                         is making that Person Beauty.

                   While seeing Beauty lustfully...
                               is making Beauty but an Object.

         And like You are...
                        LOVE for the Children
               so am I in Sameness and Nature for You.

                                 But expressed so differently.


                         IN THE DARKNESS OF MIND

         Yes my Love...
               to be Centered in the Heart...
                      is to be Centered in God's Dimension.

                                            Centered in Living.

               While being Centered in the Mind...
                                       is but Existence.

         Existence by Scheming...
                           and Divisions.

                           Existence by Figuring...
                                              and Calculations.

         To become Centered in the Heart
              is attained by Loving...
                   by Loving and Loving more.

                        With a Loving Attitude...
                                            towards ALL.

                              And a Loving Attitude is Feeling.

               Feeling Feelings.
                        Which no Mind can do.

         And the LOVE you are...
                             my Love...
                   just make it more and more.

                           You will find yourself...
                                            in God's Dimension.

              The Dimension...
                    so unknown to the World of Man...
                                   in the Darkness of Mind.


                             AND THE CREATOR

         YOU... my Love
              the Individual Consciousness you are
                           are living
                   within the Universal Mind
                                         called God.

         But in Actuality...
                        God is LIVING within YOU.

               To understand this...
                         to comprehend this...
                    and doing something about it...
                                              is YOUR Task.

                                    The Task of...
                                            Living Your Life.

               And Life...
                     is a - do it yourself job -
                                      for You are the Doer.

         The Doer in the Aloneness...
               of the Stupendous Greatness...
                                    of the Universe.

                               The Universe that is God.

                                           Living Within You.

              Living within the Individual Consciousness...
                                You Are.

                      Containing... 'All That Is'.

                    For You Are God.

                                    And The Creator.


                         NOR SENSE... NOR SEASON

           I have been writing... and writing
                                    and I am tired.

               Yet my Tiredness...
                          does not make me sleep or rest.

               For in the Deepness of my Being
                    so very... very Deep...
                           are the Feelings of Care...
                                        the Feelings of Love.

               While you but sleep...
                           in Peacefulness...
                                      knowing nothing hereof.

           What can I do...
                   but write and write...
                            of Feelings and Feelings...
                                              I cannot fight.

               For Love is Love...
                   and needs no Reason...
                            and neither Time...
                                 nor Sense... nor Season.


                              FOR ONE IS GOD

          That's what it is...
                         my Love...
                              - Helplessness -
                         Yes... Helplessness is Love.

          For loving Someone
                         is feeling Helpless
                                           because of Loving.

                   While Hate is the other Pole.

          For when Hate is there...
                        there is always something one can do.

          But Love...
              Love is Total Helplessness.
                          And this is the Pain of Love.

                                 The more Love...
                                       the more Pain.

          So by the Pain one is...
                   one knows one's Love.

                            Thus knowing the Lack of Godness.

               For being Man means...
                              to need Love...
                              as well as need to give Love.

               While being Love...
                        is neither needing Love
                               nor needing to give Love.

                                              For One is God.


                        FOR BEING MAN IN DARKNESS

         To give to Man
                    a Tear of Brilliance
                                     of the Source I am.

               And to give to Man
                        a Glimpse of Godness
                                        of the Gods they are.

                        Where do I turn for help?

                      Where do I look for Guidance?

         And how do I find the Way...
                               to show them
                         the very Selves they are...
                                   within the Brilliance
                                            of their Godness?

         I can but write and write
                        in Words and Words
                                 to the Eye of Man.

                                              My Brother...
                                              My Brother God.

              For Man IS God.

                    But blind...
                               for being Man in Darkness.


                         IS THEN THE LONGING ALL

         And I but cry...
                   because of Happiness.

               For the Tears welling up...
                         from the Corners of my Eyes...
                                        are Smiles of Loving.

         While yet my Happiness
                   is mingled with Pain.

                             For the Love I am
                                  for you
                           is so Alone in Loving.

         And why... oh why...
                    do I so love alone?
                Where is Love's other Half...
                          where is the Half that's loving me?

                In my Crying Happiness
                            I am less than nothing...
                                           by being but Half.

               I am a Flute... without the Openings.

                      I am the Snow... without the Whiteness.

                            I am a God... without Godness.

                          For I am a Man without Masculinity.

         Is that then...
                 why I cry?

                          Is that then...
                              why I cry the Smiles of Loving?

                                 Is then the Longing all?


                              IN KNOWING ME

         "I feel that I am...
                   what I should be for you...
                                       at the Moment"

             Yes... these Words my Love
                                 are the Betrayal...
                                            of your Feelings.

         Hiding the Real You...
                       behind a Veil
                woven by Thoughts and Feelings
                                  that are You so Splendidly.

                The You and the Love within.

                       The Love within...
                                  You do not know...
                                           but feel is there.

         And so do I.

                  For I have seen you walk.
                            I have seen you move.

             And I have seen you pause...
                       between the Movements
                                       of your Feelings.

             And I have felt your Touch
                                 with the Love
                                          that tells me.

                    Yes my Love...
                               You Are In Love.

         You are in Love...
              but cannot tell for knowing
                                    all the Love You Are.

              In Hiding behind the Feelings
                                        you create
                                               in knowing me.


                        WITH LETTERS OF LOVE....

        In my Poems my Love... I have emptied my Heart.

             And the Gaps between my Words...
                            are the Tears of my Crying.

             Composing the Vibrations of my Feelings...
                      singing and speaking from the Self I am.

             Expressing the Wishes and Dreams...
                                        I dream in loving you.

        I know that I have touched you...
                        deeper than the Depth...
                               of the Woman you knew you were.

              So profound...
                  that whatever might happen my Love
                       you never... ever... will forget
                  the Music of the Soul
                              that reached for the God within.

               Showing you the Beauty you are...
                            and the Harmony between two Souls.

         And the Honesty of my Endeavour...
              from the Soul within me...
                       is found within the Colour of my Style.

                   Simple... yet Subtle...
                              Touching... yet Tearing.

                   For the Man I am my Love...
                       is a Man in Love... loving you.

              Evolved to express the Love he is...
                               from the Godness he is...
                                          yet being but a Man.

         So please my Love...
                        help the Soul I am... so trying...
              in being the Heart you are...
                        so deeply touched within...
                                           by a Soul...
                                      with Letters of Love....


                              MAN AND WOMAN

         The Soul I am...
                   is searching for its Completeness.

               For the Being I am...
                              is but Half.

                                   Lacking Godness.
                                            Lacking You.

         And to find the Half...
                         that's missing
               I need the Smiles of Pleasantness
                    shared within the Music of Closeness
                         through the Loving I feel
                                   in the Warmth of Soul
                         of the Woman I know
                                    and knows me
                                          in Lacking Godness.

         While what is lacking within me
                        is the Need to Share
                                       - what I am -
                                with the Lacking Half I seek.

               To complete Each Other
                     into the Ecstasies of Beingness
                             of Godness Completed in Harmony.

               Within the Universe we are...
                    and create by being the Shares...
                            we need to find
                                       in sharing...
                                               MAN AND WOMAN.


                            JUST LOST CONTROL

         She changes Love...
                      in Torturing Pain.

                 For her Tinge in Coolness...
                                     has gone Insane.

            She has no Time for Love to be...
                      in being the Sharpest Knife...
                 cutting and cutting...
                                 my very Life.

         She is no Mother...
                 neither Woman... nor Girl...
                           for she rejects the finest Pearl.

                 A Pearl in Poetry...
                           to the World unknown.

                           How could she be Human...
                                              or even Clone?

         For who could be...
                 but just a Friend
                           to the Poet's Poet...
                                     in full Ascent?

            Well... I'll be damned...
                           for I know so well.

                                  She but pretends...
                                         and lies like Hell.

            For in the Deepness
                        of her very Soul
                               the God that is...
                                          just lost Control.


                              A GOD ASLEEP

         With the Wisdom of Ages
                   hidden behind Smiling Eyes...
                                            SHE IS.

                   Ignorant of her true Worthiness.
                              Knowing not her Value in Being.

         Sunshine reflecting from her Face...
                                        tells me...
                  that she is Beautiful...
                         in Inner Beingness and Soul.

                                             I stop and talk.

         Yes... I have known her before.

                         Some many million Moons ago...
                                         when we were Lovers.

                 Knowing Love of Bodies...
                                    Love of Minds
                           and the Love of Souls in Deepness.

              now... in being but Wise in Girlhood...
                                              I surprise her.

               In touching her Inner Self...
                                   by Words of Godness
                   unknown to her Conscious Mind.

               She knows them by Heart...
                       but by Mind... she rejects them.

         Slowly though...
             she will remember...
                  in the Weeks and Years to come...
                                  the Very Self she is.

                                                A God Asleep.


                          I HAVE TO FINISH HERE

         I am in this World...
                          so strangely.

                     For I am...
                          and am not...
                                  really on it.

                                     And certainly not of it.

         And yet there...
                 where I really belong...
                           I don't find myself.

                                     For I am here
                                          upon a World
                                            that is not mine.

         Where is it then...
                      that I belong?

               So often I feel
                          this World but to be
                                   a Place where I go...
                                                   and dream.

               Dream that I am dreaming
                          of Worlds and Universes
                                             where I am from.

               And dream...
                    that it is there...
                                I really belong.

                       And am in full Awareness...
                                              of Dreams...
                                         I have to finish here.


                             WHAT LOVE REALLY IS

           Tell me then...
                       what is Love?

                 The Love I feel for Women...
                               the Love I feel for Men.

           LOVE... my Child...
                 Love is the Quality... one feels...
                                                 called Godness.

             So difficult to be found within the other Gender.

              Some of it is there but most of it is missing.

           While in the Search for Love within Partners
                 and within the Love we do find...
                      we more and more wonder...
                                         where it went
                                 or whether it was there at all.

           For Godness... we do not find...
                     to Satisfaction within One Another.

                 For the Love to be found is Total Godness.

                         Which is within the Self...
                                     so searching outside of it.

                 This is the Love...
                         that will only be encountered...
                                                  by loving God.

                 Living in Total within the Soul...
                                          the God Within.

           And the God Within...
                     is the Self within ALL Others...
                                 and ALL Others within the Self.

           While the more and more we love...
                                   the God within ALL...
                        the more and more we discover...
                                            WHAT LOVE REALLY IS.


                                WHICH IS LOVE

           In loving One's Self...
                     One loves the World...
                               and the World of Man.

                 For the Love for ALL...
                                is the Love of Self.

                                               For One is ALL.

           And the Love of One's Self
                         is the Summation
                                of the Feelings One is.

                 Developed by the Attitude adopted...
                                 by living Lives as Man...
                              and the Experiences encountered.

           Each Human Being...
                     is a Soul in Flesh.

                                 A Soul in Hiding.

                     And ready to return...
                                 when finished Loving...
                                                  All That Is.

           All the Living and Loving
                  is culminated within the Wisdom of the Soul.

                  And is equal to Godness...
                        in Individuality and Selfness...
                                                     in Being.

                    Constituting Knowing Oneness Within.

                                                Which is LOVE.


                               AND GOD ITSELF

           Oh yes... my Friends...
                            to get to know...
                       what we do not know as yet...
                                               is possible.

                 You have to agonize the Inner Mind.

                      You have to contact the Mental Being...
                                                       the Soul.

                      And if it is good for you...
                                    to know
                             what you don't know as yet...
                                    your Soul will let you know.

           Your Soul knows more than you do.

                 For it is an Aspect of the ALL Knower...
                                             The Universal Mind.

           To agonize the Inner Mind...
                 is the awakening of the Self
                                to the Wisdom of the Soul.

           All of us have to be awakened...
                  for we are fast asleep in the World of Matter.

                         We have to dehypnotize ourselves
                               to the Inner Reality
                                               of Our True Self.

                               This is the Task of Man.

           Once we are awakened...
                 we become the Beauty
                      of the Universe of Consciousness.

                                          The Universal Mind.

                                Which is OUR Mind.

                                              And God Itself.


                             BY WHAT I AM NOT YET

           The Space-Being I am
                             is confused.

                         For the Space Within...
                                          is rambling
                                     the Raider enclosing it.

                 Yet there is nothing to fight...
                                          but Nothingness.

                       The empty Nothingness
                                for what is not there as yet.

           What is it... I fight...
                       that is not there?

                               Is it the Me
                                         I am not?
                               Is it the Me
                                         I will yet be?

                 Whatever it is...
                          it is untouchable by Hands or Mind.
                              But it is there by Feeling.

           Subtle in Substance of Feeling.

                     Solid in Substance of Ignorance.

                 It is...
                      being a Space-Being...
                            full of Empty Space Within...
                                                 and seeking.

                    and to be filled... by what I am not yet.


                              WITHIN ONE WHOLE

            In this Galaxy we know as Milky
                            the Race of Man is Young and Cute
            And in the Growing we encounter
                         we fumble struggling in Self-Dispute
            While Man to Man in the Plane of Separation
                       All in All are really Oneness-Absolute
            Which cannot be found in Weapons
                            but in the Harmony of Self-Salute.

            But to learn of Life by Living-Lessons
                              is a Process of a Billion Moons
            To be experienced in bitter Dosage
                             by the Taste of Self-Made Spoons
            For as of yet at this very Present
                               too many Man are still Baboons
            But steady climbing and a Soaring
                          to Heights-Unknown in God's Cocoons.

            And with the Multitude of Beings
                                  in our Galaxy the Milky Way
            We ALL in ALL are Cosmic-Sameness
                             and Souls encaptured in but Clay.

                  While Each of All... in Fragment-Soul
                        is ONE in TOTAL...
                                   within ONE WHOLE.


                               OF 'ALL THAT IS'

            To be aware of what Humanness entails...
                                         is to be One of Them.

                     While all the Rest...
                                    is but MAN.

                To Be Human is to Live it.
                                         And Love it.

            To be Human is to Understand and Know...
                     Your Destiny
                               Your Goal
                     Your Multi-Dimensionality
                                         Your Unlimitedness
                          Your Soulness within God
                     Your Totality...
                               as a Cosmic Being.

            To understand this
                 in full awareness of knowing
                                         is to be Human.

                 You realize then
                      that the Soul you are
                           is the Force that Lives...
                                         Steers and Directs
                                   your Physical Form.

            And eventually... the Total You
                     will be united with the Entity
                                         you are an Aspect of.

                     Within all the Splendor...
                                        of ALL THAT IS.


                               BY NOT THINKING

             What Man really is...
                        He does not know.

                 What Man really is...
                                is hidden deep within.

                 And since he does not know his Inner Self
                           he is held back...
                                  to what he but is.

                                             A Struggling Man.

                 Man's Ignorance...
                       and his Conditioned Mind...
                                   is holding him back.

             To let go...
                  of his Conditioned Mind he fears.

                                    He fears it like Death.

                While Death...
                     is the Impossible Concept.

                                          For Death is Not.

                               There is only Life.
                                     There is only Godness.

             For Man to let go of his Fears
                     will take many and many Years of Courage.

                The Instillment of Fear...
                          is Ages and Ages old.
                                        And Hell itself.

                The Hell...
                    Man created himself.

                          By being Conditioned...
                                     to the Limit he is.

                                              By not thinking.


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