!  Poems by Gerardus  !

File 14 of 25

    To One and All...
    The poems in the following * POEMS14.HTM * file have been arranged
    in the order they have been written.   The depth and nature of the
    poems therefore indicate the changes the author experienced during
    the time they were produced. There are more than 540 poems and the
    quality between the first ones and the last ones is remarkable!

    Many of the poems practically wrote themselves and all I had to do
    was sit still long enough for them to come through.  At the time I
    was totally amazed where they all came from.  Often I thought that
    I had become that good all of a sudden.  This naturally is not so,
    for all I did was function as an instrument or channel of the Soul
    I really am. I hope that many of these poems speak to the Soul you
    are, and if so; they really come from you!

    The poems in all their "simplicity and profoundness" form a course
    in metaphysics just by themselves.  It is possible therefore to go
    through them one by one, and learn more than by reading a stack of
    books.  The poems in these files are aspects of my Higher Self and
    with great pleasure do I hereby dedicate them:
           - To the World of Man and his Infinite Endeavours -

     Only because of the steady performance of my Benefactors have my
     poems been realized.  Humbly I acknowledge the great changes and
     growth that took place within me in the years 1979 to 1984.

                            Sincerely yours,
                                         Gerardus Everardus Tros


                         NO EARTH WILL EVER KNOW

         At one time...
                between Naughtiness and Daring...
                                       I touched her Breast.
                        Feeling the Pulse of Life.

                And then I knew...
                              that she was...
                        the Queen of the Universe.

         Quickly then her Thoughts told me
                          that the Daring was too much
                     for the Naughtiness was lost in Daring.

                Slowly then...
                     the Feelings of True Love...
                                          diverted me
                                    to the Pure Love we are.

                       Without Daring...
                            so apparently redundant.

         For Love...
              True Love...
                   transcends the Naughtiness in Daring
                             far beyond this Plane of Earth.

              Where Bodies do not dwell.
                             And only Love exists.

                   By being Pure and Beautiful...
                              and of the Essence of Soul
                       with all its Godness and Love.

                                    No Earth will ever know.


                               THE POET IS

         A Poet is a Person...
                   who is Multi-People.

                   For all his Poems...
                           are different Aspects...
                                      of Separate Beings.

                   And no Poet will ever know...
                              all the People the Poet is.

              For some live in Heaven
                       some live on Earth
                                   And some live in Hell.

         A Poet...
              is neither Male... nor Female.

                        But a Soul...
                             in Communion with God.

              Listening to the Feelings of Godness...
                                    to be expressed in Words.

                     Words of Hell...
                           Words of Earth...
                                 And words of Heaven.

         But in Heaven...
                   a Poet is so very seldom.

              For a Poet is but a Human Being...
                             living in too many Places...
                   and most of the time...
                             too full of Words...
                   that have lost the Feelings of Godness.

                         And therefore...
                               never reach the Paper...
                                                 the Poet is.


                             OR LEAVE ALONE

         Oh yes... my Love.
                   All your Life...
                        you have been loving Poetry.

               As a Child...
                    As a Girl...
                         As a Lady...
                              And as a Mother.

               For the Feelings hiding behind the Words
                    create within you
                         the Sense of Beauty you are...
                              feeling the Words as Feelings.

          And then...
                  my Love...
              at the Apex of your Becoming Love itself...
                   this somewhat awkward Poet enters your Life.

                     Releasing the Poetry of Poets
                               touching the Depth of Being
                           within the You...
                                      who knows.

         The You...
               who knows...
                     the Beauty...
                           of the Feelings...
                                        You Are...
                                              dressed in Words.

         This Poet... for You...
                            to either choose to Love...
                                                or Leave Alone.


                                LOVING YOU

           To be in Love with You...
                              and Love You
                         is a Gift from Heaven.

               Perplexing in Beauty...
                    Silencing in Greatness...
                         And lifting Me to Ecstacy.

           But yet...
               Words are but Words.

                    And Words are totally insufficient
                          to express...
                               the Feelings You create...
                                                   within me.

               Feelings that burst with Delight
                         for being my Love and Light...
                                           in the Heart I am.

           To Me...
               You are a God.

                   Enlightening me...
                             to Loving Unconditionally.

                                    Without Reason...
                                               without Sense.

           For I am lost...
                   and no more.

               For being You in Me...

                 Vanishing the Me
                          within the Love I am... LOVING YOU.


                             FOR I LOVE YOU

         Sometimes... my Love...
                   when I am writing...
                             I pretend to be your Shadow.

               And from the Shade I am...
                      I admire the Light you are...
                                  from the Darkness I am.

               And in my Dream...
                              I glow
                                  for you are Life to me.
                         Creating the Shadow...
                                          I but am.

         But yet I say...
                   never love me...
                             because I love you.
             Only love me...
                  because YOU LOVE ME.

                               For You Are Free.

             Free to Love
                  Free to Leave.
                       To be You in Freedom.

                                Freedom of Loving
                                         or Leaving Me.

                                          For I love You.


                          YOUR PEARL OF LOVING

         Oh yes... I love You.
              I love you as much...
                   as that you allow me to love You.

              For I cannot love you anymmore
                   as that you can receive in loving.

                                             But it is enough.

         For but knowing you
                   and knowing what you are
                                   is enlightening...
                                               to the me I am.

                   Loving... what you accept.
                            In Honesty... so Lovingly.

         While yet...
              loving you
                  is like loving a Whirlwind.

               Never being sure...
                         how and why...
                   I am going to be touched...
                        by the Reflections you project
                                   from the Love I am for you.

         But Oh...
               this Loving Whirlwind
                    takes me to Heights Unknown.

               To the Planes of Delight in Being...
                       caught-up within it.

                                Trying to find...
                                         Your Pearl of Loving.


                          THE MIGHTY YOU WITHIN

         Hey You...
              Yes You... learning Man.

                       Never pray to a God...
                                      outside of You.

               But pray...
                    and address your Prayer...
                                 to the God within.

                                       The Soul that is You.

         For this is Your Source.
                   This is the Cause of Your Being.

                                          This is your Life.

               Recognize the YOU within YOU...
                                 the Soul You Are.

                     This is the Source...
                                  that cares.
                                       The God Within.

         While ALL Gods outside of You
               are like a Mountain to an Ant.
                                     Crushing You...
                                          as easily as Doom.

         But the Force Within
                        knows You...
                            and cares for You.

                For THAT is Your Creator.

                                    The Mighty You Within.


                        THAT SENSED HER FRAGRANCE

         In the Life I have lived...
                        there was but one Flower...
                                             I remember.

               She was Blond...
                         and so Vivacious.

                               Blue-Green Eyes...
                                     and Poetry in Movement.

               She never really loved me.

                              But... oh did I love her.

                                  So Secretly...
                                       and Hurtful.

         What else could I but do...
                      but try to forget...
                            and try to forget forever.
                                       But really never did.

         Oh yes...
               in the Life I have lived
                         there was but one Flower.

                    So Sweet she was.
                             So Colourful...
                                      and so Lovely.

                                  Never to forget.
                             Never to really die within.

         She was Life itself.

                   To never die within the Heart...
                                  that sensed her Fragrance.


                             BY THE POEM I AM

         If my Poems are so Beautiful...
                              why am I so alone?

               If my Poems touch you within...
                                   where is then your Touch?

         If my Poems then...
               are really so Beautiful
                              and touch you...
                                   and any Other...
                        why am I then an Island untouched...
                             but for an Ocean of Tears?

             if my Poems so touch you within...
                           why am I then without your Touch?

             And if I really touch your Soul...
                                         with Words...
                                 why do I hear then...
                                                but Silence?

               Is then the Ocean of Tears
                                    the Distance
                          between your Soul and touching me?

         Are my Poems then... too Beautiful...
                         and fade away by touching?

               Or is it...
                   that you are but Silent...
                         for being touched too deeply...
                                           by the Poem I am?


                         THAT'S WHY I LOVE THEM

         Knowing that I am Immortal...
                   living Life as it is...
                             and loving the World...
                        what rolls out of Space for me?

                                                  Two Women.

         Both I have known before... many times.
                   Lived with...
                        slept with...
                              and maybe I even married them.

         But this time...
                   both of them are busy.

                   The One is married...
                             and the Other has two Children.

         They are so damned occupied...
                        that even I can understand it.

         At least...
             that's what I tell myself... but don't believe.

         What's the matter with these Creatures?

                  Don't they know that once you know them...
                           you know them forever?

                        Has their Memory gone blank?

                  Was the Impression that light?
                                Am I a Lover... who's lousy?

         Well... I don't know...
             Women always will be Women I suppose.

                            That's probably why I love them.


                            AND SO IS KNOWING

         In Knowing what IS.
                      Belief I know to be useless.
         Most People however believe.
                     They believe almost anything.

         They believe in Saviours...
                   And of all things they believe in Churches.
         The fancier the Religion...
                the more they believe and the holier they are.

         And some people believe in a Revelation.

            They believe...
                that at some day the Truth will fall...
                                           right in their Lap.

            Imagine... what  Belief can do...
                             it stops thinking perfectly.

            Some people even believe that they are special.

            So special that they are chosen
                        and some of them are holier than Thou.

         All Believers however... in some future Time...
                          will KNOW that Belief is but Belief.

         In the mean time...
             they keep going and coming to the Earth
                 like the Leaves on a Tree in Spring and Fall.

                     Endlessly... until they KNOW...
                                             KNOW WHAT IS.

         Slowly but surely...
             their Trips will teach them.

                                       And for now...
                                              no Harm is done.

                 For all Trips are FREE.

                                    And so is KNOWING.



           Too much attracted
                   to a Material World
                             that is not Real
                                       she still has Depth.

               And of a kind I know...
                         for I was there... once.

           Because of the many Journeys
                                  I have made
                   forwards and backwards
                                  I know where she is.

                                           And she is Safe.

           For in Time to Come...
               she will find herself...
                      within the Depth of the Being...
                                                    she is.

           She will find herself
                        without the Earth
               and all its Troubles and all its woes.

                   For already she is touching
                                  the Rim of Bliss...
                                              and reaching.

             And from where I am...
                            I can see...
                       that the Earth in her...
                                         is fading.

                To never be again...
                    once she has found the Place
                         from where I'm watching her...


                          AND KNOW WHAT'S RIGHT

         To poet... close your Mind and write...
                      letting through the Higher Light.
         For the Words that shine on through
                      will find the Paper without you.

         Just be the Instrument and but receive
                      the Wisdom you would not dare conceive
                      when dwelling on this Plane of Earth
                      for that is but of Human Birth.

         And do not be at all surprised
                          for you will be quite well advised.
         For the Knowledge from Planes Divine
                          is far Superior than yours or mine.

         Yes... to 'poet'... just close your Mind
                       the Words that come are Wise and Kind.

             Speaking of Dimensions far
                         beyond our Earth and Solar Star
             Telling us of Worlds Unknown
                        without the Human Pain and Groan.

         For from these Worlds... we do not know
                      flow many Words with Brilliant Glow.
         And tell us what is yet to learn
                      from them that left this Earth Sojourn.

                 So open-up by closing tight
                                  the Human Mind...
                                  and know what's Right.


                           FOR THE GOD TO FIND

         Behind some Glass and other Stuff...
                                       are Eyes...
                                so Wise...
                                       and Deep enough...
                                to know that within
                                       the Flesh that is
                                 a Being lives in Total Bliss.

         A Being directing...
                   Curves and Form
                          with Nature's Grace.

                   With Open Mind...
                             and Sure of Face.

               A Being...
                    that finds the World
                              of Man and Kind
                         of a Conditioned...
                                       and Silly Mind.

               A Being in a Female Form
                    that will question the Soul in time...

                                     Who is this Me...
                                             this God Sublime?

         But the Answer...
                   is already there...
                             to be found Inside...
                                       for that is where.

               For the Inner of the Human Mind...
                                provides the Answer...
                                          for the God to find.


                          WITHIN YOUR OWN MIND

         To love Someone...
                   is to project Your Inner Feelings
                                       upon the other Person.

               The other Person however...
                    does not have to know about it.

                         It is YOU...
                              who is doing it.
                                        Not the other Person.

         Loving Someone then...
                             is done...
                entirely and completely by YOU.

                       The Trick is...
                             not to get lost...
                                    within your own Feelings.

               These Feelings are born...
                    from YOUR State of Mind.

                               Yours and Yours only.

         In other Lives...
               you possibly loved Someone else.
                                     With the same Mind.

               For it is the Mind or Soul...
                          that is reborn again and again.

                                      Was that Love for Real?

              Minds are but Minds.

              So... don't get lost... too far...
                                        within Your Own Mind.


                     WHATEVER IT IS... YOU FEEL LIKE

         You touch them...
                   and they smile.

               You squeeze them
                         and they squeal.

                     You hit them...
                               and they cry.

                           You love them...
                                     and they faint.

               But whatever you do
                              - do it -
                       for it makes them alive.

                                And never do nothing.
                            For that makes them die slowly.

         For Life is Action...
              and never mind what kind.

                                   Just do it.

         And the Advice to Women...
                        - just have it done -
                    as often as you feel like it.

                                    Whatever it is...
                                             you feel like.


                            JUST BY HER SMILE

         She is the Music to my Soul
                   The Harmony to by Being
                             and the Rhythm to my Life.

               And all this...
                     when she but only smiles.

                           And when I am with her...
                                      Life is so simple.
               For nothing is important...
                                but to keep her smiling.

               And that is easiness itself.
                    For all I do...
                         is hold but her Hand.
                    Tell her that I love her...
                         and wink my Eye to Love itself.

         Oh... how I love to wink my Eye...
                                  and hold her Hand.

         For the Feelings...
                     she creates within me...
             are the Love of the Universe in Greatness...
                     and the Beauty of all Flowers...
                                             in but one Face.

         The Face of my Beloved.
                  The Rhythm of my Life.

                          The Harmony of my Being
                                      And the Music of my Soul.

                    Just by her Smile.
                             Just by her Smile.
                                       Just by her Smile.


                               FOR EACH OTHER

           For You...
                to hear me say...
                          I love the World
                               and all that is in it...
                     and that I could love...
                               a thousand Women...
                                               is unfair.

                 For it confuses You.
                          And You are right.
                                     It is confusing.

           But whether or not...
                    it is confusing to you...
                                         I still do.

               Remember though my Love...
                    the Love I am...
                              and have...
                                    for 'All That Is'...
                              is focussed through You...
                                      and towards You...
                                      from me...
                                           when I am with You.

           So let me be with You for now...
                                        whenever and wherever.

                So that we may find the Love we are...
                                   focussed by
                                            for Each Other.


                         FROM THE SEED... THAT'S ME.

                 Total Confidence
                                of what I am...
                           makes Me the Lion...
                                           and the Lamb.

           While the God I am to be
                      is grown from Seed that is but Me.

           The Me...
                who creates by Effort and Will
                     The Greatness that is...
                                    by being still.

                         By listening...
                              to the Voice of Soul
                                    that fashions Parts...
                                               into One Whole.

                And by Confidence of Knowing
                               that within each Life
                               I can only grow
                               and create this Me
                                            by meeting Strife.

           To slowly grow...
                     to slowly be...
                               A God in Greatness
                                         from the Seed...
                                                    that's Me.


                              EACH TIME AROUND

           The Relationship with a Partner
                                         my Love...
                                              is Life.

                                        Your Life... my Life.

           And naturally we want our Lives
                               to be Beautiful
                                         and Rewarding.

                 But the Beauty of Life
                        depends on how rewarding it is
                                                to the Other.

           For Life is...
                 and should be lived...
                                for the Other.

                          In Love and Understanding.

                      Yet we have to be Ourselves...

                 For to live a Life...
                             without being Ourselves...
                                                  is useless.

           And Life... my Love...
                        for You and I...
                                 will be Alright.

                                 But not Perfect...
                       and that is exactly what it should be.

           For the Imperfections...
                   and the Recognition of them...
                   will make us learn to become more Perfect.

                              Each Time Around.


                               SO COME AND BE

                 Life without Love
                                is Torture.

                           And Life without my Love
                                      is the Pain of Hell.

                       So come and be...
                                 and love me.
                       So come and be...
                                 and let's do...
                                     what we know so well.

                 Let's love and be together
                           let's love and just be One.

                 Let's fill the Deepness of our Soul
                          with Loving that makes us Whole.

                      So come and be my Love...
                                     So Come And Be.


                        ALL OF US... WILL BE IN TIME

                 is the forever searching for Totality.

                 Totality is the Feeling of being Total...
                                            of being Fulfilled.

                 The Fulfillment reached
                         is equal to the Understanding
                                               of Satisfaction
                            of the One being fulfilled.

                 All Beings equal to Man will find...
                                    that each Fulfillment...
                               lasts but only for a tiny while.

                        A Moment...
                             a Day... a Year...
                                    or maybe a Lifetime.

            To be Total...
                 to be completely fulfilled... for Man...
                                               is not possible.
                 If this was so...
                      One would have reached Perfection.

                            Perfection for Man is not possible.

            Only by participating... completely...
                    within the Totality of what God is...
                                                 is Perfection.

                To do this...
                     One has to become more than Man.

                One has to disappear in God... as God.
                                  ALL of US... will be in Time.


                             TO WHAT IT IS TODAY

             If ever in your Life
                           You fall in Love
                                       and hesitate
                                           because of Mind...
                                       forget it.

                   For if You love with Doubts...
                                       it ain't right.

                        I'll overlook that
                        oh well... nobody is perfect...
                                                   forget it.
                                        Completely forget it.

             For Love...
                  True Love...
                       Love that will last and last...
                               does not know any Compromises.

              And with this kind of Love...
                   You'll feel and know...
                           that your Loving Yesterday
                           was nothing...
                                compared to what it is Today.


                           WHILE CHOOSING NEITHER

             Please Soul...
                     let me be
                           - that -
                                what I must be.

                 And let no Duality of Loving
                                     split me in two.
                 For already I am divided
                                between the ME and the not ME.

                       By lacking in Totality...
                                    within the Selfhood...
                                                of my Godness.

             Please Soul...
                     help me to love...
                                    yes ALL.

                     And give me the Sense to choose...
                                                 but One.

                     And let that One be ME...
                                    in Totality of Being.

                     Being Love in Total.
                                       Being Love to ALL.

                           While choosing neither.


                          WITHIN THE TOTALITY I AM

              Sometimes I read what I have written in the Past.

                 Some of it is Good.
                                  And some of it is Better.

                 The Rest is just...
                            what I have written in the Past.

                 By reading what I've written in the Past...
                       I get to know...
                           what I was like in the Past.

                           I find...
                                 that it was me.
                                            But Younger.

                 My writing then was Good.

                           But some of it...
                                    is silly to me now.

                           In other words...
                                          I have grown.

                 And some of it...
                           I have outgrown completely.

                 So what I write today
                       I will read in the Future
                                         and say...
                                         I'm on my Way...
                                                 I'm on my Way.

                 And for today... I write.

                            The Self I am
                                  becomes more and more
                                             the Self I am not.

                 To disappear... within the Totality I am.


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