To One and All... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The poems in the following * POEMS11.HTM * file have been arranged in the order they have been written. The depth and nature of the poems therefore indicate the changes the author experienced during the time they were produced. There are more than 540 poems and the quality between the first ones and the last ones is remarkable! Many of the poems practically wrote themselves and all I had to do was sit still long enough for them to come through. At the time I was totally amazed where they all came from. Often I thought that I had become that good all of a sudden. This naturally is not so, for all I did was function as an instrument or channel of the Soul I really am. I hope that many of these poems speak to the Soul you are, and if so; they really come from you! The poems in all their "simplicity and profoundness" form a course in metaphysics just by themselves. It is possible therefore to go through them one by one, and learn more than by reading a stack of books. The poems in these files are aspects of my Higher Self and with great pleasure do I hereby dedicate them: - To the World of Man and his Infinite Endeavours - Only because of the steady performance of my Benefactors have my poems been realized. Humbly I acknowledge the great changes and growth that took place within me in the years 1979 to 1984. Sincerely yours, Gerardus Everardus Tros -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- IN THE EVENING OF THE RACE OF MAN IN DARKNESS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have come to your Prison to unlock the Gate. And tear down the Walls that you have built... by the Thoughts you are. And although your Prison is safe and easy I will have to bring you out and expose you. Expose you to the Life you are... within your Walls of such a limited Confinement. For in the Eternity that you are but a Second the Time has come to be that Second in Total. And there is no Force that can stop me. For it is your Force that has told me to liberate the Beauty that is within. Within the you... you do not know. And the unlocking of the Gate of your Prison is the Opening of the Mind you are. To Beautify your Soul in Waiting... for the Light of the God... you always were... but did not know. So listen to the Sounds that are my Words. For they are spoken by the Force that is yours. And dwells in the Depth... of your Godly Being. For it is this Force that has told me... to awaken the Beauty within. For it is ready to receive... the Splendor of the Gods... residing within the Mind... you do not know. And with closed eyes I guide you through the Pathways of the Mind you are in Search for the Honey of the Gods that dwell within you. And you but know as Strangers. And while Eternities became the Past you slept among the Pimps of Darkness enticing you to the Life you are. Leading you to the Thoughts of Peace. While Peace itself was missing its Peacefulness... of being You at Peace. That is why I have come... to bring the Cosmic Honey. Not to entice you to the Taste of Sweetness... of the Darkness within... but to bring out the Colours of Life... you are in Brilliance. And you have never known. But yet are the Very Splendor of Yourself. So let me speak of Pathways... hidden within the very Mind you are. And let me speak of the Gods... that you but know as Strangers. But know you... as One of Them in Godness... and in Brilliance. So... in the Evening of the Race of Man in Darkness... I have come to be. To bring some Light to guide you. And although the Time of Learning is but short some Sounds will find the Home of Hearing. To be understood for what they are. Truth itself. In undiluted Form... and inconceivable Beauty. For they are spoken by the Gods themselves. Speaking through but me... their Instrument. And yet the Light and Knowledge I have to share... is the same... as the Truth that is within the Gods you are. It is but that the Gods you are... are fast asleep. But ready to awaken... by the Light that is within the me I am. And not to blind you... is the Task I have to bear. For the Light I try to share... is difficult for you... to accept or to acknowledge. For you are shaded by the Ages of Darkness within the Mind you are. By being Man the Physical too long. So on the Evening of the Race of Man in Darkness... just open up your Heart... and listen with your Soul... so ready to receive. And although I speak of Gods... I can but show you the God I am. And although I speak of Light... I can but show you the Light that's Me. But even... even if I could show you the Abundance and the Multitude of Gods that are my Peers. You would not see them... because of Darkness. The Darkness... in which you grope for Light. The Light... You are Yourself. For in the Eons and Eons of being Man you cannot find Yourself for Gods. The Gods... that are the Concoctions of your Mind... and all their Heavens. While the True God... - the God You are Within - is the God you do not know. For the Gods I speak of... and the Light... the Light you can't but see for Darkness... are the very Beings... YOU ARE. For 'All That Is' is Consciousness. The Consciousness of Man. The Consciousness of the Creator. The Man... Man does not know. And when you are listening... to the Words I speak... remember. It is not really I who speak. But the very Gods you are... and do not know. For within the One you are lives the Greatness of your Soul in Silence. Waiting. Waiting until you cease your Scheming... and cease the Noise you are. For by all the Thinking and the Talking... you have lost the 'You' in 'You' that lives within your very Soul. The God you are. But yet. There is still Time. For Time is but your Thinking. So cease your Mind. Your Mind of Earth. And listen to your Mind of Self. It's waiting... and always ready. For the 'You' in 'You'... is the Soul you are. The God to be... by listening to the Sound I utter. Through the Instrument... that's YOU. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11228-1981 TO FIND THE ME IN TOTAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yes... all the Beauty... of all the Flowers... of all the Fields in all the Worlds cannot possibly be equal to the Beauty I feel when I am in your Presence. For my Soul is lifted to a Level of Elation my Mind has never known. And because of your Loveliness... I become enchanted to the Delight of the Feelings you project to be Yourself. And then I know... that I know it. I am in Love again. And suffering. Why couldn't I just be - what I am - just by myself? In Peace within... by simply being Me. But then I know. Being Me... is being Total. Which means to share the Soul I am with the Loveliness of Lovers. In whom I recognize myself... to find the Me in Total. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11229-1981 WHILE I WAS NOT THERE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh yes... many a night we are alone now. The Children have grown tall and beautiful. And somehow the opposite polarity is more attractive than their Parents. We understand... and yet we often wonder. Is this then what Life is all about? Is this then... what we will meet in the future to sit here... and neither be with the Children and neither be without them for very long. While the Children seem to know and proclaim to know what Life is all about... and seem to live it. What has happened to the time... I knew so well? Where is it gone? Where are the days when the Children were hurt and cried. Where is the soothing thought... that made them feel... the me I was? What then has changed? What happened to the Pair we were? And why isn't it anymore... just the way I liked it? Am I then growing old? Am I then holding hands with Time itself? Am I then thinking... that I can hold... what is not there? And why didn't Life tell me... that it would leave? And why do I but so sadly remember... the Times of Happiness... that were lived... while I was not there? -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11230-1981 ACCEPTANCE IS BUT GRIEF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To stick to Rules... is the Joy of Fools. And the Habit-Mind but meets a Grind. While Religions and Traditions... and the Habit-Lot create for Man a Dead-End-Plot. And never by being... a following-goof will Man find ever... of his Godness proof. But to become Divine and a Perfect Whole is to accept the World with Loving Soul. And see the Children that need the Rules as younger yous and not as Fools. For Men and Women of every Race come here to learn of Time and Space. And to finally find the Total Thought and be a God... is by Pain but bought. The Pain of being the Individual You in Search and Pursuit of the Cosmic Clue. The Clue to Know that Belief is but Belief. And that 'KNOWING' is GOD... while Acceptance is but Grief. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11231-1981 THE HOW AND WHY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Multitudes of Man I see... there is no Way to Tell. There is no Way to Show or Teach... the Truth I know so well. For written in this Heart of Mine in simple Words... yes Line for Line is the KNOWLEDGE so Few do Know that this whole Earth is but for Show. And to perceive beyond this Clay will vanish Pain and Man's Dismay. For on the Planes where I do dwell there is no Earth... there is no Hell. There is but ME... the God I am... and purely do excel. While the Multitudes... but live and live... to but re-live... another Life... another Try. And Few do know... the How and Why. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11232-1981 A WORLD OF GLASS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Thoughts that are Me tingle from my Deepest Mirror and reflect my Image and my Selfness. And in the Depth... behind the Misty Eyes... I see the Beauty... of the Truth that is. Where have I seen that Face before? Where have I felt those Feelings? Please tell me... who I see in you? Please tell me... who am I... that's asking? And my Deepest Mirror then slowly forms the Reflection of my Being while the Tenderness of Love that is... smiles to me and makes my Reflection Realness. The Reflection from the Looking Glass... that is my Deepest Mirror is the Being I know so well. It is the Godness of the Self I am. The One I could not find... for looking... into a World of Glass. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11233-1981 FROM THE YOU... YOU ARE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Brilliance... I see within myself... is of a Greatness... - equal - to the Realization of it. For the Realization of 'what' I am... and 'how' great... is born from... The Awareness of my Brilliance. This means... that whatever I 'know' I am... I AM. For at all times... I am my Awareness and the Realization of it. And you my Love... could not possibly reflect - My Brilliance - if it was not... within the Spectrum of Your Being. In full Colour... in the Fulness of my Reality. So. If my Brilliance is within You... You are Me and More. And it is this Moreness than me... - I want to experience - from the You... YOU ARE. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11234-1981 WITHIN THE SPLENDOR OF MY BEING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Among the Pictures of my Mind... is the Scene of The Meeting of the Gods. And when They meet... They Tremble. For All of Them see... The Beauty of the Other. And All of Them are most aware... of The Immensity of Themselves. During the Meeting of the Gods... Worlds of Beauty within Universes of Splendor are discussed and created. And I... I am ALL of These... within the Splendor of my Being. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11235-1981 A BEING BEAUTIFUL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With a Zest for Life... like Life itself she moves in Smiles of Being. Hiding her Questions... beneath the Rim of Showing and in perfect Balance with the Playful Extravagance of her Splendid Self. Caring for the Life that's hers... she makes her Life by caring. For by her Self-Alone... in being two she creates the Sphere for Three. An Endeavour... greater than the Duty of Self. And only possible by the Impetus of Love. Constituting Beauty in Beingness. So Attractive and Self-Sufficient... that she is Splendor. While in the Deepness of her Soul... she knows that her Aloneness... is the Essence of Godness. Making her... to them that see... - A Being Beautiful - Lovable to All... and touching the Allness... within Me. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11236-1981 TOTALLY ALONE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To know... that you are on The Path makes the Journey easy. To not know... but think you know makes the Path a selfmade Road... by the Guidance of Others. Your Path however... cannot be shown by Others. And how does One know... to be on the Right Path? Your Path. One Knows... One knows that One Knows. To be on a Path... a self-made Road... by the Guidance of others... is but Illusioned Progression. For sooner or later... you will find the Guidance of others misleading and disappointing. YOUR PATH... is by the Direction of Self. Independent. Individual. Totally Alone. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11237-1981 WITHOUT ITS BEAT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When I tore out my Heart to find my Soul I lost my Mind. And I... Mindless... was alone... to tackle Self. From the Bottom up... and from Upness down. And smilingly... the Thundering World knew by Ignorance the 'hows' and 'whys'. While I... the Mindless could not see... for knowing. Relieved from Burdens... but loaded with Pain in Freedom I listened to the Fighting Me... - A Soul projecting Silence - And nothing... not even the Book of Secrets contained the Knowledge to find my Mind... to steer my Soul... without its Beat. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11238-1981 FROM GLORY TO GLORY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ People ask me... now that you know 'what' you are... how does the World look to you? And how do you see other People? And I answer... well... the World... and all the things I used to care about I do not care about anymore. They are of no Importance. And when I look at People... I say to myself... what is it you are trying to do. What does it really amount to? And the answer is that it amounts to nothing... Absolutely nothing. The point is... they don't know that. they will know what I know. Which is... that YOU... the Real YOU... is the only ONE that counts. The Real YOU... the Greatness in Awareness... that you amount to... and are. The Real YOU... that lives Life after Life... and knows that the World is a School. From which you eventually will promote... to become a Teacher. A Teacher of Man... to bring them... from Glory to Glory. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11239-1981 BY SHARING THE GOD YOU ARE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Greatest Gift... my Love... is to feel Yourself in Others. And the Words we shared... my Love... made me feel... the Me in You. While You... were within me completely. Yet... all the Words we spoke were but the Tokens of our Thoughts. But the Feelings we shared... were 'Our Very Selves' within. United in the Sharing of Beauty... of our very Soul itself. Thank you... for letting me be... the very One... I am. A Man in Pleasure... by sharing the God you are. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11240-1981 A HAPPY ENDING IN ETERNITY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The State of Mind you create... is Your Reality. It could be Beautiful... it could be ugly as Hell. Whatever it is... it is Your Creation. In a similar Fashion... are you the Creator... of Your Life. Your Life... is the Creation of Your Soul... and You are your Soul. Many People... are the Instrument of a somewhat younger Soul. Their Life is a shaky affair. They suffer a lot. By the Suffering of the Body... and the Experiences the Soul encounters... the Soul learns. Slowly but surely... Life after Life... the Soul learns to become Mature. All in all..... the Story of the Human Soul... has a Happy Ending in Eternity. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11241-1981 THE FEELINGS YOU CREATED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LIFE my Love... is not whether you can get along with other People. But whether you can get along... with yourself. And to make this happen... my Love... you first of all forgive. Forgive all Others... for 'whatever' you think they did wrong... that caused you Pain. And then my Beloved... You Forgive Yourself. And when you feel... the Crying within you... You are Free. Free to be You. The You... You always were. But were hiding behind... the Feelings you created. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11242-1981 IN LOVE ~~~~~~~ Now that I am... what I am... the Love for the World of Man is more and more. And Life becomes but Loving. And when I am with you... my Closeness the very Love for ALL flows through the You I share. Never in the Memories of Living have I felt such Peacefulness within the Silent Love that lives between the You and Me In Being Us. Let the Focus of Our Loving... be the Centre of the World of Man in Love. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11243-1981 FROM TEN TO NINE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I come at Nine and leave at Ten And in between we have our 'when'. While none of us knows yet to say Let's take the Time and have our WAY. Yet in the Silence of our Soul We are not 'two' but 'one' and Whole. But in the Meeting of two Gods Both of Them just feel at odds. For to make True our longing Wish Our very Patience is our Bliss. So in this Hour of being us we build and build but Stimulus. To fully grow our Love Divine To make our waiting 'when'... from Ten to Nine. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11244-1981 THE GOD IN MAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOVE... is tinged with the Pain of Pleasure. While the very Pain we try to avoid is equal to the Godness we miss within Ourselves. And within the Loving we share is the Colour of the Suffering we are. While our Love and the Lack of it grows the God by lacking less through Loving. And the Colour within our Loving is equal to the Sadness of being Man searching for the Wholeness of his Soul. Never to be found within the Pain of Loving. But within the Divineness... of Loving more and more. For the Wholeness of Soul we do seek is found beyond the Love of Man in being Gods in Loving the God in Man. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11245-1981 I KNOW SO WELL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the so Special Way... I love you... I but suffer. For the Unsureness... I endure dangles on your Love that's hidden beyond the Face that shows. Beyond the Hands that touch. Beyond the Soul so Careful. And never... oh never please... just let me be... what I am... for Show. For suffering... I know so well. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11246-1981 I BEAR WITHIN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yes... I have come to show... I have come to teach... that Loving... is the opposite... of Suffering. While the Love... I feel for you is the Love for the World oozing itself from the Heart I am. Feeling the Tears... from the Eyes of Children... I call my Brother Man. While you... the very you you are are but the Recipient of the Love I dare to show. In Words... in Shadows of my Thoughts and Feelings I bear within. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11247-1981 A TEARING ~~~~~~~~~ And when... I have moved you to Tears... you are but sharing mine. The Tears... that come from the Heart of Sadness. But are born... from the Womb of Pleasure. By the Touch of Love you care to be within the me I am in moving you. While in the Sameness of our Souls... we do not free the Oneness so very needed. And we know is there... a tearing. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 11248-1981