To One and All... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The poems in the following * POEMS10.HTM * file have been arranged in the order they have been written. The depth and nature of the poems therefore indicate the changes the author experienced during the time they were produced. There are more than 540 poems and the quality between the first ones and the last ones is remarkable! Many of the poems practically wrote themselves and all I had to do was sit still long enough for them to come through. At the time I was totally amazed where they all came from. Often I thought that I had become that good all of a sudden. This naturally is not so, for all I did was function as an instrument or channel of the Soul I really am. I hope that many of these poems speak to the Soul you are, and if so; they really come from you! The poems in all their "simplicity and profoundness" form a course in metaphysics just by themselves. It is possible therefore to go through them one by one, and learn more than by reading a stack of books. The poems in these files are aspects of my Higher Self and with great pleasure do I hereby dedicate them: - To the World of Man and his Infinite Endeavours - Only because of the steady performance of my Benefactors have my poems been realized. Humbly I acknowledge the great changes and growth that took place within me in the years 1979 to 1984. Sincerely yours, Gerardus Everardus Tros -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- YOU LIVE IN IT... YOURSELF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The God that you created... is not the God that created you. What or Who then... is your Creator? And the answer is... YOU. Yes... YOU are your own Creator. You are a God and Creator... in the Making. You are a Becoming Greatness. For all you do... in this Life... and in any other... adds to your Experience and Knowledge... to eventually bloom into Godness. All your Lives... and all the Attitudes towards your lives and living accumulates to make up... the Maker of You... You are. You are your own Maker. You are your own Creator. And your Soul... the Individual Consciousness you are is the Creator... and Maintainer... of the Body you live in. Your Body ... is the Instrument... you experience as your Creation. YOU LIVE IN IT... YOURSELF. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10204-1981 THE ONLY NECESSITY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When a Person... finally becomes of any use to himself... he has discovered... that he was only... half a Person. The Rational Half. And the half he does not know... is the Intuitive Half. After knowing this... he can slowly become ONE WHOLE. The Rational Half is Mind. The Intuitive Half is Heart. The First is Thinking. The Second is Feeling. Both together... form Awareness. By practice... any Person can learn to add these two dimensions together. And can become... Total Awareness or Godness. To do this... is The Only Necessity. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10205-1981 THE KEY TO LIVING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Everyone we know... is looking for the Key. The Key to Peacefulness and the Awareness in Knowing the Christ Consciousness. Most of the People we know... are looking for this Key outside of themselves. Somehow there is more light there. The Key however... is inside. And always was. So forget... about the outside clues. Look for the inside ones. And then slowly... you will find the Peacefulness... of the Christ Consciousness. Which means... to Love the World... to Love Yourself. And to know... what you are. This is... the Key to Living. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10206-1981 KNOWING GOD... KNOWING YOU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To make something simple... difficult is the way of the Ego. To make something difficult... simple is the way of the Heart. To manage both the Ego... and the Heart is the Task of the Soul. To know why all three are needed and make you a Human Being is Godness in Practice... or Divine Wisdom. The Ego is the Conscious Mind of Self. The Heart is the Intuitive Higher Self. The Soul is the Director of Both. Godness is the Impetus of Thought... that knows how. Understanding is... what you are all about. When you understand... you are Balanced. Then... neither Questions... nor Answers are needed. To be Balanced means... having found the Peace of Selfhood. It means... Knowing God... Knowing You. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10207-1981 IT'S DIFFERENT THAN MINE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Poems reflect what is. But do not get caught by your Emotions. Your Emotions are not you. Emotions are things you have. Like eggs for breakfast. To write without Emotions... is impossible. And to read or hear my Poems... without becoming involved... is also impossible. Please understand... that all you feel... sense or emote from and by... is but a State of Mind. Your Mind. For you are the Creator... of ALL that exists for you. So enjoy... feel... and 'be'... the Emotions behind my Words. But do not become them. What I write about... is.... what is to me. What is to You... I do not know. You are the Creator... and the Controller... of Your Universe. It's different than Mine. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10208-1981 YOU ARE GOD..... IN PLAY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Super-Confidence... is... what is needed. By All of Us. It's needed... to tangle Life... and learn to control ourselves. We have to learn this... while we are on Earth. It's difficult. For it means... to create a God... by training an animal. It takes Time. It takes Experience. It takes Endurance. It takes Detachment. All these are learned... in all the Lives we live on Earth. The Trick is... to become a Witness... to the SELF in the Body. The SELF is God. God's Play... is OUR LIFE. God is Super-Confidence... and you are God... in Play. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10209-1981 WITH THOUGHTS OF YOU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Love... is my Mirror. My Mirror... is my Love. And with you my Love... with you my Mirror... I like to share a Thought or two. Just for the Sake of Comfort... and to help me find the Rambling I am. For all the Calmness... you are my Mirror... and the patient Reflection you are to me... gives me rest... and Clearness. For within the Thoughts I am... my Mind wanders... where no Mind ever goes. For in the Hours of Searching... within the Scrambling I am... I cannot find the Self I should be. All I see... is Loveliness... with an Image that is your Smile. And your Smile... tells me to yield... to loving... the Love I cannot have for knowing... that I am Strong. Yet I am but Weakness... for wandering in Dreams of Mind... and Thoughts I entertain. Thoughts that are so lively within me... to bring me down to Tears... and Sadness. For being so alone... with Thoughts of You. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10210-1981 OF BEAUTY AND SPLENDOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In all the Universes... I have lived I missed the Love of Splendor... within my Soul. And in all the Worlds... I was Flesh I turned from Music... I thought strange. But in this Dust of Dust... in being me upon this Earth... so full of Sparkling Pearls I can no longer close my Being... to the so tearing Love... of Pearls in Splendor. And with the Soul... that enlightens me in being... I will embrace this very Sparkling Pearl. To the Enticement of the Universe of Gods and the very Life... that is within me. So that the Strangeness... that is but Thought will surrender to the Discovery of the Music that is enhancing the Flesh I am. To deliver me to Pleasure... of being me... in Loving Pearls... of Beauty and Splendor. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10211-1981 BETRAYED BY GAPS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beyond the very Words... that are but Signs of Language... I hide the deepest Feelings. While the Gaps between the Words... betray me... time and time again. And whatever I do... to negate the Feelings I am... I cannot stop them from appearing. For in the Silence of the Soul I am I cannot hide the Light I share... with the Universe that has made me... the Writer of the Sense I am. Shining the Light of 'All That Is' upon the Page of Ages in being. And for the Time... I am a Writer now I have been a Reader for Eons and Eons. Witnessing the Universe fashioning its Pupil into a Being willing to learn its Lessons... in the Art of being... the Feeling beyond Words... betrayed by Gaps. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10212-1981 AND HANDS SO FREE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the Silence of my Thoughts... I read your Letter... again. And I know... that I have touched you... deeper... than you knew you were. And then slowly... my Thoughts move me... to where we shared the last Moments... of being us. I remember the Hands we felt. The Hands that moved so freely... for they were us. And in the Depth of our Being... we in Agony felt the Beauty of our Soul in Pain. The Pain... we call Love. Love that cannot be. We enjoyed it... with the Pleasures of Agony... for Separation was upon us. We loved each other... for what we were... and are... and that is why... we are still loving. For we know so well... the Sufferings of each other... by the Togetherness of Us. In Pain of Loving... and Hands so Free. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10213-1981 SO DESPERATELY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do not be jealous... for I love the World. And the Reflection of my loving the World is focussed through the Mirror you are. While the Light surrounding your Being is the Source of my Existence... and the Cause of my loving the World. And all the Stars at Night whisper of all the hidden Powers of all the Gods... I do not care about... for I have You. The Lens by which I am... the Lover of the World... in Loving You. And the Night you told me... that I could not love you... I slowly cried... for you lied to me. Because I already did. So Desperately. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10214-1981 FREEDOM IS TRUTH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The most Beautiful Promise... from the very Depth of Existence... is that One will live forever. And Living... is Loving. And if Love is not there... Life is a compromise with Death. Do not think about this lightly... For it is... The Truth of Being. Living is Loving. Loving is Freedom. Freedom is Truth. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10215-1981 AND LOVE ME ~~~~~~~~~~~ Why do I write Poems? Because I like it... I feel like it. So by writing... I do what I feel like. To do what you feel like... is good for you. Actually I do not really write. My Guides and Helpers do. I only type. Beyond and above me... are the People that teach me. They are the Inspiration. I am the 'doer' of things. Like typing Poems. I put into Physical Reality... the Thoughts and Ideas of many good feeling Spirits. I do not really know them. But they sure know me. AND LOVE ME. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10216-1981 COME BACK AND LOVE ME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is impossible to forget... a Soul that vibrates... with a Frequency that modulates... your own Soul to Beauty... and Splendidness. For forever... you will miss - the Beautiful Music - that was created by being in Harmony. And continually... you will long for - the Fulfillment of Being - that was within the Melody of being together. And when such a Soul is met... a River of Tears cannot wash away... the Pain of Separation. For a Sparkle of Togetherness builds Rainbows of Beauty against rumbling Skies... of Thunder. Oh Soul and Face... come back and Love ME. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10217-1981 MY VIEW ~~~~~~~ God is my Father Nature is my Mother The Universe is my Way Eternity is my Kingdom Immortality is my Life The Mind is my House Truth is my Worship Love is my Law Form is my Manifestation Conscience is my Guide Peace is my Shelter Experience is my School Obstacle is my Lesson Difficulty is my Stimulant Joy is my Hymn Pain is my Warning Work is my Blessing Light is my Realization. Friend is my Companion Adversity is my Instructor Neighbour is my Brother Struggle is my Opportunity Future Time is my Promise Equilibrium is my Attitude Order is my Path Beauty is my Ideal And Perfection is my Destiny. By Dr. Tolentino. (Philippines) -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10218-1981 LISTEN OFTEN ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do not think... for one Moment... that there is any Force... but Yourself... that determines... for you... what you should do... and shouldn't do. YOU... Yes YOU alone... are the Force... that determines you. YOU are the CREATOR... of YOUR LIFE. And to become FREE... is your AIM. While Freedom... and Guiltlessness... is the Approach to Perfection. Your Opinion is your Path. Your Opinion is the Law for YOU. Your Opinion... is the Voice Within. Listen Often. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10219-1981 YOU ARE ~~~~~~~ What Life is to you... is what Life is to you. And what Life is to me... is what Life is to me. And if Life to you is... smelling Flowers By all means smell them. Life... Your Life... is an entirely independent Creation... by YOU. Your Life... is YOUR Creation... created by YOUR Thinking. And if YOU don't think much... your Life will be a scramble. Your Life... is the Expression and Wishes... in Thought that YOU project... from the Creator's Mind... YOU ARE. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10220-1981 I HAVE TOUCHED HER SOUL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She is the Beauty of Marble in Movement - Sculptured in Soul - and graciously she carries... her Form. And the Delicate Intricacies of her Feeling Sense are enlightening my Mind... to Wisdom. Her Touch quickens my Heart and her Voice vibrates with Tenderness of Ages. Ages witnessed by Love and the Equilibrium of Being. Her Eyes are the misty Pearls of Heaven. Reflecting... Worthiness of Self... to the World she creates. - She is in Love... and knows it - For with the Silences... between my Words... I have touched her Soul. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10221-1981 AND HEART UNITES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am the man... who since Time began lived and worked for the Race of Man. To teach and guide... and do his Share for the World of Man that is his Care. And in the Time... that is yet to come when the Future seems so dim and glum he's the one to speak and tell. For he's the one... who knows so well... that Soul is Life... and Flesh but Shell... that Heart is Heaven... and Mind is Hell. For Mind divides... and Heart unites. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10222-1981 THE UNIVERSE AND THE DEWDROP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the very Source of Existence I have come. From the very Beginning of Time I was. And from the very Light of God I am. And when the Greatness I am... - knows - the very Source of Existence... the very Beginning of Time... by the very Light of God... I will live in Splendor. And until then... the Silent Search... and the Divine Discovery... of the 'ME' I am... will keep me in Ecstacy. To finally lead me... to "All That Is"... the Source and the Becoming. Then I will have found... the ONE I am... and always was. The Universe... and the Dewdrop. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10223-1981 WITHIN THE ME I AM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a Depth within me that never will be filled by Someone that is but Surface. And although the Surface bends cries and folds itself around me... I am still Empty. For no Surface ever will fill Depth to complete the Promise of Being... to be ONE in Oneness. For Surfaces but straddle Depth and never can sense the Deepness of the Emptiness Within. While Depth absorbs within itself many Surfaces that are but lost Within the Spaceness of the Deep. The Spaceness of the Deep that shows no Shallowness for Surfaces to Self-Reflect in ever. There is thus a Gap in Dimensions that only Time can fill with Space and no Soul can fill with Willingness. And how lonely I thus am until I find the Toucher of the Depth... within the me I am. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10224-1981 WITHIN THE BRILLIANCE OF OUR BEING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And although I am Brilliant... I could never be so... if my Love would not reflect the very Light I am by being my Perfect Reflection in Brilliance. For through My Reflection do I know The ME I am. It has brought out... from within ME the Very Light I am. My Love and I... Two Thoughts in the Mind of the Creator. The Creator we are. By being each other's Mind within the Isness of Love. The Isness of Love... that never measures Time. For it is Time itself. By Sharing Love Forever... within the Brilliance... of our being. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10225-1981 IN BEING LIFE ITSELF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have loved Bodies with Body. I have loved Minds with Mind. And in the Passions of Loving Bodies... Minds... and all that's in between I have touched the Well of Pleasure to the Depth of Disappearance very often. But I had never touched... the Subtleness of Soul. And now that I have been the Delicate and Elusive Fragrance of Life itself I will leave to the World the Poisons of the Passions... the Bodies and the Minds... and ALL that's in between. For I will but be touching... SOUL with SOUL... in being LIFE itself. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10226-1981 IGNORANCE IS DARKNESS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How can a Buddha be... and how can a Jesus become 'The Christ'... without a Gerardus growing? For the One cannot be... without the Other. And that is why in Time to come I will be... The Buddha... The Christ... and 'all'... They represent to ME. For 'The Light' within Me has awakened my Soul to Godness. In all the Splendor... of the Selfhood I am. And to you... maybe new to all this Godness your newness might make you skeptical. By all means... be what you are. Be Skeptical. Be Undecided. But don't be Afraid. To be Afraid... is walking on a Path in Ignorance. Ignorance is Darkness. -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 10227-1981