!  Poems by Gerardus  !

File 07 of 25

    To One and All...
    The poems in the following * POEMS07.HTM * file have been arranged
    in the order they have been written.   The depth and nature of the
    poems therefore indicate the changes the author experienced during
    the time they were produced. There are more than 540 poems and the
    quality between the first ones and the last ones is remarkable!

    Many of the poems practically wrote themselves and all I had to do
    was sit still long enough for them to come through.  At the time I
    was totally amazed where they all came from.  Often I thought that
    I had become that good all of a sudden.  This naturally is not so,
    for all I did was function as an instrument or channel of the Soul
    I really am. I hope that many of these poems speak to the Soul you
    are, and if so; they really come from you!

    The poems in all their "simplicity and profoundness" form a course
    in metaphysics just by themselves.  It is possible therefore to go
    through them one by one, and learn more than by reading a stack of
    books.  The poems in these files are aspects of my Higher Self and
    with great pleasure do I hereby dedicate them:
           - To the World of Man and his Infinite Endeavours -

     Only because of the steady performance of my Benefactors have my
     poems been realized.  Humbly I acknowledge the great changes and
     growth that took place within me in the years 1979 to 1984.

                            Sincerely yours,
                                         Gerardus Everardus Tros


                           THE HUMAN MAN I AM

             If my Soul could write...
                         it would not be any different
                   For each Word that solidifies
                             are my Thoughts made Substance.

             And all the Substance visible
                         represents my Soul in Atoms
                   Grouped in Letters and Words
                                   revealing the Force I am.

             The Force I am...
                   instilled by the Universe
                   with the creation of Trains of Thought
                   that travel with the Speed of Light
                   from my Soul to me... the Man I am
                       through the Darkness of my Pen
                             and expresses my Soul on Paper.

             And in a similar way...
                   the Creature I am...
                           is expressed in Atoms by my Soul.

             Grouped in Cells and Organs...
                               revealing the Human Man I am.


                           TO BECOME A DANCER

            The Real Rewards of Life...
                                     Real Life...
                      are not...
                           the Fumbling Physical Attainments.

            They are not...
                the Splendor of the Physical Body.
                      And they are not...
                             the Magnificence of being Human.

            But they are.....
                the many Dances of Consciousness
                      by the Vivaciousness of Spirit
                      within the Mental Beingness
                                of the Unlimited Mind Divine.

            And to reach the Level of Participation
                      in these Dances of Consciousness
                we have to go through...
                      the Inner Man of Grandiosity...
                                   Splendor and Magnificence.

                By being a Perfect Creature
                           in the Form of a Human Being.

                In all Lives...
                          that are needed...
                                     to become a Dancer.


                         IN THE FORM THAT'S ME

               Eventually my Expanding Awareness
                          will touch the Boundaries
                                  of the Universe Unknown.

               I will discover then...
                          that the Boundaries...
                                  were the Limited me.

               For I am the Universe.
                              In Time and Space.
                                    In Thought and Action.

               But for now...
                     the Becoming Awareness
                     to the 'suchness' of my Total
                                             is what I am.

               And in order to become AWARE
                            I must be where I am.
                                           Being me
                                              the Limited.

                     But Timeless... for I am Time.

               The fact however...
                     that I was given a Name
                           and considered myself
                     to be separate from the Universe
                                              confused me.

                But now I know.
                        I am The Nameless.
                                    In the Form that's ME.

                      Nameless and Numberless page.

                              TO BE TARTED

                 Conceived in Sin...
                          from Mother's Kin
                          from the Womb I bare departed.

                 Born with Guilt
                          to make me tilt
                          I was doomed before I started.

                 Instilled with Belief
                         to exist in Grief
                         bound for Hell before I farted.

                 By the Preacher's Bliss
                           that could not miss
                           my Course was firmly charted.

                 But on my Way...
                             from Day to Day
                             the Blinders slowly parted.

                 For The Thinking Me
                       is completely free
                       and not by Religion to be tarted.


                        THE ENRICHMENT OF SHARING

               In the Universe of Consciousness...
                              I am but a Hamlet of Thought.

                   the Universe of Consciousness
                                  lingers within my Hamlet.

               That becomes enlarged
                      by the Moments it dwells within
               Sharing its Richness
                      for the Exchange of my Thoughts
                                  While Both unite in Time.

                   For Consciousness is Consciousness.

               In which the Smaller
                      contains the Bigger in Moments
                               as much
                      as that the Total contains
                               the Smaller since ever
                                            For ALL is ONE.

               And within the ONENESS
                  the Smaller learns to know the Bigger
                           while the Bigger...
                                 already knows the Smaller.

                      both do grow...
                           by the Enrichment of Sharing.


                          THIS SPLENDID DOMAIN

                  I was a planter in Peru
                              and a scientist who knew

                  I was a female in Berlin
                                 and a preacher of sin

                  I was a Dutchman blase
                                and a hussy called May

                  I was a mystic in Tibet
                                 and a worker in sweat

                  I was a typist in New York
                                 and a breeder of pork

                  I was a doctor in arts
                                  and a poet who tarts

                  I was a writer of words
                                and a product of nurds

                  And in all that I was
                              or ever will be
                         I'll grow and become
                                  even greater than me

                  For the greatness of Man
                     the players of this game
                        is determined by them
                           within This Splendid Domain.


                             THE ETERNAL NOW

             resting in the Valley of Time
                  I lean forward and see the Peaks of Tomorrow.

                            And the ones I like...
                                           I remember.

          And then...
             in glancing back
                  among the Pictures of Yesterday
                                     the ones I remember...
                                                        I like.

          And when the Valley of Time opens...
                                    in all Directions
                               it shows me
                                       that I
                          by the selections of my Thoughts
                                            become what I must.

          A Peeker onto the Peaks of Tomorrow
                  and a Glancer into the Pictures of Yesterday.

          To determine...
                  the one I will be...
                            in the Valley of Time.

                      within the Delight of Being.

                                 Among the Charms...
                                            of the Eternal Now.


                          SHARES BUT ONE WHOLE

                Oh Life... oh Life
                          from where did you fly
                             oozing from this...
                                          so silent sky?

                Why did you land...
                          in Time and Space
                             caught in flesh...
                                          of Human Race?

                Why did you...
                          imprison me
                      from the freedom you came...
                                           to be a name?

                Is it to learn...
                          to think and love
                                 so easy to do...
                                        from your Above?

                Or is it to be...
                          a part of Life
                               and to be taught...
                                  the lessons of strife?

                Or is it to be...
                          with similar kin
                             to teach and speak...
                                         of Life Within?

                Or is it to show...
                          the Inner Light
                               fashioned by...
                                     the Gods and Might?

                Or is it to grow...
                          in Thought and Mind
                                       equal to...
                                       the Gods in Kind.

                YES... SO BE IT...
                          MY SELF AND SOUL.

                     FOR CONSCIOUSNESS...
                                   SHARES BUT ONE WHOLE.


                         IN BEING ONE WITH LIFE

                is of such a Suchness
                            if anybody would ask
                               - what it is -
                         and somebody would answer...
                                       neither of them knows.

                For LIFE...
                     is not of a Suchness...
                                  that can be explained.

                It can only be experienced...
                                           by living it.

            Living it...
                  in a Suchness...
                         that shows more and more...
                                 the Order of its Nature
                                 and the Nature of its Order.

            To point the Seeker
                  towards the Pinnacle of Balance
                                  between Knowledge...
                                      Intuitive and Rational.

            To find...
                  the Depth of Wisdom Absolute.
                        Beyond the Life of the Living...
                                      in being ONE with LIFE.


                                AND STALL

              How can the sigma know the neutron
                             or an electron its equal mate?
              How can the lambda know the proton
                         or a neutrino its massless weight?
              How can the cell know sense and feeling
                               or the Earth its daily spin?
              How can the eye know sights appealing
                      or higher Thought... its Life within?

              How can I write in poetry...
                                        of poetry
                              of Universes great and small?

              How can I write in words...
                                      of Wisdom
                            found in 'The Being of it All'?

              I can but wonder in parts...
                                   of seconds
                                   and then I stall...
                                          and stall...
                                                 and stall.


                       BY WILLINGNESS FROM WITHIN

             I bow in reverence...
                          like the weeping willow
                     and stand erect
                          like the mighty oak
                          for the magnificence...
                                       of the sky at night.

             And then I wonder...
                     about the impossible task
                               of just one Sun
                               to sustain the Earth...
                                               in splendor.

             And all the stars tell me
                           that we are not alone.
                     While the Sun...
                           and its silent whisper...
                                             tells me...
                                             that  I am it.

                     And when I connect...
                           with "ALL THAT IS"
                                         and I unite

             I know...
                 that it is I...
                      who has made the connection.

                       Not by force from without...
                            but by willingness from Within.


                       THE SILENT OCEAN INVISIBLE

              Like the Ocean...
                          and all its Life within
                           and sustains itself
                                       from the Ocean
                      and lives in Freedom
                      but yet is governed by Law...
                                   the Law of the Ocean....

              So is...
                     the Universe...
                          the Ocean Invisible
                               and all its Life within
                           and sustaining itself
                                     from the Universe
                                the Ocean Invisible
                                     living in Freedom
                     but yet is governed by Law
                            the Law of the Universe
                                that is Written in Silence.

              The Ocean Invisible...
                    holding within itself
                              Oceans of Space
                           and Islands of Matter
                       with Life within and Life upon
                                sustained by Consciousness.

              Which is...
                   All There Is.

                          the Originator and Sustainer
                                The Silent Ocean Invisible.


                               AND IS NOW

                I am I...
                     You are You
                          Buddha is Buddha
                                    and Christ is Christ.

                       And No-One is like Another.

                But yet All together
                                 we are ONE and the SAME.

                     in a Dynamic Universe
                               of Connectivity
                                     forming One Another.

                You cannot follow Buddha
                    You cannot follow Christ
                        You cannot follow Others
                             But you can follow Yourself.

                All Roads are as different
                        as the Gods who walk upon it
                    But all journeys...
                                end up in the same Place.

                And this Place...
                   this Place of Places
                                  the Understanding
                                             of the Self.

                         Comprehending the Total
                                in Unity.

                         For ALL is ONE...
                                  and ONE is ALL.

                As it was...
                   in times that past.
                            And will be...
                                  in times to come.
                                              And is Now.


                          HIS LOVING BENEFACTOR

                    I... yes... I
                             the Higher Self
                        I am the Force
                                     and the Enactor.

                    I... yes... I
                        through Space and Time
                               send forth my Part
                                           the Actor.

                    And in the Play
                            that I designed
                                   the World
                                   is his Distracter.

                    For in this World
                            his Babe of Thought
                                   he builds
                                   to form character.

                    And through his Lives
                            he'll slowly learn
                        the Higher Self
                               his Loving Benefactor.


                             TO BLOW MY HORN

              My Brother Poets
                         they are but me
                   for they but write
                             what I did see.

                   For their original Line for Line
                             are but repeats
                                         for they are mine.

              My every Word
                     I ever wrote
                     they slyly use
                               without a "quote".

                           And when my Death
                                 will finally come
                                 they'll look aghast
                                          and perfect dumb.

                      For when my Pen
                               is laid to rest
                               their silence tells
                                            I was the Best.

              Because... the first Poet
                              ever to be born
                                    was Loudmouth me
                                           to blow my Horn.


                         BY THE COURAGE YOU ARE

            Towards the Evening of Life...
                Thoughts as old as the Universe
                                        - surface -
                               within the Inner of your Being.
                                        And mingle.

            They mingle...
                     with the Daily Sphere of Living
                          and tend to interrupt
                                       more and more
                                          the Surface You Are.

            These Thoughts...
                          are the Inner Self...
                                       struggling to come out.

            Recognize these Thoughts...
                     for they are the Real You
                                          in hiding
                                 behind the Confusion You Are.

            Conquer all of these Thoughts
                         and find the Real You
                                      that is crying...
                                your Laughing Face in Turmoil.

            Encourage these Thoughts
                          to reveal themselves
                                   to the Inner Being You Are.

            And find the Real You...
                                 the YOU
                            that lives beyond
                                 the seeming Laughter...
                                            of your existence.

            For then...
               and only then...
                      YOU can live the Life
                             of the Spirit You Are...
                                            in Flesh and Bone.

            The Spirit...
                     that is waiting to be found...
                                       by the Courage You Are.


                                AS ITSELF

                 You my friend....
                               and I ...
                                     are Spirits.
                              Spirits embodied in Flesh.

                 And time after time...
                      we come back to Earth
                                in the Form of Man...
                                               to learn.

                 In the beginning...
                          we learn but slow.

                      But later...
                           we learn faster.

                          And finally we comprehend
                      that all Human Beings are Spirits.

                              Spirits in Learning.

                 The Earth is our Playground...
                               the Field of Action
                    upon which we Play in Pleasure
                                 and struggle in Strife.

                 The World...
                     our Playground...
                          is a Creation...
                              by Spirits... for Spirits.
                           And called...
                                 the World of Man.

                 The World of Man...
                                 this Earth...
                                            is but Dust.

                      a Form of Consciousness.
                               For ALL is Consciousness.

                             is Energy that is aware.

                           Aware of itself... as itself.


                            LIKE IT SHOULD BE

              The Inner Vitality of the Universe...
                                               is Jubilant.

                  For All That Is...
                              is a cheering...
                              Participant and Partner.

              The Partner...
                      that in its Dreams created...
                                   Consciousness in Action.

              Consciousness in Action
                              towards Perfection.

                          And the Difference...
                  between the Actual State of Creation
                       and the State of Perfection
                               Its Desire.

              And within this Desire...
                                    dwells Man
                            struggling with his own Desire.

              And until...
                  the Desire of All That Is
                         is fulfilled
                  by the right Wishes of Man...

                  The Inner Vitality
                             of the Universe...
                             will be striving...
                                        towards Perfection.

              And this will be Forever...

                                         Like it should be.


                               IN DARKNESS

              Engraved within...
                        the Patterns of your Soul
                                   are the Blueprints
                                   of your Earthly Journeys.

                  And your Journeys on Earth
                     are not Battles to be Fought
                               or Wars
                               that are lost by winning.

              But your Journeys on Earth
                     are Experiments in the Physical
                                         in Time's Duration.

                     in which you are to Learn and Grow.

                  It is the Curriculum of Life
                                      to be Mastered
                                 as a Member of Mankind.

              It is the Conquering of Yourself
                        to be Won Triumphantly
                                in the Duration of Time
                                to find your Place in Space.

              To find...
                  that the Patterns of your Soul
                       are the Lines engraved in Colour
                              of the God You Are
                                            and do not know.

              Your Journeys are...
                  the Blueprints of your Thoughts
                                 to be recognized
                         within the Lives you live on Earth.

              To finally see the Light...
                  the Light You Are in Greatness...
                        but forgot you were
                                      for traveling
                                                in Darkness.



                Our Feelings touch...
                             on Sacred Ground
                        Beyond our Words...
                                        beyond our Sound.

                And None of us...
                               can yet explain
                        The Blessings found...
                                       in Bliss and Gain.

                For on this World...
                               this Plane of Illusion
                        We struggle but...
                                      in plain Confusion.

                Yet in our Silent Togetherness
                     we dance and dance in Consciousness.

                For Time to come...
                      for Time to last...
                               until our Future...
                                        becomes our Past.


                             THE WAY OF WAYS

                I gave you Friends in animal form
                         But you but act below their norm

                I gave you Land and Sea and Sky
                           but you but plunder for your I

                I gave you Body... Mind and Soul
                        But you but see your Worldly Role

                I gave you Gifts to Share among
                       But you but give your Lying Tongue

                I gave you Life to last through Time
                      but you but exist in Dirt and Slime

                I gave you Light in Spirit Form
                     But you but respond with Daily Scorn

                I gave you Being in Rhythmic Dance
                      But you but move for Money's Glance

                I gave you Space in Consciousness
                         But you but think in Selfishness

                I gave you ME to shape and grow
                        But you but laugh and do not know

                But in the Silence of my Days
                       You will yet learn the Way of Ways.


                          IN SPIRIT UNAWARENESS

                When I think of Him...
                                    I cry.
                     For although he is Beautiful...
                                  his Mind is fast asleep.

                         in a self-hypnotic-state
                                      of Unawareness.

                Neither to be awakened by Living
                              nor to be awakened by Death.

                   For his Delusion is self-created
                                             and solid.

                Solid with the Illusions of his Shell
                                he calls his Body
                          the Temple of his Consciousness.

                While his Consciousness
                                is really what he is.
                    Expressed in Dreams of Living
                          and the Illusions of his Deaths.

                But like Light follows Darkness
                                     he will awaken soon.

                    To liberate himself
                        from dreaming and from dying.

                For my Brother Man
                          in Super-Consciousness
                   will scale the Depth of his Delusions.

                   Into which he fell...
                                     and moves
                               in Spirit Unawareness.


                             WITHOUT REPEAT

                For many People...
                    the Future is but Yesterday.
                For they repeat Yesterday...
                                      Today and Tomorrow.

                They slowly grow older...
                          but not always wiser.
                    And while repeating...
                          they think they Live and Learn.

                But the Few... who think...
                                    will learn...
                    that many People...
                          repeat Lifetime after Lifetime.

                    In different bodies...
                                in different times.
                            Yet they are...
                                      the same Repeaters.

                And the Few... who think...
                            that each Day is anew.
                      For None is the same... since ever.

                And he...
                     who answers the question...
                          - what's new -
                                   with nothing...
                           has been repeating since ever.

                For ALL is NEW.
                            And always... without Repeat.


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