!  Poems by Gerardus  !

File 06 of 25

    To One and All...
    The poems in the following * POEMS06.HTM * file have been arranged
    in the order they have been written.   The depth and nature of the
    poems therefore indicate the changes the author experienced during
    the time they were produced. There are more than 540 poems and the
    quality between the first ones and the last ones is remarkable!

    Many of the poems practically wrote themselves and all I had to do
    was sit still long enough for them to come through.  At the time I
    was totally amazed where they all came from.  Often I thought that
    I had become that good all of a sudden.  This naturally is not so,
    for all I did was function as an instrument or channel of the Soul
    I really am. I hope that many of these poems speak to the Soul you
    are, and if so; they really come from you!

    The poems in all their "simplicity and profoundness" form a course
    in metaphysics just by themselves.  It is possible therefore to go
    through them one by one, and learn more than by reading a stack of
    books.  The poems in these files are aspects of my Higher Self and
    with great pleasure do I hereby dedicate them:
           - To the World of Man and his Infinite Endeavours -

     Only because of the steady performance of my Benefactors have my
     poems been realized.  Humbly I acknowledge the great changes and
     growth that took place within me in the years 1979 to 1984.

                            Sincerely yours,
                                         Gerardus Everardus Tros


                         AND THAT IS A BLESSING

          Every Atom...
               knows how to be an Atom.
                      But every Human Being...
                                does not know how to be Human.

          Most of them...
               do not even know how to be Man.

          It took a million years
                   to make Man out of Monkeys.

               And it will take millions of years...
                                    to make Humans out of Man.

               The Progression of Consciousness
                            is very slow
                      and different for everybody.
                                    Some develop fast...
                                       some very... very slow.

          Many are Man...
                   but few are Human.
               And most people are not aware...
                   that the Progression of Consciousness
                              is equal to the efforts applied.

          To learn this...
                 is becoming aware.
                        Some call it a Blessing.
                                        But it is not.

                 It's called Self-Development.
                              We all have the same
                                        Unlimited Potential

                                       And that is a Blessing.


                             THINK ABOUT IT

            If in Total Creation...
                    there was only one thinker
                              I would like that thinker
                                                   to be ME.

            For I would think...
               of a System of Thinking
                    that created more thinkers.

                    Thinking is Creating...
                                and Creating is Thinking.
                    And the One...
                                cannot possibly be...
                                          without the Other.

                is the Master-Thinker...

                And without this Master-Thinker...
                      you could not possibly be thinking.

                What do you think... thinker...
                       about this Master-Thinker's thinking?

            I think...
                   that the Master-Thinker...
                      is the Enabler of Thinking...
                             and never really thinks itself.

            While you and I... as thinkers...
                                   use the Enabler to think.

                  What do you think of that... THINKER?

                             THINK ABOUT IT.



           If in the whole World...
                there is not one Human Being...
                       who is capable or knows how...
                             to Love and Understand me...
                and I am not capable or know how
                       to Love and Understand...
                            that Human Being in return...
                                          my Life...
                                 has become a useless journey.

           And if the Goal is...
                     to Love 'All'...
                              while a mutual duet...
                                        is not possible...
                     how can I ever learn...
                                      to Love...
                                             all Human Beings?

                     But when I become LOVE...
                              I do not need to Love...
                                              or be Loved.
                                                  For I am IT.

               To be LOVE.
                     That is the Goal.
                            That is being God... perfectly.


                           INCREASE YOUR GAIN

           To think of nothing...
                            and do it
                    is a Sublime Conception...
                                        and Activity.

           But to never think...
                         and to do that...
                                   is useless.

           And yet...
                most people would rather die...
                                        than think.
                      And although...
                           even thinkers die...
                                   they at least know
                            whether life was a gain or a loss.

           And yet...
               all people gain.
                     But most people don't know it.
               For the Gain of consciousness
                                      is forever Positive.
                                           And never Negative.

           And whether you know it or not...
                         the Gain of Consciousness
                             is the purpose of Creation.
                         It has been like this...
                                   for quite some time.
                         Think about this...
                                   once in a while...
                                       and increase your gain.


                            FROM JOY'S BEYOND

               Cry... my Soul...
                          yes cry forever.
                     And empty fast...
                               your Stream of Tears.

               Into the Depths of Seas of Sorrows
                     cleansing the Oceans of your Fears.

                     And then fill-up
                          this Space of Hollow
                                with the Joy of Jubilee.

          For the Source of Joy and Sorrow
                         is the same... in a Soul that's free.

          So empty out...
                  this Grieving Feeling.
                               And cleanse yourself...
                                           from Soul's Despond.

                 So that the Bliss
                     and its Blessed Healing
                              will fill your Heart
                                       from Joy's Beyond.


                                AND FLY

              If I would give to you...
                        all the Beauty in the World
                          if I would give to you
                       the World in all its Beauty
                 I would but part with a Gift of Moments
                       I would but part...
                           with a Gift of Time...
                                      that would not last.

              For all of it...
                         would slowly tarnish...
                               and disappear in ages past.

              And even...
                   if I would give to you...
                                   a Diamond Moon
                           with a multi-million Facets
                                   it would but be...
                                           a poor Lampoon.

          So therefore then... my Soul and Partner
                so therefore then... my Total Whole
                      I will not give... a Gift of Moments
                          for it would but be... short Console.

          But what I offer...
                in Pure Surrender...
                        to my Partner and my Soul...
                is the Gift of Light... that's Everlasting
                                 the Gift of Light...
                                             to find your Goal.

          That's hidden deep... within your Being
                           that's hidden far... beyond the Eye.

          To be discovered... by your Godness
                         to make you fly... and fly... and fly.


                          I'M THE ONE TO BLAME

          The Words... the Words... I hear them still
                                 the Words so small... so dear.
          They ring yet in my mindless mind
                          from day to day... from year to year.
          The Words as old as Man... as old as Time
                                          and yet so truly new.

              For coming from the Lips of Her
                                  they are enough and coo.
              So softly spoken with tenderness
                                    yet ringing in my ear.

              I Love You.   I Love You.
                            I'm yours... my Sweetest Dear.

          I cannot feel... I cannot sense
                                       from overwhelming Cheer.
              I am but lost in Eyes that shine
                   so lost in Love... and freed from fear.

              For never in the Age of Man
                           will Words sound just the same.

          For in her Eyes... there is no light
                                   and I'm the one... to blame.

          For in her Eyes... there is no light
                                  and I'm the one.... to blame.


                        WHAT ELSE IT BUT COULD BE

            With jubilant ring... with sounds I love
                                  her voice speaks to my Soul.

            And listening to her cheerfulness
                                      my mind rejects control.

                Her laughter and her sense of sense
                              they lift me feather light.

                But what pain I am... what misery
                               if things do not go right.

            My lips don't speak... my hands are tied
                                   my mind is full of thought.

            This total stranger... that I am
                                  with manners quite untaught.

                Why is her nearness stilling me
                                why is her presence fear?

                Why does her Being attract me so
                       and why are my thoughts not clear?

                Why is her face so beautiful
                                     why is her Being me?

                     If this isn't Love...
                                       I do not know
                       what else it but could be.


                              YOU DID RIGHT

                I wander in a Land so Strange
                            no Shadows... Breeze or Sun
                I wander in a Forest Weird
                             with Trees that are undone.

                There is so little sense to Wind
                              no Force at all in Storms
                There is no Wetness in the Rain
                         there are no Signs... no Norms.

                How do I find... where I should go
                                 how do I search for me?

                     When Sun... nor Wind
                                    or either Rain

                     I do not feel... I do not see.

                And yet within my Inner Self
                      there is this Twinkling Light
                   that winks and flares so certainly
                             and whispers...
                                        YOU DID RIGHT
                             and whispers...
                                          YOU DID RIGHT.


                        MANY OF THEM SEE NEITHER

              The Greatness or Smallness of a Poet
                       does not depend on the quantity
                                             of his Readers.

                  The Greatness or Smallness
                                      either is ...
                                             or is not.

              And the amount of Greatness or Smallness
                        of his recognition
                              depends upon
                              the Greatness or Smallness
                                             of his Readers.

              Few Readers can recognize...
                 While others have trouble recognizing...

              Fewer yet...
                     have the ability to see
                             the difference between the two.

                        Many of them see neither.


                            UNTIL PERFECTION

             If you tell your friends the Truth
                                    you will lose them all.

             This however... is much better...
                        than having many friends...
                                           and lie to them.

                  The latter...
                          is what people call...
                                          being nice.

             Also remember...
                 that most people who are nice...
                                   are not very bright.
                                                 Just nice.

            Knowing the Truth...
                     and being able to use it wisely
                                    is being nice and wise.

                     That is what you...
                           should strive for...
                                   until Perfection.


                        GREATER... THAN YOU AND I

            In living together...
                     we have many and many things against us.
            But even...
                if 'whatever could exist' is against us
                   even if the world would collapse
                                   we would surface
                           above debris and waves of torture.

            For what we have on our side
                                  from Within
                   is the most powerful combination there it.

                   It's Love... Understanding
                                    and Self-Control.

            And with these three on our side
                         there is nothing to fear or to lose.

                And although
                   we have fallen many times
                                        we arose
                                             And are.
            For these three
                     are greater and more
                             than just the two of us.

                                              than You and I.


                            WHICH IS GODNESS

              People think...
                     that they need "Beauty"
                                        as much
                               as that they need Ugliness.

                           causes Sickness of Mind.
                      Sickness of Mind...
                              causes Sickness of Body.

                                       The above is TRUTH.

                 The Total of Truth and Beauty...
                                            is Wisdom.

                      is knowing...
                             what counts.

                                     Which is Godness.


                              OR WOULD IT?

                To say... I am not important...
                                       defeats the goal.
                    To not say it...
                         is more important
                    To think either...
                                 is worse.
                    And to never read the above...
                                       is a blessing.

                To forget about it gracefully...
                                     is impossible.
                                But the best one can do.

                    So next time...
                           be aware of what you read.
                    To reflect on this...
                                    is suffering.
                               Some people like that.

                The whole thing...
                      is open to debate.
                              Which would be useless.

                                            Or would it?


                             AND ALWAYS WAS

           If I would give the World to you
                                      in the Form of Love
                                   it would not be sufficient.

           Not... that it wouldn't be sufficient for you.
                    But it would not be sufficient on my part.

           For I want to give to you...
                    the Universe and all the Love it contains.

           For the World...
                is but a temporary place of dwelling...
                                                 and learning.

           But the Universe...
                and all the Love it contains...
                                          - that -
                                is what I want to give to you.

           For the Universe...
                     is your ultimate Destination.
               In which you will find...
                          the Fulfillment of your Desires
                              and the Refinement of your Soul.

              on this so special occasion
                    in your Time and Space Continuum
                                  I know...
                    that the offer of my Symbolic Gift...
                                  will be received
                          with Happiness and Silent Solemnity.

              Thank you...
                     for your Acceptance...
                                for it is yours.
                                          And Always was.


                       FOR NONE TO KNOW FROM WHERE

             It is I...
                  who moves my pen.
             But the 'More of Me'...
                       that brings my Thoughts.
                 Thoughts... translated through Matter
                                             that is but me.

             Spelling out the Words...
                          solidifying Thoughts to Substance.

                            For ALL to see...
                      for NONE to know from where.

             And although it is I
                            who translate
                                  it is the More of Me
                                         that really counts.

                   The More of Me and I
                         are partners of a Being
                                 in Divided Dimensions.

             A Reality...
                   in which I am but Matter
                             and the More of Me my Thoughts.

                   For ALL to see...
                         for NONE to know from where.


                                THE LOSER

                 when I look Mankind in the eye
                       I measure the Depth of Stupidity.
          I look in...
                 and see the Vast Emptiness
                                  of Soulless Wasteland.

                 And far beneath the Ranges of Ignorance
                            I find the Fields of Nothingness.

                 Too barren...
                            for Boredom to stay.
                 So Boredom replaces itself...
                             with Frenzies of Frustration
                       enclosed within the boundaries...
                                                 of Insanity.

          For the Sparkle of Soul...
                    that once was there
                         has been choked by things
                              instead of kindled by Thoughts.

                              replaced by things.

                     An exchange...
                         that's pointing out...
                                           the Loser.


                        For All That Is - is You

                Space is...
                Matter is...
                      Endless in quality and quantity.

           Both Space and Matter
                        are the Medium for the Creator...
                                         and of the Creator.

           And you and I...
              are Space... Matter... and the Medium...
                                     as Part of the Creator.

                       Small Parts... but growing.

              And by growing enough...
                        by growing great...
                              by growing forever more...
                        you and I will become...
                                       greater Creators.

           Small... yet at first...
                          but we will grow greater... later.

                  Until you and I...
                     will be Creators among Creators.

           For Space is...
              and Matter is...
                   unlimited in quality and quantity...
                         for ALL... who grow...
                                      by means of...
                                   and Spiritual-Enfoldment.

           So grow... Unlimited and Endless
                                        and be...
                              the Medium and the Creator.
                                   For 'All That Is' is YOU.


                        THE ONLY WAY OF LEARNING

                So many people I know...
                                are children.
                             They play with toys...
                                   and tinker with cars.

               they have the right to play
                                  for they are children.

           In times to come...
                 in lives to be lived
                         they will cease their playing...
                                          for they will grow.

           Yes I know....
                  For I was one of them...
                                 sometime ago...
                                     some lives ago.
                  How pleasant they were...
                                   and how soothing.
                  For Life...
                       is so beautiful as a child
                                      and so splendid...
                                               when grown-up.

           Yes grown-up...
                  but did I grow enough
                          to be a child no more?

                  Did I grow enough...
                                   to know...
                                   that the Universe...
                              is the Playground...
                                              of Playgrounds.

                  Where seriousness is sickness...
                                           and Play...
                                    the only Way of Learning.


                            BECAUSE OF OTHERS

                On opening the Book of Thought
                              you are still there...
                                  and laughing...
                                              and waiting.

                For in the Distance of your Eyes...
                                          I see the Inner.

                    Hidden within you...
                             so beautiful...
                                     so alone...
                                         and longing.

                  you keep it hidden so well
                              that I can only sense it
                           by opening the Book of Thought.

                                 While nobody...
                                      will ever know...
                                                   but us.

                For the times we were...
                                - we didn't -
                                        because of others.

                And since Loving...
                             is mostly Longing...
                        I long...
                             in the Silence of Time...
                                                  for you.

                And while not a word is spoken
                       the Book of Thought is closed
                                        in Searing Sorrow.

                But secretly we do...
                          in Dreams of Loving
                     by Eyes that sense
                          the Thoughts of you and I...
                               behind the words...
                                   - we didn't -
                                        because of others.


                          IS DETERMINED BY YOU

                 Do you sometimes think
                               that your life is a mess?
                 Do you sometimes think
                            that you couldn't care less?

                 Well... my dear friend
                              my partner in time
                 It's because your thoughts
                               descend instead of climb.

                 And how can you then
                       with eyes so sorry blind
                       reverse your direction
                                   and change your mind?

                 Well that my dear friend
                               my partner in time
                    is done by Thoughts of Love
                            and Thoughts of the Sublime.

                 For the purpose of Life
                             my partner and friend
                    is the Search for Truth
                                 to be found in the end.

                 And the Search for Truth
                              that's hidden within
                    is the Reason for Being
                                   for you and your kin.

                 For Life is Truth...
                       and beautiful... and true
                    While the Direction of Thoughts
                                   is determined by you.


                            IN INFINITE SPACE

              I do not see by eyes of atoms
                         and do not taste for tissue's lust

              I do not hear by ears of molecules
                      grown by the shaping of Earth's crust.

              I do not smell by parts of protons
                        built by the Earth that is but dust.

              But by Life...
                          beyond my senses
                  of taste and smell that I enjoy
                  I hear the vivaciousness of laughter
                             and see the light of inner joy.

              For it is the Life... beyond my body
                  that is but slowly ripened Earth
                  it is the Life... my mind... my spirit
                             that is...
                                and feels for me from birth.

              And this my Life... my Soul-Eternal
                       senses this Earth by my body's grace.

              And never would I trade
                           my Life for bodies...
                           or for all the worlds...
                                          in infinite space.


                          AND REPEAT AND REPEAT

            In the blistering days of summer
                     when the sun is burning my sense
                     and the grass is scorched
                     and even the trees seem to suffer...
                                                      I wonder.

            I wonder and think...
                     about the millions of years
                     that Heat was Heat
                     forging the Earth from its beginning
                                      and I was not...
                                                 what I am now.

                 Was I then the grass...
                                   or the tree suffering?
                     Or was I but the fruit...
                                   in the maul of a bear?

                 Or was I but a part of this rock
                           so shattered by lightning
                     Or was I but a grain of sand...
                                      melting into glass?

                 Or was I the flower
                        so struggling to bloom...
                                in this endless struggle?

                 Or was I but the wing of a bee...
                        or maybe the honey
                                   in an eon's man's tea?

                 Whatever I was in times' retreat
                        I became and became...
                             from the Heat that was Heat.

                 And know...
                   that in this future's endless game
                             I will be again...
                                   and repeat and repeat.


                     IN THE SILENCE OF ITS PRESENCE

                 what I seek...
                     the Nature of my Reality...
                     the Knowledge of what I am
                          of 'All That Is'
                          and 'All That Is' is of me
                                       is hidden deep within.

                what I am
                    is to be revealed
                    by the Inner Journey
                          into Myself... through Myself
                          and through the world as I know it.

            For the Nature of my Reality...
                          the Part I am of God...
                               is the Soul...
                                      that forms my Identity.

                 with all Consciousness
                                of which I only know
                                   the Part I am...
                                            and is searching.

            While yet...
                 the Total of all Consciousness
                                    is within my Soul.

                          Waiting to be found...
                                              by me...
                                    the Part that is seeking.

            Seeking for the Whole
                          that it contains...
                                     in the Silence...
                                             of Its Presence.


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