The changes in the world at the present are symptoms of the transformation of the third dimensional way of life to the new or fourth dimensional way of life. It is a transformation as well as a transcendence. This change will be a major feat for the human race. The world as we know it will disappear in order to clear the way as intended for the next phase of human expression. The old way of living in ignorance of ourselves will be replaced by the new age of understanding. We are becoming four dimensional which means more aware, more psychic, more Christ like. We will have peace and prosperity. We will have abundance and love in the world. Religious belief systems will disappear. We will finally start to understand that we are the creators of our environment and that we are God living in our own creation. Before all this comes about however the world of man will be shocked to its foundations and many billions will leave our plane of existence. All our institutions as we know them will collapse and will have to be replaced by a new age way of dealing with ourselves. The new age to come will be brilliant. The transition period however will be most painful for the three dimensional individual. <173> Part of enlightenment is knowing that we live in a self-created human instrument or body in order to experience a self-created physical reality. Physical reality is a certain aspect of our creation and it completely fools human understanding. Our very existence within the physical creates our experiences for as always we are still the creator. Once we master our created world we will know that the whole thing is a mental construction. We awaken and continue as the source, as a Christ or as a Buddha. As a human being we are God asleep and we dream a lot of different dreams. One of them is believing that the matter world is something in and by itself. <174> A soul is not something that has been given to us in the distant past or when we were born. Our soul is a collection of experienced emotions and the responses to these emotions. We have accumulated these by living human lives and other kinds of experiences. Our soul is a self-created character that is the collective memory of our personal thoughts and deeds. Our soul is our cosmic memory. Young souls have empty memories. Mature souls think they know something. Older souls know they know nothing. That's why they smile a lot. <175> Like our soul is the creator of our body so is the earth soul the creator of the earth. Our soul and the earth soul might seem different spirits or creators. However their differences are but functional. There is but one spirit or creator. We are it! Since many people do not think that this is so, they separate themselves by their thoughts. They create their own reality. <176> In the life you are living you are the force of God playing roles. Your role is to be you. After every role or lifetime your body will expire and your spirit will leave. Your body will disappear but you keep on living. In each self created life episode you are the student in your own cosmic curriculum. Only you know what you like and need. You have been many characters but as always you represent the same force, your way! This is a secret of life. <177> When you were born you brought with you a mind full of knowledge. The mind or soul is reborn hiding within a brand new body. All you experienced in all your lifetimes is stored in silence within your mind or soul. You are using part of this knowledge now. And some of it is in reserve. To remember what your soul knows is intuition. Some people are better at it than others. It's a matter of letting go of yourself. Most people are in their own way. <178> Our future is manifested by our thoughts and ideas camouflaged by matter, time and space. All events in the physical are arranged by the timeless mental atmosphere of our minds. All we ever encounter are our own ideas. All events are happening the way they should for we are the manufacturers of the thoughts and ideas that create the world as we encounter it. The reality of our life today are our thoughts of all our yesterdays. Thoughts are timeless creators. There are no exceptions. <179> Many parents think that their children are an extension of themselves and that their own lifestyle should be continued by means of their children. Some parents feel that their children go astray when they deviate from their way of life. This is not so. We all come here to do our own thing. This includes being a thief or a murderer or committing any other crime. Parents are only channels through which souls enter into the world. People come into this world to become mature minds or souls and eventually reach the Christ consciousness. This takes many lifetimes and often the souls of parents live in bodies that are their own grand children or great grand children. We incarnate within groups of people that form our own consciousness raising families. Within these families negative and positive activities against or for other family members can be worked out by being born into a certain family to balance the cosmic scales of justice. That is why sometimes there does not seems to be any justice in the world and life somehow does not seem to be fair. This unfairness is the balancing of previously unbalanced situations that are being corrected in certain lifetimes. The Bible calls it an eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth. Your own Christ mind is the judge. Universal justice always prevails. <180> Do not look at the world of man from man's point of view. Look at the world from God's point of view. Man only sees bodies. God sees itself communicating through and as bodies. All human bodies are human phones communicating and amplifying the words of God. The source of life within human bodies is God incarnated into flesh. Communicating with others is communicating with your own source. <181> Future changes to mankind will be devastating to the old three dimensional population. The world as we know it will end and a new age of understanding will begin. Our next phase of learning will be based upon spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity means that one knows that he is God in creation. This will make religions redundant. Our space bothers will come to earth and they will show mankind the ways ahead. Greed, aggression and distrust will be replaced by cooperation, compassion and understanding. There will be many troubles directly ahead however the next millennium will be brilliant. <182> All lifetimes are lived simultaneously for time as we know it is an aspect of our dream. Karma or balancing our lifetimes therefore is an elusive activity and should be reflected upon with the understanding that reincarnation is looking at lifetimes from an earth time perspective. The high selves or Christs we are, we are now and our lifetime episodes are reflections within the nowness of their/our infinite moments. High selves dream-think-create to be such and such and voila we are the realities of their creativity. They are our creators in the same sense as that our thoughts are the creators of their existence. Life is a cosmic paradox in which all of us are equal and create each other. For all of us are the one consciousness that is entertaining itself by seemingly being different entities. All creating takes place in consciousness. And thinking that we live on earth is a conclusion made by a hypnotized aspect of a seemingly independent or separate consciousness. There is not anything separate in the universe. There is only mind entertaining itself by having billions upon billions of dreams. All dreams are experienced as real by the dreamer who dreams he is separate from the universe and thinks that he is awake! Since many creatures or entities are able to think and therefore are able to create the universe is an expanding mind or consciousness that becomes aware of its dreams as realities within seemingly different dimensions and aspects of itself. <183> The physical world, the world we believe in has conditioned mankind to think with words. Any language therefore is limited by its prison of syllables. Beyond the prison of syllables are the unlimited expressions of consciousness. To communicate by mind or consciousness is using the language of the universe. To evolve to these modes of expression is the future of all human beings. The silent language of consciousness is the language of the gods. <184> When we come into the world as young and inexperienced human souls our first three problems to overcome are food, money and sex. The fourth one is the awakening of the God within. This last step however is not anything like the others. The God you are as a human being has to be given lots of time to awaken. This God came here to sleep and dream and the very dream is the method of awakening. To awaken this God too soon is dream interference. So let this God sleep and dream. Sooner or later all dreams will end and the dreamer will awaken to find himself in the kingdom of God. <185> Many people think or feel that they should not live the way they live. It gives them a feeling of dissatisfaction. They become self-accusing. This negative state of mind is a burden and in the long run will affect their health. Because of religious conditioning they do not know that the very God and creator is living and experiencing their life for the purpose of educating itself. The personality or the ego of the instrument through which the creator expresses itself will never become educated or mature. The personality or ego is the very obstacle to overcome. Human beings who blame themselves for imperfections are reinforcing the very obstacle to be transcended. We all should live the best way we can and smile. We are supposed to be human. <186> There is nothing about the present that is not as it should be. For all things are the result of the combined thought of mankind. Our thought is the creator. There is no other force but the force of God in man. This is the only creating force and creates in either ignorance or wisdom. Mankind is the creator in action, good, bad or ugly. <187> From the very depth of our etheric human existence mankind as a creative force started their daring physical endeavor by descending into their own physical creation. For millions of years we practiced living in animal bodies by getting in and out of them. Slowly we improved these instruments as required and taught them to communicate with each other by means of speech and notation. We became so fascinated by our creative efforts that eventually we completely identified with living in all kinds of physical bodies. Because of the millions of years we spent on earth we forgot our etheric homeland completely. Many times the human race was close to extinction. But then, as well as in the present, we have the assistance from our older brothers in ways we do not even recognize yet. The universal law of love is always in effect and higher planes of life assist lower planes. Except for a few mature beings like Buddha, Christ, Lao- tzu, Krishna and some other great souls mankind has been totally in the dark about its true identity. At the present we are entering a new age of understanding. And in not too long a time thousands of human beings will reach higher levels of awareness. The knowledge and wisdom gathered by experiencing our own physical creation will be part of us forever in our ancestral home of the etheric. Living in physical bodies is a temporary but tough undertaking. Our whole physical endeavor is most daring for nobody really knew what we would encounter. We are lost gods in our own creation. <188> * * * * * * * |