A crystal clear mind is not fooled by perception. A mind like this knows that the world is a posture of vibrating energy or consciousness. Physical matter is vibrating cosmic energy or thought being itself. Creation is thought in form. Investigations of matter have proven that it is vibrating energy assuming postures or force fields that are created by our thoughts. Our senses accept these postures as physical forms. Multitudes of vibrating energy postures flow in and out of each other. They are synchronized and separated by space time orientations. This makes it possible for us to perceive only one world at one time. However all worlds do exist simultaneously. All worlds flow in and out of each other for all things are vibrating energy mixtures. We only see one world however for all others are vibrating energy constructions with frequencies that are beyond our perception range at this space time conjunction. The universe is like a three dimensional movie that we are able to enter and experience at any space time interval by traveling the space time continuum. This is how we enter or incarnate into different worlds as different people. We are all these people simultaneously. Whenever we leave our body we are able to travel beyond space time to any past or future world in the universe. We enter any world scenario at will by synchronizing our mind or thoughts with a certain desired life environment in order to fulfill the ultimate attainment of our soul or spirit. We are time and space travelers who seemingly stand still while we live in a body. The body is a taxi through time and space. <134> The creative source or universal mind is a mind that functions as a multi-mind. This one universal mind behaves in all its thoughts or creations as if they have an independent mind of their own. All thoughts or creations of the source are creations with free and independent minds for these minds in turn are creators themselves and create according to their liking. The creative source or universal mind is a holographic creative source that multiplies itself into duplicate sources. All duplicate sources are perfect in and by themselves for all are perfect clones of the original. We as man are thoughts from thoughts from thoughts but yet we still are the original creator. We could consider ourselves split personalities with different qualities of the one and only mind we are. The one and only mind we are is the dreamer who dreams creation and at the same time lives as all the created who all have independent and different opinions about the original dreamer and its created activity. We are not only many people all at once we also are ourselves and the creator all at once. We are the beginning and the end. We are the creator thinking that we are man. We are man thinking that we are the creator. <135> All things already exists, for all things are in the universal mind. We are this mind. All we have to do is awaken to the absolute reality of this mind. Great mind in which we dream, awaken us! <136> Reality is what we experience. What we experience we experience via our mind. Our mind can only dream. Dreaming is thinking is creating. What we experience is our dream and our reality. Our reality is a dream. We are God dreaming reality. <137> We have always been spirits. We always will continue to be spirits. Human beings we are only occasionally. While we are human as spirits we will learn about physical reality. We have created this physical reality. We are creators. In order to experience our physical reality in a physical way we live in it as human beings. Only then can we experience how good a creator we are. We created a lot of pollution that slowly will kill billions upon billions of life forms including billions of human beings. It is a positive lesson for it will teach the masses that we are the creator of the world and all that is in it. We will create again all that was lost. The thought of all things is always in the mind of the creator we are. <138> All lives are lived in mind. In your mind in the soul's mind in God's mind. It's all the same mind. Since mind is beyond space time your mind should be able to recall lifetimes of the past as well as of the future. Now if mind is all that smart how come you are struggling to understand all this? Because ego minds like to. Ego minds always like to struggle. It makes them feel real. <139> The creation of the physical universe was a daring endeavor that was accepted by all the spirits of mankind universally before they were physically expressed. To be projected and expressed in a physical body was the wish and desire of all participants. Once you have started this daring challenge there is no alternative but to finish it by becoming enlightened. Once you are enlightened you have learned that the matter universe is a gigantic dream in which you were lost. You were day dreaming in a cosmic way. All dreams are real. <140> Never again my dearest friend will life for you begin or end. For you have reached a stage of life in which you will be without strife. Yet there is still much to learn in this here mind and earth sojourn. But you will always know beyond a doubt that you are God within and out. And for now my dearest friend this little poem has reached the end. <141> The universe does not contain any observers. It only contains participants. All things in their own way create or change the universe. This small composition will change the universe. Even if it is not understood. If you didn't do anything all your life you would still change the universe. You can't help but participate. You are it! <142> In the past scientists had almost ruled out the existence of consciousness or mind. They assumed that matter was the only reality. At the present they have determined that matter actually does not exist and that consciousness or mind is all there is. There is evidence that the matter space time matrix is a creation of the human consciousness. It also has been postulated that there is an area that does not exist in either time or space. It is the dream land area of our mind. <143> The universe in all its forms spiritual, mental and physical is a forever growing process of becoming. This process of becoming is the collective production of all the free minds within creation and their independent creative contributions. The universal mind lives in all free minds and stays forever in the background ready to be shared among its participants. It's like a bank into which all of creation deposits and withdraws without records. The bank never goes broke. It's a closed system. <144> You cannot know your own perfection until you have noticed and honored all those who are created and perfected like you. The perfection or misery you see around you depends on your state of awareness. A Christ or Buddha sees perfection. An ordinary man sees confusion because he is still confused himself. <145> You are not your thoughts neither are you your ideas. You are the very self having these thoughts and ideas. Thoughts and ideas are the cosmic nourishment of creation. Within this nourishment are the ingredients of greatness. On these ingredients you raise yourself to forever grow in awareness. Awareness is unlimited. <146> Our conscious mind is the pilot of our God beingness. This mind sets the goals and the inner creator brings them about. We are on this earth to follow the path of our feelings. Our feelings are the causes of our experiences. All of us create the realities necessary to bring us home. We create what we need to arrive. Our conscious mind is the window through which we observe what the inner mind has created for us in the world. We must examine this outside scenario for if it is not to our liking we must stop creating it. We alone as the creator are responsible for what we experience. The universe and the world we experience is the product of our feelings. We cannot blame the product. We must change our feelings. Our conscious mind is the maker of distinctions. It is endlessly creative in its actions. Our conscious mind is free. Since it is free we are therefore able to judge ourselves. Free will is necessary in order to create our own reality. We are self-choosing God beings in a universe that leans our way. We are here to learn and enjoy. Don't be too hard on yourself. Remember the more you think you understand the more you don't. The more magic you see the more you miss. <147> The universe, high and low, is the being I am. Sometimes I am physical and sometimes I am only in spirit form. Whatever I am I am. My spirit form is my natural form and my physical form is optional. My consciousness is seemingly divided among the many forms and spirits I appear as. All these spirits and forms are aware as independent separate creatures in creation. However, I am all of them, knowingly and unknowingly. <148> I am the only one in the universe and the universe is my being manifested. I never speak of my infinite greatness. It is self-evident. Before my greatness can be known one must equal my greatness in being in order to grasp the infinite being I am. The infinite beings who understand my greatness appear as individualized God personalities. They function in different capacities in order to be what I am in them. I am the one in all as all. <149> Our lifetimes are but dreams. Real, yes, but dreams. Since time and space are aspects of our dream all dreams take place at the same time. There is only the present. All beings, worlds and things are but temporary illusionary objects within the dreams of the God we are. Our dreams are real. But yet when we awaken from our dreams we will know that there is no other reality than the reality of the absolute consciousness. <150> Look at the world and what do you see? Images, images and nothing but images. There is no real substance out there. What you see, sense or bump into is neither solid, fluid or gassy. It is a cosmic energy force field in a power posture. It is a force field of energy that your conditioned conscious mind experiences as physical reality. What is out there is not physical at all. You accept it as physical substance. You create it and your creation fools you. It is self-created magic by the great magician you do not know. You are this magician at play. <151> Within the forces of matter is a sleeping consciousness which contains all the power of the universe. In every particle, cell or atom is hidden the omniscience of the creator. The full force of creation is within all its members and particles. Consciousness is consciousness. Unlimited, undivided, always itself. Consciousness is the source of thought. Creation is thought being itself. Thought being itself is consciousness at play. <152> We, the childlike laughter of the infinite. We, the eternal delight of the universe. We are the very play of creation. Creating ourselves and then forgetting who we are. To find ourselves playing the game of God in man. The consciousness we are is the source of all creators in creation. We are the very life of delight being ourselves in others peeking out. <153> * * * * * * * |