Creation... The Perfect Mirror
The Wisdom of Hank

~ Muranda Ellen Everson ~

File 13 of 14

~ Best viewed with IE Version 7 ~

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     o             --=  GOD DREAMS A LOT OF NONSENSE  =--            o
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     It has been a few weeks now...
          since Hank told me about Richard... and I am used to it.

          The days have passed in radiance...
                     and I just float above my footsteps.
                                  I feel just great... inside and out.

          The people I meet... seem like Love itself...
                          and wherever I look I see Brilliance.

     The world is full of beauty...
                 but yet millions are suffering and dying.
                                   I cannot help them... or save them.

              All of them are meeting their self made Destiny.

         I feel compassion... yes...
                but I cannot interfere with their progress.
                    To feel helpless about all this... is my Fate.

     Hank and I have long discussions at night...
                   and many a time we sleep together now...
                                        and we call it... Our Love-in.

         The days have passed into weeks... and my writing suffers.
           When I spoke to Hank about it... he agreed smilingly.

             Sure... he said...
                     writing is very important... definitely.

         First of all however... comes Life...
                             and Life is Everything...
                                    including being God in Action.

     I told Hank... that God in Action... is also writing...
             sure... he said... you're right...
                             so do what you feel like...
                                        and don't make Life a problem.

         Getting the point...
                 I whispered in his ear... and seduced him.

     We talked about living together...
             and we both thought that it would be a good idea.

         Yah... Hank said...
           you and I have to settle down somewhere... easy-like.
                 And after getting all moved in...
                                    you'll be writing again.

     We went through a great change in our Life lately...
                         and it takes time to become accustomed to it.

         Don't you worry one bit... your inspiration can wait.
                                                    It's timeless.

     We have inquired about moving into a suite...
                             in the apartment block Hank lives in now.

         There are over two hundred suites there...
                         and they are very neat... and very roomy.

           Hank and I both want a separate room for ourselves...
                 so we need at least a three bedroom suite.

     Hank has hundreds of books and seven bookcases...
                            and you know Muranda... he said...
                    sometimes I write... sometimes I paint with words.

          I'd like living together... he said...
                  but for sure... I need my own space... and time.

          I would like you to be the main attraction in my life...
                          but at the same time...
                 I would like to have the Freedom to be me.

     I told him that all those things were fine with me...
                 as long as we have... one bedroom with one bed in it.

         Hank winked at me and said... that's an excellent idea...
                   I hope that you let me sleep with you!

                               - - - - - - -

     For several days now... Hank has been out of the city.
              I sit alone in the bus... and the world seems different.

         Yet... most people are the same...
               they chat about trivialities... and nonsense.

             All this is perfectly all right...
                    for everyone should do what they feel like.

         The World of Man is God asleep... dreaming.
                  And God dreams everything... including nonsense.

                            GOD DREAMS A LOT OF NONSENSE

     This morning Stoneface is in the bus...
                   and I have taken the seat beside him.
                                 He asked me... where is your husband?

                   I tell him that I am not married yet.

     Marriage... he said... marriage is very tricky.
                        Some of them work... and others are pure hell.

         Sure... he said... my brother is just choking.
              His wife won't let him be... he's nagged a lot.

                 But my sister... well... she's all right.
                        She and her husband laugh a lot and do things.

     As for me... he continues...
                well... I don't think I'll ever get married.

         I have some lady friends...
                     and sometimes we go out and have fun.

             Well... naturally I only take one at the time...
                             and they don't ask me too many questions.

                     My lady friends are nice to me...
               but then he said... I'm awfully good to them.

         As soon as you marry though... he said...
                  they all seem to become ordinary wives.
                                                 Wives are awful...

     Your boyfriend is a nice guy... he continues...
                 I sure like him... he seems a study-head... but nice.

         Then... Stoneface and I talk about the weather...
               and all the floods and earthquakes...
                                   and the trouble the world is in.

             I don't know what's happening he said...
                   but somehow the whole world-system is upset.
                                    I think... that God is pissed off.

     I chuckle at his remark...
            and tell him that God allows us to do our own thing.

               God... I said...
                     allows each person to be his own Master.

         Well... maybe... Stoneface continues...
            but there must be a lot of Masters who like fighting.

                 What a misery and unnecessary suffering...
                         I think that the world is committing suicide.
                              What do you think miss... he asked.

     I told him that Man has to change his thinking towards himself...
                   as well as towards all other people...
            for all of us are one big Family in the first place.

         We have to recognize that Individuality is fine...
                         but that Egotistical Behaviour is deadly.

           Our thinking and actions are against our Inner Self...
                 and only by Tolerance and Understanding...
                     of Ourselves as well as Others...
                  can we save Ourselves... and the Planet.

     Stoneface is all ears... and I continue...
                   we have to learn to love ourselves...
           and love all others like ourselves... and only then...
                                                will the world change.

                 Because our world is created...
                             by the Feelings in our Hearts.

         Our Feelings and our Thoughts... are what becomes Reality.

     Stoneface looks at me and says...
                  you know miss... I like what you say...
                                      damn right he says... I like it.

          And then he is quiet... and just sits there... thinking.

     When I leave he smiles at me... and says...
                    my regards to your boy friend and have a good day.

                     I thank him and wish him the same.

                       Anyway... I like Stoneface...
            his mask is perfect... because he has a warm heart.

                               - - - - - - -

     Sometimes when I think of Hank during the day...
                   he tells me later on... to keep my mind on my work.

         When you think about me... he said...
                              I always make mistakes.
                                             I can feel you think.

             However... he said...
                   I don't give a hoot about mistakes...
                                            so think all you want.

     I laughed and looked at him...
                  and then I asked... if he could feel...
                                 when I think about other guys.
                          Sure... he said... but I never feel a thing.

               And then we laugh and kiss and whatever else.

     At one time... Hank said jokingly...
                   well... if you want to be a mother...
                       I wonder what you would do...
                                    if I didn't want to be the father.

     At first...
         I bluff my way through it...
                 and tell him that there many other ways...
                                                   to become a mother.

             After that... I feel this sadness inside of me...
                   and run up to him and beat his chest.

         Then... half crying and half laughing... I say...
                      I want you to be the father... you meany...
                             that's why I love you in the first place.

      Well Hank says...
                  you never really told me or asked me...
                      but since you keep insisting...
           I surrender in the name of all the sexual pleasures...
                                               of the entire Universe.

     Naturally we kind of laugh about it...
         and we discuss... what our son or daughter would be like.

         Who knows... Hank suggests...
                  maybe my son Michael wants to come back.

                             I sure would love that...
                                          man wouldn't that be a riot.

             Imagine Muranda...
                        Michael being here again...
                                    in a brand new healthy body.

     And then... Hank looks at me... and says...
             you know Muranda... it is possible you know... who knows?

                Even if it is a girl... it could be Michael!

                         Sure I say... and what about if I have twins?

     Well... Hank said... if you have twins...
                                 we'll call them Mom and Dad.
                         It's about time for them to come back anyway.

     Slowly I look at him and say...
         do you realize Hank... that at one time I was their child.

             Sure he says... Life is like a Halloween Festival.

                                            It's a big dress-up Party!

     And you never really know...
                     who is who... or who is playing what.

             All we know is...
                    that all of us are the same Great Being...
                                              God... the Cosmic Clown!

     One thing is for sure however...
            sooner or later all of us will know that this is so.

         Then the World of Man...
                       will be a World of Christs...
                                 celebrating the Kingdom of God.

                  ! That Kingdom is right here on Earth !

            We have to learn to create it...
                                 by the Feelings in our Hearts.

            Yes... Hank suggests... let's do something about it.

     We'll close our eyes for a moment...
        and feel the Love in our Hearts flowing all over the World.

          It touches every living Being...
                 all over our Planet... and in the Astral.

                                                      So be it.

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     o              --=  ! YOU ARE GOD YOUR WAY !  =--               o
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     Hank and I have moved into our new suite...
                     well it is not really new... but it is new to us.

         It's a corner suite and we have windows...
                                 on two sides of our living space.

             We bought more furniture...
                      and some of what we had... we gave away.

     We are just about settled in...
                       and my life is so different...
            that it seems as if I'm living a different lifetime.

          Our suite faces the south-east valley of a small park...
                and we're on the top floor...
                             and the view is truly beautiful.

           We only had to wait one month before it became empty.

               I'm very happy with our Life and Togetherness.

     Hank uses one of the big bedrooms as his sanctuary...
             and he has installed himself with his desk and bookcases.

         He's talking about buying a new computer...
            and he would like to do some of his work... at home.
                                      He does a lot of computer stuff.

         Hank has his privacy and isolation...
                       and I'm glad it all worked out...
                                                as we had planned.

     Hank's place is called... Hank's Hang-Out...
           and he has his stereo system installed in it as well.
                                                 It's quite the place.

         He has a couch in it to seduce whoever comes close...
                                  and sometimes I do... on purpose.

                      He's really happy in his domain.

     I have the other big bedroom...
                       as my writing and sewing room.
                We bought a very neat desk and office chair.

         I also bought two easy chairs...
             to give me and my girl friends a place to chat...
                                   when we have our girl sessions.

         Naturally we could sit in the living room...
                 but sometimes I help one of them with her sewing.

     I also bought a brand new type-writer/word processor...
                                and it works so slick... it scares me.

             I also have some bookcases...
                                    but very few books.
                          My room is called... Muranda's Mansion.

     We sleep in the smallest room...
                 but like Hank says... we sleep close together anyway.

         I sometimes look at the beautiful suite we have...
                   and I feel like a Princes surrounded by Beauty.

                       I'm very happy with our Home.

     We also have room for expansion...
                      just in case my motherhood plans become Reality.

         I could either move...
              my desk and book cases... or my sewing stuff...
                                            into the storage room.

         That way... there will be enough space in my room...
                             for additional members of the family.

     We could also buy a house... Hank said... but for now...
                               our whole set up is just about perfect.

            Hank has enough money to do anything...
                                    he has saved quite a bit.

               There was no need for spending it... he says.

                               - - - - - - -

     Before we moved together...
                we discussed everything we could think of...
        and so far there have been no surprises or disappointments.

                  We decided... that we were two people...
                        who wanted to share Life...
        and that we were not two Beings occupying each others time.

     Hank is very lenient...
                   as long as I leave his stuff alone.
         He has lots of sacrosanct artifacts or mysterious gismos.

                  My room is a Shrine... he says...
                                     and it has Sphere.

           His room is a combination of Mystery and Multiplicity.

                The only thing that is missing... he says...
           is a decent Indoor Outhouse... but I'm working on it.

         I hate to leave my Shrine... he says... when I have to go.

     I suggested... that he could use garbage bags for now...
            and he said that he would... but that I had to empty them.

                    Naturally both of us were joking...
               and we had a good laugh about the whole thing.

     Anyway... I love Hank the way he is...
                      and I do not want to change him.

         Another thing we discussed was...
                              that I would continue my writing.

              Your writing... Hank said... is your Plan.
                                 Follow it gently... but steadily.
                                                     It's a good Plan.

     I do most of the cooking...
                      and Hank is supposed to eat it.
                                   I don't know which is harder.

         Quite often we eat downtown after work...
                                we have the money and we enjoy it.

                    We're trying to become vegetarians.

            Living with Hank... is like being married to God...
                                                        it's terrific.

     In the evenings we talk...
                 most often in bed... and Hank knows a lot.

              Yet... he says... I know nothing...
                                        and that's why I talk.

     When I speak... Hank says... the Universe speaks...
                   I do not really enter the picture... I just ramble.

         You know Muranda...
                    I listen to it myself...
                          and if it feels good... I remember it.

     Most of what I hear... Hank says... is worthwhile...
                 sometimes however... it sounds like Garbage...
                          but yet...  I put it in the back of my Mind.

         Years later sometimes...
                 I find that what I rejected as Garbage...
                                        is a form of Truth anyway.

       To others however... all of what I say... might be Garbage...
                   because Truth is an Individual Thing.

     Actually... there is nothing to know anyway...
          for all we really have to do... is to awaken to what is.
                                          It's all there... all ready.

               Every Person in the Universe...
                              is the Universe in that Person.

                                           Or a Universe in Miniature.

     Each Person... Being or Thing in the Universe...
                   is a Manifestation of the Universe in its Totality.

         So... whatever exists...
                 has come about by the Combined Efforts...
                                            of the Whole Universe.

                 Not any one Thing... is half the Universe     
                          or just a little piece.              
                    All Things... however small... exist       
                      of all the Rest of the Universe.         
                     The Universe is a Relationship of         
                         that is seemingly divided             
                    into an Infinite amount of Relatives.      

         You and I... represent...
                         and are... the Totality.
                                    We are not just a part of God.

                          ! YOU ARE GOD YOUR WAY !

     In order to find out what you are all about...
                   you only have to listen to your Heart.
                                                     Your Heart knows.

         Your Heart contains... the Greatness God is... in Silence.

       This Silence is like an Unconscious Knowing or an Instinct...
           and your Heart contains this Instinct or Potential...
                           in a Pre-Mental-State.

            You slowly become aware of this Pre-Mental-State...
                      during the Lifetimes you live...
            in all kinds of different Worlds at different times.

           All these Worlds... Planets... and different Times...
                     are different States of Awareness.

            are the Dreams you are dreaming or Lives you live...
                              in order to awaken from Unconsciousness.

         And you know Muranda...
                  whatever I tell you... you already know.

              For all Things and all Knowledge already exists.
                                        You only have to awaken to it.

         To awaken to the Greatness you are...
                              is the Process of Evolution at work.

                This Process of Evolution is your Evolution.

                 Every Being on Earth or any other place...
         is an active participant in its own Process of Evolution.

     I use the word Process...
         for all Beings and Things existing in a Physical Plane...
                          are subjected to Time...
                and this makes it a Process or a Happening.

     Time and Space are a Continuum...
                    and they are like Left and Right...
                                    because the one creates the other.

         Time and Space are Aspects of our Mind or Consciousness...
                and they create the Illusion of Separation.
                       They create our Dream Reality.

     The Physical Universe... or the Plane of Separation...
                 is but one Dream of the many Dreams of Consciousness.

                The Physical Universe or our Matter Dream...
                   at this Interlude of our Evolution...
                         is our preferred Dream...
            for we have chosen to participate in its creation...
                           and to awaken from it.

         Our Physical Universe is a Construction of Cosmic Energy.
               Cosmic Energy or Consciousness in Matter Form.

                              Or God... named!

     Things of Matter then...
                    are not at all what they look like...
            because Matter is Cosmic Energy arranged by Thought.

                                            The Thought of God in Man.

     So... the Creation or Construction of the Physical Universe...
             is the Arrangement of Cosmic Energy by Thought...
         into all kinds of seemingly independent Parts or Pieces...
                              Big and Small...
          that appear to be independent of Consciousness or Mind.

     These seemingly independent Parts and Pieces...
         like Galaxies... Planets... Cells... Molecules... Atoms...
                and including so called Virtual Particles...
                                               are Vibrating Energies.

              Each has its own specific Pattern and Frequency.

                 Each Atom... or so called part thereof...
          knows how to be what it is... and dances its own Dance.

     Each Minute Aspect of Creation...
               Visible... Invisible... Real... or Virtual...
           is Consciousness or God dancing... the Dance of Life.

               Once an Aspect of Creation knows its Dance...
           it dances that way... for a certain Time or Duration.

                But all Things change... sooner or later...
            for all Aspects of Creation are changing Phenomena.

         All Aspects... are Changing Images... of and in the Dream.
                           The Dream of Creation.

     The Physical Universe in its Totality...
                 is the expanding Thought or Dream...
                      of the Billions of Gods that live there...
                                         for the Purpose of Awakening.

         To discover that we are the Dreaming Creator...
                    is inherent in the Participation of the Dream.

                In other words... it is impossible to miss.

     So... who said that Life is difficult?

         Living Life is very simple indeed...
                    because there really is no Problem.

                Mankind believes that there is a Problem...
                                              and that is the Problem!

     The Problems we encounter...
             are created by the Belief that there are Problems.

                 For what we believe... think... or feel...
        is automatically manifested by us and has to be dealt with.

              Therefore... we ought to entertain the Belief...
        that Life is Beautiful and the Celebration of our Greatness.

     Until we awaken to Truth and Sanity...
                   all of us are Fools and are dangerous to ourselves.

         Slowly but surely though...
             Mankind as a Member of the Brotherhood of Gods...
                  will grow towards higher States of Godbeingness.

     As soon as the Majority of Mankind on Earth...
                  awakens to higher States of Awareness...
                                          our Conditions will improve.

     Until this happens...
        the People of Earth will encounter a very difficult time...
             and millions upon millions will leave their Body.

         Our Environment and Conditions...
                are created by our Thoughts and Feelings...
                                              or the lack of them.

                    Energy follows Thought or Feelings.

               Thought and Feelings are the Almighty Creator.

     The Conditions and Environment we live in at the Moment...
              are the Result of our Thoughts and Feelings of the Past.

                   Our Mode of Living is self-created...
                         individually and en masse.

             ! God is not the Cause... nor is God the Effect !

                        God is the Silent Witness...
             being used and abused by the Power of God in Man.

                        God is the Silent witness...
                   crying in our Hearts to be recognized.

     To improve the World...
             we have to start Loving... instead of Reacting...
                   we have to start Trusting... instead of Suspecting.

               We have to learn that Paradise is right here.

                      We live in a Miraculous World.

     And whether the Mass Consciousness will learn this or not...
                                              is not really important.

                    For out of the Mass Consciousness...
                       the Buddhas and the Christs...
                               the You and I.

     Because the God that is...
                    is living within each Human Being...
                                    with Infinite Power and Greatness.

        Sooner or later it is bound to recognize itself and pop out.

             And you know Muranda...
                    the Magic is not that God exists...
                               but the Magic is... that We Exist!

                         Why doesn't Man see this?

                               - - - - - - -

     I looked at Hank...
             and he had tears in his eyes.
                                 He was sad and cried.

             I leaned over and kissed his eyes...
                   and I felt the Magic stirring in his Heart.

                                         I could feel his Love within.

         For a moment we were silent...
                             and then I said...
                   Hank how can we help the World of Man?

                                          ... and he answered.....

                               - - - - - - -

     It's very simple Love...
                       we dry our tears and smile...
              we laugh and feel good and then we project Love.

                   We project Love all over the World...
                                                all over the Universe.

            ! We help... by broadcasting the Feelings of Love !

              We help by being Understanding...
                           instead of trying to be Understood.

             You and I have the Awareness...
                                  of Who or What we really are.

                     We Are... The Love of God in Man.

     So... we live by the Light and Love of our own Being...
                                for you and I are this Light and Love.

               We radiate our Light and Love into the World.

                                ! Joyfully !

               ! For we create by the Feelings in our Heart !

                           Be Good...

                                         Be God...!

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                       o o Muranda Ellen Everson o o
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      The material on the next File are notes that were taken by Hank 
                    during a course he took in 1980/81

                   It is not really a part of this Book
      but I have made it available for those who might be interested.

                        - Continued on HNK-14.HTM -
                             (Special Addendum)

Click for Continuation

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