Creation... The Perfect Mirror
The Wisdom of Hank

~ Muranda Ellen Everson ~

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           The following originated from a Teacher and Channeler
            who conducted courses in metaphysics in 1980 & 1981

                         His name is E. L. Harwood
                             10235 Fulton Road
                             Edmonton, Alberta
                             Canada.   T6A 3T5

                 He wrote a book called: The Esoteric Self
             this book can be ordered from the above address.


                        WITH HANK MICHAEL FREEBORN.

                         THEY CONTAIN THE CHANGES





                            AND FROM HIS NOTES



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                          IN THE NEXT FEW DECADES

       The World of Man under the Guidance of the Solar Government.
                                  - IS -

                       THE MASS CONSCIOUSNESS OF MAN
                  will enter into a New Phase of Creation
                under the Guidance of the Solar Government.

                   The following Changes will not occur
            in the Precise or Sequential Order as listed below.

                 Deviations will take place according to
            the Behaviour and/or State of the World of Mankind.


    1.  The World was... and is... in the  Third Dimensional Stage of
        its  Creative Endeavour  and this Phase will be terminated in
        the near future.

    2.  Internal Pressures  from within  the Three Dimensional System
        will bring about the Necessity for Change.

        1) An Increase in Communications  from Aware Individuals will
           prepare Mankind  for  the  Changes  to come.  Channels and
           Mediums  will  provide  Information  that  there  are more
           Realities than the Third Dimensional Reality.

        2) An  Intrusion  into  the  Third Dimension of Mankind  from
           other Realities.  The UFO Forces  will be most evident and
           the adjacent Planes  (Astral Planes)  will become  semi or
           partly visible!

        3) More and more People  will become Psychic and this will be
           accepted as a normal development by the Masses.

        4) There will be an Increase of Charismatic Groups within the
           Organized  and  well  known  Religions.  These People will
           become aware of different Abilities of Healing the Sick.

    3.  A Worldly External Resistance will arise against the Internal
        Pressures and Changes that will become evident among Mankind.

        1) An Increase in Bureaucracy  and Control for Government and
           large Companies.(Takeovers)

        2) An Increase in Fundamental Religions.  Mankind still looks
           for a Saviour-God for Protection.

        3) An Increase in Labour Movements,  Strikes  and  Solidarity
           to protect the Unions and their Members.(Tribalism)

        4) Science  and the  Academic World Organizations become more
           vocal for The Status Quo.

        5) A common  World Monetary Network  will bring about  a more
           united World of Mankind.

    4.  Doubts  about  the Third Dimensional State of Mankind  arises
        and  a  new  Knowledge  about  the Nature of Reality  becomes
        apparent among the more Advanced Populations of the World.

        1) New Age Groups  arise and Metaphysical Societies  increase
           in Membership. More and more People become aware.

        2) Western  and  Eastern Ideologies  unite  and more Thinkers
           are engrossed  in their Studies  of both Religions and the
           different Lifestyles.

        3) Growing awareness of the Western Indians  and the Roles of
           the White People within Society are questioned.  A greater
           Participation and Understanding of Brotherhood appears.

        4) An  Acceptance  of  the  Planetary History  comes about in
           contrast  to  the  Teachings of the Orthodox Sciences  and
           Religions. We have been here from the Beginning.

        5) The Interest in  Psychic Phenomena and Non-Physical Events
           increases among many Peoples of the World.

        6) The  Entertainment  Scene  of  Star-War Movies and similar
           type of Entertainment is accepted and becomes more evident.

        7) Following  the  Separation of Church and State in the last
           Century an Awareness of a different God Concept arises.

    5.  A  "Zero-Energy-Level"  on a Planetary Scale becomes evident.

        This is broken down into Death... Burial... and Resurrection.

                  - The first Phase is the Death Phase -

        1) The Economic... Philosophical and Religious Systems are in
           the last Stages of Survival.  A general Doubt arises about

        2) The Present Technology makes Racial Suicide possible.

        3) Many People  become aware of the Inadequacy of the present
           Systems in Society and Culture.  A Feeling of... Now What?

        4) The Third Dimensional Energies become insufficient.

        5) The present Race is in a slow process of Dying.

        6) The Death Period  has started  and will continue  into the
           next Decade and Century.

        7) An Increase  in Physical Catastrophies  and more  and more
           People will leave the Physical Body.

        8) A Rise in Suicides and Death Rates.

        9) Dimensional Pressures force People into leaving the Body.

    6. The Burial Phase.  The Trend  that   started  in point #5 will
       continue.  It is a slow Process of Death  and Destruction that
       is caused by Outside as well as Inside Forces.

        1) The Mass Consciousness will slip into Shock.

        2) A  Rise of Popularity  of  the Old Religions. This will be
           followed by  a turning away from them.  People cannot find
           the Answers they are looking for.

        3) The Rise in Death Rate  will  make Funerals most unpopular
           because there are just too many of them.

        4) Many People will be buried by Physical Calamities.

        5) A Sphere of Shock  and Sorrow at the Nature of Events will
           be complicated  by  the difficult Nature of Physical Life.
           There will be a Peak  in  the  early 1990's  and a further
           Peak towards the End of the Century.

    7.  The Resurrection Phase.  This peak will occur towards the end
        of the Century but it is already beginning.

        1) A small number  of  People  will  have  already passed the
           point of being subject to death and continue living.

        2) In  this  Period (82-90) several  People will be privately
           demonstrating the  Fourth/Fifth  Dimensional Freedoms  and
           they will be an Example of the Freedom from Death.

        3) In spite  of the Events mentioned in #5 and #6  there will
           be a growing Awakening  of Spiritual Life  and many People
           will move into the new Vitality of this Life.

        4) By the End  of  the present Decade  there will be a Public
           Demonstration of the higher Dimensional Abilities  and the
           Reality of it. Many People will be able to see it.

        5) The  Introduction of Unlimited Sources of Power  by People
           who have attained  the Christ Consciousness.  These Powers
           will provide alternate Energy Resources for Mankind.

        6) The Presence of  those  in  the Christ Consciousness  will
           replace  the Leaders of Mankind  in  the old Dimension and
           they will function as the Leaders of the World.

        7) The Presence and Intervention of the Solar Government.

        8) The Light of the Christ will be seen around the World.

    8.  The Resurrection is not the Final Phase. There are several
        more Steps but they are all combined in this last Step.

        1) The Resurrection has to be assimilated by the Race.  There
           will be  an Increase in Destruction of the Third Dimension
           culminating in the Pole-Shift just before the Year 2000.

        2) Increasing Distortions  and  Upsets of  the Physical World
           due  to  the Dimensional Changes...  associated  with  the
           Activation of the second and third Order Energies.

        3) The Emergence  of  other Planes  and Realities will become
           more evident. Especially the Astral Plane.

        4) In  the  last  Half  of  the next decade  there will be an
           intense   Period  of  Teaching   and  Preparation  of  the
           Population  in  order  to  survive  the Convulsions of the
           Planet which will take place by the End of the Century.

        5) By about  1997-1998  the Race  will be  prepared  for  the
           necessary Changes of the Physical and Spiritual Natures of
           the Planet.  This will lessen the harmful Effect  of these

        6) The Change of the Axis of the Planet along with some other
           Changes  will take place.  A final  Dimensional Adjustment
           and a re-arrangement of some of the Configurations  of the
           Planet and other Celestial Activities will take place.

        7) The Return  of  the Christ...!  And the Establishment of a
           Planetary  Government  in line  with the Solar Government.
           The Christ Presence  will  be  recognized  as well  as the
           Beginning of  a  new Racial Expression on the Planet.  New
           Goals and Purposes  will  be  established  for the Race as
           well as a new Educational System. The People of Earth will
           return to the Life of the Solar System.

                      The Above provides a Framework
                of what can be expected in the near Future.

                   The Personal Changes will bring about
             the Recognition of the Mental Reality of our Race
           and the Abilities to function in the Etheric Energies
                           while still retaining
                  the Body as an Anchor in the Physical.

                   In Time... the Body will also respond
            and will be set Free from the Physical Limitations.

              The Activation of the Second and Third Energies
                 stimulates the Mental or Thought Reality.
                       This is where these Energies
                  are initially recognized and utilized.
                               After that...
             they are brought to bear on the External Reality.

                       THE EIGHT DEGREES OF FREEDOM



    Dimen.                   CHARACTERISTICS

    Dim.1)  Freedom to be  aware.  Not self awareness.  Simply being
            part of a larger Environment. Capable of interactions.

    Dim.2)  Freedom  to  move.  No knowledge of Movement.   Automatic
            Reaction to the Environment it inhabits.

    Dim.3)  Freedom  to  be  aware... to move... and do it purposely!
            This describes  the  basic  Characteristic  of  our Devic
            Kingdom  and  World.  This is demonstrated  in the higher
            Levels of the Animal Kingdom. Because of the Inhabitation
            of Form by Man at this Stage... there is a completely new
            Factor introduced  into  the Scheme of Progression.  This
            marks an extreme swing  of the  objective Polarity of our

    Dim.4)  Freedom and Control  over the External Environment.  This
            marks  the  Beginning of a swing back  to a more Balanced
            Approach of our Expression.  (From the Polarized State of
            our Expression in the Third Stage or Dimension.)

    Dim.5   Detailed Control over the Basic Constituents of the outer
            Environment.  Full Awareness of the Relationships between
            the Inner Consciousness and the Outer Creation.

            The  Ability  to produce any desired  Effect or Change by
            the  inner manipulation of Consciousness.  This marks the
            Changeover from the Outer to the Inner Consciousness.

    Dim.6   We become  an active Agent  for  the Manifestation of the
            Plans  and Procedures  of  the Triune-Godself within. Our
            Identity  will  be  firmly  associated   with  the  Inner
            Consciousness or Godself within.

    Dim.7)  This denotes  a  significant Control over the Life Forces
            of the Godhead  as well as  the Control over the means of

    Dim.8)  This marks  a  significant Change!  The first seven Steps
            represent  a  complete  Cycle.  The  eighth  step  is the
            Beginning  of  a  new  Experience  entirely.   Instead of
            dealing with the Consciousness  and resulting Energies we
            will deal directly  with the Father-Mother God Forces  as
            Sons of God.


    The Beginning of Man's Daring Physical Experiment was 260 million
    Years ago.  Naturally... there were many Cycles within Cycles and
    Changes upon Changes.   The Adamic Race  of  which we are  a Part
    started 26,000 Years ago  and  we  are  now in the last Stages of
    Culmination of this Expression and Experience.  We will return to
    a higher Dimensional Expression or State and naturally we will be
    more evolved and wiser than we were before.

    Many  Millions  upon  Millions  of  Years  have passed  since  we
    descended upon an Earth  that  was entirely different.  We had to
    learn  to  adopt  to  our Physical Creation of Matter.  Under the
    Guidance  of  our Elder Brothers in Consciousness  all of us have
    come a long way since the Beginning of our Endeavour.

    Eventually  all of us   will return  to the Etheric Levels of our
    Creation.   When  this will happen  however... will depend on the
    Individuals involved.

                 Life... Creation... in being what we are
         is the most wonderful Experience we could possibly enjoy.

                         REJOICE... FOR BEING YOU.

    The following are...


    1)  Intent.  Includes Purpose and the Desired Results.

    2)  Assemblage. Framework and Design for the subsequent Activity.
        These Steps provide the Energies  needed for the Incarnations
        as planned.

    3)  Incarnations or Projections. Entering into a State of Rest to
        allow for (or to make possible) the Changes  into the next or
        actual Lifetime Periods.

    4)  We live in our planned Incarnations and while we are actually
        incarnated our Existences appear to be very real.

    5)  Dematerialization or Withdrawal.

    6)  The Soul Phase. This is the Culmination of our Experiences as
        mentioned in Step Four.

    7)  Manifestations within the Son of God Level.

                             THE SEVEN STAGES
                       FOR AN INDIVIDUAL HUMAN BEING
                  FROM THE THIRD TO THE 4th5th DIMENSION

    1)  We find ourselves living in the Third Dimension in a Physical
        Body without any knowledge or Desire to be in any other Plane
        of Existence or to be alive in  any other Condition.  We feel
        that we belong here  and always have been.  The Idea of other
        Planes of Existence is considered to be Weird.

    2)  An Inner Feeling  develops  and an Awakening  to a Desire  to
        something beyond the Physical Environment. This Inner Feeling
        is the first Intrusion  of the Forces  that  are  designed to
        bring about the eventual Movement into the 4th5th Dimension.

    3)  Some Action is taken to sooth the Discomforts that arose from
        the  previous  Stirrings  of  the Higher Consciousness.  Most
        Religious Experiences  and  Activities fit into this Category
        as well as  the Actions  designed  to  bolster  the Faith and
        Security in  the Physical Third Dimensional System.  Feelings
        of Restlessness and Aloneness are experienced in this Stage.

    4)  We experience serious Doubts about all the prior Feelings and
        a Reversal seems to take place. We might also go to the other
        extreme and turn away from the whole Religious Scene until we
        receive further Evidence and/or new Knowledge comes in.

        This entire Phase is a serious questioning of our entire view
        of Religion... Science... and other Opinions  and new efforts
        are made to investigate the Validity of all these Things.

    5)  We enter into a correct Knowledge and Approach to the Reality
        of Self and God.  We search out the Truth within  in contrast
        to the Externalized Teachings and Dogmas.

    6)  This is the Stage where the Individual goes into a Level that
        is called... "The Zero Energy Level". The Third Dimension and
        all that it stands for comes to an End and everything becomes
        unstuck! The Awareness of the Futility of the Third Dimension
        as an ongoing Environment becomes apparent.

    7)  This is the Start of the Movement into the 4th5th Dimensional
        State of Existence and the Individual is no longer trapped in
        the  Third  Dimension.  The Realization and the Acceptance of
        this State of Freedom is experienced by the Individual.

        These Processes and Experiences all overlap to some Extent
         since the 4th5th Dimension includes the Third Dimension.

               In the same Sense all Dimensions are included
                          in One Complete System.

    The first  Three Stages  overlap  considerably  and  they are not
    sequential as might be inferred. The Fourth Stage marks the first
    serious Beginning of the Change  into the Fifth.   The last three
    Stages overlap considerably  as well  and they contain a lot more
    than is implied in this simplified Version of Transcendence.

    The 4th5th Dimension is not the same as  the Christ Consciousness
    even  though  there  is  a  Relationship in our Present Planetary
    Experience.   The  Incoming  of  the Christ Consciousness  brings
    about  the External Conditions  which are described as the 4th5th

    The Change from the Third to the 4th5th Dimension  is resisted by
    the very Nature of the Third Dimension.  As a Race in Hu-man Form
    and Expression... as the Adamic Race... we partake of the need to
    maintain the Continuity  and Validity of the Third Dimension.  So
    that which is a normal part of  the Racial Physical Expression is
    re-enforced  by  our  own  Expression  in  the Free Will Level of
    Consciousness and as Units within the Mass Consciousness.

    The entire Expression of Man in this Planet (Physical and Astral)
    makes a Group Consciousness  which is referred to in this writing
    as the Mass Consciousness.

                        - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                             THE TWELVE STEPS

                               THE FOLLOWING
                       THE TWELVE STEPS OR PROCESSES

    STEP 1.
    The Establishment of a Pattern  for the Physical Incarnations and
    in this Case: The Adamic Race with Angelic Sub-structure.

    STEP 2.
    Incarnations  at  the Free Will Level  of  which  some are barely
    above the Undifferentiated Stage.

    STEP 3.
    Proliferation of Experience in these Incarnations.

    STEP 4. (Same as in Step 2 of the Seven Steps from 3 to 4 Dim.)
    An  Inner  Feeling  develops  and  an  Awakening  to a Desire  to
    something beyond the Physical Environment.  This Inner Feeling is
    the first Intrusion  of the Forces  that  are  designed to  bring
    about the eventual Movement into the 4th5th Dimension.

    STEP 5. (Same as in Step 3 of the Seven Steps from 3 to 4 Dim.)
    Some Action is taken to sooth the Discomforts that arose from the
    previous Stirrings  of  the Higher Consciousness.  Most Religious
    Experiences  and Activities fit into this Category as well as the
    Actions  designed  to  bolster  the  Faith  and  Security  in the
    Physical  Third Dimensional System.  Feelings of Restlessness and
    Aloneness are experienced in this Stage.

    STEP 6. (Same as in Step 4 of the Seven Steps from 3 to 4 Dim.)
    We experience  serious  Doubts about all the prior Feelings and a
    Reversal  seems  to  take  place.  We might also  go to the other
    extreme  and turn away  from  the whole Religious Scene  until we
    receive further Evidence and/or new Knowledge comes in.

    This entire Phase is a serious questioning of our entire view of
    Religion... Science... and  other  Opinions  and new efforts are
    made to investigate the Validity of all these Things.

    STEP 7. (Same as in Step 5 of the Seven Steps from 3 to 4 Dim.)
    We enter into a correct Knowledge and Approach to the Reality of
    Self and God. We search out the Truth within  in contrast to the
    Externalized Teachings and Dogmas.

    STEP 8.
    Death!  This is the closing of the Incarnational Cycles.  A dying
    to Life as part of the Mass Consciousness.  The Completion of the
    entire Third Dimensional Experience.

    STEP 9. Burial!  This is the  In-between  Stage in which we are
    no longer part of the old Reality  but have not entered into the
    new State. It is a Period of intense Activity  at the Soul  or
    Consciousness Level.

    STEP 10. Resurrection!  This is the Birth  of  the Christ
    Consciousness at the outer Physical Objective Reality.  The
    Marriage or Joining of the Conscious and Sub-Conscious and the
    Beginning of a Stage that eventually leads into an Expression in
    a Light Body.

    STEP 11. Redescent! The Expression in the Physical Dimension at
    the Christ Consciousness Level. This Expression is 4th5th
    Dimensional and is overshadowed by the Light Body.

    STEP 12. The Union of the Original Expression and the New Level
    of Being.

         ! These Steps do not function on a Chronological Basis !

    Steps Four, Five, Six, and Seven  are taken from the Seven Stages
    of going from the Third to the 4th5th Dimension.

    Step Eight, Nine, and Ten combined, are associated with the Three
    Days of Darkness.

    Step Six is closely related to the Battle of Armageddon.

                 There are Three more Sets of Twelve Steps
              to adequately describe this Process of Change.

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                          - End of the Addendum -

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