File 11 of 12

                        THE NAME OF GOD... IS MAN

         Every Human Birth is an Incarnation of God.
                                                Again and Again.
              After every Birth however...
                   this 'Greatness' is being conditioned...
                                     by the Nonsense of Mankind.

         Since this Nonsense has been imprinted...
                 upon the Mind or Soul of the Newborn...
                       during all previous lives...
              it takes Perseverance and Intuitive Knowing...
                          in order to outgrow...
                                        the Nonsense of Mankind.

         To think that there is something higher than You...
                         is but a thought-form of a deluded Ego.

                 Feelings of Inferiority and Ignorance...
                                    cause this kind of thinking.

         The only thing to realize is...
                 that the Nameless-All is as much You...
                                       as that IT is all Others.

             To realize this Truth... is being IT.
                     How to realize this... cannot be taught.

            It is a matter of transcending the Being you are.

         It is an Explosion of Consciousness...
                    that promotes you to the State of being ALL.

         All Human Beings will eventually transcend...
                           their Ego-Oriented-Personality...
               and will attain the State of Knowing...
                                    their True Greatness in God.

                        To realize this Truth...
                              is knowing...
                     that the Name of God... is Man.

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                      THE UNCHANGING AND THE FOREVER

          Other Flowers will grow...
                other Birds will sing...
                     other Children will dance...
                          and other Faces will cry...

                Other Eyes will see...
                     other Hearts will beat...
                          other Races will appear...
                               and other Worlds will suffer...

                     Other Stars will shine...
                          other Planets will evolve...
                               other Thoughts will arise...
                                  and other Words will explain.

                Other Universes will be...
                            and other Gods will reign.

          But forever...
               forever will be... The Essence of Life.

                            Forever will be...
                                   The One That Is All.

                  And every Second of Eternity...
                                     you will be there.

                  For you are...
                        The Unchanging and the Forever.

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          These Gods on Earth...
                    - this Race of Man -
                              is on a Journey of Self-Discovery.

                This Discovery reveals...
                      that what is searching...
                                             is THAT...
                                      what has to be discovered.

                      In other words...
                            We are finding Ourselves.

          All this Activity takes place...
                within the Reality of our own Creation.

                Creation is the Multiple Manifestation...
                                of the One Consciousness we are.

          This Race of Man...
                is a Race of Gods...
                        journeying within...
                                their own Consciousness
                                         and its Manifestations.

          We dream and create...
               the many Dreams we are...
                    that become reality in multiple Forms...
                               and are part of the Truth we are.

          The Truth we are...
               is the One Consciousness that appears
                     as the Multiplicity of the Universe
                                              and as Itself

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                             THE WORDS OF GOD

          My Poems... yes my Poems...
               my Poems are the most beautiful
                                    in the Universe... I know.

               The Universe I know however...
                           is like a 'Speck of Dust'...
                                         compared to Infinity.

               Since I am... what I am...
                           I will write and write.
                      The more I write...
                              the greater my Universe becomes.

               The greater my Universe...
                           the more I can sculpture...
                       the Beauty of the Universe I know.
                                     The 'Speck of Dust' I am.

          To slowly impinge upon...
                       the Universe I miss...
                              and the Beauty I'm not aware of.

               And like the Sun is more...
                           than the Creator of Shadows.
                       So am I more than the Creator of Poems.

          Since God however is 'All There Is'...
                         God is the 'Speck of Dust' I am...
                                       that forms my Universe.

          The 'Speck of Dust' that writes...
                          in Words that are God...
                                             the Words of God.

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                   MAN DOES IT ALL...  BY MEANS OF GOD

         God never smiles...
              God never laughs...
                   God never cries...
                        God never kills...
                             God never scorns...
                                  God never demands...
                                       God never forgets...
                                            God never sleeps...
                                                 God never prays...
                                            God never saves...
                                       God never fears...
                                  God never denies...
                             God never fights...
                        God never annoys...
                   God never swears...
              God never appears...
                   God never disappears...
                        God never approves...
                             God never opposes...
                                  God never yields...
                                       God never protests...
                                            God never moves...
                                       God never fails...
                                  God never dies...
                             God never farts...
                                  God never does Anything!

                  MAN DOES IT ALL... BY MEANS OF GOD

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                               OUR CREATION

           People say...
               that God is God.
                     And that God is invisible.

                     But I say...
                          that God is White...
                                         and Black.

                                And God is Brown...
                                               and Yellow.
                                           For God is Everybody.

                 And I also say
                    that God is Handsome... and Muscular.

                        While also... God is Female and Shapely.
                              And many Gods are Beautiful.

           Also God is Hard and Cold...
                     and full of Cunningness.
                And sometimes even called a Bastard.

                           For God is Everybody.
                                    And Everybody is God.

           So... All Gods are fascinating...
                                    and intriguing.
                        While all Gods make up the World of Man.

                             For ALL of US are Gods in Flesh.

                 For Man IS God.
                     Personified in whatever we are.
                               We are God in the Physical...

                     Living upon a World...
                                    that is God too.
                                                 For ALL is God.

           And God the Physical...
                     being Mankind
                     has incarnated into the Physical Worlds
                     as different Individuals in order to learn.

              To learn about...
                     God's own Home-Ground...
                                the Physical Creation of God.

           And while some Gods have blue eyes...
                             other Gods have brown ones.
               And some eyes are slanted...
                               while others are partly closed.

           That's why some Gods have learned more than others.
                And many Gods are but beginners...
                         fighting the Devil... called Ignorance.

           And other Gods again...
                fight wars of righteousness...
                     with the blessings of the ones that preach.

           And last of all...
                all these Gods imagine...
                            that all other Gods are Sinners.

                                  To be punished forever.

                                                  WHAT NONSENSE.

           For we as Gods...
                are the Creators of the Sun and Stars...
                                           and all the Galaxies.

                And we live on a Planet called Earth...
                                      to be in the Physical.

           We live in a Matter World we created unconsciously.
                  To learn about it consciously.

                                 To learn about... OUR CREATION.

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                             THE LIGHT WITHIN

          "I"... yes "I"...
                     "I" am the Almighty God...
                                   and "I" play Universe.

                Playing Universe means...
                       playing 'hide and seek' forever and ever.

                      For in 'ALL THAT IS'...
                                     "I" am hidden.
                                                For You to find.

          'ALL THAT IS'...
                       is ME...
                            in forever changing Forms.
                                             But few do know it.

                 The few that know it
                                and know ME
                             know ME as they are.
                                             Being ME.

                 And the part they play
                            - as ME and for ME -
                       is known to them as their part.

          During the act they play
                they come on stage...
                       disguised in everything else...
                                                  but ME.
                                            Time and Time again.

          For the 'real' player...
                               - ME -
                      does not come onto stage...
                                              like ME.
                                   It would be a dead give-away.

          So in the play of 'hide and seek'...
                   "I" am disguised in ALL that You see...
                                             and change forever.

          Since the Blind are leading the Blind...
                  all people are told that the play is for real.

                       Very few find out that it is not.

                       All players however are ME...
                                          acting not ME.
                                               Except for a few.

          If all players knew...
                   that they were ME...
                             the play would be a 'flop'.
             The way it works now...
                             the play is 'Real as Life'.

                      For most actors think they are themselves.

          The play is an Eternal-Life-Suspense-Drama.
                    To find out that they are ME... is the Game.

          This however does not happen too soon...
                       for "I" am hidden deep within...
                                         to be found by feeling.

              Yet it is impossible...
                                 to touch...
                                       what "I" am.

          When the Curtains close...
                     all actors have a good laugh at themselves.

               Before this however...
                              most of them cry in Darkness.

                       For "I" am The Light Within.

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