File 9 of 12

                          IT WILL JUST HANG OUT

         Every Human Being suffers from inferiority.
              Inferiority is a State of Mind...
                        that compels you to make sure...
                                  your ass in not hanging out.

         Children however are above inferiority.
              But as soon as they become self-conscious...
                            the feeling of inferiority starts.

         To get rid of inferiority...
              you have to become a Child again.

              For Adults to become a Child again...
                         can only be done...
                                 by becoming Enlightened.

              To become Enlightened means...
                  attaining the State of Christ-Consciousness.

             Another Method is to become just plain drunk.

             To become just plain drunk...
                                   is what most People do.

             Drunk with Wine... drunk with Beer.
                 Drunk with Drugs... drunk with Work.
                                   Or drunk with Ambition.

         All these however are but temporary measures.
                                              And Substitutes.

             The feeling of inferiority...
                         is enhanced by all Substitutes.
                   And the more they are used...
                                  the more your ass hangs out.

         Oh yes... Respectability also is a Substitute.
                                     It's very subtle however.
                                           And covered up.

         But after all... ass  is  ass.
                     Sooner or later... it will just hang out.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                            WITHIN THEIR HEART

          God was born...

               Yes indeed...
                    God was born unconsciously...
                                    in his own Creation.

          Time and time again...
                    God had to return again and again...
                          in order to recognize...
                                         and realize...
                                              that this was so.

          And when God finally...
                was absolutely sure...
                              he wrote this Poem...
                                          to tell his Brothers.

                Very few but listened...
                              and many thought...
                                        that God was crazy.

                But lately...
                     a few of them...
                         have recognized and realized...
                              that indeed...
                                   they were told...
                                                 The Truth.

                For they have heard...
                          the Echo of God's Voice...
                                        within their Heart.

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                               GOD AT WORK

                    is God at Work.

                When You are imagining...
                          You are the only One...
                                  knowing what God does.

           Your Imagination...
                    is God at work...
                              through You.

                    You however...
                              are the One working.
                                              Being God.

           To learn to use your Imagination...
                              is to learn to become God...
                                                more and more.

                Use it often...
                          for Practice makes Perfect.

           The Force that enables You...
                               to imagine...
                                      is the Force called God.

           The Force...
                in and by itself...
                           is the Miracle...
                                     that lets You...
                                              be what You are.

                                         God at Work.

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                         TO FIND THE TRUTH WE ARE

           I am a Space-Being.
                      And I appear in the Skin of Man.
                 Sometimes I am Male...
                            and sometimes I am Female.

           I have been on Earth many times.
                      Yet... every time I come here...
                                      the Place is different.

                      Things keep changing around...
                                 yet all things are the same.

           Man still fights his Brothers...
                                because he fears them.

                  He still believes in Saviours.
                              Churches are abundant...
                                     but Peace I cannot find.

           My Brother Space-Beings...
                            that they are but Man.

                  They fear their Gods...
                          and pray to be delivered...
                                                   from Evil.

           I love them all.
                      But few of them know...
                              that they are like me.

                              A Guest of the Universe...
                                    to find the Truth we are.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                         TO CHAOS AND DESTRUCTION

         The Light...
             out of which All is born...
                                  is not some Deity.

         The Light... out of which ALL arises...
                                          will never die.
                                       For IT was never born.

         But the God of the Churches...
             the God that is born within the Minds of Man...
                                              that God is dying.

             For this is the God...
                         created by the Thoughts of Man.
                   This is the God Man fears...
                                         worries about...
                                                and looks up to.

                   This is the Deity...
                               that is useless to Man.

         But The Light...
                   out of which ALL is born...
                                is The Light that is within You.
                       As well as... within your Brother.

               Honour The Light              ...
                    that is within You...
                              and within your Brother.

                                       For it is the same Light.

         For the God you thought you knew...
                        has brought us to where we are.

                                       To Chaos and Destruction.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                             THE LIGHT MAN IS

           God is an 'unconscious' Creator.
                          Conscious Man... is God's Creation.
                   The 'unconscious' Creator God is...
                                          becomes Conscious Man.

                          Man however thinks...
                                   that he is but a Man.

                   Man thinks...
                      that he is some kind of Creature...
                          created by some Greatness...
                                      that is 'conscious'...
                                            and knows about Man.

           God is the Force...
                that is beyond... 'being conscious'...
                                      beyond... 'awareness'.

                God only becomes 'conscious'...
                                within its Creations.
                                         Man is one of them.

           When this Man-Creature...
                becomes 'conscious' of what he really is...
                                                he is astounded.

                When Man becomes aware...
                        of his True Greatness...
                                  the Blind-God he is...
                                            sees The Light.

                             THE LIGHT MAN IS.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                               A SON OF GOD

                Life in the Physical... is but a fad.
                                It is something... to out-grow.

                To out-grow Physical Life though...
                                 takes many and many Lifetimes.

                And to out-grow Physical Life...
                                    is what you are working on.
                Yes indeed...
                          to out-grow Physical Life...
                                   is what you are doing...
                                                     right now.

           Most People are trying to out-grow Death.
                                    And all of them are Losers.

                 For Death is impossible.
                      You can never out-grow it.
                                There is no such thing.

           For Life... Life is continuous.
                And only some stages are lived in the Physical.
                     This is what Human Life...
                                          is all about.

           And to come to know this...
                           is the first step in out-growing it.

                Many and many steps and stages...
                                are beyond Physical Life.

                    One of them...
                           is to be a Buddha...
                                          or a Christ.

                    Which means...
                                to be... A Son of God.

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                         THE NATURE OF MAN IS GOD

        The Nature of God is Love.
           The Nature of Love is Compassion.
              The Nature of Compassion is Understanding.
                 The Nature of Understanding is Knowing.
                    The Nature of Knowing is Intuition.
                       The Nature of Intuition is Feeling.
                          The Nature of Feeling is Soul.
                             The Nature of Soul is Man.

                                        The Nature of Man is God.

                             The Nature of God is Love.
                          The Nature of Love is Compassion.
                       The Nature of Compassion is Understanding.
                    The Nature of Understanding is Knowing.
                 The Nature of Knowing is Intuition.
              The Nature of Intuition is Feeling.
           The Nature of Feeling is Soul.
        The Nature of Soul is Man.

                      The Nature of Man is God.

        The Nature of God is Love.
           The Nature of Love is Compassion.
              The Nature of Compassion is Understanding.
                 The Nature of Understanding is Knowing.
                    The Nature of Knowing is Intuition.
                       The Nature of Intuition is Feeling.
                          The Nature of Feeling is Soul.
                             The Nature of Soul is Man.

                                         The Nature of Man is God.

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                        THE ONE THING CALLED LIFE

      In the total Universe there is but ONE thing... Consciousness.
           This Consciousness is an Eternal Enigma...
                of Perpetual Paradox... for it appears to be...
                                       Man and God at the same time.

                Consciousness... has two poles...
                            these poles are Man and God.

      Man and God are inseparable... and are creating each other.
            For the One cannot be without the Other.
                            Both of them form a Unit... that is ONE.

                Man and God then exist because of each Other.

      When God becomes Man...
            for most people God seems to disappear.
                               And when Man becomes God...
                                    Man disappears into what God is.

      A man who becomes God...
                      knows that he is a God-Man-Individual...
             that had to become Man in order to know that he is God.

                         While God in and by itself
              can never know itself without becoming Man first.

                Consciousness then...
                              being Man  and  God...
                   can only become aware of itself as Godness
                                                by means of Mankind.

          While Mankind can only become aware of itself...
                           by means of Consciousness or Godness.

      So... in the Universe...
            God  and  Man  or 'being'  and  'awareness'
                          are the 'Yin' and 'Yang' of Consciousness.

                 Consciousness... the Perpetual Paradox...

                        The ONE Thing called Life.

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