File 3 of 12

                       IN THE CLOSENESS OF ONE MIND

             At Night...
                  when I look into Mind...
                                 I find the Stars.

             The Markers...
                  of the Expanding Universal Mind
                                           of Immensity.
                          And the Immensity of Me.
                                             For ALL is ONE.

             For Space...
                  is but Thoughts of Mind
                                   filled with Stars
                            to show the Endlessness of Mind.

                               Born from Thoughts...
                                     of the Eternal ALL.

             Sharing Thought for Thought
                                         with Me
                               in the Closeness of one Mind.

             While the Eternal ALL
                                 and I
                         expand in Consciousness
                   by the Thoughts...
                         of Stars expanding.
                                To mark our Space
                                       with Endless Markers.

             For Space... Time... Stars...
                                        and I
                                 and the Eternal ALL
                      are but Thoughts in Mind
                                      of All That Is
                                 in Unison of Consciousness.

             And nothing ever will be lost...
                  for All is Present...
                          within the Mind of Minds.

                   Sharing Thought for Thought
                                           with Me
                               in the Closeness of one Mind.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                             THE COSMIC MIND

           When I have found...
                the Delight of Being
                          to be my Total Self.

                The Depth of my Dream
                          will be touching
                                the Inner Worth of my Soul

           I will be free then
                     of the Confinement of my Body
                          and rise to the Level of Consciousness
                marked by the experiences
                         of the God I am within the Cosmic Mind.

                          And the Markings...
                                will be in Richness and Splendor
                                        of Understanding.

           Then I will know
                that the Self I experienced
                          is ALL that ever was.

                While the Experiences
                          were but the Illusions
                                           of my Mind.

           Depicting the Limitations of my Awareness.
                The Limitations of the Self
                              in training to become...
                                                  the God I am.

           The God that was hiding
                    beyond Eternity in Time
                                 I fashioned to be.
                                     Because of my Limitations.

           The Limitations that I will conquer
                               to become the ALL that ever was.

                       The ALL...
                               that's me...
                                    the Cosmic Mind.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                            OUR BREAD AND WINE

             In the Eons and Eons of Man in need
                       his Eyes and Thoughts went up to plead.
             Knowing not... that HE... by his Total Self
                    was the GOD and CREATOR... yes HE himself.

             So in all the Eons he moaned the Sky
                          the Truth of Man just passed him by.
             For in all his Acts... for food and drink
                      he called on Darkness and did not think.

             And in his Delusion of different skin
                          he did not see their Godness within.
             While in his Pain of War and Might
                     his Selfness but bled... his Godly Light.

             But in this Aquarian New Age Design
                          Man's Mind and Planets are to align.
             And he will know... that his Self... so odd
                         is the very Creator and the only God.

             For Man... this Creature of Eons old
                        is the true Designer and Builder bold.
             For his Worlds and Stars are made in Mind
                    by his hidden Thoughts... the silent kind.

             Flowing forth forever... from his Mental Twin
                    from this Human God... the Creator within.

             But now... that Man has found his Source
                         his Inner God will direct his Course.
             Embracing Brothers from Time and Space
                             for Consciousness is of ONE Race.
             And through our Cosmic Mind Divine
                      we move... and share our Bread and Wine.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                      THE CENTER OF REST IN I-AMNESS

           I am Motion...
                     standing still.

                      For Peace of Mind...
                             has commanded Stillness to Motion.

                      And the 'Standing Still' I am...
                                              is Motion itself.

           For I am ALL.
                  For I am....
                       the Life of the Universe...
                             in complete Rest and Solitude.

                                 As if frozen in Peace

           Peace of Ages...
               that never were...
                    but in Minds of Motion.
                           In the Stillness of Knowing Silence.

           I am Motion...
                     standing still.

                             For Peace of Mind
                                   has commanded Stillness
                                                     to Motion.

               And in the Midst of Insanity...
                       I am The Center of Rest in I-amness.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                                ALL IS ME

               In the Innermost Core of my Being...
                                                I AM ALONE.

               But yet I share with you
                            - The Totality of Man -
                                               I am Within.

                   And when I speak to you...
                              I speak to you for Many.

               For in the Aloneness of my Being...
                                             - I AM ALL -
                                            that ever were.

               And within the Restfulness of Purity
                         amidst the Beauty of Aloneness
                              I am fulfilled to Completion.

               For in the Shrine...
                               where I...
                               and my Aloneness meet...
                                                 ALL is ME.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                            THIS ACTION IS GOD

               And People say...
                      that God in his Wisdom
                                        shared ALL
                                  there was to be shared.

          And the Shares...
                  that God passed along...
                            are counted by the Fools.
                                      But the Wise never bother.

          For he...
                who is worth his Share...
                        that Shares grow by using them
                                       and diminish by counting.

          And I say...
               that he who shares his Shares...
                            is the Wisest of Them All.

                                For he approaches God in Wisdom.

          He who approaches God in Wisdom
                is the only one who is counted by Wisdom itself.

                 Wisdom itself...
                     can neither be counted or estimated.
                          For its Quantity...
                                  contains all Qualities.

                      Gathered together...
                                   in but ONE Action.

                          This Action... is God.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                                I PROVIDE

                 My Pen is the Link...
                           between the Minds I am.
                 And when it writes...
                           I am the one who is reading.

            And whoever wants to speak...
                              appears on the Paper I provide.
            Up to now... many have spoken...
                                      and much has been said.

                 Yet... in all the Ages of Living...
                          Words will never cover the lot.

                 For it is the Feeling...
                                of the Hearts I am...
                          that unites and becomes...
                                      the Love behind my Pen.

            The Love behind my Pen...
                      expressing the Thoughts I receive...
                 from the Hearts in Love that write...
                            in Silent Communion of Oneness...
                      flowing forth...
                                from the Link I am...
                                            through my Pen...
                                       on the Paper...
                                                   I provide.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                        YOU LIVE IN IT... YOURSELF

            The God that you created...
                             is not the God that created you.
                  What or Who then...
                                 is your Creator?

                         And the answer is... YOU.

            Yes... YOU are your own Creator.

                         You are a God and Creator...
                                               in the Making.

                       You are a Becoming Greatness.

            For all you do... in this Life...
                                and in any other...
                adds to your Experience and Knowledge...
                            to eventually bloom into Godness.

         All your Lives...
              and all the Attitudes towards your lives and living
                       accumulates to make up...
                                the Maker of You... You are.

         You are your own Maker.
                    You are your own Creator.

                 And your Soul...
                          the Individual Consciousness you are
                                    is the Creator...
                                          and Maintainer...
                                          of the Body you live in.

         Your Body ... is the Instrument...
                           you experience as your Creation.

                                       YOU LIVE IN IT... YOURSELF.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                        KNOWING GOD... KNOWING YOU

               To make something simple...
                            is the way of the Ego.

               To make something difficult...
                                 is the way of the Heart.

               To manage both the Ego...
                                      and the Heart
                                 is the Task of the Soul.

          To know why all three are needed
                                 and make you a Human Being
                           is Godness in Practice...
                                               or Divine Wisdom.

          The Ego is the Conscious Mind of Self.
              The Heart is the Intuitive Higher Self.
                               The Soul is the Director of Both.

              Godness is the Impetus of Thought...
                                            that knows how.

          Understanding is...
                   what you are all about.
                        When you understand... you are Balanced.

                  Then... neither Questions...
                                   nor Answers are needed.

                  To be Balanced means...
                       having found the Peace of Selfhood.

                     It means...
                           Knowing God... Knowing You.

                             ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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