! ... Gerardus'  25,000  Posts ... !

~ My Pages and my Posts are my Legacy ~
( Do not laugh so loud - I am already doing That )

... My point here Is ...
How could I possibly have a Legacy
when I as an illusionary person know that I do not actually Exist?

For more on This
... Gerardus Speaks ...

05 - 1998

                   Here follow some the posts I wrote to TriLite.
                            ... Have fun and Enjoy ...

         ! WOW - All I can say is that I sure wrote a lot of posts - WOW !

                                   = = = = = = =


Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 09:22:12
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: TriLite: Re: TriLite-Digest V1 #276
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com

Lisa here:
>Hi Gerardus, and Pheonix, 
>I must agree with Pheonix on the subject of Spirit. In my belief system 
>Spirit is the higher self. 

Gerardus here: 
The word 'Spirit' is a relatively small word - but it represent about 99% 
of the Universe - if not a 100% - for we are Spirit or Spirits as well. 
The way you put this Lisa is a bit vague according to me. There are many 
Spirits out there who have their influences upon our world called earth and 
human kind. 

Which is the right Spirit - so to speak?

For example: 
All Channelers listen to Spirits or Spirit. How come so few agree? 
There are similarities - but it is up to us to discern what is! 


Lisa here: 
>The part of me that is connected to the divine 
>energy of the Universe. This is what guides me when I don't know which 
way >to turn, although I may not always listen. Spirit is not some outside 
force >that speaks to me, or through me, at random. 

Gerardus here: 
I agree - there is nothing really outside of us. But for now - since I as 
Gerardus live in the Physical Plane - I am in the position to learn to 
discern *what is* according to the individual Spirit I am. IOW: I am here 
to learn what I (my Spirit) is all about. What it has to say and learn. 

I cannot do that by listening to all kinds of noise that some other Spirits 
would like to convey. Just because these Spirits live in a different plane 
than I do - does not mean they know anything more or better than I do. IOW: 
I am trying to be a tiny Light on my own. Is not that what it is all about? 

I am afraid that all of us are probably trying to say the same thing with 
different words here. Possibly we need to define what we all mean by 
Spirit? Or Spirits? Or Higher self? Or covered? The word 'covered' 
was my original 'frowning' stop. 

I do not think/feel that human life needs a 'covering' or 'insurance' or 
absolute 'certainty' in the first place. This is no right way, nor a wrong 
way - there is only God's Way. Freewill in Action! 
Another thing is, that all of us on Trilite are on different levels and we 
need to try to make sense to many here...
Lisa here: 
>If I were to listen to every voice that came through to me, and believed 
>that its intentions were honorable I would surly find myself in a awful 
lot >of trouble most of the time.

Gerardus here: 
Yes. I agree. But does not this differ a bit with what you say in the very 
beginning? Are not these voices you speak of Spirit as well? 


Lisa here: 
>No. Spirit is the I AM of myself, of my soul. And, I truly believe that 
>whatever guidance I get from this is what I truly need, and is completely 
Gerardus here: 
Covered? Again - I have trouble with that word or concept. Sounds as if 
there is some kind of Cosmic Insurance. I feel that we indeed are guided 
to the best of our interests - to me - this includes however to be given 
enough lee-way to exercise or own discernment. We as Spirits in Flesh are 
the Ones to learn. Our so called Higher Self already knows! We are 
specific fractions of this Higher Self - trying to learn to become a Higher 
Self ourselves. A Christ-Light all our Own! 


Lisa here: 
>If this is not what Pheonix means by Spirit, then maybe you and I -- 
>Gerardus -- are more in tune than I originally thought.

Gerardus here: 
Of being in 'tune' !? 
I feel that our universe is a multi-dimensional symphony or mosaic and we 
all have different positions producing different views and or sounds. None 
is better or more in tune than another. Things are just the way they should 
be, for what we create is a dynamic and changing reality which in and by 
itself is neither meant to be just this way or another. This means that 
there is no right, nor wrong. No high, nor low - only different plays or 
functions of the same Light. The Light We Are! 

Life is an undetermined play within an open ended scenario of Free Will. 
And only because of this Free Will do we get the Diversity and Variety 
necessary to make it interesting to all Spirits, in all Dimensions of our 
Mind or Light We Are!

I am not completely sure what Phoenix means by Spirit. I only know what I 
mean by it - which is that I am one of many Spirits (Functions). Or an 
actor playing a role. I am a Soul or Energy created and expressed in an 
individual form by means of the experiences I have had. These experiences 
were of value to me and my Source - yet at the same time I am this Source 
and behave like one, for 'whatever' it is that comes from me - radiates out 
- and many other Spirits must see something, for they seem to stick around 
and smile. 

This is way the play of a Hitler and the Play of a Saint is just as 
valuable for it produces the reality to learn Unconditional Love - Love for 
Ourselves. Because All are One - The Player within the Dream of Choices...


Lisa here" 
>Food for thought I suppose.
Gerardus here: 
Yes, excellent food. Let's have Feast and Celebrate! 

- - - - - - -

The greatest nonsense in the world has not been written yet. 
Neither has the greatest wisdom. 
! I am working on both !
Light... Love... and Laughter. 
~ Gerardus ~


Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 12:19:22
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: TriLite: Re: TriLite-Digest V1 #278
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com

At 11:02 AM 1/9/98 EST, you wrote: 
>Re: Lying, akashic records and all that: 
>The flavor of this subject reminds me of "if a tree falls in the woods and 
>if no one hears it, did it really fall?" I have fun analyzing things like 
>this, but in the big picture what really matters most to me is how am I 
>manifesting love... what love is to me anyhow. I'm sure that's a subject, 
>by itself, that could bring up all sorts of interpretations. 

Hello PhnixStar... Hello All... 

Maybe it is time to spread those interpretations all over TriLite and look 
at them. "Love is a many splendored thing" - they say. But this is not the 
kind of stuff we are speaking of really. To me - Love is Understanding. 
Understanding that we all basically live alone in a reality that makes us 
believe that there is a separation between all things and all of us. Once 
we understand or become aware that all this separation is an illusion, 
created by the Space Suit we live in - things finally begin the make sense...
Love then, or Understanding, or Awareness, shows us that all of us are 
really one and need each other to become fulfilled by sharing and/or 
helping each other. And that we might call manifesting Love as you put it. 


PhnixStar here: 
>Gerardus, thank you, however, 
>for stimulating my brain cells on a subject I never thought about before. I 
>appreciated your comment on my illustration about 10 people seeing a car 
>accident. I agree with you... there are no accidents--though my humanness 
>reminds me that I don't always want to take that on. 

Gerardus here: 
Yes, I agree. Our humanness is seemingly in the way of our Godness. Yet, I 
feel that we need to become more Human in order to become a greater God so 
to speak. The one is hidden within the other. But the real One will show up 
when we clear our Mind and fully awaken to the Light within. So, may our 
Light shine bright and radiate the stuff you speak of - Love and/or 


PhnixStar here: 
>It also seems logical to me that what was originally intended was to get 
>lost in lies and illusion. That would give we humans such opportunity to 
>find "our" own truth. 

Gerardus here: 
Yes, this is so. For the Universe or Truth is not a ready made thing we 
can just see or get somewhere. It is a self-created phenomena that slowly 
bit by bit opens up to us - for we awaken and create greater aspects of it. 
Yes, it is all there - but only in our own unconsciousness - this 
unconsciousness needs to be cleared of its darkness or ignorance. We are a 
duplicate of the Creator awakening to ourselves and sooner or later we will 
say - "Yes, The Father and I are One, so Jesus was right after all". 


PhnixStar here: 
I did attempt to check out your website, but for some >reason it came up as 
unavailable. I'll have to wait on that now. Since I >haven't been able to 
read about what your additional thoughts on truth are >yet, I'm wondering 
if you'll address the age old subject of "what if my >truth is stepping on 
your truth, or vice versa." How are you with that? Or anyone for that 

Gerardus here: 
There are a few thoughts spread around CyberSpace via my website and there 
are two addresses - just in case the one is not accessible, you may use the 
other. See below! You better take a week off...
I feel that stepping on some else's truth is a misnomer - for in actuality 
we only step on our own ignorance. However, just in case, we should always 
walk around in slippers. Does not hurt as much... 


PhnixStar here: 
>And Namaste Lion Star (fancy we have the same last name ;-} ), I too believe 
>that "I Am"--my higher self--is Spirit. It didn't even occur to me that it 
>could be taken otherwise. Gerardus, good reality check for me. Lion Star 
>again, thank you for wording my thoughts so well. As I think about this, 
>now thinking that no matter what I do, I have to live with the results, now 
>and/or later. So, no matter where my direction comes from, how could I 
not >be ultimately responsible for my thoughts and deeds one way or 
another? >Yes? 


Gerardus here: 
Yes, self-responsibility is the Clue. High Self or no High Self. No use 
to blame it on what we thought we were told. Eventually, we come to a 
point where the High Self gives us Energy - we determine the direction. 
Sooner or later we might find out that there is only One of us in the first 
place and that we are it! 

Before an apple falls from the tree, it is an aspect of the Tree. 
As soon as it has fallen, it is an apple, with many trees within. 
In the same manner - as soon as we are free from the High Self We 
Are - We are One ourselves, with many within. As Above so Below!
Light... Love... and Laughter. 
~ Gerardus ~


Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 11:56:45 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: TriLite: Re: CosmicCookieCafe 980123
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by userhome.com id LAA09905
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by primenet.com id MAA11469

Hi TriLite Members...
Mahrouk and I have heavy discussions sometimes. 
Here is the tailend of one. I thought that you might like it...


Here she goes...
Mahrouk here:
>Dear Gerardus, 
>Great we are saying the same thing.:) Yes nothing has independent 
>existence and so nothing is real but Consciousness, the Source. Yes the 
>human being is a picture on the screen. 
>Yes, yes I am the Infinite expressed as the finite. Of course the 
>puppeteer and the puppet are the same. Yes we are different expressions 
>of the same energy. YES! Even agree that the infinite became the finite 
>in order to know Itself. So much agreement is boring !!!:) 
>The only point is since "we are not real" how do we have a part to play 
>in creation? 

Gerardus here: 
Not any thing on any plane or level is real. The only thing that is real 
is the mysterious Observer - The LightMind that is! Now - in order for 
this LightMind to experience anything at all, it created figments in its 
Imagination/Mind and mysteriously these figments 'think' that they are real 
or not real - as you say. It makes no difference for reality and illusion 
are/is the same thing anyway! 

So the Mysterious Observer or LightMind creates realities or illusion in 
its own Mind or Consciousness in order to entertain itself. You and I are 
this LightMind and at the same time we are figments of this LightMind. 

We are painters who paint pictures. Our painting contains painters who also 
paint pictures that contain painters who paint painters who paint pictures 
that contain the same realities or illusions. At the same time that we 
paint - we think we look around and see other things than ourselves. Not so! 
When did all this start? Never had a beginning! When will it end? Never 
will end! It only changes for all of us as painters change our own 
pictures all the time. 

Now - if we replace the word painter with creator and pictures for 
creation. We have the reality or illusion that is! Simple. Hahah ahhaa! 


Mahrouk here: 
>Can a reflection have free will, can it create??? 
Gerardus here: 
The reflection is occupied by the LightMind - by the mysterious Observer! 
That is the One who creates by means of its reflections. Naturally it has 
free will. For the reflection is the LightMind at work. IT cannot work or 
do things any other way... 


Mahrouk here: 
>We are the 
>puppeteer. We are the One. This is all true in theory but until we 
>realise this (it's called enlightenment !!) we remain the unreal ,the 
>puppet thinking we are real. This is what causes the world as we know it 
>with all the pain, hurt, fear, wars, power struggle…

Gerardus here: 
Yes! You are right. However, this is the game we play! There are also 
worlds where the game is more pleasurable. We are slowly moving toward 
those States of LightMind. Although there is no beginning to the LightMind 
- there is a beginning and end to illusions or realities. The scenery 
changes - for it is all change! Except for the Observer... 

Mahrouk here: 
>Once the puppet knows it is the puppeteer, once the finite knows (it is) 
>the Infinite, it loses its sense of personal doership. Then there is no 
>‘me’ no Mahrouk who is God. But just God is all there is expressing 
>Himself though individual bodies, as you say. 

Gerardus here: 
Well, I do not think that God was or is a He. (himself) Maybe it is an IT. 
However - this IT really does not exist independently from its creation. 
This IT is nowhere to be found - except within you and me and the rest of 
creation. The IT *is* its Creation! 


Mahrouk here: 
>There is then no "Creator lives within the Created…" because at that level 
>there is no duality. All is ONE - there is no within and without. There 
>is no birth and no death. No creation and no destruction. There is no 

Gerardus here: 
What you say is true! However the opposite is also true! There is duality, 
there is Oneness. It all depends from where we look. God and Creation are 
creating each other continually! And not any one thing within creation is 
independent. The only thing that is independent is the Whole or One! 

However, being the One is utterly boring and that's why it came up with 
creation which contains you and me - trying to put this in words. The One 
or the LightMind does not know any words. It has you and me to word it... 

Mahrouk here: 
>The mystics have been saying this for centuries. 
Gerardus here 
Naturally they did! My question is: who are these mystics if they are not 
you and me in a different state of mind of the same LightMind we are? 
We are those mystics - all over again.

Mahrouk here: 
>Just remembered this: 
>A Zen master explained this process by saying: 
>First there are rivers and mountains (ie the body is real) 
>Then there are no rivers and mountains (the manifestations is 
>unreal/illusion). Then there are rivers and mountains 
>(All is One. No real or unreal)

Gerardus here: 
Usually Zen Masters know what they speak of. 
Yes - Realities and Illusions are the same thing - Creation. 
Creation is like the Air. The Air is all winds and storms and/or breezes. 
No wind or storm is independent and the air will never be noticed or seen 
if it did not play winds or storms. 
The One is the Many - yet it is One!



Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 11:56:45 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: TriLite: Re: CosmicCookieCafe 980123
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by userhome.com id LAA09905
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by primenet.com id MAA11469

Hi TriLite Members...
Mahrouk and I have heavy discussions sometimes. 
Here is the tailend of one. I thought that you might like it...
Here she goes...
Mahrouk here:
>Dear Gerardus, 
>Great we are saying the same thing.:) Yes nothing has independent 
>existence and so nothing is real but Consciousness, the Source. Yes the 
>human being is a picture on the screen. 
>Yes, yes I am the Infinite expressed as the finite. Of course the 
>puppeteer and the puppet are the same. Yes we are different expressions 
>of the same energy. YES! Even agree that the infinite became the finite 
>in order to know Itself. So much agreement is boring !!!:) 
>The only point is since "we are not real" how do we have a part to play 
>in creation? 

Gerardus here: 
Not any thing on any plane or level is real. The only thing that is real 
is the mysterious Observer - The LightMind that is! Now - in order for 
this LightMind to experience anything at all, it created figments in its 
Imagination/Mind and mysteriously these figments 'think' that they are real 
or not real - as you say. It makes no difference for reality and illusion 
are/is the same thing anyway! 

So the Mysterious Observer or LightMind creates realities or illusion in 
its own Mind or Consciousness in order to entertain itself. You and I are 
this LightMind and at the same time we are figments of this LightMind. 

We are painters who paint pictures. Our painting contains painters who also 
paint pictures that contain painters who paint painters who paint pictures 
that contain the same realities or illusions. At the same time that we 
paint - we think we look around and see other things than ourselves. Not so! 

When did all this start? Never had a beginning! When will it end? Never 
will end! It only changes for all of us as painters change our own 
pictures all the time. 

Now - if we replace the word painter with creator and pictures for 
creation. We have the reality or illusion that is!
Simple. Hahah ahhaa! 

Mahrouk here: 
>Can a reflection have free will, can it create??? 

Gerardus here: 
The reflection is occupied by the LightMind - by the mysterious Observer! 
That is the One who creates by means of its reflections. Naturally it has 
free will. For the reflection is the LightMind at work. IT cannot work or 
do things any other way... 


Mahrouk here: 
>We are the 
>puppeteer. We are the One. This is all true in theory but until we 
>realise this (it's called enlightenment !!) we remain the unreal ,the 
>puppet thinking we are real. This is what causes the world as we know it 
>with all the pain, hurt, fear, wars, power struggle…

Gerardus here: 
Yes! You are right. However, this is the game we play! There are also 
worlds where the game is more pleasurable. We are slowly moving toward 
those States of LightMind. Although there is no beginning to the LightMind 
- there is a beginning and end to illusions or realities. The scenery 
changes - for it is all change! Except for the Observer... 


Mahrouk here: 
>Once the puppet knows it is the puppeteer, once the finite knows (it is) 
>the Infinite, it loses its sense of personal doership. Then there is no 
>‘me’ no Mahrouk who is God. But just God is all there is expressing 
>Himself though individual bodies, as you say. 

Gerardus here: 
Well, I do not think that God was or is a He. (himself) Maybe it is an IT. 
However - this IT really does not exist independently from its creation. 
This IT is nowhere to be found - except within you and me and the rest of 
creation. The IT *is* its Creation! 


Mahrouk here: 
>There is then no "Creator lives within the Created…" because at that level 
>there is no duality. All is ONE - there is no within and without. There 
>is no birth and no death. No creation and no destruction. There is no 

Gerardus here: 
What you say is true! However the opposite is also true! There is duality, 
there is Oneness. It all depends from where we look. God and Creation are 
creating each other continually! And not any one thing within creation is 
independent. The only thing that is independent is the Whole or One! 
However, being the One is utterly boring and that's why it came up with 
creation which contains you and me - trying to put this in words. The One 
or the LightMind does not know any words. It has you and me to word it... 


Mahrouk here: 
>The mystics have been saying this for centuries. 

Gerardus here 
Naturally they did! My question is: who are these mystics if they are not 
you and me in a different state of mind of the same LightMind we are? 
We are those mystics - all over again.

Mahrouk here: 
>Just remembered this: 
>A Zen master explained this process by saying: 
>First there are rivers and mountains (ie the body is real) 
>Then there are no rivers and mountains (the manifestations is 
>unreal/illusion). Then there are rivers and mountains 
>(All is One. No real or unreal)

Gerardus here: 
Usually Zen Masters know what they speak of. 
Yes - Realities and Illusions are the same thing - Creation. 
Creation is like the Air. The Air is all winds and storms and/or breezes. 
No wind or storm is independent and the air will never be noticed or seen 
if it did not play winds or storms. 
The One is the Many - yet it is One!



Date: Thu, 05 Feb 1998 19:52:54 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: TriLite: The Meaning of Life and Its Opposite
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com

This message was sent by: Gerardus 

Hi Evin... Hi All...
I like your essays or posts Evin. I even agree with most of them. However, 
I cannot always agree. After all it would make my existence meaningless 
except for agreeing with Evin. Not much of a life... 
Life, as I see it, is the infinite amount of choices you can possibly think 
of and only one of them is agreeing with Evin all the time. Pretty boring 
-it would make one of us redundant... 


Evin here: 
>Even if you believe in God, you can find yourself in a meaningless 
>universe. Once you accept that meanings are guesses, you realize how 
>tenuous these reality structures are. 

Gerardus here: 
Nothing to worry about - naturally meanings or guesses are tenuous choices. 
Guesses or choices is all we have! Tenuous as they might be - who cares?! 
They are only choices. If they do not work out we change our mind and do 
the opposite. Aren't we all choices combined? That is exactly what makes 
life enough! For all choices are OUR choices. That's what freewill is all 
about. One does not have to be right or wrong. That's useless! 

The trick is the follow your inclinations and play the Free GodBeing You 
Are to its utmost. Make it sweat to be Itself. It's a perfect choice! 
Now - what does that really mean? Well - sometimes it means not agreeing 
with Evin. So there - here I sit in the middle of my Kingdom, sweating, 
and disagreeing with the Brother I love. It gives my life meaning. 
Beautiful. A true Celebration! Where is my tooter? 


Evin here: 
>Reality systems spring from culture. 

Gerardus here: 
That's true and absolutely great! Suits me perfect for I am the only Cult 
there is! Well, there I am - just being a Cult by myself agreeing when I 
feel like it and disagreeing when I want to. A perfect choice - a choice 
any God would be proud of. Now, where did I leave those cookies loaded 
with ice cream? Hmmm. The illusion must be true after all. They vanished...
As Light, we are one - in Laughter we are many.

Your Gerardus... 
Expert in absolute Metaphysical Nonsense that turns out to be True. 
Atom Built - Molecule Maintained - Matter Ready - Perfect Illusion. 
! Soul Inhabited ! 

Light... Love... and Laughter. 


Date: Thu, 05 Feb 1998 20:28:07 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: TriLite: Conversations with Gerardus - plus
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com

This message was sent by: Gerardus 
At 08:53 PM 2/5/98 EST, you wrote: 
> This message was sent by: Auralyte@aol.com 
>In a message dated 98-02-05 18:01:31 EST, you write:

    Julia here: 
> Too bad the majority (or at least some) of us don't have that future 
> perspective. I for one would like to feel something/anything 
> spiritual. 

Auralyte here: 

Julia - 
I think everyone has lost that future perspective sometimes. And we were 
all starting out from somewhere sometime. Don't give up! And try not to 
compare yourself with the people on the list, either! There is a Divine 
Timetable in place for us all, each one different. But you've got to keep 
looking! "Seek, and ye shall find: knock, and the door shall be opened up 
unto you." That's a for-real statement. Keep looking, keep searching, 
read all that appeals to you on the first look through. Keep what's yours, 
discard the rest and look on!

Gerardus here: 
Hmmm. All that looking might be the thing that we just want to give up! 
Remind me of this farmer looking for his horse while he's riding it. Well, 
maybe I am just full of it and don't know it - but I figure that what we 
are looking for - is - doing the looking. Hard to find!

Creation is a self made thing we are seemingly born into. And the only 
looking of any value - is - for what we want to create! We are here to 
self-create. We are Creators! The question is: what is it you want? What 
do you want to create in this life?

Point is, that if we do not completely succeed in one lifetime - we will be 
born right into the next episode of our own Creation again. Smack in the 
middle of it. We must pick up our brush and paint! The canvas is ours - 
always was! 

Looking for someone or for something makes us followers looking for the 
next command or solution. There aren't any of any value. The entire clue 
lives within wasting its time looking maybe. Indeed, stop looking, stop 
comparing and creating a bad time for yourself. Life is what WE make of 

Creation?  What is it? 
Creation is an "Infinite Relationship" within which we accept finite 
roles with different functions in order to learn more and more about 
ourselves and the possibilities of this Relationship. All in all, it 
is a Universal Creative Play. We are the Authors, Directors and the 
Players of this infinite spectacle. Before we discover that however 
all of us identify with our roles too much and seemingly get lost in 
the details of our Universal Creative Play... 

Light... Love... and Laughter. 

~ Gerardus ~ 


Date: Fri, 06 Feb 1998 16:14:08 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: TriLite: Free Will (was: The Meaning . . .)
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com

This message was sent by: Gerardus 
At 01:53 PM 2/6/98 -0600, you wrote:

Eve here: 
>Hi all-- 
>I used to think that Free Will was bestowed upon us by God like our 
>character traits, but since then I've had an ephiphany [subconciously 
>maybe--don't ask!] so I tend to agree in some part with you, Evin.

Gerardus here: (Hi Eve!) 
We are aspects of Creation and Creation is God in Action. Now if this 
force does not have free will - who does? IOW: we as human beings have the 
privilege of being this God in Action in Human Form and exercise our free 
will according to the limits belonging to that form. 

By doing this repeatedly we become better at choosing our experiences. 
These experiences naturally are the result of our free will. Eventually we 
are free not to will ourselves into this earth plane anymore. We free will 
- and free wheel - ourselves away from it. Free will ties in directly 
with evolvement and imagination. Which is the result of experience and the 
gathered wisdom that comes with it. I have some spare hunks of it in the 
back of the RV and you may use your free will to come over and get some. 
Haha haha ha - wow! 


Eve here: 
>Consider this though, if Free Will is determined by fate and you believe 
>that you control your destiny, i.e., locus of control, does it then become 
>always attainable? Or does the question of attainability not enter the 
>equation, just the existence of Free Will? 

Gerardus here: 
We control our destiny, but all this is done in stages. A little bit at the 
time within certain limits and the destiny or the aspects thereof we 
choose, become bigger and bigger the more we are evolved. All in all, upon 
the end of our dream, we come to the conclusion that the entire exercise is 
an enormous joke on ourselves - but in order to be able to laugh you must 
go through it from beginning to end. Laughing in other words, is something 
that needs to be learned... Hmmm?!!


Date: 8 Feb 1998 04:27:54 -0000
From: Gerardus 
To: Spirit List 
Reply-to: Gerardus 
Subject: [spirit-l] Re: Fear and Now

At 01:09 AM 2/8/98 -0000, you wrote:
>> In spirit all concept of time is irrelevant. The future is going to come 
>> whether you fear it or not, the past is going to be in the past, and now 
> is what you focus on, in love.. there is nothing to fear. 
>Paul replying to the above... 
>What you have written is perfectly true. The problem I have with it is 
>that here and now I am a Man. I am not in the Spirit World. I am living a 
>life here on Earth. We all have our different beliefs, but I suspect very 
>few of us have total acceptance of what life is really about. If we have 
>doubts of any kind, then surely there is perhaps a fear of being wrong? We 
>cannot be certain of anything. We may say we are completely at home with 
>our beliefs, but deep down we aren't totaly sure. It is that little doubt 
>that keeps us searching and refining our views.

Gerardus here: 
Hi Paul... Hi All... 

\/ \/ \/ 
         Please make another 5 billions of these Vs 
         and put them right beside the ones above. 
They represent all people in the world.

(Most likely you can only see the above properly 
when you use the same font as I use, Courier New - size 10.

Also imagine a point on the bottom of these Vs and that is where Man lives. 
Higher up, as you can see, we are crossing other Vs and from there on in we 
are united with all other Vs. This is Man's true position in the universe! 
However he thinks that he ONLY lives as Man some place low, and that the 
rest is not Him or Her! Man sees and believes himself limited. Since he 
sees himself limited - he will be limited! For our reality is created by 
our beliefs. Man sees God as his Cause because he is limited in his views.

This naturally prevents him from accepting self-responsibility. Religions 
and Governments like it that way. It gives them power over Man. Naturally, 
this limited view is easier to accept! It also gives Man the opportunity 
to put the blame on God or Others. It gives him a chance to say: God made 
me this way - it is my destiny. Little does he/she know that he 
him/herself is responsible... 

So most people live in an area of the universe that keeps them seemingly 
separated from all others. This needs to transcended. We are all One and 

Man thinks that he lives in the physical universe only. However, this is 
not so, for higher up we are all connected and overlapping! We live there 
as well! Most people are just not consciously aware of that...

Our interconnections (at the tops of the Vs) become apparent when we become 
more intuitive and/or aware. This depends on the specific lifetimes we are 
involved in at this time, and some of us will understand this, while others 
will not. This is fine! For all of us are equal in the first place, for 
we are all equal in The Infinite Light (TIL). We are this Light! We only 
play different roles in this Cosmic Drama or Play...

So above the crossing of the Vs we find the invisible universe and below 
the crossings we are in the visible or physical universe. Since there is 
only one universe, we all live in the same place. For some of us however 
there seems to be a limit somewhere. This limit is the limit of our 
knowing or understanding. In actuality -- Truth, Knowledge, Understanding, 
Love or God have no limits, they are infinite!

This means that all of us live or exist in an infinite universe but most of 
us do not see beyond a certain limit. This limit is OUR limit. The universe 
is unlimited. It is an Uninterrupted and Unbroken Whole within which we 
seemingly live as Man only. This is not so. We live in the invisible 
aspects of the universe as well. We just don't know or experience this 
because at this time, we need to experience our Creation from the bottom up 
so to speak. Naturally there is a lot more involved but an email is a 
limited thing as well. For more see my pages... Hope this helps.

- - - - - - -

All of us are 'enlightened' all ready and because of that, we have 
sent 'aspects' of ourselves, into different realities or illusions 
in order to experience other modes of Life, through these aspects. 
These aspects in turn, must realize that they are aspects of their 
Enlightened Self and are free to do whatever they see fit in order 
to enjoy themselves, while they help awaken more of us to the same 
realization. Naturally all aspects are the Enlightened Self in the 
first place and we could say therefore: We all are Children of the 
Creator We Are!  Growing up to be the Creator itself!!

Light... Love... and Laughter ~ Gerardus ~


Date: Sun, 08 Feb 1998 19:55:46 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: TriLite: Free Will
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com

> This message was sent by: amarylla smart  
>greetings everyone, 
>IF you are saying that there is no free will because ultimately we are all 
>on the same journey towards the light and oneness, I AGREE IF you are 
>saying there are no concepts and beliefs cause ultimately there is only 
the >whole, great spirit, etc.. then I AGREE but do you think then that the 
>light itself, the whole has free will, ideas, choices???? 
>love ami

Hi Ami... Hi All... 
Gerardus here: 
Please consider the following: 
The Light, The Unbroken Whole, The infinite Light, The All That Is, God, or 
Life, is not a personality or some kind of being, big, small or infinite. 
There is no such Thing! No such being!

There is Energy! This Energy is unlimited in quantity with an undetermined 
quality. IOW: this Energy is unconscious and undifferentiated. From this 
Energy are formed (has been formed if you live in Time) all kinds of Beings 
and Entities all over the multi-dimensional planes of all universes who act 
as Creators or Co-Creators. They have always been there. They never 
originated so to speak. They have been active all throughout the ages in 
creating Solar Systems and planets with people and other beings on them. 
Naturally this is a project that takes billions of years - but for them it 
is but a matter of travelling back and forth in time, for they live beyond 
Time. They master time and travel back and forth like we commute to work 
(and then have a coffee and rest naturally, hehehe - wow).

So, the light itself has NO free will! It is being used by all Creators 
and Beings of the Universe to produce whatever they desire that brings them 
enjoyment. IOW: one could compare it to the Air around us, which we use for 
millions of applications and is most practical for there is lots of it. The 
Air we use has NO free will of it own. It just IS! So is The Infinite 
Light. It just IS. 

The Light or God does not even want anything or has any desires of free 
will or no free will. It is used like we use Air. We create beautiful 
music with it and in the mean time we use it to blow up our tires to get to 
the symphony as well as that we use it for control purposes in say Boiler 
Controls or other three dimensional purpose, like blowing your Bank 
transactions back and forth when you go the outside wicket. The Infinite 
Light however is multi-dimensional and Air is but three dimensional - but 
the comparison is valid and true. Well, true according to me naturally. I 
do not know of any other truth! For Truth is an individual thing. For more 
of this see my pages and look for: "Introduction and Summation". Hope this 

Our Soul... 
is a holographic energy system which is constantly projecting 
aspects of itself into other realities. These aspects appear 
real to our senses. Our body is a lens giving reality to the 
illusion we are all subjected to. Human Life occurs amidst a 
very complex and 'illusive reality' that completely fools us.
We are fooled by our own body and its Holographic Interpreter 
the human brain. That's why life in matter is a Celebration. 
We are the Light of Creation living as Fools in Matter!

Light... Love... and Laughter. 
~ Gerardus ~


Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 11:38:38 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: TriLite: Where is the Now I AM ?
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com

This message was sent by: Gerardus
Some Souls will like this for sure - Ring if you do!

Speaking about - The Now or the Present - where are they ?

Speaking or thinking of Now - happens in the future or the past of that 
Now! This means that Now is always in the past or in the future! So 
whatever we as human beings do, means that we always miss the Point of 

If we would look at the Now and can see it coming a mile ahead - then we 
can say: "watch it carefully for it is so fast that nobody can see it - so 
why bother". That's why I think we should go for ice cream and cookies. At 
least they seem to last longer that just Now. Even a boiled egg does! On 
the other hand - do they?

Yes, I sure like this discussions about the Now or the Present. Especially 
the ones that speak of the assumption that the Now contains the All That 
Is! I savor them, for it confirms to me that I AM the All That Is in the 
Now - while I never will have to prove it or point at it, for it will be 
too early or too late forever! This reminds me of the Uncertainty 
Principle, which can only be proven by being hit by a slow neutrino in a 
future or past Now. 

All these Words - how delicious!! 
Come to think of: if the physical reality we live in, or the "objective 
reality", does not exist as scientists tell us - how can there be a Now or 
a Present in the first place? I think that we all have been deluded in the 
belief that there is a Now at all. There is only No-Now! Which naturally 
means Forever!! I wonder when that will happen... 

Light... Love... and Laughter... 
it is the only Game in the Universe... 
that begins Here and Now! 


Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 19:38:29 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: TriLite: Man the Infinite Being!
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com

This message was sent by: Gerardus 

To All TriLite Listers:
The following might be a good example to explain to ourselves or to others 
what human beings are really all about and how infinitely far we all reach 
into the invisible areas of Creation. We are a leading edge of Creation!

Above the V crossings we find 
the invisible and infinite 
\ Areas of Creation! / 
 \ C / 
 \ \/ \/ /   <--------- The V crossings ---------- 
 \ /\ /\ /    Please make another 5 billions of these Vs 
 \ / \ / \ /  and put them right beside these three. 
 \/ \/ \/      They represent all people in the world. 
 M  M  M         <----- Man thinks he lives here only! 

! ----> Most likely you can only see the above picture properly 
        when you use the same font as I use - Courier New 10.
        And still it might not work out! .

Above the crossings of the Vs in the Spiritual Dimensions we are more 
closely united. At the bottom of the Vs at M is the spot where Man lives in 
a seemingly separate world. He lives there in blind ignorance of his 

Above the M at C, each V is crossing other Vs, and from there on in higher 
up, we are more closely united with all other people and/or beings. This is 
Man's true position in the universe! However Man thinks that he ONLY lives 
at the bottom and that the rest up there is other than him. Man sees and 
believes himself limited. Since he sees himself limited, he will be 
limited! For our reality is created by our beliefs. Also, Man sees God as 
his first Cause because this is what Man has been told for centuries. All 
these stories were untrue and convenient solutions...

Thinking that all these stories were the truth prevented Man from accepting 
self-responsibility. Religions and Governments like it that way. It gives 
them power over Man! Naturally, this limited view is easy to accept. It 
also gives Man the opportunity to put the blame on God or Others. It gives 
Man a chance to say: "God made me this way - it is my destiny". Little does 
he know however that he himself is responsible... 

So most people live in an area of the universe that keeps them seemingly 
separated from all others. This needs to transcended. We are all One and 

Man thinks that he lives in the physical universe only. However, this is 
not so, for higher up we are all connected and overlapping! We live there 
as well! Most people are just not consciously aware of that...

Our inter-connections become apparent when we become more intuitive and/or 
aware. This depends on the specific lifetimes we are involved in at this 
time, and some of us will understand this, while others will not. This is 
fine! For all of us are equal in The Infinite Light (TIL) in the first 
place! We are this Light! Certain aspects of the Light We Are, play 
different roles in the Cosmic Drama we call the World of Man.

So above the crossings of the Vs we find the invisible universe and below 
the crossings we are in the visible or physical universe. Since there is 
only one universe we all live in the same place. For many of us however 
there seems to be a limit somewhere. This limit is the limit of our own 
knowing or awareness. It is the limit of our belief! In actuality -- 
Truth, Knowledge, Understanding, Love, Life, Man or God have no limits, 
they are infinite!

This means that all of us live or exist in an infinite universe but most of 
us do not see beyond a certain limit. This limit is OUR limit. The universe 
is unlimited. It is an uninterrupted and unbroken Whole within which we 
seemingly live as Man only. This is not so. We live in the invisible 
aspects of the universe as well. We just don't know or experience this 
because at this time, we have chosen to experience our Creation from the 
bottom up so to speak. The time has come to expand our Horizens! There is 
a lot more involved in all this, but an email is a limited thing also. 
For more - see my pages...

- - - - - - - - - - -

Please send this around the world ~ Gerardus 


Date: 13 Feb 1998 04:15:15 -0000
From: Gerardus 
To: Spirit List 
Reply-to: Gerardus 
Subject: [spirit-l] Re: Suicide

At 02:12 AM 2/13/98 -0000, you wrote: 
>Hi Gerardus 
>>Gerardus here: 
>>The Christian God or the God of the Bible is a concoction of people's 
>>mind. It is a man-made God and the belief people have in this God is the 
>>age old established conditioning (brainwashing) of the christian 
>>religions. In my view, all of it is a Lie. A fairy tale with a bad 
>>ending for the Son of God

Dane here: 
>I would go along with this to some extent. Are we a `dream of God' or do we 
>`Dream OF God' and hence give him illusory existence. Is it not possible 
>also that this God has been created by humankind's thoughts over the 
>millennia and so this God does now actually exist as a thoughtform entity?
Gerardus here: 
You would go along with this to some extent? It that half way? or maybe a 
1/8 ?  In any case, your questions touch upon the Soul of Mankind. 
Wouldn't we all like to know once and for all. That however is not the way 
life works. Life is a mystery and it is up to us to enjoy it while we 
un-raffle it - that is - if that's what you want to do. It's a choice... 
Life is an investigation! However, you are allowed to just follow any 
religion or guru and keep praying to whatever suits you. It's your Life! 
It entirely depends on what you want to do with it - freewill exist!

Then - all Gods, past, present and future, are imaginations or concoctions 
of Mankind or any other thinker pondering the existence of a God out there 
somewhere. In actuality there is only Energy in an unlimited manner. This 
Energy expressed itself and it brought forth billions of beings of which 
Mankind on earth is but one of them. All these Beings are the Expressions 
of Creation. Our Creation is this Energy - or God if you like. And simply 
enough - each seemingly separate aspect of this Energy is the Light That 
Is. It is the God That Is - if that sound more familiar...

In my view, all of the members of this list have incarnated at this 
particular time in order to benefit from the extra-ordinary conditions we 
are experiencing at this time. We are experiencing the changes from a 
sleeping Humanity to an Awakened Species. This is what is is all about. 
However, no big deal if you want to keep slumbering along...

The fact is that billions of people are so comfortable in their sleep (in 
their conditioned Mind) that they have trouble to awaken. For it means 
self-responsibility!!! They have to take self-responsibility for the Life 
they are in. Physically, Spiritually and Intellectually! It's like 
walking a three lane freeway in a balanced manner. No lane should get 
ahead of the other for you'd lose yourself in a quagmire of confusion...

Self-responsibility means that if you commit suicide you are sloughing off 
on this responsibility! For as sure as you are reading this, you will come 
back and face the same difficulties again and again for all of them are 
self-made! That is what self-responsibility is all about. It's living the 
life you have created for yourself. It's living the Life and the 
conditions you were born into - for that is the lesson! All these 
conditions are tailor-made so that you may succeed. This includes the 
parents as well as any friends of siblings... and Aunts Mary and Uncle Jim 
naturally. Let's not forget them...

We do all this, so that eventually we will fully awaken and say: "I and the 
Father are One! I am the Reality - I am the Truth! I am the Son of God!" 
This saying is not just only true for the Man called Jesus. It is true for 
all of us! It is just that seemingly Jesus was ahead of us. Which is not 
so, for Time and Space are an illusion... All of us are Equal! 

I'll finish here with the answer to Dane's proposition: We and God are each 
other's Dreamers or Creators. We are both Man and God simultaneously. We 
are each other's Mirror! To realize this fully is the task we have 
accepted before we left the Father's House. Indeed we are dreaming God and 
God is dreaming us. The entire universe is the Dream Energy Shakespeare 
spoke of! So Be It!

We all live as if in a dream in which we assume or take on 
individual identity to give validity to the reality of the 
dream. This so called dream takes place amidst an infinite 
field of energy we could call The Infinite Light. The most 
persistent question is - whose dream is this? The answer 
to this question lies within us, because all of us are The 
Infinite Light looking at ourselves from a view point that 
lies within the reality of our dream. We are able to find 
out who or what we are - but we will not be able to be The 
Infinite Light in Total. All Entities are specific aspects 
of The Infinite Light only... 

Light... Love... and Laughter. 
~ Gerardus ~


Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 12:03:48 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: TriLite: Conditioning (was: 'my' reality)
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com

This message was sent by: Gerardus 
At 10:18 PM 2/16/98 -0500, you wrote: 
> This message was sent by: Mahrouk Vevaina  
>     _\|/_ 
>     (o o) 
>  oOO=( )=OOo 

Mahrouk here: 
>Consciousness creates the movie to entertain Consciousness. The 
>characters in the movie are powered by Consciousness/Energy. The Light is 
>the energy that has written the script and created the picture but the 
>characters are a CREATION, a reflection, an image through which 
>Consciousness works to entertain Itself...:)

Gerardus here: 
Yes, I agree with you. There is Energy and this Energy has become (is) All 
There Is. It knows how to divide itself as well as fool itself by not 
recognizing itself in different forms. It knows how to forget itself. This 
creates enormous confusion - and wars and poverty and worlds as we know it. 
We go through them in order to know - to experience. This experience adds 
wisdom to the overall underlying Energy that sustains all things. In order 
words, it slowly becomes wise and more diverse. That is the whole idea 
behind the exercise. Means WE become wiser. We do this again and again...
However, since we as human beings live in Time and Space we have a 
completely deluded view of the whole thing unless we are able to *see* 
beyond time at the same time. Our imagination helps here... 


>Your reflection in the mirror does not choose to be there ? 
It does and it does not. The reflection has no will - but the force that 
lives in it says: let's check this mirror and/or let's check what I can 
create and learn more about myself. Creation IS this Mirror! If there was 
no 'reflection' the Energy could not learn or experience. It is its 
Reflections or Creation. It is the only way for it to be! In and by 
itself it is Nothing (the Void). It's an unconscious Energy that becomes 
conscious in its creations - and IS creation for its own benefit... 


Mahrouk here: 
>But again I agree there is no real and unreal. All concepts to entertain 
>the intellect. If you go beyond concepts, beyond opposites you do longer 
>identify with the character in the play. Then I AM and not I am Mahrouk. 
>Mahrouk is known for what she is: a reflection, an image an illusion.

Gerardus here: 
Yes! All Reflections or Images are illusions or realities. Depends on where 
from you experience them. There is a real however! This is the real we 
are within. We are the invisible nameless contemplating its reflections and 
say: there I go being foolish by believing that my reflection is real. It 
also says: There is my reflection and it is called the Moon... 


Mahrouk here: 
>Don't think this has anything to do with being here, or coming back or 
>whatever...When you recognise your image in the mirror as an image -it 
>does not go away, does it ?????:)

Gerardus here: 
You might be speaking of your reflection in a tree dimensional mirror. I 
am speaking generally about the reflections I call Creation - All That IS 
or All that can be experienced. This is the Mirror of the Invisible 
Nameless We Are. We also could call this Mirror our Dream - the Dream of 
God so to speak. I don't know what else to say here...

Try this:
I am God... and dream. 
My Dream is so Powerful 
that whatever I dream 
becomes Reality.
In many Dimensions.
One of my Dreams 
creates Time and Space. 
The Dimension of Man the Physical.
They live the Dream I dream... 
and am.
I am God... and dream.
But I do not know it.
For I only become aware of my Dream 
when I have become 
Man the Physical.
And most of Them 
do not know 
that they are ME... 
I am 'The Eternal Dreamer' 
dreaming all Dreams. 
And I will never awaken.
But Man the Physical 
will awaken in ME 
and to ME.
For I am Them. 

As long as you have fun with what you think you know 
it is not important what you think you know. 

~ Gerardus ~


Date: 17 Feb 1998 00:22:13 -0000
From: Gerardus 
To: Spirit List 
Reply-to: Gerardus 
Subject: [spirit-l] Re: Can illusion exist, no?

At 11:32 PM 2/16/98 -0000, you wrote:
Dane here: 
>Doug I just finished reading your test, and you will be happy to know 
>I got two answeres out of the forty. I answered 'true' to both quesitons 
>No. 10 and 22. The rest blew me away. Now indulge my curiosity, if 
>everything is an ilusion, is there such a thing as an illusion.

Gerardus here: 
Please allow me to jump in here... 

What things are - or are not - depends on the individual. The world or the 
universe is not something that is already (tailor) made for us to take in. 
Each and every one of us create our own reality, our own world and our own 
universe, for the Creator of all Things lives within us. Yes, everyone of 
us is the Creator of his own world, his own own universe and his own "All 
That Is". We are responsible! 

Therefore - to ask: is there an illusion or is there a reality depends 
entirely on what we call an illusion and what we call a reality. In 
actuality - both are the same thing! For what is a reality in one plane of 
being, is an illusion in another plane of being and visa versa. All things 
are relative!

Is Man God - Is God Man? We are each other's Mirror! We are Both!
In the mean time, all realities or illusions are universal energy posing as 
certain forms, which if we would be able to analyze them, we would come to 
the conclusion that all forms are the same stuff/medium/energy with 
different frequencies, patterns or modulations. Analyze it further and 
we'll find that we are all these forms or energies.
At certain periods, in order to experience ourselves, we live in so called 
Time and Space in order to experience certain aspects of ourselves only! So 
at the present, all human beings on earth mostly experience the physical 
reality of earth, which in and by itself is an illusion for it is 99.999% 
empty space! Mind or Consciousness is the only thing that exist. This Mind 
or Consciousness is the universal energy I spoke of...

Ann Landers - Life is what we make of it - Gerardus Tros

The Earth and its people are an enormous cosmic experiment for 
the purpose of attaining the ultimate realization, by means of 
a biological path in which each lifetime is but a tiny episode 
of an infinite dream...

Light... Love... and Laughter. 
~ Gerardus ~


Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 12:18:53 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: TriLite: Watch out Reality - an Illusion coming up!
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com

This message was sent by: Gerardus 
At 05:23 PM 2/18/98 -0000, you wrote:

Questions from someone: 
Is the dream reality or is waking life? Maybe both? Neither? 
Where is the line between illusion and reality? 
How do you know you are not just dreaming this? 
Am I real? Are you? Is God? How real are they?

Gerardus here: 
Please consider the following...

"Is the dream reality or is waking life? Maybe both? Neither?"

The dream is as much a reality as waking life. However, all realities are 
illusions! Realities and illusions are the same thing from different 
perspectives - from different states of awareness... 


"Where is the line between illusion and reality?"
Answer: There is no line! They are the same thing! 
There are only different perspective or states of awareness. 
Change the focus of your awareness and the illusion becomes 
real - while the real become the illusion. 


"How do you know you are not just dreaming this?"
Answer: You know when you have awoken to what is. This does not mean that 
the dream goes away or changes just because you are awake. What it means to 
each one of us is a personal thing. All of Life is a personal or 
individual thing! Before we awaken most of life is taken at face value 
and considered to be real. What is real however might not be real! 


"Am I real?" 
Answer: What is experienced is real and an illusion. 
They are the same experience! 
Being real or unreal or an illusion is a personal matter of naming it 
whatever suits you at whatever time and or space. 


"Are you real?" 
If you experience yourself - you are real. However, you are an illusion as 
well at the same time. If you are unconscious - your body is still as 
mentioned above, but you don't know or experience it. Naturally, the Soul 
You Are is always real as well as an illusion - for only TIL is. 
TIL is the Infinite Light 


"Is God real"
Depend on how or what you consider God to be. What is God to you?? 
Another answer: God *IS* Creation! Creation is real as well as an 
illusion. Creation is God's Dream so to speak. The experience of Creation 
makes an impression upon the human mind - therefore the experience is what 
counts. Real or illusion are but names for the same thing...


"How real are they?"
Answer: How high is High? How Real is Real? How low is low? These are 
nonsense questions. Mankind has lots of those. What is experienced is what 
counts. Whether we call it real or illusion - it makes no difference!

Here you go Mahrouk: 
Now the Observer lives in all of us and experiences all things at all 
times, in all planes of esistence. However, it needs the created in order 
to experience this. It cannot do this in and by itself as the Observer. It 
needs us *Guys and Girls* to do anything! 

Wow - are we ever important. 
We do things for the Almighty Observer! 
We must be IT after all...

- - - - - - -

Matter is 99.999% empty. Why do we experience it as solid? 
We experience matter as solid because the body we live in is an Instrument 
especially created to delude us. It needs to be the way it is, in order 
for us the live in a physical reality. All realities are illusions and we 
crawl into different bodies or suits in order to experience them...

       ! This is why Life in the Physical is a Celebration ! 
               We live under very special conditions. 
    This needs to be realized before we get out of here for good. 
                       .... Enjoy it ....

- - - - - - - - - - -

I envision a world in which every human being has awakened to the knowledge 
that we are the 'Creative Force' in Human Form. When this awareness becomes 
realized within all of us, Love is the result! Everyone will know then that 
all of us are One Family, One Being and have One Purpose. Which is to share 
our abundance freely and love the Self We Are in Human Form...

Light... Love... and Laughter. 
~ Gerardus ~


Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 19:31:00 -0700
To: CCC-L@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: CosmicCookieCafe The Gerardian Iraq Solution.
Sender: owner-ccc-l@UserHome.com

To the Members of the CosmicCookieCafe... 
! We got nothing to lose !
Please send the following email to: Nightly@msnbc.com 

Copy from here 

To: Nightly@msnbs.com Feb.18/98


The Gerardian Iraq Solution for the world is the bombardment of the Cities 
and Country Sides of Iraq with loads of Groceries, Bread, Wine and Cookies. 
Keep this up for at least five years or more, and in the mean time support 
the Opposition to Saddam Hussein by mean of instructions and finances 
dedicated to change the political structure of that country. To prevent a 
Black Market of our Goodies, really pour it on so that there is such an 
abundance in that country that even Saddam and his Buddies becomes relaxed 
and lazy.

Wrap all Parcels and Goodies in printed pamphlets with explanations in the 
Iraqi Language to indicate to the people of Iraq that they have suffered 
long enough. Give them examples! After five years they will decide what to 
do with Saddam. This is a peaceful solution that is more effective than 
violent actions. It is also more tasteful! To change any regime in any 
country, the Masses have to be involved, the Leaders will follow. So Be IT. 
Please send this around the world!

! Actions of Sharing work faster than Prayers or Bombs! 
~ Gerardus ~ 

P.S. The same method will work in Cuba!


Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 10:16:01 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: TriLite: The Gerardian Iraq Solution.
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com

This message was sent by: Gerardus 
At 07:28 PM 2/20/98 -0500, you wrote:

Mahrouk here: 
>When God was making us there was a wee mistake is the design. The 
>brain/mind does not hear the word no/not. So if you say, "I do not want 
>war" the mind hears I want war" This has apparently been proven :) by a 
>number of wise guys.

Gerardus here: 
"When God was making us there was a wee mistake in the design". 
Naturally a few mistakes were left in the design! It is our task to detect 
them, fix them, improve upon them and come out with a newer model every 
time around. There is nothing else to do in the Universe! To be born 
perfect or without a toxic mind is the most boring proposition I could 
think of. It's the worst thing that could happen to anyone. Imagine, born 
perfect, what an infinite bore that would be! On the other hand...? Hmmm?? 
Maybe the perfection lies in the unconditional acceptance of oneself? Have 
to think this over for a while. Wish that E. J. was here. He knows a lot. 
Or rather - I think he knows a lot. Also, I think he thinks he knows a lot! 
Slight difference maybe. 

Then... come to think of it, as long as one thinks - one does not know. 
Knowing comes without Thinking! Knowing is radical and in the Now! 
Yeah... most likely, if not for sure: Thinking is the Toxicity of the Mind. 
Question: would it be possible to just drop it? 

- - - - - - - - - - -

We are the One experiencing the All - We are the All experiencing the One!


Date: 24 Feb 1998 16:50:39 -0000
From: Majahnae@aol.com
To: Spirit List 
Reply-to: Majahnae@aol.com
Subject: [spirit-l] Passing along: Quiet Mind ideas

The Top 10 Ways to Tell If Your Mind Is Quiet 
Quietness of mind is an essential prerequisite to clear thinking. Is 
your mind "quiet"? Here are ten ways to tell. 

1. You can sit quietly, breathe naturally, and not have your mind 
filled with extraneous thoughts. 
For many people, sitting quietly is an oxymoron. Simply stilling 
the body does not in itself still the mind. Quietness of mind is a 
function of diligent practice rather than accidental coincidence. 

2. Your pulse is close to your resting heart rate. 
How sensitive are you to your heart rate at any given moment? 
Many skilled athletes can sense their pulse rate within a beat or two. 
Just for the record, your resting heart rate is the speed of your heart in 
beats per minute just after you awake in the morning, but before you get 
out of bed. When you become still and calm, your heart rate slows, 
reflecting a measure of quietness. 

3. You feel a sense of peace. 
Sometimes called, "bliss", this feeling is described in the 
Bible as "the peace that passeth understanding". It's an inner calm that is 
not based on outer conditions, but one that radiates within oneself. You 
can't force it; you can only experience it. 

4. Outside distractions appear remote and cease to distract. 
One of the distinctions between mantric and breath forms of 
meditation is that, in mantric meditation, one tends to "tune out"--to become 
oblivious of external stimuli. In breath meditation, however, the effects are 
different. Instead of tuning out, noise becomes muted. Sounds are heard, but 
are not bothersome. This is an especially efficient way of relating from a 
quiet state. Again, to employ a Biblical metaphor, you are "in the world, 
but not of it"--a peaceful place to be. 

5. You feel a sense of sharp clarity as though peering through a 
properly focused mircoscope. 
The difference between this kind of clarity and that which is 
purely intellectual is that it is effortless. You might compare it to gazing 
at a Renoir or a Cezanne versus working out a math problem. It's in this 
state that insights, feelings and images appear spontaneously. 

6. You encounter a time warp. 
Many professional athletes have reported instances in which the 
scene in front of them suddenly shifts into slow motion and they feel as 
though they have all the time in the world to make the play, catch the ball, 
etc. This so-called "time shift" occurs most often when you are 
particularly quiet inside. It's not something you can practice; it just 

7. Insights and solutions to problems appear spontaneously. 
A significant aspect of the creative process is a state of 
resignation or letting go of the problem, usually following and intense and 
sustained effort to analyze the problem. Often, it's in that narrow window 
opportunity when one gives up trying that the solution suddenly appears. This 
kind of spontaneous problem solving usually occurs only when the mind is 
very quiet, at rest to observe and subtly process the information it has 

8. Being non-judgmental becomes easy. 
For most of us, being non-judgmental is an effort. For the truly 
quiet mind, it's simply an outcome. It's not that a discipline of 
withholding judgment has been imposed, but rather that the mind has been freed 
of the need to judge. 

9. Disparities become more apparent. 
A truly quiet mind picks up discontinuities between speech and 
action, between what is and what appears to be. 

10. People notice. 
But usually, not for a while. People tend to think of you the 
way you were, long after you've changed. Sooner or later, however, the 
quiet mind shows through and people begin to observe and gravitate towards 
it. Quietness attracts. When your mind is really quiet, you attract 
others who find that being around you is restful and, at the same time, 
invigorating. (For specific guidance on how to quiet the mind, you may want to 
consult Top Ten List #64: "Top Ten Ways to Quiet the Mind".) 

About the Submitter: 
This piece was originally submitted by Shale Paul, Executive Coach, 
who can be reached at shale@shalecoach.com


Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 20:32:20 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: TriLite: Without Exception!
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com

This message was sent by: Gerardus 

Hi Every One...
Many years ago I read a story and it went like this:
At one time there was a very primitive group of people who were gardeners. 
They grew all their own food and they were most peaceful for they were 
vegetarians. The entire tribe was joyful and loving. They had but one 
trouble - they had to guard their God. Their God was an enormous Melon!

In the middle of their village they had a very special garden. And in this 
special garden they grew their God - this Melon. It had an enormous size 
and indeed it was a mighty monstrosity. All the people believed that this 
monstrous Melon was benevolent to them and every night they would come and 
pray to this God! Later that night they would leave smilingly and go to 
rest peacefully. All were happy because they had such an enormous Melon as 
a God. They were all happy and their sharing of Love and Laughter was renown.

At one time a modern traveler came by and saw what these people were doing 
at night - praying to a Melon. Hmmm?? Most ignorant he figured. He started 
to tell the people that the Melon was not their God and that they should 
not make such a fuss about this stupid Melon. He argued with these people 
night after night and insisted that they were dense and that the real God 
lived in Heaven. Heaven was an invisible place he told them. Slowly but 
surely these people started to argue among themselves and they blamed the 
traveler. They knew what their trouble was - and killed him... 

Long after that a second traveler came along and he also watched the people 
at night. When he saw what was going on - he started to laugh. He laughed 
so loud that he became a disturbance to the prayer meeting and the people 
threw him out. He kept coming back however and eventually the people tied 
him to a tree and he slowly died there. The people figured that they had 
done their God a favor by getting rid of him the easy way. No strange 
traveler is going to laugh at our God, they said to themselves and before 
long, all of them were back to normal, sharing and loving Life. Happiness 
was their path for their Melon was their God...

Eventually another traveler came along and he also saw what the people were 
doing at night. He looked around and pretty soon he knew what was up. In 
great respect for this monstrous Melon he kneeled down beside these people 
and helped them pray. They would sing and chant and laugh their hearts out 
for they were convinced now that their God Melon was indeed a Great God for 
even travelers were praying. They all were very happy, including the latest 
traveler for a few days later he was made their honorable Guest! 

Slowly but surely, the honorable Guest became the Leader of the people for 
they found that his wisdom was far greater than their own. And oh so slowly 
then, the honored Guest became the Counselor and Teacher of the people! 

Then after a long long time, when the people truly saw him as one of them, 
he very very slowly began to speak of the God within. The God within all 
things and not just as a Melon. It took many years of teaching and giving 
examples to the people of what the true God was all about...

Slowly but surely, all the people began to ponder what their Teacher said 
and after years of contemplation they began to understand who or what they 
really were. They were God living and walking as Men, Women and Children! 

A people smiling and sharing the Goodwill (Godwill) of the God they all 
were and represented. In fact, they finally saw that their Melon was 
actually nothing but an ugly overgrown and cancerous fruit - a reject... 

They now knew the True God - the God that lived within All of Them. They 
lived their lives smiling and sharing Life in the abundance of affluence 
and peace. And nobody could disturb their peace and greatness anymore, for 
they knew that Mankind is the very God That Is! They prospered more than 
ever, for there was no fear and disagreement about their God anymore. 

No watching out for strangers who insulted them. There were no more 
disgruntlements. All people and strangers were accepted as One! And all 
this continued for many thousands of years, because no energies were wasted 
on destructive projects, either their own or those of others. And finally, 
slowly, one by one, they also discovered, that their mighty Melon was God 
after all. For all Things are God - without exception!
- - - - - - - - - - -
~ Long Live Light Love Laughter ~ 
- Gerardus - 


Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 12:27:45 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: TriLite: Re: [spirit-l] Re: Your prayers are faulty
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com

This message was sent by: Gerardus 
At 06:23 PM 2/28/98 -0000, you wrote:

Gerardus here: 
>> One last thing I would like mention is this: When Man entered deeper into 
>> the Physical Worlds of his Creative Mind, he lost contact with his higher 
>> self! This had to be allowed in order to let free will reign. 

Rene here: 

>Is free-will then based on the illusion being 'separate'?

Gerardus here: 
Yes and No! 

The answer depends on how far back we go in our Beingsness say as a Light 
Being or from which point of view we look at ourselves. The Higher or the 
lower Being. The higher Being in my view faced the question of descending 
into their Creation of Matter or not and they had free will to do either. 

So free will allowed us as LighBeings to either become separate or stay 
connected. Descend or not Descend. I presume some did - others did not! 
Once separate though, as we are then in a proliferation of incarnations, it 
is somewhat difficult to overcome the illusion of separation and become 
connected again. Therefore most of the people in the world today are in 
this state of separation...

However, in *actuality* no one being or entity is ever separated from 
anything. It is an illusion! This illusion must be transcended. The 
masses however, do not sense the connection with their GodSelf and think 
that this God is other than themselves. This is their separation and the 
free will they think they enjoy. Somehow to me one could always see things 
from both sides. The higher point of view as well as the lower...

The masses of Mankind live in an illusionary state of mind in which he 
thinks he is separate. And this illusive state of mind allowed him to 
descend deeper into his Material Creation and lose himself within it. It 
gave him an additional realm of experimentation and experiences. In my 
view, when he entered into this deeper additional realm of matter, he began 
to believe that he is his body and is matter. He had nothing else to go by. 
That is when he became insane and found cause to fight wars and kill his 
brothers and sisters. Which in and by itself in an additional experience 
and might be seen as right or wrong from his lower point of view...

To get out of this state of separation and gain his state of connection and 
sanity again (His State of Grace), he needs to allow his inner state of 
peace to come through and manifest in his so called outer environment. 
Naturally - his so called outer environment is nothing but the inner 
environment displayed on the outside to show him what he is like inside. 

Not at Peace - or Insane! 

LongLiveLightLoveandLaughter - Gerardus 


Date: 2 Mar 1998 03:21:51 -0000
From: Gerardus 
To: Spirit List 
Reply-to: Gerardus 
Subject: [spirit-l] Re: illusions

At 09:21 PM 3/1/98 -0000, you wrote: 
>> "how can a perception be faulty?" 
>I believe they can be innacurate... 
>> what is a choice, it's maybe the 
>> first experience of duality ...

Mona here: 
For an energy that sees itself as all there is, the choice to experience 
other 'sub-realities' might just be entertainment. Duality is the 
splitting of the 'one' into more than one so as to experience itself? 
If the fragments of the 'one' believe they are no longer one, would this 
be innacurate or faulty belief or perception? 

Gerardus here: 
In a holographic universe, which I feel we live in at the moment, all 
others, or all other aspects, are the exact duplicate of the original - the 
Whole. All aspects however are not as sharp or as clear as the Whole. 
*However, each aspect cannot be anything else but itself and it experiences 
distortions or inaccuracies of any evaluation in any of its Actions.*
Improvement takes place because of each experience and action. IOW: each 
aspect grows and expand upon its previous values - it becomes more balanced 
and more like the Whole eventually... 

Another thing! The so called Whole, or Source, or Void is not a conscious 
Whole in my opinion. It becomes only conscious within and through its 
aspects or creations. It becomes conscious as an Aspect, either big or 
small. Any aspect is the whole in a certain form and in a sense it is 
better than the Whole for it is conscious of being itself. But it never 
becomes conscious as the Whole however big it is. The Whole in and by 
itself will never be conscious of anything, except that it is conscious as 
and in its aspects. IOW: One has to be Man before one can became aware 
that Man is the Whole in the form of Man. (Well, I repeat a lot here but 
it might help you as it does me) 
Mona here: 
>Quantum physics shows us that an 'atom' cannot even be observed without 
>being altered...so how could perception NOT be faulty? (if the quantum 
>theory is correct)

Gerardus here: 
Yes, the Observer and the observed influence each other. (In a sense they 
are each other and/or create each other. For neither one without the other 
does exist. We literally create and experience *ourselves* whatever we do 
and or experience... 
Atoms have never been seen. Only their shadows or light trails on a 
photographic plate have been noticed and studied. They also can be proven 
to exist on paper in mathematical notations. All in all the only thing we 
know is that *someting* exist. What this *something* is no one knows for 
the names we give or gave things mean nothing. Things have names in order 
to make sense to us. The universe does not need names... Me figureth

Last thing: 
There never was a beginning. Only Change exist and continues to be Change. 
This Change is brought about by the entities that have always existed. This 
includes Mona and Me. I'm not sure about the rest of the Gang... 
The more I get to know the more I know that I don't know - Gerardus

| Spirit List : 732 members (public) 
| http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/spirit-l.html Archive-password: truth 
| List-Operator: Maya 


Date: 7 Mar 1998 03:26:00 -0000
From: Gerardus 
To: Spirit List 
Reply-to: Gerardus 
Subject: [spirit-l] Re: illusion

At 09:52 PM 3/6/98 GMT, you wrote: 
>Greetings Friend, 
>->Yes, there are be other Kingdoms, but the Kingdom in which you and I live 
>->now, in my mind, has enough significance to be counted. Without being in 

EJ here: 
> I was sure that you realized that, but it does have the ring of 
>humanity being the "center of the universe" attitude. All powerful, All 
>knowing, Ego Arrogant humanity being of some significance in the scheme of 
>things. When actually we are but some fungus growing on a rock floating 
>about in the Cosmos. When one Realizes just how insignificant they are is 
>when True Understanding can take place. As long as we think that we are 
>god's gift to the universe, we miss the point. When the Earth (and the 
>fungus growing on it) and this solar system retracts into another Big-Bang, 
>the Universe will not miss a step -- hardly a vibration will be felt.

Gerardus here: 
The significance to me is not how we view ourselves - but that we are the 
Infinite in Finite Form. That IS the Miracle - not how small we are or 
what we think or feel about ourselves. IOW: is an elephant more than an ant? 
Gerardus here: 
>-> It is all about experiences as I see it. What beautiful 
>->opportunity all these experiences really are since not any one is either 
>->Good or Bad - just Different...
EJ here: 
> Indeed my Friend, it IS all about Direct Experience IN the Moment 
>totally unconditioned. 
>->Gerardus here: 
>->>-> Therefore all things change. I cannot 
>->>->understand an unchanging reality. It would be stagnation at its best. 
EJ here: 
As I said: 
>->> All things *within* Reality changes, but Reality will always remain 
>->>Reality -- it just IS and can not change. If Reality could change we 
>->>could have a variety of realities, which is humanity's problem at present 
>->> -- he *thinks* that everyone can have their own particular conditioned 
>->>liking of reality. Close, but no cigar. 
> And a Key word here is "within" -- for you are correct, change is a 
>primary Law of the Cosmos. But a Rose (Reality) by any other name, is 
>still a Rose (Reality). Could it be that just our projected images of 
>Reality changes and not so much that Reality itself changes ?

Gerardus here: 
The Reality I AM as Gerardus changes because Gerardus changes. Now whether 
or not Gerardus is an illusion or not. does not mean that Reality does not 
change, because Gerardus changes. If it does not, Reality would never 
become Time and Space within which Gerardus wonders about the Infinite 
(Reality) within himself being Gerardus... pondering. 
Gerardus is the figment of the Dream (Creation) I as the Creater (Reality) 
have in order to be what I am in Gerardus and All That Is! 
>->Gerardus here: 
>->I am not in line with your thinking or knowledge here. When I reach it I 
>->might agree with you. In the mean time - I feel that all things including 
>->the Almighty Reality change. However you might be speaking of Reality as 
>->if it is outside of Consciousness... 

EJ here: 
>There is nothing *outside* of Consciousness my Friend. Infinite 
>Eternal Consciousness IS the operant beginnings of manifested nature (us 
>and the world that we see and interact with). Before, during, and after 
>IS Consciousness. IT'S EVERYWHERE !!! IT'S EVERYTHING !!!

Gerardus here: 
That's what I thought for many many years until I started to read the Datre 
Material. I put a little dent in my thoughts - and I am pondering.
Datre suggest that the Consciousness System as we know it is like a Bubble 
of Consciousness within which we all are Consciousness in Action. 

Apparently they are 'outside' of this Bubble in what they call the big 
universe. To get 'outside' of Consciousness like they are, one needs to be 
birthed. This is the process we are working on! IOW: Consciousness is the 
Egg and there will be a hatching. Some will be born - other continue as 
usual - pondering about the Allness of Consciousness. Broke my heart when 
I read this...

There is plenty of Datre Material on my pages. Also here is John's address 
and he will put anyone on the Datre Mailing list. 

They also have a huge site: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/4016
- - - - - - -
We are the One experiencing the All - We are the All experiencing the One!
Light... Love... and Laughter! *!* Gerardus

Date: 7 Mar 1998 04:32:12 -0000
From: Gerardus 
To: Spirit List 
Reply-to: Gerardus 
Subject: [spirit-l] About Subjective Time.

Hello Doug... 

Gerardus here: One of my after thoughts.

You spoke so eloquently about time and timeslessness. I would just like to 
mention here what I think/feel about Time and Timelessness. I know there is 
something like subjective time within which we can experience activities 
while the second hand on the clock stands still.

When this happens I feel that we create an energy shield through which Time 
has no influence upon our sensorium (nice word). In my view, normally, Time 
or the Tempic Field is an electro magnetic energy that creates the 
sensation and/or duration of time within our brain or system. 

Time is blocked from our brain when we sleep. We are beyond Time then! 
Also certain UFO experiences make Time stand still. And naturally, when we 
leave the body at so called death - we are also beyond Time (and Space). 
IOW: this elecro magnetic energy or Tempic Field has no influence upon our 
bodily form then. Time is cancelled!

The universe as I see it, is Mind or Consciousness of a specific Energy 
within which we have created a certain condition we call the Physical 
Reality. It is a reality with a certain frequency (denseness) within Mind 
or Consciousness as a whole. Nothing is really physical or dense for it is 
99.999999% empty in the first place. Physical reality is a Force Field within 
which we float other Force Fields. Our body is one of them. Our keyboard 
is another... etc etc. Gravity and all other physical phenomena are the 
influences these Force Fields have upon each other... 

Some of these Force Fields are Aware Energy and we call them animate or 
alive. Others are inanimate or so called dead. Whatever we call them 
however does not negate the fact that all energy vibrates with specific 
frequencies in order to create the illusion of different objects - 
including cats and cookies...

Enlightening to me means - experiencing enough of myself to make me realize 
the Greatness I really am although what I am at this moment, a simple human 
being, does not diminish what I really am. My Human Form is but one of my 
disguises. To fully embody my Greatness is full Realization. A few people 
have but accomplished this in the last few thousands years. But more are to 
follow soon. Whether or not I'll be among them or not does not concern me, 
nor does it diminish my efforts to share what I know - at this time. I know 
that eventually we'll all have our Moment of Glory. In the mean time, I do 
what I can to let the Joy and Freedom within me share its abundance... 

Light... Love... and Laughter ~ Gerardus ~


Hello Everyone,
Since today is one of these "silent days" I thought I would repost something 
It is written by James Clark and he posted it to Trilite in July of last 

My 7 short answers to 7 really big questions we all have pondered. 

1. How and why was the world created? 
Science claims that it can tell us how the world was created, and 
religion supposedly tells us why. Somewhere between the mirage-like 
division of matter and spirit lies the truth of our existence. In terms 
of matter our world is an expanding energy field for growth and 
diversity. In terms of spiritual values, it is an experiment in the 
possibilities of love. All existence is an experiment in love. The 
light of the divine presence explores every possible potential for 
completeness. The brilliant light of awareness flows through every 
branch of this radiant multi-dimensional manifold ­ the "tree of life". 
Our earth is a living spaceship, a Gaia mother port that holds our 
memory and lessons in form, serving as the physical vehicle of our 
growth and expression. 

In the manifold of experience I see many wheels with worlds like 
spokes. Wheels within wheels within wheels constantly recreate life. 
Between the wheels living waves of experience exchange streaming pulses 
of energy that drive them into constant metamorphosis. The spokes 
create patterns and a stable sense of wholeness ­ all at higher 
dimensions, without disturbing the structure of our accepted reality. 
We don’t perceive it, but we can if we choose. Many people are 
beginning to accept and identify with these ancient memories embedded 
deep in the soul.

2. How and why are we created? 
It’s easy to see that many energies contribute to create us. We are all 
individual aspects of the divine presence. We depend on life itself for 
our moment-to-moment existence. The air we breath, the water we drink, 
and the ground we stand on, are all miracles of the presence. We are 
completely surrounded by the incredible miracle of life, but we don’t 
seem to realize how amazing it is! The ego protects us from seeing this 
awesome truth until we are ready for it. 

Our sense of self is wrapped up in ego projections. We believe we can 
control the outer "real" world, and hide our motives and values. The 
ego believes in separate, responsible, autonomous individuals. The ego 
takes the credit, and becomes the victim of nature’s instinctual flow 
towards completeness. When we forget to acknowledge the reality of the 
divine presence, we lose our awareness of this truth. It hardens our 
consciousness, and we lose our connection to spiritual reality ­ we 
actually forget who we are. Driven by the projected "future" and 
holding to the memory of the "past", our physical world appears inert 
because we neglect the presence and it’s power. When we remember it 
again, reality appears fluid and whole. We are created as stewards, 
keepers of our portion of reality. We hold our definition of reality in 
form, and honor that definition with our lives.

3. What is the central purpose of our life? 
We are always exploring the personality of the divine presence by living 
out the possibilities of being. Our job is to reflect the reality of 
that presence in our actions, extending the possibilities for life in 
every dimension. We are models of individual experience. Life’s drama 
reflects our awareness of this truth, or the lack of it. As we grow to 
honor the depth of the lesson, we sense the purpose in all life. It 
re-connects us in outer form, overriding the ego’s projected fear of 
isolation. We can always teach each other by demonstration and example, 
extending our values through action. Acts of love extend the 
possibilities by reflecting the divine nature within us. 

They demonstrate our relationship to the presence and bring focus to our 
identity. That action creates a deepened awareness of purpose that 
leads to a revelation of divinity in the individual. Each person, in 
fact everything, is on a mission to discover and fulfil the unique 
position that is the focus of their life. It is the energy they 
represent, and the truth they hold.

4. How are we best to achieve that purpose? 
There are no victims in an enlightened world, only lessons. 
We can choose to be aware of the lessons, and be responsible for our 
actions. We can be accountable for our personal reality, and always 
speak the highest truth. Our lessons go into unconscious denial because 
they are so painful. We always have the opportunity to see our lessons 
as meaningful, and choose to grow from them. That’s essentially what 
spiritual growth is. Each time we find a truth that was hidden from us, 
we expand into a new dimension of understanding by accepting new forms 
love. It can be both personal and impersonal, based on the individual, 
yet eternal and timeless in value. It is a profoundly deep lesson. 

Rather than learning a new skill, it often means changing the boundary 
between that inner and outer world ­ the objective and the subjective. 
The world will change very quickly if people decide to be completely 
honest with themselves and choose to speak openly about values. 
Unfortunately, some will have to replace "political correctness" and 
"television" to focus on real personal growth and awareness. The only 
way to achieve enlightenment is through commitment to inner growth. 
It’s amazing simple. Most people think in terms of schemes, and fail to 
face basic truths. 

For instance, the diet-fad industry is built on 
using people already in denial. Fads are easy because they change 
quickly, and always promise something new. Nothing I am saying here is 
new. Most of the advertising industry is based around "capturing" a 
portion of your awareness and life energy. When people start to care 
about how they are constantly allowing themselves to be used that way, 
things will change. They will want that energy back again.

5. Are we able to communicate and receive guidance from the creative 
I believe that we are constantly living in a sea of guidance. All life 
is a symbol that speaks the language of the soul. As we become aware of 
the lesson it contains we can be thankful for it. The guidance then 
becomes powerfully clear! The deepest guidance is communicated directly 
when the field of awareness expands into higher dimensions. The 
individual can know with certainty that guidance and communication is 
constant and continual. This lesson slips through our consciousness 
until we become aware of the value in it. When we grasp the purpose, 
the light within us expands and we know it for sure. 

When I look into the world with the eyes of spirit, I see this question 
in reverse. Everyone is constantly receiving the very highest 
guidance. Most are unwilling to accept it because of where they are in 
their lesson. Spiritual growth draws us closer to that lesson by 
constantly mirroring that denial in our world. The guidance appears 
when we choose to see it and accept it.

6. Does that creative source use agents to communicate and guide us? 
The projected nature of our awareness makes it appear to be so. The 
body is an agent of form. Emotion is an agent of feeling. Mind is an 
agent of idea. Spirit is an agent of value. The ego may claim to 
possess all of them! Still, these dimensions of freedom communicate 
their aspects of reality to us. We are guided towards complete freedom 
by aligning our perception of how these work together. It happens 
continuously, but we simply choose to believe the projections over our 
inner reality. As long as that remains the case, angels, aliens, and 
androids will be preferred over the direct awareness of the inner 
light. When the light is on, everything will communicate it’s truth to 

I think it is correct to say that the creative source uses our beliefs 
as a mirror to communicate and guide us. How we see these agents 
depends on how we identify ourselves with the reflections. The closer 
we come to the source, the more we see the personal viewpoint that 
colors our perspective. Some people identify fully with the projections 
and want fleets of angels, aliens, and androids to save them. These 
things manifest because the soul is mythical by nature ­ it exists by 
projecting a living story about values.

7. What happens to us when we die? 
We release our vehicles of expression when we die. Depending on how we 
are attached to them, we may experience a number of different things. 
Most of us attach our feelings to form, and when those forms pass on we 
feel a loss of identity. Some will have a sense of completion, and will 
feel released from ties that no longer concern them. These are 
essentially the same lessons we receive each day. If we want the 
blessings in our lessons, the blessings will always be ours. Nothing 
can change that truth. 

The portion of our personality that is eternal, remains forever 
uncreated. When the ego gives up control, and stops projecting new 
images, the outer sheath is released. The fear of death instantly 
disappears. It belongs to the ego and vanishes with it. The only 
remaining apprehension is from the intensity of the light ­ absolutely 
nothing is hidden from the truth. It can be a shocking experience. The 
individual spirit is essentially free to travel in the manifolds of 
light. The light is everything you have ever imagined yourself to be. 
You are limited only by your acceptance of the truth.

8. Do you have an agenda? What would that mission be? 
I believe that we are living in a very special time in history. There 
are windows of spirit that open to allow us a clear understanding of 
what we are. These gates of awareness constellate like the stars, 
creating patterns we can feel and understand with the heart. We are 
entering into an epiphane of the soul, and the magi within us can read 
these lights if we choose to follow the eternal star that guides us 
home. It is everywhere around us ­ from the east to the west. 

Over the next few years many people will choose to accept the inner 
light, bringing it ever closer to physical manifestation in a variety of 
forms. As we approach this release of critical-mass, the old portals of 
light will reappear and verify the ancient stories of the eternal flame 
held by the spiritual initiates who say... You have never left the 
Sacred Temple. This is your test of honoring eternal truth. Are you up 
to it? 

James Clark


Date: 9 Mar 1998 23:34:48 -0000
From: Gerardus 
To: Spirit List 
Reply-to: Gerardus 
Subject: [spirit-l] Re: Life Beyond Consciousness?

At 08:41 PM 3/9/98 -0000, you wrote:
>Gerardus wrote: 
>>Do you think/feel Thyer that there is life beyond Consciousness?
Thyer here:
>Do you mean life beyond Consciousness as I individually define it -- or 
>life beyond Consciousness as you individually define it, Gerardus? 
>If you mean the latter, how do you define Consciousness?

Gerardus here: 
Well, first of all let's use the concept Consciousness as defined by me. 
It might be a bit less than yours, Thyer - don't know... 

Gerardus' Definition of Consciousness: 
"Consciousness to me is a Universal Neutral Energy within which we have our 
being as well that this Energy lives within us and is us! This *us* 
constitutes all Beings and Things within the universe known to Mankind. 
IOW: We and all Things are Consciousness in some form or another! 

For the rest see below:

? . . . Who or What is Consciousness . . . ? 
Consciousness or Mind or Thought. 
Consciousness is the enabler of thought. 
Consciousness is unlimited Universal Energy. 
Life is the activity of Consciousness or Mind. 
Consciousness is Energy expressed as universal life. 
Consciousness is the Universal Presence within all things. 
Consciousness or Mind is a self-aligning and regulation Force. 
Consciousness is the cosmic energy from which all things are made. 
God is Consciousness - You are Consciousness - You are God. 
God's Identity is our Identity. 
This Cosmic Identity lives in and is Creation. 
Definition Finished!

Naturally, Consciousness can not be defined precisely! **Nothing can be 
defined precisely for we do not know what it is - besides saying it is 
Consciousness in form**. 

The point is that the *Datre People* speak about that they live beyond 
Consciousness. They say: "You are Consciousness and we are not. We live 
beyond your Bubble of Consciousness. We live in the big universe"
Difficult to visualize for me - for I figured that "All That Is" is some 
form of Consciousness or there abouts. Kind of surprised me - they might 
well be right. Maybe I should ask them to define Consciousness... Hmmm?
What you say my friend Thyer - my wise man? What's your Consciousness like?

! - - - * - - - !

We are the One experiencing the All - We are the All experiencing the One!
Light... Love... and Laughter! Gerardus


Date: Sat, 14 Mar 1998 16:28:02 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: TriLite: Did he or Didn't he?
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com

Gerardus here: 
I say that historically speaking Jesus never hung on a cross or died on it. 
I say the entire story is symbolic and even if he did - he never felt any 
physical pain for he mastered the illusion of the physical plane, so he 
also mastered the illusion of his body. Aha! In people's minds he hung on 
many crosses - those crosses however do not count... What do you say?

Cookie Wisdom

Millions and Millions of years ago 
when we as Spirits decided 
to create and enter 
- Our Thoughts in Physical Form - 
we accepted 
what is called... the Matter Cross.

The Matter Cross then... 
is the Actual Experience of living 
in a self created Matter or Physical Reality.
All Human Souls on this Earth accepted 
the Nature and Conditions of living in Matter 
as an Experience to enrich their Understanding.
The Story of Jesus and his Cross 
- A Symbolic Reality - 
for all Human Souls on Earth.

We all carry our own Matter Cross 
by living in 
our self created Physical Environment.



Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1998 15:03:19 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: TriLite: Transcription #208
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com

At 02:56 PM 3/21/98 -0500, you wrote:
Posted by Evin: 
>I write this message not with feathered pen, but with ball points of 
>light, pulsing through the time canal into your eyes of present. Your mind 
>organ [brain] takes these now-set shapes and organ-izes them into pictures 
>and meaning that only you, at the point of intimacy, understand. 
>I cannot call you "my child," for we exist beyond those relationships. 
>Indeed the degree of our oneness is beyond your species' ability to know 
>[yet wonder]. Words and thoughts may sketch images of divine unity, but 
>the living dynamics [of this unity] make those images as featureless 
>Know this: you are in time. As you process these [symbols] words, you 
>experience time. But now, draw a breath - exhale. Again. Let your mind go. 
>You experience rhythm. The rhythms are the same, yet no two moments are 
>exactly alike. 
>Your mind is a rhythm. Back and forth, knowing - not knowing. Sages say 
>"let the mind rest." Let it rest. Let it be still. Does it sleep? Let it 
>sleep. And let it dream the dreams of ages not yet born. These dreams 
>shall be pathways that the Tomorrow You (who you may never know) walk, and 
>with each golden step, move one step closer to the unseen glory, the smile 
>behind the mortal mask, the hand that holds the universe, steadily, until 
>it closes, the candle down, as the new sun rises. 
>Alap Ses, 
>Appendix - "The Book of Words"

I like the Book of Words, for indeed all words are therein found. To burst 
upon the screen of my awareness since the Rhythm of Time awoke in the mind 
I think I am, to arrange these words in the sacred meanings I need to 
explore to be unfolded fully. And in the evening while I sleep in the 
shadow of the earth, the Time in which I think I am, disappears again. For 
the Light I truly am, prefers to speak to me in my dreams. To prepare me, 
for the days in which I seem to live in a form, no one could ever 
visualize, and in no way can appreciate while doing so. And in the ages 
ahead, I shall return to the Light I am, when I have crossed the darkness 
of my days, in which I am cared for, yet left alone to be the Life of Self 
I am completely, to wander and soar upon the many rhythms of sadness and 
joy of human beingsness, to the delight of many, for I am them in Ditto and 
in Time - the Children of the Father they do not know...

I do not know Alap Ses - but I think I know the one I am. 
(Must be the Nameless in the Form of Words) 

~ Gerardus ~


Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 19:39:09 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: TriLite: Re: soul and personality
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com

>Lee here speaking to Paul: 
>Here we definately diverge again. I am not sure how any personality 
>could be responsible for its own actions if it is driven by the Soul. 
>As I see this, as you state it, the Soul itself could be intrincally evil. 
>Personalities that believe this could say 'the devil made me do it' 
>because the personality would ultimately not be responsible and 
>by their actions could influence their Soul negatively. A negative 
>experience would seem to affect the soul because the personality 
>is a direct projection into an environment for "experience".

Gerardus here: 
First of all, I would like to mention that I appreciate the discussions on 
TriLite. They are healthy even if not agreed upon by either party. That is 
the nature of the beast as we all know so well - we are all different. We 
all might come from different planetary backgrounds for example! In any 
case, here are my three molecules...

Here we go: 
What needs to be remembered by taking the above statements/questions into 
account, is this I feel; The Soul and the created personality by the Soul 
are indeed like a driver and his car. However, the car has idiosyncrasies 
the driver did not count on. The car does not necessarily behave as 
visualized originally. (what car does?) There are outside influences for 
example and very strange surroundings. The Soul encounters an inherent 
genetic molecular brain structure and all kinds of other things including 
the road itself. IOW: there are surprises on the part of the Soul. How 
does the Soul handles this? It is not all knowing and/or omnipotent! I 
see all of us as apprentices in Souldom. No one knows it all...

All incarnations are learning processes in which the Soul and the 
personality are engaged. And whatever happens to this 'twin/mind/heart' 
when incarnated, is an aspect of the Human Drama and in the end none will 
be punished or blamed. At most, the incarnating Soul-Fraction will go back 
and has learned some, and with the gain of its many experience possibly 
might be able to make a Saint out of a Hitler in its future... 

I like to mention here also, 
that Hitler's part in human history is nothing more than a ROLE. 
Neither good nor bad! The entire human race is on a journey of 
discovery - this journey contains different cycles that are usually known 
as Good or Bad in human terms. Human terms however do not count in 
Soul-Terms and it all is written off as experience. Nothing but experience!

Yes! - There is a lot of suffering on the human side and on the 
Soul-fraction side - but in order to awaken to the Infinite Light We Are - 
suffering is the impetus to awareness and/or awakening/Love in a three 
dimensional environment. Such is human life! We came to experience it and 
what we would encounter was not written in the small print anywhere. 

We are 
the Small Print!  And whether we come from One Soul - a million Souls - or 
TIL itself - what's the difference? We are faced with the task at hand - 
awakening to our Christ Self. And then - that's not all - I believe that 
this Christ State is but an aspect of the things to come. Buckle your seat 
belt Souls - floor the pedal and hold on - Life is learning the hard way...

So much for my three molecules - Gerardus


Mar 27 1998

To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: TriLite: [Fwd: Re: Signed Guestbook]

> This message was sent by: elliot@ctaz.com 
>Chuckling aloud, I am ! Thank you for your humorous reply ! I loved it ! 
>However I am in a VERY female body this time around !! Did I seem male 
>to you ?? You made a reference to not speaking of my wife ! Heeheehee My 
>husband loves to listen to me, but has not yet comprehended anything I 
>say, He just thinks my Mind wanders to places unknown ! How did you come 
>to your realizations ??? What made you search ?? Namaste, Maris

Hi Maris... 
You Lover - and there I figured you were male. Shame on this one! Your 
specific questioning style made me think you were masculine. Usually 
though, I do not think male or female, at least not on an email 
circuit. Aha. Definitely!

I came to the realizations I have about 20 years ago, but these 
realizations have expanded immensely since that time. They have 
ripened and matured. Not to say that I have reached whatever it is yet 
to be accomplished. The Soul I AM takes care of everything! I am not 
directly interested in progress for I know it is a result of my 
beingness and doing what I do. Which some people express as not too 
conversant. Whatever... 

I searched for it was time. There were questions nobody knew the 
answer to. So I started to read. I have always been a loner. 
Miss-married sort of, but we had a good time raising the children. We 
split more than 20 years ago. At age 48 to 50 I came unto my own. I 
found some answers in books but most of them came when I started to 
write. I surprised myself and then I knew that I was used or inspired 
to share whatever one wants to call it. My Soul is Brilliant but I am 
an ordinary bloke without any real formal education. I am a self made 
miracle so to speak. I am pleased with myself and would award myself 
with a seven to eight out of ten. What's your number?

I am glad you loved my response. I worked on it here and there. People 
do not realize that I work at least eight hours a day answering mail 
and questions and I do this every day - no weekends and or goofing 
off. On TriLite I usually put out 35% of all the posts posted there. 
Do you realize what that means? It means work, care and trying to 
help. One time Ami beat me I think - so what. That must have been the 
time I was busy on Spirit-l. 

I am aware that I 'carry' TriLite - I want to - for I learn from it. 
One day I might just quite and retire resting on my Thousand Pedalled 
Lotus and see the Light while I'm not looking. Until then I remain 
your List Manager and Clown... Anything else?

Jewel in the Crown and Smile of the Masters - Gerardus

P.S. No doubt somebody will come up now and ask - how come you are not 
humble? I think I let them figure that one out... 


Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 11:52:11 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: TriLite: Re: what is truth? does soul change?
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com

Gerardus here:
Hi Paul, Ami, Lee, Mahrouk, Helga, Gay, God The Father, Creation The 
Mother, Christ The Son, Jim and and Gerardus (whoever he is) and all other 
GodBeings who are participating in this discussion... (DidIforgetanyone?) 

It might help to remember that we all try to express the Higher in terms of 
the Lower. The Lower being words naturally. We all know that this is a 
useless attempt and there is no way that we will be able to resolve this 
issue. In the mean time, it seems to satisfy our mind (or ego) for we 
figure that we are coming closer to what is. I really do not think so - 
but I am just as guilty as anyone else asking or trying. All in all, I 
figure that we all need to do this for a while for it will awaken our 
intuition. Once this gets going full speed, well, I think we can forget 
about words and just smile from now until Eternity. I leave you with an 
old Cookie here...


Your Identity... is the Identity... 
God the Infinite. 

When you realize this.... you know... 
that the Person you are... does not really exist.
Physical Reality is an illusionary State of Mind.

You are... 
dreaming that you are You.

! You have been this Greatness... since ever !


I AM What IS and What Is I AM - Gerardus


Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 19:48:30 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com

This message was sent by: Gerardus 

Gerardus here: 
>Hi Paul, Ami, Lee, Mahrouk, Helga, Gay, God The Father, Creation The 
>Mother, Christ The Son, Jim and Gerardus (whoever he is) and all other 
>GodBeings who are participating in this discussion... (DidIforgetanyone?) 
>It might help to remember that we all try to express the Higher in terms of 
>the Lower. The Lower being words naturally. We all know that this is a 
>useless attempt and there is no way that we will be able to resolve this 
>issue. In the mean time, it seems to satisfy our mind (or ego) for we 
>figure that we are coming closer to what is. I really do not think so - 
>but I am just as guilty as anyone else asking or trying. All in all, I 
>figure that we all need to do this for a while for it will awaken our 
>intuition. Once this gets going full speed, well, I think we can forget 
>about words and just smile from now until Eternity. I leave you with an 
>old Cookie here...

Yu here: 
To talk about things which are not per se reachable to the mind seems to be 
futile. In one sense, it is even apparently counterproductive. Because mind 
and no other is responsible for mistaking illusion for reality as it is the 
mind that created illusion in the first place. It seems then the mind as 
the "slayer of the real" is nothing but trouble, which is indeed 
experientially true, before illumination reaches the mind from the soul.
It is the mind, however, that first lends a hand in the liberation of 
desires-emotions as well as desires-physical-appetites and later joins 
hands more fully with the soul in the interpretation of intuitions 
for the benefit of the personality as well as its own. Like everything else 
in nature the mind fulfills its own role the way it knows how, no better no 
worse. The mind like other things does not pretend to be taller than itself 
by presenting partial truth as total truth, though apparently that is 
what it tends to do naturally. Well, this is precisely the way it 
experiments and learns. Consciousness works with polar opposites where no 
balance and harmony can be arrived at without first being immersed in a 
tension of polarization. The mind is not polarized unless it is deeply 
immersed in illusion. Once liberated from illusion thanks to intuition of 
the soul, the soul-fused mind to the best of its ability interprets to 
itself contents of intuitions so that the whole personality may consciously 
make use of the light of the soul which is love for the benefit of humanity 
as well as himself. 

In this perfect creation as far as the creator is concerned there is no 
imperfection anywhere in anyway and that applies to the mind as well. Of 
course, from the point of view of illusion the contrary is true and nothing 
is found perfect. But that is a point of view full of short-sightedness and 

Gerardus here: 
When I look into the mirror of your words Paul I know that what you say is 
true! And looking at the words itself - I become mindful of the idea that 
the mind in its own measures is its own enemy, but yet is fully needed in 
order to get to the heart of the matter, which is the full manifestation of 
the Soul's intuitional knowledge, who in its turn patiently waits until the 
mind is ready to grab what it is presented with, while it disappears from 
the scene because the fullness of the Christ has arrived...

Now, where did this all come from? Beats me? Not even sure if I 
understand all that. Wow! What did I really say? Is the Christ I am, 
shining through the mind I am, in order to arise through the mind and 
absorb it fully to be itself? 

Words - I love them! If I just could remember all this now, just in case 
some fool asks me the same sticky question. Now, if I was really addicted 
to words, I would eat half a dictionary. Please pass me the chocolates for 
now Kalinda. Beats an old Cookie anytime... Hi Maris!

Hmmm? Come to think of it, I think that my mind is taller than all my 
Cookies piled on a single heap. The God I am however eats them all and 
does not even burp! Blessed be the Saint I am to be...
Light... Love... and Laughter. 
~ Gerardus ~


Date: Fri, 03 Apr 1998 11:43:06 -0700
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: TriLite: world meditation/great experiment April]

Mahrouk here: 
>Let me try and understand? We are co creator, the Source, Consciousness BUT 
>we are slow. Need time (the illusion) Many lives to work this out. The 
>INFINITE needs to work things out ???????

Gerardus here: 
The Source and its Manifestations have a Paradoxical Relationship. Also 
called, The cosmic PR syndrome. It is a cosmic illusion. All things are 
this illusion and suffer the same syndrome, but in specific circumstances, 
aspects of this illusionary syndrome have forgotten who or what they are. 
Are you one of them?

The Source is like the Air - the Manifestations are the winds and storms. 
Some silly storms have forgotten that they are the Air. Sooner or later 
they will find out for they will run out of Air. Aha! Then they will know 
who or what they really are... 

This is what is happening to the World of Mankind. They have run out of 
Air, or Source, or TIL. It makes a mess of things! It means that they 
will get transfered to the Astral again, where they will be reminded of who 
they are and after that, they will take flight once again in the physical 
world of their dreams called Earth. You ARE one of them maybe... 
Mahrouk here: 
The Source need to learn, grow, change ?????????????

Gerardus here: 
The Source or Paul's Potential does not need to learn or grow or change! 
Its Manifestations do! This is why the Source and its Manifestations have 
this paradoxical relationship in which one of them is the Image, the other 
the Reflection. Neither of the two has ever found out who is what! Lucky 
for us, for as soon as they do, they unite and become the Mirror of 
Nothingness. Game Over! It really means true Death...

Looking behind the Mirror of Nothingness reveals the Magical Malarkey of 
Words. They seem to become entities of their own and taller than their 
meanings. Some people call this Semantics. I call it Fun! How about you? 

Nice going you Rascal - Gerardus


Date: Fri, 03 Apr 1998 15:53:54 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: TriLite: world meditation/great experiment April

At 06:07 PM 4/3/98, you wrote:

Gay here: 
>From what had been said previously it sounds like the Subjective Infinite 
Source is fragmented to the point of insanity. If nothing matters, then 
why bother? I think I'll call the water company and tell them that I am 
just an illusion therefore my water usage is just an illusion so please 
don't bill me anymore. But then again, I'm just a sheep refusing to 
believe that I don't really exist. 

Gerardus here: 
If you do exist now, you must have always existed, unless it is just a 
coincidence that you exist now only. So assuming that you always existed, 
what did you do? Where were you? And how can you prove that you existed 
then, or even now, or in the future, for example? 

Point is, I do not think that we can prove that we exist or not exist. I 
feel that this is so - because we exist on and off - in a gillion galaxies 
and all their infinite worlds in all that was, is, and will be. Yet, all 
this, is still your dream scattered into infinite realities real and 
illusion simultaneously...

And what happened to your dream last night in which you cried for Joy?

Glad to hear from you - Gerardus.


Subject: Re: TriLite: What is Truth? Does soul change?
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 1998 17:27:07 +0530

This message was sent by: "Mahrouk Vevaina" 

Gerardus here: 
Yes! Yes! Within the reality of the Games or Dream however, Mahrouk is 
real. All things are real within the reality of the dream - but in the 
infinite scheme of things - nothing is real. That is the Paradoxical 
Relationship the Source has with its Manifestation in my view. In the mean 
time (they) IT has a PR problem!

Gerardus - and now I weep. I can see nothing to disagree with? do you hear 
the sobs ? Quick - say something to keep the game going.....



Date: Mon, 03 Aug 1998 20:58:39 -0600
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: TriLite: The Game Goes On...

This message was sent by: Gerardus 

Michael here to Ami: 
So you think there is no evil? Go ahead and stick your head in the sand and 
say "I don't see no evil." I assure you there is something somewhere you 
would consider evil. I am not trying to promote fear. I am trying to tell 
you what time it is. There is a difference.

Gerardus here: 
The universe has at least two or more opposing forces who all in and by 
themselves represent the Creative Source. All these Forces are the 
Creative Source at play and this play is pretty rough sometimes. It 
instills fear were it is needed!

By being subjected to this Fear and by participating from within all Forces 
we slowly learn that All Is One playing the Game of Many. It also means 
that all of us have our own individual truth which is the result of our own 
experiences. Eventually all experiences bring us to higher and higher 
levels of development and in the end we experience the Law of One in its 
Fullness as a Christed Being...

Is there Ultimate Truth?

Yes, it is: There is only Individual Truth. Until the Christ in us 
has arisen. Then the entire Universe is our Being and all Truth is One. 
The Law of One or Love or Understanding!

Just thought to pass this along. 

NonGuru - Gerardus 


Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 07:41:32 -0600
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: TriLite: Death and Past Lives

This message was sent by: Gerardus 

Gay here: 
Hi Kristina, 
I have a few different thoughts on reincarnation. 
When I think about how the earth respirates - recycles - and that water 
Cleopatra drank a couple of thousand years ago possibly winding up in my 
coffee cup this morning, I wonder if pieces of all of us aren't passed on 
into the future in a similar fashion. What we are made up of physically 
recycles in the earth's respiration, including all that we have touched 
and have made a part of our physical beings. Perhaps the cellular level 
of our physical being remembers our spirit and transfers trace memories 
of that as well. Might explain deja vu and several living persons 
claiming to be the same person reincarnated, possibly even why some 
people are born seeming to know so much more or being more advanced in 
some way. Then I get to thinking on that too hard and realize that if 
that is the case, then we are all more connected than we would like to 
think as we all ultimately share the same things - water, air, etc. 

Which means that I have as much affecting me on a cellular level from 
people/places/things that I don't like as well as those which I would say 
I love. Maybe this is where "free will" comes in. I can choose what I 
will let affect me from the cellular level on a higher organized level. 
Now, if I could just figure out how to make those choices wisely and 

Hello Gay - Gerardus here: 
I agree with your cellular memory thoughts for all is interconnected and 
really One. However, I feel that the Energy Aspects that reincarnate are 
specific energies of our Spiritual Being (whole Soul) who for specific 
reasons chooses to build a body with specific physical characteristics in 
order to experience a certain lifetime and gain from it on a Spiritual Level.

In a way, I see the physical material as the energy upon which we as Souls 
record our specific information and can withdraw from this at any time we 
need to do so. IOW: Our whole Soul is a wanderer between its many 
incarnated energies that live in physical bodies. In the mean time, the 
specific fraction of the whole Soul stays and sticks with the body during 
the daytime and gets a break at dream time. 

The body then is like a "Hard Drive" upon which a Specific Information and 
Karma is recorded which leaves at death until it eventually assimilates 
with the whole Soul and thereby becomes the whole Soul. That is when the 
two Holographic Images become One...

My two cents of reincarnation from a fraction - Gerardus


Date: Sat, 15 Aug 1998 14:19:06 -0600
To: gerardus@telusplanet.net
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Two Kinds of Love...

Gerardus here: 
Yes, I am saying that Love is not an emotion. We are Love! We are the 
Universe! We are Creation! So we could say that we are Love for 
Ourselves. Or that Love is the Knowing Feeling or Understanding that All 
is One. 

Cosmic Grokking. 
Love - or God's Love - so to speak, IS the Energy We Are. We could also 
see it as an expression of Wisdom containing the need to express/create and 
live/be in manifested form. Which varies infinitely within our Dream. God 
then is the Dreamer and within its Consciousness all things take place with 
infinite diversity. We as the God Energy participate as Human Beings at 
this period in time and explore our own Love or Creative Abilities by being 
here and writing posts for example. Other people express themselves by 
fighting wars. All in all, it's Free Will doing its thing... 

Maris here: 
Also do you know which plane you are on now?? Or which one(s) we go to 
in your sleep time??? Planes, Trains, and Automobiles!!!!! 
Ramblingling, BUTTING in, Maris in the desert! Namaste!

Gerardus here: 
We are on what we call the Earth Plane of Being. There might be many others 
like it but not quite the same. In our sleep we periodically go to the 
next higher plane and consult our Friends, Guides and Helpers and have a 
general chat of how we and they are doing. These chats give us insight 
into what we are working on and how to go about it more effectively. 
Depends... I guess sometimes we just be and joke around...

In actuality we associate or relate to other aspects of ourselves for in 
the NOW we are all One. In the mean time, our Benefactor or OverSoul 
oversees and guides us into more and more challenging positions and 
situations in order for us to develop or evolve to higher planes yet. 
These OverSouls naturally have been on earth many times and know the 

We are all 'thoughtforms' of other Thinkers/Creators and some of these 
'thoughtforms' seem to live in a physical environment. Physicality however 
is an illusion but that does not mean that it is not real to us. Illusion 
and Reality are the same thing... (Realusion)

Throughout all this, we may see Love as the Glue of the Universe but this 
Love is not the same as we experience love when we live in a Human Body. 
Love there is indeed more an emotional thing or need. An attachment! It 
makes the world go around even maybe. A complete Being neither hates not 
loves - it cosmic groks - it is itself understanding all...

Two cents worth of two kinds of Love - Gerardus


Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 08:34:59 -0600
Subject: Truth in a Nutshell

Sam here: 
Primary power rests with the Federal Reserve Bank, the International 
Monetary Fund, and the bankers who control those megaliths. Major 
debt users (aka cash cows), such as weapons mfrs., pharmaceutical 
monsters, etc., are secondary driving forces. It's all about 
money, which, by the way, doesn't exist. There is only debt. 

The President has dictatorial domestic powers, Congress has none, 
but the President's decisions are made for him by the military/ 
intelligence cabal (which is controlled ultimately by the bankers). 
They put on quite a sideshow to convince us otherwise. Fascinating 

Sam Earle


Date: Sun, 23 Aug 1998 10:28:08 -0600
From: gerardus@telusplanet.net (gerardus)
Subject: Ra's Definition of Love

Ra's definition of love is:
This must be defined against the background of intelligent infinity or 
unity or the One Creator with the primal distortion of free will. The 
term Love then may be seen as the focus, the choice of attack, the 
type of energy of an extremely, shall we say, high order which causes 
intelligent energy to be formed from the potential of intelligent 
infinity in just such and such a way. This then may be seen to be an 
object rather than an activity by some of your peoples, and the 
principle of this extremely strong energy focus being worshipped as 
the Creator instead of unity or oneness from which all Loves emanate.


Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 08:36:19 -0600
To: gerardus@telusplanet.net
Subject: Account of Life

Charlie here:
Well here is my take on the situation. From what I have be able to 
gather is that when we die we do not go back to the one consciousness 
because we are never apart from the one consciousness. Of course what 
happens to one will not always happen to another, but what does happen 
to most entities is that they reincarnate to continue learning the 
lessons of love whatever they may be at the particular stage of 

According to Robert Monroe's work in the astral realm 
what happens upon death of the body is dependant upon the belief 
systems of the entity. If you believe that you will go to heaven and 
be with Jesus and all your family than this is what will happen, and 
after a while one will start asking questions such as "there has to be 
more than this". 

Conversley one who is attached to the planetary realm 
or certain people in it can become ghosts and continue playing out the 
similar drives they did when they were alive. Now in the case of the 
consciously aware individual once the body is gone a whole new level 
of consciousness is experienced. 

No survival imprints, no sexual 
drives, no pain/pleasure, no hunger, etc. So as you can see a whole 
lot falls away including linear time. The aware entity is then able to 
review the last life lived and start preparing for the next life and 
what is needed for the growth of the soul. The soul being the record 
of all experiences up un till this point. We do stay in this earth 
plane so to speak and have to be reincarnated here until we become 
aware enough to graduate. 

Graduation day being in the early part of 
next century. The entitys whom graduate on the left hand path will be 
relocated to a 4D negative planet, right hand path students will stay 
here on planet earth as the earth has already moved into the new 
frequency and will become a 4D positive planet. 

Thoes entitys that 
don't make the grade will relocate to a 3D planet to finish learning 
the lessons it missed here. So in essence 3D earth is the realm of the 
choice, the choice of which way to evolve, the right or left hand way. 
This being the case there is a hierachy of beings, so called negative 
beings in 3D want your power and money. 

Higher density beings want 
your consciousness, for you to take their way, except the positive 
entitys who want you to find out for yourselves through free will. You 
asked are there "good" and "bad" spirits, are they close to earth? A 
number of UFO sightings are higher density beings doing their thing. 
They need a vehicle to be seen in the spacetime continuum as do we and 
the spacecraft is a vehicle to them not the machine we see. There are 
also real spacecraft such as the ones from Sirrius, and the military 
ones, and there are also thought form projections. 

Yes there are spirit guides and apparently we have up to seven of them 
or more. I have not too much information on this though. What about 
man's need to name and give human attributes to God? It is not just 
God that man names it is everything, to feel safe to have everything 
in place to try to understand the unknown. Is God just sentient 
energy, or truly a wise Being, who's true purpose in the Universe is 
Love? I think GoD is total non-being therefore totaly being and what 
we experience as this creation is the expression of this non-being in 
infinite ways, GoD knowing itself through free will. And if so, how do 
we know that? We don't!! This is not a dimension of knowing, even 
subjectively, due to the lack of overview of cosmic and other in- 
pourings which affect each and every situation which produces 
catalyst. The subjective acceptance of that which is at the moment and 
the finding of love within that moment is the greater freedom.

Consider if you will that the universe is infinite. This has yet to be 
proven or disproven, but we can assure you that there is no end to 
yourselves, your understanding, what you would call the journey of 
seeking, or your perceptions of the creation. That which is infinite 
cannot be many, for many-ness is a finite concept. To have infinity 
you must identify or define the infinity as unity; otherwise, the term 
does not have any referent or meaning. In an Infinite Creator there is 
only unity. You have seen simple examples of unity. You have seen the 
prism that shows all colors of light stemming from sunlight. This is a 
simplistic example of unity. In truth there is no right or wrong. 

There is no polarity for all will be reconciled at some point in your 
dance through the mind/body/spirit complex, which you amuse yourself 
by distorting in various ways at this time. This distortion is not in 
any case necessary. It is chosen by each of you as an alternative to 
understanding the complete unity of thought which binds all things. 
You are not speaking of similar or somewhat like entities or things. 
You are everything, every being, every emotion, every event, and every 
situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/ 
love. You are. This is the Law of One.

Somebody asked about intuition also, I have found a little piece for 

The function of intuition is to inform intelligence. In your illusion 
the unbridled predominance of intuition will tend to keep an entity 
from the greater polarization due to the vagaries of intuitive 
perception. As you may see, these two types of brain structure need to 
be balance in order that the net sum of experiential catalyst will be 
polarization and illumination, for with out the acceptance by the 
rational mind the worth of the intuitive facu


Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 08:11:42 -0600
To: gerardus@telusplanet.net
Subject: About Money

Very few people seem to have any clue how money is created.
The man on the street is likely to say that he "makes" money when somebody 
gives him money for his work, and he might think that his concern about the 
national debt and about inflation constitutes an understanding of what 
those concepts mean.

Most people think their government is creating the money in the first 
place. And most are also concerned that their government owes a lot of 
money away. As they are concerned that they have to pay a lot of money in 
taxes to pay for the government's expenses. Few people notice the lack of 
logic in this model. If the government was indeed creating the money it 
could just print the money it needs to cover its expenses and it didn't 
need to have any debt. And who does the government owe money to anyway?
Most governments have, according to the constitutions of the country, a 
right to create money. However, most of them aren't exercising that right, 
but has given it away to an institution separate from the government. In 
the U.S. it is the Federal Reserve Bank, a privately held corporation which 
isn't controlled by the government. Most countries have national (central) 
banks that work in similar ways.

Money is created by banks in the form of loans. Bank loans, despite the 
common misunderstanding, do not come out of the funds deposited in them. 
That money doesn't go anywhere. It only gives the bank the right to create 
some new money that didn't exist before, according to a certain system.
The national bank is normally the only entity in each country that can 
create money completely from nothing, without any reference to prior 

For example, the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank can create a billion dollars 
just by making an entry in a computer. It can then "lend" that money to the 
U.S. Government. In return it will get an IOU, a note that the 
U.S.Government, or rather, the tax payers owe it one billion dollars, plus 
interest. That IOU becomes the "security" for the loan. That the Federal 
Reserve Bank didn't have a billion dollars in the first place doesn't enter 
into the equation.

All other banks have to follow a slightly more restrictive system, but can 
nevertheless also create money out of nothing. There's something called the 
"Fractional Reserve Ratio". It means, in principle, that the bank needs to 
have a certain percentage of the deposited money on hand. It ranges between 
3 and 12% in the U.S. for different types of accounts. For simplicity's 
sake, let's say it is a uniform 10%. The superficial reason for this 
appears to be to ensure that the bank is likely to be able to meet the 
demands of the depositors for their money back. However, the real purpose 
is to allow the banks to generate more money than it has, by creating 
credit, and to put a limit on the degree to which a bank can do that.

A bank can essentially lend out the equivalent of 90% of what is deposited, 
since it needs to keep 10% as reserves. However, the process is 
cummulative, as the generated credit translates into money that is spent 
and deposited into other banks. This creates a repetitive cycle where each 
deposit allows a bank to lend out more money. When it has gone through the 
full cycle, the net result is that 10 times as much money has been lent out 
as what was originally deposited. A deposit of $1000 would translate into 
$9000 of *new* money in the form of credit.
Modern money is "fiat money", meaning that it isn't based on anything 
tangible. It is only numbers based on trust.

Let's make an imaginary example of the creation of money. The national bank 
creates $1000 and lends it to the government. The tax payers will owe that 
money back with interest. The government spends the money, i.e. it gives it 
to somebody in exchange for goods or services. Whoever gets it will 
probably deposit it into a normal bank. So now a bank has a deposit of 
$1000. That bank can now lend out $900, keeping $100 as reserves towards 
the deposit. The original depositor still has $1000 in his account, and the 
new borrower has $900. The borrower pays the $900 to somebody else who puts 
it in his bank. That bank can now create $810 of credit, keeping $90 as 
reserves. This goes on repetitively through multiple banks until a total of 
$10,000 has been lent out. Which a bunch of people will owe back, in 
addition to interest on the $10,000.

The national bank can also take the $1000 IOU from the government and use 
it as "assets", which allows it to create additional money that it lends to 

The math is relatively simple, but it can be easy to lose track of.
There's also a basic mathematical problem here, and some inescapable 
- Only banks can MAKE money. 
- The money the bank makes will be owed by somebody PLUS INTEREST. 
- The bank didn't make the money to pay for the interest
To over-simplify everything, let's assume that you lived on a desert island 
with only one bank. The bank lends out $100 for a year with 10%/year 
interest. In other words, the bank needs to get $110 back. But it only 
created $100. That $100 can be exchanged many times over, by people buying 
and selling goods and services with it and passing it from hand to hand. 
That's what money is used for and that is very useful. But at the end of 
the year the bank will still expect to get $110 back. No matter how much 
the money has been passed around, there still is only $100 in existence.

The only thing that comes to the rescue is that the economy keeps 
"expanding". Some of the people who were paid along the way will have put 
their money in the bank as well, and the bank used those deposits to be 
able to create more money to lend out. So, during the year somebody else 
has borrowed money and there might be money enough around to pay the $110 
back, and nobody notices any problem.

But the problem is that this is a pyramid scheme. It only works as long as 
the amount of debt continuously expands
All money represents debt. It doesn't inherently represent value, it 
represents that a bank is owed money. If we took all the money in the world 
and we paid it back to the banks for the loans, there would be no money 
left in existence, and there would still be an additional amount of 
interest due, which doesn't exist.

Money gets created when it is lent out by a bank. It gets destroyed when it 
gets paid back. When you pay back your $10,000 bank loan the bank just 
zeroes your credit account. The interest, on the other hand, becomes the 
bank's revenue.

If the economy is continously expanding at a sufficient rate, everything 
might work fine for everybody. Except for those who can't pay their bank 
loans. The bank will continously foreclose against those who can't pay. In 
other words, the manufactured money, which somebody can't pay back, is 
converted into tangible assets that the bank now owns.

The inevitable consequence is that banks own more and more of the tangible 
assets that are around. Chances are, if you're a typical citizen, that 
banks have indirect ownership of your house, your car and 50% of your 
future income, in addition to the ultimate ownership of most government 
assets, and all the stuff that they own free and clear based on already 
having foreclosed against loans that couldn't be paid. That you think you 
own your house, despite it being mortgaged, or your car, despite not having 
paid the payments off, is the result of clever legal double-speak.

Who do you think the U.S. Government owes 4 trillion dollars to? Who had 4 
trillion dollars lying around to lend it? Nobody did. A small portion comes 
from bonds issued to private citizens or investment funds. However, the 
majority of that money was created out of the blue by an entry into a 
computer at the Federal Reserve Bank. However, what is owed back is much 
more tangible. What the debt is secured by is very real assets, and it is 
your future ability to work and pay taxes.

In the U.S. the main use of taxes is to repay loans to the Federal Reserve 
Bank. The Grace Commission, formed by Ronald Reagan in 1984, concluded 
after extensive study that approximately zero percent of collected income 
tax is used for the expenses of the government. 100% is either paid 
directly towards the federal debt, or is wasted in the process of 
collection and transfer. In other words, your taxes are paying the interest 
on loans, not funding the government.

Beyond all of this, money is a very useful exchange medium, if you have it. 
It can be used as a neutral medium of interaction, as a sort of energy that 
can be spent whichever way people choose. You can very well enjoy the flow 
of energy and the potential prosperity that is possible by playing the 
money game well.

But the inherent design problems of today's money remain:
- Money is created mostly based on an Industrial Age model. Somebody 
borrows money to buy production assets and pays back the loan from the 
profits derived from products sold. 

- Money lenders (creators) are naturally reluctant to lend money for 
anything that doesn't involve tangible assets, or for anything that isn't 
profit oriented. 

- The sustainability of the money system is based on continous expansion. 
The whole pyramid scheme will only work if more debt is created and more 
money is spent every year. A zero growth scenario would collapse the money 

- The whole money system will naturally fuel activities that are organized 
around material profit. Human values and environmental issues have 
relatively little place in an economy based on profits and repayment of 

- Somebody owns and controls the money creation power, a very exclusive and 
private group of people - deriving staggering wealth and power from it.
There are of course many counter-examples. You would be able to find plenty 
of people who make a lot of money by doing noble and useful things. And you 
can find plenty of people who do good things with their money. The natural 
flaws and tendencies of the system itself will still remain.
- Flemming 


I made a typo on my spelling on the last post and I laughed about it. 

Here I think is the correct version of my Ten Rules:
Ten Rules for being Human by Gerardus...

1) Laugh about your Mistakes. 
2) Try to be the individual you are. 
3) Know that everyone is equal to you. 
4) Strive for excellence while smiling. 
5) Forgive others when they make mistakes. 
6) Work like a dog but do not predict the outcome. 
7) Adore nor have reverence but for your own Self. 
8) Admit that you are not perfect as a Human Being. 
9) Remember there is no greater Being than you are. 
10) Have a smile in your heart for your fellow Beings.
11) (Spare one just in case) Know that All is Well - any time!

So Be It - Gerardus
>>--------> Life is God at Play - The one Rule is Love <--------<<


Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 21:15:05 -0600
Subject: Re: TriLite: Belief and truth (was:lifes purpose)

Gerardus here: 
As I see it: Absolute Truth is a Myth. A Human Concoction. We could say 
though - that the absolute Truth is: that there is only Individual 

All throughout the universe. These individual Truths however come 
closer and closer the higher we travel... 
Paul Yu here: 
Is the infinite light truth? If the answer is yes, since there is only 
individual truth, as you maintain, the infinite light must be individual 
truth. If there is only one infinite light there must be only one 
individual truth. Is that what you are saying, Gerardus?

Hi Paul - Gerardus here: 
No. This is what you are saying. 
TIL is the name I gave to the Universal Energy (or the Void if you like) 
out of which all things emerge. We can even call this Void the Absolute 
Truth if you like. In actuality it is not a Truth. It just is! 

However, it is a Truth as an Isness - The Isness. It's also a neutral 
Energy and positive as well as negative thoughts create from this Energy. 
For from this Isness - things are created by thought, which in and by 
itself is a self-organizing form of this TIL Energy. These thoughts 
create and create individual truths or illusions in many planes of being, 
but never is it possible for any of the created to reach the Absolute. 
It's like breathing the air. You can never contain the all of Air. Just a 
bit at the time. Naturally if one created greater lungs one could breathe 
more air, but never the Total! 

Paul here: 
Does the concept of illusion apply to truth as well as to other 
of the mind? Are there illusory truths, in other words? 
Gerardus here: 
Yes! All truths or Realities are fabrications of the Mind. The Essense 
of Mind could be seen as Spirit. It is all! 
Paul Yu here: 
I am speaking here of human mind and illusion as a product of human 
mind. For we are only talking about truth obtained through human 
experiences. Do you still think that the individual truth obtained 
through human experiences is not illusory?

Gerardus here: 
Yes, it is illusionary in the sense that it is not the Void or the 
Absolute. It is a form of it. A distorted form. The thing is that we as 
Human Beings have come up with names and often we think now that the name 
is the thing. We have come to believe that there is an Absolute or an 
Absolute Truth, above and beyond us. Not so I intuit... 

We are the Absolute in Human Form. Period! There is Energy! Dumb and 
neutral Energy that is used by those who know how to handle it. We as 
human beings are learning how to handle this energy in a specific creation 
we call Humanity. 

This has been going on for billions of years for that is the duration we 
have been at it. However, we first of all had to create bodies capable of 
appreciating Time and Space. Man was the last created Species - right?! 
The animals came first. That in it self might have taken 3 billions years. 
Now I am just guessing here naturally. In any case we adapted animal 
bodies and are in the process of creating Human Beings out of them. This 
is difficult for sure for the animal nature lingers on...

Humanity is the creation of the Guys and Dolls that live it! We live as it 
in order to know what's going on. So some of this Energy is aligned into 
shapes and forms and thinking human beings (or beings that think they think 
for all is illusion). The energy that is not formed into shapes and form is 
the wild energy or unused energy and it is there to be aligned any time we 
are ready. We use it to create posts for example. Thoughts in the symbols 
and reality of words on a screen that make sense sometimes... 

>>Paul here: 
>>>Is individuality separated from totality? If not, how is it related to 
>>>the whole? These are the fundamental questions. 
>>Gerardus here: 
>>Individuality are the Colors of The Infinite Light. It contains them 
>>The realtionship is a 100% dependent upon the other. All things are the 
>>Light and the Light is all things in a particular form of itself. 
>>Like Charlie's bee. It is a bee only because of what is not bee. 
>>I see all things as fractels from fractels from fractels from fractels, 
>>while the Whole Phenomenon is the Matrix that connects these fractels 
>>together. Some call this Mind of Consciousness. 
Paul here: 
>The different colors are not each the totality that the infinite light 

Gerardus here: 
No, it is an aspect of it *OR RATHER* it is an aspect of the Whole we see 
and experience. The rest of us is invisible. It is suppresed, for we are 
playing blue now, we are playing humanity now, we are in a spell of an 
illusionary existence in which we think that there is something else beyond 
us. People call it God. And so did I for years. However I have changed... 
Human beings are the visible aspects of The Real - being The Real! The 
Real can never show up as itself, for it would not recognize itself. It 
needs forms of itself to relate and play the game we call Life. The Real 
or Absolute is the light behind the projector. It shows itself filtered 
through a film as we call it. The Infinite Light itself is an unconscious 
unlimited quantity. It's a blinding Light - useless to itself - meaning 

Paul here: 
>Each individual color like each individual truth is only part of the 
>whole lacking other parts. These colors change and are not permanent. 
>And so are individual truths. Only the holographic truth persists and 
>that truth is the absolute or ultimate truth.

Gerardus here: 
Yes, what you say makes sense. However, we can only create concepts of the 
Holographic Truth for we NEED to experience it through one of its finite 
holographic individual forms - the illusion - the one we as human beings 
are! In the mean time, we overlook our own infinite value by assigning 
almighty power to the Absolute and the so called God is Love principle as 
people call it. I say there is no such God and there is no such Love. 

There is Love yes, but only within certain forms of The Infinite Light. 
Other Forms go for Service to Self. I am for Service to Others, which could 
be called Love. Yet, naturally, the Service to Self Beings are as much The 
Infinite Light in Forms as we are. They need us to play the game and we 
need them. The whole of it naturally is a mind game. The Ultimate Mind 
Game we call Life...

Greetings with Love - Gerardus
>>--------> Life is God at Play - The one Rule is Love <--------<< 


Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 12:50:01 -0600
Subject: Re: TriLite: Moving toward the Light

Cindy here: 
Greetings Group-- 
Considering Gerardus's recent statements about Brit's being "cold", I 
was wondering if possibly it might just be good to get these feelings 
and opinions out into the open so they could be reconciled. 

Here-to-fore I would have said these things should be quietly and 
individually dealt with, but now I wonder if in such a group as TriLite 
with the omnipotent membership, perhaps we should openly discuss them 
indeed. Please allow me to throw one out. I have over the years become 
increasingly sure that natural redheads have no ability to empathize 
with other people. I consider them insensitive. Okay, argue with me.

Hello Cindy - Gerardus here: 
Your above post is worth a hundred others. Indeed, we should discuss 
anything we like and our personal opinions about others are only personal 
takes. It does not mean that people are as mentioned. And who knows, these 
takes might have been thrown out there, to begin the tackle the underlying 
energies of our existence, instead of being so nice to each other to make 
TriLite nothing but a mutual admiration society. This is not what TriLite 
was intended for... 

I consider TriLite a Teaching Device and we all know that we have enough to 
learn as yet. By all means, let's get deeper into our human nature. It 
beats being the nice person all the time and say nice things to each other 
because one or more members might become upset if we don't... 
On this list in the past, and on other lists I have been on, once in a 
while someone would come on and upset many members by saying something 
nasty. Often people would embrace them with their so called loving 
comments, but more often than not, their comments were nothing but words. 
One provocation and the true self came out... 

I have nothing against or for anyone on TriLite. I try to make it 
interesting by reaching the bottom of our humanness in order to learn more 
about ourselves... 

Call a Brit cold and you have done it. 
Call an Italian warm and no one speaks. 
Last time around they exchanged roles... again...
- - - - - - -

Moving toward the Light indeed...
When we truly know who or what we are, we are not affected 
by the affairs of the world and/or by what others call us, 
for we have the unshakable knowledge that all are the same 
and that all are playing their roles to reach that wisdom.

Light... Love... and Laughter. ~ Gerardus ~ 

Ellen is a redhead and she would not agree with you but she is not upset. 
Living with me - she is teased and provoked enough to smile about it...


Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 19:41:56 -0600
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
Subject: Re: TriLite: Mindboggling Questions

Sam here: 
I don't know the answers to these excellent questions, but I will 
offer a viewpoint that keeps me interested. 
Is it possible that, given an infinite realm of existence, there are 
an infinite number of what we call physical universes, interlocking 
in such a way that for each individual human there is truth that is 
manifested in that universe, while another individual's truth 
manifests a very different universe, yet the two individuals are 
able to see, touch, hear and communicate with each other. Thus, they 
argue, sometimes fight, about their conflicting truths. All are 
right, none are wrong. All is illusion on this plane, so yes, there 
is illusory truth in overwhelming quantity, but since illusion equals 
reality it is a pointless distinction. 

Hi Sam - Gerardus here: 
Pointless distinction indeed! This reminds me that we all live and are the 
same Mind. The universal Mind. Within this Mind we create our own universe 
and naturally we are connected for we are the One Mind. Disagreement occurs 
sometimes when we do not grok that all of us live in the same Mind and 
create our own realities according to our beliefs and wishes. Some of 
these realities naturally disagree with the realities of others. This bugs 
people a lot until they get the picture and compensate for those who prefer 
to live differently and therefore have created a different reality or 
illusion. Freewill and preferences are boss here... 

Sam here: 
Individuality is separated from totality only by means of the 
illusion of individuality, which is necessary for this type of 
existence. Ultimately, we are all made of the same stuff, which is 
non-stuff (bow to Dr. Choprah), and are all of one mind, a single 
infinitely faceted consciousness.

Gerardus here: 
The illusion of individuality is also the reality of individuality. This 
reality to me is most important! At one time we were Oneness in 
Unconsciousness and at this moment we are on a journey of becoming 
Individuals striving towards the Light or the Christ Consciousness. This to 
me is becoming Oneness again. The Oneness of or in Christ or I and the 
Father are One! The original Oneness in Unconsciousness, as I see it, 
escaped Oneness in order to be what is - Individuality Absolute. Only then 
can one grok the Whole or Oneness. I might be wrong in all this but this 
is where I am at... 

Sam here: 
This is the only concept I have been able to construct that allows 
for the fact (yes, fact) that we do create our realities with our 
minds (not our brains), both before and during our human lifetimes.

Gerardus here: 
Yes, the entire phenomenon of Human Life is a coming and going back and 
forth that in and by itself is nothing but going to Cosmic School in order 
to re-member with what we already and always were. Which is the "Entire 
Hologram of Self" created by ourselves in our likeness. In the mean time, 
the completion of this long journey gains us the experience of the Human 
Condition and its successes and failures. In which the failures are nothing 
but re-minders of pulling up our socks and push on... 

Sam here: 
While we can be aware of the differing realities of other humans, 
we are not affected by them unless we share the beliefs that 
created them. Indeed, if you believe (belief is absolute) that 
you are alone on the planet, you are in fact alone on the planet, 
and if you believe that you are being directed by evil beings who 
speak to you telepathically and tell you to murder people, that is 
in fact what is happening. 
To change the world, change your mind.

Gerardus here: 
Exactly! This also counts for liking and not liking. It comes down to Love 
which in my book is Understanding. Not some kind of attached necessity to 
be always agreed upon by others or I get upset kind of stuff. We need to 
overcome these pitfalls of human nature. Once we know who or what we are, 
nobody can budge our mindset of knowing that. From there on in we act 
accordingly. This does not mean that it is always easy to do...

Appreciated your post and trying to push on - Gerardus 


Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 11:20:41 -0600
Subject: Re: TriLite: Bashing continued....

Cindy here: 
How do I know they were Jewish? Well, I know what you are saying about 
that yankee accent sounding Jewish. There were hints along the way like 
names, but most usually I believe I can distinguish them. When I first 
arrived in Texas, I was a speech teacher and REALLY had to struggle to 
understand the accent of my students. Now accents feel like a 

Is anyone else noticing that the men are not volunteering their hidden 
prejudices? I think men are usually the worst ones!!! Am I wrong? 
Does bashing just come naturally for women? Come on men, anything you 
want to point out about women in general or limp wristed men? I know 
you must have something you are guarding....Cindy

Hi Cindy - Gerardus here:
Yeah, here is a deep Gerardus-Male-Secret: 
I feel women to be superior to men! 

However there is one exception.
Sam and I are still arguing about that one. 

Hahhaha hhahha hahha hahha ahaha ah - Wow for sure!

Half Woman - half Man - half Dutch - half Canadian - half American - half 
Young - half Old - have Funny - half Tragic - half Rascality - half Dull - 
half Here - half There - half Alive - half Dead - half Christ - half 
Buddha half Mahrouk - half Me - half Spirit - half God. Slap them 
altogether and I become a Cookie Baker. In the mean time, I feel like a 
segmented orange having trouble which segment to get going in the morning...
What a Life this is - Gerardus

God thing some TriLiter gets me in the right mood every morning. 
All this takes place in mind only naturally. Must be a big one...


Date: Thu, 05 Nov 1998 20:47:29 -0700
Subject: TriLite: The Apple of Eve...

This message was sent by: Gerardus 

Consider this... 
Let's take a descended of "The Apple of Eve" and look at it. What do we 
see? We see apple skin and maybe some spots here and there. We see top and 
bottom and we know what it is, a beautiful apple. An apple Eve would have 
been crazy about... 

We cannot see inside the apple. However, we know what is there. There is 
apple meat and seeds or pits. Give or take a few. Funny things these 
seeds. They mean continuity! They come all the way from Eve's apple. 
Since we cannot see the inside the apple, let's ask ourselves, what else is 
there that we cannot see about our apple? 

Puzzled we ask ourselves what that could be. We thought that we saw the 
whole thing. Not true! The apple we look at, floats in an Infinite 
Invisible Field of Energy out of which the apple arises. This infinite 
field also contains the apple tree, the earth, the sun, the galaxy and the 
entire physical universe. All things float in this Infinite Invisible 
Field of Energy and all things arise from it. Hmmm?! 

What do people call this field? Well let's call it, The Infinite Light or 
TIL. We could also call it Spirit. So, TIL or Spirit is the Infinite 
Invisible Field of Energy in which all things float and have their being. 
We live in this kind of stuff and all of it is invisible to us. Weird! 
Well, many people call this Infinite Invisible Energy the Divine Mind, but 
really, that is only to please our own silly mind. I don't think that the 
Energy Field cares one way or another for it is totally indifferent and 
insensitive to what it is called. It's a neutral Field...

In any case, the apple does not exist just by itself! It is part and 
parcel of an infinite and invisible reality, of which we know next to 
nothing. All we know is that in actuality the apple, the apple tree, the 
earth, the Milky Way and all things float in this invisibleness. Human 
Beings and dogs float in this stuff! By looking at our apple however, we 
have the tendency to forget this invisibleness. Boy what a mistake!
The invisibleness of our apple naturally is TIL or Spirit. TIL or Spirit 
produces apples. Apples, human beings, dogs, cats and mice. It produces or 
creates everything we see around us or we can think of. Also, consider 
this; as far as we are concerned, the awareness or consciousness of all 
beings and things is present within the visible aspects of the universe. 
Which arises out of the invisibleness, which I call the unconsciousness of 
the universe. Being human I have to call it something. It's there, being 
IOW: There is a conscious aspect of creation and there is an unconscious 
aspect of creation. This unconscious aspect is the aspect out of which all 
things arise. Visible as well as invisible things naturally! So, there 
could be zillions of other awarenesses within the invisible aspects of 
creation. These are invisible to us as well naturally. We see just about 
next to nothing of what is out there...

One thing we must remember! By looking at our apple we see but very little 
of the entire apple for it extends itself within the invisible energy! It 
might extends itself infinitely. What do we know? We only see the visible 
aspect. The entire apple exist or floats in an infinite field that is 
unknown to us. This infinite invisible field however is part and parcel of 
the apple. I'd say it is even the main aspect of our apple! I wish Eve was 
here, she would know for sure by now... 

Some people call this invisibleness, God, Spirit or TIL or whatever. What I 
would like to point out here is, that the invisibleness of the universe, is 
not separate or apart from the visible aspect of the universe. It's all One 
Universe! There are no two parts or aspects. There is, what we could call, 
an Unobstructed Universe. We just think that there are two or more. We 
think so, because we do not see the invisible aspects. We are blinded. We 
are reality blind. We see our reality but the infinite aspect of ourselves 
we do not see. All this means naturally that our opinions about things mean 
very little, for we are not aware of what's beyond the things we have 
opinions of. Quite uninformed if you ask me...

Another point here: 
Scientists tell us that there is no objective world out there. What is the 
objective world or universe? It's what we think we see when we look around 
us. Now, if these scientists are right, and I think they are, there is not 
one thing out there the way we see or experience it. Well, WHAT IS out 
there? What is out there, is the Unobstructed Universe. It's an Energy 
that has visible and invisible aspects. We are looking straight into it 
and all we see is an apple, or whatever. We only see the visible things. 
And also, what we see is an individual version of what we are looking at! 
For what we see is created by the body-mind we live in. Hello! Our bodily 
structure and conscious mind are responsible for what we see. Indeed, there 
is no common objective world out there. We all create our own world. All 
that is out there is Energy, out of which each and every one of us, create 
our own reality.

Since all of us live in different bodies, we all create different realities. 
My body and mind create something different than yours does. No wonder we 
bicker about what we see and experience out there. We all see something 
different and we think that we all see the same thing! Not so my sweet 
heart. Not so at all! We all create our own replica or concept of the 
world and they are all different. Besides all that, we all also create our 
own individual experiences in order to learn our own individual lessons. So 
what is common out there? Not a darn thing!

All things and experiences are an individual creation and none of us can 
compare and say - I see what you see - or this is the way it is. Nonsense! 
We are all different and we all create our own world and our own universe 
from scratch! This leads me to the conclusion, that we are not just an 
image of the Creator, but we are a duplicate of the very Creator. We are 
the same thing! We are the very Creator of our own reality, of our own 
world and of our own universe. Good thing there are some overlapping areas, 
for if not, there would be nothing to agree or quarrel about. In the mean 
time - Congratulation. You are the very Creator! Create something will 
you - I'm waiting for a response...

Greetings with Love - Gerardus


Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 07:59:30 -0700
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: TriLite: God: Conscious or Unconscious?

Mahrouk Vevaina wrote: 
So when you identify God with the UNCONSCIOUS, I would agree. He DOES 
see everything, but WE, who identify with the conscious, CAN'T SEE Him. 
Is this a way of changing the accepted meaning of words? 

Peter here: 
I don't think so. The words "conscious" and "unconscious", as they were 
originally coined by the early pioneers of psychology, represent 
'components' of the mind, not merely 'states' of the mind. This 
distinction is not widely understood or often recalled.

--------- The middle portion of this post has been deleted -----------

To notice the absurdity is, I think, to be touched by the voice of the 
soul, to have the soul strengthen within. It is a very healthy and 
healing thing to be touched by the voice of the soul; it makes you feel 
good, and alive, and healthy. Thus, much much humor, especially the best 
humor (well, IMO), relies on pointing out the absurdities people 
regularly encounter in life, for in doing so, in recognzing the 
absurdities, we all draw closer to the voice of our own souls, if but 
for a moment.

Gerardus here: 
Excellent Peter. In my opinion, whatever happened in the past to our 
conscious/unconscious relationship was a deliberate dividing effort in 
order to experience the world as we know it today. Absurd or Insane indeed! 
In my view, we wanted to find out what the conscious could do on its own 
without the direct influence from the unconscious. This could be 
considered to be "The Separation of Man from God" or "The Fall of Man". 
All this however is a planned and completely controlled experiment by the 
Universal Creative Energies we are.

In the future, I see us slowly uniting with our unconscious or intuition 
again and what we take with us are the experiences of going through Hell so 
to speak. All this I see as a planned and purposeful experiment on our 
part. All of us are Creators and in order to be creative we utilize the 
lowest and highest levels of expression in order to create the widest scope 
of expression possible. 

This really means that all of us who are here now, have been around for 
ages and ages, in order to participate in the almost unlimited endeavors of 
Man's Creativity. However, the Creator in Man is not Man - not in that 
sense. It is the Infinite Creator having is 'play' by means of its 
Creation, by means of Mankind. The Creator is who or what we really are! 
We as this Creator and express ourselves in our Creation and live by means 
of, or through, our expression in order to see what we are all about. Sort 
of - Look Ma - see what I can do! 

Please keep posting I enjoy them tremendously - Gerardus


Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 19:06:21 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: TriLite: The Only Option Left...

To all TriLiters...

The Situation with Iraq: 
Obviously there is no answer in violence or to bomb the people of Iraq! 
The only way to get the "guard" changed there is to get the people of Iraq 
to do this themselves. Therefore we need to drop Groceries, Bread, Cookies 
and Wine by the ton. Again and again! 

Here is the gist of what I wrote before:


The Gerardian Iraq Solution for the world is drop loads of Groceries, 
Bread, Wine and Cookies onto the cities and country side of Iraq. Keep this 
up for at least five years and in the mean time support the Opposition to 
Saddam Hussein by means of instructions and finances dedicated to change 
the political structure of that country. To prevent a Black Market of the 
dropped goodies, really pour it on, so that there is such an abundance in 
that country that nobody can control the distribution. Saddam and his 
Buddies will become relaxed and lazy and their own people will deal with 
them in the years to come. There is no instant solution...

Wrap all parcels and goodies in printed pamphlets with explanations in the 
Iraqi language to indicate to the people of Iraq that they have suffered 
long enough and the reasons why. Give them examples! After five years they 
will decide what to do with Saddam. The dropping of food is a peaceful 
solution that is more effective than any occasional violent action. It is 
also more tasteful! To change any regime in any country, the Masses have 
to be involved - the Leaders will follow. So Be IT. Please send this 
around the world if you like...

~ Gerardus ~

= = = = = = = = = = =

It is July 2010 presently and the "changes" in Afghanistan are 
that the USA Military is minimally approaching what I said about 
Iraq in Nov/1998. Unfortunately, the USA mixes up the groceries 
with bombs somehow and they kill more people as that they feed. 
No wonder the Afghani's are getting violently upset with the 
occupiers of their country. Will the USA ever learn??

= = = = = = = = = = =


Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 19:34:28 -0700
From: Gerardus 
Subject: TriLite: Reflections...

This message was sent by: Gerardus 

To all TriLiters...
All of us are "Reflections of the Whole" and all of us are "Unique". 
Within this uniqueness we find diversity and the discernment of what we see 
around us and of each other. This is as it should be! To voice or write 
about the characteristics we notice in others is a normal occurrence for we 
all need to compare in order to grow. Mentioning our characteristics 
therefore is a normal happening and I prefer it that way. It prevents 
making TriLite a Mutual Admiration Society, that in and by itself, would be 
nothing else but a cover up for our real feelings and thoughts... 

TriLite was established to be a Teaching Device as well as a Mirror 
pointing out our specific Reflection and Uniqueness. Naturally TriLite is 
also a Healing Device and it is a healing for all of us, when others say 
something about us - True or False. All we need to do is reflect upon what 
we have read and remember that all views are personal interpretations of 
the way we come across. And then, last of all, it can never hurt to ponder 
on what was said in the first place, for it might be true after all. So, 
let's use what we read about ourselves as an impetus to learning and in 

Greetings with Love - Gerardus 


X-Sender: gerardus@pop.primenet.com
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0.5 (32)
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 10:39:21 -0700
To: gerardus@primenet.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Poem

Oh... my beating Heart of Truth 
in the Light of your Honesty 
you have exposed her... 
and she was found wanting.

Standing there... scheming... 
upon an Island of phoney Smiles 
surrounded by an Ocean of Lies 
of her own making.

And I... the Infinite One... 
knew all along... 
since I have already forgiven her 
for playing the Role she has chosen.

Grinning she searched... 
into the Darkness of her Mind 
and created another Mirror 
waiting to be used... 

The Mirror slowly and carefully spoke 
with a different Voice 
and from a different Direction.
Piling layers of Separation 
upon Separation that formed her Doom.

My Infinite Heart quivered in Sadness 
but I... the Infinite One... 
must serve the Will of Self.

When the new Voice spoke... 
the Mirror of Self split into half 
showing the Monkey behind it.

It had hollow Eyes 
and spat Words of Deceit.
Finally my Child discovered... 
that she'd played the End of her Game 
and the River of Tears 
began its Journey 
and choked her Mind in Agony.

Therefore I... the Infinite One... 
say to her...

May the Light you are... 
my Lover of Self... 
clear the Image of Self into fading 
before the God You Truly Are 
in all its Honesty and Greatness.

Love to you mon Ami... 
Until we meet Soul to Soul.

November 22/98 


This poem was written on behave of a Member of TriLite my Email List.
I remember who it was - Do You?


X-Sender: gerardus@pop.primenet.com
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0.5 (32)
Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 14:45:01 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: TriLite: For Peter!
Sender: owner-trilite@UserHome.com
Reply-To: TriLite@UserHome.com

This message was sent by: Gerardus 

B J here: 
I wonder if there is nothing unfortunate nor a predicament that we 
are here now. Could it be that this is why God set this in motion in the 
first place so that he/we could have this experience again to see if God 
would become better prepared to advance in the future? By having an 
experience more than once or however many times, hopefully the outcome on 
each would be for our over all growth toward the most divine self.

Hi B J - Gerardus here: 
I agree with your 'wondering' and dare say: 
I do not feel/think or acknowledge in any way, that mankind is in some kind 
of predicament that is not of his own making. Reading Peter's learned 
posts, I get the feeling that he is trying to point out that mankind made a 
wrong turn in the past and still has not made a U-turn. Possibly the 
present mass of humanity is still traveling a dead end road, but I am sure 
that millions of us have seen the glitter of the world and turned around. 

Also, many individuals have made it by now and they are looking after the 
straggles. Of which Jesus or whatever his name was, is but one of them. In 
the mean time, all Masters are Shining Examples of our own future... 

I feel that we had to separate from our Infinite Self in order to become an 
Individual GodBeing by means of some kind of 'division' or 'divorce' from 
our previous Oneness. Having said this now, does not mean that we cannot 
return to this Oneness in the future, if so desired, and bring with us the 
experiences we had to go through because of all this... 

Each and everyone of us is on an enormous trip in Time and Space in order 
to experience these kind of realities as well as terrible human conditions. 
Eventually all of us will return with a bag full of goodies that make up 
our individuality. Nothing negative about this in my view, although some 
experiences in and by themselves might be less than pretty or nice. Some 
trips, as I see it, have to made without Cookies for example. Tough. 
Happy Returns - Gerardus


Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 10:23:15 -0700
To: TriLite@UserHome.com
From: Gerardus 
Subject: Re: TriLite: The Observation

Gerardus wrote: 
Nothing is Real - but The Nameless - That's us! 
All else is illusion, taken for, and called reality. Illusion and 
reality are each other. The observer is the only Real or Absolute. 
Trouble is, people keep looking for it while they are already it!

Charlie here: 
It is not the observer that is real or absolute any more than the 
observed as they are one in the same. It is the observation that is 
absolute, the awareness. It is like sending out the search party into the 
woods to look for the search party or trying to touch the tip of your 
right index finger on the tip of your right index finger. No amount of 
looking in any direction will help you see who is looking. Perception by 
its nature requires dualism, we can only perceive something by being 
seperate from it.

Gerardus here: 
You are right Charlie. I did not get it quiet right. One thing though, to 
me the observer is awareness, which changes by what it observes. In the 
mean time, the entire observation changes because awareness gets opinions 
about it. All in All - the world or the universe is Change - of which we 
are an aspect changing on the go...
You speak about "observation" as if it is a thing by itself. 
Is that what you mean? 


Charlie here: 
 I missed one of the earlier threads, the subject line was something to 
do with reincarnation and evolution. I beleive that evolution is fairly 
automatic, in some case a so called back step can be taken but in 
general, consciousness or awareness is self organizing. 

Gerardus here: 
Evolution might look fairly automatic, but I think that we can help it 
along by working with it instead of bucking it (Hanging on to old ideas). 
Then, I see evolutionary changes as an aspect of thoughts we might not be 
aware of. The thoughts of the Co-Creators. We as human beings are aspects 
of these Co-Creators and their thoughts. We leap towards the future 
without knowing what's good for us and Fear holds us back. The entire 
evolutionary pattern though goes according to a plan - the Co-Creators plan 
- our plan. What this plan is - we live with individual deviations... 


Charlie here: 
From simple 
single cell creatures with few receptors having little awareness of their 
surroundings evolving to very aware entities by comparison, in a matter 
of a few billion years. A measure of organization which speeds up at an 
exponential rate...where's it all going I ask myself. 

Gerardus here: 
I feel that the entire 'creation' is meant to be an experience. The 
pleasure or pain of it is determined by our attitude. Trust in the 
"Creator We Are" for example puts us at ease. Also, I figure that trust 
grows the more we become aware. We do not know anything until we begin to 
be intuitively aware of our Inner Self - TIL (The Infinite Light) 


Charlie here: 
This is why it is 
important to me to accept my own development and not to chide myself for 
being lazy, etc.,etc., and etc. Observing the journey....it can be tough 
remembering I am on holiday sometimes....what with the traffic....and the 
Trying to remember

Gerardus here: 
I agree! The maintenance of the vehicle we live in is most important. If 
we are not able to maintain it in a comfortable manner for example, our 
stomach grumbles and it makes it next to impossible to venture beyond it. 
In a sense our stomach is the gate through which we look. Sounds mighty 

New point here: 
I am baffled by the thought that there is no objective reality out there. 
As you are aware Charlie that's what the scientists tell us. Now, if this 
is so - it means that all of us makes up our own from scratch. Most 
intriguing for all of it is done by our Body/Brain/Mind...

Also, I wrote an article some time ago and I wonder if you ever read it, 
and if so, what did you think about that piece? I figure that you just 
might bite into it if you have not read it already... 

Here it is: 

All throughout Creation, The Infinite Light (TIL) breaks itself into 
different holographic fragments that in and by themselves are unique 
and reflect the One from which they emerge. Each fragment continues 
to break into many other fragments which are whole as well. They all 
reproduce and create new circumstances, which teach them who or what 
they really are. TIL itself! TIL doesn't know good from bad lessons. 

It experiences itself, by expressing itself in as many possibilities 
as it sees fit in order to fulfill itself. TIL is Love for Itself!

Light... Love... and Laughter. 
~ Gerardus ~