! ... Gerardus'  25,000  Posts ... !

~ My Pages and my Posts are my Legacy ~
( Do not laugh so loud - I am already doing That )

... My point here Is ...
How could I possibly have a Legacy
when I as an illusionary person know that I do not actually Exist?

For more on This
... Gerardus Speaks ...

03 - 1996

Resent-Date: Thu, 4 Jan 1996 10:06:08 -0800
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 1996 11:04:32 -0700
X-Sender: gerardus@indirect.com
X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Light Version 1.5.2
To: wisdom-l@rain.org
From: Soul 19271225 
Subject: Re: What does wisdom mean to you?
Resent-From: wisdom-l@rain.org
X-Mailing-List:  archive/latest/176
X-Loop: wisdom-l@rain.org
Resent-Sender: wisdom-l-request@rain.org

At 02:56 AM 96/1/4 -0500, you wrote:
I'm on this list because part of my seeking has been to ask others what 
"wisdom" means to them. And so I ask all of you: What does wisdom mean to 
you?--I suspect this is an old discussion among you here, so I apologize. 
It seems my path in life to discover slowly and with genuine amazement 
what, when I reveal it, others tell me is obvious to everyone. 
--Gerald Grow, Professor of Journalism, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee

Hi Gerald... and All...

Gerardus says:
Excellent subject!

This might be an old discussion, but I have never felt more confident and 
capable of expression what I feel about this concept than now. So - as far 
as I'm concerned - it is brand new and worth discussing...

To me personally - The word Wisdom is but a symbol for the entire business 
of Life and/or the Universe, or God for that matter. Life is the 
"Wisdom-School" and in order to learn what Wisdom is, one must live Life in 
the most diverse and varied possibilities one can think of. Our Human Life 
and the experiences in it, are but a very small aspect of what there is to 
learn in the entire universe, high and low. I would also like to say here, 
that all this learning is about - Love. How to love and how to express it.
It's like this: a painter paints because s/he loves it. A writer writes 
because s/he loves it. A poet poets because s/he loves it. Etc. etc.
- They are the Creator expressing itself - 

The universe in its entire scope: is Love Expressed. The Love we have for 
ourselves (this includes everybody and every thing) is expressed in our 
Creation. For it is the Expression of our Love! The Love of the Creator we 
simultaneously are and not are. For now therefore, since we live in a time 
oriented body and world, we are this Creative Force in Human Expression - 
and some of us are consciously aware of this. At the same time however, we 
also are the Creative Force itself and always will be, for we as Human 
Beings are connected to - and are - the highest possible Level. To become 
aware of this to the fullest - is becoming a "Son of God" - like the Buddhas 
and the Christs have done. 

The Human Expression for example, is an additional expression for and of the 
Creator in the same sense as that the Computer or Radar or Ice-cream is for 
human kind. As the Creator we infinitely will express ourselves into 
different possibilities of our infinite beingness! There are no other 
Expressions but the Expressions of the Creator 'being' itself...
This 'beingness' is Consciousness in the forms of Soul - Mind - Body 
in its infinite variations all throughout our own creation.

Consciousness is All There Is. 
 This is what Wisdom means to me... 

At one time I dreamt that I was God - but I gave up on it 
I woke up as Gerardus and I knew that I was kidding myself!

Light... Love... and Laughter! *!* Gerardus


From: unicorn@globe.com.ph
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 1996 16:20:02 +0800
X-Sender: unicorn@globe.com.ph
X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Light Version 1.5.2
To: gerardus@indirect.com
Subject: Light Body

Hello Gerardus, Unicorn here:
I finally received your photo. I have good news for you. The answer to your 
question: "if there is any chance that I could attain the Lightbody in this 
Lifetime?" is yes. But you have to do certain exercises regularly to attain. 
There is one that is easily within your reach. It is called the Mer-ka-ba 
spherical breathing. You can download the instructions from the Spirit Page. 
Another way is to practice the Winged Unicorn Meditation Technique. You can 
and are entitled to practice it if you are interested.

BTW, have you ever had any out-of-body experiences. The first part of the 
Mer-ka-ba technique will result in this experience. I guess it is in 
preparation of the second part. I told you once that we are monitoring the 
different exponents of the Ascension paradigm. Well, Drunvalo Melchizedek is 
one of the legitimate ones. He's for real. Please update me on your practices.
The photo also revealed that your present loose bowel movement is partly due 
to your acidic diet. You will have to cut down on "acidic" food. This means 
the wine has to go. 

You will have to increase the ingestion of "basic" food 
to neutralize your high acidity. I guess this acidic nature runs in the 
family, and could be the same cause of your brother's condition as well. 
Another aspect is that you still carry some deep resentments concerning 
certain people in your life. I don't have to tell you about forgiveness and 
letting go as you know very well the importance of this. Doing the 
Meditation of Twin Hearts will improve your emotional state. Use the 
blessing portion to bless and forgive those who have disappointed, and hurt 
you. Most of all bless and forgive yourself for whatever disappointments, 
hurts and resentments you blame yourself for.

When I do the Twin Hearts meditation I verbalize The Simple Prayer of St. 
Francis of Assisi (Master Kuthumi) when blessing the earth with pink light. 
It contains all the necessary elements for achieving inner peace. Just 
thought I'd pass on this tip.


To: LightWork-L 
From: Soul 19271225 
Subject: Re: Prayer

At 06:33 AM 96/1/19 -0500, you wrote:
I'd like to start a never ending prayer. If this darkness is in the 
internet, Light, Love, and Prayer must be in the Internet also. So.. what 
better way? I'll start the first lines: 
You and others, just add on, and keep it going. 
God is the Infinite Light of the Universe, the Infinite Wisdom of God is 
ours now. As the Light of Love grows to its never ending power, it repels 
all darkness, sending it back to whence it came. Knowing, it is so. 

All blessings are with you.
I am a channel for the light. I am one with the light. I bring the light of 
God and Spirit forth, through me, as a gift for the people. I pray that 
each individual accept this light, connect with its source, and channel it 
forth to another, until all are one and the love from Spirit permeates 
everything on earth.


I am the Light and know that All is Well! This very knowing will radiate from
my Being to enlighten all aspects of my Totality in which my Light has not 
been realized.  So Be IT!

*!* Gerardus


Date: Sun, 4 Feb 1996 16:01:23 -0700
X-Sender: gerardus@indirect.com
X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Light Version 1.5.2
To: reality@onramp.armchair.mb.ca
From: Soul 19271225 
Subject: [Reality] Cookie Human Story
Sender: owner-reality@onramp.armchair.mb.ca
Reply-To: reality@onramp.armchair.mb.ca

The Baker and the Human Cookies...
At one time there was a baker who knew how to make all kinds of different 
cookies. The only way to make these cookies 'real' and 'interesting' 
however, it required that the baker became the dough of the cookies. On the 
other hand - one advantage was - that all cookies became 'alive'. Sooner or 
later these cookies grew up and became human beings. They started to see 
that all human beings were different as well as that they had different 
colors. In the mean time, they have been 'alive' in different cookie plays 
for billions of years.

Up to this very day - there are but a few cookie human beings, who remember 
who or what they really are and where they came from. When they tell their 
story - they are laughed at - because the other human beings see no fun in 
being the invisible baker equally... 

They rather play this silly game of calling each other black, white or 
orange, or any other color in between. They also like to shove each other 
around a lot and crumble each other to pieces! It gives the winning beings 
a certain glow. They will keep doing this until they understand that all 
human beings are equal and that all of them are the invisible baker in the 
first place...  End of story.

Light... Love... and Laughter! *!* Gerardus.


Resent-date: Mon, 05 Feb 1996 14:35:15 -0800
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 1996 15:12:55 -0700
Resent-from: wisdom-l@rain.org
From: Soul 19271225 
Subject: Re: a word for interdependence
Resent-sender: wisdom-l-request@rain.org
X-Sender: gerardus@indirect.com
To: wisdom-l@rain.org
X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Light Version 1.5.2
X-Mailing-List:  archive/latest/247
X-Loop: wisdom-l@rain.org

At 01:57 PM 96/2/5 -0500, you wrote: 
> As the discussion has sprung up around the value of "self-sufficiency," 
I've read with interest, had my thoughts, and held my tongue. Why held me 
tongue? For one thing, I wanted to stay focus on my own quest-- that 
"organic process" issue I raised. 
------- snip ---------- snip ---------
> I probably embody more of those "virtues of self-sufficiency" than 
most folks, but I strive nowadays less to celebrate that fact than to 
celebrate with humility the profound limits of my actual self-sufficiency.

Hello Andy... Hello All...
The self-sufficiency I feel to be of importance, is the self-sufficiency in 
the mental regions of life or existence. To be self-sufficient in thought or 
even in reverence possibly - that is my quest. Naturally, as physical 
beings, we live on "Cosmic Welfare" from day one. The air we breathe - the 
milk we drink - the place we live... But do we really? 

We need to see this entire matter of life in the physical as an extension of 
ourselves as the Creators of it. This might be hard to do for many, since 
the intuitive truth has not come through. (The Age of Understanding is upon 
us) Existence - Life - Consciousness - Matter is a continuum containing many 
other continuums like time and space as well as the continuum embracing 
animate life and so called inanimate life. There really is no known boarder!

So, there is basically no difference between a rock and a man except for a 
few nerves and an awareness system. The secret of both is in their very 
atomic existence itself. The power that 'moves' their atoms and subatomic 
wavicles to make them what they are - Existence in a physical manifestation. 
This Power for both is the same - only functioning differently! 

This I find the Miracle - the Celebration! Not the fact that either we, or 
others, are the Creators of them. We, as the Creative Force so to speak, 
have always existed! While our "show piece" (that what we are as human 
beings) is a forever changing adventure as well as an infinite revelation 
for whoever goes to the limit of the search. Search and you will find - 
knock and the door will we opened!

Knowing that, we realize that All depend on All. Life on Earth is like an 
endless mystical symphony of which the "orchestra we are" is but the 
"show-piece". While all the repair shops, maintenance people, directors and 
composers, including the creators of this orchestra stay in the background. 
Yet - they are present somewhere, but only for the ones who know they are 
there. Some people might believe they exist, however believing is a risky 
business. All could be folly! Knowing is the task...

In the mean time these creators/benefactors/helpers are as much part of the 
"Show Piece" whenever they individually voluntarily appear as teachers or 
philosophers disguised as Kant, Socrates, Spinoza, the Jesusses, the 
Buddhas, the Lao-tzus, including the amateur philosophers on wisdom-l. When 
all the Hoopla has been experienced and the Game is over, all the 
pieces/energies disappear in the same invisible box again. While this box 
in nothing else but an extension of the Spectrum of Existence that happens 
to be beyond our vision at this time. For all is One.

The entire manifestation/creation in the physical is like an 'audience' that 
appears but for one session - fifty billion years long. Compared to 
infinity this is nothing to speak of. Next time around we are the creators, 
the repair crew, or the so called "invisibles". While in the mean time, all 
these self-declared self-sufficient people on some earth dabble on and have 
their thoughts of discovery. 

Sooner or later they are bound to find out - 
for NO secrets are possible in but One Mind. This One Mind is the ultimate 
interdependent Miracle upon which all of its inhabitants depend from day 
one. In whatever planes, nooks or crannies they either create or re-visit.

You got me going again. 'nuf for now...
Light... Love... and Laughter! *!* Gerardus.


To: Multiple recipients of list lightwork-L 
Sender: owner-lightwork-L@wilbur.protree.com
Reply-To: LightWork-L 
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 1996 16:04:19 -0700
X-Sender: gerardus@indirect.com
From: Soul 19271225 
Subject: Re: Insight, Please!

At 01:57 PM 96/2/10 +0200, you wrote: 
>Dear All, 
>I really felt compelled to write after reading all these letters. 
>I have too felt very restless lately. It has been over a period 
>starting a few months ago, climaxing very recently. It has been 
>hard for me to concentrate on just about anything, and it seems 
>I spend most of my time daydreaming. My studying have really suffered 
>from this, I simply can not concentrate on reading. But, it seems 
>like right now when the amount of the input has been increasing, 
>a lot of stuff is coming out of me. I have always written music 
>with my guitar and lately the ideas have come like big waves through 
>me. They seem to come from nowhere, and all of a sudden I have a 
>complete song. I have also begun to write poetry in finnish, something 
>I have always felt I should and could do, but it seems like the time 
>is now! Actually I started to write poems after I joined this list, 
>maybe it has something to do with it... ;) 

Gerardus here: 
My dear young friend - in no way am I as sensitive as you are - but yet in 
my own way - I went through some of these "energy-changing" periods. 
Somehow they passed and I felt better because of them. Then, I would say, 
there really is no reason to worry about any of these things and certainly 
not about your studies. Things will be just as they should be. You will 
know what you need to know when the time comes to know it. You have many 
guides and helpers...
I have heard that some very advanced people in your region are being 
'prepared' for the times to come. You could be one of them! I suggest to 
leave things up to the Spirit and although you might be trembling on the 
outside - get used to an eternal smile in your heart... 
It may be wrong to say 
>that I can't concentrate on anything, since it seems that the focus 
>has just moved on to something new. But the problem is because I 
>don't have a job I really feel I should finish my studies. It will 
>take at least another 3-4 years, but I think it is vital for my future. 
>What do you think? What would you do in a situation where you feel 
>that what you are doing is not what you really feel deep inside your 
>heart you'd wanna do, but you really have no clue what else to do 
>either? This is so confusing to me...

Indeed, I would say again that you are not to worry about the future. Having 
said that however, I realize that this is a lot easier to say than to 
follow, especially since my future is taken care of. No doubt yours will be 
as well! 

You should do what you feel like and music is the language of the Soul. So 
with your music you possibly could heal millions. Music is the direct 
connection between all of us - without words - without fuzz... 
>I have also started to feel different about very familiar places, like 
>my home. It's like viewing with a new, different light. I get feelings 
>just by thinking or looking at an object. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, 
>but always surprising. The same is happening with my friends. All of 
>a sudden being able to look inside them is scaring me quite a bit. 
>You know, everything I see is not beautiful...

> I really have begun to 
>see that some of my so called friends, even if it is very hard for me 
>to admit, are taking very much advantage of me. And I am one of those 
>nice fellas who never say no... On the bright side, I can also feel 
>the Love some of my friends are giving me from their hearts, and this 
>of course feels better than anything. But I hate to categorize my friends 
>in 2 groups, and sometimes I wish I wasn't able to see inside of people 
>and things, although I admit it is a gift. Once a pisces, always a pisces...

Since you are becoming more sensitive - you become more sensitive in both 
directions. You will see the positive and the negative more and more 
reinforced. This is normal - you will know what to do! One can always be a 
nice guy but there are limits. You are not to be trampled over and need to 
keep your distance from the friends that might have negative qualities. Love 
them but leave them... It's no use to become a patsy! 
>I really feel the shift is about to happen. We are all having labour pains 
>before the birth, it's something we have to go through before something 
>new is born. 

Great shifts are happening within you Samu. The big one is still not quite 
ready. You might be so far ahead of the masses that there indeed in no one 
who could really help or truly advise you. I suggest to go for long walks in 
the woods and surrender to the silence of the trees. And if you see a good 
one - give it a hug. Trees are steady creatures and this will help a lot... 
I just don't like to feel so insecure about myself right now.
I understand you completely - although possibly I have never felt as 
insecure as you do. I do not know. We must feel secure by knowing that All 
is Well - and that all of us have chosen to be who we are, for our own 
progress, as well as for all others. I hope my writing here and my empathy 
will help you some... 
>Is there anybody out there who can restore my faith?

Again dear young friend - I wish I could take some of your load. It somehow 
does not work that way - I give you my blessing and my love...
May the Great Universal Soul that takes care of all of us give you an extra 
'wink' and help you to be the best you can be. Without compromises and 
without the aloneness of all great Souls in progress... So Be It!

With extra Light... with extra Love... and uproarious Laughter!


To: The meaning of life and other weighty contemplations 
From: Soul 19271225 
Subject: Re: Existence of self and reality

At 02:49 PM 96/2/13 -0700, you wrote: 

>To all, 
>Is your perception of your existence of self and reality not the result of 
>your physical surroundings and your reaction to them? 
>Conditioning in other words. 
>I live in a fairly affluent country and have enjoyed the benefits of a 
>loving family and a good education. Therefore my perception of my reality 
>and also the meaning of life is different to what I expect it would be if 
>I lived in a different country and enjoyed different economic 
>If I lived in a "third world country" (somewhat like Washington DC, as I 
>have seen on TV, broke and drug infested)then my needs would be different, 
>I would not have the luxury of being able to contemplate the meaning of 
>life , because I would be too concerned about where my next meal was 
>coming from. 
>No time for Cookies in that existence. 

Gerardus here: 
Ray has got a good point here. The place where we are born and raised 
has a lot to do with it. However, conditioning or the 'place or 
situations' we are conditioned by, is not a haphazard deal or 
occurence. So - it does not work by luck or chance... 

Life - all Life - works by feelings. Feelings could be compared to 
vibrations or frequencies. So, if you are of a low frequency or of a 
specific frequency you are bound to born in a specific place in the 
world. Until one knows how to transcend that particular type or 
frequency of life - you're born into it again... and again. Slowly but 
surely, we learn how to climb out of the pit that could be called the 
pit of ignorance or hell... 

That's why New Age people as well as others speak about vibs 
(vibrations) these are the specific frequencies they speak of. The 
higher the frequency - the higher your universal evolvement. We all 
start from the bottom.
We should not forget however that Time is an illusion and people who 
are on the bottom this time around, might have experienced higher 
frequencies in the past. Each Lifetime is a separate experience and in 
order to experience variety we kind of mix them up here and there. But 
in general we could say: that all Saints are Sinners who never gave up 
and kept on trying. So their frequencies or Vibrations became higher 
or more evolved. 

Time for Cookies - now ?

Is the Wind Air or is the Air Wind? 
Is God Man or is Man God? 
As Above so Below or as Below so Above!
Light... Love... and Laughter.

*!* Gerardus *!* 



To All...
Question: Can two things occupy the same space? 

I feel that that has been happening since ever! All realities are 
virtual realities and are only real when viewed or experienced through 
a certain lens or body (like the human body). IOW: all realities are 
right where we are now. Neatly separated, like inter-mingling colored 
smoke, by different frequencies and/or patterns of vibration. Worlds 
within worlds...

I see the entire universe as mind in which the physical universe is an 
exception. Which is mind slowed down or trapped light posing as 
physical stuff. Not any more real or unreal than anything else. The 
only thing real is the Observer. The Observer sees, experiences or 
participates in all these realities according to its level of awareness. 

Expand it and it sees, experiences or participates in all!

This Observer or these Observers therefore, exist as all existing 
'energies' or 'entities' seeing or experiencing themselves and others 
according to the level of their awareness. They see nothing but other 
Observers in different forms or manifestations of themselves. All is 
One - One is All. 

To become a Human Being is nothing but having a 'break' in a very 
strange land - the Physical Reality - for things seem to be separate... 

Light... Love... and Laughter! *!* Gerardus.


To: The meaning of life and other weighty contemplations              

From: Soul 19271225 
Subject: Re: Worlds within Worlds...

At 05:39 PM 96/2/20 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello Gerardus
>In your opinion, are you and I, and everyone else that is 'aware' of
>their existence, individual observers experiencing the same reality,
>or am I the only 'true' observer in my existence, and everyone else
>is a manifestation of me.
>                                       Shane


Short answer: 
You and I and all are all true observers!  You and I and all are 
really the only one who observes - we just do it from different viewpoints.

Long answer:
Your question is a very meaningful one - especially for a Meaning 
list. First of all - there is no objective reality out there or 
anywhere. (Except the Ultimate Reality which we are in some form or 
another - which are all forms of the One Observer) What we all 
encounter 'out there' is a collective created effort/reality that 
changes.  Superimposed upon this collective effort, or within it, are 
our personal realities.  These then can be very close to what the 
collective assumed reality is. It depends on how creative one is. 

Some people - like the Buddhas and the Jesusses can create a 
completely different reality - like silencing a storm of multiply 
fishes and bread.  These are not miracles but the manipulations of 
personal realities and the creation thereof.  Only Great Masters can 
do this and a "Son of God" like Jesus can handle this like pie - easy 
like.  Buddha probably could do it - but what's the use?  One does not 
do this lightly!  We all are here to learn to become as great as the 
two I mentioned. Life and/or Earth is the school or lesson(s).

Now depending on how and what you understand the last word in your 
question to mean ( me ) determines the verification or truth of your 
manifestation statement

There ultimately is only one force.  You   Me   It   God   The Force  
TIL  or what have you.  So if you speak for the Force - your 
'everyone' is a manifestation of you - including you!  However, I do 
not think you meant it that way.

So, everyone is a manifestation of the "Infinite US" or the Creator - 
while the you and I on Earth are wondering who creates or manifests 
who or what.
We all are creation all things it together, by means of the One Force 
that lives in all of us and is all of us.  Is this understood?

We all create - we all are the Creator in personal form - and we all 
are on a path of learning how to become aware of who or what we really 
are and act like it.  Then - even a Great Masters has Masters.  I do 
not think that we could visualize the amount of higher beings there 
really (and we also are).

It is just that we at this moment are not aware as them.  Because we 
have chosen to be little 'snotnoses' in a physical reality in order to 
learn about what we can create and how deep we can get lost in this Creation.  

To re-member is what all of us are striving for - even the ones not 
recognizing that they even want to re-member.  They can't help but 
come closer for they are hanging in the 'wake' of the forerunners.  
The Great Ones...  The unwiling ones so to speak, will awaken anyway - 
but not necessarily this time around.  They might have to go another 
26000 years or so.

Good question!   However - my answers are but my answers. There are 
other ways of looking at things. There are many realities and 
Truths... all right!

       Light... Love... and Laughter!           *!* Gerardus.


To: LIGHTWORK-L email list 
From: Soul 19271225 
Subject: Re: Worlds within Worlds...

At 01:56 PM 96/2/21 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Gerardus, you wrote:
>***I see the entire universe as mind in which the physical universe is an
>exception.  Which is mind slowed down or 
trapped light posing as physical
>stuff.  Not any more real or unreal than anything else.  The only thing real
>is the Observer.***
>Very interesting construct of reality.  What imfluences have been important
>in your synthesis of this reality?

Hi Leslie...

It's difficult to tell what precisely brought me to these conclusions. 
They are only a 'model' and I add to it as I go along.  I'm a model 
builder!  It's a personal Construct in Mind.  Many, many years ago, I 
saw the universe in a similar way as we see an ocean. The ocean 
contains everything that's in it and in a way the so called solid 
fishes for example, are "nodes" of the ocean.  A thickening or a 
specific vibration of ocean essence...  a lump of sea water... moving!

Then - I saw the universe as an energy of neutrality with "nodes" of 
energy in it that made up all the things, including human beings and 
the Gods that created them.  These "nodes" are specific vibrations of 
the universal essence and the type of vibration is so loose or misty 
that any other vibration can pass right through another or visit.  It 
then can experience what this funny node really is or does.  As you 
know; some write - others read.

The universe then is an energy that vibrates with different 
frequencies and the energy-constructs pose as the 'things' in it.  
Since the energy is consciousness or awareness in different forms, we 
all are certain forms of this awareness and 'float' along from one 
specific creation to the next in order to find out what our neighbors 
are like.  Once we find out and think/feel/intuit about it - we 
experience that they are us but different.

The physical Universe (or the many of it) are specific 'envelops' of 
virtual realities that are kept apart by vibration-constructs we call 
time-locks. They are like mental blindfolds.  All these physical 
things within the physical universe are an illusion - for you have to 
put on a special suit in order to experience them.  This suit 
naturally is the Human Body - which through the ages and ages has 
become more and more complex. We are like living Computers and visit!  
Our DNA is the main Chip!  Our power suply is a full stomach...

In actuality Time does not exist for we create it whenever we find the 
need for it. Time and Space are a very sophisticated "tape" which is 
played by the Time Lords and they let us play in their Garden of Time 
and Space picking the Fruit of Knowledge while Boys look at Girls and 
ponder a lot.  

At the same time however, other aspects of ourselves are the Time 
Lords laughing their heads off by the way I try to explain all this in 
words which are supposed to make sense to other creatures of the same 
kind - the Jolly Jokers of Time and Space in blind confusion, that can 
only be cured when they start to build mental models based on 
illusionary separateness and fancy thoughts reflecting the actuality 
of Oneness - lost in Cosmic Disney Land.

To learn more about ourselves is done the fastest by trying to help 
others for in actuality there are no others.  There's only us... and 
snail mail. 


Date: Wed, 27 Mar 1996 15:17:18 -0700
Reply-To: "LIGHTWORK-L email list" 
Sender: "LIGHTWORK-L email list" 
From: "Gerardus Tros" 
To: "Multiple recipients of list LIGHTWORK-L" 
Subject: Am I missing something?

At 07:48 AM 96/3/27 -0500, you wrote:
>Many of my friends tell me to follow my heart, gut and higher-self and that 
>it will lead me in the right direction. 
>Well my heart is telling me: 
>What Metatron says regarding our ascension is the closest to the truth. 
>That Sitchin makes very potent and plausible auguments for our genesis. 
>That Spirit of Truth posts are way too fatalistic and fixed to be true. 
>Just my thoughts 

About missing something: 
No you're not Paul. You got it! 
However, all of us have a different version of the ultimate truth - I like 
it that way. And also, I feel that this is supposed to be the way it should 
be in a free and diverse universe... 

Wednesday's thought:

Presently I feel... 
That the universe is something that happens to me. 
I am a witness and by witnessing I learn. 
When I have learned enough in one class 
I automatically reach for another.
At the moment - somehow I'm in between classes 
and the moods I experience are strange.
I have objections to them 
and my body is doing funny things.
I had no complaints when I was sky high 
and received splendid thoughts and poems. 
I was a brilliant witness then.
But now that I have the 'blahs'... 
I am a witness full of discontent.
I feel that all this is so 
because I have not witnessed enough... 
of the One I Am...

Light... Love... and Laughter! *!* Gerardus.


Date: Wed, 27 Mar 1996 19:43:13 -0700
Reply-To: "LIGHTWORK-L email list" 
Sender: "LIGHTWORK-L email list" 
From: "Gerardus Tros" 
To: "Multiple recipients of list LIGHTWORK-L" 
Subject: Re: question for granpa george and others

At 06:52 PM 96/3/27 -0700, you wrote: 
>>I am now going to stretch my credibility with you and others, if you are 
>>content with where you are, in your thoughts, then DO NOT READ THE BOOK 
>>Granpa George 
>granpa george, 
>i have read many of your posts and you enjoy asking questions. now i have a 
>question for you, and i ask this in all sincerity. could you please tell me 
>how, for you, one's deep involvement (perhaps preoccupation) with ascension, 
>other planets, extra-terrestial life etc. helps one to spiritually grow in 
>the here-and-now and deal with daily three-dimensional reality (in which 
>most of us currently operate)? it may sound simple, but the answer eludes 
>me. personally, my path leads me to hopefully ever-increasing mindfulness 
>and open-heartedness in the present (maybe even becoming closer to God) and 
>i just don't get how this focus on the above mentioned topics gets one 
>further along in that direction. 
>thanks in advance. 
>in light and love, 
>katie rose

Hello Katie...
Since you mention others as well - I dare to jump in here and answer your 

We are all different and therefore have different interests. We can 
therefore also look at it this way: We are the very Force or God, for we 
are this Force in a personal manner manifested on Earth in human form. IOW: 
We are the Creator and the Created...

We all live within God and are this Force and for the purpose of experience 
and diversity we temporarily have seemingly separated ourselves from our 
Greatness. IOW: we live in the Illusion of Separation. To fully enjoy this 
illusionary existence and celebrate our individuality within the Oneness we 
are is a universal Art of Being. For us this basically means being fully 
Human. This also means being fully God in a human sense. And naturally 
there are other ways in being God. We do that in other existences 
seemingly, which in actuality, all happen at once. Since we are the very 
One - we have the power to forget who we are and be whatever we fancy. Like 
Katie, George, Bill or Soul19271225...

To overcome this temporary separation we all entertain different interests 
and activity in order to bridge the illusionary gap with out greater Self. 
In actuality however there is nothing to bridge. The only thing required to 
be God or Ourselves to the fullest is to be 'happy' within the limited scope 
we have projected ourselves in. This is not always easy naturally. We have 
to be able to see our Greatness 'shining' within our smallness.

So, once we know Who or what we are - *whatever* we do is 'perfect' for we 
know that All is Well. We can never lose what we are! So, we are God and 
yet we are not God - simultaneously. And the more we learn and study other 
Gods and their works - the more we will be able to experience and bring with 
us into the rest of our Creation. And Creation is "God at Large" in all 
kinds of positions and circumstances - universally...

Light... Love... and Laughter! *!* Gerardus.


Posted-Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 20:21:24 -0700 (MST)
X-Sender: gerardus@mailhost.supernet.ab.ca
X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Light Version 1.5.4b11 (16)
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 20:20:52 -0700
Reply-To: LIGHTWORK-L email list 
Sender: LIGHTWORK-L email list 
From: Soul 19271225 
Subject: Re: More Strings???????
To: Multiple recipients of list LIGHTWORK-L

At 06:10 PM 96/4/1 -0500, you wrote:
>Some written versions about Spacers are saying they come from light years 
>away, you look in the sky and measure the distance from here to Sirius with 
>your eyes and think, " Ya, that's possible ". But then how do you explain 
>some of the eye witness accounts 
>where people have seen U.F.O's appear suddenly from out of nowhere and in a 
>flash they're gone. Many air force pilots have described these events and 
>the military always has a convenient explanation to cover up what they don't 
>understand. And if they don't understand it they don't want the public to 
>know how vulnerable they are. A threat to National Security? Or is it 
>afraid to admit they have no control over something way in advance of us. We 
>just haven't caught up to them yet.

Debby... (and Others)
If you'd like an explanation of the above, my article on my homepage might 
do it. All things anywhere are always existing and become visible at 
certain times depending upon the one ready to see. Also, becoming 'visible' 
within our 3D system really means entering the vibratory rates or speeds of 
our material existence or our surroundings...

Space and Time are illusionary conditions and when we look into the sky we 
are really looking into our own mind. This mind is displayed in a certain 
fashion in order to make us believe we live in a specific environment. 

Naturally the entire physical creation is a MASTERPIECE of God/Man/Ship and 
in order to experience it - we are here. Since it is such a masterpiece it 
fools us for many lifetimes and this is so because we climbed into a 
specific suit (the body) in order to be here. The body a magical lens! 
Wow!! Better enjoy it for all its worth, it's a Celebration of the Highest 

Naturally this is (only) my opinion and I have had not too many 
confirmations from other earthlings that this is so. If you agree - please 
let me know. If you don't - please do so as well! I don't mind one bit...
Light... Love... and Laughter! *!* Gerardus.


Posted-Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 20:21:24 -0700 (MST)

X-Sender: gerardus@mailhost.supernet.ab.ca
X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Light Version 1.5.4b11 (16)
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 20:20:52 -0700
Reply-To: LIGHTWORK-L email list 
Sender: LIGHTWORK-L email list 
From: Soul 19271225 
Subject: Re: More Strings???????
To: Multiple recipients of list LIGHTWORK-L

At 06:10 PM 96/4/1 -0500, you wrote:
>Some written versions about Spacers are saying they come from light years 
>away, you look in the sky and measure the distance from here to Sirius with 
>your eyes and think, " Ya, that's possible ". But then how do you explain 
>some of the eye witness accounts 
>where people have seen U.F.O's appear suddenly from out of nowhere and in a 
>flash they're gone. Many air force pilots have described these events and 
>the military always has a convenient explanation to cover up what they don't 
>understand. And if they don't understand it they don't want the public to 
>know how vulnerable they are. A threat to National Security? Or is it 
>afraid to admit they have no control over something way in advance of us. We 
>just haven't caught up to them yet.

Debby... (and Others)
If you'd like an explanation of the above, my article on my homepage might 
do it. All things anywhere are always existing and become visible at 
certain times depending upon the one ready to see. Also, becoming 'visible' 
within our 3D system really means entering the vibratory rates or speeds of 
our material existence or our surroundings...

Space and Time are illusionary conditions and when we look into the sky we 
are really looking into our own mind. This mind is displayed in a certain 
fashion in order to make us believe we live in a specific environment. 

Naturally the entire physical creation is a MASTERPIECE of God/Man/Ship and 
in order to experience it - we are here. Since it is such a masterpiece it 
fools us for many lifetimes and this is so because we climbed into a 
specific suit (the body) in order to be here. The body a magical lens! 
Wow!! Better enjoy it for all its worth, it's a Celebration of the Highest 

Naturally this is (only) my opinion and I have had not too many 
confirmations from other earthlings that this is so. If you agree - please 
let me know. If you don't - please do so as well! I don't mind one bit...

Light... Love... and Laughter! *!* Gerardus.


Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 10:15:31 -0600
From: Soul 19271225 
Subject: Extra Cosmic Cookie
X-Sender: gerardus@mailhost.supernet.ab.ca
To: klmget7@aztec.asu.edu
X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 2.2 (16)

The Tobacco Companies are to the Body 
what the Pope and Billy Graham are to the Soul.
Both parties are Hookers.

The one hooks the body to nicotine 
and the other hooks the soul to Jesus.
One is either a Smoker or a Sinner.

There is one difference however... 
the Tobacco Companies know that they are lying 
but the Pope and Billy think they speak the truth.

In any case... 
the one tinkers with the Body 
and the other tinkers with the Soul.

So... if the one does not get you with Nicotine 
the other will get you with Nonsense.
Then there is the pollution of the Mind.

This is done by... 
the Educational Systems and the Politicians 
all paid for by you. 

If this is not ridiculous enough 
to make you laugh out loud 
the situation is worse than you think.

For it means that you are still asleep 
enjoying every minute of it.
? What is life all about ? 

Experience my Friend... Experience. 
And because of all this Experience 
sooner or later 
we all wake up and laugh like Hell.

A God seduced to Tobacco - Jesus - and Promises. 
All killing the Christ Within.
! Wow !


Wisdom always keeps one Eye on the Present and the other on Eternity.
Light... Love... and Laughter! *!* Gerardus


Posted-Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 20:25:30 -0600 (MDT)
X-Sender: gerardus@mailhost.supernet.ab.ca
X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 2.2 (16)
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 20:24:37 -0600
Reply-To: LIGHTWORK-L email list 
Sender: LIGHTWORK-L email list 
From: Soul 19271225 
Subject: Think World - then Man
To: Multiple recipients of list LIGHTWORK-L

Questions to All...
Suppose we live in a big city that has no zoo. What do we do? Well, we 
begin to collect the necessary money and build one. Then we begin to buy 
all kind of animals and put them into their cages. Pretty soon the zoo is 
full and in a few years nobody really knows how it all started. And in a 
way, we begin to think that the zoo has always existed.

The zoo is like the world - it has always existed.

To establish this zoo takes many many years naturally and the entire zoo has 
thousands of contributors and people who have worked for many years just for 
the love of it and somehow the zoo has become an existing reality.
The animals and the monkeys naturally, have no clue at all that there 
were many invisible contributors and workers who have built their zoo. 
Also, they are not aware of the staff that maintains it either.
The monkeys just live...

Then - one day one of the female monkeys has a very smart baby - and here is 
the big step - WE ARE THAT BABY! Now imagine that this smart baby starts to 
think and when it grows up it ponders over its life in the zoo. Well, I 
guess you get the picture. It begins to ponder how the zoo came about and 
who created it all. Wow! The stories it gets from all other animals and 
monkeys really do not make any sense and it becomes truly confused. However, 
since the monkey is a very smart, it accepts its existence and it finally 
begins to enjoy itself. It could not care less who created the zoo and who 
collected all the ideas and the money. And for reasons only a smart monkey 
knows - it starts to become a super monkey to the fullest extent. It plays, 
it yells and it fools around. It is joyful and it is what it is - monkey!

Big questions here:
Shouldn't we do the same thing?
Shouldn't we just think world - and then man?
Shouldn't we just look around and help whoever we can?
Shouldn't we stop wondering who or what created the world?
Shouldn't we stop wondering who or what God is - and Be Here Now?
Shouldn't we just leave the Creators to the Creators... 
like the monkeys leave Man to Man?

? Is that what it is all about ?

Couldn't it be... 
that when we have become Man to the fullest, that the day will come 
upon which we will understand that the Creator lives within us?
Aren't we the ones who created cities, zoos and monkeys?

Couldn't it be... 
that when we do the simple things properly, the big things will be 
waiting for us to be taken care of later on?
Like creating Worlds and People?

Let's not think about it anymore and just be Man - and love being it.
Let's celebrate and Be Here Now! 
We are the One experiencing the All - We are the All experiencing the One 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

Light... Love... and Laughter! *!* Gerardus


To: Bridge-L Post
From: Soul 19271225 
Subject: SEMANTICS: Re: "body-mind-spirit"

----- Snip from a Snip by the Snipper... ---------

Gerardus wrote:
> The Spirit is the Power of the Universe that we as Souls modulate 
and use >to create our own tunes.  This Spirit-Power is neutral and we 
actualize it >by putting our signature on it.

>Dennis here:
A question for you, Gerardus:  By neutral, do you mean a harmoniously perfect
balance of two polarities?  What is your perception of these polarities?  Or
does "neutral" mean "impartial", or something else?

Gerardus here:
Aha!  Semantics... wow!  What a Game.   I basically mean "impartial" 
but there is always guidance from above. This 'above' are our 
Teachers, Guides and Helpers - but they do not and can not interfere 
with our free will - regardless of how bad a choice we might make.

Then - about this "harmonious perfect balanced" energy the universe is 
or contains. I see this as having two main divisions: 

              Unconscious Energy   and    Conscious Energy
                     Unawareness   and    Awareness
                    Unmanifested   and    Manifested
                Undifferentiated   and    Differentiated

                       Not necessarily in that order.

There is seemingly 'duality' here - but ALL originate from the "Nest 
of Nothingness" or the Void of unconscious Energy or Mind. 
                                               All have one Source!

Once this unconscious Energy is 'nudged' into action by the 
Super-Masters of Creation or the Game Masters - this unaware Energy is 
super-imposed upon other aspects of the Creation.   So Man, starts out 
with an innocent and ignorant soul that has had its preliminaries in 
the animal kingdom and eventually it is aware enough to be infused 
into the Human Line of Consciousness.  After that - it goes higher yet 
                                               Keep your seat belt on!

Before this specific unit of 'awareness' reaches man however it has 
been learning to become "aware" in billions of different and lower 
levels of the plant and animal worlds.   The entire Creation is a 
process by which 
        "Unconscious Energies" are raised to "Conscious Energies".

So the "Universal Stock" or Void is the Source from which unconscious 
Energies are taken and these Energies become/form the Conscious 
Creation.  The entire Creation then is a School in which the 
unconscious Creative Energies become Conscious or Aware.  Eventually: 
The Creator awakens in Man! I and the Father are One (Jesus)

Once they reach higher levels yet, I have no idea what they do with 
themselves, for I am not aware that far at the moment.  So, between 
the lowest and the highest levels of creation we find the Co-Creators, 
who each in their turn and expertise, 'create' creation with the same 
easy as that you and I create a post or message or a goof...  

Not always therefore is Creation a perfect endeavor for we are all 
learning. Naturally - things are well in hand and less mistakes are 
made by the Great Ones than by you and I the rest of the gang.  Nobody 
gets his ticket by looking pretty...

Now - I mentioned two basic types of Energy, but these are not 
polarities in the real sense as some people see Good and Evil.  
Basically there is only One Energy in the process of awakening and in 
the beginning periods of this 'awakening' its acts out of "ignorance" 
- which by the masses might be seen as Evil or Bad.  All is the 
Creator awakening.  The Creator or the Creative Energies are not evil 
or bad - just uninformed or not developed or not smart enough to know better...

Then also - the process of the Creative Energies goes through a period 
where the 'Undifferentiated-Energy' enters a stage were it 
'individualizes' (Ego) and from there on, this Energy grows and grows 
toward the "Serving of Others" instead of "Serving the Self" like the 
orientation of the ego does.

Gerardus said:

>     Electricity for example is a neutral force and our appliances are the
>        things that give meaning to this neutral electricity or power.
> Dennis:

My favorite "electrical" analogy for the tripartite nature of man involves a
string of Christmas lights. Again the electricity represents the spirit or
Source.  The individual light bulbs represent our bodies (ie entire physical
being), and the light that is given forth represents the manifestation of Soul.

Yes, that's a good one.  Mine has lost some of its color.  Is that bad?
(I hope your Christmas lights are not all hooked up in series)

When the bulb burns out, or the Vehicle is no longer capable of transforming
Spirit into Soul, the electricity (Spirit) is absorbed back into the Source,
until it finds another Vehicle for manifesting the Light.

Of course, there are many problems with this analogy, as there are with all
analogies,  but I have found it generally useful as I strive to 
understand the nature of being.  At the very least it provides one 
with a starting point to begin to understand our  "triune" nature.

Yeah, I like your analogy.  Our Triune of Being - "SoulMindBody" - are 
forms in which the Spirit or the Creative Energy expresses itself and 
possibly other life forms in Creation have a different combinations of 
characteristics. There might be Beings for example that are more Robot 
like and their emotional nature is a flat curve - no emotions and 
possibly no morality either.  Although morality is a pretty 
fluctuating picture in and by itself. It depends what we are used to...

               Thanks for your response Dennis.
                                     See you in Heaven...  Wow.


To: The meaning of life and other weighty contemplations              

From: Soul 19271225 
Subject: Re: The Image of God

At 06:34 PM 96/4/20 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello Gerardus and All,
>Personal question for you Gerardus.  Since I have been a member of MEANING
>in several post you have made reference to "The Christ Consciousness" or
>"becoming a Jesus." 

Hello Shane...  Hello All...

The Christ Consciousness is the State of Mind or Awareness that was 
attained or possessed by a man called Jesus.  His real name might have 
been different. 
How did he become so smart?  Well - living lives by the thousands , on 
this planet and others will do it for everyone.  IOW: I feel that the 
Person now called "Sananda" possibly came from another planet and was 
born the normal way by a lady we call Maria. Maria and possibly Joseph 
her boyfriend or husband were members of the Essenes I think they were 
called.  They were let's say 'New Agers' 2000 years ago!!   

In any case: Jesus was born the normal way and his mother very likely 
became pregnant the normal way by Joseph.  However, Jesus was born the 
Virgin birth and this means that he was born KNOWING!  He knew what he 
came to do for he was/is able to bring with him the 'knowledge and 
wisdom' he had gathered in all his lifetimes and bring it with him 
intact (consciously) into the plane of the physical from the others 
planes he descended from.  No mean feat!!

      (We bring 'knowing' with us as well when we are born. 
                     But compared to Sananda we are poor beginners)

So all he had to do was wait long enough until his baby body grew, 
learned to speak and voila - A master in a boy's body!   Miracle!  Not 
really a miracle naturally - but a very unusual Birth for sure.  An 
Avatar in Human Flesh!!

Sananda's birth was a preparation and a showing of what could be done 
by a human being who had reached that state of evolution - that state 
of mind! Jesus was an example!   He also was Love personified.  
Something for us to become!

He can do and does what was called Miracles.  He is able to penetrate 
our dream and suspend it so to speak and change our illusionary 
reality in what HE wants it to be.  He is the Magician!   Many other 
Masters have done many outragous things in the past and Jesus in his 
turn did a few things as well.

Moses for example did some miracles. (Not really Miracles)  They are 
acts of Mind over Matter!  The bible speaks about miracles - but mind 
over matter is the thing to call it.

 I was just wondering who you think Jesus was.  I mean
>was he born to a virgin?  Did he come back from the dead?  Is/was he all of
>the stuff the Bible say he is?  Did he have powers beyond most humans?

Here is a piece I wrote some time ago about Jesus. 
                           I called it "Spilling the Beans on Jesus"!  

I believe/feel/intuit that Jesus or Sananda is the highest official in 
the Solar Government and that all of us are aspects of his 
Consciousness, of his Christ Consciousness. We are his children in a 
mental sense.  He thinks and creates beings (souls) so to speak.  He 
is the Creator in a Personal Form.  He's way up there and certainly 
not some kind of extra-ordinary person. He is not even an ordinary 
super Star. He's beyond what you and I can think of!  

Here is the piece:


The person called Jesus The Christ attained the "Son of God" level or also
called; The Christ Consciousness or Buddhahood, or whatever people 
call this State of Mind, by living many and many lifetimes upon this 
planet or others.

After many and many lifetimes then, he was born as Hesus or Jesus for the
last time (the biological way), and he would live his last lifetime as 
Jesus. He studied most of his younger years and when he was at a 
relatively young age (say 32) he was going to be initiated!  This 
"initiation" at that time, was called "crucifixion" or something 
similar.  This initiation was the final test or exam that has to be 
completed before he could be accepted by his peers and then would 
belong to the "Initiated" or the "Infinite Souls" of the Universe!  
Immortality as Jesus The Christ!  Or Sananda as he is called also nowadays.

This Initiation meant that the initiate would be tied to a cross like the
Roman number 10, which is a "X".  (The initiate has gone from 1 to 10 )
The initiate is tied to this "X" with leather straps in a most 
informal manner, for it is a ritual and then the initiate leaves the 
body, voluntarily, and visits many other planes of existence.

S/he stays away for three days and nights and then returns to the 
Earth and the body. In the mean time the Teachers and other 
"contemporaries in learning" take care of the body and assure that it 
is not interfered with. In other words they 'babysit' a soulless body! 
A Zombie!

After three days, upon the return of the Initiate, he or she must tell what
places were visited and what was seen and experienced.  (The Teachers 
and others know what's out there so to speak)  This was to assure that 
s/he knew what s/he was talking about and thus could proof that s/he 
is capable of leaving the body, visit other worlds and return in time. 
(Some people fall asleep and fake it maybe? - Ha Ha)

Well anyway, after this initiation the Initiate receives the title of
"Christ" (possibly from the Great Krishna Initiate) and from there on 
in, s/he is an Infinite Soul who has the power or ability to appear 
any place, any time, all over the Worlds as s/he sees fit.  It really 
means that this person is totally FREE!  One has become a Son of God 
or we also could say that s/he has realized the "True Realization of 
Self"  IOW. S/he is ONE with the Father as the man Jesus called it.  
After that, this person radiates "light" for s/he lives now in the 
"Light Body"!  The dense matter of the body has become Light. 
Intelligence, Wisdom, Truth, Reality, Love!  ... and naturally - Joyfulness!

As you see, the above is quite different than the stories told by the
religions about Jesus The Christ.  Naturally, we all have the freedom 
to believe what we want and what satisfies us. 

Naturally this is only a story and it might be nonsense. It's up to 
you what to believe. The best is to believe nothing and when you are 
ready, you travel back in time and find out yourself first hand...

Please be happy... Life is a Celebration!


My source of the above, which I identified with almost immediately, in 
1980 or so, is the following. The originator of the story was:
     E Yada di Shi-ite, shortly called Yada!  The Teachers of Light!

Yada is/was a personality not focused in our physical reality anymore 
and spoke through a person called Mark Probert of San Diego, CA.  For 
almost 30 years Yada and some others spoke through this man and 
revealed an astounding story to me and many others.  Yada had once 
lived 500.000 years ago and was a priest or official in a Temple of 
some sort.  Anyway, there have come about, because of Yada and his 
friends, thousands of pages of a Teaching that is superior to any New 
Age Magazine of today...

In this book Yada tells the story of Jesus, and to me this has been 
one of the most trustworthy tales I've ever heard about this Great 
Man.  This Jesus naturally is somebody entirely different than the 
"Bleeding Heart Jesus" the churches speak about!  As far as I can 
figure out the personality that was and is Jesus or Sananda is 
absolutely in a different category that you and I, and possibly will 
be for a while to come! 

However I know that Time is an Illusion, so we could also say: In all 
aspects we are as Great as this Jesus or Buddha for we are Infinite 
Souls just the same. Our status is not fully realized at this moment 
in time, which at this moment, is our Dream! In other words: we all 
are already enlightened or a Son of God. 
After all we have lived infinitely!!

There are actually two books the Teachers of Light sell and they are 
both worth the money a thousand times.  The one book is: Yada Speaks 
and the other book is: "The Magic Bag"  Here is the address and send 
them about 20 dollars. (I think by now)  There is more in these books 
than you will see on an email list naturally. Also, it's a lot handier 
to have a book...

The following address is out dated maybe!!
Mark Probert - Kethra E'DA
P.O. Box 11672  Palo Alto  CA  94306  USA


Shane here:
>I personally believe he was just an ordinary man with a good heart and
>an instilled god complex.  Wasnt he told from infancy that he was the
>son of God?  Im sure he was completly convinced of it himself.  To bad
>his personal teachings can not be deciphered out of today's Christianity.

                                        Shane Sullivan

Gerardus here:
Well, the above covers all your questions I feel and if you have more 
let them rip - what do I know?

Shane here:
>I personally believe he was just an ordinary man with a good heart and
>an instilled god complex.

Jesus or Sananda is the most advanced Being that possibly will be 
appearing on earth in the future and then you will know whether I am 
full of BS or not. 2012?  Who knows?  It depends on how far WE advance 
in the years to come!  All things depend on Mankind...

I hope you can wait that long -  and I hope that I as Gerardus will 
see that day!  An ordinary man with a good heart - indeed!  

Rumors say that Sananda is an Avatar from the star Sirius B - looking 
after Earth and its people...   Naturally he is able to ascend and 
descend all planes of being up to the tenth or whatever highest there 
is.  We are only on the third going into four or five maybe...   
Good questions!


Posted-Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 15:46:08 -0600 (MDT)
X-Sender: gerardus@mailhost.supernet.ab.ca
X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 2.2 (16)
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 15:45:04 -0600
Reply-To: LIGHTWORK-L email list 
Sender: LIGHTWORK-L email list 
From: Soul 19271225 
Subject: All about Souls...
To: Multiple recipients of list LIGHTWORK-L

At 07:31 PM 96/4/22 GMT, you wrote:

-------- Snip --- from other conversation:
>> What's offered above is not to controvert. Nor am I seeking validation, 
>> 'though I too would welcome comments. It's merely to point to commonality 
>> of what we mean by some fundamental terms.
Frank speaking here: 
>Symantics is the art of Advanced Hairsplitting. It deals with the 
>exact meaning of words, and in a semantically correct text, there can 
>be no misinterpretation. 
>However, it is my opinion that the essence of what we call the Soul is 
>largely (if not completely) a non-verbal thing. Though I applaud your 
>attempt to nail down definitions (the start of any discussion if you 
>want it to go somewhere instead of bogging down in misunderstanding 
>and prejudice), I'm afraid that words, the raw material of symantics, 
>just don't apply to this field... 
>Regards, Frank 

Gerardus here:
The other day 'we' had a discussion about Spirit and Soul on another list 
and I came up with the following. It might help (or confuse) us... who knows.

What is Spirit - What is Soul? 
The Spirit is the Power of the Universe that we as Souls or Instruments 
modulate and use to create our own tunes. This Spirit-Power is neutral and 
we actualize it by putting our melody or signature on it. This mean that - 
what we are, right now, is a self-made-quality that can only come about 
because of the 'neutrality' of the source that participates and follows our 
wishes and commands. We create our 'soul' so to speak, while we live our 
lives. We are an image and a free willed expression of the Source.
We are the Source individualized or personalized.

Electricity for example is a neutral force and our appliances are the 
things that give meaning to this neutral electricity or power.
Basically we could see ourselves are apprentice Co-Creators while the 
ultimate Creator is the "Power or Light" upon/from which we run our infinite 
Engine called the Soul.

Then naturally there are Michael Souls, Gabriel Souls, Uriel Souls, Buddha 
Souls, Jesus Souls, Socrates Souls, Human Souls - ET Souls - Dolphin Souls, 
Whale Souls, Dog and Cat Souls, Louse Souls (Smile) and whatever else has 
manifested/appeared within the Universal Mind we all share and are. (Most 
animals however have group Souls)

An infinite Soul therefore - like a Jesus Soul (Sananda) or a Buddha Soul - 
is an unknown unlimited quality and quantity of energy that may divide or 
project their 'energies' into other beings and in a sense create these 
beings, like we create a poem or a post. These great Souls then experience 
more and more by means of us. And we experience more and more because of 
what we do and what we share. All of us always learn more...

So, in a direct sense; the entire Creation and all the GodBeings in it - are 
all Co-Creators that have a direct connection to the Source and are the 
Source THEIR way. (The Image) A human being is God being human and a mouse 
is God being a mouse. God here naturally - is the Power or Spirit of the 
universe and not some kind of being. Like the Air is all the different 
winds and storms including hurricanes or summer breezes and whiffies... Hmm?
A Soul then is a 'unknwn and unlimited unit of Consciousness' that by means 
of its travels grows more and more aware and hopefully more loving...

The Higher Selves of which we are Thought-Forms (Thought-Energies or Tunes 
of Spirit) might not completely agree with what I say above, but my words or 
explanation fills the need for me to understand myself and in the mean time 
I try to share some of this with others. I hope my words help...

We are the One experiencing the All - We are the All experiencing the One
Light... Love... and Laughter! *!* Gerardus


Posted-Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 15:46:08 -0600 (MDT)
X-Sender: gerardus@mailhost.supernet.ab.ca
X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 2.2 (16)
Date:         Mon, 22 Apr 1996 15:45:04 -0600
Reply-To: LIGHTWORK-L email list 
Sender: LIGHTWORK-L email list 
From: Soul 19271225 
Subject:      All about Souls...
To: Multiple recipients of list LIGHTWORK-L

At 07:31 PM 96/4/22 GMT, you wrote:

-------- Snip --- from other conversation:

>> What's offered above is not to controvert.  Nor am I seeking validation,
>> 'though I too would welcome comments.  It's merely to point to commonality
>> of what we mean by some fundamental terms.

Frank speaking here:
>Symantics is the art of Advanced Hairsplitting. It deals with the
>exact meaning of words, and in a semantically correct text, there can
>be no misinterpretation.
>However, it is my opinion that the essence of what we call the Soul is
>largely (if not completely) a non-verbal thing. Though I applaud your
>attempt to nail down definitions (the start of any discussion if you
>want it to go somewhere instead of bogging down in misunderstanding
>and prejudice), I'm afraid that words, the raw material of symantics,
>just don't apply to this field...
>Regards, Frank

Gerardus here:

The other day 'we' had a discussion about Spirit and Soul on another list
and I came up with the following. It might help (or confuse) us... who knows.

What is Spirit - What is Soul?

The Spirit is the Power of the Universe that we as Souls or Instruments
modulate and use to create our own tunes.  This Spirit-Power is neutral and
we actualize it by putting our melody or signature on it. This mean that -
what we are, right now, is a self-made-quality that can only come about
because of the 'neutrality' of the source that participates and follows our
wishes and commands. We create our 'soul' so to speak, while we live our
lives.  We are an image and a free willed expression of the Source.

             We are the Source individualized or personalized.

   Electricity for example is a neutral force and our appliances are the
      things that give meaning to this neutral electricity or power.

Basically we could see ourselves are apprentice Co-Creators while the
ultimate Creator is the "Power or Light" upon/from which we run our infinite
Engine called the Soul.

Then naturally there are Michael Souls, Gabriel Souls, Uriel Souls, Buddha
Souls, Jesus Souls, Socrates Souls, Human Souls - ET Souls - Dolphin Souls,
Whale Souls, Dog and Cat Souls, Louse Souls (Smile) and whatever else has
manifested/appeared within the Universal Mind we all share and are. (Most
animals however have group Souls)

An infinite Soul therefore - like a Jesus Soul (Sananda) or a Buddha Soul -
is an unknown unlimited quality and quantity of energy that may divide or
project their 'energies' into other beings and in a sense create these
beings, like we create a poem or a post.  These great Souls then experience
more and more by means of us.  And we experience more and more because of
what we do and what we share.  All of us always learn more...

So, in a direct sense; the entire Creation and all the GodBeings in it - are
all Co-Creators that have a direct connection to the Source and are the
Source THEIR way. (The Image)  A human being is God being human and a mouse
is God being a mouse.  God here naturally - is the Power or Spirit of the
universe and not some kind of being.  Like the Air is all the different
winds and storms including hurricanes or summer breezes and whiffies... Hmm?

A Soul then is a 'unknwn and unlimited unit of Consciousness' that by means
of its travels grows more and more aware and hopefully more loving...

The Higher Selves of which we are Thought-Forms (Thought-Energies or Tunes
of Spirit) might not completely agree with what I say above, but my words or
explanation fills the need for me to understand myself and in the mean time
I try to share some of this with others.   I hope my words help...

 We are the One experiencing the All - We are the All experiencing the One

         Light... Love... and Laughter!            *!* Gerardus


To: The Way-List
From: SunSetGlow 
Subject: Re: 2 questions 

Hello Gordon...

This is SunSetGlow (Gerardus) and I am not sure how to address posts 
to the list or to reply to them. I hope I did this right.  Are you the 
distributor of the Posts?

*!* Gerardus


Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 11:27:16 -0600
X-Sender: gerardus@mailhost.supernet.ab.ca
X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 2.2 (16)
To: aq650@RGFN.EPCC.EDU, gerardus@supernet.ab.ca
From: Soul 19271225 
Subject: Re: Spiritual Wholeness
Cc: gerardus@supernet.ab.ca

Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 14:33:00 MDT 
From: "Paul P. Tifford"  
Subject: Re: All:Spiritual Wholeness
1.At the innermost level of our being we are permanently 
peaceful,knowledgeable,and whole.
2.It is insufficient Self-understanding that prevents us from knowing 
this truth.
3.We have to intentionally cultivate awakened spiritual consciousness 
until all delusions and illusions (misperceptions) are transcended and 
stable Self-realization prevails.
4.To attain Self-realization one needs time for truth study,surrendered 
prayer,superconscious meditation,and alert contemplation of higher 
realities.At all times,cultivate conscious awareness of yourself as a 
perfected,spiritual being,and individualized ray of Divine 
Consciousness,which is what you are.
5.While you express through the body,the body is not you.While you use 
your mental faculties,the mind is not you.Your emotional 
states,memories,etc. are not you.The *you* of you is pure 
consciousness.The *you* of you is Supreme Consciousness,the Spirit of 
God, in relationship with Nature-manifested realms.
6.By knowing your spiritual Selfhood,you can better relate to the 
world,make right choices,be impervious to external influences which do 
not serve higher purposes,and live as a free being in the midst of change.
7.Self-knowledge is not a mental or emotional state,nor is it an aquired 
or created state of consciousness.Self-knowledge is the obvious result of 
direct perception of who and what we are;it is error-free Soul realization.
8.In meditation,calmly contemplate the reality of your changeless Self as 
an individualized unit of the allness of the One Consciousness.
9.Later,relate to thoughts,feelings and circumstances while maintaining 
your inner awareness of being undisturbed Self.
10.Thus Self-aware,living will be easy and enjoyable.Because of your 
knowledge that God alone exists and that the universe is but God's 
objective expression,you will be fearless.There will be no more becoming 
or overcoming.Having awareness restored to spritual wholeness,you will be 
forever established in total wellness.

I have discovered the Great Teaching,the Incomparable Great SECRET, 
the Exquisite Truth of the Meaning of Life.It is not easily found and 
has been hidden away since the beginning of time.How lucky you are... 
for I now hand it...to you!
2.You cannot *become* a spiritual being,for mind and matter does not 
become transformed into Spirit.It is just the reverse.Spirit produces 
mind and matter out of Itself.
3.Spirit is superior to Nature,just as you are superior to your mind and 
body.Your mind and body is subject to changes and dissolution;*you* are 
changeless and forever what you are-Spirit.
4.You do not have to strive to *become* spiritual,you only have to 
*allow* your innate reality to be increasingly expressive and influential.
5.To the degree that you can lose consciousness of yourself as body and 
mind,your Self or soul awareness increases.To the degree that soul 
awareness becomes manifestly expressive,knowledge of higher realities 
unfolds in the mind.Finally self-consciousness is transcended and cosmic 
consciousnes states blossom.You come to have an expanded awareness of 
life and it's processes.
6.The way to Self-realization is to restore one's attention and awareness 
to one's inmost center,to withdraw it from objects of external 
attachment and from mental and emotional conflicts.At the core of 
us,right now,we are peaceful and content -we are Spirit!
7.How can we experience this peace of soul?When we pray until thoughts 
are stilled and then rest in silence,soul peace and awareness can be 
experienced.When we surrender in alert contemplation of God,profound 
realizations spontaneously unfold.We come to know that we are in God and 
God is in us.
8.All souls are rays of Pure Consciousness and have the same innate 
nature and potential for awakening and spiritual growth.All are "gods". 
This is the great secret:we are all Spiritual Beings!
9.Greater is that which we are than is anything that happens to our 
bodies or minds or to the world around us.
10.We are destined to awaken to knowledge and realization of our 
relationship,our oneness,with God. 
11.We are not alone in the universe.As reflected lights of pure 
consciousness we are divine to the core:"I live in God,God lives in me".
12.We are on earth to become completely enlightened and to do God's will.
13.You are an immortal spiritual being.Acknowledge this truth and live 
your life with this understanding.You are an individualized ray of God's 
consciousness,so never admit to any other identity or dramatize mental or 
emotional states or behaviors which are inconsistent with this fact.
14.Say always,"I LIVE IN GOD,GOD LIVES IN ME!">

The above is an superb summation of what I see as the Truth!!!
! The best I have ever seen ! 

Is this what you came up with or is this from someone else?
I would like to post the above to other lists. 
The lightwork-l list for example.
Would you give me permission to do this? Thank you for posting this!

* The Creator within Man is the Genius - Man is the Instrument * 
Light... Love... and Laughter! *!* Gerardus


At 05:13 PM 96/7/12 -0700, you wrote:

Scott Brickner wrote:

>None of this really rules out the relativistic notion that there may be
>other beings with completely different sensory mechanisms, for whom
>*our* ordinary dimensions are undetectable, but to whom these
>high-curvature dimensions appear "ordinary".

Hello Scott...  Hello All...

I enjoyed your posts about 'dimensions' Scott!  I am new to your "Way 
of Words" and I am delighted to have joined.  I have my own thoughts 
about Dimensions.  In my model of the universe the entire Show *is* 
the Energy of Consciousness in Action.  Consciousness or Mind is the 
only thing there is!

The different vibrations of this "energy" produce the different 
physical as well as non-physical entities, beings or things.  These 
vibrations range from the lowest to the highest in frequency and the 
higher the frequency we are able to sense, the higher we go up into 
the other dimensionalities of existence. These dimensionalities are 
Awareness Levels.  States of Mind. 

I see the universe as an "Infinite Quantum Energy Hologram" containing 
smaller distorted versions or nodes of itself making up all entities 
within creation.  All Things and Beings therefore are an image or 
holographic copy with variations of the Whole.  Whatever we need to 
know and do, to become aware of our Source, is engraved within our 
Beingness.  To recognize this 'selfness' is the task we have accepted 
when we divided (or gained our individuality) from the Whole as a semi 
separate being.  At all times however are we connected to the Whole 
and are it as an individual version or reflection.  Also - we never 
'leave' the Infinite Quantum Energy Hologram.  We exist or swim within it!

To become individual beings or personalize ourselves is the only way 
to recognize who or what we really are, since the Whole as Such is an 
impersonal Holographic Energy with no self identity.  It is therefore 
'Unconscious' which becomes 'Conscious of Itself' within the created 
by means of the experiences we encounter. This consciousness forms/is 
our Beingness or Truth!

Dimensions - how many are there?  

This I feel is up to all of us to discover, for in the first place, we 
are the "Personal Discoverer and Experiencer" of the infinite Show 
which naturally keep us infinitely busy. We periodically return in 
different kinds of energy bodies upon different planets in order to 
eventually become familiar with our Creation. (Our Soulness is our 
HardDisk)  Yes, we create while we are on our Way of Discovery, for 
the entire universe is a personal phenomenon.  We all have different 
versions or models of it, which here and there overlap, to help us 
along and form a common bond or relationship.  However, at all times 
Truth is an individual Thing!  

We are the very Consciousness of the Universe and dividing ourselves, 
as well as forgetting who or what we really are, are two of our 
characteristics. This put an additional touch of mystery in our 
discovery and when we finally reach the status of the Christ 
Consciousness or Buddhahood we remember that we are the very One - 
Consciously!   (I and the Father are One - Jesus)

Am I there?   Are you kidding??

My Higher Self is yes - and I as its instrument am in the business of 
giving my universe a personal physical twist.  It reinforces the idea 
that we are it!  We are our Creation in other words - we are our Truth!  

For more of my personal thoughts, ideas and philosophy please see my 
Homepages.  Again, I'm glad I joined!

I am open to all kinds of critique as well as agreements. I thrive on them.

                    Greetings and Love - Always.

     Our Soul is the Spirit of Christ filled with the Light of Love
       Mixed with a lot of vivaciousness... curiosity and courage.
           Light... Love... and Laughter!         *!* Gerardus


X-Sender: gerardus@mailhost.supernet.ab.ca
X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 2.2 (16)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 09:51:49 -0600
Reply-To: The meaning of life and other weighty contemplations

Sender: The meaning of life and other weighty contemplations

From: SunSetGlow 
Subject: God or Creation is...
X-To: lightwork-l@protree.com, honks@ATLAS.CO.UK
To: Multiple recipients of list MEANING 

To One and All...
God or Creation is... an unlimited expression of Love for Itself. That's why 
the tiger defends its young, the dog marks its territory and the bee 
collects its honey. This is also why we see and have confrontations with 
others, for all expressions are different in nature and type in order the 
play the Game of God or Creation. All our actions therefore are natural and 

We need to understand that the unlimited expressions of Love for Itself are 
extended into the invisible planes of God or Creation and this is why there 
are wars in the heavens over territories and or planets and their 
populations. Jurisdictions and responsibilities change for all changes are 
the leading edge of the unlimitedness of God or Creation and its divers 

It does not mean that we ought to like or love all the many expressions of 
the Source we are and therefore embrace all we do not agree with or see as 
foreign. Some beings and forms are so alien that we need time to adjust to 
their beingness in God or Creation of which they also are expressions of 
Love for Itself.

It does mean that we need to understand that all of us are different, but 
yet spring from the same Source which is Love for Itself. God or Creation 
are the expressions of opposites and dualities. To respect, love and accept 
these and admire the diversity within God or Creation is Understanding.
We also need to understand that all systems of belief, all religions, all 
philosophies, all political positions and laws are but limited concoctions 
of the human mind that restrict his freedom and nature, while some of these 
concoctions might be necessary but all are temporary!

May the God within ready itself to The Great Awakening of Mankind, so that 
all may understand that all of us are One as expressions of Love for Itself, 
but different in nature and type in order to make God or Creation what it 
is, infinitely splendid and unimaginable in its unlimitedness.

Therefore - let God or Creation be and let us live in Joy. Celebrating being 
a finite aspect of Infinite Love Expressed with a magnificence that can only 
be understood because we are the One in Love by means of what we are - the 
very image of God or Creation!
*!* Gerardus

Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 08:29:19 -0700
Subject: [TL] Icke/Twain/TIL/God
Reply-To: TriLite@yahoogroups.com

>Jen here:
>Hi Gerardus,
>Do you agree with him that there is no God?
>Seth says God is an idea, but that an idea has
>its own reality -- Jen

Gerardus here:
I see it like this: God or TIL (The Infinite Light) is the Power, the
Energy, to which all things are hooked up to from the inside out so to
speak. The entire Universe runs on this Energy! We could say that TIL is
the ONLY Thing there is. Meanwhile, this TIL living within us assume to be
us (or others) and does what it is interested in. (Good and Bad so to
speak). IOW: God or TIL is "ALL THERE IS" or "All That Is"...

So, each and every being occupied or inhabited by God or TIL is free to do
whatever it is interested in, which in the long run brings it to
self-recognition and or Self-Realization. Which is about the same thing.
God or TIL is more than an idea. It is ALL ideas...

God or TIL = You!

- - Gerardus


Date: Sat, 03 Jul 2004 10:21:19 -0700
Subject: Re: [TL] Re: rewiring Brain Circuitry....
Reply-To: TriLite@yahoogroups.com

At 02:52 AM 03/07/2004, you wrote: 
>Hi Jen, John and Gerardus, 
>I appreciate your various comments on the methods we use in our 
>creativity. IMO we are all different and adopt our own personal and 
>equally valid ways of creating. I can only share with you my own 
>particular choices. 
>For me IMAGINATION is the key, and whatever we imagine ourselves to 
>be, we are!... who-ever, what-ever, where-ever, is just the product 
>of our imagination...... unlimited and effortlessly creative.

Hello Leonard... 
I agree "imagination" is the Clue. In my experiences in life, working with 
other people and living with some of them - I have found that "imagination" 
is dependent on Soul-Age. Soul-Age being the quality that comes with having 
had many experiences in human life. Intelligence is helpful in this matter 
but not essential...
Me think/feels that Soul-Age is determined by the Consciousness We Are. This 
Consciousness is in progress towards higher levels. All this means that we 
cannot be more than we are at this moment - but every moment is new and an 
opportunity to grow. Kind of means that we cannot hurry up and outgrow 
ourselves - just because we feel like it or imagine it. IOW: It takes time...

>Leonard here: 
>Although that is it in a nutshell it is vitally important that we 
>love ourselves, adore ourselves, worship ourselves even. In the 
>acceptance of ONENESS.... and the regognition of our god-self we just 
>cannot hold ourseves in too high esteem. As the bible puts it in the 
>first commamdment.... love thyself with all thy strength........... 
>without total self-adoration we can not be all that we are.
Gerardus here: 
I agree with what you say Leonard, except for these adoration and worship 
bits. I feel that self-appreciation is sufficient for me now. This is not 
to say that you could not be right! I think we spoke about this before...
Where does humility come into the picture?? 
Or is the adoration of ourselves and others point One?? 
>Leonard here: 
>The other practical fact to understand is that there only is NOW, no 
>past, no future, but what we imagine/create now. I was reluctant to 
>mention epilepsy in my earlier post for that was to recreate that 
>which was unreal except for my own imagination....... IMAGINATION is 
>All-That-Is......... and the powerpoint is always now.... without 
>exception. Now is as we imagine it to be.... and BEING is all, in 
>this dimension......... smile. . . . 'To Be or Not to Be, that is the 
>question?! .. Now or Not Now......Awake or Asleep...
Gerardus here: 
Yes, is so! 
I think Seth said: "The Point of Power is in the Present". I agree! To me 
it means being able to drop our personal history. This is hard to do 
because the atoms of our matter body contain this history. I will have to 
talk to them! 
>With Love, Leonard. 
>(there is adore in my name plus N for now 'central' and L for 
>love 'first!)
Gerardus here: 
Yes, there is "adore" in my name as well. 
I guess the possibility to use that word is still open... 
I adore myself... I adore myself... I adore myself... 
Sounds too much like a boastfull buffoon to me. Do I need to pound my Chest?
By golly I just got used to: 
I am really a smart man... I am really a smart man... 
That was from Mahroukie. She is hiding some place for a few days...
All I know is that I know nothing and that I am progressing - Gerardus 
(I do not know towards what or where but I am to find out for sure)


Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2004 08:43:09 -0700
Subject: Re: [TL] Re: rewiring Brain Circuitry....
Reply-To: TriLite@yahoogroups.com

>Kartar here: 
>I read the article on your website and also found several sites and 
>articles on the topic of 'soul age' using your search keywords. Thanks for 
>that, but that wasn't my focus of enquiry. Mine was more on the term 
>I've always wanted to know why it is so easy for some people to imagine 
>and visualize in vivid, clear and definite images 'in full color' and 
>sometimes read whole passages and figures off their heads, so to speak, 
>while some have great difficulty even in holding simple images in their 
>heads, even for a while, no matter how much they try and train themselves 
>to do so. 
>So, does "soul-experience" have anything to do with this?

Hello Kartar - Gerardus here: 
Yes, it has! 
It has everything to do with it. But also this: we all could have similar 
amounts of lifetimes of living in matter - but still the one Being can 
imagine more than another. We are all different and we could see ourselves 
as semi-independent "applets" in the Universal Computer people call God. An 
applet is a small computer program and that is just about what a Soul is. 
It brings its own program to earth for example. Some people call it their 
destiny. What happens along the way of living our destiny we could call 
fate. Now, these are only words and you have to use your imagination to 
make sense of them...

>Kartar here: 
>They say, we are and/or become what we think about; and that we think in 
>pictures; and imagination and visualization are the tools we use 
>(knowingly or unknowingly) to create our life, our world, our universe. Is 
>it possible that the 'key' to this tool called imagination is not entirely 
>in our control, no matter how much we know about its existence and potency?

Gerardus here: 
Let's say that 50% is in our control and 50% is not (I said: let's say 
50/50 and for most of us it might be way less). We cannot grow twice as 
tall in 24 hours for example - or become half size. So free will, and what 
we think about, and our imagination has influence upon what we become, but 
we can do only so much with what we have to work with. We are 
alive-aspects of a living-process that is progressing toward higher levels 
of awareness AND imagination...

I figure "knowing" that we are TIL in the disguise of a human being - ought 
to make us stand still and take inventory! We are TIL in human form and we 
are experiencing our creation. The trick is to enjoy what we have or are 
now! Not what we might or might not become by bursting our brains out. 
Naturally, it is different for everybody and you are most welcome to 
imagine all you can...
I say Be Here Now - Gerardus 
(If not happy now - when???)


Date: Mon, 05 Jul 2004 15:06:39 -0700
Subject: Re: [TL] Re: rewiring Brain Circuitry....
Reply-To: TriLite@yahoogroups.com

At 12:19 PM 05/07/2004, you wrote: 
>Leonard here 
>Hi Kartar, 
> May I chip in and answer the questio you asked Gerardus? 
>The Michael Messages go into great detail defining our soul 
>age.....Infant, Baby, Young, Mature, Old...and in the none- 
>physical,Transcendental and Infinite. 
>I just discovered their website too.. 
>with Love from this 'Old Soul' as defined by the book! Leonard.

Hello Kartar/Leonard/Susan... 
Yes, very true, The Michael Books are indeed speaking about Soul-Ages and 
older and/or younger Souls. Most entertaining! They are books I began to 
read in 1980 and after - no wonder I forgot about them. When you search for 
Soul-Ages in "Google" no doubt you will find these Michael Books. I even 
have a short "blurb" about "The Michael Teaching" on my pages. As I see it - 
this Teaching eventually becomes very complex and no doubt they appeal to 
Superior Souls who have forgotten that there is no such thing......

Are what the Michael Books say true? 
Answer: according to my Field of Perception - if you believe these Books 
you will find the experiences in your Life reflecting these Teachings - and 
if you do not believe in these books and believe in some other Teaching or 
No-Teaching you will find your experiences in Life reflecting these values 
or disciplines...

The thing is - when we set ourselves up with certain beliefs or teachings or 
assumptions - all happenings and/or experiences in our life then can be 
explained by means of our initial accepted assumptions. IOW: we create our 
own Reality and Truths accordingly. All teachings are temporary paths I 
figure. Sooner or later we must leave these paths...

For me - more and more so - the big question actually is: does an Infinite 
Being of Light need any teachings? Or is it here to experience it's Dream 
and/or Creation? Maybe all we need to do is learn to listen to our 
intuition and follow our tiny voice. Then - like I have said before - All 
Teachings are Stories and all Stories are Teachings. Look here too maybe: 

Is there a Teaching that is not a Teaching? Yes, I think/feel there is. 
It's a way of Life! It proves itself by means of resulting experiences 
afterwards. Here it is ---> Behave as if you are the World and everybody in 
it. Or - be kind to another and they will be kind to you...

Kindness projects Mutual Induction - Gerardus



To: LightWork-L email list 
From: SunSetGlow 
Subject: Re: MHO

At 07:02 AM 96/9/22 EDT, you wrote: 
>Rev Traci wrote: 
>> I'm asking for prayers, Love & Light etc... there is no-one sick 
>>etc...but My husband is building a 2 stall 2 story garage byhimself 
>if you could 
>>be so kind as to send your loving prayers etc...

>Gerardus replied: 
>Dear Rev. Traci... 
>In my view (and I am wrong sometimes) your request for prayers, Love & Light 
>etc... (especially the etc.) to finish the garage does not belong on this 
>Yasmin writes: 
>I am TRULY not wanting to start a fight here because we know they get out of 
>hand ... but Geradus, isn't your view here unecessary?

Gerardus here: 
I appreciate your response. Was expecting some! My view might not be 
necessary at all. Is yours? 

>Do we need to know that you think this, when clearly it is going to 
make Traci 
>possibly very uncomfortable to read that on the list ...
Gerardus here: 

The general idea was to make her see the purpose of this list by 
pointing out what it was NOT meant for. And while I was doing that, 
she has the choice to feel as uncomfortable as she would like to. 
Amidst the dozens and dozens of messages I get and answer, I feel kind 
of 'bugged' by requests similar to hers and I responded in a curt and 
business manner. (It reminded me of the money changers in the temple - 
and the man turned the tables upside down - Good for Him!) I answered 
on purpose and not in reaction. I also could have not answered at all. 
That's what most people did - they took the easy way out!

If nobody says anything in the tones expressed by me - we hear next 
about someone building a 2 story dog house, or an elevator 
catnap-deal, or the car wouldn't start, or my pet turtle has funny 
knobs sticking out of its shield - now what? They all would be asking 
for prayers, Light, Love and a bit of the etc. as well. 

IOW: we would have dozens of these kind of messages on lightwork-l in 
no time at all. In my mind and heart there is a limit to what we need 
to ask help for and what we need to solve ourselves. Rev. Tracy went 
over my limit. Hard to do for I am limitless... 

BTW: Again! I am glad you responded Yasmin for I am not even as 
infallible as the Pope. I also know that my reply was not the 
friendliest. I wanted it that way! I felt that the request was just 
about the most un-intellectual I have ever seen on this list in the 
over two years I have been on it. LW-L is a list for Spiritual 
Teachings and Sharing. It's not a Popular Builders Magazine about the 
in and outs of building Garages when ran out of money! 

Lightwork-l is not some kind of Ann Landers Common Sense Advisory 
Medium - give me another prayer please! Besides, my opinion is only my 
opinion and I do not force anyone to like it or even read it. Again, 
to say nothing in my view, is avoiding the issue here - Common Sense. 
(Close to no sense at all)

Imagine!! A 2 stall 2 story garage BY HIMSELF. (I assumed he does it 
alone) What happens if he, because of the sheer difficulty of the 
project, falls and breaks his neck? Then what? More Light and Love 
requests?? I feel that the garage builder is asking for trouble!! 
Especially is he has as much common sense as Rev. Traci has!

Which kind of shows - for if he has not got enough money to buy lumber 
to build the garage - in what shape is his scaffolding going to be to 
do the job?? A plank here and a bit of a ladder over there?? Is he a 
qualified builder?? If so, how come he runs out of money half way the 

Does he have insurance that will provide for his family when 
something happens?? There are dozens of reasons that the garage should 
NOT be build this way in the first place. Why send anyone blessings on 
a ill-founded and lack of common sense project?? 

I figured that I did them a favor by responding the way I did. They 
might reconsider the project when they run out of lumber or roof 
trusses. Has anyone any idea how high a 2 story garage is and how 
dangerous it is to build by yourself?? I have been up there all my 
life and I know what it takes. 

>Geradus - PLEASE take this the way I mean it; The chance to discuss 
>something which almost led to the demise of our list xxx
I appreciate your response - it's about time someone says something 
about my opinions. Either way... (And many do - all positive and my 
ego is too big for its box possibly - all the fault of others 
naturally - wow - another wrong opinion) 

The whole thing is a big laugh to me, especially since my car sits in 
the minus 50 below in the winter unless I take it some place else. AZ 
- here I come. Please reserve my spot... 

Light... Love... and Laughter! *!* Gerardus 


Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 19:42:39 -0600
Reply-To: The Bridge Across Consciousness 
Sender: The Bridge Across Consciousness 
From: SunSetGlow 
Subject: Re: Holographic Karma
To: Multiple recipients of list BRIDGE-L 

At 05:40 PM 96/9/27 -0700, you wrote:
Ronald here:
>Dear SunSetGlow and Intergalactic Library, 
>Some of Gerardus' postings reminds me of an insight I gained 
>from Serge King, author of "The Urban Shaman". His point is 
>in very basic terms that what we percieve as reality is simply 
>a dream or a collective hallucination projected from us and 
>shaped according to our "beliefs" about reality. The main difference 
>between let us say a Night Dream and a Waking Dream is that Night 
>dreams are personal or largely individual, whereas the Waking 
>Dream is shared with much more intensity with our fellow creatures 
>and humans. Therefore a night dream is much more malleable and 
>plastic, whereas it takes more energy to change things in the 
>shared dream of our mutually percieved reality. That is why 
>"magic" is possible because magic is essentially techniques for 
>changing our dream of reality or our beliefs about reality.

Gerardus here:
Yes! I see the world/universe the same way. What is "out there" is a direct 
mirror image of our thought. Past and Present. This includes our thoughts 
about our past actions for they stick with us through many lifetimes on the 
subconscious level and we need to heal ourselves from these actions 
according to our balance of justice. Our thoughts about our past therefore 
create the life of the present and its healing opportunities. It is not 
directly and eye for an eye but it might be an eye for kidney or whatever. 
A wife for a daughter. Maybe a girlfriend for a mistress too. Hhhaha hha ha 
Great Consciousnesses like Jesus (Sananda) can change our outer environment 
in a jiffy for they, with their mind power and intent, can override our 
habitual mind projection that creates our environment. What Jesus does are 
not miracles but the simple result of Mind. Our matter world is Mind in a 
certain form - frozen for a while. Human Beings are baby creators in/on an 
apprentice program - their earth. Make your bed and sleep in it... 
I agreed with all the rest of this post - excellent indeed! 
Thank you Ronald.
*!* Gerardus
