Well... Imagine... do you know who entered my Dream the other Day? ! Nobody else but Judas ! Judas and I had quite the Conversation. And you know what... this Judas... is Magnificent. He is brilliant in Metaphysical Insight and his Explanations are extremely easy to follow. The most precious Quality Judas endows is the Quality of Honesty. Besides his Honesty... he is a Warm and Loving Person. Of all People in the Universe here he was... entering my Writing Dream. Anyway... I'll let you read what he had to say and as you will see... we had a very informative Discussion. Here is Judas.... Gerardus my Friend... I am Judas... I am the Forgotten One. I have come in the Name of Honesty in order to straighten out the Misleading Stories that have been repeated and repeated for Centuries on end. I have come to tell you my Story for the First Time in almost Two Thousand Years. It is Time to hear what I have to say for a Change. In the first place... I want to make it absolutely clear that I have come to enlighten you and not in order to clear my Name or Identity. Because there really is not anything to clear as you will see. Well Gerardus... as you already suspected what People have been saying about me for Centuries is "The Poppycock of Churchianity" and the Gist of it makes up a very nice Fairy Tale. Since you have always been curious about me I have taken the Liberty to enter your Dream and introduce myself so that you personally may evaluate the Character I am. I suggest that your Readers however be very Skeptical and use plenty of Sound Judgement. So... what I would like to do is speak to you while you dream and write and naturally you may interrupt and ask questions any time you want to. This was the first opening Judas gave me and right away I welcomed him into my Dream Domain. I told him that I felt very pleased and honoured to have him participate in my Revelations about the Gossip of Churchianity. Some of this Gossip is so well liked that People all over the World are dying for it. And naturally... because of it. So... Judas... I said let me ask you a couple of Questions first and you can weave your Story around them while you answer me. It's a Deal... Judas said... it's a Deal. This is what I asked Judas. Did Jesus exist... and if he did... what kind of Being was he and what was your Relationship with him? Well... Gerardus... I'm afraid that the Story I have to tell is a long one but I know that your Questions will be answered while I tell my Story. So... here we go...! About a hundred years or so before the Jesus of Churchianity was supposed to be born the Real Jesus was born. He was born amidst a Group of very Advanced and Aware People who at that Time were called... the Essenes. The Birth of this Individual was a Cosmic Event because this Individual Being was to live his last Life on Earth. ! This... my Friend Gerardus... does not happen every Day ! The Great Birth was announced and witnessed by many Older Brothers and Intelligences in the Universe because after the Completion of this last Lifetime this Great Being was going to be accepted by these Brothers as One of Them. The so called Star of Bethelehem was a brilliant UFO and this Cosmic Display of our Sky Brothers was fully warranted because the Occasion of this Birth was indeed of Cosmic Proportions. At that Time it was very rare indeed that People were able to reach the Level of Awareness that is now called... The Christ Consciousness. Before that Time it was called many other Names and as you can imagine it probably will be given different Names again in the Future. This Great Being then... either by the Name Jesus or Hesus was born into the World amidst a Group of Individuals who were well advanced themselves in the Arts of Life and Love. His Father and Mother... naturally were carefully chosen by this Incoming Individual because it is very important to have a Suitable Start in order to complete the necessary Training in but one Lifetime. The Infinite Soul of Jesus already had thousands of other Incarnations and the Jesus Personality was the last One. So... the Jesus Personality was the Crowning Event of a long History of Incarnations. ! You see Gerardus... Jesus was born knowing ! This... at that Time was called... being born... The Virgin Birth. He came to live his last Lifetime as a Human Being. He knew who he was... and what he came to do on Earth. Naturally he was conceived in the normal fashion and in no way was his Mother ignorant of Sexual Intercourse. To be born knowing... Gerardus or Being Born Consciously from one Dimension into the Other is indeed the Peak of an Enormous Accomplishment. As you know... All of Us are working towards this Feat of Consciousness. By the way.... by using the Words... All of Us... I mean The Great Souls We Are and not the Personalities we happen to be right now. So... who was the Being we call Jesus? The Jesus Personality was the last Incarnation of an Infinite Soul and this Soul... thereby... would finish its Biological Path. It would be awarded then... the Title "Christ" and from that Time on this Individual would be accepted as a Fully Realized Son of God. An Individual like this functions from the Higher Dimensional State of Being. and this State of Being permits you to enter from those Dimensions into the Third and back at will. In other words you are able to function beyond the Limitations of Time and Space. It is also called... having reached The State of Buddhahood or The Christ Consciousness Level. All of Us are working towards this State of Being and in not too long a Time many other People on Earth will be able to demonstrate the same Super Human Feats. Anyway... I will continue my Story. To prove that this Soul had reached this Level of Development it had to undergo an Initiation by his Teachers. This Initiation... at that time consisted of being tied to a wooden Cross with Leather Straps for three Days during which the Initiate would enter other Realities including many Higher Dimensions. The wooden Cross resembled the Roman Number Ten which meant that the Initiate had gone The Full Cycle... from One to Ten... in Physical Reality. In other words Jesus was returning to Himself again. This naturally meant that he had finally fully Realized his own Greatness as the Universal Creator in Physical Form or as the Son of God and could prove that this was so. The Initiate then... was tied to a Cross for three Days and during this Time left his Body. His Teachers and Guides naturally looked after the Body while the Initiate is away. After Three Days he is supposed to return to his Body and report to his Teachers where he had been... what he had seen and show them the Signs that were given to him. If you are able to do this you have completed the Initiation... called the Crucifixion. So... here we have then... an Individual Soul or Greatness who by sheer Hard Work... Study... Endurance... and Understanding had reached the Level of Conscious Evolution in which he is Aware as the Creator in Physical Form and knows how to perfectly practise the Principles of Love. Love... you see... or Understanding is something that is learned by developing the Godseed you are over many Incarnations in which you are given the Opportunity to love and to bloom into the Full Range of God Awareness. God Awareness means that you are Consciously Aware of the God or Creator you are and can prove it... by doing so called Miracles if you are so inclined. This Love or Understanding... of a Master of Creation naturally means that you are fully aware that all Human Beings on Earth are Students in a Cosmic School for Souls from which All of Them eventually will graduate and thus have no need to be saved. In other words... you just love them... by leaving them be. Now... when you have reached a State of Evolution that even comes close to The Christ Consciousness Level your Personality has a Tremendous Charisma and Attraction. As a Matter of Fact... People hang around you by the Thousands because you're oozing Love. ! You Are Absolutely Irresistible ! So... what else could be said about a Christ or a Buddha? They are Love Personified and they are loved to Pieces by People who understand them and hated to Death by People who don't. You could compare a Jesus The Christ to a Human Being with the Combined Characteristics of a Mikhail Gorbachev... a David Copperfield... a Shirley Maclaine an Oprah Winfrey... a Ralph Nader... a Red Skelton and a Nelson Mandela. Anyway... a Man like Jesus The Christ would look more like a Combination of the People above than that he would as any of your Popes or Kings. Popes or Kings are the Representatives of People but a Buddha or a Christ is the perfect Incarnation of God the Creator in Human Form. As a Matter of Fact if a Christ would ever walk on Earth again you would recognize this Great Individual immediately by his Sphere or Aura of Greatness because it would hang around him like a Cloud of Brilliance. It's sometimes called the Buddha Field and you could feel this Field or Aura a Mile away. ! People like that... are Absolutely Irresistible ! We know it as Charisma. By the way a Buddha or a Christ could be Masculine as well as Feminine. As a Matter of Fact... they are Androgynous but for simplicity's sake they don a Male or Female Human Form. However... very seldom do Masters come to Earth in their full Glory because it would be impossible to do or teach anything. Some of them appear as wise old Men or Women and they do the best they can with what they have to work with and then disappear from the Scene of Action without Fuss. Naturally... Masters appearing in their full Greatness would be surrounded by a lot of silly People who would want to touch them or be healed from their Miseries by some kind of Miracle. It would put all these People on some kind of Cosmic Welfare System. We are all here in order to learn how to follow or attain The Christ Consciousness and become a Miracle Doer ourselves. ! We are not here to follow Jesus ! ! We are a Jesus ! Anyway... Gerardus this is my Description of a Master of Creation. However... my Friend Gerardus my Description is the Result of my Cosmic Imagination for I have never been in direct Contact with a Buddha or a Christ while I lived on Earth. So... what these Infinite Souls or Masters look like on Earth might be entirely different. Please take this in Consideration. Now... do you have any Questions... so far? I said... yes I do... Judas. Would it be possible that some of the People you mentioned are really Masters but we do not recognize them as such? Well... Gerardus... I was expecting that Question and here is my Answer. ! All of You are Masters already ! You see... the Master you are... or the Christ you are is the Initiator or Creator of all its Incarnations and Personalities. So... what does that make you? You are the Christ or Master trimmed down to the Size of Gerardus in order to live a Lifetime or have an Experience in Matter as a Human Being. So... you as a Human Being are a Soul in Flesh and the Creator of the Physical or Matter World you live in. In other words... you are the Creator or Christ as Gerardus but you do not completely realize that you are the Creator because it would spoil the Experiences that are needed in order to be Gerardus. You as a Soul have your Play or Dance in the Matter World and while you play or dance you create the Matter World as well as Gerardus. That this is so... is what Gerardus is discovering. The Christ You Are is a Creator and an Experiencer of its Creations. Gerardus is One of your Living Creations and One of your Experiences. Since you exist as Gerardus... proves that you exist as the Creator or Christ who created Gerardus. While God... is the Energy you create with. However... from the Point of View of Gerardus Time and Space are always lagging behind the Timeless Reality in which Gerardus is a Master already! Since Gerardus live in this Time and Space Environment he is a Student of the Master he is. All that is left to be done by Gerardus however is to enjoy his own Journey because he already has arrived. You as Gerardus are the Incarnation of the Soul You are while yet you as Gerardus have the Freedom to make all kinds of Beautiful Deviations on this Journey in order to follow your own Inclinations. So... You... and your Soul are One but yet you as Gerardus are your own Boss and can do what you feel like. Well... naturally you as Gerardus or you as a Specific Incarnation of the Christ You Are have Guidelines in this Incarnation. ! Gerardus has been created for a certain Dance or Purpose ! Since you as the Master or Soul are Gerardus you have certain Tasks... Responsibilities... or Purposes that only can be fulfilled by Gerardus. Gerardus knows this... because he is the Soul and Gerardus is working on them his Way. So... you as Gerardus have a lot of Freedom to complete your Duties or Assignments and in the mean time you are Free to enjoy the given Talents. In other words... you are Free but your Freedom is limited by what you have to do and by what you have been given. So there are certain Things you can do and are inclined to do and other Things are more or less out of reach for now. Like becoming a World Famous Clown or like becoming the next President of the United Nations. You have to be born into the right Circumstances and strive for these lofty Positions straight from the Start. This is not what you as the Creator had in Mind when you created Gerardus. You as the Soul or as the Christ wanted to become Gerardus and well... as you know... you are! ! So... rejoice... and enjoy it ! As you know Gerardus... all kinds of Incarnations are needed in order to finally Consciously Realize that you are the Creator and always have been in the first place. The Incarnation or Interlude as Gerardus is The Play of the Creator You Are in being Gerardus. Naturally... as long as you are Gerardus... you are more inclined to feel like a Human Being than you would be inclined to feel like the Creator. Yet... You are your own Creator. ! You see Gerardus... Life is a Paradox ! It is a Paradox for a Human Being but it is a simple Affair for a Son of God or Christ. Temporarily you as the Creator have become Gerardus and now that you are Gerardus you are afraid... bewildered... and confused because you are lost in your own Creation called Gerardus. Sooner or later however... the Creator will pop out and your Infinite Laughter will ring throughout the Universe. ! Your Greatness is an Absolute Fact ! So... to come back to your Question Yes... all Human Beings are truly their Master in Disguise. Their Master or Creator knows it but Human Beings don't. All of them have the Chance to discover this however at any Time or Place but most of them are just too busy doing something different. They're all busy exercising their own Free Will by doing what they feel like. Be assured however that the Christ or Creator they are... understands this. They came to Earth in order to experience their Creation and they're doing this in great Diversity. This includes being a Dreamer or a Pope or even a Thief... a Murderer... or a Child Molester. Experiences are Experiences and Life or Creation includes All Things or Actions. All of Us... in our own Way are fulfilling the Will of God. ! We are the very God and Creator doing it ! Well Gerardus it's a Beautiful System... isn't it? Well... it sure is Judas. It is just that sometimes I get lost in my own Thoughts. I wish I could understand it more clearly or understand it from the Point of View of the Christ I am. Are you able to see it from that Point of View Judas? Not quite... Gerardus... not quite. I am not... what I call a Full Blown Christ as yet... however I have an easy access to many Teachers that are on a Higher Level of Understanding than I am. Regularly... I go to Classes and learn more about Life in a Body and as soon as I have enough Theory again I usually find a suitable Birth and practise what I have learned. I am just as much a Student of Life as you are. At the Moment... however I am just a little closer to the front of the Classroom and can hear and understand my Teachers easier. You on the other Hand have to put yourself in a Dream State and do not have much control of who you're going to listen to. However... for a Soul in Matter... you're doing Splendidly! I'm amazed... at what I see you learn. You see... Gerardus before I entered your Dream Domain I watched you for a very long Time to ascertain that what I wanted to tell you is to your Benefit at this Time. You see... my Friend I do not just enter Anybody's Dream and give them a Load of Metaphysical Malarkey. However... with this... I do not mean to say that you should totally accept what I am telling you now. Just listen with an Open Mind and consider what I say as a Possibility. Do not accept what I say as an Infallible Truth. ! After all... I am not the Pope ! Anyway... Gerardus... I would now like to answer the second Part of your Question. My Relationship with what is called the Jesus of Churchianity. Well... if you understand the Discussion we've had up to now you understand that the Jesus of Churchianity is some kind of Fairy Tale Figure that did not exist in Physical Reality. Your Bible contains a lot of Wisdom and at the same Time it contains a lot of Nonsense. The Rumour is... that the Bible is a Conglomeration of about Two Hundred Essays or Compositions of which some are Deliberate Attempts to control the Masses and at the same Time educate them the best way possible. By now... many of you have outgrown the Bible. So... some of the Stories in the Bible are "The Poppycock of Churchianity" that at one Time was meant to serve the Masses. As you know... the Masses like to be deluded by Fairy Tales and your Politicians still use the same Methods. ! Elect me... and I will save you ! I guess... the People that were the Church Fathers then all have reincarnated now and are Politicians. Anyway... I suggest... that Every Human Being uses his own Mind up to its very Limits and does not make up his Mind on what is True and what isn't until he knows how use his own Intuitional Knower. Once you know how to do that you are on your way to becoming a Light unto Yourself. And that's what Life really is all about. ! Become a Light unto Yourself ! So... what was my Relationship with the Jesus of Churchianity? In some of my previous Lifetimes I was born into one of the Christian Religions and I was told that this Figure on the Cross was my Saviour. The Figure or Man on the Cross had died for my Sins. The last time I was on Earth I was a Girl and according to my Religion I was a pretty good Sinner. I believed what I was told for a long Time and finally by educating myself and starting to think for myself I came to the Conclusion that I was brainwashed by Innocent Parents who were brainwashed by their Parents... and so on... and so on. Anyway... eventually I outgrew my Christian Religion and I have been on my own ever since. I am a Free Soul... and one of my Personalities was called Judas. At this Time I live my Infinite Life on this Side of Creation according to the Will of God. Which is the Will of the Entity I am or the Will of the Christ I am... as good as I can intuit it. So... in a way... I am like the first Pope called Peter and I deny the Jesus of Churchianity. There never was a Man like that and there never will be except in the Minds of his Inventors and their Followers. ! Which really means... that this Man exists ! He exists in the Minds of his Followers. The Jesus of Churchianity is what could be called a Mental or a Psychic Truth. He is a Concoction in the Minds of Man. However... as you so well understand Gerardus we all come to Earth in order to experience our Creation and we do not need any Saviours. The Doors of Heaven were never closed and the Fires of Hell were Scare Tactics to gain Power over Innocent and Ignorant People. However... all this turned out for the Good of Mankind for it created Circumstances and Experiences out of which you and I and many Others have arisen to Levels of Understanding far beyond the Masses. We are on Earth because of our own Free Will and Need and until we have come to a Cosmic Understanding of Creation we all are mislead by Lies that are easily accepted because of our Ignorance. By the way there is nothing wrong with that. We can only know Truth after we have experienced all the Lies. So... Gerardus... if you don't mind I now would like to leave your Dream Domain and in the mean Time I wish you the Best of Infinite Life. Thank you for listening to my Story. I leave you now... with the Kiss of Love. I am Judas. Before I could thank Judas... I was wide awake and Feelings of Goodness arose in my Heart. Judas... he is a Beautiful Person. I'm glad he entered my Dream. I love him. * * * * * * * * * * * * |