I am Lazarus and in order to converse with the World in which you live I have entered your Dream. I am not the Lazarus who presumably arose from the Dead with the help of a Man called Jesus of Nazareth. I know nothing of this Jesus or of this Jesus the Christ as you call him because I have been away from your Planet for Seven Thousand Years. What I have heard by means of Intuitional Hearsay is that Jesus the Christ is indeed a Master of Creation and is now called... Sananda. It is assumed that Sananda is the Representative of Mankind on Earth and that this Great Individual holds one of the Highest Offices in the Government of the Solar System. However... let me ask you this! If indeed this Jesus the Christ was a Master of Creation and raised a certain Lazarus from the Dead could this have meant - more - than just bringing somebody back to Physical Life? Please let me explain.... Basically speaking people who do not know Who or What they are - are dead! They do not know that they are the Creator. By this I mean.... That this Master Jesus The Christ in some particular Manner made this Lazarus - understand - by teaching him the Universal Truth that he... Lazarus was the very Universal Creator living on Earth as a Human Being. Could it have been that Lazarus had been searching for the Truth for Years or Lifetimes and finally fully understood his Greatness? Would this mean that Lazarus came to Life by means of the Light of Understanding? Aren't you all Dead... until you understand that you are Infinite Life? So... are not Each and Every One of You a Lazarus who has to arise from the Dead and come to Life by the Understanding of your Infinite Status? Aren't you all... The Living Dead until the Light of Awareness or Understanding arises within the Darkness of your Being? Is that what it means... to arise from the Dead? Is this what this Master did? Is this not what all Masters and Teachers do? And now then... my curious Gerardus.... I will allow you to enter and speak in your own Dream and I await your Reaction to my Introductory Statements. Please go ahead.... Lazarus... I am flabbergasted! I am flabbergasted by your Power... and by the Statements you have made! As soon as you entered my Dream I felt an overwhelming Force lifting me into the Regions of Dreamland where Truth is Master. I just don't know what to say... Lazarus I am too impressed by your Statements and Questions. Please give me Time and I will try to comprehend your Wisdom with the limited Light of my dreaming Awareness. My first Impression is... that you are right. For truly what Sense does it really make to bring someone back to Physical Life? Why would a Master or a Christ really bother to do that? Come to think of it just living Physical Lives over and over again is a waste of Time... a Waste of Energy. But to made aware that we are the Universal Creator - indeed - that is being Resurrected! If the man Lazarus indeed had died or had left his Body he would have lived again and again anyway without the Help of any Master. Because all it takes is to die unconsciously and you are automatically reborn or reincarnated again. Only when we raise our Level of Awareness do we truly start to live... we arise from a dead Mind. ! THIS IS WHAT THE MASTER JESUS DID ! I know it Lazarus... I know it for sure now. I am so glad Lazarus that you swept me away in my Dream and enlightened me from my Darkness. Lazarus... please... let's talk some more. It will give me an Opportunity to receive the Light and Love you are willing to share. Thank you Gerardus... for asking me to stay for a while and I hope that our Discussions will give us the Knowledge to convert our Thoughts into Mountains of Light and Love as the Foundation of our Association and Togetherness. Know this... my Gerardus only when we know how to Love... and be loved can we enter the Regions of Consciousness and Enjoyment that are awaiting us in the Hills of Infinity. For as you know... Consciousness or Awareness - is - Enjoyment or Bliss. So... Gerardus... the more Conscious we are the more we are able to advance in the Kingdom of Bliss. Your Question then might be how do we become more and more Conscious or Aware? By living Gerardus... by living and by practicing what we know. ! By Living and by Loving ! As you know... the True Beings we are are Aspects or Entities of the Universal Energy we call God. This Universal Energy in Units... called Entities or Souls lives within all of Creation in order to enrich itself with Experiences. You and I are one of these Entities and as you know you live in a certain Aspect of Creation and I live in another. At the same Time however... or Simultaneously you also live in other Physical Bodies in many other Places but are not aware of that at this Moment. The actual Force you are... is an Entity or Soul that by means of Proliferation of its Universal or God Energies has temporarily divided itself into Thousands of Units or Aspects of itself all throughout Creation. These Representatives of Your Self live as Human Beings and as other Life Forms all over the Visible as well as Invisible Universe. Be assured... that you as Gerardus are this Entity or Soul but that you function temporarily as an Aspect or Representative of Your Self or Soul. This Aspect of Your Self you know as a Human Being... as Gerardus. So... not only are you alive as Gerardus but you are alive as Thousands of other Life Forms all throughout the Universe in different Times and Places. Since your Entity or Soul lives beyond Time and Space this means that certain Aspects of Your Self are alive as Physical Beings as well as Spiritual Beings because Your Self exists in... and out of Time. Not only does Your Self... live in... and out of Time but it also exists as different Beings... Animals... or Species in and out of Time. Your Entity or Soul then - oversees - the Whole of Time and Space... and beyond Time and Space since the Beginning of the Physical Universe or Creation. Therefore your Entity... Soul... or Your Self is a Witness of the Physical as well as Non Physical Universe because its Representatives live and exist in all Times and Places. Not only is your Entity or Soul the Witness of Creation in Total but it is the very Creator of its own Experiences because all Souls create their own Reality or Environment. Your Entity... Soul... or Your Self lives in all Life... all throughout Creation and is the very Creator of it for it creates in order to experience its Creation. My Questions now are.... Do you think that at one Time in your Past you were a Dinosaur? Was an Aspect of your Soul a Creature like the Prehistoric Reptiles? If your Entity... Soul... or Your Self were not... who was? What other Force lived in and as... these Animals? Could you answer my Questions... Gerardus? ! Lazarus... you baffle me ! You truly baffle me... and if I have understood your Reasoning I must admit... that I... as an Aspect of my Soul indeed could have been a Dinosaur or any other Animal in the World of Prehistoric Times. As a matter of fact according to your Supposition there is not Anything in Creation that I am not! For my Soul... my Entity... or My Self is an Aspect of Universal Energy or God... and is God. Well... Gerardus... I'm very glad that you understood my Sentence by Sentence Explanation. You see Gerardus.... ! There is only Universal Energy or God ! So... You as Gerardus - are - this Universal Energy or God indeed. Does this mean Gerardus that you as an Aspect of your Soul... Entity... or Your Self - were - the First Life on Earth? Were you associated with Planet Earth from the Beginning? If this is so... Gerardus who created the Physical Universe... the Solar System and Earth in order for You to live there? ? Are You responsible for the Totality of Creation ? ? Who Are You... Gerardus... Who Are You ? Are You The Creator and did you exist before the Physical Universe? Did you create the Physical Universe just for Gerardus or did you create this Wondrous Universe for the sole Pleasure of the Creator You Are? Does Gerardus live in this Wondrous Universe as a Representative of the God and Creator he really is because that is the only way this God and Creator is able to live in his own Creation? ? Are you Gerardus or are you the Creator ? ? Are You Both ? ? Gerardus... are you the Paradox of Creation ? ? Are you the Son as well as the Father ? ? Are you and the Father One ? ? Is the Experience of Diversity excluding Oneness ? Answer me Gerardus... Answer me? Lazarus... I do not know what to say. You're perplexing me with Clarity. I'm at a loss for Words. I understand what you have pointed out to me. I know who I am... but somehow Gerardus is my Stumbling Block. It seems as if he is in the Way in order for me to truly be what I am in all my Greatness. What do I do with a Guy like that? Please answer me Lazarus. Enjoy him Gerardus... enjoy him for all he's worth enjoy him with all your Emotions. How could he possibly be in the way if he is the Consciousness that understands what you truly are? Isn't he the only God and Creator you know? The Creator you are Gerardus does not understand anything... without Gerardus. You are the Means and Purpose for the Creator to understand its own Greatness. ! Without You... Gerardus... there is Nothing ! The Universal Energy... or God is basically an Undifferentiated and Unconscious Energy that by means of Evolution and Individualization has attained the Status of Self Awareness. Self Awareness is Soulness in the Form of a Human Being. This Human Being by the Name of Gerardus after living in millions upon millions of other Life Forms finally is on its way to God Awareness. ! Enjoy the Journey Gerardus... enjoy the Journey ! The very Enjoyment is the Journey to the Christ You already Are. You see... the very Christ You Are has focussed an Aspect of itself into Gerardus so that this very Aspect may live and create new Experiences for the Benefit of Both. The Christ You are... and the Gerardus you are are the same Being or God. They are One but seemingly they are different Entities in order to create and experience different Scenes and Realities in order to enrich each other. Gerardus is like a self contained Probe or Instrument working and experiencing himself as well as that he is experiencing his Soul and his Soul is experiencing him. It's a Unique Double Duty Cosmic Feedback System in which he is united in Kinship with the Totality of the Universe. To become fully Aware of this Universal Kinship Gerardus is being the Christ or Buddha. ! This Unity or Christness is the Oneness of Love ! When Mankind will finally open up to the Love it really is the World will be surrounded by a Brilliant Glow. This Brilliant Glow is the Aura of Love. Remember however... That you can only love Others when you have too much Love to love yourself. So... start loving Your Self... start loving the God You Are. Love Your Self and know... that You have the Freedom that allows you to create the Illusions of Perfection and Imperfection. Love Your Self and know... that you have the Freedom that allows you to create the Illusionary Reality of the Physical Universe in order to entertain Your Self. Love Your Self and know... that You have the Freedom that allows you to create the Illusions in which you have become lost. Love Your Self and know... that You have the Freedom that allows you to create Physical Bodies that makes it possible to take part in the very Actions of your own Physical Creation. Love Your Self and know... that You have the Freedom that allows you to create the Reality of Love for Your Self that produces the Awareness of the Infinite Creator You Are. Love Your Self and know... that You are the One Consciousness in which All Things are happening and are united. Love Your Self and know... that the Whole of Creation is Your very Being in which all Aspects of Your Self are Equal and Infinite. Remember... Gerardus... remember... that you are lost in the self created Illusions of Matter for sheer Enjoyment. So... enjoy it... enjoy it... for all its worth. It's your Creation. ! It's a Miracle of Miracles ! Hereby Gerardus I have to leave you in Peace and Love for the Energies that are creating our Togetherness are temporarily running out. We will meet again... and sooner than you think possible. It was a Pleasure to converse with your World by means of the Dreamer you are. Share your Greatness... yet live humbly in the Light of Love. From the Hills of Infinity... I am Lazarus. When I awoke I was so impressed that I just sat there for a while. I knew that the Great Soul who spoke to me was my Brother in God. I feel that he knows me well... I love him dearly. Thank you... Lazarus... Thank you. * * * * * * * * * * * * |