In this Dream I meet my Friend Moses and I ask him... what do I need to know in order to progress on my Path? This is what Moses said... please continue to dream and write and I will tell you what you need to know. And here is Moses: First of all... I say this... in my Discussions about Consciousness or Mind I'd like to avoid the following Words: Part... Section... Piece... Spark... or Portion. Instead of these Words or similar ones I use the Word... Aspect. Because... ! I consider Consciousness or Mind as One ! So... here we go... You are a Cosmic Being and your Name is Gerardus. You as Gerardus... live Life as a Human Being and your whole Life is actually a Sleep in which you dream. There are many People and Things in your Dream and all of them are Figments or Aspects of your Consciousness. Your Consciousness is The Consciousness of The Universe. ! It is extremely playful ! Since all People are Figments of your own Consciousness it is of no importance whether or not anybody agrees with you. Because you are the Creator of these Figments. You are the Creator of all visible and invisible figments of Your Universal Consciousness. All figments are living aspects of your own Universal Consciousness or Mind. You are the only Creator or Dreamer in the universe for all your dreams combined... equal the whole of creation. ! Therefore... Creation... is your Dream ! As Gerardus however you are only aware of the Dreams you dream as Gerardus. At this Particular Moment of Creation You as Gerardus are a Figment in your own Universal Dream. You as Gerardus are an Aspect of your own Dream as well as you are the Dreamer of the Dream. To be this one Aspect as Gerardus in your Universal Dream is sufficient to recognize Who or What you really are. Naturally Who or What you are is Equal to Who and What I am as a Figment in your Dream. Your Dream is the same Dream as my Dream except that we are experiencing our Dream from different Perspectives. These Perspectives are the Viewpoints You and I hold for the Sake of creating different Aspects temporarily within the combined Dream we dream. Your Viewpoint or Perspective is different than mine for Diversity of Experience is the Prime Object of our Endeavour. We dream or create all this... because we love Ourselves and the Universe... High and Low is our Love expressed. The Universe... or Creation as our Dream is the Love Relationship we have with Ourselves. ! Basically... We Are Self-Lovers ! That's why we dream or create all kinds of Figments who naturally are nobody else but Ourselves. In other words... we dream because we like to dream and because it is the only way to experience Ourselves for all Beings and Things are Figments of our Consciousness all throughout Infinity. Needless to say that We Are Infinite and that Infinity is the Moment in which we dream. It's all we need. ! Some of our Dreams take place in Time and Space ! Time and Space... or the Plane of the Physical Universe is a specific Dream we dream and it is only one of the many Dreams we create. All specific Dreams we dream are specific Levels of Existence in which we have invested our Universal Consciousness by creating specific Magnetic Fields or Patterns which create these Levels of Existence. These Levels or Planes are semi separated from each other because all Magnetic Vibrational Patterns form Levels of Kinship in Evolutionary Progress or Dream Stages. Please take into account that there is but One Dreamer and that the Levels of Kinship in Evolution are but different Perspectives from which we look at our Dream or Creation. So... for the sake of Diversity and Experience we pretend to dream on different Levels of Progression. This Pretentiousness is necessary in order to keep Creation interesting and entertaining. After all... we as the Infinite Creator and Dreamer are the only Force in the Universe and our very Nature is the Nature of Dreaming in order to amuse Ourselves. Naturally... Dreaming... is... Creating. Creating... or Creation... is The Process of Change of Undifferentiated or Unconscious Consciousness into Differentiated or Conscious Consciousness. Conscious Consciousness is Individualized Consciousness. We call this Change... The Dance of Consciousness. The Sole Purpose of this Dance is - To Infinitely Entertain Ourselves Joyfully - Infinite Joy is attained when an Individual or Free Aspect of our Universal Consciousness has risen to the Level of Understanding that it is dreaming and has fully awakened from the Dream. At all times during the Dream however each Individual is the Totality of Consciousness but since it experiences only one Perspective at any one time it sees itself as but one Aspect. To Awaken or Break Away as a Free Aspect or Individual from this limited Viewpoint is the Evolutionary Process we all are subjected to. An Individual who wishes to awaken is fully and directly assisted by the Totality. However... the Ability to Receive depends on the Individual. The Totality as Such is not concerned about Individualities of Itself. The Totality as Such... knows... that all Individualities are perfectly safe... and are capable of consciously returning to Itself as the Total. There is no other place to go anyhow! As an Individual we have complete Freedom of Choice. Human Lives then... are chosen voluntarily and the Experiences that are encountered by Human Beings are basically Human Creations for Human Beings create their own Realities or Views. Human Beings are Freewheeling Entities or Souls within the Universal Dance of Consciousness and have the Ability to create their own Individual Variations. These Variations are not in Disagreement with the Universal Dance. They form additional Enhancements and Scenarios that enrich the Universal Dance. Naturally all Human Creations or Dances are Equal in Value although some Dances or Realities might be preferred by some Individual Souls while others prefer other Environments or Circumstances. So... Diversity is the Result of Preference. This does not mean however that a Mouse creates its habitat anymore than a Human Being because it is the very Universal Consciousness - within them - that creates its own Realities and Forms in order to fulfill its own Dreams. The Mouse and the Human Being are merely Witnesses of the Universal Dream for both have their own specific Experiences and Viewpoints. The inhabiting Human Consciousness or Potentially Free Aspect of The Universal Consciousness assumes that it is in control of its Destiny for it controls its own limited Variations and Interests. Most often these Variations and Interests only distance or remove the Entity from its Source. In other words... The Almighty Creator or Universal Consciousness - can be temporarily put to sleep - within Freewheeling Entities or Human Beings. Eventually all Freewheeling Entities or Human Beings will discover that all Wanderings and Self Determinations are but Noises and Nuisances compared to the Unification with their own Source. The Wanderings and the Fulfillments of Human Desires however create the very Curriculum and Experiences that are needed for the Individual to discover the Truth. So... Undifferentiated Consciousness in the Physical Universe by means of Experiences becomes Differentiated... Individualized... or Conscious in Progressive Stages from Rock to Plant to Animal to Human Being by the very Experiences that are encountered. In other words... the Unconscious Creator slowly becomes Man and by the Experiences of Man the Creator awakens. Eventually Man discovers that he is the Universal Consciousness or the Creator in the first place. Man in and by itself however is but a temporary Aspect of the Universal Dream and the Existence of Man is the Activity of/in Consciousness by which the Creator recognizes itself as Man. Man as a Matter Being is the Investment of Consciousness in a certain Form... Condition... or Vibration. ! Man in and by itself however does not exist ! You as the Dreaming Creator or as dreaming Consciousness only exists as an activity in Mind. So... the Experiences in Consciousness of the Creator in its Dream that it is Gerardus is the only Activity that is Real and Actual in Mind as far as you are concerned. Your Human Life then... as Gerardus is the Activity of the Universal Consciousness or Mind for you are the Dreaming Universal Consciousness your Way! So... You as Gerardus... are the Universal Consciousness experiencing that you are Gerardus while Gerardus as a Matter Being does not exist! The very Idea or Dream of the Creator of being either This or That apparently takes off on its own as a Co-Creator or Dreamer within the Universal Consciousness. You as Gerardus - as a temporary separate Dream - are an additional Expansion or Aspect of the Universal Mind and you seemingly live within a specific Plane of Existence. All Planes are Aspects of the Universal Consciousness and the Physical Universe is only one of these Planes. The Actuality of Human Existence then is a specific Aspect or Investment of The Universal Consciousness. All Life in the Physical Plane therefore is a Dream that seems to take place in a Physical Environment but is really a Process in Consciousness. ! YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS ! So... your Life is lived in Mind... your Mind. From this follows that Matter is a Process or Form of Consciousness. Matter or the Physical Universe is an Investment or Vibration of Consciousness that acts and performs as Matter. In other words... the Universal Consciousness forms and inhabits the Physical Universe and is temporarily imprisoned there. The Universal Consciousness has made an Investment into a Medium that is Itself but temporarily assumes that it is a different Form or Reality. The Universal Consciousness is temporarily asleep within its own Creation of Matter. You as Gerardus then are The Universal Consciousness and live in a specific Environment or Plane of Existence. You are the Universal Creator asleep in your own Creation and each Lifetime is an Experience in Mind. ! The World is your Consciousness ! And I... Moses speak to you... while you write in the hope that you will awaken to your own Greatness. At this Point... Moses stopped his Conversation for a Moment and then He asked... do you understand what I'm telling you? His Question startled me and I just didn't know what to say. Finally... I said... can't you tell from the way I'm writing that I understand you? He chuckled a bit... and then he said... yes I do but I thought that I should give your Readers a break. I asked him... how do you know that there are Readers if there is not even a Book? He chuckled even louder and answered since I live beyond the Plane of Time and Space I know what will happen in your Future. I replied... well Moses... if you know all that much and possibly can do as much why don't you talk to my Readers directly and save me the trouble of typing out all our Chatter and getting it on Line? Moses said... our Discussions as I call them Gerardus are not Chatter. In my humble Opinion... we are having A Very Sophisticated Metaphysical Interchange of Knowledge that is not necessarily appreciated by Everybody on Earth. In other words... you are very privileged to listen. I said... that any Figment of my own Consciousness couldn't possibly make me feel privileged since I was its Creator. I realize that... Moses said but the Dreams you are writing about are my Teachings and they are worth more to you than you could possibly realize right now. I said... Moses why do you trouble yourself to teach me? And Moses answered... because I love you! His Answer surprised me and the Shock of it ended my Dream. Naturally... Moses vanished in the Process and my Composition ended right there. I felt uneasy about it however because I had been too casual in the End. I felt as if I had offended Moses. I tried and tried to enter my Dream again but it was hopeless... I could not even fall asleep. * * * * * * * * * * * * |