In this Dream I meet my Friend Gideon and I ask... Gideon does Moses know what he is talking about? - THIS IS WHAT GIDEON SAID - Gerardus my Friend Moses is an Expert on Metaphysical Philosophy and it is up to you to determine whether or not he knows what he is talking about. You see Gerardus... what Moses told you and what you have written in your Dream Journal could be two different things. For example... your Interpretation of what Moses said about the Nature of the Physical Universe might lean too much to the side... as if Matter does not exist. The Physical Universe... or the Matter Creation is absolutely Real and Actual while at the same Time it is also an Activity in The Creator's Consciousness. In other words the Nature of the Physical is at least twofold. It is Consciousness acting or posing as Matter as well as Consciousness or Mind as Such. You see Gerardus when we live in a Matter Body we readily submit to the Physical Senses and experience the Matter Creation as a Matter Phenomena only. For People like yourself however who know that Matter really is Consciousness or Cosmic Energy there is the Tendency to reason that Matter does not really exist for all is Consciousness and therefore the Matter World is an Illusion. This is not really the right thing to do! The Physical Universe and all the Things and Beings that live within it are Matter as well as Consciousness as well as The Connection between these Two States. The Physical Universe is The Spectrum of Mind and Matter in Action. Somewhere within this Spectrum is where you as a Human Being enter the Scene of Creation. You as Gerardus You as the Creative Consciousness have invested certain Aspects of Your Consciousness in order to experience and become aware of certain Modes of Life. These Modes in your Case... are the Human Existences you experience as Gerardus and as other People and Beings. ! Matter then... is not an Illusion ! ! The way Matter is seen or experienced is an Illusion ! Matter then... is just as real as anything else but since you know that Consciousness is acting or posing as Matter you tend to say that Matter is not real! That's where you make your mistake. Matter however... is absolutely Real and Actual but what Matter really is is different than most People believe it to be. The Matter World is Consciousness in the Form of Matter and Human Beings have learned to accept that Matter has some kind of Solidity. You see Gerardus the Physical Body and its Senses are created with the Intention that all Physical Things are experienced as if Solidity is one of their Properties. In other words you live in an Illusionary World but what you experience is Real and Actual because you have created yourself in a certain Fashion for the sole Purpose of experiencing all Physical Things as Real and Actual. Your Creation is a Tremendous Success because you have accomplished exactly what you intended to do. ! You intended to deceive yourself ! Since you succeeded in doing exactly that is the Proof that your Creation is Real and Actual. So... the Physical Universe is Real and Actual but what you see or experience is a Construction of Cosmic Energies that appears to you as if it has Solidity. The very Experience of Solidity is the Proof of its Realness. A similar example of Realness is the Manner in which your TV Pictures are produced. The Pictures on your Screen are absolutely Real and Actual but the Manner in which the Pictures are produced is based on the Characteristics of Human Perception. The only way to produce Pictures on your TV Screen by means of your Cathode Ray Tubes is to literally paint your Pictures on your Screen Dot by Dot. Your Senses... Brain... and Human Mind are relatively slow in forming an Opinion about what is seen and this Characteristic is taken Advantage of when you paint your Pictures on your TV Screen Line for Line. So... when you look at your Boob-Tube you see a whole Picture. ! Not once however is there a whole Picture on your Screen ! So... in order to make your Pictures Real and Actual you utilize certain Characteristics of the Human Eye in order to produce the required Results. Physical Reality is produced in a similar Manner. What you see is not really there and what is really there... you cannot see. So... the Reality of the Physical Universe is based on what Human Beings are able to perceive. In other words we all create our own Reality in order to feel at Home in our own Creation. Naturally... Reality is different for Everybody because Human Beings are Creators with different Preferences. We all participate in our Creation according to our own Nature and Personal Choices. As you know The Whole Physical Creation is the Creation of the Creators who live within it. In other words... all of Mankind all over the World are the combined Creative Force of the World they live in. So... whatever shape the World is in it is your own doing. Mankind... is the very Creator in Physical Form creating the World of Mankind in which He as a Human Creature lives. Now... for a Moment let me get back to the Illusionary Nature of the World or rather to the Nature of the Physical Creation. The Physical Creation as you experience it at any Moment is but a Finite Moment of Creation and as you know all Things that are Finite Come into Existence... Exist... and Disappear from Existence. In other words all Things... Beings... Worlds... and Physical Universes are but Temporary Phenomena. All Things are subjected to change and all Things eventually become different Things. Physical Universes and all Things or Beings within them exist in Times and all Times change into different Times. However... all Universes and Worlds also exist in a Timeless Fashion. This Timeless Fashion is the Fashion in which all Things exist in Consciousness. In other words as soon as you are capable of traveling beyond Time you will be able to visit or experience any World of your Choice... by going there in Consciousness. You see Gerardus All Universes... all Worlds... all Beings... and all Things and all Times exist in Consciousness or Mind all ready. In other words there is really nothing New for all Things are Existing Phenomena all ready except that when you visit certain Aspects of this Wholeness you can improvise or create new Variations within the all ready existing Phenomenal Worlds. Look at it as if the Whole of Creation is an Endless Book. You as the Reader of this Book can open it at any Page and start making Notes between the lines while you're reading. The more Notes or Changes you make the more you change the Infinite Creative Process for all your Notes become an Aspect of the Endless Book. This Endless Book naturally covers Past... Present... and Future because the Book is the Infinite Record of Creation. The Whole of Creation then is a Forever Changing Infinite Phenomenon for all Things... Beings... and Creatures revise or create their own Individual and Collective Changes. For all Things... Beings... and Creatures - are - The Very Creative Force some People call God the Creator. So... basically the Life you're living at the Present you could possibly have lived a thousand times all ready but this time around you included this dream and write this Composition. While during all other Lifetimes you would rather have been fishing instead of writing. I feel that you understand what I'm talking about but naturally you can only verify all this when you have fully awakened from your Dream as Gerardus. Now you might ask if all Physical Universes and Worlds all ready exist where are they all? The Answer is very simple for all Universes and Worlds are at exactly the same Place as yours is right now! All Universes and Worlds and all the Things... Beings... and Creatures within them consist of Cosmic Energy... Consciousness or Mind with different Frequencies or Time Zones. The Times these Universes and Worlds exist in determine the Time Zone and the Area you call Space in which it all happens is your Consciousness. The Physical Universe then and all Space that seemingly holds all this is actually your Consciousness or Mind in Action. Your Consciousness or Mind is the Space that contains All Infinite Universes and Worlds and their Intermingling Relationships in all Time Zones. The Physical Universe and World you are able to experience at this very Moment lies within the same Time Zone as your Bodily Being or is in synchronism with your Senses and Human Consciousness and therefore it seems to you that this is the only Manifestation of the Universe and World in Existence. ! However... there are Myriads more that you don't see ! So... indeed there are Worlds within Worlds and Universes within Universes and all of them slide within the other for all are devoid of Solidity. Naturally... the whole Thing is Mind boggling yet it is as simple as mixing your Honey or Sugar with your Tea. The Tea... the Honey or the Sugar are mixed with hot Water as easily as your Present World is sliding into all other Worlds. And besides Gerardus is not Water a Mixture of all kinds of other Ingredients in the first place? And what happens after you have drank your Tea? Do not all the Ingredients change into something else again while all of it really was Cosmic Energy to start with? Could it be that all Physical Things are Trapped Consciousness or Cosmic Energy that is released again... whenever the Lessons are learned? Is not your Consciousness trapped in a Body until it has learned its Lessons? Could one of these Lessons be to discover why you only see your Present Universe and World while all other Infinite Universes and Worlds are Invisible? Well... as I have said before... this is so because the World you live in from Moment to Moment is synchronized with the Human Perception from Moment to Moment. You... and your Environment... so to speak... move through Time in Synchronism because Time is the Synchronizer of all Things Physical. What you see... and what you are... Physically lies within the same Time Zone. Once in a while however... some Time Zones have over-lapping Harmonics and you might experience Realities from different Time Zones. So... a Loch Ness Monster... an Ogopogo or whatever are real Happenings or Experiences. This happens because Time Zones temporarily partially coincide. So... don't be afraid of it because in no time it will all disappear again. Now... the Area you call Space is filled with all kinds of Universes and Worlds and are Invisible to you because all of them belong to a different Time Zone or Frequency Modulation. Yet... all of them are as Real and Actual as the Physical Universe or World you live in right now. However... all of them exist and all of them are Aspects of your Consciousness for all Things are Consciousness. So... your Consciousness or Mind contains Myriads of other Universes and Worlds and all of them are waiting for you to be experienced or seen once you get your Consciousness fully Awakened. All of them are Real and Actual for your Consciousness is Real and Actual. And all of them are in Constant Revision for People create new things and Thoughts continually. Naturally... in some of these other Worlds your Soul incarnated as well and these Personalities of your Soul are confused about your Existence. Since I... Gideon... am able to travel to any World I hope that these People are as good a Dreamer as you are because that will give me a Chance to enlighten them. So... your empty Space... in other words contains an Unlimited Amount of so called Solidities for all Universes and Worlds are Aspects of the Physical Creation all throughout Infinity. Now... besides all this so called Solidity there are still all the Invisible Universes to contend with. Well... my Dear Friend Gerardus as you can see... the Whole Thing is beyond Human Understanding. Or is it? Well... let's see whether we could find a known example. Your FM or TV broadcasting Signals are Modulations of or on a certain Frequency Band or Spectrum. The underlying Frequency Band you tune your receiver to is modulated by the Signals that are broadcasted by the Station that you want to receive. So... Sounds or Pictures are broadcasted via certain Signal Bands that your Receiver is able to pick up. Well... as soon as your Receiver is turned on and tuned to the Proper Frequency Band you should be able to enjoy your favourite Show. So... all you really need is a healthy Receiver and a reasonable Signal and your favourite Show will be a Pleasure to experience. As you know hundreds of Stations are broadcasted into the Air or transmitted via only one wire and all you do is tune to the right one. Well... in Metaphysical Terms the same Things happen with the Body and the Soul. The Body is the Receiver tuned to the one Station and this Station or your Soul is the Broadcaster of the Signal. Naturally... the more you fine tune your Body the more your Soul can make it Dance to the Tune of its Godness. The Example naturally is kept simple because we do not want to confuse your Readers. Anyway Gerardus... that's about it. Your Soul... or your Christ Self as you might want to call it is the Broadcaster as well as the Creator of the Receiver and both of them are dancing the Physical Dance of being Gerardus. ! Dreaming and Writing ! While you... just the way you are - are - The Very Soul or Christ Self in Physical Form for the Importance of being Physical for the Soul Self is not left up to some silly Puppet or Mechanical Instrument. ! You are the very Christ... my Friend Gerardus ! To understand... or awaken to this Grandiose Fact is what you have been working on for a very long time. It is the most Astounding Revelation to be discovered by the Personality in any Lifetime or Sojourn in the Physical. Incarnation after Incarnation your very Soul has been engaged in the Physical Creation in order to prepare a Human Body capable to become your Soul or Christ Self in Physical Form. Millions and millions of Years have past in the Physical World of Time and Space and finally you... Gerardus have an Inkling of the Magnificent Efforts it took you to express your SELF in your Matter Creation. However... don't think for a Moment that your Task has been completed or fulfilled. ! Much is yet to be done ! Because... you see... you only know about all this. To put all this in Actual Manifestation well that's an entirely different matter altogether. In other words you know now... Who or What you really are and what's left to be mastered will be learned and enjoyed in your Future Endeavours in Your Splendid Physical Creation. In other Words Gerardus... you're on your Way. Your Soul... or your Christ Self... however is able to travel to any point within any Time Zone instantly so your Soul experiences all Lives simultaneously. In other Words your Soul or Christ Self is an accomplished Cosmic Fact because it is the Initiator of its Incarnations in the Physical World. It is the Creator of them. The Third Dimension is the Seeding Ground into which the Soul Seed Gerardus germinates and experiences the Physical World for the Soul or Christ Self. You as Gerardus are your very Christ Self in Matter Form. The Soul or the Christ Self as Such is a Higher Dimensional Force. So... you are this Force in the Third... as well as in the Higher Dimensions. You are Multi-Dimensional and truly live in a Myriad of Time Zones simultaneously and you will be able to experience this as soon as you have attained The Multi-Dimensional Levels of Awareness of your Soul or Christ Self. This... is what Life is truly all about. It's a lot more than owning and driving a nice Car. Well... Gerardus I notice that you are extremely tired and therefore I suggest that you wake up and rest. So long for now. I teach because I love you. I am your Friend and Teacher Gideon. * * * * * * * * * * * * |