For "I" am You... and Speak !

~ Gerardus Everardus Tros ~

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                  Hello Soul...
                          how are you?

                                    Are things alright?

                                                     Is God pleased?

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

                  You... my young friend... please sit quietly.
                                    It is "I"... who would like to speak.

                              You please listen and be quiet...
                                                    and yes... sit still.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

                     Please go ahead Soul.

                               Please go ahead...
                                    I am here to listen and I'll be still.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

                  Very good my friend.

                                    Listen carefully...
                                                for "I" speak very softly.

              "I" you see...
                    "I" am the ONE who lives through you.

                                "I" am the ONE that makes you tick.

                    "I" am the Soul...
                                "I" am the Boss.

                          "I" am the ONE who lives within you...
                                            in order to be in the Physical.

                      "I" want to be in the Physical...
                                                      I belong there.

                      "I" have to learn my lessons... Physical Stuff.

                      "I" live in many bodies...
                                 in many different times...
                                           and many different places.

                              "I" live on Earth...
                                           and other planets.

              "I" do this... because I love to do this.

                          Anyway... "I" am the Boss.
                                            "I" do the living...
                                                        and "I" am your Force.

              The time has come...
                          that "I" would like to speak to you.

                                So... please sit still...
                                            keep your hands unfolded...
                                                              and just listen.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

                    I will Soul... I will...

                                  Please go ahead...

                                            ... and I am thankful Soul.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              You do not have to be thankful my friend...
                                   for as you will find out...
                                                             "I" am You!

                    Yes... "I" am You...
                                and you are ME.

                    You might not be able to understand that now however
                                but for sure you will later.

                          Just sit still...
                                      be there...
                                            and leave your mind blank.

                              BE STILL...
                                     For "I" Am You...
                                                  And Speak!

              "I"... the mighty Soul "I" am...
                                    live in many bodies.

                                             ... and yours is but one of them.

              However... yours is a good one...
                                for it listens once in a while.

                          Just keep your mind in neutral...
                                                     and do not dare to think.

              Well then...
                    like "I" have said before...

                                "I" live in many bodies...
                                      in many different times...
                                            and many different places.

                                                 ... and all at the same time.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              How could that be Soul?

                        How could you do that all at the same time?

                                                            How could that be?

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              Time for Me my friend is Now-Time.
                                For Me there is no past or future.

                                      There is only Now-Time....
                                                      You call it the Present.

              You see my friend... "I" am Infinite.
                          "I" was never born... and will never die.

                    "I" am an Aspect of the Universe of Consciousness...
                                                      the Universe of Thought.

                    "I" live in the World of Mind.
                                     The Universal Mind is my Abode.

              In this Universe of Consciousness...
                    "I" and many other Souls... and many other Beings...
                                form... the Universal Mind.

                  Within this Universal Mind...
                        all Beings of whatever Nature or Beingness.

              As a matter of fact...
                                  not 'one' thing lives...
                           beyond or without this Universal Mind.

                           Life beyond this Mind is not possible.
                                       We all live within this Universal Mind.

              Some People call this Mind... God.
                       And 'All That Lives' in the Physical Creation...
                                    is a Physical Form of God... living there.

                       There are many different kinds of Physical Beings...
                                                        all over the Universe.

              Some Physical Beings live on Earth...
                                     and they call themselves... Human Beings.

                       As you know... many other Physical Beings...
                               live on Earth as well and we call them animals.

              Millions upon millions...
                       of other Physical Beings have different Forms...
                               and live on different planets...
                                                        all over the Universe.

              All Beings in the Universe...
                    are Aspects of... and form the Action of God.

                              A good name for each Being is...
                                                        Individuated GodBeing.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              Do you mean Soul... that we are not alone?

                     Do you mean that our Universe...
                                            is like our oceans?

                               Are all planets full of Life?

                         Are we surrounded...
                                  by all kinds of different Beings?

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              Yes my friend... you are surrounded by Life.

                       The Universe... is... Life.
                                       There is nothing but Life.

                       Many planets are full of all kinds of Life...
                                               in all kinds of Physical Forms.

              Yet... all Life... in actuality...
                                      lives in Mind.
                                            The Universal Mind.

                    Some Individual Minds however...
                            that live within the Universal Mind...
                                  have partially condensed
                                         and form a Physical Form of Body.

                                The Body... is condensed Mind.

              In all cases the Universal Mind...
                                by means of Individual Minds...
                                                   is the Builder of the Body.

                          The Soul is the ONE...
                                who lives in... and moves the Body.

                    The Soul has bodies...
                          in order to experience the Physical Planes.

              Souls live in... and with bodies.
                    in order to get to know what Creation is all about.

                    Souls... just by themselves...
                          cannot live in the Physical Creation.

                                They have bodies to do that for them.
                                                                 They have to.

              Aspects of Me... you see...
                                live within you.

                    Individual Aspects of my Beingness...
                                      live within the body you are.

                          "I" live within you...
                                in order to experience Physical Reality.

              So... you then my friend...
                           you as a body are but an Instrument.

                                        And "I" am the ONE... who's using you.

                    You are at my disposal... "I" could say.
                                      However... "I" love my bodies.

                               My bodies do the work for Me.

                      They experience Physical Reality for My benefit.

                               "I" learn and grow...
                                          from this experience.

                                     "I" do the living.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              But Soul...
                    what is it then that I do?

                               Don't I have a say in this?
                          I certainly must be more than a tool?

              Please Soul... speak to me...
                          for I certainly am not just a robot.
                                      I am much more than just a body...
                                                                 or a machine.

                    Come on Soul... speak to me...
                                 and tell me... that I have a say in all this.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              You sure have my friend...
                                you sure have.


                          But it is up to you however to find out.

                    It is up to you...
                                to find out how much of a say you have.

                                                    What is it you want to do?

                                For what you want to do...
                                            "I" as a Soul want to do.

                    The point is...
                                DO YOU KNOW...
                                          WHAT IT IS YOU WANT?

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              I want a good life Soul.
                          I want a life of ease and splendor.

                    I work very hard.
                                But yet I am bored within.

                                      Not only am I bored...
                                            I seem to be stuck.

                                                    I am stuck in my own mind!

              My mind is hard on me...
                          it is bugging me.

                                Did you know Soul...
                                            that my mind is bugging me?

                                                   Are you aware of this Soul?

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              You don't have to tell me... my friend.
                                                  "I" know...

                           That's why "I" am talking to you...
                                                 "I" want to help you.

              Before "I" can help you however...
                                it is you who has to be ready.

                          For you to be ready means...
                                      that you have to be open...
                                                          to the Force "I" am.

                          "I" am your Force... or Soul.
                                          "I" do the living...
                                                     you think you do.

                                Be open to me... and listen.

              The Force or Soul "I" am...
                                is a Creative Feeling.

                                            A Creative Impulse.
                                                              An Idea.

                          The Soul "I" am is a Thought...
                                               of and by itself.

                          But yet...
                                "I" could not be... without the Force...
                                                                   called God.

              The Soul "I" am... lives...
                          within the Universe of Consciousness.

                    "I" am an Aspect of the Universe of Thought...
                                                         and the Nature of it.

                     The Soul "I" am... is of a different Dimension...
                                 than you... the body are.

                             The Soul is not a Physical Thing.

                                   My abode...
                                          is beyond the Physical Reality.

              Anyway... about your openness.
                                Your openness determines...
                                           the connection to the Force "I" am.

                      This Force to you... or for you... is unlimited.

              In and by Myself however...
                          "I" am still limited.
                                But "I" am growing like you are.

                          To you though...
                                "I" am unlimited...
                                            in Power and in Wisdom.

                         But as a Soul... I still have limitations.

              "I" live in the Physical...
                          in order to experience it...
                                      and overcome My limitations.

                                "I" do not only live in the Physical.
                                                  "I" live in many Dimensions.

              In order to live in the Physical...
                                "I" need you... and all the others.

                    "I" need you... and all the others...
                                      to do the Living in the Physical for Me.

                    Your task is... to become Me...
                                by being open to Me... by listening.

                    By listening to the Force "I" am...
                                      you eventually will become Me.

                          While yet...
                              this Force is your Force already.

                                      For you are Me.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              How can this be Soul?

                          How can You be me?

                                How can You be me...
                                            if You have many bodies?

                    And another thing Soul...
                          if You are unlimited to me...
                                             and if You are me...
                                                         why am I but me?

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              You my friend... you are not Puny.

                           You are Great... you are the Greatest!

                    The limitations... you think you have...
                                keep you within the limits of your mind.

              These limitations... are determined by you.

                          By your thinking...
                                      and lack of imagination.

                    You have created yourself a Conscious Mind...
                                  and this very Conscious Mind is in your way.

                         If it wasn't for that... you would be Me.

              The more and more you develop yourself...
                              toward the Intuitive Mind you are...
                                                   the more and more...
                                              you will feel as if you were Me.

                    Your Self Development determines...
                                the Greatness you eventually will be.

                    The time will come...
                          that "I" will come thundering down...
                                  into the Physical... right within your body.

              Then you will feel...
                          the Force "I" truly am...
                                          it will blast you into Infinity.

                    You will know the Universe of Consciousness...
                                                  and ALL it is made of.

                       You will be quite surprised... believe you Me.

                                    You will touch God.

                       To touch God...
                                is touching YourSelf.

                                      It is the greatest shock there is.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

                    Do I have to have this shock Soul?

                                         Can I be saved from it somehow?

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

                    My dear friend...
                               you cannot be saved from it...
                                           for you have to be saved by it.

              To touch God... or YourSelf...
                          is having reached the State of Consciousness
                                that is called...
                                            Cosmic Consciousness
                                          The Christ Consciousness.

              What it really means is...
                          that you are united with the Father.
                               Like the man Jesus was/is.

                                      He was... and is... one of the Greatest.

              Salvation... is Self Elevation.
                          This is the task you are working on.

                                                        Life after Life.
                                                  Millennium after Millennium.

              When you attain the Christ Consciousness...
                    you will have... the Entire Soul Consciousness...
                                                     within the Physical Body.

                          It's a tremendously heavy load of Light.

                          Right now... you and "I"...
                                        are only loosely connected.

              But when you and "I"...
                        have reached the Christ Consciousness Level...
                                                      you and "I" will be One.

                The Spiritual You... and the Physical You... will be united.

                                YOU-ME... an Infinite Soul.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

             What about all the other bodies Soul?

                           What about them...
                                      why pick on me?

                                                Why don't You use them...
                                                                     to shock?
                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              You my friend... you are all the others.

                          You are the Total of them...
                                            and they are you.

                                      You at this time...
                                               are just not aware of all this.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

                     You baffle me Soul.

                                      You really baffle me.
                                            How could I be the Total?

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              "I" suggest my friend...
                          that you listen to the SELF within.

                                "I" am that SELF...
                                            and all other selves.

                    The selves "I" am talking about...
                                      are all the Personalities...
                                of the other bodies "I" live in as well.

                    For the SELF "I" am...
                                combines all other Individuated Personalities.

                                             Yourself included.

              All other selves then... are Aspects of Me.

                    So... "I" am then... all Individuated Personalities
                              making Me the big "I"... "I" am.

                  Naturally... I know all these Personalities inside out.

                                   For "I" am all of them.

              Do not forget however...
                           that My Force is available...
                                         to each and every Personality "I" am.

              So... to you my friend... to you is available...
                  all the Knowledge and Wisdom of all the other people...
                                 that are My Incarnations.

              In addition to this...
                          the Total Force of the Universe is available.

                                So... please don't tell Me...
                                                  that you are puny.

                    The very thought of it...
                                makes Me lose the confidence...
                                                        "I" have in you.

              Well now my friend...
                          "I" seem to confuse you more and more.

                    Please remember...
                          that nobody can understand more...
                                      than the level of understanding...
                                                              he has attained.

                    To reach the next higher level my friend...
                                                  is not going to be easy.

              Just keep moving your Conscious Mind aside...
                                            and listen to your Knower.

                          Your Knower knows it all by Intuition.
                                               It's the best knowing there is!

                    And sit still my friend... often...
                                           in quietness and solitude.

                          Learn to blank out your Conscious Mind...
                                                      or Ego-Consciousness.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              You know Soul...
                    it is quite well possible...
                                that what you tell me is clear to most people.

                         I think that you confuse me with clarity.

              Would it be possible Soul...
                          to repeat some of all this?

                                      I'm a slow learner...
                                                 but willing to try.

                       Please come in Soul...
                                         my Ego-Mind is moved aside.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              Well then...
                    here we go...

              In order for Me...
                    to become familiar with the Physical Reality...
                           you... and other people...
                                function as Instruments...
                                      by means of which "I" experience...
                                             the places you live.

                    You then... and many Others
                          are the vehicles by means of which "I" live...
                                                                    and learn.

              "I" am the Consciousness that lives.
                    "I" am the Consciousness that learns.

                          Living in the Physical Reality...
                                is what "I" need to do... and love to do.

                    "I" need to do this...
                         because hereby "I" experience a Field of Endeavour...
                                 that is of a different nature...
                                                           than "I" am.

                          "I" am a Spiritual Being.
                                   "I" am a Great Spiritual Being.

              Spiritual Beings...
                          cannot live in the Physical Reality...
                                                   without a Physical Vehicle.

                          Since "I" am Great...
                                "I" build Myself bodies...
                                                  and live in them.

                                               You are one of the many.

              "I" am a Soul and Creator.
                          If you want to... you may call Me... God.
                                God... however is but a name...
                                                  and names mean nothing.

                               It's what you are that counts.

              "I" live in the Universe of Consciousness
                                      and "I" am an Aspect of it.
                                                        The Aspect "I" know.

                         "I" am a small Aspect... yet "I" am Great.

                    At this time... the present to you...
                                         "I" am trying to educate Myself.

              My education takes place...
                          in the school of Physical Reality.
                                                Earth is one of these schools.

              However... at the same Now-Time or Present...
                    "I" am also in other Dimensions...
                                For "I" am multi-Dimensional...
                                          and cannot be pinned down any place.
                                                      "I" am Spotless.

              The Physical Reality...
                          is the Creation of Galaxies...
                                            and all that goes with it.

                            The amount of Galaxies are infinite.

                    The Physical Creation is OUR Creation...
                                                     We created the Lot.

              You and "I"... and many other Consciousnesses...
                          are the Creators of ALL...
                                      you see around you.

                          Anyway... the Lot...
                                      is created by US... and for US.
                                                          We are the Creators.

              All this was done...
                    so that Man... all over the Universe...
                          had an opportunity to live in the Physical...
                                     to educate themselves.

                    At this point... you come in.
                          For you are my Teacher and Instrument...
                                                 in and of a Physical Reality.

                    Because of you...
                          is it possible for Me to live where you are.

              Since ALL is ONE in our Universe
                    the Physical Creation was done by you...
                                                  as well as for you.

                    So... in actuality then... you are...
                          a Co-Creator and a Participant in the Creation...
                                    of the Physical Universe.

              Your Conscious Mind however...
                    is too limited to understand all this...
                                but yet... you are a Great Creator.

                    Your Intuitive Mind... will have to develop...
                           before you will be able to grasp the total picture.

              Not until you and "I" are united for good...
                    is it possible for you to fully understand...
                                   the Greatness of the Being you are.

                          But believe you Me... my friend...
                                                  you've got it man...
                                                                you've got it.

              You then... are an Instrument for My Benefit
                    and so are all the other re-incarnated selves of you.

                          You however are all of them...
                                although the realization of this...
                                         might not as yet be too clear to you.

              All you have to do... is... work on it.
                          Eventually... you will feel it to be so.

                    If it was possible... for Me to express Myself...
                                 directly and totally from within you...
                           our discussion would be finished before it started.

                                   For you would know what "I" know.

              Yet... this doesn't mean...
                    that you and "I" would know everything.
                                      For no Being knows it all.

                           All of Us are trying to get to know something.

                    Knowing it all... is Perfection...
                                   which is not possible in any Universe.

              Now... after explaining all this again my friend...
                                 "I" see that your Light is somewhat brighter.

                          However... there are still areas...
                                            that are not very clear.

                    "I" am afraid though...
                          that this is all "I" can do for you...
                                                          at this time.

              You see... the Teacher... and the Student within you
                                         are equal to each other at all times.

                          knows more than the other.

                                 For Both of Them are You.

              The relationship between the Teacher and the Student...
                      is equal to the Knower and the Asker...
                                        within the Nature of your Being.

                               The Nature of your Being is...
                                               Consciousness in a Divine Form.
                                                         Your Form.

              Consciousness... being what it is...
                          can never ask a question of itself...
                                      that it does not know the answer to.

                                                For there is no such question.

              Anyway my friend...
                          what else can "I" do for you?

                                Please don't be shy...
                                            ask Me any question you want.

                       After all... we have been friends since ever.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              Well Soul... I guess the point is...
                                to find the questions...
                                            and the answers will follow.

                    Somehow... I suppose..
                                      I am the question...
                                                 and You are the answer.

              All I have to do then is...
                    look for questions for the enjoyment of looking...
                             and you will find the answer...
                                                 for the enjoyment of finding.

                          That seems to be too simple...
                                                      to be true.

                             Is it really all that simple Soul?

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

                    Well my friend...
                            whoever told you that Life is difficult?

              From what level of authority...
                               did this statement come from?

                                              To whom have you been listening?

              Life is the easiest thing there is.
                    Any flower... any bee... or any tree is good at it.

                           You do not really think... or feel...
                                        that Life is harder for Man... do you?

                     What Life is to Man... is what Man has made of it.
                            Man has made it a blasted struggle.

              Life for Man...
                    has become Pain... Sorrow... and Suffering.

                          As far as "I" know my friend...
                                      there is no Force in the Universe...
                                                 that affirms Man to be right.

                    The difficulties Man encounters...
                                        are entirely of his own making.

                         They are the result of...
                                        not knowing  or  ignorance.

                            It drives Man insane... unknowingly.

              You see my friend... Man is his own enemy.

                          Man to Man... and each man to himself.

              The solution to Man's problem...
                             has to be found within himself...
                                    but his Ego keeps looking outside himself.

                      Man is suffering because of ignorance and fear.

                          Man is insane because of it...
                                                  and doesn't know it.

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

                    Soul... when I look at the world...
                          and see all the suffering going on...
                                                    I sometimes feel...
                                                 as if I want to be a rock.

              I sometimes want to withdraw from it all.

                            It hurts so see all this suffering.

                                                  Why do I feel this way Soul?

                            Why is this affecting me... within?

                                       Why do I hurt?

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

              Well my young friend...
                          you might indeed be hurting inside...
                                but why did you come down to Earth to be hurt?

                    You are the one... who is hurting you...
                                by coming here... and being affected.

                                        Why did you?

                                   - - - - - - - - - - -

                    Soul... did I come to Earth...
                                          out of free will?

                                                        Was it my choice?

              Did I come here...
                          to learn not to be hurt?

                                      Am I too soft inside?

                                 Am I not just your vehicle Soul?

                                                   Did I really want all this?

              And another thing Soul...
                          how do I find all the answers?

                                      Am I really the Teacher as well?

                                Where do I start Soul?

                           How can this little me...
                                      solve all these problems?

                                    - - - - - - - - - - -

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