"People speak from the Heart"
2007 - 2008
Number of Comments

!   Kudos ... Kudos ... Kudos   !
... What Friends and People Say ...

... To all Friends and Contributors ...

If you are on these Kudo Pages and you do not agree with this - please let me know and I will remove your notes and/or change your name and address. Meanwhile, in order to make these pages as realistic as possible I abbreviated some notes. And yes, there were dozens of notes from the same people that I did not include...

~  Thank you for expressing your Appreciation  ~

Finding the pot of gold...
I just joined this group, having discovered the amazing material at soulwise.net, starting with ET:101.
It was like finding the pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow.
Lance White   zanymystic@yahoo.com   Fri, 16 Feb 2007

G'day Gee - Ivey Stowe here...
Ivey here:
I just finished listening to your chat with the "Zany Mystic", Lance White on BBS Radio. Excellant show. You did a great job. The beginning of CONSCIOUS RADIO :^ )   You are a definite asset to our world.  Thanx for being you.   Namasté
Ivey B. Stowe   iveystowe@yahoo.com   Wed, 28 Feb 2007

I swear I just don't know...
I swear I just don't know how your URL came into my brower. Anyway, I stopped wondering at such things. Thank God! I came in touch with you. Though I have a long way to go through your material, at first glance I felt this was what I was looking for. I am celebrating. I want to share this joy with others who browse my website. I would like to give a link to your website in my homepage with your permission. If you have objection, let me know.   WARM REGARDS...
Sathya Mohan   sathyamohanpv@yahoo.com   Fri, 20 Apr 2007

I googled Kali Yuga...
I am in the middle of re-writing a book about the Path to Enlightenment as experienced by my present incarnation and how it was influenced by a previous one - death as a heretic associated with the Cathars. My book was sort of completed some twenty years ago and much has happened since then including the realisation of my/our Divine Consciousness. I googled Kali Yuga to update some of the information and I came across your site. I feel so in tune and so in touch, I just had to write and give you a cosmic hug. With profound love,
Valerie Valerie   computersaremagic@googlemail.com   Sunday, May 6 / 2007

Pass them on...
Just wanted to sayIi enjoy your cosmic cookies and pass them on occassionally.
Thanks, Peace...
Rodney.   keppel@people.net.au   Tue, 15 May 2007

Hello Gerardus...
I've only read your opening and closing statements as I'm already familiar with these principles, but I WILL read the rest of your articles very soon. From what I've read so far, I'm in 100% agreement with what you say. Many blessings to you.
G. Leblond   g.leblond@tesco.net   Sat, 12 May 2007

Hello Gerardus...
Very interesting to read your articles. What is your opinion about ascended Masters, cosmic masters, such as Master Kuthumi, or Master Morya etc. or whatever they are called. I understand they represent more aware, generally loving aspects of the One Mind, the One Light, helpful towards all, since they perceive others are aspects of themselves? Ik wens u het allerbeste en de hartelijke groeten.
Gradus Serno, Veendam, Nederland.   gserno@hotmail.com   Thu, 17 May 2007

Love Note from your Pages...
I love this site!
I have already been here... FOR HOURS!!!
I just wanted to thank you!
Left no Name / Beauty_For_Ashes12@hotmail.com   Tue, 22 May 2007 23:35:14 -0700 (PDT)

Love Note from the index page...
Here's a how cosmically perfect to've "stumbled" onto your sight. In a period of massive, hysterical, "it's all too real!" -- "it hurts too much"!   Forgetting, you are like music from my home planet. Thank You...
NoName / sweetgreen_snowpea@hotmail.com   Sun, 27 May 2007

Dear Gerardus / CosmicCookies 070610...

"To Be In Feeling"

Oh, the poem is so true! I've struggled to put the "in-between-ness" to words, and struggled even harder to deliver the messages from this world to those who need them so much. Thanks for the poem.
Blessings, Phyllis Hampton   sphampton@aol.com   Sun, 10 Jun 2007

Very beautiful words again...
I was only being reflective with my first e-mail, not vindictive. I really do thank you for all the work on your site. Wonderful material!
GREGORY TOWNSEND   gttownsend@hotmail.com   Thu, 28 Jun 2007 07:53:36 -0400

Dear G-man...
Thanks for the timely message on this crazy Independence Day in the US. How I wish people would listen to your wisdom. Peace / Meredith

Cosmic Cookie
Since we are the Creator... we do as we please.
We create and we destroy... we pollute and we purify.
We hate and we love... we kill and we heal
we remember and we forget.
But whatever we do
we must experience the Consequences.
All Consequences teach us... unmistakably
that Love is the Answer.
So... the next time we disagree with Foreigners
we send them Bread... Cookies and Wine instead of Bombs.

Meredith Tupper   meredith@pintsize.com   Wed, 04 Jul 2007

CosmicCookies 070724...
Yes, I believe so too, but your words are so inspirational and enlightening. Your ideas reflect the ancient teachings and one has to wonder if you write from experience or imagination, not that it is any of my business. Thanks for the memory / Warm regards... Cass Silva   silva_cass@yahoo.com   Tue, 24 Jul 2007

Love Note...
People talk about God and all things good. However, in reality they know nothing but you, wowh, I believed my God, that it was Stuite Wilde, but you, I can't get off your bloody site - it's so real - it is out of this world. In good spirit, respect, and many regards. I look forward to corresponding with you...
Stephen Michael Browne   newwaves@bigpond.com   Wed. Jul 25 2007

I find it difficult to fault your views....
I have far from read all your articles as yet, but, from your description of yourself, you have attained your pre-birth plan to a marked degree. I share one human characteristic with you. We share the same anniversary date of our birth. Mine: 12-25-29. Is this material thing we are in real? Well, to me, it's real - as a dream. In the interest of brevity, I will pause here. Judging from your number of hits, you are making an impact - most needed.
Norm   gnormb@ispmonsters.com   Wed, 29 Aug 2007

You are a wise man...
I like your cookies. They are very consisten. Keep it up. You are playing really well in this game of life and I like that. I am going to be 23 years old this month. Could you be my friend? I'd love to be your student. I have bought two of your books before; Gossip of God and Be still and they're inspiring. So you are Gerardus Tros? Thank you for your kindness
Santigie Conteh   santigieconteh@yahoo.co.uk   Thu, 20 Sep 2007

Sure Sister Soul...
Thank You!
Gerardus, thank you for all of your articles, you are a gift. Pure pleasure. I am also a healer (born this way) but not much of a writer, hahahahaha.   I feel awareness or consciousness is constantly growing with experiences...
diamondgg@optonline.net   Wed, 26 Sep 2007

Life is a Play...
Leonard wrote...
What is the point of striving for understanding and awakening when the very choice we made was to have this understanding veiled?

Gerardus here:
The point is to have something to do.  Call it entertainment if you like - Life is a Play...

Leonard responds:
Thank you Gerardus for your wise advice.... I like this one the best.... I do have a few things to do now and again although I prefer just to be, not always popular with my missus! What a wonderful world.....
Leonard A Wilkinson   rainbowlen@yahoo.com   Wed, 26 Sep 2007

Your Dreams Writings...
I woke up this morning and attempted to Google a quote from The Buddha. Instead I found one of your Dreams writings. I find your thoughts interesting, some profound, ring of Truth, and others to me have the tone of (for lack of a more polite term) 'New Age' babble. But I see enough of the former to read on more carefully. You certainly have a lot to say! [smiling] In the meantime, I was wondering if this work is all you do, or do you also lead more typical, even mundane existence (as most of us do!) Be well,
Chris in California   wilseybear@gmail.com Thu, 13 Oct 2005 (Date could be wrong)

Hi Gerardus or Gerard...
What is a name ??? So seriously.... I have just find your site from a friend.... and starting to read it.... it's awesome.. I am from Jakarta-Indonesia, and we have a community here which is discussing topics like your articles at your site.... I am happy finding your site.... but hey... there are no coincidence.... am I right? About "forgive me - I am sorry - I love you", it's a traditional teaching from Hawaii... which I presume you already know....   Nice meeting you --- Be Happy...
Rudy   rudymadian@yahoo.com   Fri, 28 Sep 2007

Poem "FOR I AM ALL" ...
David here: I just arrived at this point. I created God and assumed God is the Creater of Life, then I found God is the one within me, then I see there is no difference between me, Life and God. I am The All and can't be anything else. I have cheated myself long enough...
David Suchenliu   suchenliu001@yahoo.com   Tue, 09 Oct 2007

I've had Gerardus on my radio show...
Be sure to check out Gerardus Tros' site, as Peter Gersten recommends in his latest NEWS. I've had Gerardus on my radio show, and he's a delightful awakened being! His group here at Yahoo is called trilite@yahoogroups.com. His site is jam packed with the very BEST spiritual material on the planet. You can find it at www.soulwise.net. --- --- Enjoy! Zany Mystic   zanymystic@yahoo.com zanymystic   Wed Oct 17, 2007

Awesome Thoughts...
Hello Gerardus...
Note from the bottom of "Words are Only Words" - I am certainly happy to know that you are an aspect of our mind!  Thanks for the awesome thoughts!
Cinder Carroll   Cinder444@bellsouth.net   Wed, 31 Oct 2007

Thanks for some of the most enlightening texts...
Here's a Love Note from the Article Selection Page...
Thanks for some of the most enlightening texts I have read to date. I just brushed the surface and I'm looking forward to read all your articles. I've always said: a good book is one that confirms what you already know and your articles are amongst the best I've read. Ever thought of publishing?   Take care of yourself and of those you love.
Richard Groulx   richardgroulx@videotron.ca   Sun, 4 Nov 2007

Very educational and meaningful...
Hello Gerardus...
Your soulwise information is very educational and meaningful. Some though, is hard to undestand unless you actually know the meaning of words, if you know what i mean. You are as brilliant as the sun. I am your number one people and I have Love for you...
Yours Friend Santigie Conteh   santigieconteh@yahoo.co.uk   Mon, 10 Apr 2006

Gentle reminder of the dream..
Thanks for my cosmic cookies they are a wonderful gentle reminder of the dream I am living in, a very convincing one... Warm wishes from Australia Gerardus, Lise xxx
Lise Carmilla   carmilla5@hotmail.com   Fri, 9 Nov 2007

I've been reading for 6 months now...
Hello Gerardus...
Here's a Love Note from the index page: Thanks !    I've been reading for 6 months now and I just keep on finding more things. I always end up back here somehow, no matter what else I read. At this point, the truth feels present here...
Woe Schild   woe.schild@gmail.com   Tue, 13 Nov 2007

I finally feel peaceful...
Hello Gerardus...
Here's a Love Note from the index page:   Thank you for sharing this site and setting me free. I finally feel peaceful my wonderful friend. I was in so much pain, and now, I accept this world AS IS and I accept my role here as a Creator! The suffering, the fear is gone. I look forward to the future...   love always,
Sarah Matlack   luckylulu68@yahoo.com   Dec 07 2007

Thank you very much!
All is Well!   Love, like always, I ryna.
iramaqui@yahoo.com   Mon, 10 Dec 2007

Namaste Gerardus...
In this unfolding journey of life, your web site came into my awareness. I appreciate the shares of thought/experience you display for nudging the expansion of awareness. Curiously I found my self reading a few of the articles you posted. I find resonance in your messages. I was fortuned to have experienced the "formless absolute" or Void of Existence, by ancient phylosophy. Your writings point the most clearly I have ever read on this experience. Thank you for the reflection.  In appreciation...
Terrance Bosteder   oneradiance@att.net   Tue, 11 Dec 2007

Message sent through your Website...
I really love your site!   There really is only "This"!
You have never not been right here right now. We never move from This eternal moment. We are This eternal moment. It is so simple. I started a blog last month to try to express This into words. Can be a bit difficult! You have a beautiful way in expressing This. My blog is called "Only--This". I would like to put your site on my links page if you don't mind (Smile).   Take care, Joe Winslow
Joe Winslow   justintime0206@yahoo.com   Thu, 20 Dec 2007

Note from the bottom of Words are Only Words...
Thank you for your web-site and knowledge presented. I already do the same thing on my domestic language for people who don't speak or understand english, ... so, go on with light, knowledge and consciousness!

I translate Cassiopaean transcripts in Croatian, and collect many texts or informations that I can provide good search resource for people who knows Croatian ( Serbian, Bosnian, Slovenian... they are very similar, so people from this countries read too ). I have start with this about 3-4 years ago. Also, I'm now one of administrators on Galaksija forum - metaphisical forum of Ex Yugoslavia area... haha, before we shoot at each other - now we have forum for benefit and learning of all of us. ( LAUGH !!! )   Yes - this is all the lessons.

Now, I noticed you have excellent "cosmic cookies" - can I translate some of them and put on my web site? I can put "Gerardus Grist" on bottom of each... I think that some researchers deserve them!  And I think that they can "speed up" proces of learning for some people...   So, laugh a lot and be well...
Jack987 -- ( Light warrior? Wanderer? I don't know... I can't remember... I shall find it when I will need to... I think... ) Hhahahahhaaaaa!
http://www.val.hr/php   dobavodenjaka@yahoo.com   Sun, 23 Dec 2007

I AM blown away!!!
What RICH and ENLIGHTENING stuff!!!   Well presented and finally presented. Many Blessings!!!
ralphzendejas@yahoo.com   Sat, 12 Jan 2008

So much gratitude- I LOVE YOU!
mike@aswedream.com   Wed, 16 Jan 2008

Love Note from the index page...
Thanx for this info. That's really all I can say. Thanx... Friend Steve
Email: = linework2002@yahoo.com   Fri, 18 Jan 2008

I have been feeling CRAZY lately...
thank you for your work....I have been feeling CRAZY lately....like I was dropped off...just not getting the way people function....I found your material this AM and now I feel back on track....thanks so much....it all makes sense....all the words speak.....jerin
jerin_lynn@yahoo.com   Fri, 18 Jan 2008

This information is extremely valuable...
Hello Gerardus...
Love your web site & your many years of dedication. This information is extremely valuable & it is compiled beautifully on your site. Thanks again!
LucilleB@telusplanet.net   Mon, 21 Jan 2008

Thank you so much...
I have spent so much time not looking out at the world much and working on my own little 'mission' to try and somehow prove I'm not that insane. I came across the cosmic instruction manual and do you know what I said? "oh my, he speaks just like my soul self (same tone, same words) talks to me; someone else can hear them too!"

For so long, i've been listening and then trying to put the ideas into something more paletable for others (the voices call it 'dumbing down'...). i've failed miserably by most people's accounts (bankruptcy etc) but im the happiest i've ever been and those voices who help me seem to think all in my life and work is exactly how it should be, so we're all happy. The final pieces of the mask are falling away and i'm ready to help the light as a true part of it, rather than just an observer trying to figure it all out. I'm excited. Years ago, I remember feeling the same feeling the first time i saw Bill Hicks. My ears pricked up and i felt like i finally found someone who speaks the truth, a real messiah. Of course many others couldn't see the energy in the way he spoke, more do now. I've always wondered what sorts of work he read - i think i've found some of it here. Thank you.

If you're ever in the mood to check out some of my 'dumbed down metaphysics' and see how the bridge we're trying to build is going, we'd love to have you stop by. The home site is LifeEnergyPhilosophy.org Thank you once again Gerardus. If you ever find yourself on the east coast of Australia, we have a humble little place by the reef. Stop by for a cuppa. Cheers, Vikki
vikkichikki@hotmail.com   Mon, 21 Jan 2008

This section is awesome Gerardus...!
Thank You!  This section is awesome Gerardus!  Wow...so helpful to me right now...and the following articles were incredible...thank you!
Thea (drthea@yahoo.com)   Tue, 22 Jan 2008

Mission accomplished...
So much to read from our "Gift to Mankind", Sir Grist. I have great gratitude for his wisdom, and the time and effort he has given for our benefit... Namaste... Ivey Stowe
iveystowe@yahoo.com   Wed, 6 Feb 2008

I feel like i've been getting somewhere in life but i didn't seem to find anything that i was relating to.. i thought i was on my own and started to have a little doubt about what i was thinking and becoming aware of. now i don't feel alone, now i want to explore more, want to become aware of more. i do have some questions if you do have a chance to answer them. please reply. i've never felt so (words can't descibe) words are just a limited...   Anna
ace_qafrulz201@hotmail.com   Fri, 22 Feb 2008

... From; Troy Dodge ...
I had been reading your article "What is Reality" and others (articles) may 2007 when my female companion wanted to fight with me at the same time before she went to work. Suddenly I felt this Energy of Love and understanding I couldn't grasp logically but embrased as life itself. It lasted all day before fading away. I have not had it since but want to again. Everything I saw was the energy and/or frequency of life itself all I could do was smile. I ask; what was it? Will it come back? Am I not worthy of it again? I hope you may be able to shed some light on it and would also like to thank you and all envolved for allowing me this information/insight I've read so far. You are a spiritual breath of fresh air, thank you again. With all my Love to you, Sincerily... Troy Dodge
dodget@q.com   Mon, 3 Mar 2008  

Dear Gerardus,
I love your thoughts. I keep comming back to read them over and over. How are you these days?  Hope all is well. Please let me know. Thank you very much...
Arnold H. Alba   aalba777@aol.com   Tue, 4 Mar 2008

Hello Gerardus...
My name is Paul Saracini. I live in Calgary. I would very much love to visit with you in your home town. Would this be possible?  In Peace,  Paul
Wed, 5 Mar 2008   pmsaracini@shaw.ca  

Your writings are a gem...
Friend, your writings are a gem! We are aspects of consciousness created by the dreaming of the infinite light or energy which becomes aware of itself in matter form,(which is just an illusion of mind!?) Fantastic! Well put! Never even seen mention of this before! I have been reading your stuff for about 5 days now and trying to absorb this info, and place it into my realm of understanding more deeply. Thank you...
Karl Kracke   buschman961@sbcglobal.net   Wed, 5 Mar 2008

Treasure Trove...
I'm reproducing your post, Gee, as I found it resonates. I've always told you that you're a treasure trove (your site and you!) of spiritual wisdom, having awakened many years before others... I can't imagine what it must have been like to "wake up" when you did.
Zany Mystic   zanymystic@yahoo.com zanymystic   Sat, 29 Mar 2008

Loved to read your words!!!
I DO understand what it means that we dream ALL of this. I have always this very strange feeling of dreaming it all, but at the same time there is sometimes such a feeling of "real".  But I guess it must be like that, if not the dream would not be the magnificent dream that it is!  Sometimes I have even some slight "sadness" in me that all the people I love are just my oversouls imagination and they will just vanish one day, but hey all is LOVE right, so it doesn't really matter if they're real or not. All is one anyway. Only LOVE exists. They are a symbol of LOVE inside me so that's all there is... I believe (right now in my understanding) that there are many layers of us dreaming the "lower" parts. But in the end, all creation is a dream. How great is that??  Sometimes I feel like "oh my gosh I am totally alone here then..."   ...but then again... there is only love expressed. And let's continue to dream MAGNIFICENT dreams of love. What a mystery!  LOVE and greetings...
Aki   freeskyearth@yahoo.com   Fri, 4 Apr 2008

Love Note from the index page...
I have just recently discovered your site; fascinating. Have you ever read Seth material channelled by Jane Roberts, or currently Kris of krischronicles.com?
dana_mc@fastmail.com.au   Sat, 12 Apr 2008

In Slavian Language...
Istina je, sto sam procitao. Ja licno sam sada u centru svega sto postoji i zavisim od nicega. Sve je jedno i sta god da uradim, odnosno pomislim samog sebe stvaram.
draganbrajkov@yahoo.fr   (Thank you Dragan Brajkov)

Translation: "It is true, what I have read. Me personally, am in center of everything what exist and I depend on nothing. All is One and whatever I do or think of, I am creating Me Self."

The above translation is from Alem. What would I do without Alem?  Alem here: Dear friend, Gerardus, I hope that this translation will satisfy your curiousity for that comment on "strange" language..... this is slavenian language as chech, slovakian, poland or russian. Many good wishes for further comunication with this person...

I am a Chinese living in Hong Kong...
Hello Gerardus,
I have read many of your cosmic cookies posted by Zany Mystic in his AwakeningCosmicConsciousness Group. I love them so much that I create a folder in my mailbox to save them so that I can revisit them from time to time. For the most provoking (when read) I even leave it in the inbox so that I can read it repeatedly to let it sink in. I am a Chinese living in Hong Kong. So glad (and relieve) to finally get hold of this ascension material in the last hour, after 30 years of search. Nice meeting you on the net. Just cannot say enough thank you to all of you who create and maintain a website to share the information. You just don't know how much this means to people like me...
Rebecca Yam   yam_rebecca@yahoo.com   Tue, 13 May 2008

Gobble it up like a cream pie...
Article by Gerardus: The world is our Mirror ... A Mirror of Self ...
Zany speaking on his list here: I think many of us in these groups can digest this material, or "gobble it up" like a cream pie! If not, be sure to read those other articles which lead to further understanding... all the spokes in the wheel eventually lead to a similar, if not "same" place. The Center. I fully trust the work and writings of Gerardus! No need to fear or worry that these are dark-inspired pieces! Still, we must verify all things for ourselves, and not everything "resonates" or is meant to... that is the wonder of having our own, unique journey...
Zany Mystic   zanymystic@yahoo.com   Thu, 17 Apr 2008

Where do you keep your mind...
Hello Gerardus, I'm not trying to sound like a smartass but what difference would it make for anyone to know "where they keep their mind" or "where awareness hangs out"?? I absolutely love your insight/web-site and you seem pretty darn sincere in your request for feedback.
Here is mine... Everything you said sounds fine and good up to a point, but then it seems to drop off into an abyss. My "evaluation" (NOT opinion) is that there always has to be a yin/yang, Father God/Mother God energy. You seem to have captured Father God energy pretty well but Mother God equally stands right at his side. She clothes the idea (Cosmic energy) gives it form. The Entire Universe is layered and structured with overlapping precision and Laws that are too vast to comprehend...
zzak44@cox.net   Sat, 31 May 2008

The best things I've read in months...
Thank you very much - I have been a fan of Anthony DeMello for many years and I truly enjoyed reading his work on your website. I am looking forward to future musings in the site. I found your website because someone had posted your excellent commentary on the "Tree of the Golden light" yahoo discussion group. It's a nice way to read a myriad of good stuff, without having to do an endless search into cyberspace. Your "opinion" is one of the best things I've read in months... Blessings,
Dan Sodell   dansodell@yahoo.com   Sat, 31 May 2008

Yes, I do Peter...
Thanks for the link to "Truth is Simple". Superb commentary. I agree with about 90% of your thoughts. But you do realize that - like everything else - the brain is also an illusion and doesn't really exist... Peter A. Gersten   ufolawyer@msn.com   Tue, 10 Jun 2008

Peace, Shalom, Salaam, Namaste, Pax Te Cum...
I am interested! You have my attention. Do you need an entity to point to the moon? I belong to a Christian church, but my involvement is mainly social and the lift I get out of the music. I tend to favor TAOISM and ZEN philosophically but not the rituals.  Peace, Shalom, Salaam, Namaste, Pax Te Cum.
Bob Bollinger   robbol@sbcglobal.net   Wed. 11/06/2008

Thanks for your words...
I met a lady, she seems powerful, she says she is a universal being, she has three colors in her eyes, beginning with an orange-ss color ending in blue, she believes these to be the eyes of an angel. what do you think? i cannot find anything about these eye color businness. By the way thanks for your words, this is an amazing site. Oh, i have been asking for a teacher - i wonder if this was her. This life is funny if she is my teacher. Thanks again...
Chandra   kassandra@inebraska.com   Sat, 28 Jun 2008

I just wanted to say Thanks...
I've just read your 'What is Reality' essay, while at the same time listening to the videos on YouTube by Readmuch. I've also listened to an audio of 'Conversations with God' by Neale Donald Walsch in which he says that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that we are merely experiencing things for God, i.e we are God having human experiences (or at least I think that's what he was saying!). So, in a round about way, I think you are saying the same thing - sort of! Anyway, I just wanted to say Thanks, I really enjoyed it. Life is indeed a journey and I will continue to enjoy the experience. Regards...
Neil   neilwilson@callnetuk.com   Sun, 29 Jun 2008  

About Cosmic Cookie 442
sweetgreensnowpea@yahoo.ca   Sat, 05 Jul 2008

I'd like to meet you and have a long chat....
I have only scanned a bit through your writings and congratulate you heartily on your work and on your own evolution. I wish you were in Austria because I'd like to meet you and have a long chat. If you're ever over on this side of the big pond my name is Richard von Saggis and I am listed in the Klagenfurt telephone directory. I shall leave you for now, Gerardus, again, hearty congratulations on your work!
Richard von Saggis   gross-offizier@europe.com   Sat, 5 Jul 2008

Master Gee... you are my hero...
I am so thankful for this site (Trilite@yahoogroups.com) and all who post here. Tania, thank you for sharing, and Master Gee... you are my hero. Your responses are always (all ways) right on target and right on time. You are an asset to our universe. I bow in GRATITUDE to all. Thanx for being you.  Namasté
Ivey Stowe   iveystowe@yahoo.com   Sun, 13 Jul 2008

Meet U there...
The wisdom you share is priceless. Not so much that they add to my knowledge, but more a testimony that common folks like us in this day and age can come to this understanding which half a century ago only belonged to the saints and sages. I am so confident about the ascension scenario. Home. Soon. Meet U there...
Rebecca Yam   yam_rebecca@yahoo.com   Mon, 14 Jul 2008

Sainthood for Gee...
Gerardus' forever lasting Friend John here: Yes, YOU deserve "sainthood" -- should TIL ever get around to recognizing exceptions to "the rule". You have elevated the awareness and consciousness of many hundreds -- maybe, thousands, of people who are following the path upon which you cast your lights -- ALL without remuneration and few thanks...

Hi John...
Gerardus here: Well, you know how it is John - the reward is in the doing. I love what I do! In any case, Thank You for your kind words...
John Granath  icmeinu@aol.com   Friday, July 18 2008

Here's a Love Note from the index page:
Thank you very much for all the information you have given all of us. Please have a wonderful time off and please come back soon, as we will all need your words of wisdom. Gerardus took a few days off at that time - he was moving to Penticton)
marnet2005@sbcglobal.net  Fri, Aug 8 2008

Another QuikNote...
Hello Gerardus...   Here's a QuikNote from the aboutgee.htm Page...
Thank You for your time and your writings! Today in my home, it felt like another presence was there with me. The thought then came to me that "I Am A Part Of The Universal Mind. I Am You."; a bit later I realized that it could be read as "I Am Apart Of The Universal Mind...", too. I then followed up with an Internet search and found "Gerardus' Grist"; so far I've read the first of the six parts. Your timely and timeless thoughts on paper are truly appreciated, probably more than this email can convey...
Sincerely, Kyle Dayton   rosefamilybooks@email.com   Tue, 19 Aug 2008

Breat of fresh air...
Hello Gerardus...
I appreciate your writing and effort in putting your site together. It is always a breath of fresh air...and it goes well with beer, too! I hope all is well at your house. Thanks again, Jim Arnold   arnoldj@helenachemical.com; jarnold1@bellsouth.net   Mon, 15 Sep 2008

Amazing Teachings...
My name is Adam Davis and I run a personal development and spiritual development organisation for Teenagers. We are called Tomorrows Youth, and have been involved in helping souls old and new find higher and higher spiritual awareness for the last 5 years...

I am 22 years old. I wanted to know if you are open to us discussing how we could package your amazing writings into a study course which our teenagers could learn from? Some of them do not have the internet so I would like to create a home study course for them on your amazing teachings. I am looking forward to hearing from you, and look forward to your reply, Yours with the utmost respect and sincerity,
Adam Davis   adam@adamdavis.tv   Sun, 21 Sep 2008

Love The Information...
Hello Gerardus...
Here's a Love Note from the index page:
I love the information and how you are presenting it. My Consciousness has brought me to the same space that you are visiting in. Thank you. Would love to sit around and chat with you...
silveryweb@yahoo.com   Thu, 25 Sep 2008

Yes... what you write is Truth for me...
Hi Gerardus,
I woke up once many years ago when I was studying with a Theosophical group. The reality, which up until then I had experienced as this life, was stripped away and another part of my mind observed and knew it as a dream. I ran back 'terrified' (massive understatement) into the dream trying to shut it out - this reality which was much more real than the previous illusory reality. It was there about a week at the periphery of my mind and I plucked up courage to have a quick glimpse from time to time to see if it had gone then quickly forced my mind back into the illusory world of every day. There was no-one to tell...

Others were just dream parts dreaming their own dreams of reality. Dream life eventually took over again. It seemed I was the only one in the world with this knowledge. Religion wasn't any help nor did this knowledge seem part of any of the spiritual groups that were beginning to arise at that time(1970). Now I have come to realise Jesus' real message,(don't think the church would agree) that he came to bring us this knowledge, and to show us the way out, and in books and websites now there are others who are sharing this truth including you. Most people I know however are still steeped in orthodoxy but it is good to know, through the internet, that there are others who are awakening and that the dawn is breaking in this long night of sleep...
Best Wishes Dorothy...   billanddot.rumble@ntlworld.com   Wed, 01 Oct 2008

I felt as if I had come home...
Hello Gerardus...
I have just been perusing more of your web pages and came upon the opening and closing statements. I felt as if I had come home. I have only glanced through them at the moment as I want to read them with concentration. When I first found your 'New Age Notes' a few days ago, I knew that they were proclaiming a Truth I could accept with no compromises, as has been usual in my life experience,and I wrote to you to say how glad I was to find that I was not alone, that there were others who 'knew' what I know. I have printed off the opening and closing statements and I shall look forward to reading them fully later today to see if the initial reaction is confirmed and if I have really come home. There is nothing more for me to say now. Best Wishes from Dorothy...
billanddot.rumble@ntlworld.com   Thu, 09 Oct 2008

Thank you for spreading The Truth...
Hello Gerardus...
Here's a Love Note from the index page: Hey, my name is Alex Wolf and I love your site!! Thank you for spreading the truth!! I too believe there really is no Creator that watches over all of us...  WE ARE ALL OF ONE CONSCIOUSNESS !!!!  Who is to say that I exist or you exist...  We actually truly don't exist in this holographic universe anyways...

I know there is no punishment after our death (metaphorically speaking) I know there is no death really, but you know what I mean... Anyways what I am trying to ask is, how can evil people get away with no punishment??  Peace n' love
Alex Wolf   galatic8869@yahoo.com   Wed, 22 Oct 2008

May you live long Gerardus...
QuikNote from the aboutgee.htm Page...
(Do you know the work of Peter Ragnor?) We all need to detox and stop 'feeding the beast'. Yes, the full gravity of the truth is at first shocking, it is also empowering. Distilled water, ecstatic, super and raw foods, oxygen and ozone therapy! Liver, kidney, parasite and colon cleanse, cheletion, addiction free - You get the idea (there is something very nasty in the chem trails).   Love You - Many Blessings...
Hannah   Hannahanistra@blueyonder.co.uk   Sun, 26 Oct 2008

Don't bother me now I'm reading Gerardus...
I did like the metaphor you used about my life being a baby. I thought about that a lot. Funny how someone says something you've heard/read many times but puts just a slight spin on it - life/baby - and connections are made. But the biggest connection I made had to do with you saying in one of your pieces I read yesterday about my Father has many mansions but with a slight spin on it and presto, this a.m. I connected a dream theme I've been having. I had actually figured out most of it yesterday and then right on cue, my dream dramatized it. Freedom!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Don't bother me now I'm reading Gerardus...
Love, Charlotte A. Walter charwalter@gmail.com   Sat, 01 Nov 2008

I am thrilled that you are here...
Hello Gerardus...
A Love Note from the Article Selection Page...
I am thrilled that you are here and I finally found you! I hope that at the least I will retain and understand what it is I need to know to fulfill my job here as a light being. I must say you are humorous and that makes this easier to read for me. I can't wait to call on the MASH team to help me with this energy I call a body, with a mind of mush. Thanks again... sending much love and light...
Mazie   maziemiles@wildblue.net   Sat, 15 Nov 2008

ET 101...
Hello Gerardus...
Here's a Love Note from the index page:
Thank you so VERY much for having the copy of ET 101. Try to feel how utterly grateful I am for you having done so. Receive Gratitude Transmission......................... NOW!
Sincerely, Lorelie   Lorelie4444@hotmail.com   Mon, 17 Nov 2008

Someone speaking Truth...
Man oh man...Gerardus. These pages and essays, musings and questions...they make my heart sing and my third eye jump awake! This site is a cool sip of sanity in a very funny and insane world...
Brendan Buss   ve55eL@comcast.net   Thu, 04 Dec 2008

You are the sheperd to the lost ...
dude, i think you are great. it is one of the most honurable things in the world to do what you are doing. you are constantly guiding and enlightining people everyday. you are the sheperd to the lost and guide them with your cosmic staft. i wish you all the love and prosperity in the galaxy. may it be with you always. and may you know you have left a legacy on this planet in its time of smoke and mirrors you have raised the vibration of the world and give others the knowlege and clairity to pass down the pyrmids of life. much love and abmeration to you...
priestnathen   priestnathen   Wed, 17 Dec 2008

Great Work...
wow...concratulations...great work...you gathered pretty much everything you need to know...thanks for sharing brother...love...
constantin constantino@gmx.at   Fri, 19 Dec 2008

Hello Gerardus...
Quiknote from the aboutgee.htm Page.
Thank You for sharing your truth. It is a wonderful source of reading to ponder. In my own truth you resonate similar. Much Love.
Rebecca   becca_delafuente@yahoo.com   Dec. 29 2008












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