"People speak from the Heart"
2001 - 2002
Number of Comments

!   Kudos ... Kudos ... Kudos   !
... What Friends and People Say ...

... To all Friends and Contributors ...

If you are on these Kudo Pages and you do not agree with this - please let me know and I will remove your notes and/or change your name and address. Meanwhile, in order to make these pages as realistic as possible I abbreviated some notes. And yes, there were dozens of notes from the same people that I did not include...

~  Thank you for expressing your Appreciation  ~

[CosmicCookies] 010114...
Hallelujah! I hear your words and for a time I deleted without a care but and here I am stopped! I saw your words, I felt your words, and became aware and I loved it, I was lifted from despair. I see the sparks as divine pure light, I see the lines converge in the illusion of earthly life, I feel the need to understand the mission of 'man'. Be the word divine! I wonder where I will be - then it starts all over again and I revert to the need to know man.
Beverley Fenton ( spiritseeker4@home.com )   Sun, 14 Jan 2001

Hello, I need you help,
I am building an Israel Metaphysical and Alt. Science portal and I wish to translate and to use some of your information.  Of course any info or article I'll take will be copyrighted - including your name, URL and link to the site.  If you need my notification about using a specific article, please, let me know.  Thanks an advance

Hi Zoya...
Nothing is copy righted on my Site.  Use anything you like and might be useful!  I realize that it might have more "clout" if you put a source on it.  So Be It!
Be my guest - my website is yours - Gerardus

Hello,Gerardus: Thank you for your reply.  And maybe now it's an opportunity to tell you that I love your site and enlighting interaction on Cass and 4D-STO-C egroups.  You helped me to understand lot of things or to get a bigger picture.  Thanks again..
Zoya Klebanov ( 7zoya-k@inter.net.il )   Wed, 24 Jan 2001

Hi Gerardus,
About your poem: SENSE OF BEING
Yes, I find this to be true.  Except people are people even by themselves, all things exist in an interconnectedness which is a 'relationship'.
Beverley Fenton ( spiritseeker4@home.com )   Sat, 27 Jan 2001

Hi Gerardus~~
I loved this one~~(o=   Thanx for sharing~~   Love, light and laughter....
Cindy Slingerland ( cslingerland@hotmail.com )   Sun, 28 Jan 2001

Your Cosmic Cookies...
About your poem: BORN OUT OF NONSENSE
'Tis hard to be the forger of the path.  Take heart, no one understands me either.  Walk with your flaming pillar of fire and light the way so many may see.  It may all be nonsense yet what lovely music we play.
Beverley Fenton ( spiritseeker4@home.com )   Sat, 3 Feb 2001

Hi Gerardus, I need two favours....
Greetings from India!  I need two favours - The first one is your permission to publish some of the "Cosmic Cookies" in a bi-lingual newspaper, published from Mysore - that's the place I live.  Would this be ok?  Ofcourse I would include all relevant references at the bottom of each cookie, whenever published.  The second favour I seek is how to subscribe to the FREE Weekly Health Newsletter which carried the news "1500 Children Die Every Year From CT Scans".  In India, a developing country, the modern medicines and technologies are abused in a rampant manner by the Doctors and their associates.  I wish to do my bit to make people aware about what's happenning in the developed countries.  Hope this finds you in great spirits.   Very Warm Regards.
Soundara Rajan ( nssr@vsnl.com )   Mon, 05 Feb 2001

Poetic Interlude - THE OPPORTUNITY...
This one is wonderful.
Jean-Herve Paul ( Ifacomposer@excite.com )   Mon, 5 Feb 2001

CosmicCookie 010210...
OMG ~~ this is sooooo true!!
Love & light~
Cindy Slingerland ( cslingerland@hotmail.com )   Sat, 10 Feb 2001

Hi Gerardus,
I too will be going off mail soon.  The post I was going to post in your lovely response to Father McVey was YES!  The humble Knights never left.  You carry a brilliant torch of light my friend.  You are wonderfull.  I'm glad we met.

Gerardus here:
You are spoiling me James.  I am a bit embarrassed even.  Are you going off 4D-STO-C as well?  Or just the C-List?  I am glad we met as well James.  I think/feel your posts and experiences are wonderful - Gerardus
I hope you stay on 4D !

James here:
You shouldn't feel embarrassed.  You understand people like Father McVey.  I've read your website Gerardus.  It's full of heart.  I'm going to be on the mesa.  There's no power or phone.  I haven't been home for 26 months.  So my internet access will be reduced to when I go into town.  When I disconnect here it'll be several days before I can access again. Curious, Maria moving to Taos at the same time I'm moving back home to Taos.  I plan on staying on 4-D STO.  Ha, So you can't get rid of me!
James ( j g )taos_blues@yahoo.com ))   Thu, 1 Mar 2001

Hi Gerardo~
I love this one~~ ( smiles ) Love & light, Yrarbil ~
Cindy Slingerland ( cslingerland@hotmail.com )   Tue, 13 Mar 2001

I love this one!
Only one out of about two hundred million Sperm
ejected during a Masculine Orgasm
reaches and penetrates the Feminine Ovum.
! All the Rest just die !

Would it be possible... that also
only one out of about two hundred million People
reaches Enlightenment
and becomes a Christ... a Buddha... or a Krishna?

Do we live about two hundred million Lives
before we reach the Christ Consciousness Level?


Wojciech ( voy78@yahoo.com )   Tue, 13 Mar 2001

About Your Files for Free...
I should have known... Anyone by the name of Gerardus is from Holland. Bedankt voor het plezierige antwoord. I will wait for the files although waiting is not my strongest point (big understatement). I guess i can always read the files online when my impatience gets the best of me (i hope my english is o.k.).My whole family comes from Noord-Holland.
"Els Stoop ( els.stoop@zonnet.nl )   Thu, 15 Mar 2001

You have such a way with words. ( smiles )   I am currently reading "You are a spiritual being in a human experience" by Bob Frissell, are you familiar with him?  Love & light,
Cindy Slingerland ( cslingerland@hotmail.com )   Thu, 22 Mar 2001

About CosmicCookie - 010322
Ah, now this is poetry!   Love
Beverley Fenton ( spiritseeker4@home.com )   Thu, 22 Mar 2001

Hi Gerardus,
Gerardus wrote:
Dear FRM...
I have noticed that my cookies bounce at your address. Should I take you off the list? - Gerardus

hmmm....don't know why they would bounce.   i do not wish to be taken off your list.  as near as i know nothing has changed with my computer in the last few months.  um, those "cookies" always seem to come at appropriate times. thanks
Glen Main ( frm@home.com )   05 Jun 2001

Hi Lana, Gerardus and All,
I too would be sorry to see trilite dissappear, but only if it meant that those on the list were disappearing too!  A list is nothing but the people who contribute to it.  Why dont we ALL migrate to the new list?  The discussion topics would and could include a lot of the same ideas that have been discussed on the trilite list.  The new list however will also reflect the new knowledge that we all share, through the cassiopaean and other material that has been discussed.  Let me know if I am missing something here guys, I dont want to be negative or anything.  I am really grateful to gerardus and all of you that have made this resource possible.  I am excited and happy that there is a new list to further the discussions as we all evolve in knowledge.
When one door closes - another opens...
Seosamh * ( joeq76@hotmail.com )   Fri, 14 Jul 2000

Dear Gerardus,
Your cookies of late a particularly tasty...thank you....thank you...Maxxi. 
"There's not a thing but love can make this world a narrow pond."
Maxxi ( bluemaxxi@juno.com )   Wed, 8 Aug 2001

Thank you Gerardus for your Cosmic Cookies and Poems.  Because of coping with the 3D I don't have time to participate in the 4D-STO, but the daily cookies and poems are always a source of inspiration.  Just a short note to say thanks....
Ledyardj Naples, Fl. ( ledyardj@att.net )   Sat Aug 25 2001

Religious People are immature Thinkers...
Hear...I hear you..'ol great thinker...Love...
Maxxi ( bluemaxxi@juno.com )   Thu, 27 Sep 2001

I just hope it gives me a good buzz !!
Gerardus here - To all Listers...
If you think that... there is something wrong with this world and that it should not be the way it is, or that you feel that something should be done about it - you are trying to save the world. It means that you still have attachments to this world and that you are not ready to go to 4D!   Any comments are welcome - Gerardus

Fiona here:
Well done Gerardus, never short of a few curly ones to drop into the conversation. Of course I agree with your thinking. We do not need to save anyone or anything. Nothing needs to be done - it will do very well all by itself. I am losing interest in this world day by day - I long for out sometimes - but I know that I have something to DO before I depart. Who knows what that something is - I just hope it gives me a good buzz !!
Fiona Stones ( xanethar@xtra.co.nz )   Thu, 18 Oct 2001

And how can I... to my friends reveal
Dear Mr. Gee...
I have a hard time deciding.... this is either your best... or, second best
John Granath ( Jongranath@aol.com )   23 Oct 2001

Thank you John!
Not sure either. Too bad I have more than two poems. If I had but one it would be easy!
Blessings and Smiles - Gerardus

Your Home Page Site....
Dear brother, Gerardus,
I do love much of your writing - the funny thing is, it seemed very familiar to me when I first came upon it. Many of the conclusions you have reached seem like you have read them out of my own mind and thoughts. But seeing another putting it in written form serves to further clarify it for me - so I do want to thank you for putting yourself and your writing out there. But honestly, sometimes things you have said are word for word what I have said myself to a very few others (bit of a hermit). Makes me feel I am on the right track, though my inner voice told me this anyway....kindest regards, a friend,
Patricia Parry ( pparry@img.net )   Wed, 28 Nov 2001

Subject hey...
Joy and happines to you great poet.  I enjoy your poems.
Hope you have a great time you and family.   love
lucio ( cosmo77@iprimus.com.au )   Sat Dec 22 2001

Thanks Gerardus...
Thanks Gerardus for your good wishes and the cookies that I enjoy.  I often wonder who is the person generating these cosmic delights.   In appreciation and gratitude.
Amita Talwar ( amitatalwar@hotmail.com )   Mon, 18 Feb 2002

Hi Gerardus,
That poem, wow - brought tears to my eyes.  Did you write that in 1983?  1983 is/was a significant 'time' for me, as a matter of fact I have a cloth calender hanging on my wall from 1983 . . .   I will not forget that year.  Seems like your words were speaking to my soul...   dumb me - they were!  the 'other' language true... the--ART.... beautiful, blessings to you
- Sol ( soul19@earthlink.net )   26 Feb 2002

Namaste Gerardus,
Namaste Gerardus, Thanks again for the cookies. I look forward to that little ray of light in the inbox each morning. Today's cookie really touched me. I hope you are healthy and happy and your world is peaceful and loving,
David B Meurin ( harggood@lycos.com )   Fri, 01 Mar 2002

Cosmic Cookie - Your Subconsciousness is the Unconscious Creator.
Introduction of My Cosmic Cookies to about 33 Friends (email addresses) of John G...
John here: Poems by Gerardus have a great range of topics -- metaphysics,  human relations, love, spiritual insights, etc..  They come as an antidote to a lot of the trash and hate that we are exposed to in daily news.
John Granath ( Jongranath@aol.com )   Mon, 6 May 2002

Cosmic Cookie - Tue, 14 May 2002
Hi Gee and 4Ders,
Thanks!  Yesterday's CC put another coin in the slot..wars / immature people / outlet for negative energy / renounce responsibility.  I had not quite made that connection.  Looking for more coins,
Sandra ( sandrafd@webtv.net )   Tue, 14 May 2002

Realm of Illusion - This says it all...
Gerardus here:
Love is Understanding! Understanding is not an illusion - it is a State of Mind. We are Love expressed and we are here in order to become aware of why we are here! We are here to ask questions and get answers. So, who or what are we? We are Love. We are the Universe. We are Love or the Universe expressed. Love is what we are! Creation is the Expressions of Love. We, Love, the Creator are Creation...

Here is another hug. {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}
Love, Light, and Joy
Dee (The dreamer :-) ( Rose53202@aol.com )   Sun, 19 May 2002 www.greatdreams.com

Post to TriLite...
Gerardus here: One can learn THAT by which everything is known - by beginning to familiarize oneself with what is going on in the world.  Once enough of that - meditate on this - and you will find that all things provide experience by which all learn.  Wisdom is the Result!  Meditate on the Ingenuity of the Creator Within and let is shine in your heart by being at Peace with yourself...

Mahrouk here:
Thanks Gee.  I knew I could depend on you for a wise answer.  Love
Mahrouk Vevaina ( mahrouk@vsnl.net )   Wed, 22 May 2002

I have quoted a "Cosmic Cookie"....
I have written a little e-book called "Victimhood - and other options". I have quoted a "Cosmic Cookie" at the very end of the last chapter. The e-book will be available through PayPal on my personal site. Before distributing the e-book, I want to ask permission from you to use the quote and point to your site for reference. I would also like to add your site to the links list on mine. Let me know! My site is at http//cosmiverse.folksites.com/Vieme-BooksandMusic
Vieme Medalen ( musicalmed@msn.com )   Thu, 6 Jun 2002

[TriLite] Re: God is Creation!
Dear Gerardus,
Thank you for inviting those of us on the Spiritweb science and spirituality list to migrate here to your list. I think you will be an excellent moderator and host. I've been a quiet lurker, I'm not a physicist but love the sciences. God is indeed creation! Calling the opportunity to live in this world a privilege may be a confusing way to put life in context. Life in this world is creation! We are alive in this world. Good luck, Gerardus, with your list and I hope many others will join.
Sincerely, Sherri ( sisterbellabee@aol.com )   Mon, 10 Jun 2002

Norg - jumping in here...
Hello to TriLite members,
I like the name, although I did not belong to its' first incarnation. I have known Gerardus through another website, and am always amazed at his seemingly endless amounts of energy. He has websites with many many pages of knowledge. He also keeps one of the better caches of current events stories and other writings that you can't find in mainstream media, and this stash of articles grows larger every day - they are formatted for easier reading than the originals sometimes were. And then there are his "cookies", morsels of wisdom to enjoy one at a time.

Gerardus' main insights have to do with spirituality, and I have to admit that while I did not always agree with all of the currents of thought that are expressed through Buddhism and new age thought (for lack of a better term), I have grown to accept many different viewpoints without criticising them and as one grows one realises that acceptance of various viewpoints enable one to acquire knowledge and insight. Criticism and debate seem to always reach a dead end. Seeing how Gerardus handles negativity with grace and how he seems to always remain positive and upbeat has influenced me. Although I am not as far along on many of these subjects as many of you, I hope to read and learn here. best, ( Dear Norg, please do not make it so long next time. Hate to cut off all this praising! )
norgesen ( norgeson@hotmail.com )   Fri, 14 Jun 2002

Post to TriLite...
Hi Alexander/Olga...
In one of my writings I say this:  We are all actors in a cosmic performance and we have certain lines we speak.  We do not know that we are playing a role as an actor and have these lines.  In the mean time, we accept that the lines or words we speak are our truth.  Since we all have different lines there are many different kinds of truths.  Naturally the lines or truth we speak have nothing to do with the truth WE ARE.  IOW: it makes no difference what our lines are. The point is to enjoy the performance...  Case closed - Gerardus

Alexander here:
Exactly, the lines we speak have nothing to do with truth we are - I love it!  Again Gerardus, you are the man and this is why I have such great admiration for you!  Yes.....enjoying the performance.
Alexander - IDAHO JOE ( joe@tridaho.com )   Sat, 06 Jul 2002

Props to the G-Man...
I just wanted to say that you have one of the best websites I have ever seen.  The colors are a wee bit hard on my eyes (we !420! stoners have dilated pupils), but the content is wonderful.  I can tell that you invest a LOT of your time in connecting and educating others.  Your original works are sincere and there is no waiting for the good part because it's all good.  Namaste!
Chris Slatten - ( zen.fourtwenty@fuse.net )   Mon, 15 Jul 2002

Your website is wonderful. It will take me a long time to read it all so for now I put it in my "favorites" and will get back to it when I have more time.  I also recommended it to friends.  There's some good stuff in there.
Heidi Troxell ( ght@qtm.net )   Wed, 17 Jul 2002

Picture on TriLite?
Hi Gerardus,
I have been communicating privately with some of the members of the TriLite list who have never seen a picture of you, but would like to. So, I am asking if you would please be so kind as to put a picture of yourself in the photos section of the TriLite list? Yay or nay is fine with me. I know what you look like. :o) Thanks, and Many Blessings To You!

Hi Jojo...
Gossip... gossip... gossip... and more of it yet.   My bio and picture are right here: soulwise.net/elgerbio.htm   I am not that keen on putting that face on Yahoo's.  It's all shrivelled up by now.  Someone might give me a facelift...
I hope this will do for now - Gerardus

JoJo again...
Gossip?  Not me!  hehe Thanks for the link.  I did look around on your webpages but couldn't find a picture.  I guess I didn't look hard enough.  I will send this link to the people who have asked, "I wonder what Gerardus looks like?"  You have a very nice face, fittingly, because you are a very nice person.  And those people who I've talked to on TriLite who wonder what you look like also think you are a very nice person.  How's that for gossip?!  :o) Take Care, and Many Blessings To You!
Jojo ( nlightn@flash.net )   Friday, August 02 2002

New TriLite Member....
Hi Gerardus,
It's me, Starlight46 from atlantisrising.com - I seen you posted this site and it really seems interesting. Guess I would be both a reader and poster just like I am over there on atlantisrising.com  All unknown subjects have my interest. I don't like Cover Ups by Big Brother neither. A truthseeker,
Pauline Cooney ( starlight_afar2002@yahoo.com )   Wed, 14 Aug 2002

Quick Notes...
Hello Gerardus...
I absolutely appreciate your daily Cosmic Cookies.  Thanks so much for sharing them!
Ruth ( ruthj@business-links.com )   Aug 19 2002

Sharing my thoughts...
Floyd here:
I have been reading the posts for a couple of days and find myself at somewhat a loss. ..   I have gone from a very christian home to complete bewilderment.  There must be a God or a collective God, that is ( everything ).  I can no longer buy the Jesus story.  I would as soon go to Hell as to have someone or something to save me.  It's as bad as having a government to support me.  Then make me a slave for doing me this favor.  If I am to be free then I must be the one to make it happen.  If I have offended anyone in this group please accept my sincere apology.  I'm through rambling.  Thanks for listening.

I am honored to be present as you transcend your old beliefs and overlook the vast spiritual horizon that most religions are intent on hiding.  I believe you are in the company of some the most evolved minds on this planet.  Gerardus is indeed a treasure who makes us all wiser.  It can be challenging to take the positioning of not professing to be a Christian in America, but it can also can be very liberating.  If you do take the position of not following a religion, know that the universe will always love you as much as you love it.  You also may be opening yourself to a whole knew realm of probabilities, here on Earth and here after.  I believe when people surrender to a religion they give particular 4D forces power over them.  These 4D forces are not necessarily bad, but they are not necessarily good either.  They are on an evolution path of their own.  You may have evolved past them.  They believe that their faithful are their property to use as they see fit.  I think the great realization of any human is that they are indeed the "one".
Stefan ( messenger@loveislight.com )   Thu, 22 Aug 2002

[TL] Just for you, G-man! ;^)
Everyone you know is a genius in some way.  Many of those in this elite little group are seriously unstable.  Is there a correlation? And if so, what in the world are you doing here?  Evidently, it's your cosmic role to be the rallying point or the den mother for all these peculiar individuals.  Before you curse your luck, think of yourself as the straight person in a sitcom or the voice of reason in a thriller.  Take a minimal, clear-headed approach.  Carry this burden as if you were proud of it.  Not everyone could do what you're doing.

Gee here - Thank you Chris!
Is this YOUR summation?  Or is it from an Astrology book?  In any case, I will respond to the last sentence only: That's why "I" am doing it!
Chris Slatten   30 Aug 2002

Thank you hosting TriLite
I have been meaning to thank you for hosting the TriLite group.  What a marvelous group of people and how stimulating!  You have attracted a real good group.  Thanks again.  Best regards,
Roger ( roger@in-tch.com )   30 Aug 2002

Roger here....
Hey Gerardus - Roger here:   Ouitsteken!  What a great poetry - (oops, I mean cookie). :)  Can I steal that one?  Best regards,
Roger ( roger@in-tch.com )   Fri. Sept. 06 2002

Thanks to Gerardus
floyd here: ***
Thanks a lot for sharing your wisdom with me.  I must congratulate you on your teaching ability.  I have been away from advancing myself for so long, it pleasures me greatly to begin again.  I am grateful for you and others,Roger to only name one.  The rest know who you are.  Thanks also for the Cosmic Cookies.
floyd ( floyd788@webtv.net )   Sat, 7 Sep 2002

[TL] Yeah!  Sure? "Done unto you AS you believe"?
So far, having met Gerardus personally -- when he and Ellen were snowbirds, I can attest to the fact that he honestly and credibly "walks the talk" of metaphysics as a scholar and a gentleman of integrity and selflessness -- one of metaphysicians that I have ever encountered to be closest to the STO/STS on a grand scale.  I have met some GREAT instructors in metaphysics -- authors and speakers of international recognition ... from Mark Victor Hanson to Jerry Jampolsky (whom I have met at seminars) and some others.  I would compare Mr. G's work with theirs even though it has not reached the same fame level.  Also, I have met the frauds and some rather contemptible personalities -- all playing their parts in my drama.  Yahtahey!
John Granath ( Jongranath@aol.com )   Mon, 09 Sep 2002

I got this note from Gerardus:
Roger quoted:
May God within you ready itself to: The Great Awakening of Mankind, so that all may understand that all of us are the One as Expressions of Love for Itself, but different in nature and type in order to make God or Creation what it is, infinitely splendid and unimaginable in its unlimitedness.  Therefore - let God or Creation be Itself - let us live in Joy.  Celebrating being a finite aspect of infinite Love expressed with a magnificence that can only be understood because we are the One in Love with Life.  Expressed by means of the Human we are - The Very Image of the Light that is All...
So Be It Now - Gerardus  (End Quote)

Hey Gerardus - Roger here:
Wunderbar!  A true paean!  It looks as though you got filled up again.  What a marvelous articulation, worthy of a poet.  Best regards,
Roger Roger ( roger@in-tch.com )   Tue. Sept. 10 2002

Love, Light, and Healing, ( John McGrath )
Sometimes I feel as if my poetry will survives me any minute now - Gerardus
(Kind of depressed and feeling useless sometimes)

Hi Gerardus!  If I knew anyone that didn't feel that way, for varying periods, I would become his/her apprentice!
Love, Light, and Healing,
John McGrath ( jwmc3@msn.com )   Mon, 16 Sep 2002

Your Attack on the World is an Attack on Yourself....
Hi John - Gerardus here:
For a long time I figured that karma was a real thing, a truth.  Point is, it only is when you belief this to be so.  Nowadays I feel that Karma is a voluntary chosen situation in order to teach self.  It is the experience that is needed!  Many experiences or situations are self-created also.  They become our lessons since we are not aware enough to avoid them.  Nowadays, I see the entire universe as a Neutral Energy in which we find ourselves and are learning from it to created our own version of the universe.  After all we are the Creator!  Our universe is an alive phenomenon presenting itself in many densities or dimensions.  Wherever we turn we face ourselves!

Eureka! Gerardus!  Nuetral Energy!  The ONE!  molding portions of itself as it were into concepts!  That is the only reality!  Concepts.... Revolving around the Central Mind!  Every Thought a real portion of the ONE!  Love, Light, and Healing,
John McGrath ( jwmc3@msn.com )   Tue 17, 16 Sep 2002

My Pink Flamingos!
Gerardus here:
Yes, I do enjoy the posts about Front Laws as well.  But nothing transpires on MY front lawn.  We do not have a front lawn, or any grass around the place.  What's missing in front of the house is a pair of pink flamingos!  We desperately need some.  Kidding here.  Another couple of things to clean or move about...
Who needs them? - Gerardus

Floyd here:
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and your gift of teaching - but most of all thank you for giving me the greatest laugh that I have had in a long time by the above words you wrote.  May the blessings be.
floyd ( floyd788@webtv.net )   Sun, 22 Sep 2002

Another Eileen here, Gerardus.
Thank you for the reminder about "now" ~ that's where it's at.  I visited your soulwise.net site last night, and very much enjoyed those of the "cosmic cookies" I read.  Very nicely written!
Eileen Lilly ( lilly24@rcn.com )   Tue, 24 Sep 2002

Shawn Vachon says: - - -  All of it is Cool  - - -
Oh Gerardus, this is why you truly embody that which is cool.  I'm an ancient 38 years old, but near as I can tell, kids today would say that you "simply rock".  Actually, they usually use an expletive to define precisely how you rock, such as "Gerardus f***ing rocks" (said with great passion) but I think you get my drift.  Did you ever think you'd be so hip and happening? :-)
Meredith Tupper ( meredith@pintsize.com )   Mon, 30 Sep 2002

" Gerardus - YOU DA MAN!!! "
Hi Meredith!!! - John E. here:
Hip and Cool he is!!!
I believe that another term of endearment would be "Gerardus - YOU DA MAN!!!"
Have a good day all..:)
John Eustor ( john@jeustor.com )   Mon, 30 Sep 2002

The Observers Position...
floyd here ===== I don't know what position I'm in nor do I care.  I do know that I am.  That's enough for me.  Words get in my way of expression.  I express by showing and being.  I love everyone I have met on TriLite and I am grateful for it, (TL), helping me to stop and think and sometimes change my direction.  I mean love in it's greatest sense here.  I am also grateful for each and every post I have read.  Each one has had it's impact on me.  Gerardus, I ain't forgot you.  No matter how hard I try, I can't forget you, Peace
Floyd Elliott ( floyd788@msn.com )   Sun, 20 Oct 2002

Keep that twinkle....
floyd here: Gerardus, I feel certain that you are right about the unknown author of the piece I sent in yesterday (Saturday).  It reminded me so much of your writngs  I can see why now . (SMILE).  I must of saved that peice because it did impress me.  It came from my copier.  What the heck keep those cookies coming, they taste great !   Keep that twinkle, I do.

floyd here again: Gerardus, this is so enlightening for me.  I had never thought to compare a baby with a young soul before.  But it stands to reason that this would be so.  When I read your post, chill bumps ran all over me.  This is what hapens when one of my guides are near or showing me a different way of doing something.  Thanks for sharing your knowledge with me.  Things are getting better but that isn't to say that we are in for some bad times soon.  I hate the words---bad or good, because that doesn't really convey what I want to say.
Floyd Elliott ( floyd788@msn.com )   Sun, 27 Oct 2002

floyd here: Gerardus I read all of your replys to the other triliters and agree with every word.  My friend, your's is a hard task, not one, however, that you are uncapable of, mind you, but one that I would not relish.  Keep on keeping on , my friend.  All is well, all is well.
Floyd Elliott ( floyd788@msn.com )   Wed.30 Oct 2002

- - - - - - - LOVE / BALANCE / UNIVERSE - - - - - - -
Gerardus here:
Light or Good does not have to overcome or do away with the Dark or Evil. Duality is the Condition of 3D and 4D and possibly higher densities as well. These divisions form the scenery of the Performances in which we play our roles in order to learn to see through the games we play as Actors. Have you ever looked at the Yin-Yang Symbol? This is the symbol of our 3D reality system. Do you think that the Light area can do away with the Dark area and that the symbol will become all Light? That is what you are trying to tell the Members of TriLite. Duality only disappears in an individual manner when we accept the Light AND Dark as our own Nature. There is only God! God is Both Light and Dark. You are trying to erase 50% of what God is...

Polux here:
Well all I can say is YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, the above is all that I was trying to say in my latest posts. Thanks Gerardus to put it so clear and beatiful. A briliant mind in a Light and Dark being that came to open windows of possibilities is what you are Gerardus.
Polux. ( momopolux@hotmail.com )   Tue, 10 Dec 2002

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