As mentioned before, We Are The Infinite Light in human form. We are not the form. We Are The Infinite Light and Infinite Dreamer. Our dream is creation and all things within it. Including all the beings, entities, creatures and all other creepy crawlies we encounter in this world. Billions upon billions of them. Not to forget that there are trillions of beings and creatures that are invisible and no doubt they are just as important as any other creature any place. We all dream that we exist! In addition - we dream all others as well...
Please take a break dear soul and consider what you have just read! This means - read it again! All of Life is our dream and it takes place within the dreaming consciousness or awareness we all actually are. Do you still think that you are but a tiny human being? What a mistake...! You have been brainwashed by the mentally immature of this world...
... We Are The Very Infinite Dreamer Ourselves ...
No doubt, all this is way beyond human logic or understanding. So Be It! How the heck did I ever come up with it? Well, it's very simple! My intuitive knowing has kicked in and no one can stop it. It works perfectly and I am using it every chance I get to write another article. Take advantage of it Mary-Ann. Read every article you can find!
Maybe watch this video first of all...