... The Purpose of the Human Body ...
~ Please share this article with the World ~ It's one of the best I have written so Far ~
Here's where we begin...
The all inclusive purpose of the human body is to serve as a vehicle or container for what we call the soul or spirit. The soul or spirit we are is the main character in our lifetimes - not the body. We are not the body! The soul lives in human bodies in order to become aware of its infinite greatness...
The soul is The Infinitely Light itself and cannot die. It comes to earth to live in human bodies in order to awaken to itself. Naturally... to assure that there are enough human bodies available for souls to live in... there are the procreative purposes for the body. However, souls are also capable of living in artificially created or cloned bodies. The human race on planet earth has not quite come that far officially...
A lesser purpose for the human body is to serve the soul for a lifetime of fun in a reality that turns out to be an illusion! If that is what you came to do - go for it! Being human is an illusive existence or dream. It takes most human souls many return trips to physical planets in order to figure this out. There is a cosmic rumor that there are close to 4000 human planets in this galaxy alone...
When the soul lives in a human body it is free to do whatever it feels like. Most feelings, if not all, come from the soul itself. The soul has a purpose - the body's sole purpose is to be a spacesuit for the soul. Without a physical vehicle there is no way for a soul to experience the illusive realities of physical planets. All are illusions...
We come and go like sub-atomic particles...
Human bodies are only appearances like the pictures on your TV. These pictures as well as human bodies come and go and have no actual existence or significance in a universal sense in and by themselves. Humans are like sub-atomic particles and we come and go when the universe needs us. Human beings only appear to exist! Humans are figments in an infinite dream. Human life is a dream... it is our dream...
Yes... your human life is a dream...
Your infinite soul has come to earth in order to awaken from this dream. That is why it lives in a human body! Human souls are representatives of The Infinite Light in manifestation. Human souls are infinitely tiny aspects of The Infinite Light itself. No doubt this is why Jesus supposedly said: I and The Father are One...
Bodies and physical realities exist in your consciousness only...
Physical objects are created in your perception system like the images on your TV. There actually is never a complete image on TV at any one time! We create these images with our perception and awareness systems! In actuality matter does not exist! Matter is 99,999999% emptiness...
The world is a perfect illusion... it is the reality of a dream...
All physical objects and bodies are illusions that are accepted as physical realities. All objects and bodies are only images or appearances in your consciousness. You live in a phantom world! It exist in your consciousness only. Please read this... What people do not know is that they have lived in an illusion since they were born. To see through this illusion is a great accomplishment...
Another shocker here...
All human beliefs and opinions that are held by the body mind are next to useless! People take their beliefs with them when they die! Once they have arrived on the other side, they discover that their beliefs on earth were nonsense. We could also say: the body mind is a joke that believes in its own story. Please read that again! Knowing by means of intuition is the clue...
... Knowing by intuition is knowing without reasoning or Thinking ...
... Most people need to fall from their head to their Heart ...
... The Heart Knows ...
... Billions of people are alive and they have no idea Why ...
... They all live in ignorance of their infinite Greatness ...
... Many Masters came to earth to teach human beings who they actually Are ...
... When the Masters die the teachings becomes bastardized or Distorted ...
... Truth is difficult to teach to people on planet Earth ... ... For ages many Masters have tried in Vain ...
... This will change in the Future ...
... Eventually all human souls graduate to higher Levels ... ... Graduation time is just around the Corner ...
... Every 26,000 years is such a Time ...
... It is not likely that all human souls will graduate this time Around ... ... Anything is possible However ...
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? ... Are You the Human Body ... ?
? ... Are You the Human Soul ... ?
Gradually, you will learn that you are the soul. Billions of people do not know this! Your body is a spacesuit for the soul you are. You are not the body! You are The Infinite Light in the form of a soul and live in a human body until the body dies. After the experience of that lifetime you will be ready to occupy another human body and continue your journey to have another experience. Eventually, you will become more and more aware of Creation and Yourself. The Two are One and the Same...
You will do this until you have learned not to repeat this coming and going. This would mean that your soul has fully awakened and consciously realizes who or what it actually is. When that happens you will agree with everything you will read here. That insight or agreement is a valuable moment of awakening! Many more are to follow...
Another thing to understand is that the human body is nothing but an empty shell with certain characteristics depending on the qualities of the body-mind and its DNA. The soul tries to work with these qualities and it is not always easy to make things work in order for the soul to accomplish what it came to do...
Sometimes, when the soul lives in a human body, it is not always possible to express what it would like to express. Disappointments are experienced! We need to learn how we handle them. The acceptance of 'what is' is a great lesson. Failures often are greater lessons than successes. Basically, human life is nothing but lessons...
The genetics and/or the DNA of the human body often are the expressions of the incoming soul in the first place. Souls has a 'say' in what their bodies ought to be in order to accomplish their mission. This only counts for the more highly evolved souls since the masses do not have the awareness on the other side to select and create the brains and DNA for specific purposes or missions...
The masses basically have no mission at all and they live their lives just the way they come. They are assisted for their new births by their Guides and Helpers. This is great! All experiences in all kinds of different bodies enriches the soul. Eventually the soul itself will be able to start selecting its specific bodies and their qualities. Here is where Free Will enters the scene. Here's a short article about Free Will...
Free Will in and by itself however, is limited by our own individual limits and the awareness levels of the soul we are. Not until we have reached the highest levels of human and soul awareness will these limits be eliminated. At that point, we have reached what is called: The Christ Consciousness...
There could be some Christed Beings or Masters on this planet presently. The mass media does not want this known. True Masters of the Physical do not advertise and those who do, most likely are the 'wannabees'...
... The universal purpose of the human Body...
... Is Not ... ... To become known or Popular ...
... Let Alone Famous ...
... However ...
... If that's what you came to do you are welcome to Try ...
Original 2011/04/25 Revised 2011/08/08 Gerardus