?  Did you ever wonder who or what you actually Are  ?

! ... We Are Awareness ... !

Scientists and philosophers tell us that matter is more than 99.999999 percent emptiness. This means that atoms are emptiness!  So are molecules and all other matter - it's nothing but emptiness! Now... how could such emptiness form a world of matter or solid objects? This is impossible! We live in an energy-world and not in a world where matter is solid!  Nothing is solid and nothing is what it looks like. Our body's visual perception gives us a false impression of the surroundings in which we seem to exist. We are taken for a ride by the body we live in! Remember this when you read this article...

... We Are Infinite Universal Awareness ...
... We Are Unity Consciousness ...

Human beings are Awareness - Infinite Universal Awareness! When we live in a so called matter body however - as we presently seemingly do - we are individualized Awareness for a seemingly temporary duration. This Awareness however, is not our Awareness, nor is it your Awareness, nor is it my Awareness. This Awareness stands alone and is totally independent. It Alone Is! This means that human beings and all other things and beings are only appearances and do not actually exist...
In the following article the above statement is repeated at least three times with different words and phrases. According to my experiences you need to tell people the same thing at least three times in order for them to get it!  Here's what you do: 1) First you tell them what you want to tell them.  2) Then you tell them.  3) After that you tell them what you just told them...

Here we begin the Telling:
Awareness dreams Creation - Creation is its Dream! All seemingly separate things in this dream, like atoms, molecules, cells, plants, flowers, trees, insects, animals, people, souls, higher beings, including God or TIL (The Infinite Light) are mental concepts and appear to exist. They appear in our awareness. All these things or concepts have been given different names by different people down the ages. There is no proof whatsoever, that any of these appearances or concepts actually exist. Again, they only appear to exist! They do not exist in and by themselves. Human beings have a false impression about their world. This body deceives them...
We need to remember, here and now, that we as humans gave names to all the things we have named. None of these things is the name it was given. A 'thing' or 'being' is not its name! When scientists or people speak about all these named things they think that they know what they are talking about. Not so! All they talk about is names and more names! Funny world we live in Mary-Ann...
All we know for certain is, that specific things and beings appear in Awareness, based on our experiences. This means that all things and happenings are subjective. These subjective experiences are projected upon the screen of our awareness and we assume this to be in our head. It is Not! Our head is not a thing in and by itself - attached or not attached. It is also only an appearance. In the mean time, there is no we or us, nor you, nor I, nor them, nor others. There is only One Thing! This One Thing is Awareness! The Universe is Awareness in Action. It is One Energy doing its Thing! Infinite Awareness is the Creator of all appearances in the scenery we know as Creation. Creation is the dream of Awareness. Creation is a dynamic and infinite Happening...

Awareness dreams and all phenomena of creation appear in this dream. A few of these happenings are known to the awareness that is present within each of the created. The entire creation or universe is a mental or subjective reality. It's a virtual scenery and virtual realities do not exist in and by themselves. They only appear to exist in the world or universe as we know it. This means that when we look at the sky at night - all the stars and galaxies are only appearances! We experience a similar view when we go to the Planetarium. When we are in the Planetarium we know that we are being fooled. I say that things are the same in the sky at night. The sky at night and all the stars and galaxies we see are not actually there. Their appearances takes place in our head or mind. Our head is the so called seat of our Awareness. This means that being objective is knowing that all perceptions are subjective...

Several teachings speak about enlightenment. The big question is: who is this party that becomes enlightened? We are the One Awareness creating realities in a dream we call creation. We are the Dreamer! Now, a most important question follows here: who is this 'we' - I speak of? Does this 'we' exist? The answer is: there is no 'we' - there is no 'you' - there is no 'I'. There is only Awareness. So, whether or not we can become enlightened is a matter of great hilarity! There is no 'we', nor 'you', nor 'I' to become or be enlightened. Enlightenment is a hoax! There are no enlightened beings anywhere. All are Awareness in form! However, some beings or awarenesses are a lot more awake or aware than others. Most humans are asleep or comatose...

We as people are only appearances in a dream. We pop in and out of creation at different times and places. We seemingly exist among other dream-characters who we have named 'we', 'you', 'I' and many other names. Meanwhile, no thing or being is its name! All things and beings are figments in the dream of Awareness. In actuality figments do not exist in and by themselves - there are no separate or actual things, people, beings, including Gods or Devils...

All concepts, phenomena or appearances anywhere only 'appear' to exist. They do exist in the infinite dream of Awareness. Not only that - each figments seems to live its own life and is aware of this! How could this be? This brings up the question: Is my life an illusion then? Yes it is! In the dream however it is real. We could call it a 'reallusion' - it is real in the dream but an illusion when we have become more aware and understand what is! Only Awareness Is...
Since Awareness mirrors itself in all dream-figments in its dream - it follows that these figments are able to imagine or dream that they exist and are able to create as well. Their creating is done according to their own specific conditioning or brainwashing. The result is that the world and all its so called beauty, as well as, all its shortcomings are created by the figments themselves. Our world is a self-created dream-scenario that is accepted as real and solid. Meanwhile, some people think that the whole thing is created by some God. There is no such God anywhere! There is only The Infinite Awareness that lives with us. Some teachings use the word Consciousness instead of Awareness...

The reality or solidness of the physical world is a delusion - but what a beautiful delusion it is! Meanwhile, people create their own beauty and miseries in their life and experience them as real. What does this mean? It means that the earth is a cosmic school for creators! Awareness creates by means of its own dream-figments and it all appears real and solid to these figments - yet all of it is more than 99.999999 percent emptiness. The whole Scenario of Creation is a diabolical as well as a divine delusionary setup. It is Real in Consciousness Only...

Awareness enriches its own dream by means of the creations of its dreaming figments. The dream of Awareness perpetuates itself infinitely. In the mean time - personal enlightenment is an oxymoron! Persons or human beings do not actually exist - let alone that they can become enlightened. At most we might think that we can become enlightened while we are still dreaming - but as soon as we wake up - our personal status collapses immediately. We know then that we are Awareness and not some kind of enlightened person or being - human or otherwise...

Since all dream figments or characters in the dream are real while they are dreaming, their creations are the cause of global confusion and misery on this planet. Awareness dreams itself to be real while it exists or lives as all separate figments in the dream. Therefore, the masses accept - or think they know by means of experience - that there are separate things, people and beings in this world or creation. Since the dream is real - while it is dreamed - the majority of people have their own thoughts and ideas about their world and they establish philosophies, religions and political movements. All this leads to all this confusion and misery. As we know - most people contradict or fight themselves and/or others. They are actually totally lost and do not know it...

Therefore, religions and others belief systems are the underlying cause of unrest, wars and suffering in this world. Since the imagination of these believers or followers is the imagination of Awareness - their thoughts and ideas about their belief systems become reality in their dream they call their life. Their personal reality reflects their false perceptions or delusions. When we add all this together we have arrived at the insane world in which we find ourselves. My suggestion is - to let them be what they are! Meanwhile, we are able to awaken more and more ourselves by means of being observers. We do not come here to save the world or anyone! We come here to awaken from our dream...

Human beings and all other beings only exist as appearances. All things, people, beings and entities are like clouds in the sky. They come and go to never return. People, beings and things appear and disappear in Awareness - Awareness dreams all figments in its dream and makes up creation as a whole. Creation is an infinite Dream! Appearances, figments and all happenings in this dream are created by means of mind - mind is the builder. All beings and things are thoughts. Mind is a specific form or quality of Awareness. This means, that the entire creation and all people, beings, things and happenings are subjective realities. No thing or being is actual...

All things and beings are created by mind but they do not exist in and by themselves. Naturally, all people, beings and happenings are noticed or observed by Awareness for it exist as these appearances. The infinite dream of Awareness is equal to the infinite play or performance we think we are engaged in. Some people think that they create some of it. This is debatable. Naturally, they can create their own realities or situations in their dream - but that is not the purpose of human life. As mentioned before - we come here to awaken - we do not come here to endlessly dream and create our own realities. Awakening is our task! However, it's your life - do as you please...

Humans and all other beings are actors in a play or performance we call creation. Awareness is the medium in which this infinite performance takes place and it flows forth from the river of infinity we call Time. Time and Space are aspects of the dream - this means that Time and Space do not actually exist! Time and Space are the center poles of the illusion we are subjected to. Everything arises in this illusion and is high-lighted in so called Time and Space and then it vanishes as if it never existed. All things, people and beings come and go according to the need of Awareness. This Awareness creates and is all things, people, beings and happenings - but Awareness is not determined by them. Awareness stands alone and is the only Absolute or Independent...

All people, beings, entities, things and happenings are phenomena that appear and disappear from Awareness. Awareness is the only Absolute and it is what we actually are. We Are This Awareness! Human beings are dream-figments that appear and disappear in their own Awareness! However, Awareness cannot be owned. It is forever free! Awareness is our true Nature engaged in an infinite dream. Awakening from this dream is possible. This happens when a figment awakens from the dream and knows itself to be Awareness in all its infinite Glory. Some teaching call this The Christ or Buddha Consciousness. I assume here that it is possible to return to the dream and eventually learn to go back and forth at will. I am not sure of this last part! Yada, speaks about it but he is not completely clear on this. You can find Yada right here....

Awareness is our Nature - it is Absolute! Awareness is the creator of all appearances in the dream we call creation. As we know - the human mind works like a computer and our reality is created by our beliefs. This means that if we believe that Jesus died for us - it is true for us. I we believe or imagine that we are enlightened, we are enlightened. If we believe or imagine that we are not enlightened - we are not enlightened. It follows that all we need to do is to get rid of the belief that we are not enlightened and voila - We Are Enlightened.

However, there is no one to become or be enlightened in the first place - except in the dream. Awakening or enlightenment is what some teachings or people call Self-realization. All this stuff is 'bunk' naturally, for as soon as we awaken from our dream, we know that these terms and characteristics exclusively belong to the dream from which we just awoke...
Once the above is understood - we know that we are Universal Awareness! Be aware however, that this in and by itself is not possible since there is no 'we' nor 'you' nor 'I'. No one being can know anything! All these named appearances or characters in the dream are illusions. Beings can only think or dream they know something. In the mean time, the mind of most people is their master. Naturally, they need to be the master over their mind! The personal mind is the so called ego within us. This ego or little self is an illusionary character or an accepted reality that is difficult to negate. It's an imagined reality or false self and it likes to be known in and by itself as itself. It also likes to be Enlightened, Awakened and/or Self-realized. Lifetimes are spent searching for stuff like that. There are plenty of seekers but no finders. Finding means awakening to full Awareness and no individuals or people exist after finding...

Since Awareness is not some person or being in any density or dimensions - enlightenment or self-realization is not possible. To clarify here, densities and/or dimensions are concepts that only exist in people's dream. People and all other beings are illusionary or subjective realities. They are not something in and by themselves. There is only Awareness! To conclude here and now - we have come to the point - where you need to tell me what this Awareness actually is since you use Awareness day in day out. What do you think it is? I say it is what we Are and always have been. It is the most fascinating, intriguing and beautiful Essence or Quality I could possibly think of. I am possessed by it and I enjoy it...

... Notes to Gerardus about the Above ...

~ Remember that all Truths have their opposites that are equally True ~
This means that all illusions are real and all realities are illusions.
... Such is the Paradox we call the Universe ...

The paradoxical universe is so Beautiful
Because it is such a fascinating Illusion.

~  Here are articles by others with the same Philosophy  ~