... Observations and Opinions ...

... A religious or a conditioned mind is a mentally immature Mind ...
... It does not recognize that it has been brainwashed since Birth ...
... The discovery of this is the beginning of Awakening ...

Words can be used to explain all contradictory positions to almost everybody's satisfaction. Words mesmerize people and they get caught up in being affected. When they 'sober-up' later on, they often come to the conclusion that they agreed with something, they actually do not agree with anymore. The clue is: Words only express Human Opinions or Ideas...

We tend to agree with some and disagree with others. But once we know that all opinions or ideas are but temporary states of minds that belong to our script - all we can do is smile! No agreement or disagreement is necesary. Yeah - sometimes we think we know something...

Awareness is like a very tall Totem Pole we have climbed! We can see a lot further than others and at the same time we are a lot further removed from the glittering noise and confusion below. Meanwhile we catch a lot of wind called "hot air". Someone said - it is lonely at the top!  Right! That is just about the only person who makes sense...

Humanity or Mankind on this world is not some kind of isolated species that grows on its own toward higher levels. I see humanity as a specific group of beings who are a very small aspect of an Infinite Cosmic Ecology. We also fit precisely into the cosmic-food-chain. I am not sure how else to express this right now. IOW: Human bodies and what they go through "fit" snugly into the entire Cosmic System like Vegetables do for Vegetarians or chickens do for meat eaters...

We live in a symbiotic universe! Human beings are aspects of a multi-food-supply and we provide others (so called above us) with their energy or food. As a matter of fact, human DNA or human bodies are created in a specific manner by our co-creators, so that our bodies and their traumatic and emotional energies are useful to other beings. In addition to this - human bodies are useful for The Infinite Light to have experiences in or with. To know that we are The Infinite Light experiencing the Human Condition puts us on a path that protects and promotes our Soulness toward higher callings or creativity in this Cosmic Ecology or symbiotic relationship. Only by learning and growing can we escape being food for others...

Creation is the Perceived Reality of God's Dream.
Wake Up
You are this Dreamer.

A Wonderful Miracle.

All happenings take place in our Consciousness.
! ... ONLY ... !
There is nothing out there but Emptiness.

The physical universe does not contain any material Substance.
The body you think you live in does not Exist.
Physicality is a perfect Illusion.

Thinking about this could drive you Nuts.
Do not think about it - just enjoy and Laugh.

The majority of CropCircles are "energy patterns" that have been created by the Guardians or Stewards of Mankind. These Stewards are more evolved spiritual Beings and they have the responsibility to raise more than 30 billion human souls toward self-realization and eventually toward the Christ Consciousness (Seven billion human souls on planet and 23 billion waiting to return). This is an enormous task for our Stewards and no doubt this takes millions of years. Each of us - one by one - will eventually reach that State of Mind! Before we reach that State we keep coming back for more physical experiences, either on Earth or elsewhere, in order to learn to love and gain wisdom...

I called these CropCircles "energy patterns" and in one form or another all are physically expressed in some kind of pattern in our crops and other places. Many of them are geometric in form and it is known that geometric forms create certain energies. Form and energies are directly related for all things in the universe are reversible. Energy is Energy. Now, here's the question - why are these CropCircles created?

There are many reasons and the following four could be among them:
1) To make us think deeper than money!   2) To let us know that there are Beings of a Higher Order who look after us.   3) These CropCircles are energy patterns that affect our level of awareness. The result is that human beings awaken sooner. We are on the very end of many great time-cycles and it is time to wake-up.   4) All "energy patterns" create different feelings when encountered for they are different energies. Some of them might have a negative effect on us because we are not quite ready to get an overdose by being to close to them. In that case - better stick to flying kites...

I have come to the conclusion that ninety-nine percent of the masses think they are at least ninety-nine percent their physical body. According to the latest Quantum Scientists however - there actually are no physical bodies anywhere in the universe. This means that ninety-nine percent of the people are at least ninety-nine percent wrong! The trouble is that most people think that they are ninety-nine percent right about ninety-nine percent of what they think they know...

Since we as thoughts exist in the One Mind, we are able to mix and mingle like fragrances or gasses do in the physical. The One Mind knows no Time or Space. This means that we are therefore always interconnected with the One Mind as well as with all Other Beings. Since we live within the illusionary reality of the physical - we are unable to grok the Now-Reality of the One Mind very easily. On purpose we have lost the ability to do so! Thus, we Are "The One Mind" being itself as an infinite variety and diversity of Thoughts. Which are Light, Energies or Vibrations of Consciousness. Many are self-aware Lights, Energies or Vibrations of Consciousness like human beings...

Also many thoughts can overlap or super-impose upon other thoughts. This is what happens at the assumption of our birth. What seemingly happens is - our Soul-Thought merge with a Body-Thought and voila we think that we are a human being. In actuality we are a Soul-Mind-Energy that merge with a Body-Mind-Energy for an assumed duration in a dream or lifetime. Our lifetimes are dreams! Physical reality does not exist except in our dream. We are here to awaken from this dream...

I am like the half empty or half full Glass.
I do not know which half does the Writing.
Actually I do not Care.

Enlightenment is the Acceptance that Life cannot be Understood.
Life just is and it works best by doing its own Thing.
Therefore I surrender and laugh or cry when I feel like it.
If not right now - I might do it Later.

Life is best when we have deleted all Questions.
Only Enlightened Beings know This.

Every time I am out and about among ordinary people, I am amazed at their level of ignorance and their belief systems. Or should I say that I am amazed at the level of my own ignorance because I still do not know this after all these years of living? Why don't I just accept people the way they are and leave them be? But then, is this why I created this website? In any case - I have given them the opportunity to finally begin to think, instead of acting like parrots and repeat what they have been told?  Oh my God! Thy will be done... I accept and surrender...

I believe that we all need to surrender to What IS - and forget about complete control over our life. However, I feel that there are 'openings' in this surrender that leave room for our efforts and accomplishments to fill in the gaps. IOW: we are learning from the Lessons of Life we are subjected to. If not - what are we doing here but being robots? This would leave us with the questions: Are we here to learn to enjoy being a robot and who is doing the learning and why? As I see it, we are TIL - The Infinite Light in an individual form and this TIL-Form as Gerardus is acting out its Inner Essence the best ways he knows how...

This could mean - that we as humans might miss the mark - but there are an infinite amount of marks. Sooner or later we will hit one of them, and then the other, because we as this Essence have been giving (By The Infinite Light We Are) the capabilities to discern and implement what we have learned. This means, that our learning is equal to our progress. Meanwhile - the entire Universe is a Dreamland with an infinite scenery, in Time and out of Time, within which we dream-up or play an infinite Mind-Game that eventually brings us to the position to go beyond the Dream and be TIL as usual. Whatever that means or is. From there on in we do it all again and again. There's nothing else to do for an Infinite Source or Essence...

God is Creation - TIL is Creation. Could you explain to me the mystery of the miracle we call Creation? Response: I feel that no Being of any level of awareness will be able to explain in words or demystify the mystery of Life or Creation. Words do not actually explain anything since with other words we are able to explain its opposite (See next paragraph). Life or Creation is a dynamic and infinite Spectrum of Light within which only its shadows appear and disappear in a multi-dimensional setting - in and out of time. Many shadows or beings within Creation wonder about the mystery of their existence. Eventually, they may discover that they are the mystery in the first place - this does not mean however that they can explain it...

All things or concepts - true or not true - have their opposites that are also true. This is the same with 'Individual Souls' versus 'All is TIL' or only One Infinite Soul. Both positions are opposite points of view. Matter of fact both are true... and not true! The one says there is a hierarchical progression of individual human-souls and the other says - don't bother with all that - TIL is All Forms and it does not need to progress to any Place or State of Awareness because there are no individual Beings or Souls in the first place. Other examples are: 1) Free Will or no Free Will.  2) The World is a Lie. The Lie is what is Happening therefore it is Truth. The universe is an infinite Paradox! Which naturally is True and not True. All this means that what is True... or not True... is up to You to Clue...

Enlightenment is the Secret and the Joke
Everyone already is Enlightened.

Very few know the Secret - even less know the Joke.

The Secret is that there is no one to be Enlightened.
The Joke is that everybody is waiting for this Happening.

In the universal symbiotic relationship in which we live - there is no Good and Bad or Right and Wrong. There are only Lessons! Therefore all People and Beings fit precisely within our relationship. This means that the people who rule this world are not Humanity's Enemies. In a sense, the Illuminati-Cabal is like a 'tough love parent' to all of Humanity. Thus regardless of who creates our experiences - we need to be kind to all others. All circumstances in our life provide us with the opportunities to grow and gain wisdom. This wisdom or higher awareness will set us free. Once we gain a cosmic view on things we realize that a typically human view does not matter anymore. Human views are created and maintained by means of a lack of awareness...

Whatever happens in our world is not the result of a plan that is precisely adhered to. What happens, who does what, and who gets blamed for it - is not important either. The entire show on earth is meant to awaken those who are ready. Simultaneously, all the 'top-billing-actors' in the performance on earth are also working on their lessons. There are no losers - everybody is a winner. What I say here includes that there is a certain pre-planned or structure to the happenings in our world and those in charge know how to improvise these when it is necessary. The Caretakers of Earth and Mankind are most flexible and definitely do not suffer a nit-picker's mind...

The fact that we presently exist as human beings with different characteristics and levels of awareness, and the fact that some humans know that creation and our life is a dream - proves to me that there must be a dreamer and a dream-plan, within which we as humans are the dream-figments. Since we live in a multi-dimensional universe and we as humans are multi-dimensional ourselves, this statement includes that we are the dreamer of our infinite dream and create our dream-figments and realities as we like them. Therefore: I like you and I like me...

When we understand that there is no objective physical reality and that there is only cosmic energy - it is easier to understand that human beings can be used as energy sources for invisible beings who exist on different levels of universal energy or realities (The religions call these invisible beings Angels and Devils). All so called physical beings, things and creatures, including our neighbor's pet, are Vibrating-Energy-Clouds. So what are human beings? We are Vibrating-Energy-Clouds with different characteristics and frequencies existing on different energy levels of universal reality...

The universal level we exist on primarily depends on the awareness level we enjoy or endure. Objective physical reality is a complete and total illusion! A simulation of this illusion is created in our heads. It looks awfully real doesn't it? We all create our own reality from this illusion and mine is different than yours. In addition to this - possibly 99% of the total universal energy is invisible to us while only 1% is visible. We miss out a hell of a lot more than we catch...

We could see the whole cosmic-scene of existence in two ways: we exist and we do not exist - simultaneously! All this agrees with the paradoxical reality we find ourselves in. Namely: each Truth has an opposite that is equally True. This was mentioned on TriLite at one time and I agreed with it. However, there is one thing we could say - and it is always true - WE ARE THE TRUTH. This is true whether we live in a human body, or any other kind of body. For at all times, and no-times, we are the ALL!  Sometimes dreaming and sometimes awake...

There is nothing I love more than being what I Am.
I Am the Shadow of The Light I Am in all my Splendor

The unraveling of the 9/11 Fairy Tale began at 9/11. Coming to the conclusion that the entire 9/11 affair is a hoax takes place at different times for different people. These times are relative to the awareness levels of the individuals who need to do their own unravelling. For many of us the entire scene has become boring by now, but for those who are just waking up it is great bad news. More and more people need to awaken yet before the 9/11 affair finally can be laid to rest and all the so called criminals will go to jail as they usually do in an American Movie with a happy ending. The entire world (and universe) is a stage upon which we play our performances for the benefit of awakening all the appearances that seems to exist in the dream we call creation. Sooner or later, all figments come to the conclusion that they are the Almighty Dreamer in the first place...

I feel that all thoughts already exist! In other words, there are an infinite amount of thoughts and nothing is new within this infinity. For all Beings who are able to catch the thoughts they are ready for - everything is new at all moments. This differs for everybody - because we all have a so called personal mind (read blind) that has different filters and/or distortions. The universe is an intermingling or all thoughts or energies that penetrate all other energies or Beings. Within this energy-mixture the Observed and the Observer are the same. Now, all that is an enormous deep and wise statement possibly but what does it really mean in a 3D environment? It means absolutely nothing! That's why all thoughts in a 3D environment are enlightening and garbage simultaneously...

The purpose of the world for mankind is: to raise the awareness level of the human soul. This is why we are here! To raise our awareness level is a monumental task that takes ages and ages. This is why we as souls return again and again by means of incarnations. You do not have to believe this naturally. The operations of the universe work perfectly well, with, or without your personal beliefs...

The beings in charge of our world are responsible for our planet and the souls upon it. The entities involved in this, exist in the Fourth and Fifth Density or Higher. They have their roles and functions and so do human beings. We are here to learn! We are instruments of higher beings and we all function from different levels of inspiration. The purpose of our lifetimes is to awaken to what we really are! To raise the human-soul level of awareness apparently needs to be done by good and bad experiences. This is why there are times of peace, and times of war and suffering. Some cycles are 26,000 years long! Eventually all experiences bring people together as we see happening all around us...

What I am trying to say and sum up here is: that the Illuminati and their Secret Government, that rules the world from behind the scenes, are only actors playing their roles. So are all Presidents, Prime Ministers or any other so called elected or non-elected leaders of our world. They are not necessarily bad or evil people. They are inspired by higher beings and do what they are inspired to do or say. They are actors and 'play' their scripts. It is very unlikely that they know this! They play their role and most of them perform their functions in a semi-unconscious manner trying to look smart...

Life is like a movie with good and bad guys. When the movie is finished they all return to the same Hollywood Bar and have their drinks. To see through this role-playing-scenario makes one The Observer. I feel that people like the American Presidents and their staff, including Putin, Bin Laden and his people, as well as hundreds of other so called Leaders - do not see through this play. Neither do the billions of Humanity. All are emotionally affected by the play. Meanwhile, true Peace is an Inner Thing. War and peace in the world is an emotional roller-coaster. Sooner or later, we will all transcend that state of mind...

Our imagination is the Creator working/manifesting through us or by means of us. The Creator is the only One that exist! Meanwhile, some wise people know that they actually do not exist - for they know that they are figments in the Creator's Dream. Usually we call this Dream Creation. In other words - the Creator is Creation - or Consciousness doing its Thing! In human circles - this Thing is basically an Ego-Thing since Creation is chuck-full of selfish individuals. Meanwhile, all the many Expressions of the One are the One Creator posing as the Many. This posing takes place in its Dream...

An Enlightened Being sees everybody in the World
as an Actor playing a Role
in a Global Performance that is called Life on Earth.

Behind the Mask or the Personality you think you Are
lives an infinite Consciousness
wearing the Mask you most likely have assumed to be You.

Just to let you know...
Ever since 911 happened - I collected over 500 articles and letters about 911. Possibly, some of these articles could be of value to you. Look here!   Only when we investigate what has been going on - can we form an opinion of any value about it. And even then - we do not know the half of it. No person on earth knows it all. We Are The Truth and all we have are opinions...

Read all my Pages or some David Icke's books and you will understand that...
There are Invisible Forces behind and above the Political-Puppets who think they are in command. The Global Scenarios of "Life On Earth" go a lot (I say a lot), higher/deeper than our Three Dimensional Environment of Politicians, Religions and Bankers. Beings from other Dimensions/Densities are involved as well. Some people call them ETs. Then there are those involved who are in charge of Humanity and the Planet...

All things and all happenings are exactly as they should be. BECAUSE - we as Mankind are on earth in order to awaken to Universal Reality and Values - Life is about learning and awakening! The affairs of 911 are a Global wake-up call. Many fake attacks followed, and possibly more are to come. They all could be used for people to investigate 'what is' - instead of believing what they are told. The world is an incredibly big Lie!

I do feel that our DNA is activated by our experiences (including reading) and by the universal vibrations coming from the universe or life itself. This activation is speeded up for example in periods of awakening as we are going through presently. I also feel that our DNA is a direct physical representation of the infinite Soul or God-Being we are. Also, our DNA depends on what kind of body (family or race) we inhabit as this God-Being. I also feel that the God-Being we are and the body we inhabit are a matched pair for the one lifetime. The God-Being I am in other words, and the body (Gerardus), are a 'unit' for this lifetime and it is up to the God-Being to make the best of what it has to work with. The 'infinite' so to speak must make do with whatever Gerardus has got to offer...

Human Beings are an expression of Life or Truth. Human Beings are limited expressions of Life and therefore it is not very likely that Humans can express Truth with words - since words are limited expressions of a limited Human Mind. This means that we could discuss certain concepts forever and never resolve anything. We could say or assume that - We as The Whole have expressed ourselves into limited Human Beings in order to experience separateness on purpose. Meanwhile, we as Human Beings are able to see The Oneness of Creation or The Truth of Life. Could this mean that the purpose of living in separation has been accomplished?  I say YES!

People are like atoms, electrons, or other known or unknown subatomic wavicles, they appear and disappear and make up the Dance of Life. The Dance and the Dancer are One and the Same! This Dance in actuality is the Creator doing its thing! To me this means, that to pay attention and believe in the concepts of atoms or people, is not being able to see the forest because of the trees...

We Are Life - We Are Truth
As a Life-Being in Truth we have Opinions
Once we start to believe that these opinions are Truth
Religions are formed and we have lost our Way

We are the Truth and Opinions are what we Have
This is all we need to Know
Intuition will do the Rest - We must listen Often

All is Mind or Consciousness! We do not live on planets - we live in Minds. Possibly, Billions of Minds are so ego-enclosed that they are not aware that they are actually an infinitely small aspect of The Infinite Mind. When their ego dies they will get their inheritance. Only those who are awake - know this. All the rest is still asleep. Many dream about revenge and violence...

Sometimes I say: The world is a Lie!
For many reasons many people have trouble to accept this and/or understand it.

Here is the explanation...
To understand and accept why "The world is a Lie" - might become a lot easier when we realizing the following: the world and all its aspects are realities, pictures or images that are created by each of us in our own head/mind. We all form or create our own! There is no actual world out there some place...

Since we are all different people - we all have different 'assumptions' of this so called world. Which assumption is the Truth? Not one of them! The world is an Illusion in the first place. Our Life is our dream! The world is a Lie because all the stories we have been told and we believe in - are nonsense or lies. We have been brainwashed since our birth...

In addition to this: all individual dreams or illusions are different! All these different realities exist only in our own individual minds or heads so to speak. They all collapse upon awakening. Therefore I say: Wake up - the world is a lie or a personal hallucination - there is no world out there. Naturally, you do not have to believe this either. Just ask yourself - if there is no world out there - are there bodies with heads on them?  Did you get this Mary-Ann?  I sure hope so...

... Come to think of the above myself just Now ...
.. All I can say Is ..
... Life is an endless mystery full of Miracles ...

The Infinite Light or the Isness has free will and manifest itself as the created in which it lives. This means that the created have their 'free will say' since the Isness and its free will lives within them and speaks. So whatever happens is the way it should be - while in the end - the entire Creation is a dream. It is all 'cooked up' in mind of consciousness in the first place...

The time will come
that you do not care about
any enlightened or self-realized beings
to be your Teacher or Guru.
You will be your own Teacher or Guru
with or without them!

You are enlightened already
the trick is to realize that!

The GodSoul of Humanity sees all happenings on Earth from an enlightened or neutral point of view and it allows 'itself' all experiences. This GodSoul is as much us - as we are It. Progress in Awareness means getting closer to the viewpoint of the GodSoul We Are. This also means that the Observer is the Observed. Human Beings are dream-shadows trying to promote themselves towards The Light They Actually Are. It's a useless exercise - so why not just sit there and enjoy the show...

The world in general as most of us think we experience it, depends on the conditioning we have received from our parents and from the different educational systems. This begins at our birth! Before we realize what is happening, we believe and experience what we have been told. Beliefs and Thoughts create! This conditioning, belief or assumption could be a religion as well as a science. For example - we are taught that we live in a world where matter is solid. There is no such thing! Matter is at least 99.999999% emptiness. My Essence is The Real - Gerardus is the Lie...

Have we accepted the thoughts and ideas about ourselves as an actuality?
Or are these thoughts and ideas appearances in our dream
in which we think that we create our own reality?

This is why my Higher Self could or would say:
Gerardus or my dreaming self is a writer of tales. He likes to be busy writing. He also plays Chess a lot. Fine With Me! He knows that he is not an actual physical being for he is not deceived anymore by the impressions he gets from his physical body. Good Show! He sees through what is not actually there. Not to mention that this last sentence is an oxymoron...

I feel that there is only Consciousness or Mind - so all beings, things and happenings anywhere are mental phenomena. Above and beyond this mentality is something called Awareness. It is above and beyond mentality or mind! It is the One Thing that is the Observer of all beings, happenings and/or experiences. This Silent Awareness is what We Are...

This Awareness is aware of what is happening anywhere by means of its manifestations. This means that this Awareness is able to dream an infinite amount of dreams simultaneously. In one of these dreams there are human beings with a rather limited personal mind and think to be awake - but in actuality they are dreaming! Some humans dream that they create their own reality - which is only partially true in their dream. The paradox is that Life as Awareness is the Observer and Dreamer simultaneously. It is awake and asleep at the same time. We are and we are not - a perfect and infinite paradox...

Basically - there are only dreams within dreams within dreams! Etc. This continues until we as a dreamer wake up and say - dreams are experiences that seem to be real. Thus, all lifetimes are actually dreams! They are states of mind or consciousness having experiences. All this means that dreams, lifetimes, experiences and all happenings are only infinitely small episodes or short dreams dreamed by an infinite Dreamer. This Dreamer lives within us as Awareness having these dreams or experiences. We are this Dreamer or Awareness having these dreams! I love ice cream on cookies and if you do Mary-Ann? Let's have some...

Somehow, this Dreamer eventually fully awakens and what that is like I have not experienced. I dare say that I am in the awakening process and this process contains unlimited different levels of awakeness, enlightenment or wisdom. I as Gerardus am on one of these levels. Zillions of beings and people occupy these different levels of enlightenment. I am Awareness and dream that I am Gerardus. My aim is to make my dream as pleasant as possible. That's where the ice cream and cookies come in...

The Universal Mind is an Energy Matrix that creates
all the people who are trying to figure it all out
until they discover that it is their Whole Self
playing tricks on the ones they think they are.

( I like this one a Lot )

Could it be that all thinking is an ego-thing? Do we as egos know that the thoughts we think are not necessarily our own? Are we being lived and inspired by other Beings or Energies? Could these other Beings or Energies be the Highest Force of All? Could it be that this Force is not even aware what we think and that what we think is only for our own benefit?  WHY?  Well, if we are that Force in the first place, there is no need for it to know or think what we already think we know.  Here is a very nice question - is being fully aware beyond thought?

I feel that all viewpoints at any time, or no time, are choices of the individual within the multi-dimensional Oneness called TIL - The Infinite Light. Of Course - the entire Creation is a Dream or Illusion! And isn't it an absolutely amazing Dream or Performance that appears real to all of us? It is so amazingly amazing, because we all are different participating Figments or Aspects in that Dream, within which we are able to have and enjoy an infinite amount of different choices and viewpoints that have their reality in the One Awareness We All Are. Come to think of it - it's easy to explain but next to impossible to fathom. It seems to me that the less I understand - the more amazing my discovery of The Life I Am is...

.. Life is a Dream ..
... We need to discover that we are the Dreamer ...

... If and when we ever Awaken ...
! ... That's The Moment The Entire Creation Disappears ... !

... Luckily ...
... It only disappears for You - Not for the other Gremlings ...

I see the Akashic Records as our Individual Subconsciousness within the Infinite Subconsciousness. Our Subconsciousness is an infinitely tiny aspect or vibrational spectrum of The IS - The Infinite Subconsciousness. IOW - there are no two things or records! As a matter of fact, all is actually One Thing or Energy and as an aspect of the Whole we use the ability - to forget and to remember. We do the same thing in ordinary life - we set out to do something and then momentary forget what it was. Then we remember again! The older I get the more examples I could quote. Meanwhile, as far as I know this happens to young and old...

This "temporary forgetting" creates the Play of Creation for Billions times Billions of infinitely tiny aspects of the Whole. They all "think or feel" that they are separate from the Whole. This "think or feel" creates the ego and it takes on a life of its own. So, we semi-separate from the Whole and forget Who or What we are. Then - once again we reach within ourselves and find our way back Home. We are like Flowers reaching for the Light and we make up the map while we are traveling. No Being ever gets lost...

All the experiences we have in our lives are the sceneries and happenings in a dream we are dreaming. We are the infinite dreamer and sooner or later we awaken. The dream will continue but we will experience it from a different perspective. This perspective will make us aware that the dream in all densities or realities is an illusion. There is no objective reality anywhere! There is only the Energy of the Dreamer and its Dream...

The dream takes place in Consciousness. There is only One Consciousness. This Consciousness projects all happenings upon the screen of our Awareness. Awakening from our dream means that it is time for an enormous celebration for we understand now that all of us - wherever and whoever we are in creation - we will always only be figments or characters in our own Infinite Dream. The Dreamer You Are and the Dreamer I Am are One!

All human beings and all other entities universally
The Truth and The Reality
... The Infinite Light ...
in an infinite performance that takes place in mind only.

... We are dream figments of TIL being Itself ...

!  More Far-Out Statements Right Here  !