! ... Your Life is Your Work ... !
To create 'Inner Peace' is your Job. Our perception is a reflection of our own Mind.
Sending Love is an Action - Therefore expect a Reaction.
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Universal Life is Love or Awareness expressed into the infinite regions of creation and it is the manifestation of One Neutral Energy (ONE). We could call this ONE - the Creative Energy of the Universe. The expressions of the ONE maintains a Yin-Yang duality and this duality extends itself throughout all densities except for the last stages of 6D. There are many levels within creation and in the lower levels the created are subjected to different forces that play a great role in the creational drama. These forces and the experiences the created are subjected to - urge the created to the survival of their own kind. This is monitored by higher level forces of creation and adjusted whenever necessary. Creation is a forever ongoing process and the advancement or promotion of a certain group of beings within creation takes millions of years...
We as human beings find ourselves in what we call the Third Density Level and this stage is subjected to a Yin-Yang duality. The duality on planet earth extends itself into two lower density levels. These two levels contain the Animal/Plant Kingdoms and the Mineral Kingdom of the earth. See this maybe... The duality systems within these three density levels facilitates the progression of awareness of all beings and creatures upon earth...
Over millions of years, it has been established by those who created the soul occupying human bodies, that the fastest growth of the human soul in third density takes place when there are certain forces that create the different world scenarios humans are subjected to. They learn from these scenarios. In other words, human beings learn from the human conditions they experience. Eventually, all human conditions need to be transcended by the human soul. Souls are The Learners! Body-minds are appearing shadows and do not actually exist.
For more read this...
Because of their relatively low state of awareness, most human beings are not aware which forces work for or against them. They do not know for example that their minds and emotions can be controlled by other beings or entities. This means that the majority of human beings have a difficult time to climb the Ladder of Awareness and their progression is very very slow. Eventually they reach a level that makes them aware of which forces are friendly and which are not. In time, they discover, that all forces are conducive to human-soul progression. This progression is monitored by entities in the top density levels. Over the millions of years a certain Yin-Yang balance is maintained in the third density level that facilitates the expansion of human awareness...
I would like to point out by the following that there is a difference between trying to save the world compared to allowing peaceful changes to take place. What I mean is this: we are not here to save the world, or save anyone - we are here to become Aware! In the mean time, there is a place for people who have accepted peacefulness as their attitude and they might want to collectively promote their peace by being peaceful in meditation - individually or in groups. However, sending waves of Love and Light to others without being asked, might interference with the free will of others. How do we know for example what others want or need? When we send Energies unasked for, negative energies will be created as well. They work like a boomerang! For any action there is an action in reverse. Be careful therefore and know what you are doing. There is a fine line of interference somewhere...
... Propositions and Examples ...
As an individual I can learn to bend spoons with my mind and I can learn to create individual peace with my mind. But it is not right for me to bend your spoon with my mind or bend anybody's spoon with my mind. Also, it is not right for me to create peace in your mind with my mind or in anybody else's mind. The mind of others is their responsibility to change or not to change. It is their business! We all must make up our own mind. Neither is it desirable nor right for me personally, to create peace for you in your world, by changing your mind without asking - I would interfere. The state of your world is created by your mind. I cannot allow myself to change your mind or other people's mind. This would be a Free Will interference. Changing the mind of others is up to them. I am here to change my own mind only...
In the mean time, we can come together with 10,000 Peace Lovers and have peace meetings with those 10,000 people. As I see it - praying for Peace for the entire world however, is interfering with the mass mind or dream of humanity and their perceptions. It means changing the world to what the 10,000 Peace Lovers think it should be. How can they know what is right for others? This would be a Service to Self act! We are not here to change or save the world in general! We are responsible for creating our own Peace of Mind - we are not responsible for creating Peace for the whole world. How can we possibly know what others need? The general state of the world is a reflection of the inner state of the mass mind. We have no right to change the mass mind. This is up to the masses. That is their lesson! One at the time...
... Please Continue ...
Notwithstanding the fact that there is a certain duality balance in place in third density as the eternal background of the human scene, there are always certain people who feel that there is something wrong with the world. They have the need to fix or change the world into a Light and Love environment. They begin to send Light and Love or pray for those they see as indifferent or as Evil. This amounts to fixing the world their way. Those who want to fix the world, lack full awareness and therefore they are not capable of understanding that the entire scene on earth is an established and divinely proven curriculum. These world-fixers think that they know better than the co-creators in charge...
We need to remember that we can only change our own thoughts and not the thoughts of others. Changing the world therefore can only be done by changing ourselves! Not by changing others or by sending them Light and Love with the idea that this will change them. As a matter of fact this is a selfish act and it bounces right back at us in a negative manner. Any action has a reaction. There is no need to hit ourselves in the neck with our own energies...
The entire earth is a School for Souls and all Souls are students in this Cosmic School. In the mean time, we also need to take into consideration that all human beings are the creator in human form. This means that human beings ARE creators and have influences upon what they collectively create and experience. The reality experienced at all times then, is a combination of the curriculum established by those in charge AND the creative input of the humans on earth. This means that the more healthy creative input there is from the human side, the more the curriculum will be changed by those in charge to suit the level of awareness present. Our curriculum is a flexible reality...
The world and its human population is a Cosmic Experiment. It is a Creative Play and it is an experiment that extends to each and every human soul present on earth. Graduation from Third Density to Fourth or Fifth Density is rapidly approaching for many Souls. They need to develop the awareness to love and accept the way things are! The created scenarios on earth have been proven to be the right conditions according to the experiences by those in charge of the human experiment. In other words, those who want to fix the world - are mocking God by thinking they know better. Human Souls are students in the School of Earth. They are not the creators of the curriculum...
In order to be eligible to enjoy the next higher density level we need to have reached a certain level of awareness. This level is the awareness or understanding of how and why the human being fits within all other universal and environmental forces that play a role within the overall drama that takes place on earth. It means knowing and accepting "What Is". In my opinion, this knowing and accepting is sufficient to become eligible to begin to tackle the lessons of the next higher plane of existence. In the mean time, do not necessarily agree and/or accept what I say or write. I am a student myself! So, Mary-Ann, what you think, feel, study or do is your choice and business. Life is your work and responsibility...
... Something about being Human ...
We must remember that we as human beings live in an hypnotized state (We are God dreaming). We are deceived by the illusive concept of living in a human body. It's an illusion. We are Energy that looks like a human body when we live in this hypnotized state! When we pray while in this state, we pray as a hypnotized being. Would this awaken us? Not necessarily so! We also must remember, that all creatures or things are thoughts! In addition to this, many thoughts are able to create other thoughts that are able to create more thoughts again...
Our existences therefore are thoughts living with a hypnotized state of mind that creates more thoughts. All these thoughts create more thoughts within thoughts within thoughts. There is no end to it! There is an infinite amount of Mind or Thought. Also, a material objects are thoughts slowed down in vibration or frequency and voila - they become matter and we call them material things! All things are created by thoughts - because thoughts create. Also, we must remember here that Matter and Consciousness is a Continuum. The one is a form of the other. Beyond all this Mind and Thought - there is 'The Awareness We Are'. We are Awareness having thoughts - we are not the thoughts...
Let's discuss here what praying and or sending Light and Love to others really means. We are all authentic or whole Beings! For those in doubt please read that again. Also - we are all equals! The only thing different is that we are in different stages of evolutionary development or awakeness. In whatever stage we are, we are self-programmed and self-sufficient for what we need to learn. Although we are authentic and whole Beings - living in human bodies makes us forget that! So what have we got? We are authentic, whole or sovereign Beings - living human lives - and as these human creatures we have become conditioned (read brainwashed) by the teachings of the religions and other institutions...
These institutions brainwash people into a belief system. Believing is not knowing! We as human beings or souls need to outgrow these teachings in order to progress towards higher levels of the SoulBeing We Are. This Inner Teacher will guide us on our path once we have recognized this Inner Light. We will not be able to do this as long as we hang onto a religion or any other teaching...
Religions are power hungry institutions and since the Officials of the Religions have lost their own 'knowing' in the first place, they make this a Power Game to the Nth degree. For example - they invent Sin and Guilt. Forgiveness can only be supplied by the same people. Perfect mental monopoly game! All this is done with the help of the negative Aliens who help the Religious Institutions and their Officials by inspiring them. The result is that humanity is inundated with negative thinking. The negative Aliens control humanity for we are their bread and butter. They live off our energies! That's how and why they fit within the creational scheme. They live off our emotional energies, our suffering and our fears. All human emotions are energies...
Emotional scenes and suffering are created by the Religions, the World Bank and the Politicians (The Almighty Trinity). They create it by the ton! All three institutions combined (The Illuminati) are the instigators of all world scenarios which are planned and inspired by negative Aliens. They are in control of the world! The present Kali Yuga is a negative period of experience. Negative Aliens have influence over human thoughts and emotions, as well as that they are able to Time Travel. They influence and inspire our Leaders (read brainwash) and thereby are able to schedule any war or emotional turmoil at their convenience. Mankind however has some say in this, but we can only speak for ourselves. Not for others...
The world has been hijacked by negative Aliens who control mankind by means of the Corporate Business World. They have taken over the political scene by means of bribes and other measures. The world is ruled by money! Mankind is kept in the dark by those who rule them. The masses are brainwashed by their boob tubes and other mind control devices. Mankind is deceived and lied to by those who they presumably elected in their not so democratic elections. Money is more powerful than Voters. The Religions of the past used to call these invisible Alien Beings the Devil or Satan. To them Mankind is a sitting duck. The trick is to understand this! Understand what is true and the truth will set you free...
So, billions and billions of human beings are born into religious belief systems because their parents grew up in them. It works like a trap and it catches more and more of them. It's a system that maintains and multiplies itself. Multitudes are raised in a mental prison environment and they adopt it by default. Some even become trap-happy because they like it that way! They like to be told what to do. It relieves them of self-responsibility. They rely on others and it gets them going. Once at full speed however, they come to the conclusion that something is amiss. Bingo... small Awakenings! From there on in, they begin to look here and there and might fall into another trap. There are New Age traps by the thousands. Every new or different belief system is another trap. We do not come to earth in order to believe, we come here in order to know! We must know what is...
Are Religions necessary? Religions are necessary for those who need them! Those who need them attend the Kindergarten of Life as human beings - many of them are infant, baby and young Souls in human bodies. The Kindergarten Playground is an enormous big place. It more of less takes up our whole world. For the rest of us - it is time to prepare ourselves for grade One and all the rest of self-responsible Life...
By freeing ourselves from Belief System after Belief System, we eventually awaken to our own power and let it work for us. This does not mean that we have to pray in order to become self-empowered. Please note: I did not say that one should not pray if so inclined. Pray to the God of your Being - the God That Is! We are the Power and all we need to do is know this and use it. In the mean time, we move from density to density according to what we have experienced and have learned from. Our Awareness grows and grows. Eventually we become trap-wise and before we know it - a Christ is born looking at the neighbors who are Buddhas...