Article #3

Metaphysics is the study of Reality.

? What is Reality ?

Reality is what we Experience.
What we experience is the creator's dream.
What the creator dreams or thinks becomes reality.

!  We are this Creator  !

The only reality that is important in our life is the reality we experience...
The reality we experience is the reality we need and create. Our reality is a collective creation, but our perception is a personal one. Reality and its perception is different for every human being, because all of us are in different stages of evolvement or creativity and have different perception systems. Many people experience realities in which they have encounters with UFOs and their occupants. Naturally they have great trouble convincing other people what happened to them. Before we can explain what UFOs really are, we first of all have to understand what the basic medium of the universe really is. The entire universe is a "Free Flowing Vibration of Energy" which is infinite in its variety and diversity. It is our own Mind or Consciousness engaged in the process of creation!

The Universe is an infinite ocean of Universal Energy in Continuous Vibration. From this Vibrating Universal Energy arises All That Exists. This Vibrating Universal Energy is our own Mind or Consciousness engaged in the Process of Creation. Our personal mind is an infinitely tiny aspect of the One Universal Energy or Mind...

There is but One Mind...
All things in the universe are vibrations of energy and all vibrations differ in frequencies and patterns. What vibrates is Energy, Consciousness or Mind. Some people call this Spirit or Aether. The diversity of all vibrations is the basis of all existence. Specific types of vibration produce our reality, visible as well as invisible! Cosmic vibrations naturally include UFOs and we'll discuss some of these phenomena later. The question whether or not some people experience extra ordinary experiences has always been difficult for the rest of mankind to believe and whether these experiences are true or false has often been an endless topic of conversation...

Whatever anybody experiences is real to the person who experiences it...
Many people infer that certain people suffer from self induced hallucinations and that certain things only take place in their mind. This is literally true! For all things take place in everybody's mind. There is no Physical Objective Reality and there is only ONE mind! This one mind is the universe we live in and are! We all live in and share this One Mind or Consciousness and when something unusual is experienced by one man, it is experienced by all of us in a semi-subjective manner! The majority of mankind is unaware of what happens in this One Mind. Even the most sensitive among us are still far too dense to be aware of all that goes on. No one Being can know All happenings...

Some experiences are indeed very unusual...
We cannot classify unusual experiences as unreal or nonsense however. Life in the physical plane is a creative endeavor and it is experienced by our soul. This endeavor becomes reality for the vehicle or body we think we live in. The soul actually experiences all events and the physical body is the facilitator of the daily occurrences that take place in the plane of the physical. The plane of the physical is also called; the plane of separation, the plane of isolation or the plane of illusion! The plane of illusions is indeed a very appropriate name, because all things we experience are not what they seem to be. All things in the physical are a perfect illusion! Our body and its senses deceive us. It is meant to be this way!

The human body or vehicle is a complexity of energy vibrations...
These energy vibrations of our body are accepted as a material substance by our conscious mind. Our body however, does not consist of matter, or any other kind of solid substance! Our body is a vibration of cosmic energy of great complexity and it is superimposed by another and superior complex of vibrations. This super-imposed complexity is the vibration of our soul who is trying to control the human vehicle. The body is under the command of the soul like a taxi is under the command of the driver. At physical death the complexity of energy-vibrations that make up the body and the vibrations of the soul separate. Our soul continues on its journey. The soul is an everlasting aspect of the universal mind. Human souls are aspects of the universal mind like hobbies are aspects of human beings. We all are the one mind with different functions. These functions are determined by the free will of the individual soul and the need of the whole. They are endured or enjoyed by the human character or personality. The world is our stage. All of us are actors...

What really experiences human life...
The body is only an instrument or vehicle and the Soul is the actual force that lives and experiences our life. The body and its senses are the facilities that are used by the soul to live in the physical. The body's significance is of a temporary nature only. In this period of our creative sojourn we make a lot of fuss about our bodies. This only proves that we are next to unaware of our greater Self. However, without the body, the soul would not be able to exist in a physical reality. The physical reality is a sensory reality and what we create or construct from the "cosmic energy force fields" in our environment or reality - is the world as we know it. We do the same thing when we look at a movie or at a TV screen. What we accept as real is not really there. What we are looking at are vibrations of energy! The human perception mechanism produces what we think we see or experience. What we experience is a very crafty and beautiful illusion! This illusion is experienced when we live in a physical body, because the body mind and its senses are the producers of the show inspired by the Free Will of the Creator Within - the Soul. Not all Souls are in control of the bodies they live in however. The body or body mind has a will of its own. The world is made of Dreamstuff! Welcome to the magic of physical reality. Dreamstuff or the vibrations of Consciousness is the only thing that exist!


First of all we must remember that all things in the universe are vibrations of universal energy. All these energy vibrations have different frequencies and all vibrations have different patterns or complexes. Also, we need to understand that these energy vibrations take up no actual volume of space and therefore many different patterns of vibrations can take place within the same local or environment. What we know as Space therefore - is not something that is empty. Space is full of vibrating energy! Most of these vibrations are beyond our detection. The activity or vibration we are aware of, in what we call space, is the activity that forms the physical universe as we know it. The activity of the physical universe could well be less than 1% of the total action.

In an instant they change their forms and appear to us as physical beings...
Whenever UFOs and their operators enter our energy fields or our physical reality system, they emerge from the invisible into the visible regions of creation. They do this, by lowering their vibration's frequencies. They were present at all times, but now they have become visible. Normally we look right through them! That is why, in many cases, these vehicles seem to appear from nowhere. These beings have control over their energy and they can appear to us as almost anything. In an instant they change their forms and appear to us as physical beings. Physical beings are "energy vibrations" that lie within our visible spectrum. Most likely, all UFO beings have x-ray vision and can see through brick walls or bathroom doors. They know our whereabouts at all times. They could even touch our valuables in a steel safe, for they are not bothered by walls of steel or concrete. We on the other hand are only equipped with surface vision and a brick wall will stop us pretty quick.

All creatures and things are Cosmic Energy Vibrations...
UFOs and their operators actually move from thought to thought since all things in the entire universe are only forms of mind or consciousness! The entire universe, visible and invisible, in actuality is our mind or consciousness! We share this mind or consciousness with all creatures and things in the universe. All creatures and things are Cosmic Energy Vibrations and all these vibrations make up our day to day environment. We all live in worlds within worlds and none of them is of a material substance. Matter as we think of it... does not exist! What we call matter is a certain type of vibration that takes place within a certain frequency band. This frequency band or range contains all known and unknown phenomena that take place in our physical universe. Scientists think that about 90% of the universe is missing. They might come to this conclusion, because they are only using 10% of their total mind. Which is not all that bad; for most people use only 5% of what is available. Could that be the reason why all of us keep returning to this earth, again and again, in order to claim what's missing? Since mind or consciousness is all there is in the universe - the expansion of the physical universe really is the expansion of our mind...


The human population in its entirety is the result of a gigantic cosmic experiment. We are this experiment in progress. We have been evolving from the beginning of time. Our Guardians or Older Brothers are responsible for our welfare! As soon as we become self-aware however, we become responsible for our own progress. Often this is the most critical stage! In this stage, a few of us have reached self responsibility, while others still like to be told what to do. These people will be dominated by those who like to control humanity by means of their political or religious philosophies. In the future however, the world of mankind will slowly enter a phase of government without exploitation. This will be a phase of love, trust and cooperation. The time of aggression, competition and phony belief systems is almost passed. The UFO visits of the past were required to conduct experiments and supervision.

There are also ET Aliens in higher densities however
who take advantage of human beings and drain their energies.

For more on this read: What Is...Is!

In the future a more direct contact with our guardians will take place for the time of isolation will have past. Meanwhile, many different kinds of UFO beings visit our planet and it is possible that many Space Brothers know more about us than we know about ourselves...

All of us are the Creator in different form...
The relationship between our Guardians and ourselves is similar to the relationship between ourselves and the animal world. We all are "The Universal Creator in Manifestation" and neither of us is any greater or better than any other. All of us are the Creator in different form! Naturally, this also means; that an ordinary virus, however nasty, is as much the Universal Creator as the most powerful spiritual entity in all its glory! In no way therefore, should we as human beings be ashamed of our relatively low level of evolution compared to our Older Brothers or any other Entity. We all are equals and mind-aspects of each other. All Beings in the universe are children of the Infinite Source of Creation or the One Force we refer to as Consciousness or Mind. This Essence is the very medium in which all things are thoughts or "vibrations of energy". All things are this Essence. There is nothing else but this Essence...

Many of them do not have the faintest idea what it is the be human...
Apparently there are many different kinds of UFOs and anybody who is anybody in the UFO business, naturally visits its neighbors or distant relatives. After all, it only takes a second or two to think of them and you're there! UFO visits therefore are a common phenomena in our world and all occurrences are aspects of a cosmic relationship. We all learn from these visits and this includes UFO beings. Many of them do not have the faintest idea what it is like to be human or to be taken aboard. The people who are taken aboard are examined and they possibly might be experimented with in order to assure that the proper vehicles are available for human and other souls in future stages of evolution. There are also Aliens who take advantage of human beings. We are the Creator and we all play the Game of God in accordance with our own level of awareness...

~ Metaphysics is an Explanation of Life by means of Words ~