!  Yada Speaks - People Listen  !

Lecture by Yada di Shi'ite


Yada: I came with the idea of talking on man's adventure into space but I was listening to you and you were talking, in part, on a subject that is called psychosomatics, so perhaps I will talk on this for a little while at first and if we have time we will go into the subject of space, which I would like to talk about.

Irene: We would like to hear you talk on it. Do you want to talk on psychosomatics first?

Yada: Yes, I think so because it is, at this time in your world, becoming of greater note, as it were, with your physicians and surgeons. The more educated psychiatrists are very much aware of this and have been for a long time. Medical doctors and surgeons do not do very much to encourage this line of teaching because it tends to force them to put away their drugs and witches brew. It also forces the surgeons to delve into a person's personality before they start cutting.

Many, many operations that are performed on you people today are truly not necessary, but it has become a money-making thing with these men of medicine and surgery, so naturally they do not want to lose their livelihood.

I start with the theory that we of the Circle have held to be more of the truth than your medical men want to agree upon. Your biologist will tell you that everything a human being is, he is because of his genes and chromosomes. This is true enough. I have no argument with it except that they omit how these chemical substances can contain within themselves, a characteristic called music, or any other of the creative arts. Is there a gene that is a musical gene? If so, how does it get that way? Pretty soon we have to go all the way back, but not to Adam and Eve because they were not made of genes and chromosomes. They were made of mud, and so we have to omit them. But this poses a great difficulty. Who started the building-blocks? Who started to manufacture the building-blocks called genes and chromosomes?

Of course you are aware that the Adam and Eve story is a fable for the unthinking, the unlettered, the irresponsible, so we will forget that. We know, those of us who have made a study of living things, know that everything comes from cellular substance. The first cellular substance started by chemical combinations of what is called in your world today atomic structure pulling to itself other chemical pieces you call the atom, pulling them together to make molecules; not only pulling them together, but arranging them in certain given quantities and arrangements, certain arrangements of the molecule. Would you agree to this?

From your own studies you have become aware that in the distant beginning of things came first the one-cell beings. These were moved around mostly, they were put in action by light. The greater the light, the greater the motion, the more moving, the more scurrying around for substance to keep themselves alive.

Why must they stay alive? For only one reason - to get experience. To get experience in given environments. What good is this piling up of experience if there is no urge on the part of the experiencer, or experimenter who dwells within that one-celled being, being able to use that experience again after his form has been destroyed? So we have, right down to the one-cell being, what you call the amoeba, survival of the death of the physical body.

What survived? The motivating force, the energies. These little energies are like recording discs. Recorded on a kind of radiation. This is what the Life-force is - radiation. Now, this radiation we call consciousness, life.

Many, many things are conscious but all things are not self-aware. Man today gained self-awareness by many, many experiences. When this life-force, this little consciousness, comes again to a given environment, it will build a body that has a greater survival unit in it. Gathering this knowledge from the past experiences, it will create another body that will conform to that environment. The environment does not conform to the living entity.

Now, as what is called time moves on and all body structures suffer a variety of changes and needs of change, need is recorded in this conscious little being. There comes a time when reproduction by the process of splitting (which happens in these one-cell beings) is not adequate. It produces nothing more than more of the same kind of bodies; one-celled beings. So little by little through the law of accumulation of experiences, a change in the method of reproduction was made. The idea was formed in its inner life, in the consciousness of this little being, to gather many cells together. By so doing it had better opportunity for survival. Now every experience that has been had through the many, many ages of earth life by all things, each gets impressions according to its needs and the way it reacts to its experiences in any one environment.

There is no experience ever lost and the only reason that this is true is because cells are the little recorders. Experience is taken down into what is called the subconscious mind of that particular one, whether it happens to be human or anything else. In living things nothing is lost. No thought, no feeling is ever lost because thought is given strength and given life by the amount of feeling that one registers along with the experience, in short, by their emotional attitudes to their experience. This is why we have said how important it is for us humans who are seeking, to stop making bodies and to go back to our higher consciousness, to get control of our emotions so as not to make too deep an impression of some of our experiences upon the subconscious self. So you can see the importance of emotional control. Now, if we want to come back, we can mark our experiences with a charge of emotion, build up a feeling on what has happened to us, concentrate on it and make it something important.

R: That is a very important point in magic.

Yada: This is so, because he has injected into his actions a great amount of emotional attachment, or vital energies. He has impressed every cell in his body with his experiences, or experiments. Let us look at one having a psychic experience. Almost always there is a great charge of emotional force or energy expressed in these kinds of experiences. When we are at a high level of emotion, either in anger or fear, we can send a telepathic thought or an image of what is happening to us. In receiving, the receiver does not have to be emotional or at any hugh emotional pitch. Indeed, it is just the opposite. It would be better if he were quiet, but the sender should be experiencing something that would excite him to put him at a high level of what you call emotional attitude.

Irene: You were saying that man cannot study certain subjects very long. Is this because....

Yada: Because they are not yet recorded on what is called the Great Mind. There are discoveries made by experiences, yes, experiences of only a few informed, but there was no need for these things for the masses. After many, many have had such experiences, then your ability to study them will increase because all are helped by this great one consciousness, but if there is no recording of these things in this great consciousness, there is no way of tapping them, or if there is so little recorded there regarding these subjects, only a rare few can tap them. Do I make myself clear? It is very difficult.

How many men were there that had the experience called inspiration to write your Christian holy book? Not many. So what had to happen? These writings had to be spread to many before this mind could be tapped in any continuous way on these subjects. Same way with inventing something. Why is it so difficult to invent something new?

Irene: You have to create a new thought pattern.

Yada: This is so. The majority of the cells of the brain - and there are not millions, but billions of them - have no experience; all the consciousness that they have is what they are. In making a brain, let us say, they are thinking brain cells, brain consciousness, the organ called the brain. Or if it is a liver cell, it thinks liver, not in that word but in that chemical composition. It is the kind of chemical that can, with other cells of the same nature, combine to make liver, heart, kidneys. Everything has a consciousness of its own. Now, one coming into the world, this one is a very special unit of consciousness due to its many, many kinds of experiences of the past. In its unconscious self are all the patterns as to what kind of body it will make.

It does not have to do what is called think about it. It is all there in its unconscious self, stored up there from many experiences, very personalized experiences. Now, when one has an experience, all the body-self has the experience. Now, I speak of what you call the conscious self. When the conscious self is having an experience, it relays all this knowledge to the mental self, not only through the nervous system, but through the chemical self. All the chemicals of the body are affected, making minute changes here and there by an experience either in the external world, or in a sleep state, or in any state, it is recorded.

Not everything goes through the conscious self, and by the conscious self I mean the self that feels its awareness, self-awareness. Most of us have what is called self-awareness; that self is the physical self, the emotional self. The higher self has very little of it, very little awareness of what the emotional self is doing, because it can give no emotional response, it does not take emotional attitudes. Only the lower self can get emotional attitudes because the emotional self is hooked up with the nerve self, with the nervous self, the nervous system, and it feels everything that is going on through that nervous system which is tied to the senses.

R: Yada, if we studied our emotions and discovered a way to get hold of that power that is contained in the emotions, then we could use that power constructively for whatever we wanted to.

Yada: This is so. Again, this is one of the greatest reason for emotional control, so that we will have the energies to put into action regarding something that is important, useful, constructive to us. This business of becoming greatly excited about unimportant things that are of no real value to us is wasteful, in fact they are destructive and they create destructive thoughts in the cells of the body. They are the producers of ailments of all kinds.

Coming into the physical world through the biological path, it is all these experiences, all these attitudes I should say, to experience that one, or man, has had all down through the endless ages that are entered into. They are all accumulated. They are all there in our great unconscious self. I do not like the word unconscious self but it is all right, it is a very good picture of what is happening in the field in which it happens. One's nightmares may be produced by what has happened to our great, great, great grandfather and has been handed down to us. There is no such thing as new matter.

R: Then, Yada, what governs the genes and the chromosomes?

Yada: It depends upon the father and mother, they take...

R: I was not referring to that. I mean when the incoming entity is going to build a body, it has a certain amount of genes and chromosomes....

Yada: It takes 24 from each.

R: Are they chosen at random or are they particular genes? If for instance, you say a child can have a nightmare because of a particular gene that has been impressed with an experience that the great grandfather had, who chooses that particular gene to enter the body of the child?

Yada: It is not a particular gene. The incoming entity contains within it, experiences that the great, great grandfather had. Not all, but some, you understand. Let us say the eye colouring. Mother or father do not have this eye colouring but great, grandfather had it and the incoming entity is using genes and chromosomes that have, themselves, been passed down through the ages.

R: But nothing happens by chance. How does it choose? What governs? Does it choose the colour of the genes...

Yada: It does not choose it. It makes its own impressions.

R: Yada, could you say that the incoming entity has its own path to follow and this serves as a magnet to select what genes and chromosomes he chooses?

Yada: That is good. That is right. You see, it all goes back to what I said. In the unconscious self are what are called attitudes toward things, to experiences of one's self. Many of us do not like ourselves. We do not like the way our face is, or something about our bodies. We look in the mirror and every time we do this we are disappointed because we do not feel the way we look in the mirror and this, in itself, can bring about a change regarding eye-colouring, skin tone, etc.

Many people, carrying over with them memory patterns of how dark skinned people are treated, build up such a resentment against coloured skin that they cannot make another coloured skin body. They build up a wall against it, a psychological attitude or wall against their ability to come back with coloured skin again. Now when one begins to see that skin is not important except to evolution, the evolvement of a race, they may find themselves, because of acceptance of coloured people, forming an attachment to them and they may build a thought of building a coloured skin body for themselves.

You know the teachings of a man who lived on your earth regarding what you call evolution? Darwin. He taught of an action called selectivity, and this is so. All incoming consciousness has this ability to select. They are not conscious of doing this, but it is there and they select as best they can for the purpose.

R: This is the picture I was trying to express. The incoming entity, without being aware of it, does its own selecting.

Yada: Yes, it selects by feeling. Feeling from attitudes it has acquired by experiences, and these are all written on what are called genes and chromosomes. One coming in with thoughts of his own, as we all do, can select these little recording tapes, chemical substances psychically recorded. You know if I could express in the proper words to you the mechanics of this, you would get a far better picture of mental activity, or psychic happenings, and you would see that all creation is a psychic experience. It is creative. All forces are mental.

R: Yada, the cell has a definite pattern and rate of vibration. Then an experience impressed upon this vibration is very similar to the voice that is impressed upon the carrier wave of a radio station. It does not affect the basic pattern of the carrier wave, yet it is recorded on the carrier wave.

Yada: This is so.

R: In a similar way the experience of the cell is impressed on the cell and while not affecting the basic pattern of the cell, the cell thus carries the experience.

Yada: I agree, yes. Thank you. You see, one of the important parts of this work is having little private sessions like this with you and being able to put in your thoughts and your ideas according to your understanding which so often is true, and I know them, but I sometimes do not have the words that you have, so you are every bit as important to this work as I am. We cannot work without one another.

Genes and chromosomes. The chromosomes are like little strings which the genes are attached to, like pearls. Mind gives them intelligence, life. Alone they are but chemical compositions, chemical compounds.

Speaking about cell-splitting, this is all right. It is the memory pattern of all living things. It is the memory of the time when the one-celled being reproduced itself by splitting and then separating to make another full and complete cell.

R: Yada, in the beginning, the one-celled being split by accumulating an electrical charge which was of greater strength than the physical strength of the cell, so it pushed itself apart, and in so doing it formed the first little track in space or memory pattern for other cells to follow.

Yada: That is right. What you say, again, I agree with, that the psyche, the mental self is in operation here. This energy is mental and sometimes there is too great a charge operating for one cell to contain, and so it causes this pushing and breaking apart because there is enough energy there for two cells. When this happens it will be noticed (again we go back to the history of cell splitting) what did the first cell-splitting do? It always produced a very similar thing to itself, to the first cell that split, and it happens again in your present time and produces what you call twins, identical twins, because you had the one cell there that simply divided. It did not make anything new. It made one thing.

Irene: This is what happens when we have what we call Siamese twins. They have not gotten completely apart.

Yada: Yes, they do not get completely apart. There is a little tie-up along the line of splitting when the splitting starts to take place. If you could, and I do not know if they can today, go right down to the cells and see when the splitting takes place, often there is no complete split but the joining together is in identically the same place in the cell as will show itself when that cell becomes a full-grown being, and it will produce two people joined together. It is joined together in the seed in identically the same place; sometimes in the chest bones, sometimes in the back, sometimes in the head. There have been many cases that you today would call freaks where only legs and lower part of the second twin is showing.

Irene: Or else two heads and nothing else.

Yada: Yes.

Irene: Just last week, Yada, they operated on twins, Siamese twins that were joined at the breast bone. They were complete units in themselves. There were two sets of organs, the two sets of lungs, two livers, and everything.

Yada: No attachment in vital organs?

Irene: No. They think the operation will be a complete success but grafting of skin will take place.

Yada: Such an operation is fatal only where the two are joined together in some vital organ where perhaps all of a vital organ is in one body with just enough protrusion into the other body to make it impractical to perform an operation without the death to both people, or at least one.

Irene: Yada, is this just about the same thing that takes place in an egg having two yolks?

Yada: Yes, you have the same thing going on there, division of seed. It often happens in plants. In anything that is cellular these things can happen. Now the question arises, do these identical twins, or let us say identical amoebas, do they have two souls? Of course. But we ask ourselves, what is soul? We say spirit. What is spirit? We say mind. What do we mean by these words? What is the nature of the activities these labels are put upon? You see it is important to try to get an answer to these questions before we can find what is the cause of certain kinds of activity in your physical world.

Irene: We were talking of hare-lips.

Yada: This, of course, is inherited; this is a fissure in the cells, a cellular weakness, a break.

Irene: It seems that this is more prevalent in some countries than in others. Over in Laos it seems that hare-lips are rather...

Yada: This is a cell condition of these people. It is a cell weakness in a race of people, or a tribe of people. This becomes more prevalent in races due to inter-marriage.

Irene: Years ago it was quite common for a baby to be tongue- tied. There was so little flexibility of the skin under the tongue that the tongue could not move freely and speech was impaired.

Yada: Do these things happen for no reason? It is a weakness of the cells, a break, or fissure, or condition of the cells. But did it start out of nothing? No. It started out of certain mental attitudes to experiences somewhere. Somewhere the mental self was so impressed that it again produced the same conditions in the cells of another person.

Irene: Could this happen by means of a mass pattern? Could it have been caused by the young one being told to be quiet?

Yada: No, it is something more vital than that, something with a much greater impact, and it may have been started by an intentional deforming in certain tribes of people, a deforming of the mouth in some way and the mental pattern then is carried over and passed on to other tribes and races of people by marriage, and all that sort of thing.

Let us go to the Ubangi people. They deformed their women, not because they thought that this was beautiful, but because other tribes admired their women and would raid them and take their women away. So to stop this, they performed this splitting of the lip and enlarging the lip. Now this can be so marked in the minds of these people that they can, in time, produce children with lips formed this way, or with some looseness and flabbiness and all this.

I say to you in all sincerity, there is no experience that any living organism has, that it does not record and tend to reproduce at some other period of time. I say that all created things come from the Great Mind. What you call Cosmic Consciousness.

Let us say a certain individual has a particular kind of body, or certain markings on the body. As these are admired or desired, the impressions of these marking are slowly impressed upon the genes and chromosomes of this race of people, and are slowly passed down from generation to generation and finally begins to show itself.

How do things change? Out of what? Out of the need found in the environment. If we go to the sea, we see things coming out of the sea. They want to live on the land. Many millions of years pass, and gradually, they do come up on the land. But they find they cannot survive for any length of time, so they make a change. Then each time they come, they stay a little longer. They reproduce the conditions first in their mind and feeling for their environment. Their environment demands that they produce feet of some kind so as to survive on the land. Also there is a great need for something called lungs to survive in the less dense atmosphere. One must have a different kind of breathing apparatus. It is first created in the psyche. We have a thought, an idea due to a feeling for what is needed. Isn't that wonderful? Isn't that marvelous? A feeling gives what was once a breathing-in-the-water being, lungs. Before, it had gills; now it has lungs.

The porpoise is very smart. Very smart. Due to long association with human beings, they developed a human attachment and soon a brain that is very closely related to the human emotional system. At some time, porpoises, as such, will disappear. The life-force that has acquired this amount of human attitudes will begin to produce itself in human bodies. This is the evolvement of mind.

R: Mind is always evolving, is it not?

Yada: Yes.

R: Does it not always need this form of expression before it evolves into what we call a human body? So, are not porpoises needed for this particular wave-length?

Yada: Yes, but it will not be needed. There will no longer be any need for this particular species. Let us look at what is called the ant, the simple little being who is very complex.

R: It has been here for millions of years.

Yada: It has always been an ant.

R: This is what I think about the porpoise. It is a form that mind must get experience through just before it goes into what we call the human form.

Yada: Yes, but this is not necessary. This is only one of the forms that consciousness involves itself in. But go back to, let us say, the ant. The ant has no need to change. It is a complete thing in itself. It has all the needs it needs. The consciousness that became what we call ant consciousness had no need to do more than to build ant bodies.

In as complex a form as the porpoise there came a need for more growth. This to change the body because it cannot have the experience that it needs while in that kind of body. This change will come about through what is called individual experience of the porpoise.

R: It is getting this through man's help.

Yada: This is so. If at all, it will be millions, millions of years yet before such things as the anthropoids will become human-like (now the anthropoid is looking very smart but he is not smart) and he does not have human feelings yet. His association for human beings is not true. The porpoise has more of these human feelings, more attachment than the anthropoid.

Irene: When you say this, I am reminded of the porpoise rescuing people who are drowning. They push them to the shore.

Yada: Yes, they have a strong love and attachment for human beings.

R: They have found that the killer whales talk among themselves as much as does the porpoise.

Yada: Yes, but this animal has a lot of viciousness in him yet. Speaking of that, I should think that he, too, would be associating with man. Yes, there are many animals that have strong attachments for man, for human beings. The dog has a very strong attachment for human beings, but it is going to take a longer time for the dog species to die out than it will for the porpoise to die out. Porpoises are unselfish. Now it appears that the dog is unselfish, but this is not entirely true. Dogs have attachment that is felt more within their own dog-nature. They have no human attachments, no human feeling for the experiences they are having. The porpoise has a kind of human attitude in his experiences.

Irene: Once in a while, Yada, a dog will express itself as though it understands.

Yada: Yes, very much so.

R: But it seems that a larger number of porpoises are more or less inclined to be human.

Yada: Yes, there is more mentality in the porpoise than in the dog, even though the dog emotes and shows sympathies, sadness, gladness, and it will rescue people, his master, and sometimes an utter stranger that is in distress, but to the dog there is a kind of dogness that is very difficult for him to get away from. It belongs to the dog consciousness. It has more mass consciousness than individual consciousness.

Now, strange, and many people do not know this, but the pig is a very smart animal, very smart. Much smarter than the horse, and in some cases smarter than the dog. The only reason it is not what you Americans call played up is because it is such an uncouth looking animal. Only when it is real small, real young is there something cute about it.

R: Yada, do you think the human consciousness is seeking to go into space, going back home as you have called it? Do you think that the human consciousness is trying to express itself in another form or attempting to experiment and find out more about itself, so to speak?

Yada: Yes. Now you have led me back into the talk on space and man's adventure therein.

Irene: Before you talk on space, will you talk a little more on the genes and chromosomes? We were wondering if they are in the spermatozoa when the male and female mate?

Yada: This is so. When the twenty-four from the father enter the body of the mother, then you have a gathering up of twenty-four from the mother. When the seed enters the egg, they take this combination of cellular substance and impress their feeling on these. They express what is in the mind, in their unconscious self, or in the part of the cosmic mind that is dwelling within them. This moves these forty-eight chemicals around, blends them, causes a motion in them called crossing over, and all such activities produced by the mind of that entity; by his thoughts on eye structure, etc.

It is amazing because, as I say, this is all done psychically, mentally. These chemical substances are arranged and set into motions and vibrations that are produced by the mind of that entity, by his thoughts on eye structure and so forth. These chemical substances are arranged and set into motions and vibrations that create a psychic feeling about the eyes that is of the same pattern that the parents, the grandparents, or even the great grandparents had.

Irene: Does the mind of the incoming entity make the body male or female also?

Yada: The incoming entity chooses body substance which it marks with a male thought, or a female feeling.

R: Yada, are there exactly twenty-four from the father and mother or is it twenty-two, or thirty-two?

Yada: It really does not matter whether there are thirty-two, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four.

R: Then, Yada, we get the impression that certain, let us say, departments of the physical body, each produce a certain type of gene, and there may be 24 different departments, or 30 or 40, we don't know and it doesn't matter. There are many more of these in both the father and mother but only 24, one of each kind, enter the union.

Yada: It is so. To think that the body of one carried only 24 for all their life - is there no change? Is there no adding to or taking from?

It is like the brain. You know the brain consists of billions of cells. It is of no use my saying 10%, 20% because this would not make very much reasoning, but there are only a very few, relatively speaking, very few cc's of grey substance, or brain structure, that is used by one in a lifetime of 20 years or 100 years, but there are times when there are more of these cells used by some individuals than there are by others. Again, we use more brain cells in one part of our lives than we do in another part of our life. Let us say that in the early part of our life we are using a greater number of brain cells than, let us say, twenty years later, or forty, or fifty years later. Not only this, but very often there comes, by the aging process, such chemical changes that the body cannot produce energies that will activate the brain cells that he has been using, so he becomes more and more what is called senile because the brain cells he is using are harmed by age or by disease.

Sometimes, when certain brain cells have been damaged, let us say by a blow on the head, or by certain diseases, these can be by-passed and others that were not harmed can be put into action, can be activated. But it takes one in your physical world, what you call a psychiatrist or an experienced person who understands brain function and nerve function, to help this injured one, to by-pass the injured brain cells and use others that are not injured.

Sometimes, in what you call a retarded child, this can be done, and the child, if it is due only to brain damage, cured. But not if it is due to seed damage, to seed weakness; then the chance of performing a cure for such persons is practically impossible.

Your medical world and your psychiatristic world will sometime discover that damage to the auditory nerve and other nerves in that area, can be by-passed and one can learn to hear again. But this will take a great deal of work. The same thing in blindness. Many people suffer blindness in the physical eye when the ailment is not in the eye itself but in the brain cells that make vision. In time you will find ways of by-passing these cells which may have suffered from lack of nerve energy through fear, frustration, or through a sickness. Sometimes the sickness you call measles will cause blindness. The optic nerves are injured. You will find ways of by-passing the injured optic nerve, or you may find ways of re-establishing the injured nerve if one does not wait too long.

In mentally-emotionally created ailments, in the beginning there is no organic injury or difficulty. There is a nerve block created by emotional attitudes, fear being the basic cause of its condition; it is this fear that produces a kind of shock to the nerves.This shock, if left to go on, is then impressed upon the nerves and may affect any organ of the body at any time.

There is coming a time when your scientists will find a way to prevent growths of a malignant nature in the body. But before they do that, they will have to find the answer to growths of any kind in the body, for what is not normal to the body should not be left there when created, and should be stopped from being created.

Irene: If this does not stop or interfere with a lesson the individual is supposed to learn in carnate life.

Yada: If this does happen, then the individual will find some other way to make retribution or re-payment for his negative thoughts.

Irene: Do you suppose, Yada, that because we are in this Aquarian Age, man will become more aware that he is here for experience and he will outgrow the thought of retribution?

Yada: Yes, it will not be necessary. Man will come to learn that life is for experience, and he will not get within him the cause for suffering. Fear, anxiety, guilt, guilt being the strongest of these, causes us to feel the need for punishment. When one comes to the realization that life is for experience, that nothing is good and nothing is bad, that these are concepts only, then he will begin to act more in balance with nature, with life itself.

Irene: He will know that everything is cause and effect, but he will not experience anything with a feeling of guilt.

Yada: His experience will not be had out of feelings of shame and guilt.

R: Are not guilt feelings caused by a subconscious knowledge that the person has acted in a manner that negates their past experiences?

Yada: Of course.

R: Therefore, everybody is born into the world with past experiences which they call their ideals, or their conscience; and when they operate in conflict with these, they are negating their past experiences, and this causes a feeling of guilt.

Yada: This is so. Thank you very much for that talk. It makes good and clear, things are as they are and not as we emotionally desire them to be.

The dream world is a product of our nervous system, the same as our external world, and our life is created as we go along. There is no other world waiting for us, created by some other mind. The world is something that you bring with you and create as you go along, day by day, year by year.

The emotions are the basic cause of diabetes. It is a psychosomatic ailment. Hardly ever does an emotionally stable person get this disease or other diseases. It comes from a series of shocks that are given through the nervous system to the physical body because of our emotional reaction to our experiences. For some people these shocks will not affect the pancreas gland, but will affect the heart instead, and cause stress and strains on the heart and cause heart ailments. In another person it may affect the kidneys or the stomach lining and cause ulcers. Ulcers are known to be an emotionally ailment. There is hardly a man in the business world that fails to get some form of stomach trouble before he is through with the business world.

Now, I can only say that people suffering diabetes should have some treatment by a psychologist or psychiatrist. This ailment sometimes breaks down the patients courage, his fortitude, and as our emotional state determines our physical state, the psychologist, in helping the patient to attain better emotional balance, also helps to bring about a more balanced physical state. The relationship of the emotions and the physical body has been studied in children and adults by your modern medical people and these studies have shown the importance of having mental and emotional balance.

Unfortunately, many people have the idea that if you are going to a psychiatrist is means you are mentally unbalanced. There is nothing further from the truth. We humans, all of us, are in one manner or another, pixilated, if I may use an old fashioned word. And one who realizes that he suffers from emotional unbalance and seeks to get help to overcome this condition shows, to me, a better than average state of mental balance or awareness.

It has been a pleasure to speak with you. Good night.