!  Yada Speaks - People Listen  !

Lecture by Yada di Shi'ite


Yada: Tonight I shall call my lecture, Where Do We Go From Here? For many years the majority of us humans coming into the physical world live an almost entirely physical life. Even those who go to your Christian temples can't lead a spiritual life. I do not, of course, condemn them for this because they do not know any better. They are not taught certain things in the temple, so how is it possible that they can do better than they do?

Is it not for thousands and thousands of years that man has created various forms of religious beliefs with the hope of making himself spiritual? But because he does not know what spiritual is, he never seems to be able to find it.

I think one who is consciously seeking to understand life must conform to the practice of what is called meditation. Now for a time these practices may not bring him much other than relaxation to the body and to the mind. It is said that cleanliness is next to godliness. The only reason this is true is that it keeps tensions away from the body. To keep the body clean is to afford it relaxation.

One who is inclined to cleanse the inner parts of the body by proper diet, proper food eating, is also inclined to keep the outer part of the body clean. Now this may not make us more godly, but it will bring us into closer contact with the sane mind. This we may call godly, for it puts or helps us to enter what, for want of a better expression, is called the divine state, meaning it relieves us from our physical emotional life, the external world.

The world of matter is what may be and I think is called, a foul world, for it is made up of germs, microbes of all kinds, most of which are quite deadly to man's physical self. Germs and microbes are natural to the world of matter. If this is so, you can say that the world of matter is foul, as I said a little while ago. We can only say this is the way the world is, but where man is concerned, where any living being is concerned, the physical world is a threat, a constant threat to his physical existence, largely because of these germs and microbes. They are in the air. Whenever there is an epidemic of negative germs, germs that are negative to man such as tuberculosis and other of this nature, what I think you call contagious diseases, the contagion is spread through the air mostly. These microbes alight on every surface imaginable, but then again, you do not have to come into contact with any surface. You do not have to come into direct contact with the person who has this ailment, for they are in the air.

Irene: So the individual must be in a certain condition himself...

Yada: To avoid them. His avoiding is not something he does consciously. It is the condition of the body and it also is a condition of the mind, for there are some diseases that, though the germs may enter the body, some of us are immune to this. The germ cannot operate, cannot attack the body. Now this body has a natural, built-in (which is an expression of your world) a built-in resistance to the majority of these germs and microbes. The reason the bubonic plague swept most of Europe and most of the then known world as far as that does, was the weakened condition of the people, the weakened constitution of the people.

LaB: During the first world war when the flu was practically world-wide, the people's resistance was very low.

Yada: This is so. Anxiety helped to bring their resistance to a low ebb and the same thing happened in Europe in the fifteenth century. You, today, are going out of the world. Out from the world I should say, off of your earth into space and eventually you are going to be landing on other planetary bodies and you are sterilizing your instruments of flight as well as everything you take with you, because you do not want to possibly contaminate the inhabitants of some other planet, but I tell you there are microbes and germs of a very virile kind existing on all of these planets. On the coldest, of course, the living forms there, the one-cell beings, are in a state of suspended animation. Your chances of contracting any kind of disease from such a cold planet are very little.

Irene: They say there are quite a number of Eskimos who have tuberculosis but they do not seem to be aware of it.

Yada: This is so, but again, it is because they heat up substances that have these germs, and by heating them, thereby release them into the air as living forms.

LaB: What of conditions around the moon? There is no atmosphere to support life.

Yada: There is little germ life there, but there is some. Some of these germs have been able to survive, and are able to survive the very strong radiation that surrounds the planet, the moon.

LaB: Yada, I assume from the title you have given this lecture that you are referring to our outer space travel more than where we go after death.

Yada: Yes, not only going out, but here on earth. Your planet is going to be, in due course - and you must know it, it must be obvious to you - your planet is going to be over-run with the human race.

Irene: Since you mentioned this many months ago, there has cropped up many articles in publications, periodicals, and newspapers pertaining to contraceptives and the methods of eliminating this possibility of overproduction of people.

Yada: I have no faith in it at all because there are very few countries in the world where these contraceptives can be gotten quite easily. They are not used, for when there is an urge for sexual relationship between sexes, they seldom stop to concern themselves with contraceptives. Now if this is so in your rather technical society where the greater masses of people are highly educated, and particularly on these things, think what it is like in what you call the backward countries. There is no such protection at all. No, there will be other ways to keep the population down, and it will not be injections of any kind. Now this may happen in your country, yes. These people in backward countries do not know what they are doing when they permit themselves to give more and more birth. They not only do not know, they do not care.

Irene: Do you think that a way will be provided so that birth control in these backward countries will be used?

Yada: I think so, but there is a caution that must be used here and that is that civilized people, in doing this, in making some wide-spread effort to keep the population down, the backward people of the world will not do this of their own accord, and will outbreed you to the point of destroying your civilization.

Irene: Are there ways being perfected whereby a person can be sterilized without them being aware of it?

Yada: Oh, they are coming to this and they must come to it. Of course your Christian religion is so concerned with what God wants, it cares nothing about the wants and needs of humans, so it will be some time before any rational approach will be made to this problem.

Irene: Man wants to reproduce himself.

Yada: Yes, and this is the greatest urge of the physical universe, reproduction. That and destruction. These two are constantly at odds with themselves and with one another.

The whole vast universe is in the process of breaking down and building up. Now, in these later years, let us say the last half million years, the physical world is moving more rapidly toward breakdown than it is toward building up. Now this does not mean that you can look forward to the time when you will see the total annihilation of the matter-world. Of course not. The matter-world is wound up to go on for many millions, millions, millions of years yet. In the meantime there will be planets and suns and all other forms in space that go to make up the matter-world. They will individually deteriorate and their matter substance will evaporate into the outer space around them, but the matter universe as a whole is wound up to go on for many millions, millions, millions of years yet.

Irene: I was listening to a speech that one of the astronauts made, the one who just returned, and he was saying on the newscast, that because of these flights into space, many things were gong to be given to the people for their advancement.

Yada: Of course. Such things as weightlessness will produce forms of space medicine that will lead to the producing of clothing, in a widespread manner, that will protect the body from weather changes. Now the clothes here, as you have them today, are changed from winter clothing to summer clothing. They keep the body warm, yes, but they do not protect the body against the various germ life that forms when it is cold and when it is warm again, in changing temperatures. These clothes will not be simply a matter of keeping the body warm, but will also protect against weather germs. They will be treated, these clothes, to be sterilized permanently until they are washed, and they will not be washed in water but will be washed by sound waves. Is not this interesting?

Irene: Then any soil would just drop of these clothes.

Yada: Yes. Germs would die on them. Also you are going to have ways of stopping growths in the body by sound waves because you cannot get into the body without cutting into it, as you already know. They will not do this then. They will know exactly how to create a sound that will disrupt a cell that is negative to the body. This will be a bloodless operation. One need take no sleeping substance, what you call ether. Just go in, lie down, preferably in a small room, and a machine will be set to give vibrations that will kill only cells that have gone wild or are not good for the body. In this way they will also be able to kill cells of a detrimental nature in what is called the marrow of the bones before they can get into the blood. Kill them at their source.

Irene: They will have to perfect instruments that will detect these cells.

Yada: Yes, they will because negative cells or tumors, like good cells, have their own particular rates of vibration. These will become known so they will know what vibrations to use to rupture those that are not good, and then give medicine to get rid of those dead cells because if they are not gotten rid of they will pile up in the body and create what is called an infectious condition.

R: Yada, has not some work been done along these lines, like the Drown therapy?

Yada: Yes, in a manner of speaking, but this which is coming not only must be, but will be more advanced technically, so there will be no chance of squabbling over whether it is right or wrong. In the first place these things which are created or brought into being, inventions and discoveries, will go through the hands of experienced scientists in this field.

R: Isn't there quite a lot of work being done along these lines in England and Germany?

Yada: Yes, very much so. Much more so than over here. Also in Russia.

The body, as you know, is very porous, so it is truly easy to get into for examination. You must stop using x-rays for this sort of thing because every time one is x-rayed for anything at all, the radiation tends to pile up in the body so that the next time you are x-rayed, you get more added to what you already have, and these rays are so penetrating that they are destructive to the body. This means that, in time, you are going to have a screen by which the body can be seen into, but this will not be by x- rays.

R: I think they have already done some work on that, Yada. They have an instrument that can be started on the surface of the arm, and by adjusting it, they can see right on through the arm.

Yada: I did not know of this. Is it not x-ray?

R: No, not x-ray. It is not on the market yet.

Yada: X-ray radiation is of such great potency that it is highly destructive to the cells. Even those who use these instruments very often suffer from radiation burns of some kind. Is it not so?

R: Yes.

Yada: It is not so much where man is going from here into space, as where he is going from here on the ground, on the planet. Of course, where he goes in space will greatly affect where he is on earth.

Irene: It will greatly influence our activities. We will not be living a few years from now, as we are now.

Yada: No, but I will say this, because other planets are so far out into your galactic system, it will be quite a long time yet before man can go to these places. Now your own solar system is very vast but man is going to move through it; he is going to adventure through your solar system but he is not going to do this merely as adventure. It is not a spree. It is a very much needed thing that he does. It will bring much valuable information to man about his physical source, where and when what is called the material universe started. Knowing this, he should know, approximately anyway, when it should end, and knowing when the universe will end, he will have a very fair idea of when his particular planet will become too dangerous to live on any longer.

Now it is certain that earth-men will be leaving the earth at some time if, of course, he does not cause some unwanted disaster first, a disaster that will destroy him. But I do not see this. I see man staying here on this earth until nature's powers destroy the earth. This will not happen, not as I can see it, in one sudden blast, but it will be a slow process and with excessive heat.

Now, in your Christian Bible it says the world shall be consumed by fire. True, but this is millions of years away yet, unless, and I do not see it happening, unless something takes place with the sun that it blows up and makes what is called a nova of it. This could not only destroy your earth in one sudden quick fire, but the whole planetary system.

On the moon you will discover very little life. Some bacterial life, yes. Man himself was once but a germ. Because man came out of heat, living things were born out of fire; so there is no such thing as perfect sterilization, although you will be able to get here or on a planet other than your earth. Your earth makes it almost impossible. Due to the heavy atmosphere it is almost impossible to have a perfect sterilization, whatever the instrument or thing. Now sometimes this near perfect sterilization comes but it cannot last, for the moment you bring the instrument out into what you call the atmosphere, it almost immediately is contaminated again.

Most of us humans know nothing about the fact that we were born out of fire. I knew it when I lived in my civilization in Yuga. This was taught by the priests of the temples then and this is why we became sun worshippers, because we knew our physical self to be fire. Part of this fire is centered in every body that is capable of reproduction through the sex organs. This is Kundalini; this is the fire-force, or the snake, and it can burn you just as badly and just as quickly if it is misused, especially through the unthinking use of breath; you can cremate yourself.

R: Without the water in the body it crumbles into dust.

Yada: Yes, and more than this, the more the body is reduced of water, the more fatty substance accumulates, which is a combustible right there.

R: The body is over 90 percent water so there must be a tremendous fire-force in it if it takes that percentage of water to keep it from burning up.

Yada: Of course. Without this balance of water, the body could not stay alive. It would be consumed.

Irene: The same thing pertains to our earth; it is more water than land.

Yada: In order for the human race to advance in an intellectual manner, the conditioning of new beings coming into your world, or the returning of old ones, the whole system will have to be changed. In order for man to go anywhere he has to be conditioned away from fear.

In your Bible it says, and the meek shall inherit the earth, meaning the fearful ones; these will not go off the earth, they will have the earth. The fearful will always war because their fear produces distrust, and distrust produces hate. The knowing, the fearless, shall conquer the physical universe. You see, nature, the laws of what is called nature, creates conditions that work against the weak, holds them up. You can go all through the evolution of man from the time he was a one-cell being up to what he is now; from the time he was a spore, because man came to the earth as a spore; he was seeded here on this earth the same way as any living organism. This was man's first great leap. He leaped to the earth as a spore from space.

Irene: I often wonder when you tell us this, of the other beings on other planets outside our solar system. Did they leap to their...

Yada: Of course. Everything that becomes a living form, or a form with what is called life in it, starts like a spore. It forms a culture and if the surroundings, the environment is right, it will grow, it will flourish by the law of changes.

Now, man must stop teaching man that he was created by God. He must start teaching that he was created by his own desires, by his own design, by his own need for an experience. He must teach himself therefore, that he and he alone, is responsible for what happens to himself. Only then will sanity return to man. Man's realization that he was alone in a land that he did not comprehend, turned to fear. It is not something he was born with. It is not his nature. Fear is a development born of ignorance.

I will speak a moment on getting across your galactic system. You will have a time when you will be able to outrun what is called light. Now until you are able to do this you will not be able to cross the galactic system even by the speed of light unless, of course, you make a large ship like a small planet and have all kinds of facilities for taking care of yourselves in a thing of that kind.

Irene: Will this ship be made of three-dimensional matter?

Yada: Yes, but when you outrun light, you are out-running matter and in doing so you are instantly in another dimension, and being in another dimension, you will instantly find yourself at the point you wish to go.

Irene: About all these people who are on all these planets we are going to go to, how are they going to like the invasion?

Yada: Well, this I cannot say because I do not know the nature of people. Man-beings, or the form of consciousness that has worked up to what is called man, is unpredictable, but I do know that you will be taking great numbers of people from the earth to other planets and planetary systems.

Now you will not need thousands of ships to do this. You will simply need to build a few large bodies, small planets that will hold comfortably many thousands and thousands of people. They will not be packed together. They will be in a very comfortable condition. This is coming. Man will spread out through the universe. It is necessary to do this. By the time he gets to do this he will be a much saner being than he is today. He will have to be.

Irene: I wonder if people on other planets will have a like awareness state?

Yada: This is questionable. On some of the other planets there are beings that are very backward, much like your aborigines people. There are other planets that have highly evolved human like beings.

R: We better do a little investigating then. If we are going to be so highly evolved we want to be sure to land on the right planet.

Yada: Yes, you will hear from these before you go to them.

R: Yada, you spoke of going faster than light. In Dr. Drown's method of therapy, she made the statement that this force goes around the earth seven times per second. I think she said that it travels at the rate of 345,000 miles per second which is about twice the speed of light. Evidently that is a different grade of ether than that which carries light from the sun to us.

Yada: It is, it is. More, remember that when radiation comes from the sun, it is moving through a fairly good vacuum, and so it is moving at different rates of speed. Also remember that these light rays are being affected on their journey, being retarded or speeded up according to the planetary bodies they are in approximation with in space. What is making light on your earth is simply the diffraction activity of energies coming from the sun. Is is not so?

R: Yes, because there is no light between here and the sun. It is only when the vibration gets within the sphere of influence of the earth that it turns into light.

Yada: That is so.

R: It is as the Bible says light was created. Darkness was formed, but light was created.

Yada: Yes. It was created when it hit an atmosphere of some kind. All the creation of your earth went on in darkness, came out of darkness; yet it was a darkness that was itself light because there was no such thing as complete and total darkness, or absence of light, but there are degrees of light. In outer space you have what seems to be utter darkness, but you see, this could not be, and if it were, light could not get through it.

Irene: If there was no light, how could we see the darkness?

Yada: This is so. Now, where is man going from here? He is going in many directions. Scientifically, esthetically, he is going in many directions. Your world is not open for destruction for a great deal of time yet, and not by man. There is much work to be done right here, so this means your planet is needed. Of course, every so many years there will be a certain number and kind of people that predict destruction to the earth. These people suffer from guilt complexes and shame feelings, and they want to be punished, they want to drag everyone else along into their feeling of guilt and the desire for punishment. Never listen to them. Their talk is foolish.

Irene: I would like to ask you something, Yada, pertaining to our country. It seems that we have to go through a certain amount of pain in order to learn things so we can advance. It seems that now, in our country, we must, for some reason, be put under the shadow of a certain religious force; yet this country is supposed to be the country that holds the light of truth for the rest of the world, so this seems to be some sort of lesson we, or the United States, must learn.

Yada: That particular religious force is a negative force, but it is the kind of force that makes man become more aware. Always opposing forces make us stronger. If we had no difficulties, no opposition to our motions, we would soon not be able to move because we would have nothing to move against. Of course this religious organization will go down. Now, this does not mean that man will have nothing more to fight because whenever one opposing force is conquered and gotten over with, there are others arising to take its place. Look at your opposition today, what is called communism. Now you cannot imagine that if you destroyed all the communists in the whole world and communism was wiped out, that you would then have nothing more to oppose? I do not think so.

LaB: No. We must have something to rub against, that's for sure.

Yada: That is so.

Irene: What distresses me right now is that this religion is breaking out all over like the measles and when it comes to controlling our country it is frightening to observe its growing hold on our government. It seems that this is something for us to rub against in order to make ourselves stronger.

Yada: Yes, you have a great deal of growing to do yet. You have a great many opposing forces and this religion is, at the present time, only one of these, even though it is one of the strongest of them. You will have some trouble with them before you bring them down, but believe me please, they will not conquer this country. They will not spread their black blanket of witchery on your land.

Irene: It seems to me that we are already becoming very skeptical of their good intentions and we are trying to replace them with people who are not of their religious belief. I wonder if their stay in influential positions will be of short duration or will we have...

Yada: No. It will be short, it will be short. Right now it is one of the opposing forces for the present kind of communism that is in the eastern part of the world, and what they are trying to do is to get their fingers back into Russia and other places of the world. You see, you cannot oppose, you cannot put down this religion until you agree to put down Protestantism and other isms as such. Where the priestly system exists, there is ignorance and misery and great unhappiness.

Irene: This is very true, Yada, but I don't think that any of the other religions, other denominations, keep their thumbs down on the people like this particular religion. When you are born into it, it is almost like being enslaved; it isn't a voluntary thing.

Yada: Of course not. You see, over here you have been conditioned to believe in religious freedom. This becomes a strong powerful stick for any religion that wants to maintain itself in your country. It comes under the cloak of God and the love of God, and all that sort of thing. Your very nation was founded on this God talk, and until this stops, you are not going to rise very much; your country is not going to grow if it is under the dominating heel of the mother church.

Irene: Are their teachings very similar to those that are in the Bible as our Bible is written?

Yada: Not entirely. To some degree, yes. But there have been changes made in their Bible that make it very much different than your Bible.

R: If one knows how to interpret the Bible, one can learn much of the true teachings. There is a great deal of truth in the Bible.

Yada: As a history, a history of the growth of man en masse. And there are also inner stories told about the individual, how he can rise up out of the morass of the illusionary existence called the matter-world.

Irene: You have often referred to things in the Bible. You tell us what the Bible says and then give us your interpretation.

Yada: So what is needed is not to destroy the Bible, but to understand it as being something much different than the teachings of man about temple worship and about an existing god outside of himself. You see, this is the sorrow of the mis-interpretation of a very great and wonderful writing that you call the Christian Bible.

From the very earliest of times these teachings have been very badly prostituted in the lowest way. In the early origin of what you call the Christian teachings, it was of a highly intelligent kind. Then it fell into the hands of the priestly system and it became a teaching of sex-worship, and for a long time you had what is called sex-worship, or paganism.

The same thing happened in our teachings of the sun and what the cause of worshipping the sun was. After the fall, the destruction of my civilization, came the priestly system. People who fled from the destruction and survived it were plunged into darkness on the earth for a great period time. This caused them to panic. It threw fear into them and caused them to create devils and devil-worship. Then, always, if you are going to create a devil, you must have an opposing force, so they created a god who was always struggling with the other side, or the devil, for man's soul. This is foolishness.

Yada withdraws and returns after an intermission)

Yada: I am a little late. We function between the stomach nerves and the brain. These are the centers we operate and move between.

R: Evidently you have a different method of putting Mark into trance than the average medium. Most of them drop off in an instant.

Yada: We try to approach him in the most natural way. We do not think any sudden changes are natural in nature. Everywhere you look you see things changing in a very given rhythm and none of this is of a sudden nature. When you find a sudden change of motion, you generally find unbalance, or trouble. All bodies have to be prepared for their changes for the work they are going to do, or have not yet done. Back in the history of man coming here to the earth, observe the long periods of time each thing took to get experience here, but, in the earliest times, nature tried to speed things up by using what is called spontaneous generation. It was not too long before it was observed by the creative forces of life that this was not a very adequate method of finding experience and getting growth on earth. Everything gathers knowledge by experience, experience with other things, other conditions. So these creative forces decided against speed.

Now, the decision was not made by what is called the conscious mind, but by the creative mind arriving at this decision by experience, by observing that things produced in this way were not advantageous, so the unit must use another way. Now I have said in the past that the whole created universe is an unconscious production. The word unconscious is not a very adequate one. It is not very explanatory but we must use the tools we have. In this instance, the tools being words, we must use these to the best of our ability. We can do no other in explaining, or making pictures of what has happened or what will happen at some time in the future.

Today, your scientists are not ready to adopt these theories that, at some time in the ancient past of the world and the material universe, this form of generation was part of the activity of what is called nature. But I think your scientists, at least some of them, the more progressive ones, ones who are concentrating on the discovery of what is, and not on what they wish was, will come to the conclusion that this form of activity, spontaneous generation, did exist. But it does not exist any more except in very rare instances, and in doing so it produces what is called a sport, or a hybrid.

Everything has its own particular process of growth, has its own rhythm, its own time, and this brings about order, for it is in this fashion that we find order in creation.

I am trying to continue the talk I have been giving entitled, Where Do We Go From Here, meaning largely, man, but in some ways meaning everything because creation is always in the process of going, changing. Your scientists wonder and have some theories, I am certain, about the universe being one of either breaking down, or building up. It is building up and breaking down, and so it has been ever since the start of creation. It is as one being born into the world; at the moment of birth, the dying process starts, so to ask the question, when does one die is not a very good question because there is no answer to it. It is somewhat like the question how high is up? and how far is down? You see, there are questions which we cannot intelligently ask because there is no answer to such questions, so to circumvent the attempt to answer, you, in your world, say it is all relative. Again that is difficult to say anything about.

Looking at the created world, trying to find out its nature does not, at the same time, give us the answer to its origin. Out of what did it come? Some of your scientists say that it started by perhaps (and this is a theory) a large atom. In order to get a picture of how large an atom they have to emphasize the word large. A large atom. But the emphasizing of the word large does not give anyone a picture of how large. Here you cannot ask yourself the question, well, is the size a relative one? For you will have to ask yourself relative to what? This is an atom, they say. Now, if two atoms had come into existence at one time, you could say, one relative to the other, was large or small, but when you have only one of a thing you cannot say it was relative. Even if you did, you would have to ask yourself, out of what did it come; out of what did it rise?

The answer is, or so my studies have given me the theory, that it is relative to the size of the etheric vortex that brought it into being. The etheric vortex? What do you mean? Is an etheric vortex nothing? In a manner of speaking, yes. It is nothing in relation to the creation that it brought into being, because it is of an entirely different motion.

R: It is of a different dimension and it cannot be compared to three-dimensional matter.

Yada: Of course.

A vortex. What started the vortex? You see what this is leading to? I can say to you a harmonic, but how is this harmonic brought into being? A harmonic is a tone. A tone is something that the scientist thinks of as molecular motion; so this means that molecules existed before the atom. How could this happen when molecules themselves are created by groupings of atoms? The molecule is truly the beginning of matter, not the atom. The atoms are the building-blocks of the molecule which is the first three-dimensional surface-matter.

Irene: Can a harmonic, per se, be measured?

Yada: Of course, if you have something with which to measure it, because a tone, I said, is molecular motion. There are tones for which you have no instrument for measuring. You know they are there by theory and what goes on with sensory sound.

Irene: So this tone that created the vortex could very easily be one that could not be measured.

Yada: Of course, because it does not belong to your three-dimensional world. It is not of that stuff. It is known by your scientists in physics that atoms can be gathered together, can be forced together by what is called sound. You do this mechanically when you homogenize some of your liquids. You can force the grouping of certain atoms to form molecules so they are better suited for whatever purpose you intend to use them, but the material world was brought into being by vibrations that were not originally of the physical world. They created the physical world, so you may say the physical world, as you know it, came out of nothing - nothing relative to what you call something, or your matter world.

Now you cannot ask the question, who did it? because if you do, it naturally follows that you have in mind some superior being. Superior to what? And to whom? Superior to man? Yes, in a manner of speaking. It depends upon what you mean when you use the word man. There are two sides to him. One is the created side which belongs to the created, or physical universe. The other side, being the creator, belongs to creation only to the extent of what it has created, which means that the things that have been created are related only by the act of creation to the creator.

The creator knows, but the creator does not give any thought of its creative self, to its physical vehicle, regarding its nature, so the low self, the created self, naturally speaks of creation as a total mystery of which man can have no knowledge, no understanding. It is so steeped in this thought that it had to create external gods or superior beings in fear, in anxiety regarding its existence, created by the low emotional self, the unthinking self that thinks itself lost.

This is the god that man worships today. This is the god that forces man into building temples and bowing down and creating sacrifices. This is the god that demands praise. This is the god that is wrathful if he does not get praise. Look, please, at what your priestly system says about this god; if you are not for me, you are against me, this me being god. Now what a stupid statement! How can one be for that which he knows nothing about? This god that man has created is man's god, created out of his emotions and his terrible need for someone to protect him. Someone that he could appeal to in his fear of existence.

Man created the only way he could create. The lower self created the only way it could create, in fear. Now the true god, or the true intelligence, the true creator, needs no worship, demands nothing, and wouldn't recognize anything if you tried to give it to him. The truly divine creator knows nothing about man's emotional creation.

In this manner you know of what is called the laws of nature which are laws of this great and divine creator. They are completely indifferent, completely stoic to the most agonizing screams of a human being or anything else that is capable of expressing agony. Completely indifferent to it. It is not personal. You cannot reach it by any form of adoration. You can reach it only by following the natural laws. Learn these laws and you find yourself instantly in communication with this great creative, divine force.

I do not like the word force. I do not like the word power. This true creative thing has no egoic feelings as those words imply. It is beyond all that sort of thing, but I say to follow the natural laws, to keep the laws of nature. The word nature means very little, but to keep the laws of that which is, will keep us out of the not-ness of life.

All through the ages the sages have said the world of matter is the world of illusion. This does not mean that the world, as such, does not exist. It simply means that it is a sensory world, and it is through the senses that we hallucinate an existing condition. The basic condition is surely not to be hallucinated simply because - and in your world today you are very aware of this - it is a world of energy and you, by your senses, make it into surfaces and feel that it has an existence in itself. This makes you at one with your creation. It gives you the feeling that you are matter and that matter is, somehow or other, static, without motion. But the building-blocks of this are moving at certain vibrations and numbers of vibrations and creating in your sensory self, the illusion of a static condition, no motion. But for us who come to live in the physical world, we do not fight it, we do not question that which appears to be the existing world. We take what our senses tell us to be so and so, and we go along with it.

But we also want to know, a side of us wants to know, what is the nature of the underlying structure that gives us this illusionary state or makes the senses accept what appears to be the true nature of existence. Why does the surface world look and feel as it does? Those of us who truly want to, do come to know. Now, we who come to know, have no desire to change the world we are in, for we know that it will change only according to the degree that we, individually, change.

For a period of time, depending on the nature of the individual experiencing the physical life, we live mostly on the emotional side largely because we have been conditioned to live this way; the emotional self has been so conditioned.

Strangely, some of us reach a point of desperation with our material world. It is not enough for us. There is something that seems to be lacking and that something lacking puts us in a state of confusion and we come to do all manner of strange things. Strange by the laws that are set down in your social system; things that are against these laws. Only when our confusion reaches a certain level are we likely to stop and think, are we likely to calm the emotional self and to set it aside a little more than we have been doing, and try to look at ourselves, try to find some reasonable purpose in our confusion. Only then do we begin to see truth. Only then will we begin to see the world as it is, and not as we have been wishing it to be.

In our confusion we have wanted to change our external life, to change the external world, The emotional self says to us that not only the sensing is wrong with it, but everything is wrong with it. This feeling often drives one to go about proselytizing his particular, or her particular belief, and almost always our low emotional self has beliefs that are far from being right; nevertheless we want to change according to the low self's new feelings. It does not know it is in confusion still, but when we come into the light of understanding and get to know ourselves, then we get to know the outer world and then we see the wisdom of leaving things alone.

Nothing is wrong. Everything is in its time and place. Where do we go from here? Man moves according to the way he feels, mostly, and not according to the way he thinks. Our growth depends on the way we have accepted our experiences in whatever environment we happen to be existing in.

Coming into the next step of life from the physical, if we have been caught up only in the illusionary life, we will carry the patterns of our illusions with us. Not only will we want to change things, but we will want to continue with our beliefs. Now how can you do this? How can you continue with your own beliefs and still want to change things? This is a kind of schizophrenic way of thinking. Oh, I want to change, but I do not want to disturb the existing order. But can you do this? Only those of us who lose fear, fear for our existence, can truly want change, because we know it is only through change that we get what is called growth. But the changes we need must take place within us, and the outer changes will follow.

I am going to stop here and ask you if you have something to say to me. You, lady, the daughter, do you want to say something to me?

Pam: No, Yada. I find this very interesting because I find I am right on the verge of a change.

Yada: Wonderful! You are prepared to accept whatever happens in that change, to accept the nature of that change. This is a most joyful state of consciousness for one to get into. My honorable colleague, the Maharajah Natcha once said, all is opinion. He gathered this thought from his studies on the earth when he lived on the earth and travelled all over the earth listening and trying to comprehend human existence. His final opinion was that all is opinion and the best a human can do is to accept the unexpected with a calmness of spirit. Now this, in part, means that he was a believer in destiny, was a fatalist, in other words. He ended his life here being something of a fatalist, and perhaps that was the easiest thing for him to do, to accept such a thought, or theory. It freed him from many tensions in exactly the same way so many beings give themselves to the religious teachings, because there is less tension in them for the believer.

Pam: Excuse me, Yada, but many times I feel like I should make a change, or that perhaps it might be better, and yet so often I feel that, as you said tonight, we continue to change ourselves. I often feel that the change will come about naturally without my forcing it.

Yada: Yes, and this is why I say, or not say but deplore, the rather useless attitude of a fatalist. It is a kind of lazy thinking, but I do not discredit the Maharajah or his intelligence in doing this. I simply know this was the best he could do at the time.

Pam: Isn't it better to make the change if you feel it is proper?

Yada: Of course, because who else can make a change for you? No one. Only you. Because it is you who have to accept the nature of the change, is it not?

Pam: Yes; however, I have often feared to push or not to push myself into forcing a change when it might come out naturally.

Yada: Now this is difficult to determine because we do not know exactly how a change will come about if we do not use some force. How do you know this? What is meant by force? Many things. One form of force is no force or by creating no pressure, by relaxing. Sometimes this is the greatest kind of force to bring things around to our way of wanting them to be.

Irene: Passive resistance.

Yada: Passive resistance, thank you very much. We must do something because life is motion. Life is therefore doing. The moment a bit of matter loses its motion it is non-existent. Do something, even if that something is passivity. What do you want? What do I want? Of course, if you and I want different things (but really we do not, because all we want basically is to move freely to create) we will move according to our ability to move, and will cover all the ground that is necessary to bring us into rapport with others, and with the help of others form can be brought into being, and form according to the need of the moment. Do I make myself clear?

Pam: Very clear, Yada.

Yada: This is very necessary, that we make ourselves clear to one another. Teaching is a most marvelous thing, but if the teacher fails to make himself clear, he has gained nothing for himself nor for his pupil. Truly I cannot accept the thought that I am a teacher without, at the same time, regarding myself as a pupil.

Everything is experience. We die only when we resist the will to learn. Our death is called ignorance. May I ask you please, what is the difference between the meanings of the words innocent and ignorant?

Irene: Innocent is something for which you are not responsible, and ignorance is not knowing.

Yada: Unfortunately, however, the natural laws are not concerned about whether one is a child or an adult in what they do. A child can, by some small chance shall I say, drink poison and the fact that the child does not know this, is not aware of this, will not keep the chemicals from killing his physical body, or if the child has explosives and uses them in a way they are not accustomed to, they are going to act according to their nature and they are going to kill that child. They do not care that this is a baby or innocent one.

LaB: Nature does not have any reward or punishment. It is a matter of consequences.

Yada: Exactly so, and this runs as true for the baby as for an adult, or as it does for anything in nature. Now, knowing this, cause and effect, that these laws exist, should we stop and think about what we are doing at all times before we do those things? Because who knows the laws of life so well that they can jump into any form of motion or action thoughtlessly and escape re- action, good, bad or indifferent as we may think it to be? No one knows that much. That which is, has no emotional attitudes about anything. Laws cannot act one way for an innocent man and another way for one who knows.

If one wants a peaceful life where the mind is at rest, a life where one is not asleep to their external world and, therefore, a double threat to themselves, there is only one way to acquire this state of mind, and that is by learning, knowing what you are. What are you made up of? You are made up of experiences, in part, but your deeper nature comes from attitudes to your experiences. We have often felt that an experience neither harms nor does anyone any good. Basically it is our attitudes towards what we experience that gives us peace of mind, or leaves us in chaos.

Many people, upon first learning that human consciousness and personality survive the death of the body, begin to feel that the external world is a place to escape from. This desire, when it comes upon one, should awaken them to the fact that they do not know what they think they know. They only believe because they have been told, not because they know. Most of the things man believes in are of a nature called pretty. They are fables, fanciful stories and very pretty. This cause one to lose his ability to think. His belief world is so wonderful that he gets caught up in it emotionally. He gets caught up in it and does not want to get out. He does not even know that it is his own emotional creation. A belief is for the emotional, not for the thinker. Man must know. Intelligent man must know; he cannot live on beliefs. It is said in your world, a man must have faith. Faith, yes, but not blind faith, but faith brought out of experience and thoughtful attitudes toward experiences.

R: Is there anything man can have faith in, outside of himself?

Yada: For those who listen and do not think, but listen and accept what others tell them, they create a life of negativeness for themselves which brings them more suffering, more anxiety.

One dies and almost always that one leaves someone living in the physical world who suffers a degree of sorrow for the departure of his friend. Now what would be best to tell the one still living? That your friend is in some kind of paradise waiting for you to join him, or that he is actively engaged in a very natural way in a world of his own, and that you, also will enter your world where you can, but not always will, meet this loved one again? Which is best to tell them?

Should we say, knowing that this one has survived the death of their physical body, that they have gone to the spirit world and that some day you will join them but leave them alone now. Do not try to communicate with them, and indeed, you cannot communicate with them, they are too busy with God right now and they will be for eternity, so when are you going to communicate with them? When you go over, no matter how much later, you join your friend in this heavenly state with God, but he will not be able to receive you though it may be a thousand years later, because he will be too busy bowing down and singing hallelujahs to his God.

I must say this, my friends, this which you call love is mostly the creative forces, our sex-drive in male and male; female and female; between female and male, whatever, it is still sex-drive. Could there be any depth, any warmth in friendship if it were not touched, in some manner, some degree, by our sex-cravings? Now some of us will say sex has nothing to do with it. Sex has everything to do with it.

Generally our feeling about sex, our shame, cause us to make such remarks. You are taught that a man is not supposed to have affection for another man; a woman is not supposed to have affection for another woman.

Irene: It does not necessarily mean cohabitation.

Yada: Of course not. There are many facets to the creative forces. How we are using them shows where we are mentally as well as emotionally. I am not saying that we are on a high or low plane. It shows where we are in our consciousness, in our mind. It shows what we think of ourselves; and as we think, we think of another, but we must know what is the activating force behind existence.

What do you think is on the next level of consciousness which the spiritualists have entitled the astral plane? Is it a sexless world? Is there no creative force there? If so, it is a true Christian Heaven. This means that it is colder than Hell.

We must move, and we can only move according to our own light. We can only manipulate this creative force according to our feelings our understanding of nature. If another frustrates me against my nature, then I am lost because I cannot move by his nature, I can only move by my own.

Love starts as a word for most of us. We do not comprehend it because there is something about the word that carries for most of us a feeling of shame or guilt, which cause us to feel that we are not worthy, so we cannot accept it. You know, it is just as difficult for us to accept, as it is for us to give.

Now, love, to me, is appreciation. First of all, appreciation for what is, and it keeps me from being critical of my fellowman, or of anything in life. When I appreciate what is, I stop criticizing because I know the is-ness of all things depends upon us as individuals. This is my pleasure or it is not my pleasure. This is my world only in as much as I enjoy it. I sense the pleasure of it. I sense appreciation for it.

If, in your world, you started teaching the child appreciation for all things as they are at the moment of his existence, or at any moment of his existence, teach him to appreciate things for themselves, he will lose his fear. He will not come to say, this is abnormal, and this is normal. The emotional self has no way of judging or of making such judgments. If we believed that what is one man's meat is another man's poison, then we would let each one eat according to his likes.

And so I say it should be as it is. This gives me no desire to war against it. I may say an act of some kind is stupid, yes, but I say it not as a criticism but rather as an existing condition. I am naming the condition, not criticizing it. For what does it gain us to be critical? Mostly we hope that by being so we cause things to act as we want them to act. This only creates greater confusion.

I pressure nothing; I move with life. When something occurs that I know is of no truth, I do not look out here and battle with it. I look in here to see what it is that gives me the thought that it is not the truth. Can anything exist which is not? Certainly not.

It has been a joy to speak with you.