!  Yada Speaks - People Listen  !

Lecture by Yada di Shi'ite


Yada: Now, into the space age we go. I rode with this man in the capsule you know.

R: Carpenter?

Yada: Yes, and I went with the other man also.

LaB: With Glenn?

Yada: Yes, also another man.

Irene: Do you mean from Russia?

Yada: No.

LaB: Shepard?

Yada: Yes, Shepard. I went with all of these men, getting their emotional reactions to their experiences. They could not have chosen better men that were more emotionally adjusted, more emotionally detached from their own physical welfare than these men were. And this is also true of the man from Russia, the rocket man from Russia. A very strong man, strong of character, a disciplined man.

People in your world, the lay individual of life, get wrong pictures, wrong ideas about what is called strong characters, strong bodies, strong minds. One can have very cold blooded desires and yet have a very strong character. Some of these beings you call space beings are very intelligent beings, highly intelligent, very evolved beings, but their way of thinking is so different from yours that they could do things to you here that you would think were horrible, terrible things, most inhuman. But, you see, they are beyond the human level and so they do things because they see the need to be done, and they do not involve their emotions in what they are doing.

R: Do they have the same attitude toward others of their kind?

Yada: Yes.

LaB: Yada, about these flecks that Carpenter said looked like snowflakes. He said he noticed quite a shower of them when he hit the side of the capsule.

Yada: Yes, it is very possible because these things are not all from the surface of his capsule, but are pieces of matter, energized matter, in space, and they are energized and activated by what you call radiation that is in space. Not only radiation from the sun, but radiation that is in space itself, coming from most distant suns and bodies.

It is said in your Christian Bible that there were two trees in the Garden of Eden. One, it is said, was the Tree of Life, and the other was the Tree of Knowledge. Now it appears in the Bible, that man ate of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, not of the Tree of Life.

I do not believe this. He ate of the Tree of Life. He forgot to eat of the Tree of Knowledge. That is why he, largely, is so ignorant. Had he eaten of the Tree of Knowledge, he would know all the facts of life and he would know what life is like, so he would not have needed to eat of the Tree of Life. I believe he did do that. He neglected to eat of the Tree of Knowledge that would tell him what his nature was so that he would know today why he is going into space. He would know what the end result would be of his going into space, so he would know how to do it without all this struggle. But you go back into the history of man. He is, by his own nature, a creator. This means that he is by his own nature, a curious being. The only way he can learn is by trying, by experimentation, by testing.

We go back to the time when you were having the great western movement. Not knowing anything about mechanics, and therefore nothing about machines, motors, he had not yet invented a car, a wagon driven by a motor. So he had to take the hard way to cross the country. This involved him in many, many difficulties and deprivations that he would not have had to suffer had he waited until he became smart enough to create a motor-driven wagon. Now you can imagine crossing your country today in those wagons that they crossed in, in those times.

Everything that comes to man, comes in a given time-frame, a time-frame in which he has the knowledge to produce these things. We cannot produce that of which we know nothing about, so you must have the knowledge first. Now you are going into space in the same manner. Your older generations crossed your country in the wagons, what you call the covered wagons, or on horseback. You are trying to push yourself into space. You have machines which you build up to create tremendous forces to push against the gravity which exists. But there will come a time when this will be unnecessary. You will do much like what is called the space people do. You will learn to move with gravity. You will learn how to tap various lines of gravity, for gravity forces move in a variety of lines.

Irene: It will do away with the friction that we have now?

Yada: This is so, for you will not need to build up such tremendous pressures to push against it. You will learn how to go with certain lines of gravity that will send you spinning into space. There will come a time when you will not do that, but something better.

You will learn that space is also what is called dimensional, so that you can set your machines into a given kind of vibration and find yourself, let us say, on Mars, or in the constellation of Arcturus. You are also moving against what is called geometrical arrangements of space. Do I make myself clear? It is very difficult because dimension also implies time, but geometrical patterns implies arrangements of lines of force. Some of these can be bypassed where you can get into one pattern of arrangement without going through opposing patterns. In a flash you will be where you want to go. A flash may be as fast as light, or faster. Now, if you can only move as fast as light you know, you would have reached a limitation of where you can go in space. Is it not so?

LaB: If we could go that fast, or if we could go faster....

Yada: If you could learn to go faster. Now in doing this you will not be moving in directional motion but only in vibratory motion. Do you see this? There is a difference.

LaB: Then it is a matter of attuning to that particular vibration and everything is transformed into that vibration, the ship, the being himself...

Yada: Everything, everything. Now you may think this will hurt your body; that this will cause a scattering or a loosening up, or an expansion of your bodily energies, but this is not so. There will be changes made, of course, but not dangerous to you because you will learn how to re-arrange, or to change the vibrations.

Once you have reached where you want to go, you will know how to keep your body-self in a normal state. Let us look at one of your greatest fears about going into space. It is called weightlessness and everybody, even the man on the street who knows nothing about the subject, was certain that weightlessness was a complete barrier, that no man would be able to stand it. How long ago was it that your first cars with motors in them, moved at 25 miles per hour? I was said by the layman who knew nothing about what is called motion, the laws of motion, the effects of motion on a body going 25 miles per hour, if it was not against God, it certainly was against the ability of the body to stand that kind of motion. It is not so long ago that this was thought about weightlessness. Even your scientists were very greatly concerned about this and its effects on the human body; but now they are beginning to realize that the human body can stand up under weightlessness and the conditions of matter under weightlessness, especially what is called earth-matter, this planet's matter.

There is something that disturbs me more than any of these physical things about man going into space at this time, that is, he is taking with him the disease of ignorance, or low forms of stupidity which is, all put together, insanity, and he will spread this insanity throughout the cosmos. It is well that those who are going into space now are educated people. Besides being healthy of body, they are healthy of mind. Some of them are still touched by the brush of the Christian religion, but they will get over that for that is one of the forms of human insanity in your world.

Irene: Is it possible, Yada, that by the time we begin to travel in space, man will have lost some of this insaneness?

Yada: Yes, especially on religion because the farther out into space he goes, the more people will come to see that there is nothing up there but space, no heavens and no hells except the hell of fear of space. Now, one of the dangers to man in going into space is not a physical thing at all, but psychological. A long time with no place to tie up to, can create aberrations in the mind so that no one going into space can simply sit in one position and keep going. Not for any long trip. One must have their mind otherwise occupied so you will be making ships that go into space that will be controlled automatically. Only when you are approaching or landing on some body in space will you use manual efforts, and even here most of those manual efforts will be under automatic guidance.

R: Automatic pilot?

Yada: Yes. Now there are certain levels, or planes in space where man will encounter intense heat. In the beginning it was thought that there was only cold and the higher you get, the farther away from the earth you get, where there was no atmosphere, the greater the coldness. But this is not so. There are bands of heat that are quite intense, and the only way you can avoid this, is by going out through what is called the north pole, but this depends on where in space you wish to go. Even this way there are bands of radiation that are relatively close to your earth, that are extremely potent, and you can avoid the larger fields of this potent energy by going through the north pole.

Also it would be better that you go out this way to avoid the intense radiation from the sun, if you are aiming to get beyond the sun. Passing anywhere near the sun is to be consumed by the sun like a moth in a flame. You would be consumed, not so much by getting into contact with flames as such, but by pure radiation that will cause deterioration of the metal structure of your ship. It will cause brittleness and you will deteriorate long before any visible flame hits you. It would be like rushing into your atmosphere, only worse. Also in getting away from your earth, getting away, or moving away from your solar system the sun will disappear and you would see no light. You would be moving into the most utter darkness that you can imagine; that only a blind person experiences.

Irene: This would take quite a bit of adjusting to for the mind to accept this state.

Yada: Of course. What would be needed is having your ship lighted by the kind of light that you are accustomed to; otherwise you create mental aberrations in going through that darkness that would be of such kind as to destroy your mind.

Now, if you are going to go to the moon...It is possible one of the most dangerous planets in very near space, for it has no atmosphere at all. The surface is largely powdery and where it is not, it is like what you call cinders, hard but brittle. The radiation received in a few hours on this planet would not give you time to come back alive to the earth unless, of course, you find some kind of material that will keep you safe from this radiation, for the moon gets lines of radiation that are very short, and it gets them in full force, such as ultra-violet, x-rays. How long do you think you could last in that? Now I think that the best kind of protection is what you are using in your nose-cones, ceramic. Much better than any metal. It stands up better under heat. The valence of the constituent particles is stronger.

Irene: Yada, a man would have to be encased in something like this, a complete suit of armor?

Yada: Oh, he could not. It would be too heavy.

Irene: Yes, and how would he get around?

Yada: Man's ingenuity is remarkable. All you have to do is to suggest to man that there is this condition and pretty soon his brain starts going and going and he has an answer to it as long as you do not put any fear in the way. As long as you do not sow any superstitious thoughts in his way there is nothing he cannot do, because man, in time, will be moving among the stars. He will! There are solar systems, or I should say planetary systems with a sun, several of these in your galactic system, an many more throughout the various galactic systems, where there are other beings much like yourself.

Irene: The same mind running through all these different bodies.

Yada: Yes, and what is more, what makes this possible is the arrangement of bodies in relation to the suns. Now if you get one that is in some approximate relation to the sun like your own, you will have living substances on that planet. If you do not, let us say it is not the same closeness but perhaps a little nearer or perhaps a little farther away, you will have, right away, beings of a different kind, a different strain, different arrangement because of this arrangement with the sun, the distance and all of this causes very definite chemical changes to take place on such planets.

Irene: This is true on our earth. In different countries bodies are different.

Yada: That is so. There is, I think, some plant life and some animal life that does very well where it started, but if you transplant these things, they will die. Yet it is all on the same planet, but you have differences in heat which causes differences in chemical changes. Now, by the law of what you call change, just by this law, you can know where there are beings like yourselves in space somewhere.

While you may say, and I may agree, that there are no two things alike, there is still enough similarity to bring about similar conditions. We, in my civilization, were fully aware that the sun was responsible for our existence on the earth, and for the existence of all living things. We were aware of this and we gave adoration to the early sun, and in the evening to the late sun as it was bidding the earth, or our side of the earth, goodbye, goodnight, anoche. We gave it love and appreciation.

It was only after our civilization was partly destroyed by violent quakes that the people fell into worshipping the night forces and thinking of them in a superstitious manner as living entities waiting to destroy us or desiring to, and that these evil forces, the night forces, were conscious of our life here, or of human life here. I can well understand how this would come about based on what you know of the experience that we suffered when our civilization was destroyed. The long months of terrible, terrible darkness! You can have no idea of the darkness in which fire, the flames, would be like dead flames. There would be no casting of light and we suffered in great fear, horrible fear. I have no words for it. Many people colliding in the darkness, would viciously attack and kill one another, or at least one would die.

Irene: Did this darkness last for a very long period of time?

Yada: Yes, for two or three months. You can understand this in a way. The violence of the quake created a change in the inclination of the axis of the earth in relation to the sun.

Irene: I didn't know quakes had such an effect on the earth.

Yada: It was not only the quakes, it was the great windstorms from outer space; great ice-storms. Huge, huge blocks of ice would hurtle out of space and crash to the earth. The intensity of the winds and the cold would freeze things solid.

Irene: Was this happening all over the earth at that time, Yada?

Yada: Oh, there was some violence in almost the entire earth, yes, but it was largely the reflections from where it was centered, in our part of the world the Himalayan mountains.

LaB: Was the ice of earth origin or was it from outer space?

Yada: It was from outer space.

LaB: This must have been a rupture in outer space that caused the earth to erupt and let the ice in.

Yada: This is so. A quake is not started by the earth moving. It is first started by the ethers moving. There are two forces at work, one moving down to the earth, the other coming up from the earth, and these two are moving in a given rate of motion in different parts of the earth. When there is going to be a quake, a change in motion takes place, first in the ethers over the land where the quake is centered, or going to be centered. If it is going to be a small and slow-moving quake, the forces will follow that pattern and will work up to that pattern of change, and then the earth starts moving in the direction in which the ethers are moving.

This whole earth has been up and down, and twisted and shaken, and vibrated so much, churned back and forth; and seas have risen and covered the earth, seas have receded from the land, great lands have moved high into the sky making what you call mountains, but the darkness was the most awful. The only time the darkness was changed to light was when it was on fire with a green fire. The skies, the atmosphere was a green fire consuming oxygen. Dead right now! Anybody in or near this! Great amounts of oxygen taken out of the air in an instant, so that, if you were not consumed by heat, if you did not feel the heat, if you were a distance away from the location of the flame, the breath was sucked out of your lungs. You suffocated.

Irene: I saw this green fire all over Los Angeles when I was in that quake, you know. I looked down from my hotel window and as far as I could see, it was just a sea of this green light on everything.

Yada: Sometimes this would creep along the ground.

Irene: That is, close to the ground.

Yada: Yes, but I have seen it high up also, and then it also comes down to the ground and creeps along the ground. It is most peculiar. It is very much like psychic energy, if you have ever seen this, only psychic energy is largely either a pale blue, or what you call purple lavender, lavender to a dark purple. But this green fire was not a deep green but a pale green and sometimes bright. It looked like fire but it was electrical.

Also there was much lightning, sheets, but nothing like what you get today, much worse. It made everything, for a moment, so bright that you could not see it. Then utter darkness. You can understand that evil, the idea of evil, was born out of the darkness that man experienced because of the lack of light and the stories of the coming of the sun, the redeemer, was the returning of sunlight to the earth. There was very little of streaked lightning, or forked lightning, but sheets. Most awful.

Irene: The air has a peculiar odor afterwards.

Yada: This is called ozone. It is very light and unstable. It replenishes the life force for plants.

R: You talked of spinning into space. Does it make any difference whether the machine spins or we set up a spinning field around it?

Yada: Oh, it is truly the spinning field that does this. The ship itself may not be spinning at all. It may, and is, simply vibrating with what you call the up and down motion. Do you understand?

R: Yes. Now about gravity, Yada. Gravity is not a simple force, it is a combination of several forces, isn't it?

Yada: This is so, and as I said, they are not all moving in the same direction. Their geometrical patterns are varied. Now you have a demonstration of this fact in certain vortex fields you have on earth. You know some of these.

R: There is one up in Oregon.

Yada: Yes, yes. I watched this man experience certain things in there, and his wife, that I expected would happen to them. It may not happen, however, to people of a less sensitive nature. Also this man, when he went into the field there, this vortex field, he was getting in the mouth, the taste of iron.

Irene: He felt the rotating motion much stronger than I. I had this metallic taste in my mouth but it was only when I was trying to steady him that we both spun.

Yada: Yes. I witnessed this. Now, going back into space, this is going to change the entire earth-man, the entire man, his pattern of thought in regard to almost everything, in almost every field of endeavor, in almost every kind of belief.

Irene: I imagine it will change his personality a great deal.

Yada: Oh, very much, very much because he is getting a different feeling for life. He feels more clearly, more vividly. He will comprehend better. He will, in short, see through the veil that has been over his eyes for so long.

Irene: Maybe he will honour himself more.

Yada: Well, this is a question which will come up for debate sometime, no doubt. Man's morals do not, of themselves, change. What changes is his degree of sanity. I foresee a time when man will be re-building many more houses of education and less houses of adoration. Then his education will give him an intelligent attitude toward things. He will get to know them and love them, which means understand them, so that he does not need to give adoration. There is a long-thought-of thing in your world called a time-machine in which one could be put and transported into the future, or into the past.

Irene: Man is experimenting with that now, isn't he?

Yada: Yes, but he will discover that there is no transporting one, but a change of awareness takes place. The speed of the body parts will change and this will give him a feeling that his surroundings have changed, so he will get the feeling that he is in a different location than he was in before. This, of course, will put him in that location.

LaB: Will he be making comparisons or will he just feel differently than we do now?

Yada: He will feel differently. You want to go, let us say, the distance of from one city to another. You can be there in a moment. A time machine; I do not think that is a good word. I think a better word would be a consciousness machine. A change in relation to your form with some other form.

What makes you think you are travelling when you are doing what you call travelling? Changes in feelings about objects that are passing or coming within some relative nearness to you. Space you call it. Beyond your earth you call it outer space. Does this not suggest dimension? Inner space, outer space? Yet, by its nature, the matter world does occupy what is called space. But space is not something different than matter; there is not separate forming; therefore, there is not such thing as a complete vacuum. If there is but one particle, however small, in a vacuum, the vacuum is full. There is no vacuum. Is it not so?

R: Yes, because of that one small particle, it does not fulfill the definition of a vacuum.

Yada: Yes. Also, in space there is a great chance for what is called, severe dehydration. This means you are going to make your machines hermetically sealed; otherwise your bodies would suffer dehydration. You will also poison yourselves with your own breath unless you carry some kind of living substance there to produce what you call oxygen.

Irene: You have mentioned this before. You said it would be impossible for him to travel because his body, being mostly water, would dehydrate.

Yada: This is so only if he is not put into a sealed machine.

Irene: This was not elaborated upon in the book that Bryant and Helen Reeve wrote, The Flying Saucer Pilgrimage. They only stated what you said - that man couldn't travel in his body as it is now, being mostly water.

Yada: This is not the entire picture. You see, little statements are bad to make. One must go into details of some kind to clarify things. Man is going to move through space, and at some time, no matter how remote it may be, he will be moving into space alone, He will investigate the very spaces of matter. Can he stop here? Eventually he will return to his source, the light out of which he came.

In your world there is the simple thought that the solar system is vast and man will never get to the stars. Yes, he will. He will find ways and means of moving into star-bodies with all the intensity of heat produced by your sun. There are suns in space that could hold upwards of fifteen to twenty millions of your suns and man would not be too aware that they were there.

Irene: You said they could be shaken around like stones in a baby's rattle.

Yada: This is so. So what is big and what is small? Relative. How vast is space? The vastness, the bigness is only in relation to man's knowledge of how to move through it. That's the size of the universe, the universes.