!  Yada Speaks - People Listen  !

Lecture by Yada di Shi'ite


Yada: To begin at the beginning sounds good, but where life is concerned in what is called the matter world, it is almost useless to try to find words to tell of a condition that existed long before what is called the birth of form. The basic nature of existence as you know it, is called times. Before the form was, there was a condition we may call time.

Aud: Singular.

Yada: Yes, The reason I am using the plural expression times is because the nature of matter is what may be called atomic. It is of little use to say that time is vast, because the word becomes meaningless when you relate it to times.

A few nights ago I had the pleasure of watching, through this man's eyes, the story of the scientific theory regarding times. Here there was much wondering as to why time could not be created, or gone back to, by reducing time into divided fractions, and fractions of fractions. Were it possible to get absolute time, it would mean that even time itself was a creation.

Aud: Question, Yada?

Yada: Yes.

Aud: Doesn't time begin with the first motion?

Yada: Yes. You see, this first motion is the first fraction. It is not a different matter, and this is why your scientists make a big mistake in talking about time and trying to divide it to its utmost oneness, because time started by one motion the first motion.

Aud: Could we say that the first motion created positive and negative, and so time?

Yada: Yes.

Aud: That would be the trinity?

Yada: There comes to my mind the question, out of what did matter come? The only answer I know is motion. The matter world was created by three different kinds of motion which created what may be called triangular, or three-dimensional matter.

Matter does not exist in something. Matter, so far as the matter world goes, exists in itself, for, along with what you call matter, three-dimensional space was created. I think your scientists say the matter-world is both limited and limitless, because where matter is, that which is space is, but basically space is a thing of consciousness, of consciousness that is making reference to itself. This is very hard to think of. This is why you do not yet have, in your world, words that can give a true picture of the composition of space, or a nearly true picture of the nature of life. The moment you try this you are making different sounds and, where creation is concerned, sound is working to create or to keep matter creating itself. By sound I do not mean that which is heard by the sense of vibration, but what other expression can we use?

Aud: Vibration?

Yada: Vibration is the result of motion. Motion then becomes matter, three-dimensional matter. In your Christian Bible it says, In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. Yes?

Aud: Yes, that's right.

Yada: The word sound. Sound is motion, is matter. Now I wish for you at any moment, whatever I say that is not to your understanding and you have ideas of your own about it, you correct me, please.

Aud: Yada, I do not mean this to correct you, but there are people who think that sound exists only in relationship to it being heard.

Yada: Yes, that is true, but the sound I speak of has nothing to do with what the ear can hear, but with the octaves much higher.

Aud: Could this be classified as being ultrasonic?

Yada: Yes, and a little bit more, but you can use it so as not to get too fancy with words.

Aud: Yada, so likewise with motion. Motion is something again of which we, through our senses, seem to have an idea. To us, of course, we are aware of motion as a creation, only in as much, as we can sense it or can measure it. But you are talking about matter at the beginning as motion, or as matter beyond that which we can measure.

Yada: Yes, and these lines of vibrations should I call them lines, or perhaps eddies, or vortices? These make what you call psychic or mental filaments, or web-like structures, which, in its particular field of motion, grasps minute pieces together not really together but created or grown up out of these lines of motion. Do I make this clear?

Aud: Yes. The fields of energy are gathering vortices together.

Yada: Yes.

Aud: The circular field of motion has a tendency to draw other parts of mind-substance into it.

Yada: Yes, now you see the difficulty in talking in a purely scientific way about the atom. You cannot do it. You have to, somewhere, make reference to creation from the metaphysical approach. The view that your world exists only in physical form, as you know it in your world, is up against a wall regarding creation. You know how to use what is around you, but you do not know its origin, and not knowing its origin has driven the unknowing to all manner of fantastic stories about gods and devils and the contest between dark and light forces. This contest between dark and light forces is simply a marker in various degrees of congealing, or expanding and forming into larger and larger pieces. I think perhaps, in your world, you have learned to make a vacuum as far as you can get a complete vacuum, which is not a truly complete one, by using one of these machines you have for whirling.

Aud: Centrifuge?

Yada: Centrifuge. You can whirl space and get matter from it, from almost what you call a void, by whirling it. You set up a vortex motion in a dimension that is not matter and bring matter from it.

Your scientists, even in your present day, are debating whether the universe came from one large atom. The question is, if you ask this question, how large? How large do they mean? As you know, large and small are relative things, or conditions.

What I would say is that, in a manner of speaking, this is erroneous. A node of what is called matter arose up from non- matter, or a different frequency. This node was many, many (if you wish to measure it) trillions of miles across, and it was more in the shape of a lens. This, after a given length of time, started to break up. It broke into rings. It broke up first by shrinking. The shrinking was not a quiet thing, but a very explosive thing. Then, after it reached a much smaller size, it exploded most violently, creating what may be called a dwarf star, or sun. These rings then became suns. Part of them, breaking loose, created wild bodies that you call comets. This forming of a solar system, and before that what is called a galaxy, took place during centuries of time in different points in what is called space. A motion over here in space will affect a body over there which may be trillions of miles from you, and set up a kind of psychic force that eventually creates another body if it is not there already.

Aud: This is through harmonics?

Yada: Yes, I think that your scientists say the electron is everywhere-present. So it is, because the motion of one electron is going to either pull another electron to it, or to create one that it can pull to itself. A little later, it will form a miniature galactic system. This miniature galactic system - you may call it the atom. It is very much like the galactic system in the cosmic realm. Do you understand?

Aud: Yes. It seems that the pattern is pretty much the same. The only difference is the extent of it.

Yada: Yes, only...

Aud: The form to make the basic pattern is the same. It differs in quantity and in quality.

Yada: And relatively different in what you call size.

Aud: Yes.

Yada: Again we go to your Christian Bible. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. It is like saying, In the beginning was good, and good was with good, and the word was good, good meaning balance.

Aud: Just from the word angle, could you say harmony here, Yada?

Yada: Yes.

Aud: And from harmony, harmonics. Everything in balance.

Yada: This is so. So again the word is harmonics. What it means is the matter-world. Seven octaves then created fourteen octaves; fourteen octaves then created twenty-eight octaves.

Aud: You know, Yada, this is important to us because we operate under two measurements. One we call geometric progression, the other arithmetical progression. You know you have your seven and fourteen and you jumped to twenty-eight. You skipped a step there or was it arithmetical computation, 7, 14, 21, 28? It might make a difference.

Yada: In many ways what you say is true because from each one comes sevens and sevens, and sevens and sevens. Every time seven is created you get multiplications of those sevens.

Aud: I see. Outside of the Ring-Pass-Not, that is a different kind of space?

Yada: Is so, is so.

Aud: Because as soon as it becomes curved it becomes relative space.The space outside of the Ring-Pass-Not is a straight space that is known as absolute space while the space within the Ring- Pass-Not is curved, or relative space. Relative space is curved while absolute space is straight.

Yada: Yes, and it is in relative space that form is created and is called sensory form. Understand?

Aud: Yes, That is what you would call the prototype of the form?

Yada: Yes.

Aud: And that would be a static thing?

Yada: Yes.

Aud: And it does not get into action until the space becomes relative?

Yada: Is so. It is very difficult to think about it, not to think about, to think above.

Aud: May I interrupt here?

Yada: Yes.

Aud: I would like to ask Mr. Reynolds to tell me again what a Ring-Ring...?

Reynolds: Ring-Pass-Not.

Irene: Ring-Pass-Not. I have never heard of this.

Reynolds: Mead Layne used to talk of it when he was here.

Irene: I didn't comprehend what he was talking about.

Yada: This is it.

Irene: Yes.

Yada: Where did you learn this?

Reynolds: From Dion Fortune's book, The Cosmic Doctrine.

Yada: Oh!

Reynolds: She says there are three rings. There is the Ring Cosmos, the Ring-Pass-Not, and the Ring-Chaos.

Yada: This is true.

Reynolds: But these are trillions of miles across.

Yada: Is so. Very difficult to grasp. What we are talking here tonight is, I suppose, is not for everybody.

Irene: I don't think it would be possible for you to talk upon something that would be for everybody.

Yada: No, I think not. What I mean is, it is not for the lay mind.

Irene: I feel, Yada, that there are reams and reams of material already compiled for the lay mind, and when the lay mind is ready for this material we will have it ready for them.

Yada: Yes, your more scientific minds will grasp this, and your scientific minds will think of it mathematically more than they will by words. There is one thing that, when you talk of the basic nature of these things, you cannot talk in words about them. That's what makes it difficult to speak like this. There are no true words - you have not created them.

Aud: An adequate vocabulary.

Yada: This is so.

Aud: Yada, going back to the prototype of form in absolute space, do we not have an analogy of this in the seed of a plant?

Yada: Yes. Here is the secret, if I may call it that, of the different forms. There is nothing, so far as the eye can see, in the seed that resembles what a plant is going to be like. It knows every little line that it shall create to make a special kind of needed form. It is even in the pattern what is going to happen to that form. It has this already in it while it is still a seed. To say it lies there in thought does not, naturally, give you a complete picture of how it is there, or what is there.

Now comes the formation of planets out of this one large atom or mass of energy. For a long time - how long? To say a billion years - seven and a quarter billion years it took your galactic system to come into being - is not to understand what you are saying because time is one thing and times in another. How are you going to measure the beginning?

Aud: I think, to do that, we would have to go back and determine when mind-substance originated in the first place, and that is un-thinkable.

Yada: Is so. It may appear that the sun is one thing and man, or life here on your planet, in any form, is something else. But this is not true in speaking of it in another way of thought. It is said that God gave His only begotten Son that man should not perish from the face of the earth. This is what is meant, from the face of the earth, for, without the sun, there could be no life upon the earth.

In the beginning was thought. If you call it God then you cannot comprehend it, and it leads you to an attempt to defy it.

Aud: We try to personify it.

Yada: Yes, and this leads to worship which is a purely emotional approach. The Beginner, the Puppeteer needs no bowing down to. Everything in it (which we may call the seed of creation) was there. Everything that happens or does not happen to either humans or anything else in the created world, was already there, in the central field, or sun. Consciousness which was not conscious of itself as being different because, could it think upon itself, it would create duality, which is what it did in creating form.

That which is called the human animal is the highest, most complex body thought created. It created it in this particular manner in which the human body is, so as to become conscious of itself. To not only be the thinker but to be able to think upon the thinker, this is called self-awareness. The human body has it because it was designed for it over vast periods of time in which it sought to find what may be called a suitable from to mold itself in, and it is all because of brain and spine. Yes?

Aud: It appears that by mind developing this very complex body, it also develops itself, and as it develops itself, it requires a still more complex body to express itself.

Yada: Is so.

Aud: So there does not seem to be any end to it.

Yada: Is right. In what is called the beginning of life on earth, little bodies called amoebas were created. Now these amoebas had motion by light. To the extent of the light was the ability to move. They were moved by light.

Aud: Is that what they call photo-synthesis, Yada, or is that something else?

Yada: No, that is it.

Aud: It appears then, that the first sensation in the human body is feeling.

Yada: Yes.

Aud: This feeling is what we should use to develop our psychic senses.

Yada: This is so.

Aud: May I ask a question here? By the word feeling do we mean a sensual thing, or do we mean a feeling psychically?

Yada: Psychically.

Aud: And the sense of feeling has been in the body so long that it has become deeply imbedded in the psyche.

Yada: Is so, is so.

Aud: Then you don't mean the feeling of pressure, but the feeling of some other energy force.

Yada: No, feeling is better. There is no other word that truly gives one the picture. Even today there are few people who know they are moved around by their psychic feelings. If they knew this, their knowledge would enable them to develop the ability to sense exactly the right way of moving. It would bring anything and everything they want. Nothing could resist the attraction of this well-balanced feeling sense.

Aud: Is this what alchemy has as its objective?

Yada: Yes, because it becomes his ability to transmute feelings into chemistry. Do I make this clear, please?

Aud: Yes, but isn't the main objective of alchemy to attune the conscious and the subconscious minds?

Yada: Of course, which creates a very minute change in the chemistry of the body. This ability or art of healing is the central part of the initiate's ability to bring his animal passion self into what is called the Christ Mind, the All-Mind, or whatever you like to call it, so he finds his oneness again. It is that he is the Creator.

Aud: And yet he, himself, does not do it.

Yada: No.

Aud: The ONE SELF in him does it.

Yada: Is so.

Aud: Can you say this, Yada, at the beginning consciousness was not aware of itself, but through matter and experiences it became aware of itself as a knower?

Yada: This is so.

Aud: If consciousness was not aware of itself, how would it create?

Yada: It was not aware of itself as a creator. It thought not that I am creating. The thought was simply expression and in the expression the thinker received what is called experience. In receiving experience, it lost awareness of itself because the experience was in creating, and it lost itself in its creation.

Aud: And it is when it gets into the state of the Christness that it finds itself both creator and creation.

Yada: This is so.

Aud: In order to get into the Christness, we have to attune the subconscious mind with the conscious mind.

Yada: Is so, but you see, the moment the created becomes aware that it is the creator, then it ceases to have any awareness consciously (as you understand this word) of creating. It immediately ceases to be aware that it is creating. It knows itself only as the creator but not as doing any creating. Do I make myself clear? This is very difficult but it is a point that we must understand.

Aud: Yada, suppose that he did realize himself as the creator, would everything stop?

Yada: No, because creation is not done by what you call conscious awareness. Let us look at it this way. Let us say one is painting a picture. I use this, of course, because this man knows it better than most any other way. Have you ever gotten yourself lost in your creation? While you are writing, painting, making music, how often have you become aware of yourself doing the creating?

Aud: Not very often.

Yada: You are mostly aware of the creation. Is it not so?

Aud: Yes.

Yada: And the more you feel for your creation, the more you lose yourself in it. You lose your self awareness like saying, I am Joseph. This is gone from you.

Aud: You identify yourself with the work that is going on.

Yada: Is so.

Aud: Lose yourself.

Yada: Yes, and sometimes to such an extent that you lose awareness of your surroundings. Your consciousness becomes so caught up in your creation that you lose awareness of yourself as being and doing the creating.

Aud: Yes.

Yada: In a larger manner, in a larger way, a much more intense way, this is true of the creator that brought your creation into being. That is what made it a live creation. The creator lost every separation of duality between himself and his creation. He became so lost in his creation that he imparted all of himself into it. This is why it is called an intelligent creation.

Aud: If you touch the painter while he is doing this, he jumps. In fact he is snapped back into his physical.

Yada: Is so. He loses attention, loses awareness of his creation and becomes aware of himself again.

Aud: And it is very difficult then for him to get back into the feeling of creating again. In the physical, he loses contact with his creation.

Yada: Because why? Because he has pulled all the life of the creation back into himself again.

Aud: Yes.

Yada: Back to the center. In creation the point is the circumference, and sometimes the circumference is very big and when it snaps back to the point it is very shocking. (Yada withdraws and returns after an intermission.)

Yada: I mentioned the creator becoming aware of himself again and no longer aware of his creation but I wish to make a point here. You must not think that the creator became aware of himself or of the distinction of sex gender. This is not so, of course. It had no self-awareness. To have self-awareness there must be the ability to think of yourself, and the self must be something different again than the thought. Do I make it clear?

Aud: Yes, Yada. I think that you could have an analogy, if I may say so. You have light and dark shades in a picture and this is how come there is a picture. You have to have within it, differences to make it be itself, and there has to be a right and a left, a positive and a negative, or male and female, and this type of thing. Is this what you are talking about?

Yada: Yes, and so it actually loses consciousness of itself because there is no awareness in self. When an individual says, I am self-aware, he is speaking about his physical, emotional self. He is creating an identity. It is like the difference between saying, I am, and I am I. There is only awareness of I am, but no I am I. No identification there of the second self called I. Do I make myself clear?

Aud: Yes.

Yada: This again, is a very difficult thing for the I am I sense to grasp.

Aud: Mark has described to us, Yada, the condition he finds himself in, when you take control of his body. He says he is just aware of being.

Yada: Being, just being with no secondary something called I. The name of the creator is not I am but only AM. When you understand this, then you see everything is saying one thing only - AM. It is marvelous when you can understand this. It brings us less feelings of worry and anxiety for, you see, there is nothing to be anxious about. AM is the one and the whole of it. This is the state or condition one must enter into if they make such practices in Yoga, the AM state. They lose the personification of their second sense called I. But in that state, in the AM state, All is in perfect balance.

Aud: Could you say, Yada, that in the I am state, as when you are painting, no sense of I am or of being is there?

Yada: Yes, When you make I, you create duality - sometimes called I, and secondly, something called the creation.

Everything is done by energy. That which human beings call thinking, even the most rudimentary form of it, takes energy. This should tell us that all creation is energy. But I do not like the word energy. To use energy we must first have not energy. Is so. Energy, so far as the bodily functions go, is the basic blocks of what is called thought.

Thought, again, as far as the physical world goes, is reactions to one's experiences. Here begins man's learning to think. How do I register thought? Is it done only through the brain? I think not. The brain, of course, is the beginning of thought, yet the whole body registers an experience. Each organ in the body regards these experiences in different ways. Some have negative effects on their neighbours in having certain experiences. Some directly in the heart. These heart-feeling people are also emotional- thinking people. All the organs of the body register an experience from the outside world; then later they experience it again by what is called attitudes, inner attitudes. These may affect any of the organs adversely and create all the various diseases that the body is subject to.

Of course, each person is a product largely of his environment; how he has been conditioned there; how his environment conditions him. In an direction - sound, colour, anything at all - we become conditioned. This is why it is difficult for us to talk about how man thinks. Of course, how men think creates for them one mind called the mass mind. Is it not so?

Aud: Yes.

Yada: The human organism - we cannot talk of it en masse, naturally. Why? One of the greatest reasons is because life is not lived en masse. The real life is a single experience, the experience of the dreamer, or the creator of it. A thought creates between the cells an action of energy which you, today, call neuron shower, so that the feeling then repeats these neuron showers, or actions, between the cells. Very often the memory of an experience becomes more effective on the body of that person than the experience itself.

Aud: Does dwelling on an experience often become more damaging than the experience?

Yada: Yes, or, instead of dwelling on it, they seek to forget it; and in trying to forget it, they build it up and make it worse if it is a negative thing to them, and if it is a positive thing to them, they make it better than the experience itself. Sometimes a person having an experience will be so affected by it that he cannot tell the truth about it, he has no clear picture of what happened. A person, say having an experience with a simple little thing like this - say a person wearing certain clothes or colour of clothes that are depressing to that one, he will refuse to accept that fact that he had on the colour of clothes that depressed him. He will make up a colour, a kind that is more pleasing to him. This is why witnesses of some forms of action are of little value. A crime has been committed. The person watching it so abhors the violence of it that he can create an entirely new drama that is in no way related to what has really happened because he wants to escape the pressure, the pain of watching that violence. Strange, we humans, in so many ways! Again, some people seem to grasp things more easily than others. This is due to a feeling for their experience, an attachment, a love for what they are doing. When we have love for a thing, we become efficient in that thing. To love is to know, to love is to understand; and when we understand, we can work freely in that particular field.

Most children's fears come from their inability to understand what they are doing, so that thing becomes a fear to them. The moment we understand, our fears are gone and we become very wonderful students in that subject.

Aud: Is this, Yada, why some children who do not like, say, arithmetic or some subject they must take - they do not understand it and they say, oh! I do not like it and they fear it?

Yada: Yes, you are right. They do not understand it. This is the basis of failure in subjects. Not because these people are mentally inadequate to their studies. They are adequate. It is a fear they have, based on lack of understanding of the basic nature of the studies.

Aud: If teachers understood this more I think they would be more inclined to explain more fully to their students.

Yada: Of course, but how are you going to do this when each teacher has so many students? You cannot give much attention to any one.

Aud: I know.

Yada: Your world has a very sad need of teachers. I mean teachers, not those who are merely educated in academic things, but people who understand human nature and how the human thinks. What an important thing! How we think.

A subject, if we do not understand it, can become a bore to us, destroy our ability to learn not only that subject, but anything else, academically.

Aud: We set up mental blocks, as we call it, Yada.

Yada: Is true.

Aud: And we reject it, or we don't want to have the pain of facing this that we don't understand, so we just cast it aside and say, I don't understand it and I don't like it.

Yada: Is so. It is not -- You see today there are some children that are backward and others that are forward, and you like to restore this to a normal condition, but it is not so. A child must have, or an adult must have understanding of his subject, must know what it is, know all its parts so that he is not afraid of it. This is all that lacks to have all bright children.

Aud: You have to use different approaches to each individual.

Yada: Is so. Now if you keep sowing the seed of fear by forcing a subject on a child, pretty soon he will get sick because he is seeking to escape it. By making him sick, it gives him the excuse - what he thinks is a legitimate excuse - for a chance to get away from the subject. And I may say this is often true of adults.

The subject of religion - the matter of Jesus, or the Christ story - can bring and does bring various forms of sickness to the human body, even to those who have been fully conditioned so that they believe this to be so. It is only the low emotional consciousness that believes because the low emotional self can think it believes something without knowing it. This is a matter of acceptance, and acceptance very often takes very much pressure from us.

Aud: It relieves us of some of the responsibility of seeking to learn what it is all about.

Yada: Yes.

Aud: Until we understand it.

Yada: Yes, until we know instead of believing it. You wish to say something to me?

Aud: Not right now, Yada, I think we have enough to think about.

Yada: Joseph, do you wish to say something?

LaB No, this is fine, Yada, you are giving us new things to think about, and I think we may as well not compound it.

Yada: Is so. Thank you very much. Irene, do you want to say something?

Irene: Well, it isn't of great importance but, as we were talking, it reminded me of a program I was watching on TV. A man desired to come up and sing in a contest. He said that he had been an engineer (this fits into the category of loving what you are doing) and he said that he had been an engineer for quite some years, and he was worn out. He understood his work but he was bored. One morning as he was at the breakfast table eating, the trash man came along and was whistling as he gathered up the trash. The engineer turned to his wife and said, this is what I want to be. This is what he does now. He is a trash man, and he sings and has a lovely time, and this takes no academic training to do, but he is content to be a trash gatherer.

Yada: This is called peace of mind. It is not what you do that destroys your peace of mind; it is your reaction to what you do.

My honorable friends, it has been a joy for me to come here and speak to you.