Lecture by Yada di Shi'ite
Members of the Inner Circle.

Through Medium Mark Probert

December 26 1959

Irene: This is December 26, 1959; we are at our home in San Diego.

Dr. SN: I am Dr. Sukuto Nikkioi.

Irene: Oh! Dr. Sukuto Nikkioi! Well, wonderful! This is a wonderful surprise!

Dr. SN: It has been a long time since I have come here.

Irene: Oh my yes! Many years!

Dr. SN: Yes it has. How are you Sir?

Man: Very well. Where have you been?

Dr. SN: Let us just say "away". (Laughter) Just away, away from where I have been (chuckling) wherever that is. But it is always a pleasure to greet you. In this coming new year, we of The Circle have made a decision that perhaps several of us can come and talk with you now.

Irene: Oh this is wonderful! It is a marvelous Christmas present for us!

Dr. SN: Thank you. It is also for us. It will be very refreshing for us to get this opportunity to hear our own voices in the physical world again, after this long time.

Irene: Well I hope you don't wait until next Christmas until you repeat this performance and I hope you come more often now.

Dr. SN: Well thank you. I was listening to your talk on the blindness of people and, of course, there are literally millions of people who come into the physical world who are blind and deaf and cannot speak, and who have many other malfunctions of the body.

Question: Can a baby - in this particular case, they assume that this little girl was born blind because her mother had measles during pregnancy and they thought perhaps this might have had an influence. Do you think this is so, or could be so?

Dr. SN: Yes, it is so, it is possible; but whenever the body is suffering, the incoming child may acquire some of the conditions of its mother.

Comment: I remember seeing, or looking very closely at miscarriages - one or two months miscarriages - where the baby would be maybe only a couple of inches long. Yet, with a magnifying glass, I could see the little black specks for the eyes and it was a perfect body in the making.

Dr. SN: Yes, the whole entire body is there, even as a minute invisible microscopic seed.

Question: The form, or the pattern is there, but will you explain to us how this comes about then? That the eyes say, for instance, neglected to develop? Is the mind of the baby influenced by the thoughts of the mother, that prevents it from developing the eyes?

Dr. SN: Of course this could be. The mother, not realizing that if she would stay in a dark room during the most critical part of her ailment, that she would have no trouble with her eyes. But this one does not know this and has not given thought that measles and too much light do not go well together because they may cause blindness in a person. Of course this may affect the brain of the incoming child, impress it sufficiently to cause a malfunction of the eyes, or even - let us say, no eyes at all, as the baby is coming into the physical world.

Question: Its attention is pulled away from the development of the eyes, is that right?

Dr. SN: Yes.

Question: It's because of this, and the incoming entity is responsible for the form it builds, to operate in?

Dr. SN: This may be so - and then it may work differently. It may affect these strings of substances, called genes and chromosomes, and impress them. These genes and chromosomes are very minute beads of the substances that are extremely sensitive to the mental action of the parents - especially the mother. However, there may have been blindness in the family many generations back, and these genes and chromosomes have become impressed with blindness; so that many generations later, these affect us in, let us say - the forefathers of these people who suffer from blindness in early years.

Dr. SN: I may have a little trouble continuing for very long here this evening. I may not be able to stay because I have not been in practice in using a physical voice, so I find it difficult, and I am putting somewhat of a strain on this man's organs.

Irene: Would you like to relax for just a bit? I would like to read something to you, Doctor, and I would like to have you and the members of The Inner Circle give some thought to this and see if you can handle this type of question if you will?

Question: If there would be the possibility of finding information on the following, it would be of great benefit. This is from a chiropractic doctor "Our clinic, The Chiropractic Clinic, located in Cumberland, Wisconsin, has been researching a special procedure for relieving spinal cord nerve interferences. For the most part, they are working on the physical level but have helped thousands of patients. They are using a research model of an instrument called a 'neuro-lineal meter'. The question is, are these.....

Dr. SN: A measurement for the nerves?

Irene: Yes. "Are these measurements accurate, and how can they be proven? And how can the actual final procedure of holding contact be improved? Inasmuch as this is a knotty problem, would you have access to further information?" I thought that even if you felt that you would not be in a position to say, because you have not been using Mark's body for quite a while, if you couldn't tonight express an opinion on this or give some usable information, you might think about it and maybe we could give this man some kind of an answer. Well, you can do some kind of research on it yourself.

Dr. SN: I will be very happy to make a little attempt to do so. And if I do not speak it through this man's voice, I will dictate - whatever information I can - to him or have one of the members of The Circle do this.

Irene: Because Yada has suggested that we start taping, making private tapes for people, I thought we might make this suggestion to this doctor, and he might want to follow through with the ordering of a private lecture and let more than one of -- you express an opinion on this.

Dr. SN: That might very well be. It does sound like an excellent thing for us to do. Thank you very much. Now, to go back for a moment and talk on health - I know of no greater gift that one could have than that of good health. For some 40 years I was a physician and surgeon. And I observed a great number of ill people - from babies to old people. And I discovered that my pills and other preventions - called 'witches brew' - did them very little good..

So I finally had to stop my practice. I could not stand it any longer because I was not accomplishing what I originally thought my profession should have been capable of doing. In the many years when I was so engaged, I finally came to the conclusion that no man knows what harm he is doing to the body he is treating - no doctor. I also began to realize that the mind often did much more conclusive work on the sick person, if given the direction to do so. So I finally closed my office and started to travel the world over, to see if I could find some answers to this most distressing situation. I discovered one very important thing, that I had already known to a limited extent while I was working in my practice. I discovered that all the world was sick. No human being - or rarely any human being - got out of the world well.

I have known both men and women who would suddenly die. Yet, they seemed to be in the most perfect health and there was not any sound provocation for this. And I have known people who suffered from the most frightful diseases, deteriorating diseases, as well as people who had been in tragic accidents that literally tore their bodies up - I have seen them come out of these conditions, get better, and it appeared as though nothing had ever happened to them; and they lived and lived and lived for years and years after - and sometimes in a better state of health than they had before. Isn't that disturbing to a doctor? I think so.

Comment: It's a puzzlement.

Dr. SN: It is, it is. Today, I know there is only one thing that cures - and that is mind. Because there is only one thing that stops ailments in the body, because there is only one thing that brings man, woman or child to accidents, and this is the mind. We need to get at the unconscious functioning of our mind.

Comment: That's the problem!

Dr. SN: That is the problem. It has been done, but not in enough cases to make doctors realize, make the medical profession realize that this is the only way - that no medicines have ever cured anyone; they only postponed the critical stages of the ailment. Arthritis, neuritis, all kinds of allergies, diabetes, arteriosclerosis of various kinds, cancer, heart trouble, tuberculosis and other respiratory conditions - all stem from the mental/emotional self. Some day this is going to be clearly understood in your world. Thereafter, only rarely will chemicals be used, and the chemicals will be given under suggestion. But first, the mind will be psychoanalized - the mind of the individual, the patient.

Question: Is there any better way to do that than by hypnosis?

Dr. SN: I know of none. But first you will try to get at the patient's mind as much as you can consciously first. Begin while he is still aware, knowing that in time you are going to run into blocks, and he will not let you past these blocks as long as he is conscious. So then you are going to have to put him to sleep by suggestion. Get the inner self to tell, try to tell - why the trouble. Why did it start? How and when did it start? Then, as you bring the patient awake, tell him. Let him see what the causes of his ailments are, so that he will now know it consciously and unconsciously. Then you can use a little chemical substance. This way you will be treating both the cause and the effect. An ailment is simply the effect of a cause that starts in the mind, in the mental/emotional self.

Question: Doctor, isn't most disease caused by the attitude of the objective mind toward life?

Dr. SN: Of course. Of course.

Question: We place too much importance upon the wrong things?

Dr. SN: Exactly so. And because, again, why? Mainly because all teachings lead to some form of fear. Because all teachings produce, for the individual, for the pupil, an unknown quantity. And every time the conscious self is faced with an unknown quantity, fear begins to come up. Fear rises out of him. A child should be taught in school that he must try not to fail. However, it should also be instilled in him not to be afraid to fail in his lessons and not to be afraid to make a mistake. Very often man learns much better by making mistakes than by doing everything right the first time.

Many of the greatest discoveries have been come upon by doing something the wrong way. But now, in your world today, the children - both the young ones in grade school, and in the college universities - they are all taught to be afraid to fail in their lessons. So, every time an examination comes - or what you call test time, they are in a sweat. I have had - in the months when the school children were to be tested, I have had more children brought to me, ill with colds - vomiting - fever. All out of what? Fear. Fear of failure to pass the test. Then you have teachers, as well as parents, who hold up one pupil against another; pit one pupil against another; say that he is better than you are. What does this produce? Fear. Hate. Malice. Revenge. "The world hates me". This is what comes up in the child's mind after a test, after he is faced with these conditions time after time. This is what makes criminals, as well as chronically sick people. This is what causes children to need glasses in their earlier years in school. In the beginning they are not physically blind; there is nothing wrong with their eyes, nothing wrong with the nerves. It is fear. Fear produces the condition, causes the child to squint his eyes and causes him to strain to look at something he is afraid to look at.

Comment: Doctor, I think this can be a pre-natal thing too. I was thinking now of my granddaughter. When she was born, one of her eyes seemed to be a little weak, the muscle of the eye. That child - her lessons come easy to her; nevertheless she has to have glasses.

Dr. SN: Of course. Look at the strain the entire body of the mother went through while she was carrying the child and before. Man is indeed a mess. Who brought it upon him? Himself. Who can get him out of it? Himself. No one else. There is no one else to get him out of it. Who can he turn to? All of your teachings for the young - psychology should be thrown out. It is really ridiculous and has no worth - and causes more trouble. I think I have stayed long enough. I was glad to come. You will forgive me for going.

Irene: We are ever most honored to have you.

Dr. SN: Oh thank you.

Irene: And I do hope, as I said before, that you will come more often, Doctor, for you will talk this over with The Circle if you can be of any assistance to him in understanding this problem. It is most interesting to have you talk upon some of these things, to have examples set before us at all times. I did want to ask you about this little blind girl. You know they are doing transplanting of eyes now. I wonder if there is the possibility there of a transplant?

Dr. SN: She has no nerve ends.

Irene: (softly) I see

Dr. SN: Nothing to transplant to...

Irene: (sadly) I see.

Dr. SN: Good night.

Group: Good night, Doctor, and thank you.

I am Maharajah Natcha Tramalaki.

Irene: Oh! Good evening! My, this is wonderful! First Dr. Sukuto Nikkioi and then you!

MNT: I sometimes think that my great friend, Dr. Sukuto Nikkioi, and myself, that we are runaway doctors. I studied medicine for a time in Oxford, England, but I simply wasn't cut out to be a doctor.

Irene: Perhaps it would be of help to you that this is helping some of the doctors here on earth.

MNT: That may be, but I would rather not have anything to do with it now any more than I did when I was on earth. I saw so much suffering, the world over. It appalled me, sickened me, frustrated me to the point where I felt entirely inadequate to do anything about it. More than this, in my heart and mind I was a philosopher and a poet. A philosopher and a poet. And perhaps it was those things that made me extremely sensitive to a suffering world. I sought after beauty, and found the material world to be largely a world of ugliness and despair.

The only way I could escape these negative feelings was to get away to the mountains, some retreat, for several months at a time. But even there, after traveling around the world for some10 years, I still could not rid myself of the depressing fact that the material world is a HELL for the human consciousness; and the sooner one gets out of it, the better. I tried to make up some kind of a philosophy that would appeal to my inner self, with the hope that it would annihilate the terrible pains that I suffered through observing the world around me.

I didn't have to get out of India at all, to realize the world at large was a world of suffering. Millions of people are born, die, in the streets of various cities throughout India; almost none of these having had even the barest necessities. Yet I have known others who had an abundance of material wealth, who also suffered the hell of illnesses of the body and of the mind.

Maharajah Natcha Tramalaki (Continued)
Strangely, I discovered that many very wealthy people were more likely to commit suicide than those who had nothing at all. Perhaps it was that the very poor did not have to commit suicide - they simply died from starvation and died from the lack of love and any real contact with their fellow man. When I came home, after roaming the earth for 10 years as I said, it was not long before I was on my death bed that I made this statement that All is opinion. There is no real truth anywhere. There are no facts. There is nothing for man to truly hold onto, nothing for him to be certain of. All that he can ever do - or I should say try to do - is to prepare himself for the unexpected with as much calmness of spirit as he can.

Perhaps that is a very depressing thought. I do not see how anyone, but one who is about to die, could live with a philosophy like that for very long without going mad. But anyway, that sums up my outlook on life. I could see no answer. I could see no answer for why man should suffer for the few short years that he is here. Why could he not have it somewhat more pleasant? Perhaps not entirely so but to some extent?

I never received an answer to that until I came over here - at least not a satisfactory one. Now I know that the material world is an entirely unknown quantity to man. His unconscious self created it and he came to consciously live in it. And, in doing so, it remained an unknown quantity to him. And he is trying, and has been trying to understand it ever since he has been here. Perhaps in due course he will comprehend it to a greater extent than he does now. This means that this material world is a school where he learns many lessons that he could not otherwise learn. If every child could be taught to keep a cheerful mind, a happy heart, with the thought that he does not have long to suffer it, this would give him some cheer.

The pain, the sadness, and even the joy are not for long; that the world into which he will step will be considerably better - again, without his having to do too much conscious thinking about it. There is a greater mind that has prepared conditions for him, which he will live in and be much happier for a period of time that will also be short, but more endurable. And then, for most, they will have to return to the material world or what I call 'the hell', and it is indeed - for another period of time to learn a little more and then rest again for awhile. Then there will come a time when the dream will be over and man will once again attain his great Christ Mind, the mind of the Buddhi, the eternal light out of which he has come.

Dr.Sukuto Nikkioi, in his talk about healing the sick, said that his discovery that the best way to heal would be through hypnosis, with, to some extent, a little medical treatment occasionally. I can't see any answer there. I can't see that it will solve anything because, at most, you will be able to reach only a minute part of the human race. Then, there are not enough men and women who are capable, who are trained for it.

No, I haven't changed my mind about the physical world. If you can find any joy in it, you may thank the 'great gods'. As I feel my thoughts to be so, I naturally feel that when you see someone whom you love, you have become accustomed to, you have been close to, and they depart the physical world - cheer him. Laugh, don't cry, at least not for them. Cry for yourself whom they have left behind. Cry for yourself. They have made at least one step into The Light. They have a measure of greater freedom than you who call yourselves 'the living'. Perhaps I shouldn't have come with this sour note, but I think it is well, for those of us who are seeking to understand ourselves, that we get both sides of the picture. It is all very well to give the patient a boost, a sense of cheer by telling him fairy stories about how well he is going to be, but he is going to have to find out the truth sooner or later so let us look at both sides of the picture.

Maharajah Natcha Tramalaki (Continued)
If you can find joy in the physical world, take it, hold onto it as long as you can. It is a will-o-the-wisp. You will please extend my love and my appreciation to all those you can, who have been so helpful to us, and to yourselves.

Irene: It has been wonderful to have you come. I hope you will come more often now.

Maharajah Thank you, and perhaps if I do. I will try not to come in on such a sour note. But you want truth, eh?

Irene: That's what we want to listen to you for.

MNT: Indeed so, my dear. And if I can offer you no other joy I can certainly offer you that one - that there is a world, an experience called 'living', yet to come - an experience very worthwhile looking forward to.

Irene: Perhaps the next time you come, you might tell us a little bit of India, and the possibilities of what we can look forward to experiencing.

MNT: Yes, it may be that I can do that. In the meanwhile, I do hope that you will enjoy the next 365 days.

Reply: Thank you Sir. We will try to live now, and the results of our now living will be as it should be.

MNT: Indeed so, my dear, indeed so. I leave you with my love. Good evening.

[NOTE The following is very difficult to record in the written word
Labored breathing is heard. Then, a long pause... Oh..... Oh..... Sigh... ]

Irene: Are you having a little trouble? (Gasping - crying - coughing can be heard)

Irene: Hello, Dear... What is it, Dear?... What is it? Gordon? (Softly, repeatedly) Gordon? Speak to me, Dear. (Gasping and crying continues - Irene continues to try to calm him down and to make contact)

Irene: This is a wonderful experience! Don't be sad. Be happy that you can come, Dear! Gordon (Still sobbing .... Why? Oh Irene (crying) I have no one to turn to.....

Irene: Yes you have. Just because you are there, doesn't mean that you are separated from us. I often talk to you, don't you know that? Listen, dear, you do have us! Don't become concerned, dear. I never have understood just what did take place. I guess you must have gotten up and lit a cigarette, and laid down on the couch.

Gordon: (Still sobbing .... I DID... I DID! I was going to get up early - ohhh........ .........

Irene: You were in bed. You got up, lit a cigarette and laid down on the couch?

Gordon: Yes. I fell asleep and.. . .... . . . (fading)

Irene: Gordon - yes dear -

Gordon: I had so much to look forward to ......

Irene: Oh my dear - you know Mark and I know this, dear - You know this.

Gordon: I had so much I wanted to do .....

Irene: Is there anything that you want me to do? Is there anything?

Gordon: No. Nobody can help me. (in great despair - nobody nobody)

Irene: Gordon, listen dear. Aren't you aware of The Inner Circle?

Gordon: Ohhh Ohh....

Irene: Aren't you aware of the Inner Circle at all?

Gordon: They, they brought me here.....

Irene: I am so grateful to them. I am going to wipe your face; don't let me disturb you. Listen Gordon - you know, every emotion you show registers on Mark. And you know how he loves you - and it sort of disturbs him if he feels your emotion. If you will try to take yourself in hand and talk to me - because I have been looking forward to this a great deal. Have you met Skippy over there? Have You?

Gordon: Yes he is here with me.

Irene: Wonderful! You know you are not there by yourself, dear. Is there anything you want me to tell your people?

Gordon: (Emphatically) No! No! I don't even want them to know I was here!

Irene: Well, I won't tell them. They know you talked to Mark clairaudiently; I thought maybe you wanted me to tell them something.

Gordon: (Angrily) My mother never even came back to find out if she could talk to me!

Irene: Well she went up north...

Gordon: Yes I know.

Irene: And I don't know whether she is back yet or not.

Gordon: She is.

Irene: You know I left my sweater in the car....

Gordon: Yes, I know all about what happened.

Irene: Your brother brought it over to me. And I didn't know, until he came over, your mother has gone to Oregon someplace, to stay for a month or so and I haven't...

Gordon: I was just getting started. I was going to go from there; and I had things to do - all my tapes everything burned up with me - not even something to leave behind ...

Irene: No. We wanted to go back, to get a copy of that tape of ours that you made .... Now, don't get emotional darling. I am so glad that you took your nice doggie over to your friend's house.

Gordon: I do want to tell my mother I didn't want her to have it. I wanted to give it to my brother.

Irene: He has it now.

Gordon: Yes, I know.

Irene: I don't know who he could get to take your place, dear, in the work you were doing - because you each had your own particular job. You really had a lot to do - and you were going to do a lot for us too.

Gordon: (Calmer now) Irene, I'm glad for you - you and Mark both. You know what I was talking to you about?

Irene: All the way here.

Gordon: Would you wipe my nose again?

Irene: Yes dear. I don't know how this feels on you - whether it is coarse or not, this is not tissue, it is a paper napkin.

Gordon: That' all right.

Irene: I want you to change your attitude because all of this will register on Mark; and if you could kind of build up a happiness attitude

Gordon: Are we alone here?

Irene: No dear. Do you know Mr. R.?

Gordon: Yes, I met him once.

Mr. R: Gordon, I just want to say, if you had work you wanted to do, this shouldn't stop you.

Gordon: I just can't seem to get myself adjusted ....

Irene: Well, you want to remember, you know, there's a lot of things you can help Mark with.

Gordon: yes.

Irene: You met Y. and T. and their daughter, and they are here; and H. - I don't think you met him - and that"s all who are here. We changed from Wednesday over to Friday. We're holding it tonight, which is Saturday, because last night was Christmas. And I'm very glad that you came tonight because it gives us a better chance to talk. I would really appreciate if you could impress Mark with things that you had in mind because there's so much that you can do dear...

Mr. R: If you find it hard to get adjusted, why not go to a hospital? They can help you.

Irene: Or the Inner Circle will help you - you know that!

Gordon: And Skippy tries to help me too. I get a... ... . ..... for the happiness. Sometimes he's having a very bad time with me...

Mr. R: Maybe it would be better if you went to the hospital.

Irene: I think The Inner Circle will help you, dear, if you can give them an understanding that you want them to help. Do you want to blow? (nose).

Gordon: No, I can't blow.

Irene: You know, I feel you around me so much.

Gordon: Oh, I have been around you and Mark ever since I left.

Irene: I know it. You and Skip both. And I talk to you. And I guess if someone came around and thought I was talking to myself, they would put me away too. (Irene laughs, and Gordon almost does.)

Irene: And I know when Skip is around me

Gordon: Same old guy

Irene: Same old guy, yes.

Gordon: Skip has - he has more courage than I have.

Irene: Well, you know Skip really was aware that his time had kind of run out here. He really didn't have a pattern of what he wanted to do.

Gordon: You know, Irene, I had so much I wanted to do... I had everything so planned!

Irene: You know, Gordon, it's not everybody who could work through Mark, or come in contact with him. And a lot of your ideas, you could really accomplish them by working through Mark, by impressing him and talking to us. And you might be able to do something - whatever you have in mind. Don't hesitate to work something between you and Skip and make up your minds what you want to do - and maybe we can work something out, you know ?

Gordon: This is (quietly) is it Christmas now?

Irene: Yes. Can you see my Christmas tree? Up on the TV? You know what I have? I have one of those driftwood branches and I decorated it with tiny little lights and silver balls - and it is a most unusual looking tree - but it's pretty.

Gordon: When you go to San Francisco, will you tell D.H. I was asking for him?

Irene: I certainly will. I imagine we'll be going up there soon.

Gordon: (no longer sobbing) - He'll understand.

Irene: Yes. Well, we might have a private session. We're going to stay in his home; he has asked us to. And you may be able to talk to him if you want to.

Gordon: Yeah, yeah perhaps I could.

Irene: Try to think of something funny to talk to me about so you can try to change the rhythm; so that when you leave, Mark won't feel the sadness - he always does you know. Whatever the emotions are of the individual who is coming through, they transfer to Mark and leave an impression on him.

Gordon: Well, Skippy told me to be careful or I might get Mark upset.

Irene: Oh, he'll be all right - you're doing all right now. Mark and I would both like to have your little red car but I don't think there is a possibility.

Gordon: Ohhh no, Irene! My mother wouldn't give you anything!

Irene: I wouldn't expect her to give it to us!

Gordon: Oh, she really doesn't want to have anything to do with you guys.

Irene: I think I made her a little bit perturbed because I 'sat on her' a little bit.

Gordon: And also because you didn't go to my funeral.

Irene: Well I don't care if she likes it or not - you were with me - you were not over there!

Gordon: I wasn't over there. I was with you guys here, all the time! I'm so glad you didn't go. I didn't want to see myself get put in the ground

Irene: Well, you weren't.... . ....

Gordon: Now she wants to buy a plot of ground next to my grave.

Irene: Yes, she has bought it already.

Gordon: Yeah.

Irene: I know it was ridiculous but that is her way of thinking Gordon, and you have to take people for what they are.

Gordon: But Irene, you know if she really loved me she wouldn't take that attitude, you know? Why take that attitude with me and ignore my brother?

Irene: That's what I told her.

Gordon: I have a living brother. What's the matter with her! Oh, I know what's the matter ...

Irene: Well I told her, and she said "Well I bought a plot of ground and I will lie next to him." And I said "Well, you want to remember you have a son here." And she said "Oh well, he has his own life." And I think your brother would be much different if he didn't recognize the fact that your mother has very little use for him.

Gordon: My mother tried to tie me to her apron strings, ever since I could remember. That's what made me so different!

Irene: Yes, I know that dear. Skip and I were at your Mom's, and you were playing your music and you had your tape recorder there. Did you take that up north with you? You took that with you?

Gordon: No, no, Irene. I didn't take that with me.

Irene: Well she does have one of your tape recorders then. None of your music was there?

Gordon: Nothing.

Mr. R: I was just thinking. If you went to the hospital and got straightened out on your emotions and contacted some of the musical schools there, that you are in a position to give the world a . . . . .. .. (fading).

(Gordon apparently withdrew.)

Question: Is he out already? (Group discussion).

Yada di' Shi'ite Senas et Senehas. I think everyone can be cheerful. It is not a body of his own. He is all right, but coming in control of Mark's body and getting the opportunity to talk with you - it frightened him and made him feel sorry for himself.

Irene: Well I think he still has the memory of all the things he wanted to do.

Yada: Yes, of course.

Irene: And I told him if there was anything he could talk to Mark about we might still be able to use ... ..... . .... .... Isn't that the truth?

Yada: Yes. I think things are hardly ever as they look on the surface. So much of life in your world is illusionary. Of course it is in the astral world also, to a large degree, but there is a wider sense of freedom in the astral world than you have here. And I think, in time, he(Gordon) will be adjusted to his condition and will come back and be laughing and talking, like the young man Skippy.

Question: How is Skip's mother?

Yada: She is all right; busy with her work, and all this. (Laughter from group.)

Comment: It seems so funny for you to have an itch, Yada!

Yada: I don't have it! He (Mark) has it! But when I come in contact with his body, of course, I feel it.

Irene: Mr. R. made a suggestion that it might be a good idea if Gordon go into a hospital for a little while over there.

Yada: This may be wise. They have what is called 'way stations'. They are somewhat on the order of your hospitals but they are used mostly for babies and for very old people who have been sick for a long time

Irene: My Daddy was in one.

Yada: They are very beautiful, very spacious. There are many people there to help and to make people feel comfortable and happy in their new condition. It is like when you come into the physical world; somebody is here to help you and make you conscious, little by little, of what you call time passes. You wake up ... ...... ..... ... it is something like this.

Yada: (Continues) Some people - especially old people - and especially if they have suffered long, they are asleep. And sometimes they sleep for a long period of time, until they have washed away the thoughts of ever having lived in the physical world. And they stay this way for a long time - again, so that when they do wake up, they have no memory of the physical world, and therefore they miss nothing.

After a time, though, there are teachers and helpers, schools where they are taken, or go to, where they are taught about their life on earth. They are awakened to it again. Then these helpers take them - and part of the course is to take them back to the earth, and the atmosphere of the earth, and have them in the places where they used to be, and let them see people they were associated with or related to - and even sometimes get the opportunity to speak with them.

Irene: Now this is the process my father went through.

Yada: That is right.

Irene: Because, Daddy had no awareness of who he was or why he stayed around Mark and me. Then Professor Luntz told him, and said I was right in thinking that it was my father around me, and that he would then try to help Daddy to remember. Then after about a year, Daddy came and talked through Mark, and knew then where he was. So this is probably the same process Daddy went through.

Yada: Most young people awake right away and - outside, perhaps, the sadness they feel for a time, over being separated from their people, and the youthful years in the physical body - all this - they get over it in time, and this is no great strain on them.

Irene: I didn't know whether the process of burning, like he(Gordon) did, would require some time in a hospital or not. I wasn't aware of how this does affect the individual?

Yada: No, he has not too much awareness of burning, only of sleeping. And once he went into the deeper sleep, which is the post-mortem state - which is where the separation of the consciousness from the body takes place - he was asleep then, for a period of time, a few hours. But mostly, young people are the more fortunate - if we may call it that. In the longer run of things, everybody comes out all right.

Irene: I think what he misses now Yada; he is still very much aware of the things he wanted to do and he doesn't know how to put these things to work.

Yada: But he will. He will. That which you are given to do here on your earth, you will do again if it is what you want to do - and in a broader way - with much less strain upon you. If I could express the conditions in a way where you could see it, you could grasp it better; you would see there is nothing to it. You would see it to be a better condition. My honorable colleague, the Maharajah Natcha Tramalaki, was speaking of that a little while ago. The physical world is the world of tears, the world of pain and unhappiness - not the world beyond. The world beyond is a world of joy great joy, if you will let it be. Do not let yourself be held to the earth plane with sorrows and hatred and love attachments. Even love attachments can be most distressing.

Irene: As Gordon was saying, there were so many things he wanted to do to help in this work, help Mark in this work. If an individual has the desire to be of service in that particular field, could you say that they can be of service without being, what you classify as, earthbound?

Yada: Oh they are not necessarily earthbound. Perhaps they simply feel a sense of love and loyalty to those they have left behind. And, in helping those, they help themselves more.

Irene: Yes, I imagine that would be wonderful.

Yada: Yes. And I feel fairly certain that this young man, Mr. Longstone (Gordon), that he would like to do this. And perhaps he can help Mark much more, in his present condition, than he could otherwise.

Irene: Yes, I wish he would try to create this thought within himself. It would give him a feeling of being able to put forth some of his ideas instead of developing the thought that all is hopeless.

Yada: Yes, as I say, do not be concerned about him. Do not be impressed too much by what you have witnessed here.

Irene: I know it does affect him. Do you remember the first time Skip came through?

Yada: Yes, he was sobbing, and experienced sadness.

Irene: I would appreciate, if when we go to San Francisco and we expect to stay with D. H. - if you can help Gordon to come and talk to Doug for a little while; it would be nice.

Yada: Yes, it would be. Now I want to say, we of The Inner Circle thought it may be a nice thing for many of us to start getting in contact with you again, and speaking through Mark, at least for a period of time. For one thing, I hope that by doing this, it will assure you that we are not, and have no intention of leaving you.

Irene: I was not at all concerned but it isn't good to have rumors by other people in other localities. Because Mark's work and your / our work is so well known, it isn't good for people in different localities to form these opinions.

Yada: No, of course not.

Irene: C.C. was saying she wished there was something she could do about it. Well, I am not concerned. I think she is more concerned than she should be, but if we could have several of you come, I wouldn't want you and Professor Luntz to ... ... ..... I think it would be nice for several of you to come on one night unless there is a specific subject which one of you must take up, such as was the other day.

Yada: I thought it would kind of give you a little change, and we all felt that way. Again, as I said, it was to give you some physical assurance that we have, by no means, fallen by the wayside.

Irene We often wonder what you do with all your time. When it seems that even though Mark hold only one lecture a week, it seems that very few members of The Inner Circle have had any reason to come. We often wonder what in heaven's name is taking place; what are they doing?

A long time ago, I remember that the Maharajah and Arakashi used to tell us about they would sort of watch over their country, India, and see what they could do to bring changes about, bring things into balance; and we would get more reports on things of that sort. For a long time now, we haven't heard any news. And even though you teach us to be detached - and we are, to some extent - we have developed a great love for members of The Circle. You know it is like hearing from an old friend to have you people come back. Mr. R. and I often speak of Sister Theresa. She was such a lovely individual and still is, and we would like to have her visit Mark.

Yada: Well they will come now. Others will come in the coming weeks.

Irene: The teachers who haven't spoken through Mark - do you think they will come?

Yada: It may also be, yes.

Irene: It would be nice, and we would become acquainted with the whole family.

Yada: In some cases, it has been a long time since they have spoken through Mark.

Irene: Lo Sun Yat, and Kay Ting - oh many of the teachers have, but there are some who have never spoken through Mark. You do intend to have them, don't you?

Yada: Yes, but I wanted to let this man Gordon come, to give him the chance to express himself - sad or happy, it is a chance.

Irene: We really appreciate it, and I wanted to talk to him myself. I wanted him to be able to come and talk with us occasionally, and the only way he can get over this feeling of sadness is through Mark. Skip gets very hilarious and it was a wonderful experience to have him come.

Yada: Skip is having a very fine life and is helping Gordon very much.

Irene: I was reading to Dr. Sukuto Nikkioi - did you hear me read that letter? Do you think the members of The Inner Circle can be of some assistance?

Yada: Yes I do. At least we will try.

Irene: I thought you said you would like to start something with tapes and so I thought, I might be able to present ... ..... ..... because he seems to be working with a group of doctors. It might be nice to be able to play this tape and by reading it to Dr. Sukuto Nikkioi, you people might be able to go up there and do some sort of research work into what they are doing, and be able to give some kind of talk on it.

Yada: We have much work.

Irene: I used to complain about it. You told me, several years back, "Never worry, you will have plenty of work; more than you can do." I couldn't visualize what I would be doing. Now I have boxes of correspondence to take care of and I really need a secretary. This secretary needs a secretary!

Yada: Yes. I think, when you feel it opportune to do so, that you write to the lady in Saratoga; and also, push a little bit, the people in Fresno, and come back with the man, Mr. H and ... .....

Irene: Oh, you mean D. H. ?

Yada: Yes, and Mr. L.B., and M.C. - I would make some kind of ... .........

Irene: Sort of a schedule?

Yada: Yes, and I think before the New Year is too much in, that you will be going to these places. It will be nice for you to get going again - and for us too.

Irene: I have so much correspondence now - letters to answer a person in Phoenix, a Mr. .... .....

Yada: Yes, and soon will come the lady, Mrs. A., and she will help you. Ask for her and her sister and you will meet a family there who will be very interested in what we are doing.

Irene: That's wonderful! Suggest to Mark that we plan to be there longer than a day or two.

Yada: She wants you to meet these people who will be interested and meet some friends.

Irene: This is encouraging. It seems when we manage to build a little nest egg, it kind of carries us over; it gives us the freedom then of holding little small lectures that are most necessary, that we can get private tapes for.

Yada: In English you do not say "little small" group. Little or small, but not little small. For a long time I did not understand the English way of thinking there. it became difficult for me to speak it. But I am getting better and better all the time - I think so!

Irene: When I said "little" it wasn't the proper word. It is a small group, so I changed it. I do think, when we are here, if we could use most of our time having just a few people here for the tape, that we can make private tapes. Mark's time, and yours, will be better utilized, coming to the time where, I feel, when so many open lectures will be less. The first time we went to New York City, and you told me this Yada, I almost collapsed. I was afraid you meant we weren't going to hold any more lectures, have no more contacts.

Yada: There is still much to be done. Man is a talker - a talking machine - like this talk-talk-talk. He does something, sometimes, but mostly we talk.

Irene: We have more talkers than listeners.

Yada: Yes, and we have more talkers than doers. But this is the main way men learn about men - by ideas being spoken through the mouth. Well I think it is getting a little late so I will leave pretty soon. When we meet again, other members of The Circle - who have not talked for a long time - will come.

Irene: All right, Yada. Nobody else is coming?

Yada: no.

Irene: I have certainly appreciated this little informal talk, and your talking to me about what we can plan on doing. I'll have to get "my house in shape'. if you know what I mean.

Yada: Do not push yourself.

Irene: I know. You are always telling me I get too enthusiastic and feel I can't accomplish everything I want to do.

Yada: The main thing is to be happy in what you do.

Irene: It still seems that I have some loose ends to take care of for THE MAGIC BAG sending out more notices and arranging for these trips

Yada: I do not expect the trips to take you to too much distance except to San Francisco and places like that

Irene: Perhaps we can take the portable machine with us.

Yada: Yes.

Yada: (To a lady in the group) I am very pleased to see you here. Do you have something you would like to talk with me about?

Lady: Yes, but I am always a blank when somebody asks me!

Yada: How is your work? Are you working?

Lady: Yes.

Yada: What do you do?

Lady: ....taking care of gas stations, where they send notices to customers to get their cars serviced.

Yada: Are you working long hours?

Lady: A few days a week but I enjoy it.

Irene: She can govern her own time which gives her freedom and yet something to do.

Yada: Collette, what have you to say? How are your legs feeling?

C: A lot better.

Yada: Not too much trouble, huh? What about salt?

C: Oh I cut way down.

Yada: Keep this up, because salt - if eating a lot of it - causes water to build up in the body which causes the skin to swell. The kidneys cannot handle it so it spreads through the tissues of the body. Now, you are a young girl; you have much life ahead of you. Do you want to have a happy and less painful life? Then be very careful of what you eat, very careful of what you put in the mouth. You have a nice body now; you are young. But you can lose it in a little while if you do not love yourself enough to be on guard of what goes in the mouth.

You already know what should not come out of the mouth. Now you have to learn what should go into the mouth. In your Bible, the man Jese (sic) says "Pay not attention to what is going into your mouth but rather what is coming out of your mouth". However, the emphasis was on speaking kind words. Of course he understood the law of chemistry and the body is a chemical body. And if this body is not taken care of properly by maintaining the right chemical balance, you have trouble.

Q: Is it necessary to drink a lot of water to have good health?

Yada: Not necessary, no. The thirst will tell you when water is needed. There was a school of thought that drinking a quart of water - two quarts of water - a day .. ....

Comment: Yes, 8 glasses!

Yada: What are you, an elephant?!

Comment: Very few people can drink that much unless they force it down!

Comment: Now if that was beer !

Yada: That is different! Makes a good joke.

Irene: They have a term for people who drink too much water and become water soaked

Yada: What do you call it?

Comment: Hydrolic! [Laughter]

Yada: Is so. And the kidneys cannot handle this. And more Running all this water through the mouth causes the washing away of saline from the mouth, which (saline) helps to keep the teeth coated with a very thin layer of protective fluid which is coming from the saliva glands. This washing leaves the teeth open to attack from germs, the little bugs. Now, drinking all this water when there is no thirst, also causes the food to not be able to digest - especially if it is cold water, very cold. One of the worst things that man can put into his mouth and stomach is ice water.

Comment: I like ice water.

Yada: Yes you like that and the reaction to the mouth. But what it does to the stomach, to the intestinal tract, is quite something again. Remember, inside the body, it is 98.6 degree temperature. Your putting ice in there, causes a quick change of temperature which causes a stoppage of digestive action, which the stomach is always going through. Soon then, you have what is called the plugged intestinal tract.

Yada, continued After this, you get a series of cramps, from time to time, or you get what is called nausea and you do not know why. You say, "I haven't eaten anything; why should I get this?" Cold water, cold liquid of any kind - and I mean - it causes the stopping of the digestive fluid. Then the substance - the food in the stomach begins to rot and this causes putrefaction. You may feel all right, very good, but sometimes, every once in a while, you have cramps in the stomach that makes for bringing the food up.

Irene: This may be what happens to me. I get up, feeling good, then take orange juice with gelatin - orange juice from the refrigerator. I tried adding warm water.

Yada: I suggest you take the gelatin in water only, bottled water.

Irene: Not take orange juice?

Yada: That is right.

Irene: Dr. prescribed vitamins and minerals, to be taken with food.

Yada: Yes do not take these pills ever, unless you take food. If you are going to take pills, eat something solid because the pills are acid and if they have nothing to eat on, will eat on the lining of the stomach, the mucous membrane of the stomach. Eat first, wait 15 minutes, then take pills.

Yada: (Speaking to another) You should take more exercise and keep your body trim.You are young; you can live a long time if you take care of your body Every day, when you get up, before you eat, go through exercises. Lie on the floor, on your back, put hands behind head, take deep breaths (Yada describes 'sit-ups') This will tighten muscles in the stomach and in the hips; and also build up lungs - breath - it gives good lungs. Do you understand?

Answer: If nothing else, it is good for the lungs.

Comment: Also, horse back riding.

Yada: Very good - especially for the horse's lungs! [Laughter] This (sit-ups) is one of the best exercises if you want to keep your body in shape.

Question: Horse back riding!? (Laughter). --- No, sit-ups!

Yada: Yes. It will help you and not put a strain on you because all the muscles are working together. Lie on back, hands behind head, take deep breaths - and when you come up you inhale. Do not overdo it, but do everyday 15 to 20 times and you will have the nicest stomach!

Irene: Mark was telling me how difficult it was to pull up when he didn't inhale.

Yada: Oh, if you do not inhale, it is very difficult and puts a strain on you besides. One of the causes of asthma is from the stomach the bacteria in the intestinal tract. Much of this is gathered from eating excessive sweets, and cream and milk. In cream, which you beat - whipped cream - one of the worst things for making bacteria in the intestinal tract.

Comment: But it tastes so good Yada!

Yada: Everything that is bad for man, is good tasting!

Question: Was it like that in your time?

Yada: Yes.

Comment: Paprika might be a good seasoning?

Yada: It is all right.

Question: Instead of substitute salt? I was reading the ingredients and they seem worse than regular salt! In the country of Yuga, did they ever have medicinal honey?

Yada: Yes, but gathered the honey and put it in the sun for 2-3 days when the sun is very hot. This is very good, for it emphasizes the E-vitamin. This I refer to is where a certain plant has medicinal value and they let the bees get honey from these blossoms and use the honey as medicine.

Yada: Very good, but I do not know of it in my time.

Man: This person says it was done a couple of thousand years ago.

Yada: But you see, for one man to remember all that he has done or known in the past he cannot do that. That is why I say I am no smarter than you are - I just know differently.

Comment: Talking to us, sometimes helps us to recall.

Yada: To recall, yes.

Comment: The term "balanced meal" seems to be incorrect. To eat and drink, but pour it all in the stomach, and all different qualities of food - all there at the same time. I would think one would counteract the other.

Yada: No, the greatest trouble is in drinking great quantities of water with food, cold water, on top of hot food. This is no good.

H: I love water with my food. Lots of it!

Yada: You like it. How would you like to be dead?

H: Sometimes I would like it! [Laughter]

Yada: This is what you are leading to - a quick death. Do you want to live in the physical? Do you like it?

Answer I am trying to kill myself with something I do, but I don't always.

Yada: Well if you do not, you will unconsciously try to commit suicide by habits of eating and sleeping that are very detrimental. I do not wish to depress you or deny you any kind of joy or pleasure because life should be pleasurable - all of it should be pleasurable. Pleasure comes to us, the same as everything of value comes to us by intelligent thinking, not by automatic unconscious motion. You are making trouble for yourself by letting your weight continue to grow. I do not wish to make you unhappy and certainly do not want to embarrass you, but try to watch what you are eating. Find foods which do not go so much to fatty tissue, fatty cells. I know, Sir, you have frustrations, as everybody else. And these frustrations act upon the body in a negative way and create all kinds of trouble. Let us do something about it before the trouble sets in. It is no use waiting until it does, because by then, the mind is deeply impressed and it is difficult to get the trouble out of the body. I think it is the smart thing to do - not to tell you is the smart thing, but for you to do these things is the smart thing.

Question: Why does the body seem to crave some of these things to eat or drink, which bring the body out of balance?

Yada: Let us say, when thirsty - drink; when hungry - eat. Don't eat when not hungry; don't drink when not thirsty. (Re water with meals Drink, let us say, an hour before you eat and then do not drink - even if thirsty, for two hours after eating.

Comment: That will take some training won't it!

Yada: Not if you want to be all right. I continue to tell you that cold water, on top of warm food, destroys digestive action, especially in the upper intestinal tract. Then the lower tract becomes greatly affected. Very easy if you want to feel good; but very bad if you do not, if you don't care.

Question: Doesn't eating or drinking fast lead to overeating and over drinking?

Yada: Yes of course. Eat slowly. Chew-chew-chew because this is where digestion starts in the mouth, not in the stomach. If you do not start good digestion in the mouth your food goes into the stomach - whoosh!

Comment: We've often said "knock the bottom out of the stomach"!

Yada: Is so, for this is often one cause of a very prevalent sickness - chronic constipation.

Mr. R: About salt, again. Alchemy teaches us that salt has a vibration that tends to preserve or stop chemical action. Will the presence of salt in the body interfere with the natural processes, to that length?

Yada: Yes, because first, all foods you eat have enough natural salt. You do not have to add to it. Our tastes get jaded until we do not think of what we are doing and we use much salt when we do not want, do not need - there is no demand in the body for it. It is like the craving so many Americans have for soft drinks - bubbly drinks; these make the kidneys rot, create trouble in later years, paying much money to the medicine man to guess what is the trouble with you.

Mr. R: What is the vibration about antimony that is such a harsh vibration? Antimony, a metal.

Yada: Almost like the silver color?

Mr. R: Yes, but very brittle.

Comment: I thought he said anemone.

Yada: I thought he said alimony! (Laughter) Alimony - that has a harshness to it also especially for the one who is paying it! I make joke. Antimony, mostly is due to the arrangement of the atoms - the very peculiar arrangement which produces an extremely strong electrical field. This substance, when it gets into any contact with the inner side of your body, is very, very bad. Also it is not very good with other metals.

Mr. R: What is it like on the astral plane?

Yada: There are some things that it is used for, certain kinds of sickness that have the quality of creating a form of insanity; and then a person is given this substance and it has a way of bringing them out.

Question: What is the vibration of it?

Yada: Very bad.

Question: Unpleasant?

Yada: Unpleasant vibration. It is created also the same here and in the astral world.

Mr. R: You said this antimony has a way of bringing people out of insanity.

Yada: Yes, but in the astral world - not here. Here, it may put you into it! - into the astral world, if used here.

Mr. R: The possibility of using that electrical field?

Yada: Yes, I think so. It is like some substance you call amber - when you excite it with cloth - rubbing produces a greater activity, or what you call magnetism greater - a firm magnetic field is already in the amber, but when you rub it, it excites and extends it much better.

Mr. R: Another metal with electrical quality is bismuth.

Yada: Yes. Bismuth has some properties of lead, which again, is not too good for the physical body.

Mr. R: In the processing of, the hardening of copper, you told about, tell us how to do this here if you could, discover the acid this metal was exposed to. Is there any way the members of The Inner Circle could impress us with the information to enable us to do this? Is there any way of doing this?

Yada: Yes of course. Perhaps so -

Irene: Did you intend to try to do this? Is this one of the projects you might take into consideration?

Yada: You see how much you have to worry about in the physical world?! Itching, etc.. Yes, and some other things in chemistry besides! I am getting a little low.

Question: Did you know that H. is with you now, Yada?

Yada: I was with her when she came over. Very, very nice. I do not think that she was aware of me but I was aware of her.

Irene: Well I think you have made it clear that sometimes you can reach them but they cannot reach you. So I understand what you mean.

Yada: I must go please.

Irene: Thank you, Yada. Good night. This was most enjoyable and I am looking forward to our next meeting with great anticipation.

Yada: Grati ya, and I also, with much anticipation. My friends, rest well. Relax and rest well. You are truly safe in the arms of The Light. All is safe. A notchi.