Lecture by Yada di Shi'ite

Through Medium Mark Probert

November 21 1956
~ Detroit Federation of Women's Club ~

Yada: Senas et Senahas Ena Yada di Shi'ite.

Irene: Good evening, Yada.

Yada: A notchi (continues to speak in Yu language)

Irene: Yada says he is the leader of Mark's Inner Circle in which there are fifteen. Senas et Senahas that's ladies and gentlemen. I am Yada de Shi'ite. He says to you people, it is very nice to have you in this casa, or room, that has been used for the teachings of life and understanding. He is also thanking Della and David for helping us this evening.

Yada: Au kee (speaks again in his language)

Irene: Yada says he is going to speak in English. He is not going to continue to speak in his language.

Yada: Senaha (speaks in his language).

Irene: (translating) Is your chega your . . . . . . . .

David: I'm putting . . . . . . . .

Irene: Che is force; ga is the body or box, or whatever the life-force is working through.

Yada: My honorable friends, it is with great pleasure that I come to speak to you this evening. We of the Circle are extremely pleased for the kindness and thoughtfulness of you for coming here this evening. It is a demonstration of your desire to learn that which you can about life. But let this be only one of the places you go to do your seeking for truth. Wisdom is like gold wherever you find it. Man in his struggle to live and to survive for as long as he can on the earth, makes his life too often a burden.

So many finding at last that there is something called a path, a way to the light, make the mistake of turning away from physical life, somehow feeling there is something evil about physical living. They have gotten a bit of the LIGHT and instead of awakening them, it has blinded them further. Man, my friends, must live one life at a time. It is of course necessary that we learn about what may lie ahead for us, but not to make it a double life for ourselves. God, or the Light, does not care what you do, only you do. By your creating what are called "laws and ethics" you come to believe that there is something definite that you must do to rise above the mundane world, something that will be pleasing in the sight of God.

Pleasing, my friends, is an emotional word. As you please yourself you may say you please God. But when you frustrate your natural inclinations and think you are pleasing somebody else, or others than yourself, you are making a sad mistake. The Light does not concern itself with rites and rituals, the scraping and bowing. The Light thinks only in a positive manner - which is not in a personal way. It does not concern itself with us as personalities. We become concerned with IT when we rise above the personality. It is important, my friends, to know this. You do not have to abstain from eating anything you have been eating, except of course, if it now makes you sick.

If it disturbs you mentally or physically to imbibe in certain foods or certain drinks, or in any kind of acts whatever, if you feel you have naturally outgrown the desire for these things, then, of course, abstain from them. For then, and only then, will you not have pressures upon yourself. But often people ask us of the Circle, "Why do you permit your instrument, Mark Probert, to smoke cigarettes?" I am not Mark Probert. He is Mark Probert, the owner of the body. He made this body, he thought it up. There is a word sometimes used in the Teachings you call - dianetics. It is called "mock-up". So you and he mock-up your own bodies and you and he have, conditioned these bodies to do what they do, to accept or reject all manner of things. But if you discover you do not like certain foods, good, then don't eat them, but do not try to force your ideas or opinions about those things upon others.

There is nothing holy about not eating this or that. The body is naturally a chemical body and it is therefore what you put in it. According to the nature of the chemical substance you will have that nature. If it displeases you to see others imbibing in alcoholic beverages, leave them alone, but do not try to force them to change. They, like you, will change when they are ready and not before, and all the talk, talk, talk, will not change them. Sometimes a man feels such great concern for his soul that he stops his excessive drinking and he says it is because he prayed to God and God released him, because he accepted the belief in Jesus Christ and redemption through His blood.

All right, very good. The idea is that he stopped drinking. It is of no use for anyone sneering at what he did to attain this condition. You may attain it by having faith in a stone! If I carry a stone in my pocket and pat it and rub it a little bit, I will not have to drink. That is simply transforming your desires from alcohol to stone belief. We can put our faith in anything and if we are sincere it will work for us great miracles, for God, or the Light, is also in the stone.

Some teachings say to abstain from every desire of the physical body. This leads only to frustration. The truth is, my friends, we have to live naturally, according to our, the individual's, particular inclinations and desires. But we have to train ourselves to curb some of our desires, so that we do not harm other people. And because we don't want it known by many other people in the social system that what we are doing is evil, is wrong, we acquire a deep seated feeling of guilt and shame. We may stop acting out our desire, but we are still living with it in the mind and sooner or later, because all thoughts must be given birth, or manifested in action, we blow up, the mind collapses.

We have spoken often my friends on what is called emotional control. But emotional control is acquired how? Not simply by saying I am not going to do this or that any more, because you will, you will. This desire comes and it says, "I must be expressed." And the more intense it is, the longer we have given it life, the more difficult it is going to be to curb it. Then what are you going to do? You must do this curbing, this refraining from, naturally, or it will destroy you.

Try to understand that there is nothing evil necessarily about what you are doing; that not only you are doing it, but many of your neighbors. You are not alone. Many of us feel frightened because we think "only I am doing this sort of thing, I must be some kind of peculiar creature to do this, nobody else does it." But it is not so. Some of the greatest minds that have ever taken a form and come into the physical world have been weighed down and caught up in some of the most devastating desires. Why?

Perhaps it was in the life pattern that they had just come out of and they brought over a memory of it once more into this life. Perhaps not. Perhaps the desire was sown in them from what is called the point of conception. Perhaps it was due to some disturbance in the mother's or father's body which was passed to this new creature, into this life, through what is called genes and chromosomes, so it is a genetic desire. We must be taught to realize that all of life is but action. What is the measure of this desire?

In the first place I am going to have to do this again and again and again. As long as I do not put some thought to it, it is a blind desire. Perhaps a very natural one, but the individual does not know why he is doing it. He simply knows that once he pacifies it, it is only pacified, not satisfied. Desires are never satisfied, only pacified for the time being then they will come back. They are worse than any ghosts you know and they haunt the body house. So do not tell yourself you are not going to do it again, because this is only what is called guilt talk, shame talk, fear talk. But tell yourself, "I am going to find out why, what it is, what is its nature that it seems to have such a grip on me." Because the truth is you, consciousness, you the Light within, are the master of all conditions the creator and master of it.

Once we come to know the nature of a desire, out of what it has sprung, it will not harm us so much. We find it easier to abstain when we want to and give in when we want to and there is a difference, a great difference when we know. Is this desire going to harm someone? Then I will abstain from it until such time when I can find the place and conditions whereby it will not harm anyone. And once you have acted out the desire, forget it. Don't brood about it.

It will not make you a better person, but a worse person, a more irritable person. Cast out these feelings of shame and guilt. Feel love within your heart for what you do, no matter what your social system may say about it out loud. Love what you are doing or do not do it, because it is things done without love that harm us.

How to get rid of this desire? Learn to know what it is, what its fountainhead is, what its source is, from what it springs. Knowing that, you will not only know how to abstain, but when you give in to it, you will know how to enjoy it better. It is our guilt feelings that keep us from putting our entire selves into what we are doing.

A man is working at a certain kind of work, even if he feels, he knows, he can do better, but not in that particular work, it must be something else. As long as he is held in that which is not natural to him, he cannot love it or he has no love for it, it kills him. Now, if you find yourself in a situation like this, my friends, there is only one thing you can do until you can consciously know how to get out of that situation. TRY TO LOVE IT. Do not hate it, because when you do, it fights against you.

It creates a tremendous pressure upon your nervous system. You were not born doing that thing, therefore, you can know you shall not be doing it forever, nothing lasts forever. For this, we should be very happy that life is born out of incessant change. And strangely, perhaps, when we come to love that which has been a great pressure to us, a great pain to us, that thing fades away. It vanishes with our love upon it, but with our hate upon it, it becomes a monster and eats us up.

I fear to die. Look what this leads us to - endless death before the real one comes. It is said that a coward dies many deaths, but a wise man only one. Not necessarily a brave man but a wise man - only once. And that one time, he discovers, is great and wonderful experience. It is not one where the consciousness becomes rigid or cold with the body. The consciousness becomes twice, ten times, a hundred times more alive. You turn and look after you have shaken yourself loose from the shell or cocoon, you know the cocoon?

Irene: Yes Dear.

Yada: Now the butterfly, he was once a caterpillar but while he was a caterpillar, he was not concerned about becoming a cocoon or butterfly. That is what makes him such a good caterpillar. He is about the Father's work, the work of being a caterpillar. Then when it comes time for him to turn in upon his consciousness and become a cocoon he is not concerned about when he should stop being a cocoon and take wings to be a butterfly. That is why he is such a perfect being in the cocoon state. You see, you open the cocoon and what do you find inside of it? Butterfly? No, a little liquid, no sign of a butterfly or cocoon.

Where has the caterpillar gone and where is the butterfly to come? In consciousness, in that little closed capsule. It is a thought within, an idea about to be expressed. So because in the state of the cocoon, it is not concerned with how it is going to be a butterfly, when it becomes one, it is perfect, beautiful. It flies away and enjoys itself as a butterfly. We can learn many lessons from what are called the creeping, crawling things of nature. It is only when we reach the state of what is called human, that we start making life difficult for ourselves and we are supposed to be the king of all.

Well - we are a vast number of very worried kings for this is the first thought that comes to that much talented being called the thinker: WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME? What can happen to you that has not already happened? Ever ask yourself that, please? You have died before, it is no novel experience for you.

I know, I am aware that some of you do not accept the idea that there is such an action as rebirth. I have no argument to give you about it. I say only this, that as long as he, man, believes in divisions, he is going to have to suffer the belief in rebirth and birth and rebirth.

DIVISIONS. First I am an astral being or mental being, or whatever you like to call it, then I am a physical being; then I move from physical being to astral being. Back and forth and back and forth - to where? To what end? It is said, until we have washed away all our material attraction to the earth - well then, that will be never. NEVER!

Because man is a creator and he creates in different levels of consciousness. The earth is only a state of consciousness, no more painful in itself, no more troublesome, with no more difficulties or pleasures than any other level of consciousness. But you have to come to believe that. You are something entirely different. Consciousness and you have made this difference a body. (NOTE: Not necessarily do all sentences make perfect sense. The language on the copies I have is confusing. I have made the best of what I had to work with. Gerardus)

It is an extension of your consciousness or your awareness, no more than that. Very much like what is called the dream in which you go when you go to sleep. The dream body is an extended body of your consciousness, an extended sense of self-awareness.

My friends, when we understand this, all of our difficulties or a great number of them, our pains and sufferings are washed away. We are no longer anxious or worried about what is going to happen to us. We know, I AM CONSCIOUSNESS. How else can consciousness be, without having something to be conscious of? Can we imagine that any state beyond the physical is a kind of frothy, momentary thing that slowly or rapidly vanishes into the neant or the nothingness of existence?

Like one man said, who in his way of thinking found something while searching in what is called 'Spiritism'. He said: "Yes, man does survive." Then he said, "Yes, a little residue survives." A residue? How much residue? How much is a little? And this man is an intelligent person according to the standards of intelligence in your world. A residue continues on!

Sometimes I feel that I am going to agree with him when I listen to some beings returning to communicate with the world again. They sound like "a little residue". But they are a consciousness in a state of awareness that is entirely their own. No matter what I think about its limitations, to them, they are existing in a vast state of awareness. They do, and we all do, the best we know how. So, we cannot criticize.

But I say to you, my friends, that you, the real you, continues. It is one unbroken chain. There are many levels of consciousness right here in this room. You do not have to wait to die to go to the various planes. I have heard people speaking of the fifth and the fourth and the third and the second or the sixth, or the seventh or the tenth and twelfth planes. What is life - a twelve story house? If that is true, most of us feel about each other that they are living in the basement and only I am living on the roof of the twelve story house.

Of course I am on the roof, not on any floor inside, but on the roof, as high as I can go. This causes me to look at you with a glass, you know, a magnifying glass. My ego wants to push me up higher, but I cannot go higher because I do not know more, because my ego is too inflated to learn more, so I am on the roof. I get a magnifying glass to make you look, not bigger, but smaller. I turn the other way of the glass you know.

There are no ten or twelve planes, or one, two, three planes. There are levels of awareness, states of awareness, and that is all. I have listened to much of your talk on the ear box.

Irene: You mean radio?

Yada: Yes, and I have heard talk of "cloud seven". Have you heard talk of cloud seven?

Aud: Oh yes.

Yada: That is where most of us believe we are. We have to come down from there and walk with one another like human beings. We want to know the mysteries of life. First, do we know life, the surface life in which we live? Do we know that? Do we know its nature? We must study that before we can go behind it to see what its mechanism is. But too often, we feel we are too much above the simple things. They are unimportant to us, we want the more complicated. I have found myself in a great state mentally over the most simple things. How could this be?

The simplicity in itself is a greatness beyond measure. I can more or less understand a complicated situation. Its many ramifications give the impression of its greatness. But here is something that is simple. How then can it be so great? But it is and it warrants my greatest, clearest and serious attention. For only when I unravel the greatness of simplicity, can I find the greatness in complications. Here tonight is a man asking about the chakras of the body and their cosmic meaning!

Irene: Would you like me to read the question?

Yada: Yes please.

Irene: Please discuss the mechanics of the magnetic forces and vibrations of the chakras of the body and their relativity to the pattern of cosmic systems and influences. It has occurred to me that the pattern of the chakras of the body with their primary centers and subordinate functions may contain within themselves a relationship in their vibratory activity and magnetic mechanics which must be implicated in some portion of the multiplicity of systems in cosmos. An inner awareness of these centers and their relationships should then give one a feeling for the pattern of the cosmos. I would be very appreciative of a resume of your understanding of these relationships in their mechanical essence.

Yada: Well, my friends, this person who committed himself to this writing, this man is thinking in a very profound way. In order to write his thoughts in this manner, it took him time and thought. It sounds extremely complicated, does it not? And it is! Laughter. And perhaps because of my great love for simplicity, I would find it difficult to say too much about this, but I want to say a little bit about it. Were I to answer it in its fullness, to give it my attention, the kind of attention that it warrants and should justly have, I would talk of nothing else this evening and you would still be here when the sun, if it is going to come up, comes up. So I can only touch on a question of this kind and I am honored for the opportunity.

Man: Thank you.

Yada: First let us go back, my friends, to very ancient times. How ancient? Back to the period of time when the guardians of the earth observed that there were a number of human beings on the earth in a state of awakening, coming out of the dream of what is called "material evolution". They were beginning to realize that they were separated from the matter world in which they lived and that they were something distinctively different from it. These guardians saw these thoughts, these ideas being formed in these awakening souls and so they came to them in different parts of the earth and slowly they taught them of their own divine nature.

They taught them that they were the sons of the Sun. What an astonishing awakening! You are not matter beings, you are not made of a little clay and water. You are not puppets spawned by chance. Out of what - - nothing? You are great creators in yourselves, divine beings, sons of wisdom or light, or the Sun. And if you think you are not sons or children of the Sun, let sometime the Sun go beyond its ability to reach you and you and all things will die, will cease to function. Man is not getting heat from the sun for that implies he is not in the sun. But he is in the sun, otherwise he could not get heat from it.

It is the vital forces of the sun that contains life. You, as mental beings were sun dwellers. This perhaps is difficult to understand , I do not know. With the aid of certain lines of radiation from the sun, man was capable of seeding himself in his matter world. Human spores.

So I go back. These beings then, have acquired this state of awareness. But there is something more "from where have I come?" What is this? This is the beginning of thinking, when we start asking ourselves. "What is it?" And these great beings, the guardians of the creation come and banded these thinkers together and called them the White Brotherhood, or Brotherhood of the Light. Here they were instructed how to create, how to manipulate consciously. There is an order on your earth but few people, and only a few, that have understanding, join with the intention of learning the inner teachings. This order is called the Masons. It is a direct branch of the White Brotherhood.

Unfortunately, many of the members today do not know the true nature of the order, the great INNER TEACHINGS sometimes called mystical, simply meaning hidden from the non seeker. For surely from the seeker nothing is hidden. And so they (have) joined this order for what is called privileges in business with their fellowman. This is a disgrace. This is belittling the divine teachings. All right, I can say nothing more about that for you are living the life, it is yours.

In the beginning these beings turned to what is called sun worship, but did they worship only the sun? No, but also various stars in your solar system. Do you know that in the millions and millions and millions of years - your present solar system, as you see it from your earth, has changed but little. So these earlier teachers, initiates of the Light, turned to studying the various bodies in space for they were given instructions as to what they represented.

Not only the stars and planets, but also the moon or moons which some of your satellites have. These, they discovered, represented certain points in their own bodies. Here in the palms of the hands, in the soles of the feet, from the top of the head to the base of the spine are solar centers. The stomach, sometimes called the abdomen (is that right, is it abdomen?) Why different?

Irene: I think perhaps we have two or three words - some people like the sound of one and some the other. That's my only explanation.

Yada: One time I spoke of this as belly and everybody laughed.

Man: Belly and abdomen are spaces in which many other organs are contained. The stomach is a separate organ. Abdomen and belly, as a space, contain several organs.

Yada: Oh, thank you very much. You see, my friends, I learn like you. Many words that you have, confuse me. I do not know their connection with one another.

Irene: I'm grateful too, for I learned.

Yada: Yes, now we know that which we did not before, heh? Now the solar plexus, solar green. It is a great nerve center. Is that not so my friend? A great nerve center and directed by what are called vibrations controlled by the sun. It is here in some of the ancient kinds of worship, that the stomach, or solar plexus, was exposed.

The worshippers would lie and expose the stomach to the sun, getting what they thought was cosmic radiation. Also part of the practice at this time was to breathe deeply so as to get what is called sun prana down through the body, purifying inside as well as out; breathing in such ways as to obliterate the outer consciousness and bring one in atonement with what is called the great consciousness in which the vital life of the sun is.

Your story of the Garden of Eden and the two people there that you have come to call Adam and Eve, is a mystical story of man's transformation into two distinct bodies, male and female. Man was once, what you call, a hermaphroditic being. Now you cannot suppose that God became a surgeon and cut a rib out of Adam making woman? This is what is called a fairy story, told to us until we are ready to accept the true one. Most women reject the story and naturally for who wants to be a rib? The story is a great esoterical story of the separation. Now we turn to what is called the "tree" in the garden. The tree is the spine, your own spinal column. I'm certain many of you here know this, heh?

Man: Yes

Yada: The snake that climbed the tree to tempt the man called Adam is the fire force, kundalini, sun force or vital sex energy. In these practices of breath, the snake -climbs the tree. The various nerve nodes from the top of the spine to the tail of the spine called chakras, these are nerve nodes. In breathing in this vital prana, you excite these nerve centers by stirring the snake, or fire force, and causing it to climb the tree.

This is a part of the ritual in the Inner Teachings. When the fire force reaches the king chakra at the top of the head, it has reached what is called heaven. This is the Inner Teachings which your Bible has twisted around so it could give some kind of a story of man's survival to the vast number of people at large. Adam is a Sanskrit word meaning first principal. It is At-man and not Adam. Atman - first principal. It represents the earth, or the womb of life, out of which all manifests itself, or it is sometimes referred to as the negative force, mating with the atman - the positive - force, thereby producing a third thing called "matter".

MATTER therefore, in its essence, is sex energy, kundalini or sun force, working through man. When you are ready to understand and to use - for understanding means the ability to use that which you have learned - and when you have readied yourself, you will be able to manifest any form and give it life.

Your Christian Teachings, called so, meaning the Teachings of the Light, Christ. Christ Teachings, the son of the Living Sun or the Sun of Wisdom. It has nothing to do with murder. It is an initiation. The twelve apostles are the twelve signs of the Zodiac and also the twelve centers in the body, and also the twelve cosmic centers. Think my friends, what a wonderful teaching, for it leads you to want to wake up, to want to know, but to know sensibly with your good reasoning powers. With both feet on the ground.

These teachings, my friends are dangerous to those who will not keep their emotional selves on the ground. That is the only reason it has not been warranted by the Inner Teachers to give these to man at large. You would not give dynamite to a baby, heh? And these teachings can be dynamite. How can you save yourself from destruction by what you know? One way - BY LOVE. WHEN YOU HAVE LOVE - YOU HAVE PEACE OF MIND. You are not concerned about what you are going to be. (I go back to what I was speaking about earlier) You will take life in stride. There may come a time when you will learn how to use prana. When you first start, you will find yourself in great confusion, perhaps getting no where. And then perhaps you will blame a teacher. It takes time, patience and deep profound thinking and your time.

Irene: Yada?

Yada: Yes.

Irene: When you said this, it brought to mind a lady we know, who used to live very close to San Diego. She had a very good teacher, but he gave her a little bit of Inner Teachings and she went home, and against his advice, used it and didn't know how to control it, and she dehydrated to about 35 pounds in one night.

Yada: This is right, and they had to keep her in water, cold water, hour after hour and for days.

Irene: She still hasn't fully regained.

Yada: Today, even, she is pouring out this vital energy from her body, through her hands and feet. In fact, all of herself is dissipating her energy and it will, in time, destroy her physical structure. You cannot play with these things, my friends. They are not fooling, they are not pretending things. They are the substance out of which your own life is created and lived.

In your Bible it is said to honor your mother and father that your days may be long in the land. That your days may be long in the Light, not land, but the Light of Knowledge, the Land of Knowledge, Land of Wisdom. That you may attain and stay attained. To honor your father and mother has nothing to do with your material parents, although it is good sense, if nothing else, good thinking to honor your material mother and father. But in the inner Teachings it means to honor the positive and negative creative forces of life, which are breath and sex energy.

PRANA. Honor it by not dissipating it in anger and anxiety, and riotous living. Honor it by praying to the Light daily, not once on the Sabbath or when you feel you are slipping into the neant, but when you are in your youth, vital, and continue it throughout your physical expression. You may ask it for material things, they will come.

Again your Bible makes reference to this: Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all other things shall come to you. Does it not say so? But when man is taught that which is not so, he worships that which is not so, that the Kingdom of Heaven is only attained when you die. That is not the heaven that is talked about. It is wisdom, LIGHT.

The moon, which is in part a negative force, your present moon was once inhabited by human beings. It was a great tropical world. Not entirely tropical, but largely so. But another body moved in upon it and edged the earth from its orbit for a little while. Then the earth came back into its orbit and the force of its coming pushed that second moon, a smaller body, against your present moon, which was, at that time, larger than it is now. It had an ionosphere and an atmosphere.

When your secondary moon struck your moon a glancing blow, it shattered itself all over your present moon. This soon destroyed all life there for it destroyed the ionosphere so that the more potent radiations of the sun penetrated to the moon's surface, destroying all life, creating vast craters. For a time the earth and the moon seemed to be angry with one another. Much heat, due to the blow, dried up what water was there. It changed the motion of the moon so that now you see only one side of it because you are going with it or it with you. Pardon, I talk to my teacher please. (Speaks to Kethra in his language)

The moon has the power, working with the sun, to move all liquids back and forth on your earth. To remove the moon would be to turn all waters and liquids on the earth stagnant - lack of motion - for the sun cannot do it all.

Your earth, the ionosphere of your earth, is and has been for a long time now, suffering kinds of rifts in it. (You know - rifts?) So that your earth is getting some of the shorter and more potent lines of energy through to it, such as ultra violet, such as more gamma, more of what you call the x-rays. All these rays differ only in what is called speeds of motion.

Irene: What affect do these have upon the earth, Yada?

Yada: They cause a more rapid breakdown of the under crust of the earth. They are very what you call ionizing in their action. They cause the under crust of the earth to become more brittle. This causes the surface to go in. It also causes a great increase in heat which in time will cause more rapid melting of the ices of the poles; which in time will cause many floods on your earth, in due course, and many quakes and wind storms. Some of those, may be very disastrous.

But what are you doing to do when this condition is a condition of the earth at large and not centered in any particular place? Where are you going to run to? So why be concerned about it? You are not living five, ten years from now you are living now - now.

Suppose I tell you that all the West Coast is going down. I didn't say when, heh? But you should know this - that it is a matter of change. Many people, of course, will die, but they would die anyway of something else. You cannot come back here if you do not die! Unless you go out the door, you cannot come back in, heh?

In other words, my friends, there are going to be many changes. The earth is an entity, a living entity, like yourself. It is made of the same matter as your bodies, mental substance, vital prana. Yes, let it change. When it is going to happen, you cannot get off the barrel of dynamite. Live now, all life can be beautiful, but that doesn't say it is! (Laughs) I hear much that expression, "Life can be beautiful." This is a sappy thing, a very sappy expression. I didn't say sloppy, I said sappy. It can, it is, if you will make it so by your efforts.

I know many people that are what you call "good" people, kind people, loving people; people that would gladly lay down their lives for you, or their neighbors, or whatever. Very often they seem to suffer many very painful, disastrous things. Do we know enough yet, my friends, that we can take issue with what happens to another? No. There is a reason, a purpose behind every act and in time we will know these purposes and reasons. But we will not know in time, if we do not start now.

It is said, "to lay up treasures in heaven." When are you going to start that? Not by giving away that which you have in material things. That will gain you no place in heaven and will not get you there any quicker. Giving away, in the Inner Teachings, has nothing to do with material gains. It is just as easy for a rich man to attain wisdom as it is for a pauper. In fact, it is easier! Why?

In the first place, how did he get his wealth? By thinking about it, heh? By practicing the art of knowing what he wanted. Few of us do this, my friends. We say, "Oh, I would like to be a millionaire." If you would like to be, you would be, you would be for liking is holding your attention upon that which you desire. But there is a right way to do this.

Let us not be like the man who was taught by his teacher how to get what he wanted by thinking about it. This man was complaining because he did not have a car in his garage.

He did not have one there and he wanted one there and he wanted a special kind. You see he wasn't satisfied with a car, only it must be a certain kind of car. Will it get you some place faster than another kind, or in better condition? Or is it because he simply loved beauty in change and change in beauty. I think that is it. So his teacher said to this man, "You picture that kind of car in your garage, hold the picture of this car." (To Irene - name car, any car, it does not matter)

Irene: We might as well say a Cadillac.

Yada: Cadillac? Is Cadillac a big car?

Irene: You know Clarence's Cadillac?

Yada: I can get there quicker myself!

Irene: I don't doubt it. I must go by our mode of operation, Yada.

Yada: So the man concentrated. He pictured a Cadillac in his garage. Then, because he spent all his time in doing this, bills were piling up on the house, so he lost his house. He had to sell it and the man who bought it drove his Cadillac into the garage. LAUGHTER. That is what comes from only half knowing what to do.

Irene: What is the other half, Yada?

Yada: Ha ha, feel yourself doing what you want to do in it. It is yours, feel it is yours. Feel yourself, actively engaged in moving it around and possessing it. "It is mine". Know it is yours. The other part of the thinking is to know, to feel it is yours. But you can give a part of yourself to it consciously or what is called the wakeful consciousness and then let it go, because in taking it into the wakeful consciousness, you automatically saw the picture, made the mold in the mind, in what is called the unconscious self. Once you make it there, you do not have to be brooding about it day in and day out. You leave it alone.

It is like a man who is going to send a telepathic message. So he sits down and grits his teeth and closes his eyes and concentrates. Nobody gets anything from him, because he is holding on to the idea. Let it go! Two, three minutes think of it, then let it go. Later in the day, or in the night, think of it, throw it away. Turn to other things, otherwise the mind holds on to it and will not let it fly. Then perhaps you may have another kind of action called delayed telepathy meaning the message got there too late. LAUGHTER.

Now I will stop talking for a little while. For the man that made the question, I will not go further into that. It is too much for tonight. It is all right with you please?

Man: Yes, and thank you very much

Irene: I have some questions Yada, and.....

Yada: Yes, please, because I want to talk to this man here later and into the air and have him write please. It is very, very interesting and a vital question. Thank you very much.

Lady: Thank you very much.

Irene: We have two questions here that I am sure you will be interested in.

Yada: Now I listen to some of the others, heh.?

Lady: I have a question I'd like to put forth to Yada.

Irene: Will you speak a bit louder and speak into the microphone.

Man: May I ask you, Yada, how long since you lived on the earth plane?

Yada: You know sir, I am huffing and puffing because I'm seeking a way of answering that in the kind of words I must use that will not sound too foolish. The smartest individual can be made a fool of by his words or his misuse of words. So let me go back please to the time that I speak about a great deal. I lived in a civilization called Yuga. Yuga means vast body. This was located in what you today call the Himalayan mountains. It had 180,000,000 people, which is more than you have in your country. It became a highly civilized civilization, meaning that the people had attained such a state of knowledge that it permitted them to kill one another.

Irene: Yada, Yada are you all right, please?

Yada: Yes, please. I simply lost awareness of this man's body for a little while. This civilization was destroyed after having existed 1024 years. It was destroyed by a series of violent quakes and outer space storms. Today it lies under tons of what you call ice and rock and earth. And in this civilization was a city called Kaotie, which would be approximately seven hundred miles east of what is called the Holy City of Lassa. Kaotie means city of temples. There were 33 temples.

I think many of your cities have more temples than that. It did not make us any more holy and it is not doing any more to you. Temples do not declare a state of illumination, of knowledge. Temples are outer things. However, the temples in which I had my training were not like you have today in your world. The outside or lay individual did not attend them to pray. Nor did the priest do praying and talking to the lay individual in the temples.

Irene: Were these like monasteries Yada?

Yada: Yes, and the priests went out among the people and taught that way. The people prayed in their own homes, each of them having an altar or symbols of the teachings according to their feelings about it. But most all were devout students of the Light and therefore were Sun worshippers. There was no teaching of devils in my time, until the destruction of the civilization was almost complete. Then out of fear, out of deep seated feelings of being lost and insecure, teachings of devils came. This is the nature of Christianity today. It is more teaching about devils than about Gods, teachings unfortunate for you people.

I have been back on the earth many times, for my civilization existed 500,000 years ago. I have had an experience in what you know as Atlantis, I have been with the Ancient Mayans. I have had many experiences but only one on earth, as being born through woman. Not only in what is called the Yuga civilization, but I have been in civilizations through birth, coming through what is called the biological path many times before that 500,000 years ago.

Where did the beings come from that went to make up the civilization of Yuga? This civilization was founded by a man by the name - what you call Ne Sipni, Ha, Ha. Ha means seventh son of Ha - a family of Ha.

Irene: Yada? Yada?, do you want to leave for a little while?

Yada: Yes, for a little while please. I will come-back and talk more on that in a little while. - I am having a little trouble with this man's body and I cannot hold on to it and talk to you while there is trouble. (to Irene, no it is not the usual trouble, so do not be concerned about this)

Irene: All right Dear.

Yada: About this, there is certain changes that I feel, so I will release myself from him and let his own consciousness adjust the condition. Then I will come back and do you want me, my friends, or should one of my colleagues come?

Man: You come back, Yada.

Yada: I am most grateful to you, my friend, most grateful for your attention. E gratia, I will see you in a little while.

Irene: Good evening, for a little while.

- * - * - * - * - * - * -

Yada: Now I come back. Sometimes do not understand that I have a conscious memory, it wants to help me, which I appreciate very much, because it is also true that when one living outside of the physical structure makes contact with someone else's body, in making the contact, often loses consciousness of what they have in mind, or may have had in mind, to talk about. Becoming aware of a body and speaking through that body, is not an easy thing to do, for you not only have to keep your attention on the act of manipulating the brain cells and the various nerve centers of the body, but also remembering what you are saying or have to say. So it is a kind of dividing of your attention and sometimes the discarnate one may find himself being forgetful or not having any memory at all, seemingly.

So, whoever is trying to communicate with him in the physical world feels that he is not communicating with the intelligence that he once knew on the earth. The communicating intelligence therefore is thought of as either an Astral Shell that doesn't know anything, or the memory patterns of the medium, or the Astral Entity, does not know how to communicate.

He may know how, he may be very intelligent, but it is a very difficult thing to do. The reason we are able to control this man's body so well, is simply because we have spent many years in developing his body, coming to know it and its various nerve functions. But even so, we find moments, especially some of us that do not use him as often as others, find it difficult and it appears that we suffer periods of amnesia, the same as his own consciousness. Many people suffer Amnesia. They are not controlled by spirits. None but their own spirit controls their body, yet there are little conditions that take place in the nerves and especially in the brain.

Also some of the centers may be at times shut off perhaps from a blow on the head, so that the controller of the body, whether it is the owner or not, may suffer these blank spells, or amnesia. Then he doesn't know who he is of where he is, his surroundings seem strange to him and all that sort of thing.

Irene: I wanted to tell you before you start talking on the subject you were talking about, that certain visitors must leave here at 11:30, which just gives us about 40 more minutes.

Yada: Then I will make what I have to say as brief as possible.

Irene: There is 40 minutes, you can say quite a bit.

Yada: The civilization I spoke of was founded by a man called Ne Sipni Ha, or the seventh son of a family called Ha. This family lived in a civilization known as Nali. This was in the Gobi Desert, in a time when the Gobi Dessert was extremely tropical. The name Nali means river of great force. The oracles of that time or place told the kings or rulers, the Ha's that the civilization was soon to be destroyed by floods. And so, being a wise family, they decided to make haste to find a possible place of escape, a refuge, from the destruction of Nali.

They sent out many great caravans of people, of pioneers, in all directions. But none of the others returned. The last son was his own seventh son, the seventh son of Ha. After a great and trying time, with many that went with him destroyed, he came to this great valley, tropical, surrounded by vast mountains covered with snow at the tops. But the valley was a very wonderful climate and so the civilization was started. It was name Yuga, not because of its size, but because of beings, that may be called subhumans, that lived there.

These beings ranged anywhere from eight to twelve feet tall, with hair, masses of hair all over the body, but only a little on the face. Their eyes were large and luminous; the mouth very much like yours, but a little fuller. The teeth came out this way, a little more protruding; the ears came this way, a little bigger.

Yet the body was almost like the human. The arms were a little longer, more like what you call monkey, but they always stood erect. They did not walk like the monkey. These beings were very kindly at first. They helped to build, doing much of the heavy work. These beings also believed that when one was ill they could give them energy and strength by carrying them around strapped to their bodies and they also did this to the people that came to the valley. But as the civilization grew, these beings were enslaved and made to suffer many tortures. Many of them died and many of them fled into the higher mountainous areas. And so man, as always, destroys that which loves him best.

Now, I want to talk a little bit on what a man that was here was speaking about to this man. The man was asking, "Perhaps that being speaking through you (Mark Probert), is not a discarnate being in himself, but is a past memory of yours." In other words, an echo of this man's (Mark Probert) former self, a former incarnation. We also may argue about the possibility of this man's own consciousness operating on a different level. Also some of your modern psychiatrists would simply say, this man is suffering from schizophrenic conditions, and I am a split of a split personality. LAUGHTER. Some of them may refer to me as a spook and a spook meaning an astral shell.

Now in the Inner Teachings of what is called Theosophy - which is also some of the beliefs of Hinduism - when one dies, they go to the Astral World for a little while or for a long while (I do not know how long or how little). They stay there and then they die again, and then what is called the monad, or life spark, rushes off to Nirvana. I do not know how fast it rushes!

Now some of you may be Theosophists. That is very nice, very good, very wonderful teachings, but in all teachings there are mistakes due to our inability to see everything in detail. The greatest teacher that has ever come to your earth has made mistakes in what he has said. This is natural. If he had done otherwise, he would not have come. If he was capable of perfect thought, impossible to make error, he would not have come.

For all teachers serve, in order to help themselves further - to expand their knowledge. It is a part of their personal initiation. We die constantly on all levels of consciousness, because every time we learn something new, we have died to the old. We have risen above it; we have been reborn into the brighter, truer understanding of life.

Nirvana, like the Christian heaven, does not exist except in the individual. There is no place to rush to, nirvana or heaven, all is in the here and now. When you pass from the physical world, you have an experience in the astral world and you may grow mentally there, expand your awareness and move out of certain beliefs, knowledge and understanding that you had before, meaning that you have incarnated on another level of awareness, a more full understanding.

Then, perhaps, there are some things that you did not grasp while in that lower state. You may have to make a circle and come back, pick up a few strings or ends and go up again for that is the nature of growth. But if we are afraid to retread the tread, we will not learn. We will be caught in fear.

Do I want to come back to the earth? Now, no. Later, yes. I do not know in other words what kind of an experience I may have that may say suddenly to me, "Go back here". "Go here". "Go there", to learn it, feel it, to know it. There is no horror for me in any existence. If I have to plunge my awareness back into physicality to gather certain knowledge, I will do so. But, my friends, I am a little uncertain whether I should tell you this.

We are living largely in emotions and our thinking is emotional thinking. We have to therefore be very careful what we say to one another, because we get strange ideas when we think emotionally, most of it negative, leading us off our path. I do not want you to think what I am going to say causes me to be greater in any way than you, I am not. I have simply had different experiences perhaps from some of you, or than some of you, I think you say. There is nothing great about this experience, it just is, that is all.

Since my life in Yuga, I learned certain things while in that incarnation that now frees me from having to come back to the earth through the biological path. As I said before, I have been in Atlantis and in the Great Mayan Civilization, and several others, but simply by manifesting myself, where I felt the need for my kind of thought and action among a certain kind of people. That does not lend me any greatness above you, please remember that. I will not have to further return to the earth by the biological path.

YOU ARE ON THE ROAD. Anyone of you sitting here may not have to return again, because you are not only the measure of what you are now, not only now, but of many experiences in the past. Anyone of you here now have been great, and highly advanced master teachers in past experiences. You see my friends, it is not advisable that we have memory of having lived before. It is not advisable until we know certain other things first so we can handle it. Let us say, suppose, we should suddenly have the memory, the consciousness of what you were in a past life come to you - that you were a great being, with the knowledge in which you exist now and which seems so limited, it would be a shock to you to bring both of these together, to become aware of this while you are so limited now.

The same as, let us suppose in a past life you had committed some very violent and atrocious crimes upon another human being. At that time, in your state of limited understanding, you caused some great suffering and you became aware of this, that you were actually lower than that of any beasts of the jungle. Could you live with it? The torment of it would not permit you a moments rest, especially if you are sensitive, especially if you have emotional abhorrence to violence in this life. I think it best that we do not pry into certain things until we are given some basic understanding of other things first. Do you not think so?

Man: Yes.

Yada: Yes, my friend, we are living dangerously when we do. (To Irene - Please what?)

Irene: Mr. ...... was asking me if you would speak upon the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost - the interpretation of this.

Yada: Yes (speaks a little in his language) The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. These are three separate states of consciousness. They are all advanced states. The first is the Creative Self - the Father. The Son is the recognition of the creative substance. The Holy Ghost is the Light out of which we all have come. It is the LIGHT, the Divine Self that has no thought of good or evil, for good or evil.

It is entirely impersonal; it is the one we pray to, but we get the answer to our prayers to the higher, or Holy Ghost, through the channels of the other two. It is also in part the physical, the mental and the spiritual self. Again the spiritual self is impersonal. It gives that which you ask for according to your ability to comprehend it when you get it. It gives to the level of your comprehension. Many people say, "I pray to God, asking for this or that, but I never have my prayers answered."

They do, but they expect their prayers to be answered in the way of the low emotional self, as it feels, and so they cannot even see it answered. The prayer was answered from a higher level, from the level which is what is called impersonal. You have to watch for it, be aware of it. The low emotional self is aware of nothing but itself, its desires out of which it is made.

No prayer goes unanswered. Let us look. In your way of praying to your God, you may pray for one to be saved that is caught in a very dangerous position. Perhaps there are many others caught along with him. So this loved one of yours is saved, but perhaps 90 others are still caught and never get away. They are not saved. But you say to everybody, "God was good to me, he answered my prayer and saved my loved one."

The loved ones of all these others were also praying with just as deep and sincere prayers as you. Was God deaf to them? No, they were saved, and perhaps more so than the one that physically survived. They have gone on to higher levels of understanding. For a while they may feel confused and unhappy, for they were not ready, according to their emotional understanding; they were not ready to die yet. But they have time, they will learn. They will cease to be emotional.

They will forget the earth for a little while, so that they can better orient themselves in the position they find themselves and then they will be able to become aware of the earth, and earth man again. No one is lost, and many of those that are saved in the way you think, are lost, for they are saved for greater suffering perhaps, a longer period of the hell of the matter world.

Is the matter world actually a hell? No! It is again because we are caught up in this emotional self that makes any level of consciousness, a hell for all is in me. I am the eternal light. As I am so are all things. My honorable friends, we of the circle are deeply grateful to you, not only for coming here, but for your interest in life. Do not ever cease this great interest. Many things may happen to you physically to break you down, attempts to destroy you, but hold on, hold on, for it is worth every moment and every little energy of yourself. In the end the picture becomes clear, clear, and when it does, you will be in the greatest kind of heaven imaginable.

This is not a reward. Life offers us no reward, nor does it threaten us with punishment. This is all emotional, lower self talk. All is experience and all experiences are of the utmost value to your existence. We of the Circle, knowing that this man, this lady, is going out of your city for a time, want to say, that we do desire to return again in some future time. Also we want to give sincere thanks to the people that have been so helpful and energetic (this word I found difficult to get at), in making groups for us to talk to. Without you, we could not be. So we work together, together in harmonious accord. We are in service to one another, my friends.

I leave you with love, hoping that you will communicate with one another in love and leave one another in love. If you must cry in departing from one another, cry with love, not fear of not meeting again, for you will, you will. Good evening.

Aud: Good evening, thank you very much.

This is Professor Luntz: I want to extend my appreciation to Mrs. Denise Hunterson and to David here and also to the honored Dr. Leckers for his own personal work and to all, the appreciation for what he is doing for others, though he has his own daily work to struggle through. And to all of you that act as teachers to others. What a great privilege it is to be a teacher.

Irene: As you have said before, Professor, even the stone is a teacher and everyone is a teacher and also a pupil.

Prof. L: That is right, quite right. Walk with your pupil, not above him. He may fall on his head if you do that! LAUGHTER. Yes, my friends, it has been indeed a pleasure. Thank you and cheerio......