! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Aswer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

Creating the New Paradigm
How We Can Consciously Create a Brighter Future

The Old Paradigm

In order to give suggestions and ideas, we first need to speak candidly
about what's going on behind all the cover-ups. It's clear that there is a
relatively small, powerful group of mostly men whose deepest desire is to
control all of us. They exert control through psychological manipulation,
and by creating a one-world government controlled by huge multinational
corporations. Once the mega-corporations have stretched their fingers into
almost every aspect of our lives, this control group plans to create a
chokehold on the majority of people. This will allow them to use us for
their own personal gain as our freedoms are increasing taken away, often
without our even realizing it.

The means for establishing this control are through destroying purpose and
creating fear and victimization in our lives.  Television, radio, and movies
are filled with greed, violence, and empty sex. Our educational system
increasingly diverts attention away from creativity to passing tests.
Corporate control of the media limits what news we receive, and often
affects our decisions and the way we think. All this and more adds up to the
'dumbing down' of America. Our attention is being diverted from our deeper
purpose in life to the superficial attractions of sex, consumerism, and
money. The control group is consciously manipulating people all over the
world into losing touch with their spiritual core as they subtly convince us
that what they want is what we want.

Another way the control group is able to manipulate us is through keeping us
in fear and in the role of victim. America is under attack! Your job,
savings, and retirement are no longer secure. The terrorists want to kill us
all. You are either for us or against us. This war will never end. All of
these messages are designed to push us into fear. By also encouraging us to
focus blame on terrorists and evil-leaders, those in control push us
towards the role of helpless victims, and away from taking responsibility
for our lives. 

The more we slip into fear and feeling like victims, the easier it is for us 
to be manipulated. And the more we live in fear and victimization, the more 
likely we are to support increasing the budgets of the military-industrial 
complex. Through continually increasing our level of fear and victimization, 
and through weakening or eliminating our sense of purpose in life, the 
control group is increasingly able to manipulate us into doing just what 
they want us to do.

The New Paradigm

What can we do about all this? Several actions can help us to step away from
being controlled and to step fully into our own creative energy and power.
First, we can consciously open to our purpose and intentions in life. To
live full, rich lives in today's world, it's vitally important that we find
and develop our unique life purpose, whatever it is. We must then choose to
live that purpose and to live our intentions just as fully as we can. 

In doing this, we are choosing to give less focus to the seduction of 
consumerism and media hype, which deaden our ability to create. If each of 
us sets aside time to deeply explore what is most meaningful in our lives, 
we can reclaim our power. Consider writing down your life purpose and 
intentions and reviewing them often. By consciously choosing to develop and 
live our life intentions, it is much more difficult for us to be controlled 
as we each follow the path which has most meaning and purpose to us.

Second, we can become conscious of when we slip into fear, and choose to
move back to love and empowerment. When we notice ourselves being overtaken
by fear, we can trace the roots of that fear, so that we are able to
identify our core issues and deal more consciously with them.  We can open
to guidance from friends, teachers, guardian angels, and from the divine in
transforming fear into love. We can also choose to open to the love that
lies always deep in our hearts, and the ever-present love of God and of
those around us.  We can choose to recognize fear as an invitation to

We can become aware of when we are playing the role of the helpless victim
and consciously choose to move back into our full creative potential. Every
time we blame them, we are avoiding taking personal responsibility for how
we experience our lives. Whenever we catch ourselves blaming others for
everything that's wrong in our lives, we can choose, instead, to look inside
ourselves and find our role in what's wrong. Then we can do our best to make
things better by improving ourselves. By taking full responsibility for the
way we interpret everything in our lives by starting from the inside in
making change we empower ourselves to play a much more positive role in
creating our world.

In doing this, we are stepping out of the control group's old paradigm of
good vs. evil, of us vs. them. We are embracing the new paradigm where we
recognize that all of us deep down are divine beings worthy of love. We are
choosing to do our best to love, heal, and empower ourselves and all people.
By challenging ourselves to move beyond fear, hatred, and judgment, by
challenging ourselves to live as fully as possible with a desire to love,
heal, and empower all beings on this planet, we are consciously creating a
new paradigm and a brighter future for us all.

And finally, we can come together in groups to support each other. In these
groups, we can empower each other to transform fear into love. We can
inspire each other to be the very best we can be, even in the face of any
negativity around us. We can share our life intentions, and encourage each
other to live those intentions and to live to our fullest creative
potential. We can make a commitment with those close to us to love, heal,
and empower each other to the best of our ability. 

If each of us makes a commitment to take personal responsibility for 
focusing on our life purpose and on developing our creative potential and 
for empowering all around us to do the same we will make this world a much 
better place. By gathering in groups to remind each other of our deeper 
purpose and intentions in life, we join in creating a supportive, inspiring 
network of love, healing, and empowerment around the planet. (see Global 
Renaissance Alliance, Global Community for All, Common Society Movement, and 
Web of Love for groups focused on this)

These suggestions are clearly biased towards changing the world by starting
inside of ourselves. It is important to do what we can out in the world to
stop the negative, disempowering behaviors of the control group and others.
Spreading this information is one positive way to do that. Yet when we focus
too much on trying to change the outside world, it's very easy to fall into
blaming others and into the us vs. them ways of thinking of the old

This only leads to more fear, anger, and judgment. By starting with change 
inside ourselves, we first develop our inner strength, which gives us more 
balance and love in then working towards change outside of ourselves. As we 
change ourselves on the inside, we send powerful ripples of inspiration and 
empowerment out into the world. By coming together in groups to support each 
other in creating a new paradigm, those ripples become waves of love and 
empowerment which help to harmonize the entire fabric of the universe. Join 
us in changing this world for the better from the inside out.

From -- www.wanttoknow.info/newparadigm