Revelations on the UFO Cover-Up
by Richard Boylan
Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 5, Number 3 (April - May 1998)
In this interview, Dr. Michael Wolf, a scientist who has worked in highly
classified projects, makes startling disclosures about the United States
Government's agenda on UFO's and ET's.
Dr. Michael Wolf is a 56-year-old man pincered between the horns of a
quintessential dilemma. His bosses at the National Security Council (NSC)
have told him that they want him, precisely as a government scientist with
ABOVE TOP SECRET clearance, to generate a controlled leakage of major
amounts of secret information. That information is about UFO reality and
extraterrestrial contact with humans, including governmental involvement. On
the other hand, they have told him not to disclose too many government
secrets, nor too many details about his role inside ULTRA-classified
projects. He characterizes his current low-profile status as "sequestered"
To complicate matters further, his bosses have "erased" almost all his
records, such as the universities he attended, his degrees and his record of
government service as an independent contractor to the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA), the National Security Agency (NSA) and the NSC. Such measures
are common for individuals working in Unacknowledged Special Access Programs
where their bosses must maintain "plausible deniability" in case a
sensitive" worker decides to make unauthorized disclosures. Additionally,
the national security oath Wolf had to sign required that he could not
publish papers in scientific journals on his classified research findings.
As a result, Dr. Wolf can hardly prove he exists. But, as a very brave
person, Wolf has decided nevertheless to keep on revealing secrets until his
superiors tell him to stop. America and the world are indeed fortunate that
he has made that decision.
Dr. Wolf decided to reveal to the world what he has learned about the
visiting extraterrestrial cultures because, as he said, "we have a right to
know". He is also motivated by the need to feel that he is making a
contribution to humanity for his wife, son and unborn child who were
assassinated in a terrorist car-sabotage "accident" meant to kill him as
well. He admits that hindsight has caused him to re-evaluate the importance
of keeping secret all the things he has worked on.
His efforts to persuade his bosses to let him publish and speak have met
with some success. His book, The Catchers of Heaven, was approved for
publishing, but only after he met their restriction that he write a foreword
stating that it was "a work of fiction". The book is filled with insider
disclosures and is must-reading for anyone interested in learning more about
the extraterrestrial presence. Dr. Wolf is currently working on a sequel,
Bright White Light Quartet, which will provide further information about his
personal experience with the extraterrestrials, their communications and
their missions.
I have been authorized by Michael Wolf to share publicly, in this article,
the disclosures he has made since Catchers was published. This report will
not duplicate my earlier article on Dr.Wolf. Also, these disclosures come
from notes I scribbled furiously as I tried to keep up with Dr.Wolf's
machine-gun pace of talking. Like many geniuses, he moves from topic to
topic rapidly, not leaving the interviewer an opportunity to get certain
details. The reader will just need to make do for now with what was captured
in my notes, and forgive the sometimes missing details that occur in that
kind of communication. Any mistakes are mine.
I can well understand that some of the partial disclosures here leave the
reader hungering for more detail. Such is the current state of affairs at
this point in the US Administration's guarded-disclosure / plausible-denial
strategy, a complex dance of opposites. Yet, in unprecedented volume and
depth, secrets are emerging from deep inside the most jealously guarded and
denied programs the US Government runs: its UFO programs presented here,
courtesy of Dr.Wolf.
But who is this man who discloses such tightly held information? Michael
Wolf's ancestors were Russian Jews who emigrated to the US and adopted the
family name of Kruvant. Even as a child, Michael was no stranger-to the
classified world nor to encounters with an extraterrestrial. He would
accompany his father to Andrews Air Force Base while he met with the Air
Research and Development Council. Indeed, Michael was not the first in his
family to experience contact with what he calls "my little Grey navigator,
an undisguised blessing". Michael's father had been visited by Grey ET's,
too, and had spoken to Michael various times about those "Catchers of Heaven
, as he called them. And Michael's future son, Daniel, would also be an
experiencer of ET encounters.
By the time he was twelve, Michael was taking characteristic initiative. He
founded the Flying Saucer Research Association of New Jersey. At night he
tried communicating with his extraterrestrial friends, using light signals.
On 24 December 1954, one such effort was observed by George Hunt Williamson
(identified by Dr. Wolf as having been a CIA operative). Williamson, in his
book, Road in the Sky, wrote that young Wolf, the year before his bar
mitzvah, was transmitting messages to space intelligences using modulated
light beams. Michael had telepathically requested that the ET's confirm
receipt of his mental message by flying over his house in a certain
direction. Wolf recalls: "Five minutes later, two flying saucers flew over
my house, heading north, as I had requested."
The intelligence community began to keep tabs on Wolf and eventually
recruited him. Wolf recounts that the government guided and paid for his
impressive education because they saw he had a good relationship with the ET
s and because he was the brightest student his teachers had seen.
Dr.Michael Wolf served in the Vietnam War era as an Air Force colonel, pilot
and flight surgeon, and as an I-Corps intelligence officer for the CIA and
NSA. He has earned an MD in neurology, a Ph.D. in theoretical physics, an Sc
D in computer science, a JD in law, an MS in electromagnetic influences on
organisms and a BS in biogenetics.
Basically a Buddhist, Wolf also affirms the core truths in Islam,
Christianity, Judaism, Native American spirituality and other major
spiritual traditions. His personal seminal koan: "The truth is a lie which
has yet to be revealed."
From 1972 to 1977 Dr. Wolf was engaged in covert governmental research into
extraterrestrial technology. "I met with extraterrestrial individuals every
day in my work, and shared living quarters with them" while doing research
at extremely classified underground government research laboratories. "Zetas
work in underground facilities, as requested by the US Government. The ET's
are not breaking the US Government - Zeta treaties, but the Government has
broken treaties by mistreating ET's and trying to fire on UFO's." Yet there
are some extraterrestrials being held captive. "Government scientists
discovered that the ET's cannot dematerialize and escape if there is an
extremely powerful electromagnetic field surrounding them." (By way of
corroboration, I have heard a government contractor describe
three-foot-thick walls, with many wires embedded and running through them,
at Haystack Air Force Laboratory.)
Dr. Wolf commented: "Some in the government want better diplomatic relations
[with the ET's], but others in the military want to shoot them down." This
is ironic, Wolf said, "because SDI [Star Wars] technology was given to the
government by the ET's".
Laboratories where he worked include S-4 (near the northeast corner of the
Nevada Test Range) and nearby Area 51 (where he lived for a while), the
Foreign Technology Division labs at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (Dayton,
Ohio), and the former Dulce Laboratory (near the New Mexico-Colorado border)
Wolf says he is also aware that extraterrestrials work with government
scientists at Haystack Air Force Laboratory, deep under Haystack Butte at
Edwards Air Force Base, California. And when the subject was brought up of
the complex at Indian Springs Auxiliary Air Field adjacent to the Nevada
Test Site, Wolf quickly responded: "I can't say anything about that."
Since 1979 Dr. Wolf has served as a scientific consultant to Presidents and
the National Security Council on extraterrestrial matters. He is also a
member of the NSC's unacknowledged UFO information management subcommittee's
(MJ-12's) panel of scientists. "The code-names I used there were 'Griffin'
and 'Nu Kappa Eta'." MJ-12 made Dr. Wolf the Chairman of Alphacom Team, its
premier extraterrestrial-matters group which also includes an admiral from
Naval Intelligence.
Wolf observes that the generals he worked with feel impotent in the face of
the overwhelming superiority of extraterrestrial technology and mental
abilities. Because of those feelings of powerlessness, anathema to military
officers, the generals authorized an intense and extensive disinformation
campaign (the UFO cover-up) to discourage any attempts by civilians to
acquire even the limited understanding of extraterrestrials which the
generals had managed to gain.
A far more disturbing revelation from Dr. Wolf concerns the existence of a
renegade group within the military and intelligence agencies involved in the
UFO cover-up. Wolf has labeled this conspiratorial group of plotters "the
Cabal". Made up of extremist, fundamentalist, xenophobic, racist and
paranoiac officers, the Cabal fears and hates extraterrestrials. And,
without any presidential or congressional authorization, the Cabal has
commandeered Star Wars weaponry to shoot down UFO's; it has taken surviving
extraterrestrials prisoner and attempted to extract information by force. A
high-level military officer, who is considered a "friendly" by the Cabal but
who secretly dislikes it, passes on information about Cabal planning and
activities to Dr.Wolf.
The Cabal "controls" some well-known UFO investigators. Wolf says that the
director of one major US civilian UFO organization "is up to his ass in the
Cabal". And he adds that another ufologist in Canada "gets paid for taking
swipes at various UFO researchers". That ufologist's high reputation for UFO
research is undeserved because he was getting a stream of leaks and tips
from a well-placed official inside the intelligence community, thus he knew
precisely what UFO data to look and ask for. That ufologist now gets
frequently upset because his source "inside" is no longer available, having
died recently.
As a presidential consultant, Dr. Wolf has visited Mr. Clinton in his White
House private chambers, and he even dropped the remark that "Mr. and Mrs.
Clinton sleep in the same bed", thus scotching rumors to the contrary. When
Mr. Clinton was visiting Harfford, Connecticut, for a presidential debate,
the presidential candidate took a side trip to consult with Dr. Wolf. And to
this day, Wolf continues to provide advice to the President by encrypted
phone and National Security Council courier. Possessing some of the highest
security clearances, this man is in an extremely qualified position to know
what the government knows about UFO's and ET's.
He says he wants to tell
President Clinton everything "but I can't; my [NSC] bosses won't let me".
Wolf says that "President Clinton does not know much about Area 51; and he
does not know about S-4" the supersecret underground installation 13 miles
south of Area 51 at Papoose Lake where Dr. Wolf did some of his research.
The President has ABOVE TOP-SECRET and Need To Know clearances, but does not
have the UMBRA ULTRA TOP SECRET clearance to have access to upper-level
MAJIC [MJ-12] secrets and KEYSTONE [ET research] documents, Wolf adds.
Like many federal bureaucracies, MJ-12 has tripled in size, Wolf reports.
It now numbers 36 members, including [former Secretary of State] Henry
Kissinger and [father of the hydrogen bomb] Edward Teller. MJ-12 meets at
various confidential locations, including the Battelle Memorial Institute
[at Columbus, Ohio]." As an aside, Dr. Wolf confirms that it was Dr. Edward
Teller who recommended physicist Robert Lazar for his position at the secret
S-4 government base south of Area 51, where Lazar helped on back-engineering
the propulsion systems of extraterrestrial spacecraft.
When I asked who was MJ-1, the head of the MJ-12 subcommittee, Dr. Wolf
declined to identify that person. He did say: "MJ-1 answers to no one, not
even the President." When I offered the surmise that Michael Wolf himself
was yet another MJ-12 member, he hurriedly pointed out that he "could not
disclose such a thing". And when I proposed that a notable scientist with a
government background, residing in Arizona, was yet another MJ-12 member,
Wolf responded with an uncharacteristic silence, which I took to mean that
he did not contradict that identification.
Michael Wolf has formed acquaintanceships with renowned top scientists
working on cutting-edge science. One such scientist is Dr. Hal Puthoff,
whose research includes zero-point energy which may replace petroleum to
provide a clean source of the world's power. Wolf worked on remote-viewing
research for the government at the same time that Puthoff was doing so at
Stanford Research Institute. Darrell McMillan of the Union of Concerned
Scientists is another scientist Wolf says he knows, as is Dr. Stephen
Hawking, the British theoretical astrophysicist.
Dr. Wolf asked me if I had seen the recent movie, Peacemaker. When I replied
that I had, he said: "The woman in that movie was based on a real person I
worked with Dr. Jessica Stern of the National Security Council."
And, of course, he has met Dr. Edward Teller. Wolf characterizes Teller as
a nuclear humbug", referring to Teller's deception of making a presentation
to President Reagan about an X-ray laser Star Wars weapon being almost
operational when in fact the system had never been tested. Indeed, the
system was subsequently discarded as impossible by other Lawrence Livermore
Laboratory scientists.
Another UPO notable with whom Wolf is familiar is Admiral Bobby Ray Inman,
former head of the NSA and currently Chairman of Science Applications
International Corporation (SAIC). SAIC was identified by USAF Colonel Steve
Wilson as the company which makes antigravity engines for US "copycat UFO's"
When I commented to Dr. Wolf that USAF Colonel Wilson had identified Inman
as also in charge of Decision Science Applications, Inc. (DSAI) made up of
the heads of corporations involved in classified military weapons
development based on ET technology Wolf said: "Inman doesn't know as much
as the UFO community thinks he does. He doesn't know everything that DSAI is
up to."
Wolf also verif1es that the former head of the Air Force Special Forces'
Project Pounce (UFO retrievals unit), Colonel Steve Wilson, and Air Force
Technical Sergeant / NSA analyst Dan Sherman, assigned to an NSA unit
conducting telepathic communications with the ET's, are who they say they
Dr. Wolf provided a revisionist history about the beginning of the modern
UFO era. "The first UFO came down in 1941, into the ocean west of San Diego,
and was retrieved by the Navy." The US Navy has held a leadership position
in UFO matters ever since.
A more famous UFO crash followed in 1947, northwest of Roswell, New Mexico,
and the craft was retrieved by the Army Air Corps, as reported by Colonel
Corso in his book, The Day After Roswell.
Dr. Wolf confirms the truth of Colonel Corso's disclosures, and notes that
LED's (light-emitting diodes) and superconductivity are among the
technologies which came from Roswell. The US was in possession of a Grey
alien, dubbed "EBE" (extraterrestrial biological entity), from 1948 until
his death in 1953. Government scientists first communicated with him using
pictographs. About the alien-threat tone in Corso's book, Wolf comments that
"it was co-author William Birnes who did the anti-alien gloss on Corso's
manuscript", and that Colonel Corso himself did not view the
extraterrestrials as enemy invaders.
Within months of the Roswell UFO crash, the US Army Air Corps became the Air
Force; the National Security Act was passed, partly to deal with the
extraordinary secrecy the Administration felt UFO's required; and the CIA
was created.
Dr. Wolf personally pioneered a mental expansion process he calls "the
Gateway Treatment" which "allows utilization of a vastly increased
percentage of the brain in order for humans to mentally engage the
extraterrestrials in full telepathic mental exchange". The Treatment
involves "a way of opening the brain up, a way to stimulate the neurons; it
allows billions of synapses to form".
Another project Wolf was involved in was subatomic particle physics research
He says his discoveries were "utilized" by his Ph.D. dissertation-advising
professor "to develop the neutral particle-beam weapon for the Star Wars
Drawing on information from his work in genetics research, Dr. Wolf reveals
that the entire human genome has been mapped secretly by government
scientists. (This contradicts current government press releases which
describe the completion date as early in the next century.) He says he has
found an extraterrestrial marker gene in some humans' genetic samples, but
that other humans do not have these ET marker genes. Further, he says: "I
have found non-coding [extraterrestrial] genetic sequence genes in my own
genetic material, more than the 'In-Betweens' have." ("In-Betweens" is Wolf
s term for humans with hybrid ET-human genetics, due to ET intervention with
their parents' reproductive material before they were born.) Wolf also
reveals he has been around a research project where government scientists
created human-extraterrestrial hybrids, attempting to replicate ET genetic
He explains that the harvesting of tissue from so-called cattle mutilations
is to prepare organelles to adapt to human bodies, to filter out
particulates that are killing us as we pollute our planet". He says, "The
In-Betweens' [human-ET hybrids] will help us and will bring the organelles."
The ET's have other concerns, too. They discussed God and death with Wolf.
And they pointed out that all worlds are connected: "One Hiroshima atomic
bomb can affect millions of cultures in the galaxy." They also told him:
Thought is energy. It doesn't stop at a galactic 'barrier' it is received
on other worlds."
Because of what he has learned, Wolf now says: "We are at a crossroads. The
issue is to give a viable future to our children." He also notes: "Humans
are beginning to change, to evolve, and are looking for spiritual roots.
There is more to God than people get in church."
A fourth ultra-secret project mentioned in Wolf's book was a Department of
Defense project having to do with cloning a human being in order to create
the perfect soldier who would obey orders without question. A General
Bunting was in charge of that project. The clone turned out to have been
born with ethical thinking and the intuitive knowledge that life is sacred.
Wolf says that when the clone disobeyed a test order to kill an innocent dog
"the project officer ordered the clone 'terminated"'.
It was his judgement
that "the clone had a soul"; so, instead, he "blew up the building"
containing the clone project and surreptitiously allowed the clone to escape
Naturally, Wolf keeps aware of significant individuals and developments
within the civilian UFO-investigation community. One such figure is former
Army Command Sergeant-Major Robert Dean who was assigned to NATO
Headquarters in the 1960s. There, Dean read NATO's secret Assessment of
extraterrestrials. Wolf says that he has "seen that same Assessment".
Dr. Wolf reveals that "the NSA and CIA regularly provide the members of
MJ-12 with tapes of major meetings of civilian UFO groups"for example,
MUFON conferences.
He also mentions that some of the notable UFO investigators who have talked
with him include Robert Bletchman, James Courant, Linda Moulton Howe,
William Hamilton, Michael Hesemann and Dr. Steven Greer.
Some years ago, documents were leaked purporting to constitute a
presidential briefing for President Jimmy Carter on extraterrestrial matters
Dr. Wolf affirms that the information contained therein "
substantially true, but one page was missing from the leaked set. That page
describes an individual of joint ET-human heritage who emerged two thousand
years ago to try to end human violence." When I proposed that the page was
referring to Jesus, Wolf confirmed that identification.
Dr. Wolf describes various extraterrestrial races. "One race has orange skin
very large heads and large dark eyes with no irises or whites, and
six-fingered hands. During dissection their brains have been found to have
four brain lobes, different optic orbs and nerves, and a sponge-like
digestive system. ET brains are more developed and connected, and have no
corpus callosum." He also describes a race dubbed "the Semitics", of average
height and a generally humanlike appearance except for their very large,
hooked nose. "This was the race which landed at Holloman Air Force Base [New
Mexico, in the 1960s] and conversed with some generals there." Wolf also
describes a very human-appearing race called "the Nordics". "The Semitics
and Nordics come from Altair 4 and 5 and from the Pleiades."
Dr. Wolf also notes: "The extraterrestrials eat vegetation and mushrooms and
have different requirements. They absorb energy from the air and [certain]
particulates. They don't absorb enough water to need to void; they process
thoroughly." He says that "cattle mutilations" tissue harvesting is not
related to cloning, but rather is done to acquire nutrients for the hybrid
fetuses the ET's create, and he notes that embryonic fluid contains an
anti-rejection factor. He is also aware that not all cattle tissue
harvesting is done by extraterrestrials; some is done by Special Forces
Wolf says that crop circles "were originated by extraterrestrials and then
badly copied by the military using Strategic Defense Initiative weapons
emitting a laser-pulsed beam". He also notes: "...with crop circles made by
ET's, the plants were still alive and grew [after being bent into
pictographic patterns]. With SDI weapon crop circles, the plants die. These
SDI weapons are operated from a secret base in the Himalayas."
Concerning extraterrestrial contact, Dr. Wolf states that the ET race
commonly referred to as the "Zeta Reticulans", or "Greys", has engaged in
diplomatic negotiations with the US Government.
When I asked him which extraterrestrial races he worked with in government
labs, he pointed out that the two illustrations on the front and back covers
of his book, The Catchers of Heaven, are actual photographs of
extraterrestrials taken by an admiral friend of his. The ET on the front
cover is named "K*L*T", which Wolf phoneticises to "Kolta" for convenience,
and is the Zeta Grey extraterrestrial with whom Wolf has met most frequently
The ET on the back cover is a human-appearing Pleiadean named "Anon
[Prince] Sa Ra".
In the course of his close association with extraterrestrials in scientific
laboratories, Dr. Wolf was given a piece of extraterrestrial metal. This
metal looks like melted silicon and has peculiar energy properties. It is 99
99 per cent silicon, with 0.01 per cent non-Earth isotopes. He says that
when he placed the metal in water and drank the water, it provided healthful
Wolf is convinced that it was psychotropic directed-energy devices that were
used by rogue elements within the UFO cover-up organization against certain
UFO researchers pushing very strongly to end the UFO cover-up. These
researchers include: the Director of the Committee for the Study of
Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), Steven Greer, MD, and his principal
assistant, Shari Adamiak; Congressman Steve Schiff who demanded UFO
documents from the Air Force; and USAF Colonel Steve Wilson who revealed his
heading Project Pounce, the UFO retrieval unit.
Already, Colonel Wilson and
Shari Adamiak have died of their cancers and Congressman Schiff has had to
terminate his political career. And now Dr. Wolf has received a medical
report which suggests a possibility that he may have cancer. It is not yet
clear whether he still has access to a certain extraterrestrial honey-like
substance that he took several years ago for his metastasized colon cancer,
thus bringing it into remission.
Concerning the famous 1947 Roswell UFO crash, Wolf states that "it was
actually two UFO's which collided in mid-air" during an intense electrical
storm. "One contained Orange ET's, and the other, Greys." One craft
crash-landed near Corona, northwest of Roswell; the other crashed onto the
Plains of San Agustin, over a hundred miles to the west. Army intelligence
units soon secured both sites and removed the craft and their mostly dead ET
Another later ET-military encounter recounted by Dr. Wolf is similarly grim.
"An extraterrestrial on the ground had traveled from Fort Dix, New Jersey,
to nearby McGuire Air Force Base where he died on the tarmac."
Michael Wolf worked in several projects where he made discoveries which, in
hindsight, he now regrets being involved with. He particularly had
misgivings after he saw what applications these discoveries were put to. He
says he now has "immense qualms about those misapplications"; he repudiates
them and is repentant for them.
When Dr. Wolf was engaged in government-sponsored studies for his MD degree
at McGill University, he carried out research on neurotransmitters and their
role in mental functioning and control. Among the secret projects Dr. Wolf
worked on was "remote viewing" a military-intelligence term for "applied
clairvoyance". He says: "Ninety-nine per cent of telepathy and
remote-viewing research is classified."
Wolf says he went far beyond the crude Army Intelligence psi experiments of
General Bert Stubblebine, Lt. Colonel John Alexander and Major Ed Dames: he
developed memory extraction and memory "capping" (suppression) techniques.
Some of his findings "were later incorporated into the infamous MK-Ultra
mind-control projects of the CIA, and used on captured KGB agents" to
extract information. He also worked in research on dolphins "a
highly-intelligent alien life-form on this planet".
While Dr. Wolf was studying at MIT for his Ph.D. in physics, he "discovered
a new theory of wave-particle duality which led to the development of the
neutral particle-beam Star Wars weapon".
Because of these classified projects, Wolf's NSC bosses forbade him to
identify his dissertation-advising professor, and MIT and McGill are
forbidden to acknowledge that he studied there.
Having access to NSA and CIA information, Dr. Wolf also reveals some secrets
in which he was not involved. One, among the ugliest aspects of the Vietnam
War, was the US's Project Arc Light" the bombing of already-shot-down B-52s
with 'Hellfire' incendiary bombs, totally incinerating any survivor crewmen,
in order to destroy the secret documents carried on the B-52s". President
Bill Clinton told Michael Wolf that he had learned about Project Arc Light
while a student in England and that it had deepened his opposition to the
Vietnam War.
Wolf also learned that the assassination of President Kennedy involved
multiple parties and interests. "Many Cuban expatriates hated Kennedy for
the Bay of Pigs invasion's failure. The Mafia hated JFK because of his
brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy's relentless prosecutions of
high-level mobsters. Hard-liners in the CIA hated Kennedy because he wanted
to pull the US out of an escalating war in Vietnam and because he wanted the
CIA to disclose UFO information."
Wolf discloses that famed scientist "Albert Einstein had contact with
extraterrestrial intelligence", and that a more recent understanding of
zero-point energy "has to do with a white hole/black hole scenario". He says
the ET's told him that the void is filled with energy to be tapped. Further,
he states that experiments by the US Government using exotic technology
ripped holes in time".
Wolf worked briefly on assignment to the Mossad, Israel's intelligence
organization. "The Mossad has very good relationships with the
extraterrestrials," he comments. Dr. Strecker's published research
report, identifying HIV / AIDS as caused by a manmade virus, is correct
according to Dr. Wolf. Furthermore, the government has learned that
viruses are crystalline in structure and that the correct frequency
can destroy them.
Wolf reports that "President Clinton has had a briefing on the Aurora
[SK-33A] space plane" which operates out of Area 51. The Aurora "runs on
liquid methane and has antigravity on board" information identical to what
retired Air Force Colonel Donald Ware passed on to this writer from a
three-star general. Wolf said that the Aurora goes the Stealth planes one
better. "It carries an electromagnetic pulse weapons system on board which
can knock out tracking radar." He also discloses: "It can go to the Moon!".
And he adds a tantalizing hint that "the U.S. has 'something' on Mars"
besides the Rover.
Wolf reveals that the U.S. Government is working on prototypes of
extraterrestrial antigravity discs. He says that the extraterrestrials
traverse the galaxy by manipulating space and time to pull their destination
towards them. "Time is reduced to zero, and acceleration is increased to
infinity." He also says that the military is experimenting on having pilots
use their mind to guide an advanced plane. Some government scientists have
found that "some UFO's are living conveyances and can divide and re-form".
Those "living conveyances" are apparently also responsive to thought
Wolf discloses an incident that occurred on the Caribbean island of Puerto
Rico during the Bush Administration. "A UFO piloted by extraterrestrials,
with F-16 fighter escort overhead, landed in a Puerto Rican city in 1990.
The purpose of this exercise was to test the public reaction of a select
portion of the American people." (Puerto Rico is U.S. territory.) The mayor
of the city contacted President Bush, excitedly told the President that
extraterrestrials got out of the ship and walked around", and asked Bush
what he should say to his citizens. Bush referred the inquiry to Dr. Wolf at
MJ-12 to formulate a response for the mayor.
Concerning the U.S. Government's slow pace of disclosure about UFO reality,
Wolf comments: "The government is doing a balancing act because if free
[zero-point] energy and all the ET technology came out all at once it'd hurt
the stockholders [in obsolescent industries]. The multinational corporations
don't want to lose their power." The last time Dr. Wolf heard, the timetable
from the government for frank disclosure of UFO reality is somewhere in the
period of 2001 to 2005.
For all his education and unique career, Dr. Michael Wolf is a generally
modest man. He lives alone in a simple urban apartment and still grieves
over the tragic deaths of his wife and son Daniel, lost years ago. Facing
twin terminal illnesses of spinal degeneration and a wasting disease, he is
dedicated now to trying to help create a better world for the children. "The
children are the future," he says, and to this end he has directed that all
royalties from his books go to the Daniel Wolf Memorial Foundation For
Children, Inc., a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
Dr. Wolf looks forward to when the secrecy about extraterrestrial contact
with Earth is stripped away, so that we, our children and grandchildren can
move forward to the next phase of our history, now cosmic in scale.
The Catchers of Heaven
by Michael Wolf