! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Aswer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

Message 1
   Date Wed, 6 Aug 2003 043941 -0400
   From "David Wilcock" 
Subject The Dark Night of the American Soul


As per our guidelines, I am posting the complete content of my latest
article for discussion. As always, we ask that if you want to discuss a
particular part of the article, please delete all dead text and only
leave the parts that are under discussion. Since some people subscribe
by daily digest and would like to print them out, it is very important
that we all do this  and it is often ignored. I have put END- in
several places in the article so that the ends of excerpts, et cetera
can be easily seen in Plain Textformat. This article may undergo
further editorial changes, but this is the preliminary version posted at

The Dark Night of the American Soul
Part One The Personal Context of Political Events

By David Wilcock
8 / 5 / 3

Our current world events are often viewed with fear, dread, despondency,
sadness, bitterness, betrayal, isolation or victimization. Yet, for
thousands of years, ancient prophecies have given accurate prophetic
descriptions of our current times with a sense of wonderment and
excitation, not despair. In a remarkably cross-cultural set of
prophecies, the socio-political events we are now seeing are said to be
part of an ancient formulathat paves the way for a Golden Age on
earth for humanity.

The hidden negative forces in government are aware of these prophecies
as well, and are hoping to master these changes so as to create a New
World Order when the changes arrive. From Biblical prophecy right on
through to the present, we have mountains of evidence to suggest that
these plans will not succeed, and the monumental failures of the Bush
Administration fit in perfectly with this notion.

Since my own direct connection to the Higher Self began with daily dream
recall and analysis in 1992, and especially since I broke through to
direct, reliable verbal communication with the Dream Voice in 1996, I
have steadily received an ongoing series of future visions which
accurately depicted the exact type of socio-political environment that
we are now living in, as well as charting a course for future events
that we have not yet seen. Time after time, the prophecies have said
that just when things seem to be at their worst, changes will occur that
suddenly create a far more positive framework.

Many spiritually-oriented people are either currently experiencing or
have already experienced their own personal dark night of the soul, so
that when the collective dark night of the soul arrives, they can act as
a source of light to others. The signs of the coming of this collective
dark night of the soul are becoming increasingly difficult to ignore,
the prophetic scenarios increasingly coming into view exactly as

It will be increasingly important not to panic as such changes go from
being maybes to becoming so obvious that they sprout a whole new
legion of doomsayers. I think it is also beneficial to face the future
head-on instead of continuing to indulge in naïve optimism about how
everything is going to stay just the way it is. Changes are coming,
and they will involve some sacrifice from all of us.

In order to be as responsible a futurist as possible, I have been
carefully paying attention to empirical information sources as well as
my own intuitive sources, and I do believe that we are now on an
irreversible course; the only question is when. 

Not even the higher forces can be completely certain of the timing on
something like this, as it is affected by so many different
determinants. However, I would be very surprised if it were not in
effect by some time in 2005, if not well before then. Consider the
recent words of Dr. Henry Makow in the article Sensational Memos Lift
the Lid on News Control, (http//www.rense.com/general39/contr.htm)
revealing a previously little-known source of information on the

Since April, The Barnes Review News web site (www.tbrnews.org) has
posted memos... from an executive at a major TV network to selected News
Division staff.

If they are authentic, these memos represent the most important
revelation of government deception since the Pentagon Papers, and
suggest the "news" is little more than mass psychological control. There
are shocking references to cover-ups of government domestic terrorism,
SARS, Mad Cow, and events in Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Iran and much

In mid-March TBR Webmaster Walter Storch received an email from a man
who claimed to be a mid-level executive at a major U.S. TV network. He
said he had "serious doubts" about the strict control of the media by
the government.

He sent Storch a disc containing 1500 pages of memos dating back to
2001. All were on corporate stationary signed by the sender and
recipients in the News Division.

Storch asked for current directives and was able to ascertain that they
were followed both in print and on TV. He posted the memos in excerpt or
in full and watched "as ordained news was created before our eyes."

"We are now printing the more outrageous and serious aspects of the
incoming papers with the hopes that this will cause serious public
relations problems [for] those directly involved," Storch wrote

The memo writer is probably an executive at a media conglomerate in New
York charged with coordinating with government. His directives seem to
be followed by other networks and newspapers, although he refers to
"unreliable" newspapers (June 2).

He decides what to suppress ("blackout"), what to promote ("puff
pieces"), what angle to take on anything controversial. About SARS,
which did spread to the US but was called pneumonia, he says, "Get the
usual medical people and give them the usual script." (May 25)

He has a cynical, conspiratorial, chatty style and makes the newsmen
feel they are "in the know." They do not include the public in this
charmed circle.

- END -

Upon studying this fastidiously detailed and highly controversial
information on the TBRNews website, it was easy to pick out a whole
series of quotes that suggest that the American economy is in serious
trouble, as my own intuitive sources have been steadily saying all
along. I did imagine that the closer we got to these events actually
happening, the more obvious it would become, but these memos were a
surprise even for me.

The tone of the memo-writer indicates that the Bush Administration is in
a state that could only be described as complete paranoia over any
number of things that they feel could ruin the economy, and are doing
everything they can to cover them up. Following are some examples of
these memos as they actually read on the TBRNews website

- (April 4) ...sharply rising unemployment numbers, this should be
countered with official interviews stressing that the unemployment
situation is now stabilizing and expected to fall soon.

-  (April 27) ...ongoing wave of failures, or projected failures, of
major US corporations should be played down and covered only if the
corporation in question actually files for bankruptcy. The expressed
fear is that a constant drumfire of woeful economic news will hardly
encourage a badly needed recovery...

- (May 8) Although the dollar's continuing drop against the euro can be
seen on most financial pages, this is to be addressed as temporary and
articles from economists can be quoted to the effect that the victory in
Iraq will soon result in a surging dollar on the international

- (May 13) ...a series of presentations about why the decline of the
dollar against the euro, the Canadian and Mexican currency, is actually
a good thing for American business. Stress that US production can now
increase because American goods are cheaper, and stress, more easily
available to the foreign markets.

-  (May 17) The President's new tax plan should be shown as being
beneficial to most American households. Democratic criticism is to be
minimized and trivialized. The Laci Peterson case and the bad weather in
the mid-west (tornados) are good subjects for diversion from less than
helpful political partisanship.

- (May 24) The mad-cow problem in Canada is causing serious economic
problems in both the US and Canada. It is considered very important to
stress that none of the contaminated beef ever was sent to the US. Only
one cow and a few calves, all of whom have been destroyed... If this
gets any credence, it could wreak havoc with the US cattle industry, not
to mention the fast food and restaurant business. Mad-cow has been in
the US before and kept very quiet. Let's see if we can't repeat this

- (May 29) It's the economy, stupid! and let's keep in mind that
drumfire about bad economy is not good kids, for all of us. Do a nice
bit on how the market is now rising (slowly) and full recovery is
projected to be around the corner. Get the usual bites from our
economists. The deflation word is not to be used and keep strictly away
from the rising euro. If this gets over $1.20, talk about the great
benefits to US home productions. Who needs fancy, overpriced French
luxury goods when we can make it better and cheaper right at home? 

-  (June 15) The market is up again but just equal to last year. Not
good but make a strong case for serious recovery under the President's
new tax refunds. Unemployment is soaring but let's keep this minor key
unless some trouble breaks out over it. Justice has evidence of serious
labor unrest, especially among ghetto minorities. They never had a crack
at the brass ring before and now, none at all. This in seen as potential
disaster by the AG and his people... Job corps are out of the question.
Subject of a universal draft for all 18 year olds on the drawing board.
Keep them out of trouble before the election and boosts up the military
just in case there is more military action.

- (June 20) Continue with positive reports about the market upswings&no
comment on the 10% unemployment rates. Work up a treatment that stresses
the problems newly-graduated high school students have in finding work.
Thus, the higher rates.

- (July 14) Happy talk at the Pentagon about a universal draft is fading
away. No chance of this disaster even being broached and it should not
be mentioned at all. It is doubtful that the White House will touch this
one now...

- END -

In previous articles, I spoke of my prophetic visions that as the
economic collapse plunges into full gear, there would be urban riots
across the country that would be blamed mainly on African-Americans, and
the memo from June 15 spoke of serious labor unrest, especially among
ghetto minorities... this is seen as a potential disaster .

If the youth are considered to be the most serious potential political
problem, then why not blame the bad economy on them to soften up the
public to the idea of sending them off to die in a mass military draft?
The New York Times published an article that directly blamed the current
unemployment situation on teenagers, just over three weeks after the
June 20th memo that called for such a treatment. To me, this is direct
evidence of fore-ordained news emerging just as it was ordered to, and
lends credibility to the remainder of content in the memos


Teenagers Facing Hard Competition for Summer Jobs


BOSTON, July 13 Teenagers are facing the worst summer job market in
years, with the percentage of those holding summer jobs at its lowest in
55 years and the unemployment rate at its highest in a decade.

Governments have cut money that used to help put teenagers in jobs.
Retail stores are increasingly favoring older sales clerks. And
teenagers are suffering a kind of push-down effect of the bad economy
older workers are returning to the job market, the laid-off are settling
for jobs they might once have thought beneath them and college students
unable to find better work are hanging onto jobs that used to go to high
school students, squeezing out the youngest workers...

The unemployment rate for 16- to 19-year-olds, at 19.3 percent
nationwide in June, is rising particularly fast for black teenagers. But
the trouble finding jobs hits across the country, and all demographics...

Since 2000, the employment rate for teenagers has dropped about 9
percentage points. "If you had a nine-point drop for adults, you'd call
it a depression," said Andrew Sum, director of the Center for Labor
Market Studies at Northeastern University here...

...Renee Ward, president of an Internet job board called Teens4Hire.org,
said most of the 1,300 retailers who have posted jobs in the past few
years said they were not hiring teenagers under 18 this summer...

- END -

Most likely, every specific data point in the above article is true, as
we do have a serious economic problem. However, there are also clearly
biased statements in the article that are not supported by facts, which
would be where the spin is applied in accordance with the
memo-writer's wishes. This is especially evident in the second
paragraph, with openly generalized statements that are not backed by
direct statistical support.

Despite the wide range of comments such as the above, the category that
really jumped out at me would be that of a huge counterfeit currency

- (May 3) US Treasury officials are now investigating the enormous
amounts of US currency uncovered in Iraq. Mention of this can be made
and it is considered expedient to state that this is part of Saddam
Hussein's personal booty. Under no circumstances, it has to be stressed,
should any mention of amounts in excess of the publicly stated $600
million be made. And absolutely no mention of the possibility of these
$100 bills being counterfeit...

- (May 12) ...discovery of counterfeit US bills worldwide is to be
offset with stories about entirely new, colored bills now in preparation
stages. These bills will be more difficult to counterfeit... flood of
counterfeit $20 bills in the US... the $100 bills will not be reworked
at the present time. Loss of confidence in this bill could result in its
rejection by the world currency markets and this would have a disastrous
effect on the economy... be sure to stress this in coverage...

- END -

Various articles by Sherman Skolnick, a regular columnist on
www.rense.com, indicate that the actual amount of counterfeit currency
is upwards of 800 billion dollars, rather than the far-lower 600 million
given in the above quote. Skolnick has been covering this story for some
time, so seeing it appear in the memos adds validity to both sources.
Skolnick seems to always weigh this counterfeit scandal heavily in terms
of an overall viewpoint that he shares about our current affairs, which
suggests that the US as we now know it will go the way of every other
major empire in world history. Here are some examples


A very high, non-U.S. military officer, extremely well-informed,
contends that the U.S. is facing a land-war military disaster in
Afghanistan. Obviously, if true, it could bring down the American
Central Government and with it the Bill of Rights and the U.S.
Constitution. The 60 American flag officers agree, and assert that a
coup d'etat, for the good and not for evil, is absolutely necessary to
save the American Republic...

If true, it raises the entire question of land-invasion of Afghanistan
as being the fore-runner of possible U.S. Military disaster. A nation
that loses a war soon has their government overthrown...



Carried over from the greatly troubled 20th Century is a hush-hush group
of events that is virtually impossible to be dealt with by the American
monopoly press. After you study this, the how, when, where, and why of
it, may become clear to you...

If carried to an extreme, counterfeiting government money or securities
could topple a central government quicker, and neater, than bombing them
to bits that is, taking care of a government perceived as unfriendly
to others, or an enemy.

The U.S. Treasury, arranging for and distributing superior quality
counterfeit currencies, is a deep-down secret. And the pressfakers know
to stay shut for various reasons. For example, journalists that go to
press conferences of public officials must FIRST be cleared by the U.S.
SECRET SERVICE& which not only issues or refuses to issue press
credentials, but also investigates bogus currency...

The big secret, forbidden to be discussed by the oil-soaked, spy-riddled
American monopoly press is that there is, because of Iran and others,
over 800 billion dollars worth of these superior quality Federal Reserve
Notes, masquerading, of course, as the "U.S. Dollar", some of it
circulating by way of Iran. Some is being circulated by a joint deal
between the Russian mafiya (former KGB officers) and a faction of the
Colombia dope cartel. Some by blowback (spy lingo) is coming back to the

In 1990, the U.S. Treasury, aided by criminal-types within the American
CIA, confederates of Daddy Bush, then U.S. President, arranged to topple
the Soviet Government. How?  By manipulating the Soviet currency, the

A book [that] goes into what it calls the Ruble Scam is "Thieves World
The Threat of the New Global Network of Organized Crime", by Claire
Sterling, Simon & Schuster, N.Y., 1994...

The Russian ruble counterfeiters are experts on how the superior quality
U.S. fake currency passes right through the Federal Reserve counting
machines and other such apparatus, just as if genuine notes. [Of course,
understood by some is that the Federal Reserve notes are hot-air backed
paper masquerading as the "U.S. Dollar".]

Knowing a lot of the foregoing, some savvy sorts simply call them THE
COUNTERFEIT RESERVE. The Fed stays quiet about the 800 billion dollars
worth of fake U.S. currency floating around the world, some of it coming
back into the U.S.

What are the fake Federal Reserve notes, a massive amount, being used
for? Simple. They are knowingly used, in part, to temporarily support
the U.S. Stock Markets. To prevent a financial meltdown, the same secret
reason a faction in the American Aristocracy used to cover up if not
instigate Black Tuesday, September 11, 2001, with that faction having
prior knowledge they were simply piggy-backing on to a known scheme of
supposed Moslems.


...most every organ of the mass media dares NOT offend the U.S.
Treasury, the U.S. Secret Service, and the Internal Revenue Service.

[2] A long-festering mess, for years kept out of the popular press in
the U.S., has been the huge amount of superior quality counterfeit U.S.
Currency (actually, Federal Reserve hot-air notes, backed by nothing,
masquerading before the public as the "U.S. Dollar".) In a prior
exclusive story, we dealt with this subject.

So, shortly after our story is posted, what happened? Why, the U.S.
Treasury boss, Paul O'Neill is sacked. Of course, cynical sorts have a
way of explaining it. They say, Josef Stalin would have given him two
choices, if at all, Exile to Siberia or the firing squad. O'Neill the
money boss has a number of failures, to his record, as far as the
current occupant and resident of the White House is concerned...

===Failure, by O'Neill, to stop all mention of the huge problem of
superior counterfeit U.S. Currency, actually Federal Reserve Notes. It
is causing tremendous friction between the Washington government and the
Moscow government. Moscow czar Putin is beginning to find out that he
and his predecessor, Yeltsin, had and have been propped up with huge
amounts of U.S. Currency, part of it the superior quality bogus U.S.
Currency. Short of ringing the neck of George W. Bush, how is Putin,
supposedly now a U.S. ally formerly big with the Secret Police, supposed
to react?...

===Failure of the U.S. Treasury, by boss O'Neill, to adequately
co-operate with the Federal Reserve czar Alan Greenspan, to successfully
pump up the U.S. Stock Market, at least temporarily, jointly using part
of the long-secret superior quality phony baloney U.S. currency. In such
failures, the Treasury and the Fed are opening the way for a possible
"change of regime", not in Baghdad, BUT WASHINGTON.

In our prior exclusive details, we told about the dissident U.S.
Admirals and Generals, vowing to arrest Commander-in-Chief Clinton for
treason. If Clinton were to arrest them for mutiny, if they survived and
were not assassinated, they planned to defend their position documenting
Clinton's treason against the American commonfolk to favor the Red
Chinese. Although, as we have mentioned, ten of these flag officers,
military jargon description, have been assassinated. BUT, there is now a
much larger group itching to target George W. Bush, as to the treasonous
acts by him, as supervised by Daddy Bush, former head of the secret
political police, and others.

===Failure by O'Neill, as Treasury poobah, jointly with the
conspiratorial Federal Reserve, to turn up the U.S. economy, thus paving
the way for George W. Bush to be another Herbert Hoover, ala 1931. Did
Albert Gore, Jr., sidestep being in charge of the White House, when he
did not fight back "The Gang of Five" on the U.S. Supreme Court, when
they like a military Junta, installed George W. Bush as the resident and
occupant of the Oval Office, on that infamous December evening, 2000?
Some of Gore's confidants claim he so much as muttered under his breath,
"Let George be Hooverized, not me", anticipating a serious meltdown of
the U.S. financial system.


Whatever opinion you have made of Saddam Hussein, he is NOT some dummy.
The superior quality hundred dollar U.S. paper money bills that flooded
Iraq and the Mid-East by Daddy Bush---well, Saddam, in turn, dumped them
on Europe, from which they are coming back to haunt and trouble the
United States.

To cover up this treason and criminality done by Daddy Bush against the
American people and their organic law, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of
Rights, his son, George W. Bush... feels obligated to find a reason to
protect Bush the Elder by violently seeking to remove the Baghdad
regime. Saddam's details, documents, and testimony can send Daddy Bush
and members of his crime cabal to prison for treason and other high

To try to protect his father from treason conviction and prison, George
W. Bush is determined to silence his father's now disgruntled former
business partner Saddam Hussein...

Some contend that with the U.S. under a supposed leader trying to
protect his father, causing tremendous bloodshed in Iraq and among
poorly informed U.S. troops, the end result may be the change, perhaps
violent, of the regime IN WASHINGTON.


Because of a confluence of events, domestic and overseas, there is a
growing possibility that the UNITED States of America will come apart

[3] Troika is a Russian term for a wagon pulled by three horses. Some
time ago I posted a story about a possible troika that may run the
government. Certainly it is no great secret that we common Americans are
going to be faced with tremendous possible upheavals resulting from an
oncoming financial meltdown as well as the plans for Iraq.

Many ordinary Americans may be forced into a point of view that we must,
by way of dealing with the growing emergency, temporarily set aside the
organic law, the bedrock of our Republic, namely the U.S. Constitution
and the Bill of Rights (restraining the Central Government, as forced
upon the founding fathers of this Republic).

We may suddenly find out that the faction of the Aristocracy that
opposes George W. Bush and Daddy Bush, has decided to run this country
through a troika, a panel of Emergency Administrators, not provided for
by statute or organic law...

Gore may re-emerge as one of the Emergency Administrators, to deal with
the possibility that the UNITED States of America, is becoming, has
become, DISUNITED, through financial and international policy

[4] As hard as it may be to understand for poorly informed and naive
sorts, there are parts of the United States, like in the 1860s, that
reserve the right to secede from the Union. California is such an
example, beset with a huge un-manageable deficit, having sent to
Washington their federal tax money and getting, in return, insufficient
aid in dealing with the open-borders flood of non-citizens burdening the
hospitals, schools, and facilities of California.

Who openly discusses that Texas entered the Union with a provision,
reserving to itself the right of its State Legislature to divide up the
huge state into five separate states entitled to TEN U.S. Senators.
The Texas State Assembly, from time to time, has to roll-over that

Somehow, a group consisting of Albert Gore, Jr., and others, have come
up with a rather complete list of where the superior quality counterfeit
U.S. paper money is, and who is seeking to dump it back on the U.S. via
the transit point of Canada. The dumpers include Moscow strongman Putin
as well as Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein. [Visit earlier parts of this
series for details.]...

So, will the U.S. end up into a mess wherein a panel of Emergency
Administrators run the country because George W. Bush is either unable
to govern, is actually but secretly under "house arrest", or similar
extra-ordinary situations?


===The Iraqi oil treasure, second largest in the world, is to be used as
collateral to support U.S. out-of-control debt, to aid Bush in seeking
to give a huge tax cut to the very wealthy. An additional purpose, if
not the actual main one, is that the Iraqi oil treasure is to head-off
(although it may be actually impossible to sidestep), the downfall of
the "U.S. Dollar" and the looming possible default of U.S. Treasury
securities, 40 percent of which currently are owned by the Japanese and
the Saudi Royal Family (both since 1973, having THEIR U.S. Treasury
paper backed by U.S. Gold, not so for ordinary Americans).

- END -

Now if you have read these Skolnick excerpts carefully, especially the
last one, you will see that the Administration is in desperate need of
the Iraqi oil treasure to head off a massive economic collapse. We know
that when the US invaded Iraq in March, the very first thing that they
did was to secure control of the Iraqi oilfields. However, is this
treasure actually being taken out of Iraq?  Regardless of how negative
this agenda may seem, is this oil money flowing back to the US to prop
up the economy? The secret in-house corporate memos tell us straight out
that it is not

- (June 15) We are going to be running into serious problems with the
growing resistance movements in Iraq. GIs are being killed and wounded,
convoys ambushed and worst of all scenarios are coming true The Iraqi
oil is being interdicted before it can be shipped out of the country...

- (June 16) ...Pentagon sources now claim that it will be impossible to
bring law and order to Iraq within a year and heavy US military presence
must be in place to do this.

- (June 28) The situation in Iraq vis a vis the guerrilla war is now
reaching critical proportions. It is very obvious not only to the
Pentagon, whose business it is to combat it, or to the White House who
basically instigated it, that the actions of Iraqis are not, repeat not,
merely sporadic lootings and local vigilante actions but a
well-organized and fully functioning guerrilla movement. This has very
ugly religious overtones and has the danger of causing serious and
widespread trouble in the adjoining Muslim countries. The Administration
has two choices facing it Get on or get out. Our sources indicate that
Bush's temperament and personality will not permit him to retreat an

-  There is the oil question. We were supposed to secure all the Iraqi
oil after kicking Hussein out and breaking his hold on the country. Bush
was warned repeatedly by Pentagon experts that there was the strong
probability of dangerous insurgent activity but he and his close
advisors such as Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz discounted it. Since the
President will not, and cannot, withdraw from a situation that is daily
becoming more and more dangerous to American military units, his only
remaining choice is to increase the number of troops in Iraq to both
suppress any and all civil resistance to American occupation and, even
more important, protect the oil fields and most especially the pumping
stations and pipelines.

Experts we have spoken with have said that this will be impossible
without at least 200,000 troops in place. Pacification could take years,
not weeks or months, and with elections coming up next year, inside
White House sources have said the President and Rove are in a panic.
Increasing damage to [oil] plants, increasing anti-US guerrilla activity
and the resultant deaths of GIs is causing havoc with the planning for
both the export of the vital oil and the prospects of another Vietnam to
haunt the election& It would be a PR disaster if we had a reprise of Nam
with the shooting of civilians on the 6 o'clock news...

- (July 12) We foresee problems in some of our coverage of the Iraq
business. Until fairly recently, the public support has been fairly
strong for the President's actions. Our own poll results showed that the
President enjoyed a solid 52% national support (although the agreed
figures were closer to 65%) Now, with the prolonged and escalating Iraqi
resistance and growing questions about Bush's State of the Union speech
and the glaring errors contained in it, it is very evident that other
media elements are beginning to raise questions...

The best way to cover this is to be strictly neutral in comment and we
must now maintain a completely neutral position in all of this. If Bush
has the same problems Nixon did over Watergate, we cannot be seen by our
viewers as being blindly partisan. We have to have plausible deniability
in this. The NYT is now beginning to crack the wall of silence
surrounding the Presidency and as they are the bellweather, best to
watch them closely.

- (July 13) The figures given out about a 3 billion monthly bill for the
Iraq occupation and pacification is going to blow up in the
Administration's face. (More like 5 billion a month!) The Democrats have
been in disarray because they feel that by attacking the wartime
President, they can be accused of disloyalty to the American people. The
major disaster for the White House is that they cannot get oil out of
Iraq. The plan always was to root out Saddam, occupy the country after
securing the oil fields first and then put a CIA trained and controlled
local governments into place... In fact, the Iraqis would get none of
the proceeds of the oil sales...

The President and his top men, including Rumsfeld, were fully warned by
both the CIA and MI that there was a very strong probability that
internal unrest in Iraq could tie the US up for years, not months but as
we know, the White House has always listened to a different drummer...
The Administration is over a barrel on this because if they try to make
too many scapegoats, someone will let the cat out of the bag over who
really knew what and what kind of specific warnings the White House had
actually received...the same scenario as the 9-11 warnings...

- (July 17) The White House is now moving into a bunker mentality, very
much like Nixon during the end of the Watergate business. With mounting
Iraqi opposition and facing a very capable guerrilla movement, supplied
by Syria and Russia, the US has run into the stone wall we all
predicted. His personality will not permit the President to withdraw in
good order; the neocons and the oil people will simply not let him.

Bush is stuck between the rock and the proverbial hard place... serious
growing unrest in the troops coupled with very low morale, growing death
tolls, lack of rotation, real fear of being fatally attacked are all
leading to a situation that our Pentagon source informs us could
actually erupt into open mutiny. Couple all of this with the terrible
economy, the insistence of the Bush people on insane tax cuts (to help
out corporate America), the obvious right wing political and religious
fanatics supporting the President and we have the makings of serious,
probably fatal, domestic problems.

The fear is that a frantic Administration could connive at some kind of
domestic terrorism if and when they perceive the President slumping
badly in the polls. He already is and it looks like it might go like the
economy. Today, a 65% favorite; tomorrow matching [California Governor]
Davis 20%.

-  (July 21) The guerrilla warfare rages on in Iraq with no end in
sight. A report from Rand indicates that oil from Iraq is not likely to
be shipped out in the near future and as the Administration has been
counting on their sales of this oil to reduce the horrific US national
debt, trouble looms. Rumsfeld and Cheney, the real powers in the
Beltway, want the National Guards activated to replace the mutinous
brigades now on duty in Iraq. The staffers at the Pentagon are not in
favor of this because these Guardsmen are badly trained and it is felt
that there would be casualty disasters without end if they were dumped
into the middle of a fierce guerrilla Arab holy war. The emerging
hallmark of White House strategy is a blind belief in the rightness of
their actions and a mounting refusal to modify any of their actions...

- (July 25) The House vote on the [media] deregulation matter is a shot
across the Administration's bows. So many Republicans deserted that Bush
is said to be boiling with rage and threatening a veto in addition to
punishment of the rebels. Considering the public uproar over Powell's
FCC actions, this veto will be overridden...

- END -

A careful study of the above excerpts shows that the crucial change has
already taken place the mainstream media has been backed into a corner
and can no longer blindly support George W. Bush. The Bush
Administration has hardly any scapegoats that they can blame for these
colossal failures, as any one of these people could easily leak
information that would scandalize the ruling elite. Even the
Republican-saturated Congress is withdrawing its support.

Without corporate media or political support, the Bush Administration's
grip on power is certain to collapse. The troops in Iraq are on the
verge of open mutiny, but Bush is unlikely to withdraw the US forces
until things have reached the level of an epic military disaster. On
March 18, 2003, at 1231 pm, I wrote a dream-based prophecy to my email
discussion group that forecasted just such an event

This coming war might appear to be swift, but it will be anything but
painless for the negative elite.

I had another dream that shows that a shocking downfall for them is more
imminent than most could ever imagine.

This translates into something that is definitely good for humanity and
the Earth in general. 

- END -

Hence, what is still ahead of us is a major economic change, which will
predominantly affect corporate America and those who have a great deal
to lose. However, no television corporate media gloss-over will be able
to mask what is happening from the general public it will seriously
restructure the way we live.

As one example, I continue to have dreams showing me that the United
States will not stay united; the federal government as we now know it
will be dramatically reduced, if not eliminated, and states will band
together into economic regions. Nonetheless, these cleansing changes do
have a uniquely important purpose and it all has to do with the
healing and transformation of humanity's collective shadow side by
identifying it, confronting it and eventually accepting it.


Before we go on, I wanted to share a personal realization that I have
had recently The veil works both ways. The true nature of the negative
AND the positive forces that are at work on the Earth are veiled from
most people. There is a growing understanding that there may actually be
great corruption within governmental structures, but far fewer people
are aware of the true depth and breadth of it.

Similarly, an ever-increasing number of people are experiencing
synchronicities, miracles, psychic events, powerful dreams, visionary
experiences and the like, but only a small number are aware of the
greater context that unifies all of the pieces into one singular form
the Big Picture of what exactly is going on with the Earth at this
time, and why. I feel that the Law of One series of 1981-84 is the most
useful source instrument for reconstructing that picture. The remainder
of this article presupposes that you have some familiarity with the
overall message of our website, www.ascension2000.com.

Though an ever-increasing number of awakening souls are doing the
homework to plumb the deepest levels of truth concerning the negative
forces now operative on the Earth, a focus on the unseen aspects of the
positive forces is naturally more beneficial, hopeful and inspiring.
This, by necessity, does involve a discussion of our current situation,
so that we do not simply ignore that there are truly amazing changes now
occurring. I have never been given any evidence to suggest that the
events we are now seeing are other than completely positive for


In terms of the hopes, dreams and motivations of life, most people
simply want a conclusion a big, spontaneous happy ending, like hitting
the spiritual equivalent of the lottery and really do not enjoy the
process. The process is the daily work of moving through the experiences
of life, which will determine whether we are spiritually prepared for
these changes or not. Rather than being inspired to work their process
while there is still a good chance to do so, many people send me emails
that essentially say,I want to know& what is my purpose? What am I
supposed to be doing here, and am I doing it? In short am I going to
make it? 

Though as many as 90 percent of my clients for intuitive consultations
(psychic readings ) indulge in the question What is my purpose, the
deeper truth of the mystery is that Your purpose is to find that answer
for yourself, and enjoy the process all along the way. No shortcuts to
conclusion can be offered, as the process itself is what is really

The Divine Cosmos itself is in a continual process of self-awakening, so
any idea of a conclusion is simply a brief pause along the way, at best.
If you are not sure whether you have sufficient positive polarity to
stay with the Earth as it moves through this dimensional shift, then do
something about it; start treating others with more love, respect,
forgiveness and understanding, learning to respect their free will as a
precious flower that will crumble if mishandled.


So rather than state a rather empty conclusion, such as George W. Bush
will leave office, perhaps in an unconventional way, in the midst of far
greater economic upheaval than what we now see in August 2003, let us
examine the heaviest aspect of the Big Picture that we have to work
with. We are living in a universe where nothing happens by accident. The
universe is operating in accordance with a perfect plan, and this
planet, our lives, are a part of that plan. It is a cyclical journey
that begins and ends in Oneness.

In our own third density realm, the archetypal path of the Hero's
Journey, first identified and put into writing by Joseph Campbell, is
the embodiment of this perfect plan for each of us. Loneliness and
separation moves into initiation an increasingly difficult set of
trials, which eventually provide startling spiritual insights once a
clear confrontation with and acceptance of our shadow side is achieved.

The hero then consciously chooses to return to society with his
breathtaking new insights, where such information helps to transform our
world. This path of separation, initiation and return is a theme that
all of our lives are guided by, whether we are aware of it consciously
or not. The events that we have covered in this article show that this
mass initiation is now well underway. This too is a process, and should
not be seen as a conclusion. It is how we get from the current realities
of our situation to the Golden Age that has long been prophesied.

Lastly, consider the words of the Pyramid Timeline, as interpreted by
Peter Lemesurier in his seminal work, Great Pyramid Decoded. We explain
the structure and make up of this timeline in our first Convergence
book, The Shift of the Ages. Essentially, the origin of the timeline is
calibrated to a one-time-only astronomical conjunction, with the Scored
Lines near the Pyramid's entrance in alignment with the Pleiades
directly overhead. Then, each Egyptian inch is counted as one year of
time, and the exact size, shape and composition of the passages
determines the message based on an established numerological code, where
various measurements can be discerned to have highly specific meanings.

Despite the hype that has emerged about political and historical events
in various years, most recently including the failed prophecy of Planet
X destroying the Earth on May 15, 2003, Lemesurier's 1977 book always
placed the key dividing-line for world economic restructuring as
occurring in the year 2004, where the bottom will fall out of the
world. The data in this article definitely suggests that such events
could be within a year and a half of emerging on the world stage.

The following excerpt starts with the actual direct translation of the
message written into the Descending Passage, the path of materialist
humanity. Everything up to the present time checks out remarkably well
with known 20th century historical periods. I remember having a
sociology class in spring 1992, where the professor showed us a graph
that indicated that the year 1971 was the key turning-point where the
salaries of the average person stopped rising, whereas those of the
wealthiest people began rising much more quickly than before. I was
naturally quite surprised, upon reading the Great Pyramid book in 1995,
to see this date corroborated, among so many others

The years 1914 to 1918 will see a steep material decline. Between 1921
and 1932, however, man's civilizations and technologies will have the
chance of achieving a great deal, and after a temporary setback between
1932 and 1939, followed by a deep twelve-year trough, there will be
another period of rapid potential progress between 1951 and 1965.

But 1968 will mark the start of a decline in the achievements of man's
advanced societies, and the downward slope will steepen dramatically
around 1971. By 1978 there will be a further collapse to what might be
termed subsistence level. Yet civilization itself will survive this
collapse, showing only a slight downward tendency for a further
twenty-six years.

Then, in around 2004, the bottom will fall out of the world. Both
world-civilization and its technologies will quickly collapse to
rock-bottom by 2010, and will remain at that level for at least fifteen

- END -

Originally, when I wrote the first volume of the Convergence series, I
put all my money on Lemesuriers 1977 interpretation of the King's
Chamber passage, which suggested that the key year was 2039, not 2012,
the Mayan Calendar end-date. However, in Lemesurier's more recent volume
Gods of the Dawn, he points out that the entrance to the King's Chamber,
known as the Ante-Chamber, begins at 1999.

By moving forward another thirteen Egyptian inches from this point, we
come to the year 2012. At this exact point, the entire composition of
the chamber transforms from limestone, symbolizing our current physical
world, to granite, symbolizing the world of the spirit. This quite
literally refers to a dimensional shift the very essence of life on
Earth itself being transformed from something physical to something
spiritual. Lemesurier says thatphysical humanity must by this point
be ready finally to leave Earth behind and undertake a non-terrestrial
journey to a higher and more advanced world a journey into the

Lastly on page 157 of Great Pyramid Decoded, we have Lemesurier's own
words about how the three different timelines in the Great Pyramid 
those ending in the Subterranean Passage, the Queen's Chamber and the
King's Chamber all intersect

These efforts [for transforming world consciousness] will be aided, if
not precipitated, by a period of terrible physical upheaval starting in
1914 and reaching its peak in A.D. 2004. All men, including the
enlightened, will have to undergo this period of ordeal, but it is those
who place the greatest value on physical things who, inevitably, will
suffer most acutely from it. By many, however, the need for a complete
re-orientation of values will be seen and fully acted upon, and a
civilization of extraordinary vigour and achievement will ensue.

A small minority of men will none the less persist right to the end in
their rejection of anything resembling true enlightenment, and for them
a path of non-escape is projected by the Pyramid's designer, possibly
leading to experience of a further cycle of physical existence.

- END -

In Part Two of this article series, we will go into greater depth to
explore how the Bush Administration and others like it are the
projections of humanity's collective shadow side, and we will have
excerpts from some recent client readings I have conducted that provide
us with the keys for accepting, understanding and forgiving these
events, so as to arrive at a personal place of healing within ourselves,
transforming our interpretation of and attitude towards the outer world
with love.