! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Aswer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!


Fork In The Road: 
Fascism Or Freedom? 
By David Icke
Note: The following article is from the September 2002 issue of The SPECTRUM 
newsmagazine. Permission is hereby granted to quote The SPECTRUM in whole or 
in part, so long as full credit of this source is given, including 
contacting information for The SPECTRUM. 

It's been a year now since our 9/11 issue, the front-page headline of which 
blazed: The Day The Earth Stood Still: New World Order Thru "Terrorism". On 
this first anniversary of that pivotal day, it seemed imperative to speak 
with David Icke (pronounced "ike" as in bike)-the author of ten of the most 
sought-after books ever written, who tours the globe addressing increasingly 
larger audiences of people awakening to what's really real. 

This dynamo-who many have dubbed "the most controversial speaker in the 
world"-has just completed a monumentally eye-opening book on 9/11 called 
Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster. If you thought his 
previous gems shattered a lot of lies on the way to exposing The Truth, wait 
until you confront the awesome reality of the Big Picture that David now 

For those of you newer readers who may not be familiar with David Icke, he 
is a native of Great Britain, born in 1952 at Leicester, England, into a 
poor working-class family. At one time a professional soccer player, and 
later a national sports and news anchorman and reporter for BBC television, 
David's true calling as a researcher, writer, and lecturer of the highest 
calibre began to solidify only in the early 1990s, as certain Guided 
experiences crossed his path. 

Some of David's most popular and challenging earlier books include: 
The Robots' Rebellion 
I Am Me, I Am Free! The Robots' Guide To Freedom 
And The Truth Shall Set You Free 
The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change The World 
Children Of The Matrix: How An Interdimensional Race Has Controlled The 
World For Thousands Of Years-And Still Does.
David has also produced a number of video tapes, including: 
Speaking Out! 
The Turning Of The Tide 
Freedom Road 
The Reptilian Agenda-Talks With The Zulu Shaman Credo Mutwa 
Revelations Of A Mother Goddess-An Interview With Arizona Wilder 
From Prison To Paradise.
As is usual fare with David, our conversation took some fascinating and 
mind-stretching turns, and ultimately arrived at a place that is inspiring, 
empowering, and hopeful. 

On August 20, I spoke with David by telephone at his home in England. The 
conversation started with a question of his from the other side of the pond: 

Icke: What's it like over there, at the moment, in terms of developments? 

Martin: In terms of political developments? 

Icke: Yes, developments in terms of exposing "the game"? 

Martin: We're hitting as hard as we can, as you know. It seems like we're 
almost a lone voice in the wilderness. There are some people on the 
Internet, of course, hitting really hard, but as I look to the mainstream, 
and look to all the different news sources, boy, other than Michael Ruppert, 
and just a handful of other journalists who are doing some things, it seems 
like the hour is darkest before the dawn. 

Icke: Yeah, I think that's, basically, what we're looking at. 

I've been investigating and putting together the 9/11 scenario, since it 
happened, but I didn't do anything in the first few months because I wanted 
to see how things panned-out. And then I really started concentrating on 
putting it all together. Basically, a 3-year-old, with two brain cells 
working in unison, could take the "official story" of that apart, because it 
doesn't hold together at any point. If statement A is true, then statement B 
has got to be a lie. [Laughter] 

Martin: [Laughter] 

Icke: If statement Z is true, then statements A & B have both got to be 
lies. And this is what you find. 

September 11 has got to be the most classic example of what I've called 
"problem, reaction, solution" that I've ever come across. And it was the 
most blatant, and the most transparent, and they've made so many major errors. 

And they rely on the knowledge that someone listening to a statement on 
September 11 will not put it together with another statement on September 
16, and another one on October 4. But when you do-and that's what I've done 
in this book, I've put these apparently unconnected pieces together-it is a 
blatant set-up. And the focus of the planning of it, the center of the 
planning of it, was NOT in a cave in Afghanistan; it was within the borders 
of the United States, quite obviously, when you look at it. And there's a 
massive cover-up going on. 

I've seen from my own research how it's done, or one way that it's done, 
because, of course, once the horrific events had happened, we're given an 
"official story", and that "official story" was waiting to be delivered 
before the events happened. And, at that point, the FBI or the Pentagon or 
the White House, giving you the "official story", says it is not a problem 
to the "on-going investigation". What becomes a problem to them is later on, 
when you start questioning the "official story"; then they say: "We can't 
answer that question because of the 'on-going investigation'." 

Martin: [Laughter] 

Icke: And so, what's happening in my research for this book, Rick, instead 
of just taking newspaper reports, I've gone back to NORAD, the military 
operation that should defend the air-space of America. It didn't that day. 
It does every other day; it didn't that day. 

I've gone back to American Airlines, United Airlines, to the security of the 
airports, and gone back to all these sources of what happened that day. 

Every single one has said to me: "We cannot talk to you because we have been 
told to pass-on questions to the FBI." 

When I asked a simple question of United Airlines and American Airlines: 
"Can you confirm for me that the people named as hijackers passed through 
your normal check-in procedures?" 

It's a simple question: Yes or no! You're an airline! 

The answer is: "Can't answer that; ask the FBI." 
So, this is what happens. And then, you go to the FBI, which I did. I 
contacted them and sent them nearly 50 questions about the "official story". 
I sent them to-as I was told by some FBI-guy-a man named Rex Tomb in the FBI. 

I got a reply from some government department saying: "Got some 
disappointing news...." 

"Well," I thought, "it's not really disappointing, because it's patently 
obvious that this is what you're going to say." 

"We cannot answer any of your questions because of the on-going 
investigation. However, in years to come"-look at this-"you will be able to 
get the files through the Freedom Of Information Act." 

Martin: [Laughter] 

Icke: Which, of course, is not true, because if they say that the 
information relates to "national security", then it can be withheld. 

So, that's what they've done. They've given the "official story" that they 
want the public to believe, and then stop anyone, except the FBI, from 
answering questions about the "official story". 

And, the FBI says: "We can't do it, either, because of the on-going 

And this is how they give you the "official story", and then put the blocks 
up when you try to question the blatant anomalies and contradictions in the 
"official story". 

Martin: Interestingly, SPECTRUM readers will have some background in the 
issue which comes out the month before this interview, that contains the 
entire Michael Ruppert timeline for 9/11. This background will have been 
established, so I'm sure our readers will appreciate the information that 
comes from this interview. 

Icke: What I've done is that I've put September 11 in the bigger context. 
I've looked at the background, for instance, of the Bush family, to Dick 
Cheney, to Powell, to Rumsfeld, and all the people who have orchestrated the 
9/11 official lie. And then, shown that even before those planes hit the 
buildings, the background of these people would strongly indicate that they 
all suffer from the genetic disease commonly known as "lying through your 

And these are the same people who've done this throughout their lives, who 
have told us the "official story" of 9/11. And also, of course, September 11 
has to be seen within the bigger context; 9/11 is not IT, it is another 
attempt to create a step on the road to IT, which is a global, fascist, 
centrally controlled state. 

They of course have used this, again, blatantly and so transparently, to 
take away more basic freedoms and basic rights to privacy, which they never 
would have gotten through without September 11. 

So, like I say, this is the most blatant "problem, reaction, solution" event 
I've ever seen. And I would say, when you really start investigating it, 
it's not really long before you realize that not only is it blatant and 
transparent. It actually has been appallingly done; it's not been well done. 
The fact that it's not been well done yet so many people believe the 
"official story"; it's not an example of how well they've pulled it off, 
it's an example of how easy it is to pull the wool over the eyes of vast 
numbers of people. 

Martin: Right, which is really a sad statement. 

Icke: Yeah, but what I've found, I must say this: September 11 has had two 
effects: Yes, it's advanced the agenda, in the short term; but it's also 
been a wake-up call for a lot of people. 

Martin: They over-played their hand. 

Icke: I think there were other things that were meant to happen that day and 
didn't. I don't think that it unfolded as planned at all. I think they've 
got themselves in a mess. The only way that they can hold the tide of 
exposure back is to hold back the flow of information into the public arena 
that exposes the game, and exposes what really happened. And this is what my 
book is designed to do. And I'm going to really go for it, once it comes 
out. It's off to the printers very shortly. 

And I've called it Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster 
because Alice In Wonderland is this wonderful analogy of, not just September 
11, but the conspiracy in general. What you see is never what you get. 

It's interesting when you look at the Illuminati ritual, and the Satanic 
ritual, and the Satanic symbolism and Illuminati symbolism, which is the 
same, basically, it's for THEIR symbolism. For example, to the public a dove 
equals peace. To the Illuminati, the dove is the symbol of their goddess 
figure who is about control and domination, not about peace. 

I couldn't give you a better example than the Statue of Liberty. To the vast 
majority of people in the world, that is a symbol of freedom, when what it 
is, of course, is a symbol of the Illuminati, which is working hour-by-hour 
to take freedom away. It's reverse symbolism. 

And I've noticed that this occurs again and again and again, this "Alice In 
Wonderland" reversal, where what is, isn't and what isn't, is. Even in 
official statements, when you analyze these official statements-I've done a 
lot of this in the research of this book-you find that when they say they'll 
do something, it actually means they won't. When they say they won't do 
something, it means they will. Everything is reversed. And it's fascinating 
to watch this. 

And so, basically, when you are looking at the conspiracy, and you're 
looking at what these people say, you've got to reverse it to see what 
they're really saying. 

For instance, you have the cold-blooded killing, according to an 
investigation at the University of New Hampshire, I think it was, at least 
5,000 civilians died in Afghanistan, in response to 3,000 civilians dying in 
New York and Washington and Philadelphia. And they call the killing of 5,000 
civilians Operation Enduring Freedom, was it, or Operation Enduring Justice? 
Whatever you call it, it's mis-speak, as Orwell called it. When they call 
something freedom, it means they're taking it away. And there are so many 
examples of that in this whole 9/11 story. 

Martin: It seems to me, and in my discussion recently with Eustace Mullins, 
we were talking about how they can perpetuate the additional controls that 
they want to put into place, as you say, for the fascist government, and it 
seems like there are so many calling into question the events that took 
place that what needs to happen, really, for them, is another incident, 
another major incident, or a series of incidents, and then possibly even a 
good war or two, because by doing that the distractions will be so great 
that people won't even be looking back at what happened here; they'll be too 
concerned about what's going on. 

Icke: There's no doubt they have major events planned. I think, myself, that 
while the public has largely bought the "official story", the public 
reaction has been less than they expected. They wanted to push more on this 
War On Terrorism, I'm sure, and quicker. But they're getting resistance. 

They're getting a lot of resistance in this country [Britain]-not from 
Blair, of course, who is just 100% Illuminati owned, but from people, and 
many politicians, and the people in general, against the invasion of Iraq, 
where at least a million children have died since 1991 and the Gulf War, 
from bombing and the effects of sanctions. 

So they, obviously, have other events planned to try to pressure public 
opinion to turn their way. And there's no doubt these are planned to come 
along in the weeks and months ahead. 

But, you know, you have an idiot in the White House, and things have to come 
through him. He's a man with very little public credibility-certainly 
outside of America he's a joke-and so, he's a real "Achilles' heel" for this 
whole story, especially with the background the Bushs have in connection 
with-which I've gone into in the book-the Bin Laden family, and what have 
you. He is very, very exposed and open, once information about his and his 
family's background, in connection to all of this, comes out. This is why 
information is so important. You can only make judgments on what you know. 

So, if the Illuminati can manipulate what we're allowed to see, then they 
are giving us a limited amount of information on which to make decisions on 
what we believe or not. And this is why they so desperately try to hold the 
wolves back, to stop the flow of information that challenges the "official 
story". This is why the FBI won't answer questions. It can't, so it won't. 

And so, this is why it is so important that we get this information into the 
public domain, because once it does, it will absolutely change the face of 
the game because people will suddenly have a much greater spectrum of 
information on which to make a judgment on what they believe happened. 

At the moment, they're only hearing what the government says happened. It 
doesn't make sense, but they have no alternative, unless they absolutely go 
looking for it, which most people don't. And it's vital that this 
information takes the "official story" apart, gets into the public arena, 
because people are open to it. 

I mean, when I've been to America since September 11, so many people have 
great questions about what happened, but they will not publicly express them 
because they see the reaction of others, not the least of which is "you're 
not patriotic" sort of stuff. 

It really is time for people to let that go because we, basically, have a 
choice now. We get up and out of the chair, and we start letting go of the 
fear of what other people think, and the fear of consequences, and say what 
we believe, and do what we believe to be right. Or, we then explain to our 
children, in a few years time, why we're living in a fascist state. 

"What were you doing, daddy, when the fascist state came in?" 

"Oh, well, actually, I was watching Wheel Of Fortune, son." 

Or, "It was a very good game that night." 

We, really, are at a fork in the road. And it's a time of tremendous 
opportunity, as well as a time of tremendous potential for control. 

On one fork in the road, it can advance the agenda because people just take 
the "official story" of September 11 without question. But it is also a 
massive opportunity to expose what's going on because-and I know this from 
spending months and months and months investigating this-the September 11 
"official story" is absolutely riddled with nonsensical impossible 
statements, and taking it apart is not difficult. 

The difficult thing, obviously, is getting new information into the public 
domain. And people better stand-up and start being counted. Because it's 
kind-of interesting. 

I find it rather ironic that, both in this country [Britain] and in America, 
the laws that have been brought in as a result of September 11's "problem, 
reaction, solution" have started to affect journalism. And journalists are 
saying: "Well, we can't operate if we have to name our sources" and all this 
kind of stuff. 

Really, journalists too have to start realizing that a global fascist state 
does not apply to everyone else EXCEPT THEM AND THEIR KIDS! It applies, 
primarily, often, to them and their kids, because they're the ones who need 
to be controlled in order for the public to get the "official version" of 
events that's not been questioned by journalists. 

We're facing a point now that we have a few years-less than five, well less 
than five-in which to go down the road to freedom by dismantling, by 
exposure, this global fascist state in the unfolding. Or, we can go the 
other way and just sit there and acquiesce, and live in a global version of 
Nazi Germany. 
This is a real big time of decision for humanity to make, and they can only 
make that decision in a balanced way if they have access to all the 
information, which they don't have at this time. 

And that's why I wrote the book [and, of course, why The SPECTRUM exists! ], 
to pull together the information, so that people can see it between two 
covers, and see how the "official story" is nonsense that a 3-year-old could 

Martin: I've been noticing since 9/11 that there seems to be a real fear 
among journalists. Again, like I said before, there's only a handful who 
have the balls to say it like it is. Everybody else is living in this 
fearful state that: "If I really tell it like it is, I will either be 
arrested, or my family will be harassed; I dare not speak the truth." 

And, like you said, we're at a fork in the road, where if people don't start 
speaking the truth without regard for fear or consequences, it's all over.