! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Aswer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

Don't Take the Bait !!

'Fight Smart' Update - 24 September 2002

Don't Take the Bait - Fight Smart 
Who is the enemy?

Politics Without Principle 
Is Leading To
The Collapse And Rebirth Of Global Civilisation 

'National Interest' And The Road To Universal Chaos The Anglo-American 
Paradigm Which Has To Stop

New Labour and The Terrorist Cover-ups in Lybia, Pakistan and Northern Ireland

"This tragic episode is fast becoming British Watergate..... As the head of 
Britain's intelligence services, Tony Blair now has a simple - and 
honourable - choice. To expose the truth."

David Shayler, ex- M15 counter-terrorism officer, on British state-sponsored 
'Don't shoot the messenger'
London Observer, 27 August 2000
(For more on this see 'Britain Backs Terrorism When It Serves The National 
Interest' below)

"During the Iran-Iraq war [when he was backed by the US, nlpwessex], Saddam 
Hussein discovered the most lethal chemical warfare agent was a combination 
of sulfur mustard gas with hydrogen cyanide, which he used in artillery 
shells to slaughter thousands of Iranians. It was in effect this same 
combination that the FBI used to slaughter 87 men, women and children in 
Waco.... The question is who authorized the CS/MC combination? CS is not 
normally dissolved into a solution. Who knew about MC and could order it to 
be a solvent for CS?.... There are few more monstrous crimes against 
humanity than torturing children to death in screaming pain, poison-gassing 
them to death on purpose.... As America comes to grips with the danger and 
evil of Saddam Hussein and gets ready to extinguish it, America also needs 
to come to grips with the evil it condoned at Waco."

America's Saddam
Newsmax.com, 19 Sept 2002

"In his State of the Union speech at the beginning of the year, President 
George Bush spoke of an 'axis of evil' comprising Iran, North Korea and 
Iraq. President Bush summarised Washington's case against Baghdad in one 
paragraph, broadly outlining four issues. He said ....[Iraq] is a regime 
that has already used poison gas to murder thousands of its own citizens, 
leaving the bodies of mothers huddled over their dead children."

Washington's case against Saddam
BBC Online, 7 March 2002

"Last week, because a former FBI man went public, FBI officials finally 
admitted lying to Reno when they said they hadn't used pyrotechnic devices. 
The 1997 documentary has pictures of the two pyrotechnic gas grenades the 
FBI admitted using.... A Dow Chemical fire expert and a former EPA gas 
expert testify on the flammability of the CS gas, and how it creates 
hydrogen cyanide when it burns. That's the same stuff used in gas chambers. 
The film shows a photo of the burned corpse of an 8-year-old, bent backward 
like a prawn because of muscle contractions characteristic of hydrogen 
cyanide poisoning. The gas expert says that prisoners condemned to the gas 
chamber are strapped down so witnesses to the execution don't have to see 
that kind of death.... The mothers [at Waco] should have saved their 
children by sending them out, said the FBI."

FBI means Full Blown Insanity
San Francisco Examiner, 29 Aug, 1999

Dead Child From The Waco Siege - click here for enlarged picture

Waco The Rules of Engagement - Emmy Winning and Oscar Nominated Documentary 
- Click Here
Follow-On Film - 'Waco A New Revelation' WACO - Who Shot First?

Unveiled the thugs Bush wants in place of Saddam - Sunday Herald

"The Iraqi regime-in-waiting, politely known as the Iraqi National Congress 
...[is] an umbrella group financed by US oil interests..." The word from the 
CIA it's the oil, stupid The Age, 23 Sept 2002

"Between 1985-89, US firms exported Bacillus anthracis (anthrax), 
Clostridium botulinum, Histoplasma capsulatam, Brucella melitensis, 
Clostridium perfringens (gas gangrene), Clostridium tetani (tentanus), 
Escherichia coli, and 'dozens of other pathogenic biological agents,' to 
Iraq." Centre for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey, California

"America has a Higher Destiny. As with generations past, our destiny can 
take us to places we have never been, or can only imagine. Places of peace. 
Places of plenty. Places of hope. Places of love. We have a right to live 
our ideals. That is our birthright. We should not trade it for the 
pretensions of empire. Nor for delusions of grandeur, nor for all the gold 
in Fort Knox, all the tea in China or all the oil in Iraq. America has a 
Higher Destiny. Today I want to speak to you about the America that can 
be.... According to the Washington 
Post, Iraq used mustard gas against Iran with the help of intelligence from 
the CIA. 

Intelligence reports cited the use of nerve gas by Iraq against Iran. Iraq's 
punishment? The US reestablished full diplomatic ties around Thanksgiving of 
1984. Throughout 1989 and 1990, US companies, with the permission of the 
first Bush government, sent to the government of Saddam Hussein tons of 
mustard gas precursors, live cultures for bacteriological research, helped 
to build a chemical weapons factory, supplied West Nile virus, supplied fuel 
air explosive technology, computers for weapons technology, hydrogen cyanide 
precursors, computers for weapons research and development and vacuum pumps 
and bellows for nuclear weapons plants. 

'We have met the enemy,' said  Walt Kelly's 'Pogo, 'And he is us.' US....... 
I have a vision of nations work together, cooperatively, using what 
President Roosevelt called the 'science of human relationships.' That is the 
basis for the creation of a Department of Peace, which seeks to make 
nonviolence an organizing principle in our society for domestic as well as 
international policy. War is not inevitable unless we refuse to work for 
peace, patiently and tirelessly....Courage will guide our nation through 
this crisis. Courage will enable us to set our government right. Courage 
will enable us to go to the campuses, to labor halls, to church halls and to 
the streets to organize against a war which will undermine our nation, ruin 
our reputation, kill innocent people and damage the economy of our nation 
and the world. 

We are at a critical and creative moment in human history where we have it 
within our power to change the world. It is about evolutionary politics 
which follows an evolutionary consciousness. We can do it be changing the 
way we look at the world. By contemplating and realizing the universal 
brotherhood and sisterhood of all persons. We can do it by tapping our own 
unlimited potential to think anew. I tell you there is another America out 
there. It is ready to be called forward. It is the America of our dreams. It 
is the America of the flag full of Stars. It is the America which is in our 
hearts and we can make it the heart of the world."

US Representative Dennis J. Kucinich, The Redwood Sequoia Congress, 
University of California
Berkeley, California, Saturday, September 14, 2002

On The Edge Of Nuclear War

Faced With His Own Version Of The Waco Siege What Does Saddam Have To Lose? 
The US Would Like Him Assassinated and Cheney Is Not Interested In Weapon 
Once A US Attack Begins, Escalation to Nuclear War Would Secure Saddam's 
Place In History - What Else Is Left For Him?

Another British Bush-Sycophant Joins Loony Blair "It would not be right to 
threaten Iraq with nuclear action now - but if its weapons programmes were 
not tackled it might eventually become the only option, the Conservative 
leader has warned..." Tories reject nuclear threat - for now
BBC Online, 19 Sept 2002

"If Britain and the USA are together in areas of foreign policy, then I 
think the chances for peace and security in the world are very great indeed" 
Iain Duncan Smith
Tory leader attacks 'anti-Americanism'
BBC Online, 10 June 2002

"In life, you know, one must not confuse friends with sycophants... " Jaque 
Chirac, President of France, On America's Relationship With Its Allies 
London Guardian, 10 September 2002

"Next month s Tory conference is being turned into a carbon copy of the last 
US Republican convention as Iain Duncan Smith attempts to emulate the 
success of George Bush in America. The Times has learnt that John 
McLaughlin, a Republican pollster and political consultant, is being 
employed by Conservative Central Office to advise on transforming the party 
s image. When Mr Duncan Smith unveiled his own version of the agenda with a 
speech to the party s spring conference in Harrogate, he lavished praise on 
the President. 

He said 'I met President Bush when I visited America last December and we 
can learn a great deal from him about showing that what we believe helps 
everyone, particularly the most vulnerable in society.' [!!!, 
nlpwessex]....David Davis, who was ousted from the post of party chairman by 
the modernisers in the Shadow Cabinet reshuffle earlier this year, is said 
by friends to be dismayed by the proposals to copy Mr Bush.... One ally of 
Mr Davis said 'You can t paint lipstick on a pig.'..."

Tory party conference to be made in America London Times, 20 Sept 2002

Spoof speech, as if by an Americanised Conservative Party Leader, printed in 
an editorial in the London Times - click here

1991 - Yitzhak Shamir - Iraq invades a sovereign country; America attacks 
Iraq; who attacks Israel; who exercises restraint

"We must learn to live together. We must learn to live without war, without 
31 Oct 1991

2002 - Ariel Sharon - Iraq invades no one; America attacks a sovereign 
country; who attacks Israel; who follows the Bush 'moron doctrine' of 
nuclear strikes against 'terrorists'

"The state of Israel is in a war, a war against terrorism" 31 March 2002

"President Bush faced world anger last night over America's seven-nation 
nuclear hit list. British MPs joined the outcry after a leaked Pentagon 
report revealed contingency plans to use nuclear weapons against China, 
Russia, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Syria and Libya. The secret policy was 
denounced as warmongering 'lunacy'...US Vice President Dick Cheney arrived 
in London last night for talks with Mr Blair which will cover the threat 
posed by Iraq."

Bush's Nuclear Lunacy
Daily Mirror, 11 March 2002

Which leads to...

"Reports from Israel say that if the country were attacked by Iraq with 
chemical or biological weapons, it could respond with a nuclear strike. The 
reports follow remarks by the head of the Israeli air force warning that, in 
the event of an Iraqi attack, Israel would not show the restraint it 
exercised in the Gulf War of 1991."

Israeli nuclear strike on Iraq 'possible' BBC Online, 15 August 2002

Israel Tells U.S. It Will Retaliate if Iraqis Attack - New York Times, 21 
Sept 2002

"According to a new Report by Colonel Warner D. Farr for the US Air Force 
Counter Proliferation Center (USCPC) Israel has four hundred nuclear 
weapons, some of which are hydrogen bombs, a 'boosted' nuclear bomb up to a 
thousand times stronger powered than a regular nuclear weapon. It produces 
immense heat and a shock waves affecting an 'extensive area'. Until now it 
was thought that the US, Britain, France, China and Russia alone possessed 
them. (Ironically, the USCPC Report points out that it is the US which is 
largely responsible the proliferation of Israel's nuclear weapons.) 
President Bush has clearly stated that the US now reserves the right to 
first use of nuclear weapons, even on non nuclear states. It seems unlikely 
to deter ally Israel from possibly catastrophic escalation, leading to 
potential vaporization of much of the region."

The Dangers of an Attack on Iraq Jordan - Nuclear Flashpoint?
Daily Star, 8 July 2002

"Israel s spy satellite, OFEK, which keeps silent watch over Iraq has now 
been reinforced by Jordan s unprecedented move in allowing Israeli air force 
radar experts to be stationed at its ultra-secret, H-5 air base east of 
Amman. This is a further tangible sign that Israel is getting ready to 
strike hard against Iraq."
NUMBER - 157  DATE - 13/08/02

"For the first time, Iraq has specifically threatened Israel with 
retaliation for any U.S.-led campaign against the regime of President Saddam 
World Tribune.com, Middle East Newsline, 4 Dec, 2001

Israel's Nuclear Capability - Map

The First World War Started With A Single Assassination In Sarajevo So 
Unless You Enjoy Nuclear War....

Join the National 'Don't Attack Iraq' Demonstration on 28 September - London 
Click here for details and to see list of public figures and organisations 
supporting this demonstration timed to coincide with the start of the Labour 
Party Annual Conference that weekend
This demonstration is being supported by Trade Unions, local Labour Parties, 
MPs and many other groups and well known individuals

march will assemble at 1pm, as previously advertised
Article in Observer on Demonstration

PLEASE, Stop What You're Doing and Get On The Phone To Your Congressman and 
Senator NOW! - click here

"Don't believe the polls that a majority of Americans favor a military 
strike against Iraq. It's just not true. .... If we don't find some way to 
help these countries reverse these [national dignity] deficits now - while 
access to smaller and smaller nuclear weapons is still limited - their 
young, angry undeterrables will blow us up long before Saddam ever does."

Not true that majority of us [in America] want military strike against Iraq 
Seattle Post Intelligencer, 20 Sept 2002


Congressional Contact Info 
Senators by state 
Representatives by state 
Write Your Representative Service 

1-202-456-1111 White House switchboard
1-800-648-3516 toll-free to the US Capitol (Now you don't have an excuse not 
to call). 

"The war profiteers are desperate for their war. That desperation was 
written across Bush's face in the news today for all the world to see. And 
the desperation for war and war-profits must be matched by the desire and 
the will for peace. Keep calling, visiting, and faxing  your congressmen. 
But more than that, have the courage to face up to your friends and 
neighbors and ask that they do the same. More of them will agree with you 
than you might think, and those that do not are mere shills for the war 
profiteers, eager to share in the spoils if they but help sell the war to 
the people. Such lackeys do not deserve your respect, much less your fear. 
Keep up the pressure. Congress is starting to waver. We The People have a 
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to prove that the American people are both 
stronger and more courageous than populations that submitted to war and 
conquest in the past. This is history. Claim your part in it." 'What Really 
Happened' Web Site, 24 Sept 2002

Massive Rally - Bush coming to PHX [Phoenix, Arizona] on Sept. 27th (Fri) - 
to oppose republican fundraising and unilateral warmongering. Meet @ Patriot 
Square Park at 3 pm (tentative time), the march to the downtown Civic Center 
Plaza where the protest will take place. www.localtoglobaljustice.org for 
more info...contact ksinema@cox.net for more info 

Bush protest September 26*, 2002; Houston Bush protest September 27, 2002; 
Denver (morning) Bush protest September 27, 2002 ; Phoenix (afternoon) 
October 6th, National Day of Resistance to War Antiwar rally in Saint Louis 
Saturday September 28th. 

House Democrats form anti-war coalition World Peace Offered From Hiroshima - 
22 April 2002

Where Is The Real Madness? Baghdad?
Or Washington and London?

"Canada's Prime Minister has said that the United States and the Western 
world were partly to blame for the terrorist attacks on New York and 
Washington a year ago....  'There's a moment [in history] when you have to 
stop.'   Mr Chretien said that America could not exercise its power 'to the 
point of humiliation of others'. ... In a recent [Canadian] poll 69 per cent 
of respondents said that the US had some responsibility for the [911] 
attacks. Fifteen per cent said that the US was entirely responsible." US 
policy blamed for terror raids
London Times, 13 September 2002

"Those who advocate an attack on Iraq have short memories. Since World War 
II, the use of force by the United States has consistently failed to 
neutralize its adversaries beyond the short term. And in the Middle East, 
wars and covert operations have only produced further conflict. A global 
response to Sept. 11 could usher in a new era of multilateral cooperation 
and revamped international law to deal with the new transnational threats. 
An attack on Iraq would do exactly the opposite. The immediate threat to 
world stability is coming not from the Iraqi dictator but rather from the 
democratically elected government of the world's superpower. Americans, the 
ball is in your court."
Waging war seldom leads to lasting peace International Herald Tribune, 18 
Sept 2002

"The administration of US President George W. Bush is the most frightening 
in the history of the United States, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Jody 
Williams said Friday, denouncing US unilateralism.....'He is worse than 
Reagan, worse than Nixon. He sees the world in black and white,' the US 
activist told reporters in Oslo following the publication of a report on 
landmines... She said the September 11 attacks on the US have 'made people 
afraid of speaking out. Nobody stands up and asks are we threatening world 
Bush administration 'the scariest' in history Nobel Peace laureate 
HIndustan-Times, Agence France-Presse Oslo, September 13

"A secret blueprint for US global domination reveals that President Bush and 
his cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on Iraq to secure 'regime 
change' even before he took power in January 2001. The blueprint, uncovered 
by the Sunday Herald, for the creation of a 'global Pax Americana' was drawn 
up for Dick Cheney (now vice- president), Donald Rumsfeld (defence 
secretary), Paul Wolfowitz (Rumsfeld's deputy), George W Bush's younger 
brother Jeb and Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief of staff)..... " Bush planned 
Iraq 'regime change' before becoming President Sunday Herald, 15 Sept 2002

Forget Minnow Saddam Hussein 
There Are Two Countries In The World Which Have Openly Declared Their 
Willingness To Use First Strike Nuclear Weapons Of Mass Destruction One is 
America. Which is the other?

"Defence chiefs [in Britain] are drawing up plans for a 'first strike' 
strategy using nuclear weapons. For the first time Britain could use 
battlefield nuclear weapons against enemy troops and terrorist targets....US 
defence experts have been ordered to start the rapid development of new 
weapons. A senior Westminster source told the Daily Mirror the Ministry of 
Defence was also planning for their use... Mr Hoon caused anger this year 
when he said Britain would be ready to use its long range nuclear weapons 
against Iraq."
Daily Mirror, 2 July 2002

Bush plans first strike against any foreign foe

"The White House has condemned comments by German Justice Minister Herta 
Daeubler-Gmelin likening US President George W Bush's political methods over 
Iraq to those of Adolf Hitler."
US attacks German Hitler jibe
BBC Online, 19 Sept 2002

Hitler's Burning of the Reichstag and September 11

Bush's war plans are a cover-up - US Senator

"Just as Adolf Hitler was able to convert the burning of the Reichstag into 
the raison d etre for his military campaigns and domestic police-state, 
George Bush has been exploiting the World Trade Center attacks to advance a 
political agenda that goes far beyond the brutalities of early 
September..... There is scarcely a pip being squeaked anywhere in the major 
media over any of this.... how different is our mindset from that of the 
Germans who, in 1933, watched as their police state was rapidly put into 
place and who, fifteen years later, could not imagine that anything untoward 
had taken place? "
When Didn t They Know It, and What About You?
Butler Shaffer, Southwestern University School of Law, USA, 13 June 2002

'The world must stop this madman [Bush]' - Sydney Morning Herald

A 'Must View'
Watch Video of Rumsfeld Being Heckled in Public On War-For-Oil In Iraq - 
What all this is about is no longer a secret, even in America

Perpetual Terrorism Now?

"... I am not now so confident of my own military expertise as to deny that, 
if the Pentagon calculates Saddam may be removable by military means, the 
Pentagon may be right. It could even prove a pushover. That is what I fear. 
Such a victory would reinforce worldwide an impression already growing that 
no country inimical to American interests is safe from American attack. The 
consequences of such a perception would be immense, perverse, and mostly 
peaceful. Again my fellow doves are wrong to predict an unending series of 
US invasions; after one or two pushovers there would be peace because 
nations would stop standing up to the Americans. Nobody s interests and 
certainly not Europe s would be unaffected by this new hegemony. Terrorism 
would then become the only available weapon against it." Mathew Paris
London Times, 14 September 2002

Politics Without Principle

"If we cannot have Pax Britannica, then calling Pax Americana 'Pax 
Atlantica' instead would be some kind of compensation. No longer emperors, 
we [the British] would at least be associated in our cousins empire.... I am 
unsettled by American imperialism and cringe at our Prime Minister s support 
for it. But I am a columnist and bark at other people s wheels for my 
living. A prime minister s job is to carve what advantage he can for his own 
country and Mr Blair may have concluded that, as Britain cannot pilot this 
pantechnicon, we might as well climb on the back. I ll stay barking from the 
ditch but I understand where Mr Blair is taking my country, and I understand 
Mathew Paris
London Times, 14 September 2002

Modern Politics Is About Power, Not Morality

"Philip Stephens, writing in The Financial Times, said Mr. Blair is 'more 
attuned than most postwar British leaders to his country's diminished 
status' and thus more concerned with 'stroking the trans-Atlantic 
relationship' to secure Britain's position as a pivotal power." Opposition 
Is Growing to Blair's Stand on Iraq New York Times, 8 September 2002

"Some of the more subversive translators [during Bush's UN speech] were 
having great fun. Bush said 'Will the United Nations serve the purpose of 
its founding or will it be irrelevant?' And into the headphones of one 
European minister came the translation 'Listen, suckers, I'm going to bomb 
who the bloody hell I like, so sod the lot of you!'.." The United Nations of 

Guardian, 14 Sept 2002

"CBS News has learned that barely five hours after American Airlines Flight 
77 plowed into the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld was 
telling his aides to come up with plans for striking Iraq even though there 
was no evidence linking Saddam Hussein to the attacks.... Now, nearly one 
year later, there is still very little evidence Iraq was involved in the 
Sept. 11 attacks. But if these notes are accurate, that didn't matter to 

Plans For Iraq Attack Began On 9/11
CBSNews, 4 Sept 2002

"Israel's chief of military intelligence has said in an interview that Iraq 
was not involved with the 11 September terror attacks in the United States." 
Israel denies Iraqi terror attack link
BBC Online, 23 Sept 2001 

Modern Politics Is About Deceit

Here's What The Bush Team Was Planning All Along Before 'W' Seized Power In 

"A secret blueprint for US global domination [prepared by the Bush team 
before the 2000 presidential election and discovered Sept 2002]... says 
'The United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in 
Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the 
immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence 
in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein.' 

The PNAC document supports a 'blueprint for maintaining global US 
pre-eminence, precluding the rise of a great power rival, and shaping the 
international security order in line with American principles and 
interests'....[The report] spotlights China for 'regime change' saying 'it 
is time to increase the presence of American forces in southeast Asia'..... 
calls for the creation of 'US Space Forces', to dominate space, and the 
total control of cyberspace to prevent 'enemies' using the internet against 
the US..... 

The PNAC report also... refers to key allies such as the UK as 'the most 
effective and efficient means of exercising American global 
leadership'...Tam Dalyell, the Labour MP, father of the House of Commons and 
one of the leading rebel voices against war with Iraq, said '....... These 
are the thought processes of fantasist Americans who want to control the 
world. I am appalled that a British Labour Prime Minister should have got 
into bed with a crew which has this moral standing.'" Bush planned Iraq 
'regime change' before becoming President Sunday Herald, 15 Sept 2002

Here's What Was Promised During The 2000 'Election'

"I don't think [foreign nations] ought to look at us with envy. It really 
depends upon how [the] Nation conducts itself in foreign policy. If we're an 
arrogant nation, they'll... resent us. If we're a humble nation, but strong, 
they'll welcome us. And our nation stands... alone right now in the world in 
terms of power. And that's why we've got to be humble and yet project 
strength in a way that promotes freedom. So I don't... think they ought to 
look at us in any way other than what we are. We're a freedom-loving nation. 
And if we're an arrogant nation, they'll view us that way, but if we're [a] 
humble nation, they'll respect us."
George Bush in debate with Al Gore, 'election' 2000 'Humble Pie'
National Review Online, 12 October 2000

And Here's What Was Delivered Thanks To The 23% of The US Electorate That 
Voted For Bush 

Ever been suckered?

"No state will be allowed to challenge the military supremacy of the United 
States under a national security strategy for the 21st century revealed by 
President Bush yesterday.... The 33-page document, submitted to Congress 
yesterday, also reveals the previously unstated determination of the US to 
do everything possible to maintain its status as the world s sole 
superpower.... instead of easing its spending on defence, like many Nato 
countries, the Pentagon is increasing it. The US defence budget for 2003 is 
$400 billion, an increase of 6 per cent. Washington spends as much on 
defence as the next eight largest military powers combined.... Mr Bush s 
warning, and the tone of the document, were a far cry from his stance during 
the presidential election two years ago when he said that he would pursue a 
'humble foreign policy'....[but not from what his team was planning all 
along, nlpwessex]"

Military supremacy at heart of Bush strategy London Times, 21 Sept 2002

Bush has no mandate - 77% of the US electorate did not vote at all, or voted 
for someone other than Bush

ZIS - Zero Integrity Syndrome
Double Standards - The Path To Eternal Conflict

"Is it not true that northern Iraq, where the administration claimed 
al-Qaeda were hiding out, is in the control of our 'allies,' the Kurds? - - 
- Is it not true that the vast majority of al-Qaeda leaders who escaped 
appear to have safely made their way to Pakistan, another of our so-called 
allies?... - - - Iraq s alleged violations of UN resolutions are given as 
reason to initiate an attack, yet is it not true that hundreds of UN 
Resolutions have been ignored by various countries without 
penalty?[including Israel, the US's principal ally in the Middle East, which 
has already acquired weapons of mass destruction, nlpwessex] ..... - - - Is 
it not true that, contrary to current claims, the no-fly zones were set up 
by Britain and the United States without specific approval from the United 
Nations? - - - 

If we claim membership in the international community and conform to its 
rules only when it pleases us, does this not serve to undermine our 
position, directing animosity toward us by both friend and foe? - - - How 
can our declared goal of bringing democracy to Iraq be believable when we 
prop up dictators throughout the Middle East and support military tyrants 
like Musharaf in Pakistan, who overthrew a democratically-elected president? 
- - - Are you familiar with the 1994 Senate Hearings that revealed the U.S. 
knowingly supplied chemical and biological materials to Iraq during the 
Iran-Iraq war and as late as 1992 - including after the alleged Iraqi gas 
attack on a Kurdish village? - - - Did we not assist Saddam Hussein s rise 
to power by supporting and encouraging his invasion of Iran? - - - Is it 
honest to criticize Saddam now for his invasion of Iran, which at the time 
we actively supported?.... - - - Why do the oil company executives strongly 
support this war if oil is not the real reason we plan to take over Iraq? 

Questions That Won't Be Asked About Iraq Congressman Ron Paul U.S. House of 
Representatives, 12 Sept 2002



Map of illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied lands

"On Thursday President Putin sent a letter to Kofi Annan, the UN 
Secretary-General, invoking Article 51 of the UN Charter the right of 
self-defence against an armed attack in which he used language reminiscent 
of the Bush Administration s War on Terror. The letter said 'If the 
Georgian leadership does not take concrete actions to destroy the 
terrorists, and bandit incursions continue from its territory, Russia will 
take adequate measures to counteract the terrorist threat.' Sergei Ivanov, 
the Russian Defence Minister, was reported as saying that there were 
stronger grounds for action against President Shevardnadze of Georgia than 
against Saddam.... However, Washington is also looking to establish a 
foothold in the oil-rich Caspian region, and Georgia is emerging as the best 
ally through which to do so [so terrorism is fine here if it keeps Russia 
distracted and the US can get the oil, nlpwessex]. Earlier this year the US 
sent about 100 military training personnel to Georgia, angering Russia, 
which still sees that country as being in its own backyard....."

Russia plans to attack rebels based in Georgia London Times, 14 September 2002

"Moscow s irritation has been augmented by American condemnation of alleged 
Russian bombing raids in the Pankisi Gorge, especially since the US has said 
that al-Qaeda militants may be hiding there." Russia plans to attack rebels 
based in Georgia London Times, 14 September 2002

Why the CIA is not interested in ending al-Qaeda - 26 Feb 2002

"Some Russian analysts argue that Turkey and the US are supporting the 
Ceyhan [rival pipeline] project [which passes through Georgia] so as to 
elbow Russia off the Caspian. Furthermore, Ankara's quiet support to the 
Chechen militants has been said to be designed to sustain volatility in the 
northern Caucasus - which would make it impossible for the competing CPC 
[Russian pipeline] project to proceed." CONFLICT-CAUCASUS Petrodollars 
Behind the Chechen Tragedy - Inter Press Service - 7 Dec 1999

"We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts 
and those who harbour them [except where it's useful for us to use them as 
pawns in serving our national interest, nlpwessex]..."

George Bush Televised Speech 11 September 2002 BBC Online, 12 September 2001

"Construction of a United States-backed oil pipeline from the Caspian Sea is 
to go ahead, it was announced yesterday.... It will run from Baku in 
Azerbaijan, a former Soviet satellite, to the Turkish Mediterranean port of 
Ceyhan via Georgia. As the first big pipeline from the Caspian to bypass 
Russian territory, it will pose a challenge to Moscow s control over the 
Caspian basin. Oil analysts say that its strategic importance to the US 
outweighs commercial considerations... Russian sceptics argue that America s 
overriding aim is to cultivate a line of pro-US oil-rich states Georgia, 
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan on its southern Asian flank."

US backing for Caspian oil pipeline sidesteps Russia London Times, 19 Sept 2002

Good Terrorists - Ours
(in the Anglo-American national interest) 


Bad Terrorists - Theirs
(not in the Anglo-American national interest)

Why Britain Is Now Sucking Up To Gaddafi When It Previously Used Bin Laden 
Allies To Try And Assassinate Him. Yes, you've got it - It's That Dirty Oil 
Stuff Again

1996 - Gadaffi bad, Bin Laden good

"The fate of John O'Neill, the Irish-American FBI agent who for years led US 
investigations into Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network, is the most chilling 
revelation in the book Bin Laden The Hidden Truth, published in Paris this 
week... He complained bitterly that the US State Department - and behind it 
the oil lobby who make up President Bush's entourage - blocked attempts to 
prove bin Laden's guilt..... In August 2001, O'Neill resigned in frustration 
and took up a new job as head of security at the World Trade Centre. 

He died in the September 11th attack... Brisard and Dasquié discovered that 
the first country to issue an international arrest warrant against bin Laden 
was not the US, but Moamar Gadafy's Libya, in March 1998.... Bin Laden 
supported a fundamentalist group called al-Muqatila... Al-Muqatila wanted to 
assassinate Gadafy, whom it considered an infidel. According to the former 
MI5 agent David Shayler, British intelligence - also in league with 
al-Muqatila - tried to assassinate Gadafy in November 1996. It was because 
of British collaboration with al-Muqatila that the Interpol warrant [for Bin 
Laden] was ignored, Brisard says..."
US efforts to make peace summed up by 'oil'

Irish Times, 19 November 2001

Libya shows film of 1996 Gaddafi assassination attempt

2002 - Gadaffi good, Bin Laden bad

"With a flick of his pen, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has taken another step to 
becoming the richest and most powerful leader in Africa. The Libyan dictator 
is reported to have signed a lucrative deal with the Central African 
Republic giving him the sole right to exploit oil and mineral resources for 
99 years.... Revelations of the colonel s latest monopoly deal came as the 
Libyan regime renewed its $360 million (£230 million) contract to supply 
Zimbabwe with oil in exchange for a massive stake in the nation s main 
assets..... The West is monitoring the aquisitions closely [and as a result 
now thinks Gaddafi is wonderful - see below, nlpwessex]... The Colonel has 
[also] reportedly taken a stake in Mozambique's oil infrastructure...." 
Gaddafi extends influence with oil deal London Times, 14 September 2002

"Signs of a rapprochement between Libya and Britain grew this week when a 
British foreign office minister met Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi at home in 
his desert tent..... And there's little doubt that as far as the British 
government is concerned, the era of treating Libya as a dangerous pariah is 
all but over...... It's amazing when you think of recent history the Libyan 
embassy shoot out in 1984 that killed a British policewoman and for 15 years 
caused London to cut off relations. The attack on US servicemen at a Berlin 
discotheque that led Ronald Reagan - with Mrs Thatcher's help - to bomb 
Libya in 1986. 

The suspicions that Gaddafi was helping to arm the IRA; not to mention 
Libya's involvement in the Lockerbie bombing, still the subject of UN 
sanctions. But perhaps truth is always stranger than fiction. Like the 
shifting political sands George Orwell describes in his novel 1984, [even 
the BBC has worked it out!, nlpwessex] in the last two decades international 
alliances have been turned upside down. Twenty years ago, it was Saddam 
Hussein who was the ally, the West's best hope against Iran's fundamentalist 
Gaddafi comes in from the cold
BBC Online, 10 August 2002

"After three hour of talks at Sirte, a coastal town about 320km (200 miles) 
east of Tripoli, [UK foreign office minister] Mr O'Brien was cautiously 
optimistic.... Libya is keen to re-enter the world economy and the UK does 
not want to lose out to other European nations already jostling for 
advantage when it comes to potentially lucrative oil contracts" Libya hints 
at Lockerbie pay-out
BBC Online, 8 August, 2002

"Some 15% of oil imported by the United States is from West Africa, and 
Friday's meetings came as the Bush administration is seeking secure oil 
ahead of a threatened conflict with Iraq, a major exporter. President 
Fradique de Menezes of Sao Tome and Principe announced late last month that 
his country, a former Portuguese colony believed to be sitting on massive 
and largely untapped oil reserves, had reached agreement with the United 
States for establishment of a US naval base there.... Salih Booker, director 
of the advocacy group Africa Action, said he fears that Bush's interest in 
Africa's oil will trump his stated commitment to promoting democracy and 
economic development on the continent. "

Bush meets with oil leaders
News2hrs.com, 13 September, 2002

US looks to Africa for 'secure oil' - BBC Online, Sept 2002 In Iraqi War 
Scenario, Oil Is Key Issue - Washington Post - 15 Sept 2002


Britain Backs Terrorism 
When It Serves The 'National Interest'


"An ex-MI5 officer has joined David Shayler in speaking out about 
mismanagement in the UK's security service. Jestyn Thirkell-White, who 
resigned from the service in 1996, said MI5 was in desperate need of reform 
and modernisation. He said it was 'totally wrong' that no investigations had 
been launched into Mr Shayler's claims - including one that MI6 colluded in 
an assassination plot to kill Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi.... 'MI5 and 
special branch were acting like the very police state they are supposed to 
be protecting us from.' [said Mr Thirkell-White] Mr Thirkell-White and Mr 
Shayler served together in the anti-terrorism T Branch of MI5..... John 
Wadham, director of Liberty, which represents both Mr Shayler and Mr 
Thirkell-White, said the new revelations confirmed what Mr Shayler had been 
saying all along. 'It is now time to stop attacking whistleblowers and 
instead to investigate the allegations they have made about MI5,' he said. 
Mr Shayler, currently in exile in France, faces attempts in the UK to 
prosecute him under the Official Secrets Act."

Ex-MI5 agent backs Shayler
BBC Online, 22 July 2000

"....the real criminals in this affair are the British Government and the 
intelligence services. The Government has a duty to uphold the law. It 
cannot simply be ignored because crimes are carried out by friends of the 
Government. In November 1999, I sent the Home Secretary Jack Straw detailed 
evidence of involvement by MI6 officers in a plot to murder Libyan leader 
Colonel Gaddafi. Although the assassination failed when attempted in 1996, 
innocent Libyan civilians were killed. In a dossier I presented to Mr Straw, 
I included the names of those who had also been briefed about the plot 
within MI5. .....When presented with this compelling evidence these very 
senior Ministers should, of course, have called in the police immediately. 
We would never countenance two police officers conspiring to murder a 
criminal. Why should we accept that two MI6 officers could do the same to 
Colonel Gaddafi? This week, I will be writing to both the police and the 
Crown Prosecution Service asking them to investigate the role of the 
Government in this case.... 

I am left wondering why Sir Stephen did not perform his clear public duty 
and call in Special Branch to investigate the Gadaffi plot as soon as he 
realised that MI6 did not have Ministerial authorisation to plot to 
assassinate a foreign head of state. In August 1998, I also pointed out 
publicly that MI5 had evidence of the plot on its file SF754-0168. .... The 
Government's failure to ensure that two MI6 officers are brought to justice 
for their part in planning a murder is what I would expect of despots and 
dictators.... It is corruption. It is sleaze. And sleaze was where New 
Labour came in as a supposed breath of fresh air after the Conservatives had 
grown corrupt. ..... This tragic episode is fast becoming British 
Watergate..... If people want to live in a country where the intelligence 
services work in absolute secrecy with no respect for the rule of law or 
basic human rights, they should go and live in Libya, Iraq or Iran..... As 
the head of Britain's intelligence services, Tony Blair now has a simple - 
and honourable - choice. To expose the truth."

Don't shoot the messenger
David Shayler, London Observer, 27 August 2000

"The threat of legal action [against Shayler] has led to a dramatic 
escalation of tensions, with Shayler revealing to the Observer the identity 
of the two serving intelligence officers who he claims were involved in the 
alleged plot against Gaddafi. The paper said that for legal reasons it was 
prevented from publishing the names.... It is now thought that Shayler is 
also prepared to name others names, including the agent's boss, code-named 
PT16, who is alleged to have authorized the operation, and his own MI5 line 
manager, to whom he voiced concerns about what he called a 'Boys' Own' 
operation.... Shayler said he had embarked on the path of disclosing 
intelligence operations in a bid to force the government to launch a full 
inquiry into the security services, which, he claims, are increasingly out 
of control."
Renegrade MI5 spy threatens I'll name officer who failed to warn of '94 
embassy bombing
Jerusalem Post, 29 February 2000

"Shayler's latest claims made on the BBC's Panorama are even more 
embarrassing for the government. The BBC was allowed to interview Shayler in 
Paris after his claims were widely reported in the international media and 
after Shayler threatened to publish them on the internet, thus bypassing a 
gagging order imposed by the Blair government. The Panorama programme was 
due to be broadcast on August 6, but was held up by the Security Services 
until August 7 and censored. According to his interview, a Secret 
Intelligence Service (SIS/MI6) officer handed £100,000 to an Arab agent to 
mastermind the assassination of Gaddafi. The agent, codenamed Tunworth, had 
links with a militant Islamic group who arranged a failed attempt on 
Gaddafi's life in late February 1996. Tunworth's MI6 handler--PT16B--met 
Shayler while he was in MI5 section G9, responsible for monitoring Libyan 
activities. Shayler's girlfriend, another ex-MI5 agent Annie Machon, says he 
'headed up' the section for two years from August 7, 1994. PT16B told 
Shayler that a bomb exploded under the wrong car, Gaddafi was unhurt and 
several civilians were killed or injured. 

He said that authorisation for the operation, 'went all the way to the 
top.'.... In its attempts to silence Shayler, the Blair government is facing 
great difficulties. Accusing him of breaching the Official Secrets Act while 
at the same time claiming his stories are a fantasy is untenable. More 
fundamentally Labour's claims to open government and concern for ethical 
foreign policy are once again being exposed as pure hypocrisy, especially 
following the earlier scandal over government involvement with the Sandline 
mercenaries in the overthrow of the military regime in Sierre Leone."

Former British MI5 agent alleges plot to assassinate Gaddafi World Socialist 
Web Site, 13 August 1998

Shayler loses human rights challenge in House of Lords - March 2002


"Indeed, why is Sheikh still not being charged for his alleged involvement 
in the 911 attacks now that he is finally detained?.... If such embarrassing 
connections were to have real implications, then the execution of Sheikh 
would certainly be useful in dealing with the CIA's problem of how to limit 
further investigation into any wider role it may have played in the events 
surrounding 911 via its involvement with the ISI...... In this respect the 
clamour from the Bush administration to spare Sheikh's life so that he can 
give evidence as to General Mahmoud's and his own involvement in the 
transfer of 911 money to Mohammed Atta is deafening by virtue of its total 

Would the White House not like to know the details of that? Would the 
families of those who died in the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon not 
like to know too? When are those families going to sue the Bush 
administration over this?.... Sheikh is a British born and educated 
Pakistani. He is a British Citizen. But this has not resulted in the British 
government securing an open trial for him. The BBC confirms that 'News that 
a British-born Islamic militant has been found guilty of the murder of US 
journalist Daniel Pearl has been welcomed by the Foreign Office.' .....The 
possibility that Sheikh has been framed (certainly he is an ideal candidate 
given his previous involvement with militant groups) in order to engineer 
his execution cannot be discounted.... Given the widespread culture of 
deception and lying uncovered within the British Foreign Office during the 
Scott inquiry into the UK's illegal supply of arms to Saddam Hussein, the 
omens do not look good."

What Did Britain Know About 911?
'Fight Smart', 28 Aug 2002

More on this - 'What Did Britain Know About 911?' - 28 Aug 2002

Sept. 11's Smoking Gun The Many Faces of Saeed Sheikh

Northern Ireland

"The identities of at least 12 of Britain's most senior intelligence 
officers are to be exposed in a new video made by a team of rogue undercover 
army agents. The army agents, who were infiltrated inside the IRA and Sinn 
Fein, are releasing the video in the Irish Republic as part of a 
whistle-blowing campaign aimed at exposing the truth behind the Dirty War in 
Northern Ireland. As well as revealing the identities of some of the most 
senior army, police and MI5 officers working in Ulster, the agents also 
disclose the techniques used to handle agents and expose some of the most 
shocking operations undertaken by the British security forces in Northern 

These include claims that MI5 helped one undercover army agent, who was 
working in deep cover inside the IRA for more than a decade, source 
infra-red equipment which was used to provide the IRA with state-of-the-art 
bomb detonation technology. The video, Agents No More Lies, is to be sold 
in the Irish Republic to get around British national security laws and 
Ministry of Defence censorship....One of the agents behind the video is 
Kevin Fulton, a former British soldier. The Catholic from Newry was given 
false discharge papers from his regiment and told by the shadowy military 
intelligence agency, the Force Research Unit (FRU), to infiltrate the IRA. 
As part of long- running investigations by the Sunday Herald into Ulster's 
Dirty War, Fulton has already claimed he warned RUC Special Branch that the 
Omagh bombing was being planned at least 48 hours before the Real IRA attack 
killed 29 people. 

Last week in the Sunday Herald, Fulton revealed that he took part in a 
series of terrorist crimes in order to preserve his cover inside the IRA. He 
said that at all times his handlers in the FRU were aware and also 
encouraged him to take part in robberies, bomb-making and the movement of 
weapons.... The FRU is under investigation by Scotland Yard commissioner Sir 
John Stevens for colluding with paramilitaries in a decade-long campaign of 
state-sponsored assassinations. It is alleged FRU officers handed agents in 
both the IRA and the UVF details of targets. The most controversial death 
being investigated is that of the Belfast solicitor Pat Finucane, who was 
shot dead by loyalist paramilitaries in 1989. 

It's alleged the FRU gave details of Finucane to loyalist terrorists who 
then carried out the murder. Kerr is to be interviewed in relation to this 
in the next few weeks.... Last week, Fulton told the Sunday Herald that his 
handlers in the FRU told him that his illegal undercover work had been 
sanctioned in 1980 by the Thatcher cabinet.... Army and intelligence sources 
have reacted with horror to news that the video is to be released before the 

Rogue British agents name MI5 bosses in video expose Sunday Herald, 30 June 

"The army asked me to make bombs for the IRA, told me I had the Prime 
Minister's blessing ... then tried to kill me"

Confessions of a secret agent turned terrorist Sunday Herald, 23 June 2002

As Does America

"Fifteen years after the terrorist bombing of a disco in Berlin, a German 
court has found four individuals guilty of the attack which killed two 
American servicemen and a Turkish woman. But a documentary on German public 
television aired in 1998 disputes the case brought by German authorities 
against the group, presenting chilling evidence that the main suspects in 
the 1986 La Belle disco bombing worked for American and Israeli 
intelligence. The bombing gave President Ronald Reagan the pretext to order 
the bombing of Libya. The bombs hit Libyan leader Mu am mar Qaddafi s home, 
killing at least 30, including one of his infant children. Qaddafi was 
uninjured. The TV documentary said its findings are significant today 
because the bombing of Libya is being cited as a precedent for America s war 
on terror in Afghanistan and other countries around the world."  

CIA Linked to 86 Bombing
December 2001

"The Dutch government has released a report that details the alliance 
between the United States and the Islamic effort to help Bosnian Muslims. 
The report determined that the United States provided a green light to 
groups on the State Department list of terrorist organizations to operate in 
Bosnia. This included the Lebanese-based Hezbollah. For the European Union, 
the U.S. effort marks a stain that calls into question Washington's war on 
terrorism. For nearly a decade, the Clinton administration helped Islamic 
insurgents aligned with Chechnya, Iran and Saudi Arabia destabilize the 
former Yugoslavia.... More than a few European countries, consequently, have 
turned their nose up at the Bush administration's appeal to take Islamic 
terrorism seriously."

U.S. gave green light to terrorists in Bosnia WorldNetDaily, 24 April 2002

"Forget the war on terrorism. The United States is once again supporting the 
drug dealers, gangsters and warlord fundamentalists. The other day a [US] 
State Dept. official met Chechnya s self-declared foreign minister, Ilyas 
Akhmadov. The Russians were dismayed. Having thrown their lot in with the 
supposed common struggle against terrorism, they find the Americans giving 
support to terrorists. .....The Russians professed to be 'amazed' that the 
United States, as Agence France Presse reported, would meet with Chechens, 
'whose direct links with Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda are being proven with 
constantly emerging, irrefutable evidence&' Chechnya has always been seen 
here as a rerun of Kosovo, which itself was a rerun of Afghanistan...." The 
Bush Administration supports Terrorists in Kosovo, Macedonia and Chechnya 
New York Press,  Volume 15, Issue 6,  February 2002

How NATO and the UN Sponsor Terrorists in Kosovo

CIA provided funds to financiers of Sept 11 bomber - 18 Nov 2001 Why the CIA 
is not interested in ending al-Qaeda - 26 Feb 2002

"...'He may be a son-of-a-bitch,' President Franklin D Roosevelt is said to 
have commented of the brutal Nicaraguan dictator, Anastasio Somoza, 'but 
he's our son-of-a-bitch'. Saddam was Washington's SOB throughout most of the 
Reagan administration, a valuable foil against the US's nemesis, Iran. 
Somewhere along the line, possibly in 1990, he lost the 'our'...." Unveiled 
the thugs Bush wants in place of Saddam Sunday Herald, 22 Sept 2002

Waking Up To The Collapse of Civilisation

"Canada's Prime Minister has said that the United States and the Western 
world were partly to blame for the terrorist attacks on New York and 
Washington a year ago.   Jean Chretien spoke in a pre-taped interview shown 
on the CBC channel hours after he attended ceremonies in New York and urged 
Canadians to join in mourning with their American neighbours.  An aggressive 
foreign policy, and lack of sensitivity to poverty and social problems in 
the Third World were being used by religious fanatics to spread hatred of 
the US, he said 'There's a moment [in history] when you have to stop.'  

Mr Chretien said that America could not exercise its power 'to the point of 
humiliation of others'. That was what the Western world had to 
realise.'We're looked upon as being arrogant, self-satisfied, greedy and 
with no limits. And September 11 is an occasion for me to realise it even 
more.'   Mr Chretien tried earlier this year to interest the US and other 
Western countries in a multibillion-dollar fund to rescue Africa from 
poverty, famine and disease. His failure left him bitterly disappointed.   
His views also reflect those of his country. In a recent poll 69 per cent of 
respondents said that the US had someresponsibility for the attacks. Fifteen 
per cent said that the US was entirely responsible."

Us Policy Blamed For Terror Raids
London Times, 13 Sept 2002

"Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that 
goes by the name of patriotism -- how passionately I hate them! How vile and 
despicable seems war to me! I would rather be hacked in pieces than take 
part in such an abominable business. My opinion of the human race is high 
enough that I believe this bogey would have disappeared long ago, had the 
sound sense of the peoples not been systematically corrupted by commercial 
and political interests acting through the schools and the Press. The 
fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental 
emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. He who 
knows it not and can no longer wonder, no longer feel amazement, is as good 
as dead, a snuffed-out candle "
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
"The World As I See It"

Serving The Global Interest

The Rebirth of Global Civilisation
No More Dependency On The Oil Sector

''Growing World and US Dependence on Imported Oil 1990-2020" (Av Daily 
Domestic Production V Demand) click here to see why Bush and Blair are in a 
panic and why Iraq is next

"Two House Democrats said Friday that Saddam Hussein's on-going effort to 
amass chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons poses no immediate threat to 
the United States, and that the Bush administration has ulterior motives for 
pursuing war against Iraq. Rep's. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) and Jim McDermott 
(D-Wash.) told reporters and opponents of military action against Iraq at a 
Capitol Hill briefing that politics and oil, not fear that Iraq will use 
weapons of mass destruction, are the driving factors behind the president's 
call for a regime change in that country."

Demos - Iraq No Imminent Threat, Bush Wants Saddam's Oil CNSNews.com, 15 
Sept 2002 

Dennis Kucinich - 'A Second Renaissance' - Speech

Solar Energy, Agriculture and World Peace - click here

Hydrogen and the Solar Economy

Global Country of World Peace
Creating A New Paradigm For The Family of Nations

"It is of course a complete absurdity that California, a place that is 
abundantly bathed in sunlight, should ever be forced to endure an energy 
crisis. It is hugely ironic that as the summer solar radiation intensifies 
and the air conditioning systems cut in the Californian energy crisis 
deepens. The radiation of the sun has been allowed to become an energy 
problem when in fact it offers an energy solution. But as Albert Einstein 
once penetratingly observed 'Problems cannot be solved at the same level of 
awareness that created them' . An important aspect of global economic 
sustainability is the ability to live off environmental income rather than 
environmental capital.  The earth ultimately has only one continual source 
of environmental income - that which comes from the sun.  

This abundant natural resource can be harnessed directly through solar 
technology (thermal or photovoltaic - 'PV') or indirectly through plants. 
Plants convert solar energy through well known processes of natural law into 
vegetative matter.  Fortunately the time has come when the central role of 
the sun in providing mankind with its environmental and economic security is 
being established.  For the purpose of the removal of world poverty and the 
neutralisation of the negative social and environmental effects of 
globalisation the 'Global Country of World Peace' project has now been 
created. At the centre of this humanitarian project reside the pivotal roles 
of solar energy and Vedic Agriculture.  It is no coincidence that the emblem 
chosen for this unique project for the 21st Century should be a symbol of 
the life giving energy of the sun."
Solar Energy, Agriculture and World Peace NLPWessex, June 2001
For Global Country Of World Peace Latest News 

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Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on Larry King Show - click here

Front Page, 19 Aug 2002 Second Article Same Edition - Education - click here

National Post, Canada, 31 Aug, 2002

Sharon Byrne, KCSB Radio Santa Barbara, CA "On September 11, 2002, the 
Maharishi held a press conference via satellite broadcast to spread his 
message .....
Maharishi considers President Busha 'rash man',  in response to one reporter 
from AP [Associated Press], 
who questioned how this approach was different from what is already being 
done by governments. Maharishi said, 
'Imagination and wishful thinking will never do anything, Associated or 
disintegrated press, however it may be. 
Wishful thinking belongs to this rash man, the president of the USA. Tell 
him that wishful thinking is useless. Practical steps is what I am talking 
about to create a peaceful world. Your president thinks he can be a savior 
of the world by destroying the world."

Global Country of World Peace Press Release 19 Sept 2002

NLPWessex War on Terrorism Archives - click here

The Main 'Fight Smart' 911 Story So Far

The Phoney 'Christian' Merchants of Death - 12 Sept 2002 Hot What Did 
Britain Know About 911? - 28 Aug 2002 Hot Mainstream Press Begins To Home In 
On Suspect 911 Events - 14 Aug 2002 Drugs And The Bogus 'War Against 
Terrorism' - 6 Aug 2002 Who's Really Running America - 10 July 2002 The 
Coming (R)evolution - 1 July 2002
Press Relay More 911 absurdities - 16 June 2002 Bush's ignorant 'gift' to 
the world - 3 June 2002 Is Bush's 'Watergate' Emerging? - 21 May 2002 Hot 
Why Did Bush Not Act On Sept 11? - 9 May 2002 Hot Hot Did Sept 11 victims 
die for Enron? - 8 March 2002 Hot Why the CIA is not interested in ending 
al-Qaeda - 26 Feb 2002 Cheney Panics Over Sept 11 Congressional 
Investigation - 4 Feb 2002 CIA provided funds to financiers of Sept 11 
bomber - 18 Nov 2001 Sept 11 Deja Vu? - 22 Oct 2001
Global War - 'It's the oil stupid' - 30 Sept 2001

Additional Press Reports of Interest - 2002

The Taliban Minister, the US Envoy and the Warning of September 11 That Was 
911Timeline.net - The Most Comprehensive Minute By Minute Timeline On 911 by 
Mark Elsis
Sept. 11's Smoking Gun The Many Faces of Saeed Sheikh Worse than Enron, 
worse than WorldCom The Pentagon Cronies in Arms
NEWSWEEK How the U.S. Helped Create Saddam Hussein Flight 93 three-minute 
discrepancy in tape Fortunes of War Await Bush's Circle After Attacks on 
Iraq U.S. Questions Key Sept 11 Suspect in Pakistan Bush planned Iraq 
'regime change' before becoming President Uncomfortable Questions for Blair, 
Bush and The Media Bush administration 'the scariest' in history Gaddafi 
extends influence with oil deal Mirror.co.uk - WHAT DID HAPPEN TO FLIGHT 93 
Janet Reno Asks for Statewide Recount in Florida Primary TIME.com Person of 
the Week -- Person of the Week Scott Ritter US looks to Africa for 'secure oil'
Mirror.co.uk - THIS WAR IS A FAILURE
Prior Knowledge of Sept. 11 Not Just Urban Legend TOP US OFFICIAL LIED ABOUT 
3 Groups Already Squabbling Over Oil-Flush North Iraq Byron York on bin 
Ladens & September 11 on National Review Online Departing UN Rights 
Commissioner Faults U.S.
Florida - New Election, Same Old Problems Investigating 9-11 An Unimaginable 
Calamity, Still Largely Unexamined Is America the 'good guy' Many now say, 
'No.' csmonitor.com Condoleezza Rice 911 BBC interview
Ann Coulter Amazingly Ignorant
America Creeps Slowly Towards Paramilitary coup d'etat Putin Sides With NATO 
No Pre-Emptive Attack EIGHT of the alleged September 11th Hijackers are 
Alive Connecting The Dots Bush..Bath..Bin Laden Qaeda Fighters Said to 
Return to Afghanistan Former CIA Official to Become Pentagon Intelligence 
Chief Most Canadians think US partly responsible for terror strikes - poll 
Persian Gulf oil natural gas exports information Peace festival counters war 
talk - Annual S.F. gathering meditates, raps Bush Purported Translation of 
BND Report on September 11, 2001 CNN.com - Former weapons inspector Iraq not 
a threat - September 8, 2002

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