! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Aswer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!



By John Loeffler
August 21, 2002

Americans have enjoyed so much freedom for so long, they have forgotten that 
freedom is a fluke in the history of the world; not the norm.  Our freedoms 
were hard-won over hundreds of years of human tears.  The current view that 
freedoms are somehow self-sustaining and "obvious" ignores a primary rule of 
the political universe, well established in human history: governments and 
those in them always gravitate toward power, money and control; power for 
themselves, confiscating money and property from their people, who then have 
to be controlled lest they protest too much.
The founding fathers thoroughly understood this, having experienced a lack 
of protections first hand.  They understood that government is a necessary 
evil, not a paternalistic good.
In assembling the Constitution, they knew that only a clear statement of 
citizens' rights would prevent power money and control from having their way.

Every one of our rights was established to protect individual citizens, the 
minority against the majority and to block abuse of power.  "Shall not be 
infringed" was designed to prevent government encroachment; not as a guide 
for a "delicate balance" between "liberty" and "security."  Delicate 
balances always collapse uni-directionally toward power, money and control 
and away from individual freedom!

Lessons from the Looking Glass

Since 911, conservatives have been falling all over themselves to blow 
gaping holes in constitutional protections, demonizing those who object as 
giving aid and comfort to the enemy.  "This is a war," they rant, "and we're 
defending freedom!"   Now catch the illogic of this:  We are going to 
protect freedom by demolishing the very legal protections that guarantee it.

In 1933 Germany faced a crisis.  The country had just come through a 
horrible post-World War I decade of economic chaos and massive inflation.  
Tensions between the communists and the fascists were fierce.  Both parties 
had substantial seats in the national parliament -- the Reichstag.

On February 27, 1933 the Reichstag building itself was set aflame by 
arsonists.  Germany's newly-elected Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, quickly blamed 
the deed on his chief political rivals, the communists, accusing a 
mentally-deficient Dutchman by the name of Marius van der Lubbe of setting 
the fire.  Van der Lubbe was tried and subsequently executed.  Still many 
suspected something was amiss.  The conflagration was so massive and so 
rapid, that the hapless van der Lubbe couldn't have been a sole operator. 
Indeed, took 60 years before conclusive evidence surfaced that the Nazis had 
actually set the fire as a ruse for blaming the communists!

Germany's new chancellor, Adolf Hitler, approached the aged president, Paul 
von Hindenburg, warning that their country was on the verge of a Bolshevik 
revolution and that emergency measures were required to handle the 
situation; measures Hitler assured him would only be temporary.

Reluctantly, von Hindenberg issued a warm fuzzy executive order entitled, 
Die Verordnung des Reichspraesidenten zum Schuetz von Volk und Staat 
(Ordinance of the Reichspresident for the Defense of People and State).  Has 
that Vaterland Security sound to it, doesn't it?

The Verordnung suspended those portions of Germany's constitution, which 
were equivalent to our Bill of .Rights - temporarily, of course.  However, 
once the rights were suspended, power and control quickly took over.  The 
Nazis shut down the dissenting press.  Political rivals were "disappeared" 
off the streets and hauled off to Dachau concentration camp (ten years 
before the Endloesung (Final Solution) was determined at the Wannsee 
Conference!).   Squads of SS began spying on all the potential citizen 
criminals to see whose ideas were not politically correct so they could be 
branded enemies of the state.

Shortly thereafter, on March 24, 1933, the Ermaechtigung Gesetz (Empoerment 
Law -- Law to Remove the Distress of People and State ) passed the Reichstag 
441-94, which gave Hitler the power to run things by executive order.  In 
the avalanche of bad legislation was included the Heimtuecke Gesetz 
(Treachery Law), which made opposition to Nazi Party policies equivalent to 
treason against Germany.  This meant you couldn't criticize government 
policy without being an enemy of the state.  This was in essence the very 
same argument being made by conservatives that if you oppose Constitutional 
violations by Homeland Security, you are giving aid and comfort to the 
enemy.  The Nazis used this law to imprison dissenters.

Since the German populace had been disarmed, no one could fight back.  An 
atmosphere of fear settled over Germany as the long night of the black 
shirts began.  Everyone - Jews especially -- hunkered down, hoping that it 
would all blow over and get better. ut it never did.  Once constitutional 
limitations against abuse were suspended - for the good cause of defending 
the Homeland -- they never came back.

But We're Not Nazis!

Oh, but we're not Nazis.  We love freedom.  Really?   When Hitler came to 
power, the majority of Germans hailed him as the salvation of Germany.  They 
were the good guys, or so everyone thought.   It is crucial to remember that 
the entire Third Reich was a totally legal event, including the Holocaust!  
The people voted it in.  Even after the war, many Germans were still 
wondering what had happened those last 15 years.

Witness the worldview changes that have occurred since the radical left 
flower child revolution of 1960s.  Americans have experienced such 
historical revisionism in schools that few can tell you what the Bill of 
Rights contains and why those rights are so important.   America has been in 
a constant state of self-demonization to the extent that Constitutional 
rights are viewed as the obsolete product of dead white slave owners.

Communism is alive and well on college campuses.  For thirty years college 
students have been fed a steady diet of anti-American propaganda, attacking 
capitalism and exalting socialism with an all-powerful state as the ideal 
form of government. Indeed, Americans have accepted most of the major tenets 
of the Communist Manifesto, thinking they embody the essence of a free 
society.  Moreover, American students have been encouraged to think of 
themselves as citizens of the world rather than the U.S.  The Constitution 
is seen as a block to the emerging need for environmental harmony and global 

Americans have come to accept the core belief of Postmodernism; that there 
is no such thing as absolute truth or morals. Since there is no such thing 
as absolute truth, there is no such thing as absolute law.   It all depends 
on what your definition of "is" is and the law can be tortured to say what 
we want it to say.   As such, it can be used to convict anyone who needs to 
be convicted, since their rights can be defined away because it's all a 
matter of definition.  Besides, many Americans believe that rights are 
something that are "deserved" rather than inalienable. And, after all, 
politically incorrect people don't deserve rights.

The Bill of Rights itself is under severe attack by means of thousands of 
laws which curtail the exercise of the rights or end run its prohibitions.  
The Bush administration seems determined to abolish habeas corpus and to 
suspend individual rights at will, merely by definition of an enemy 
combatant.   The list of abuses is virtually endless.  Every day, American 
citizens are routinely having their rights violated thanks to some legal 
precedent, which was established early on - usually leaving them little 
recourse because the law has been distorted so badly and the system has been 
rigged against them.  The slide towards money, power and control is 
proceeding virtually unabated.

In a free society, rights protect the individual from the government.  In a 
dictatorship, rights protect the government from the people. If enough legal 
precedents for end-runs of all the protections contained in the Bill of 
Rights are allowed to continue unchecked, where will those precedents be 
taken by future leaders when all protections have been dismantled?  What 
will stop the tyranny that will invariably follow?   Nothing.

© 2002 John Loeffler - All Rights Reserved
