! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Aswer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

WHERE'S OSAMA? Tue Sep 3 By Ted Rall 
Bush's Strategy of Distraction

NEW YORK--Bush's "war on terrorism" (one uses quotes for things which exist 
in name only) has already manifested most of the characteristics of the 
dystopian society described in George Orwell's "1984." Like Big Brother, 
Bush is an unelected figurehead for a secretive clan of wealthy hypocrites 
who live above the law. Like Orwell's fictional Oceania, the United States 
is engaged in a perpetual war in which victory isn't expected within our 
lifetime. Oceania bombs its own people, using the fear of faux terrorism to 
maintain control over the population. The United States trains and finances 
radical Islamist terrorists who predictably turn against Americans, then 
uses the specter of terrorism to justify everything from fast-track signing 
authority on free trade (opposition to NAFTA and the WTO, Bush's U.S. Trade 
Representative argues, is "an attack on freedom") to tax cuts for the 
Administration's wealthy chums to smearing Tom Daschle as a communist 
terrorist enemy-of-the-state.

Bush's Operation TIPS ("Terrorism Information and Prevention System") asks 
mail deliverers, meter readers, truckers (!) and other citizens to spy on 
their neighbors and customers (or, in FEMA jargon, "to report suspicious, 
publicly observable activity that could be related to terrorism"). Thanks to 
your federal government, 128 channels may not be the only electronic marvel 
your cable guy is installing in your home. And what could be more 
characteristic of Stalinist totalitarianism than "disappearing" hundreds of 
detainees into a covert prison system--no lawyer, no trial, no 
charges--never to be seen again?

In "1984" the ubiquitous Emmanuel Goldstein is the nation's bęte noire, 
blamed by the government for everything that goes wrong. He leads the 
resistance; he's the author of a detailed historical treatise. Every 
afternoon the citizens of Oceania gather for a "two- minute hate," a 
cathartic scream-in during which Goldstein's smug face is flashed on 
screens, inspiring the delirious contempt of frenzied crowds.

Goldstein, however, does not exist. Nor does the resistance. The Party 
invented him to distract the citizenry from the real evildoers-- themselves. 
And because Goldstein isn't real, Goldstein is immortal. The distraction, 
like the "war," is eternal.

George Orwell had Goldstein. George Bush has bin Laden.

Osama was blamed for everything that went wrong for the U.S. during the 
`90s. Whenever something blew up, whether it was American embassies in East 
Africa or the U.S.S. Cole or even the federal building in Oklahoma City, 
American officials trotted out bin Laden's name before the body count had 
even begun. So it was hardly a surprise when, on September 17 Resident Bush 
barked that bin Laden was "wanted dead or alive" for the 9-11 strikes, 
though in fact his role was probably limited to funding the 19 Egyptian 
jihadis who planned and carried them out.

Capturing bin Laden was Bush's top priority, or so he said time after time; 
the bombing campaign against the Taliban was marketed to the American people 
as a war against a regime that was "harboring" a wanted criminal. But after 
driving the Taliban out of Kabul, according to a senior U.S. military 
officer serving in Afghanistan ( news - web sites), "mission creep" 
began--U.S. forces lost focus. American intelligence sided with some 
warlords while trying to assassinate others. They became entangled in local 
politics. They shuttled Afghan officials between Central Asian capitals to 
cut oil and gas pipeline deals favorable to the U.S.

The elusive Osama became a low priority. The Defense Department story is 
that back in December and January they had America's Most Wanted cornered in 
the Tora Bora mountains on Afghanistan's eastern border with Pakistan--they 
know he was up there because they heard him on walkie-talkies--and they 
bombed his hideout so mercilessly that he must have been killed. But they 
couldn't be sure either way, because Afghan soldiers of the Northern 
Alliance and Eastern Shuria were the first to comb the hills. As documented 
in my book To Afghanistan and Back, 95 percent of those troops were Talibs 
on September 10; they were far more likely to offer bin Laden a ride home 
than to shoot or arrest him.

Some experts doubt that the U.S. was ever serious about capturing Osama. If 
he went on trial for 9-11, after all, his testimony about his years with the 
CIA ( news - web sites) could prove devastatingly embarrassing. This 
explains, they say, why Bush refused Taliban offers to turn over bin Laden, 
why Donald Rumsfeld bombed rather than invaded by ground, why Colin Powell ( 
news - web sites) never asked Pakistan to seal the border, why General Tommy 
Franks relied on unreliable local troops. And the Tora Bora escape tale 
doesn't jibe with Afghan topography or local eyewitnesses, who say that 
Osama left for Pakistani Kashmir ( news - web sites)--a far more typical 
exit for fleeing Afghans than the tribal areas of the Northwest Frontier 
Province--days after 9-11.

The Bush Administration denies such cynical motives for their actions, 
claiming stupidity rather than duplicity. Support for the inept-not-liars 
theory came with a February Hellfire missile attack launched by a drone 
plane in eastern Afghanistan. The airstrike targeted a group of men, one of 
whom looked to the drone's operator like the 6'5", white-tail-turbaned bin 
Laden. Three desperately poor scrap metal scavengers were blown to bits, but 
hey--one of them was fairly tall.

Like the Party in Oceania--sometimes at war with Eurasia, other times with 
Eastasia, the enemy always having been the same--the Bushies' line on Osama 
has alternated between vague, cunning and menacing. "I suspect we will [find 
bin laden and other Al Qaeda leaders]," Rumsfeld said in March. "I think we 
have a good crack at it. I suspect we'll get all or most [of them]." In 
April, he backtracked "He's alive or dead. He's in Afghanistan or somewhere 
else." By June, Time magazine was reporting, "White House aides say bin 
Laden's name rarely comes up in meetings."

Public support for living the rest of their days fighting Bush's war had 
begun to wane over the summer. What was missing from the cocktail of 

Just in time for the build-up for the inevitable orgy of patriotic 
sentimentality to commemorate 9-11-02, Osama bin Goldstein has been brought 
back from the maybe-presumed-dead. On August 28, The New York Times quoted 
military sources as saying that the Evil One "is probably still alive and 
moving between mountain hideouts somewhere on a 250-mile stretch of the 
border between Afghanistan and Pakistan." The on-again-off-again hunt for 
Osama is on again, according to General Franks "What I will say is that we 
have not seen convincing proof that bin Laden [is] dead. I actually don't 
know whether he's alive or dead."

"Where's Osama?" has become America's favorite parlor game. My theory is 
that he is no longer with us; it's not like the sad-eyed egoist to skip his 
regular appearances on Al Jazeera TV. My friends think he's laying low in 
Kashmir or Yemen. We discuss this topic frequently. Wondering about Osama is 
a lot more fun than whining about the fact that the economy sucks, that 
everyone we know is getting laid off, that we're losing our civil rights, 
that we'll be paying off those $300 tax cuts for the rest of our lives. The 
search for bin Laden keeps us distracted, and that's just the way our 
leaders like it.

Bush may have read just one book, but it turned out to be the right one.

(Ted Rall's new book, a graphic travelogue about his recent coverage of the 
Afghan war titled "To Afghanistan and Back," is now in its second edition. 
Ordering and review-copy information are available at nbmpub.com.)





SEPTEMBER 5. What is al Quaeda? That is a question I have been pursuing for 
some time. I spoke with a long-time intelligence source of mine, and this is 
what he had to say.

Al Quaeda is really a generic term that means `terrorist.' It's like calling 
someone a Communist. Does that mean [in the 1980s] he has direct ties to the 
Politburo? Does it mean he has connections to the KGB? To the Chinese secret 
service? To a small group of Americans who meet in a room, in a basement, 
and discuss the work of Marx? To his grandmother, who, in the 1930s, 
attended one meeting of a socialist club in Chicago? To a Hollywood 
screenwriter who once declared that the government should own all industry?

Here is what is happening. The US government is using the term al Quaeda to 
label most terrorist suspects. If a guy in New Orleans, who has 
bomb-assembly plans off the Internet in his apartment, vaguely knows a man 
from Libya who is traveling in the US, and that Libyan knows a man in 
Germany who might be planning to derail a train with a bomb…all these people 
can be painted with the same brush. They can all be said to be members of al 
Quaeda, as if they are all operating under orders from Osama bin Laden.

Al Quaeda is being used as a term to convince people that these terrorists 
are all connected in a vast, very well organized network that is global in 
reach, that has a very sophisticated and far-flung communication set-up, 
that issues orders from the top down to cells all over the world.

There are a number of people inside the US intelligence agencies who know 
this is a false picture. They know that false intelligence is being 
assembled in order to paint this picture which is distorted, so that the 
American people will have a single focus on the one grand evil enemy.

There is another piece of fall-out from this kind of distortion. People who 
work inside US intelligence become demoralized, because they see facts 
connected in false ways. They see their work used to create a misleading 

There are people within the US intelligence community who doubt that the 
hijacker list from 9/11 has much truth in it at all. They see it as a more 
or less invented list. They know that if you start with men showing false 
passports [or no passports] to get on three planes on 9/11, you can't 
assemble a correct list of 19 suspects within a few days—especially since 
all those men are presumed dead and missing. Untraceable.

Over half of all intelligence gathered by the CIA and other agencies is 
slanted, or even invented, to serve a political agenda. That agenda is the 
creation of an Enemy. A single pervasive Enemy. The whole objective is to 
keep America on a permanent war-time footing.

I asked this intelligence source whether this OP reminded him of Orwell's 
famous novel, 1984.

Sure. You take diverse nut-cases and criminals and terrorists and you weave 
them all together and you give them a global leader and you say they are all 
part of the same group. You give the group a name, and you focus the anger 
of the public on that name.

To give that name some real punch, you have to make sure that terrorist 
incidents continue to occur. You can't stop with 9/11. You have to keep going.