! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Aswer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

Who are the Real Terrorists?

... Europe and the US are the major manufacturers and exporters of torture 
equipment.  The US particularly enjoys a brisk trade in torture technology. 
A chilling report for the European Parliament titled "An Appraisal of 
Technologies of Political Control" (1998), lists the police torture exports 
licensed by the US Commerce Department 1991-1993. Interestingly enough (and 
I'm not surpirsed) Yugoslavia was one of the very few countries of the world 
that did not appear as a customer on the list of 110 countries.(but I bet 
almost all the UN nations did) 

Every tin-pot dictatorship in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and 
Europe was on the list, along with most of the more 'respectable' nations, 
including Australia. So much for humanitarian principles. US companies 
freely advertise thumbcuffs, thumbscrews, leg irons and shackles, whips, 
electroshock devices, suspension equipment, immobilisation guns, shock 
batons and even 'specially designed implements of torture'. And as noted, 
they don't care where they go.
Business is business.

But that's old fashioned stuff. Research in torture technology and crowd 
control is booming in US nuclear laboratories such as Oak Ridge, Lawrence 
Livermore and Los Alamos. Thanks to their research, the world's police 
forces already have available for 'crowd control' such devices as: 
ultra-sound generators which cause disorientation, vomiting, involuntary 
defecation, and disturbance of the ear thus causing loss of balance. 
Apparently the system which uses two speakers can target individuals in a 
crowd. Handy to nab the ring-leaders.

And that's just for starters. Among the exciting new toys for the world's 
police are:-
human capture nets which can be laced with chemical irritants, or even 
electrified to pack an extra punch. foam-spreading gun with the fun name of 
"lick 'em and stick 'em technology" which glues people's hands and feet to 
the footpath.
    foams with pepper spray;
    blinding laser weapons;
    microwave and acoustic disabling systems.

R & D in the US and Europe is directed towards developing more efficient 
'mark-free' interrogation and torture techniques and technologies. These 
'technologies' have been developed for crowd control, but Amnesty 
International is not alone in claiming they are being used for torture. In 
any case, nothing better illustrates the tyrannical nature of most 
governments than the fact they plan to use such crowd control systems on 
their own citizens.

And they do. Under the guise of prison discipline, the US tortures its own 
citizens according to the previously mentioned report which documented the 
use of the Remote Electronically Activated Control Technology (REACT) 
stunbelt on US prisoners. The belt can be activated from 300 feet away and 
inflicts a 50,000 volt shock for 8 seconds. The high-pulsed current enters 
the prisoner's left kidney and travels along the blood channels and nerve 

As targeted prisoners lose control of bladder and bowel functions, the 
makers proudly promote the belt for its "total psychological supremacy" of 
prisoners. Indeed. The prospect of being made to involuntarily defecate and 
urinate in public is not something most people would risk....

As of 1996, sixteen US state correctional agencies had obtained these 
appalling and degrading devices. Stun Tech of Cleveland Ohio wants the belts 
introduced into the chain gangs of Alabama, Florida and Louisiana. Yes, 
Virginia, the 'humanitarian' US has re-introduced chain gangs too. There's 
not much in the mainstream media about that either.

Because of its massive incarceration rate, the US increasingly 'warehouses' 
its prisoners in huge complexes.  With the privatisation of prisons, cost 
constraints are paramount and simple control has increasingly replaced any 
idea of rehabilitation. Judge Thelton E. Henderson reported that prison 
officers at the huge Pelican Bay prison in California - with a population of 
3,000 inmates  -  routinely assaulted prisoners in their cells with batons 
and high voltage taser guns. As well, they chained them in 'fetal 
restraints' - wrists bound to ankles - for 22 hours a day. This happened as 
recently as 1995. This brutality was even encouraged by the prison 
management as effective in maintaining discipline.

US prisons also use drugs for immobilising inmates - and for testing. In the 
trade this is called 'liquid cosh'. The drugs range from tranquillisers and 
anti-depressants to powerful hypnotics and drugs which produce fear and pain 
which are used in 'aversion therapy' to induce behaviour modification. The 
report noted that US prisons are the "new laboratories for developing the 
next generation of drugs for social reprogramming".  The pharmacology labs 
of the universities and the military produce "scores of new psychoactive 
drugs each year".

The EU parliament has expressed concerns that with the increasing 
privatisation of prisons in Britain and Europe, such alien 'management' 
techniques will replace the Europeans' more benign approach. They fear that 
big US consortiums will take over the running of prisons worldwide, and that 
subsequently there will be very little government scrutiny of their 