! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Aswer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

August 12, 2002
Psychic and Political Numbing in Preparations for War by Fran Shor

While the Bush Administration prepares for war on Iraq with full-scale 
weapons production and troop deployments, more insidious conditioning for 
the public acceptance of war continues. In the face of repeated statements 
by Bush and the hawkish members of his ruling clique of the need for "regime 
change" in Iraq, international opinion has been forthright in its 
condemnation of such proposed aggression. 

However, in the absence of the mobilized outrage of the American people, the 
Washington power elite will be emboldened to carry out their war plans. Why 
the American public, so far, has been lackadaisical in its response to this 
saber rattling may be reflective of the increase of psychic and political 
numbing opportunistically manipulated by the Bush Administration since 9/11.

Psychic numbing, according to the psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton, builds on 
well-known defense mechanisms, such as repression, denial, and projection, 
to create an exclusion of feeling and disconnectedness. Aided by the surfeit 
of stimuli from televisual culture and media-manipulated images, people may 
tune out those realities and possibilities that threaten their own sense of 
connection to the world. In the case of 9/11, the Bush Administration 
quickly exploited the anger of the American people without allowing a 
grieving process to mature. 

Drowning out the voices of survivors and their families who opposed 
retaliation, war on Afghanistan was initiated. Begun as a campaign to seek 
and destroy Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda network, a network created by 
the CIA in the 1980's, the intervention in Afghanistan quickly became an 
exercise in imperial politics and the lethal arrogance of power.

In manufacturing consent for the war in Afghanistan, the corporate media 
deliberately initially excluded scenes of civilian deaths. Now, however, 
with additional reporting and investigation by world-wide news agencies and 
the United Nations, the American public is being confronted with the 
extensive violence visited upon the innocent Afghans. Nonetheless, the 
desensitizing of the American public to the deaths of these differently 
constituted others (by ethnicity, class, and nationality) is a form of 
psychic numbing that may allow for the larger massacre of civilians in Iraq.

Of course, the American public has been bombarded with images and stories 
about the evil policies of Saddam Hussein. While highlighting his use of 
chemical weapons against Iraqi Kurds and Iranians, one rarely finds any 
mention of Washington's support for Saddam Hussein during the 1980's when 
these events happened. Moreover, while the Bush Administration has been busy 
undermining international treaties dealing with Chemical and Biological 
weapons, it has hypocritically insisted on unfettered inspections of Iraq's 
weapons of mass destruction, weapons which many experts and former 
inspectors, such as Scott Ritter, allege have been severely eroded. 

Nonetheless, the targeting of the truly despicable Saddam Hussein is a 
convenient propaganda device to exclude consideration of the death and 
destruction already suffered by innocent Iraqis. A war on Iraq will only 
further harm massive numbers of civilians without guaranteeing a democratic 
and stabile post-Saddam regime and region. Since the Bush Administration is 
m ore interested in seeking filial retribution and oil while sowing the 
seeds of further war-making possibilities, it refuses to recognize the 
catastrophic violent consequences of its intended intervention.

Part of the political numbing that the Bush Administration has visited on 
the American public is intimately connected to the fear and intimidation 
launched by the Ashcroft's jack-booted Department of Justice (sic). With 
overwhelming Congressional support, the USA Patriot Act was passed, 
establishing a wide variety of legal mechanisms to undermine the Bill of 
Rights. Although still used against those swarthy others, legislation is in 
place to deter real opposition to the policies of an increasingly 
authoritarian government. 

Added to this is the recent FBI reorganization, a reorganization that 
facilitates spying on the public without any court orders or even evidence 
of wrong-doing. Moreover, the Bush Administration has made clear its intent 
to deny constitutionally-mandated judicial oversight in its refusal to turn 
over documents to the judge overseeing one of the cases of a so-called enemy 

Perhaps it may be time to raise the whole matter of the "F" word. It 
certainly seems reasonable to call this erosion of liberties and rights 
creeping fascism, albeit a postmodern fascism that does not need to rely on 
mass mobilization for realizing a proto-fascist agenda. In one of the most 
brilliant analyses of everyday life in Nazi Germany, Detlev Peukert devoted 
a whole chapter to "The Atomization of Everyday Life" (Inside Nazi Germany, 
pp. 236-42). Combining a form of psychic numbing with political numbing, 
many Germans just retreated from any public political life and took refuge 
in their own isolation. 

Since there is much evidence to support the tendency towards atomization and 
privatization of everyday life in the United States, it may not require 
utilizing any reference to fascism, whether postmodern or not. On the other 
hand, when an administrative authority relies on the militarization of 
everyday life to pursue a repressive and aggressive agenda, it may be 
necessary to raise the specter of fasci sm.

Promising a war without end and hiding behind a jingoistic veil of war 
against terrorism, the Bush Administration is promoting its own narrow 
interests in oil and order. War-making was as essential to Italian and 
German fascism as it is to this illegal and illegitimate ruling clique in 
Washington, DC. If we are to avoid being dragged into further fascistic 
adventures, we need to throw off this psychic and political numbing and to 
mobilize at every level to oppose the policies and plans of a war-mad power 

Fran Shor teaches at Wayne State University in Detroit. He is an anti-war 
activist and member of several human rights and peace and justice 
organizations. He can be reached at: aa2439@wayne.edu