! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Aswer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

Confessions of a New World Order Apologist

The Orion Prophecy Book Review

The Dragon's Tail Book Review


Ariadne's Web

The Journal of Borderland Research

A call for Lone Nutter News

Confessions of a New World Order Apologist

  I'm compelled to admit that I have a Plutonically inspired hankering for 
the New World Order and actually find myself fantasizing about being hired 
full time to be its premiere apologist.  Please, before you lash out and 
call me a fascistic fetishist, at least consider my vastly catholic 
perspective which regards the current conditions of the earth and its 
various peoples as merely a collapse of a quantum wave function.  In 
proletarian parlance, when an atom is unobserved it is no longer a 
measurable/locatable thing, believe it and/or not.  It is caught in an 
ambiguous state of neitherdom, hence its wave function has therefore 
'collapsed.'  With such a surety threatening predicament at hand, more than 
ever we need the New World Order and its relentless high-tech, globally 
pervasive albeit purely objective security surveillance 24/7 so we, as human 
citizens of this planet, don't get arbitrarily locked into an ambiguous 
state like the very atoms we are composed of.  The argument I propose is, 
logically and empirically speaking, infallible: When observed we stay 
together.  When ignored, we fall apart.  We should welcome the ongoing 
scrutiny of our lives by our governmental agencies, purely for 
preservation's sake.

A one world government that elects its own leaders, creates and enforces its 
own laws and controls the entire media system of the planet is something we 
must altruistically endure prior to the mass catalyzing into a truly 
Aquarian future of equal opportunity, health and retirement benefits, 
economic and religious freedom for all.  In other words, we must sacrifice 
ourselves for a much needed quantum jump to such a beneficent realm 
described above.  

From the free ranging, aleatory perspective of a Jazz musician, the New 
World Order is merely an ephemeral, albeit politically inclined ghost note, 
those notes that are never played but merely hinted at by such Blue 
Eminences as Thelonious Monk and Anthony Braxton.  With such ambient 
subtleties at hand, what is there to worry about? 

As a NWO apologist, I may offer reassuringly, nothing at all.
As for the 'corruptions' currently playing out on Wall Street, the Beltway, 
Silicon Valley and beyond, I can only say 'I'm sorry.' for the very CEOs, 
CFOs and various Board of Trustee members of Enron, WorldCom, Martha 
Stewart, Inc. and others.  I must sincerely apologize, for they know not 
what they are, i.e.,hyper-accelerating entropic vectors, which in my 
charitable view are an absolutely mandatory prerequisite to the realization 
of total liberation for all humankind.  Let me put it in Corporation 
friendly, thermodynamical terms (of the second law variety). We need such 
breakdowns, on all possible levels, so institutions like Homeland Security 
have a definite (not ambiguous) purpose.  As an NWO apologist, I see the 
agency as a kind of institutionalized immune system enhancer which will 
enable us, amidst the moral, social, environmental decay at large, to fend 
off free radicals and other political viruses/bacterium and keep the White 
Upper Middle Class blood cell count consistently in the appropriate social 
registers.  Attorney General Ashcroft also functions as a kind of Surgeon 
General in disguise when you think about it.  We should be in constant 
praise of him for what amounts to his expression of health related concerns 
masquerading as a crises in constitutional preservation and integrity, a 
distortion BTW promoted by the liberal media.

As an NWO apologist, I can only advocate the total gutting of the 
constitution of the United States of America if we are to see more lasting 
results on the road ahead and to prevent another quantum wave collapse like 
the one we are experiencing now from happening.  As American citizens, we 
should be pursuing life, liberty/happiness as a long term investment 
strategy, altruistically speaking and be willing to sacrifice a few trifling 
freedoms such as democracy, the right to privacy, freedom of speech and the 
right to bear arms, primarily to encourage a more effective planetary 

If you are a member/promoter/enforcer of the NWO and are impressed by my 
suave Statecrafted rhetoric (I used to be a lawyer for the Tobacco Industry) 
please contact me for bookings.  Fees are negotiable, contingent of course 
on the degree of Democratic functionality  in your area of choice.


The Orion Prophecy: Will the World be Destroyed in 2012?
Prophecies from the Maya and the Old Egyptians by Patrick Geryl and Gino 

Book review by
Jaye Beldo

One of the better 'Who will do it?' archeological/scientific thrillers I've 
read since the authors meticulously back up their disastrous cover premise 
with some compelling factoids.  The theory elaborated in the book goes as 
follows: In merely a decade (in 2012 A.D.) the magnetic field of the earth 
will conveniently flip itself with characteristic indifference, setting off 
massive tidal waves, earthquakes and other unsavory geological upheavals 
(BTW: the word catastrophe literally means 'turning over') thus terminating 
the entire human race.  (Except the wealthy few who can afford to subscribe 
to the Alternative 3 casebook scenario and get saucer lifted up to a nice 
and cozy space station.)

Not to be shaken by such dreadful anticipations doled out by hoary 
stargazers of a hyper extended yore, Patrick and Gino proceed to lucidly 
explicate the origins of both the Mayans and Egyptians, two cultures well 
known for their high profile, apocalyptic prophecies, which are mostly 
encoded in their calendar systems and elaborate mythologies.  Positing that 
said cultures originated from continental Atlantis and possessed highly 
sophisticated astrological and astronomical knowledge, the authors go on to 
give additional substance to their claims that these ancient peoples had 
foreseen long ago what is to come our way.  Apparently there will be some 
astrological alignments that precisely mirror (via 'code positions') those 
that occurred during a world wide flood in 9792 B.C. that pretty much 
knocked most of humanity down and out for an epochal count.

Will the Orion Prophecy turn out to be another Y2K brouhaha or a Gordon 
Michael Scallion-esque prognostic PR blunder? Or a travesty ridden May 5, 
2000 let down?  Let us hope so, primarily by reminding ourselves that we 
indeed have the potential to steer our future into a more proactive and 
positive consequence.  Fortunately, the authors resist the temptations to 
cast the usual default doom and gloom aura (characteristic of other disaster 
books) over their work and offer some intriguing insights into such 
possibilities of cataclysmic forecasting.  I particularly liked their 
descriptions of the Seth/Osiris story found in Egyptian mythology and its 
relation to our collective future, indicating that they have indeed done a 
thorough amount of scholarly and exhaustively cross referencing spadework.  
We can only pray that Steven Spielberg doesn't get a hold of this book and 
infect the mass consciousness of this planet with his characteristically 
crass, kellipoth ridden version of cinema.  

The Orion Prophecy can be ordered from Adventures Unlimited Press: 


The Dragon's Tail:
Rediscovering the Tenth Planet
by  Anthony Austin/Brian Crowley

Book Review by Jaye Beldo

If we survive the predicted apocalypses scheduled for 2012 A.D., we have the 
year 2115 to look forward to.  According to the authors of The Dragon's 
Tail, a supposed 10th planet which goes by the name of Draco will swoop down 
around our neck of the cosmos, triggering dramatic climactic changes and 
other discomforts and domestic inconveniences as well.  In the spirit of 
Velikovsky, the authors make a rather convincing case for the arrival of the 
'rogue' planet by offering us 'eyewitness' accounts from ancient times of 
previous encounters, giving a new flavor as well as dimension to the 
inevitable axiom, 'what goes around, comes around.'

The authors provide culturally pervasive evidence of previous arrivals of 
unsavory Draco, culling information from not only Mayan and Egyptian sources 
but from India, China, Greece, Friesia, China and the Celtic world as well.  
The appendixes are quite intriguing, containing excerpts from Plato's 
Timaeus, The Age of the Earth according to Hebrew Sources, pass dates of 
Draco, Synchronicity of the Solar System, etc.  Combined with such works as 
Catastrophe by Barbara Hand Clow, 
Earth Under Fire by Paul LaViolette and of course the controversial Immanuel 
Velikovsky's oeuvre, The Dragon's Tail will prove to hold its own for years 
to come, at least until 2115 anyway.

Please note: After reading this book, I meditated on the 10th planet one 
evening and picked up a rather uneasy vibe, much like the one I picked up on 
the Hale-Bopp comet which passed through our skies back in 1996.  In an 
intriguing conversation with political (and patriotic) astrologer Donald 
Grabau, he suggested that I cut through the consensus fear/malaise/B.S. 
surrounding Draco and not be conned by such sleight of planet maneuverings.  
In response, I had a dream of very negative aliens of the grey variety 
putting up a kind of force field around Draco (or Planet Persephone as it is 
called by some astrologers/astronomers) .  I realized that it is/was the 
same kind of force field cast around Hale-Bopp which was used as a 
convenient mass mind control fulcrum in the Applewhite suicides.  
Perhaps Draco is or will be used as a similar planetary mind control device 
in the years to come (that is if the NWO runs out of things to turn our hair 
grey with).  As an additional buffer, I also suggest reading The Stargate 
Conspiracy by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince.  
Check out their take on J.J. Hurtak who Brian Crowley co-authored the book 
The Face on Mars: Evidence of a Lost Civilization with, for an added 
political dimension to this ongoing, orbital cozenage which the powers that 
be tend to take advantage of.  Such galactic intrigues are often used as a 
convienient bit of smokescreen to distract us from the authentic 
realities/potentials planetary bodies can offer us, the very sources of 
healing held at bay by our spin astronomers and various other con-stellation 
artists straight out of CIA central casting.

Available from: Illuminet Press 


Paranoia in August

Please check out the upcoming and forthright issue of Paranoia Magazine 
(www.paranoiamagazine.com) and my Lone Nutter column.  In the August issue I 
share my intuitive revelations/insights into the nature of Rockefeller 
DNA,insights gained via Interactive Imagination (imaginal computers that I 
use in meditation).  Don't miss such in depth coverage of a genetically 
taboo-hoo topic!  On the new and improved Paranoia website, check out my 
article that generated all the media attention back in March: Mind Control 
in Black and White where I daringly posit the MKANUS theory of the CIA 
tweaking our buttholes as an effective means of mind control and a review of 
editor Joan D'Arc's worthwhile book 'Phenomenal World'


Ariadne's Web Magazine: Happiness is not a Fatal Disease!

Please check out the Winter 2002 issue of this sound magazine where my 
Integrative Dream Narration article appears. 
Also check out: www.Ariadnes-web.com  There are some well written articles 
on such topics as the Templars, Metaphysiology, The Martinist Perspective.  
A very nicely formatted 'zine that deserves more widespread attention.


The Journal of Borderland Research  Annual for 2001

I just received a copy of this peculiar and worthwhile 'zine which contains 
articles on Tesla, Rejuvenation Rites, Etheric Technology, Radionics and 
other topics establishment scienctists shun with a determinist vengeance.  
An interview I did with conspiracy writer Alexandra Bruce, author of The 
Philadelphia Experiment Murder appears with its pages under the title 'The 
Physics of Insanity'.  Check it out!  Borderland can be accessed at: 
www.borderlands.com or the old fashion way at:

Borderland Sciences
POB 6250
Eureka, Ca.  95502


A Call for Lone Nutter News

If you have a website, 'zine or service you want to see plugged in Lone 
Nutter news, drop me a line and I'll post it in the next edition of LNN if I 
see fit.  So if you are genuine and not a fradulent fugitive, send something 
uninfected my way.  Send it to: LoneNutter@Aol.com

©2002 Jaye Beldo Lonenutter@aol.com