! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is the Aswer by means of Knowledge and Awareness!

Connecting the Dots, the Padillas, and the Bisharas by Loren Coleman

      On June 6, 2002, Congress began holding hearings on what alleged 
mistakes the Federal Bureau of Investigation might have made in preventing 
the 9/11 tragedies. The press had a field day, turning over and over its 
fifth estate examination of who or what agency could be responsible for the 
awful assault against America. Setting culpability is one of the 
psychological states that an individual or a country has to go through after 
a trauma is experienced. 

The Dots 

      We were not surprised to soon see that Senator Arlen "Magic Bullet" 
Specter would be the one getting the first sound bite on the evening news. 
Feathers ruffled, speaking to the nation's cameras and to FBI director 
Robert Mueller, Specter was broadcast saying: "It wasn't just a matter of 
connecting the dots, there was a virtual blueprint." 

      "People talk a great deal about connecting the dots," said Rep. 
Nancy Pelosi of California, ranking Democrat on the House committee. 
She felt the intelligence agencies "didn't even see the dots, they didn't 
understand the salience of the dots." Of course, we must ask, does anyone in 
the mainstream media or government really "get it" at all? 

      The question must be asked, why isnıt anyone in the national media 
talking about the seemingly subtle coincidences turning up in their 
wall-to-wall public analysis of terrorism in America? 

      Americans have short-term memories. We can be excused. Weıre young. 
Our country lacks a legacy of understanding the complex relationships of 
political intrigue and religious warfare, which might assist us in these 
times. Is it any wonder that Europeans laughed at us in the 1960s, when John 
F. Kennedy was killed, as conspiracy theories were quieted? They took it for 
granted that the assassination involved more than one person. The 
establishment press did not. 

      So, here we are, post-9/11, in the midst of al Qaeda's holy war, 
allowing the mass media to play their same old games again, with a new 
twist. It certainly is amusing to see the attack dogs of the mainstream 
media, at least for a few days, critiquing the intelligence services for 
"not connecting the dots." But wait a second, hasn't it been these same news 
reporters who proudly asserted for years that its special brand of 
investigative journalism figured out the deeper truths of the John F. 
Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy assassinations, and, even, of the Oklahoma 
City bombing? While all of these events might involve groups of people, the 
underlying theme was, according to these same journalists, that lone nuts 
were at the foundation of such things. 

      When in America will we understand that to employ the word 
"conspiracy" in context is not a sin, but actually might be a survival 
technique we need to learn? It might actually be of benefit if the general 
public did not whole-heartedly take everything in from the media without a 
bit more critical thinking along lines of analysis that may be seen as too 
alternative, in former years. 

The Padillas 

      Let us examine a couple of recent examples for what we were told, and 
for what might lie beneath. 

      The Defense and Justice Departments picked June 11th to announce that 
on May 8, 2002, in Chicago, the FBI arrested an al Qaeda terror suspect as 
he stepped off a plane to begin what was reportedly a scouting mission that 
would end with the detonating of a dirty bomb, an explosive that would 
scatter radiation. The man known as Abdullah al Muhajir was born Jose 
Padilla, in Brooklyn of Puerto Rican heritage, thirty-one years ago. 
"Pucho," as his Logan Square neighbors called him, because of his chubby 
cheeks, moved to Chicago at age 5. By the time he was a teen, he allegedly 
told police he was a member of the Latin Disciples street gang. When he was 
arrested, he often would use aliases, at least seven of them, including Jose 
Alicea, Jose Ortiz and Jose Rivera, and provide police with different dates 
of birth. Padilla graduated from street crime on the West Side of Chicago to 
more violent incidents in Florida, leading to some juvenile jail time where 
he converted to Islam and chang ed his name. 
From there, the journey has been as well publicized as the information 
allows. In 1997 Padilla's mother, who had moved to Florida, called friends 
in Chicago to say that her son had married a Muslim woman and "went over 
there, to the Middle East, I don't know where," although reportedly, she 
gave out a Cairo, Egypt address to one person. Padilla's mother also said 
her son had joined a cult. 
Later, Abdullah al Muhajir left for training in al Qaeda's operations in 
Pakistan, came back through Zurich, and tried to get back in the USA at 
OıHare. "Pucho," who still has "Jose" tattooed on his right arm, waits his 
faith in a Navy brig in South Carolina. 

      What are we talking about here, an American patsy for a network of 
individuals out to use bombs and assassinations to disrupt and defeat? Have 
we heard of anything like such a crazy thing as this before? 

      Padilla? Where have we heard that name? We are not talking about 
racial or ethnic profiling here, but of thoughtful stream of consciousness 
associations, which may lead us to some underlying themes. Let's see, 
Padilla, Padilla? Oh yes. It happens to be a last name we heard during the 
Oklahoma City bombing investigations, one Lana Padilla. She is the ex-wife 
of Terry Nichols, convicted of being involved in the Murrah Federal Building 
bombing of April 19, 1995. 
That two Padillas are in some way tied up in plots to bomb American 
buildings, of course, is just a coincidence, right? It is merely a 
coincidence, nothing more, correct? Indeed, it would be intellectual 
foolishness to assume that the two Padillas are even closely related. 
But what it does provide is a process of stimulating logical and creative 
pathways to explore possibilities that lie outside the box, perhaps allowing 
for some insights into real-time terrorist conspiracies. 

      Just for the heck of it, let's see where the leap from Jose to Lana 
leads us. 

      After the Oklahoma City bombing, Lana Padilla, lately of Las Vegas but 
with relatives and links to Michigan, became an important government witness 
in the case against Terry Nichols. In 1997, Padilla testified during 
Nicholsı trial of the mysterious letter and several items in a sealed brown 
paper bag that Nichols left with her, the mother of his son, when he 
departed for the Philippines, November 22, 1994. She was only to open the 
bag if Nichols did not return to the United States by January 25, 1995. Due 
to scary things Nichols said at the airport about never coming back, Padilla 
decided the next day to open the package, and a second envelope marked for 
Jennifer McVeigh, the sister of Timothy McVeigh. What she found in the 
packages included instructions on how to find $20,000 in $100 bills, a life 
insurance policy, some keys, emergency numbers, and a list of precious 
metals (gold, silver and jade that were apparently taken in a robbery to 
finance the bombing, according to prosecutors). In the envelope addressed to 
Jennifer McVeigh, Padilla found a second letter addressed to Tim, 
instructing him to clear out two storage sheds that the government said 
contained ingredients for the bomb. 

      But what was Nichols doing in the Philippines? Jim Keith, in his 
oft-overlooked book, OKBomb! Conspiracy and Cover-up (IllumiNet, 1996), 
discusses the suspicions that Terry Nichols "was used as a go- between in 
the Oklahoma City bombing plot by the Abu Sayyaf, implicated in the World 
Trade Center bombing, which took place on February 26, 1993." Of course, the 
similarities to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and the 1993 World Trade 
Center bombing are striking, as to even involve the rental of Ryder trucks. 
Abu Sayyaf is the group that kidnapped the Burnhams, of course, and are said 
to be part of the worldwide al Qaeda network. Could the late Jim Keith be 
Why has the mainstream media ignored the clues in Keith's book? Is it 
because Keith was a conspiracy author and "conspiracy," the word, the 
thought, the idea is still a taboo subject, on many levels, to the 
mainstream media? But Keith's thoughts now stimulate good questions in 2002. 

      Doesn't Terry Nichols sound, in many ways, like Jose Padilla/Abdullah 
al Muhajir, an American doing the advance work of al Qaeda, on the home 
front? What was Nichols doing in the Philippines? 
Why did Nichols take twenty lengthy trips to the Philippines? New York 
City's 1993 WTC bombing certainly had a Philippines connection, the 
Pakistani Ramzi Ahmed Yousef. Yousef, the alleged mastermind behind the 
first WTC bombing, who is quoted as saying after the failed 1993 attempt 
that they would do it right the second time, was also the brains behind the 
elaborate Bonjinka, translated as "the explosion." This was a plot to place 
bombs on 11 American jetliners and have them all explode on the same day, 
over the Pacific Ocean. 
Yousef carried out a test run for Bonjinka by having a bomb detonate on 
Philippines Airlines Flight 434, on December 11, 1994. One tourist was 
killed, ten injured. Yousef called the Associated Press after this bombing, 
to give credit to Abu Sayyaf. Looking at it, there sure are an awful lot of 
11s in Bonjinka. 

      "Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is enemy 
action." Old soldier's adage. 


      As a second example to peruse, let's look at the seemingly simple act 
of a copycat suicide victim, Charles Bishop. On January 6, 2002, Bishop, a 
15-year-old youth crashed the Cessna plane he had stolen earlier in the day, 
into Tampa, Florida's 42 story Bank of America building, clearly modeling 
his action on the September 11th terrorists' suicide plane crashes. Bishop 
left a suicide note behind, which most of the media merely mentioned as 
admiring Osama bin Laden. 
On February 6, Tampa authorities released actual copies of the note. 
Here is the transcription of what Bishop wrote: 

      I have prepared this statement in regards to the acts I am about to 
commit. First of all, Osama bin Laden is absolutely justified in the terror 
he has caused on 9-11. He has brought a mighty nation to its knees! God 
blesses him and the others who helped make September 11th happen. The U.S. 
will have to face the consequences for its horrific actions against the 
Palestinian people and Iraqis by its allegiance with the monstrous 
Israelis--who want nothing short of world domination! 

      You will pay--God help you--and I will make you pay! 

      There will be more coming! 

      Al Qaeda and other organizations have met with me several times to 
discuss the option of me joining. I didn't. 

      This is an operation done by me only. I had no other help, although, I 
am acting on their behalf. 

      Osama bin Laden is planning on blowing up the Super Bowl with an 
antiquated nuclear bomb left over from the 1967 Israeli-Syrian war. 

      Don't look in Time or Newsweek for this; itıs not there. You will only 
find the likes of the actual note at such sites as The Smoking Gun: 

      So, is this the rages of an acne-cream poisoned boy (as his mother is 
now suing the company that produced the medicines her son was taking) or 
something deeper? 

      The name, the name. Start there. A few newspapers quickly mentioned, 
and darted away from the fact that Charles Bishop's "family name" is 
Bishara. Apparently his mother did not like the Arab-sounding name during 
the Gulf War, and changed it to Bishop. 
It turns out the teenager's father is Charles J. Bishara, half- Sicilian, 
half-Syrian, who is described as a low-level crime figure in the Boston 
area, with a penthouse condominium at the new Ritz- Carlton Golf Resort in 
Naples, Florida. The elder Bishara traces his roots back to the Arab 
Christian clans of Lebanon. 

      Bishara, Bishara? Where have we heard that name before? Oh yes, Sirhan 
Bishara Sirhan. This has been going on for a long time. Sirhan Sirhan, of 
course, is the convicted assassin of Robert F. Kennedy. On June 5, 1968, 
Sirhan, who is generally described in quick history datelines as a 
"Jordanian Arab", shot RFK in the Hotel Ambassador in Los Angeles. RFK died 
the following day, but the day he was shot was the first anniversary of the 
date that The Six Day War between Israel and Egypt began in 1967. A 
"Jordanian," humm? Letıs see. Yes, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan was born March 19, 
1944, in Jerusalem, Palestine, the fifth son of Bishara and Mary (Muzher). 
The family practiced Jordanian Christianity, but belonged to the Arab-based 
society in the divided region. When Sirhan was 12, in 1956, his family 
obtained U.S. 
visas as Palestinian refugees, and they moved first briefly to New York 
City, and then to California. 

      Much has been written, if you look in the right places, of the 
"Manchurian Candidate" sense that some investigators see in Sirhan Bishara 
Sirhan's actions before and during the RFK assassination. Are we seeing more 
Manchurian Candidates in Charles Bishara Bishop, Jose Padilla, shoe-bomber 
Robert Reid, and others that are flashes on the television screen? Or like 
Frank Eugene Corder who is credited with crashing his Cessna into the White 
House at 2300 hrs on September 11 1994? Interesting choice of a date. See 
Joe Vialls's discussion of this forgotten September 11th event, at: 

      Take that other recent copycat plane suicide on April 18, 2002, as 
another example. On that day, a man apparently acting deliberately flew at 
top speed into Milan's tallest skyscraper, hitting the 25th and 26th floors 
of the 30-story Pirelli Tower, a government building. 
(It probably is just a coincidence that Charles Bishara Bishop's plane hit 
almost at the same height, the 28th and 29th floors of the 42 story BoA 
building.) Italian Transport Minister Pietro Lunardi and Roberto Formigoni, 
the president of the region of Lombardy, both said they were convinced that 
Luigi Fasulo, the pilot of his powerful Rockwell Commander 112TC, had 
purposely committed suicide, and it was not an accident. While one official 
would later rule that this was not another copycat airplane-tower suicide, 
Fasulo's son and others still felt it was a suicidal act. Milan has been 
spoken of as the seat of al Qaeda connections in Italy. 

Looking Outside the Box 

      Who should be connecting the dots? Should it be alternative websites 
and conspiracy authors or the mainstream media and intelligence services? We 
speculate that it is about time that everyone engages in this sport because 
the narrow-minded approach is missing too many of the dots, let along not 
connecting them. Explore the questions that seemed too radical to even 
believe a mere year ago. What is happening with Americans made into soldiers 
of a holy war named Padilla and Bishara? How many other prison converts like 
Chicago gang-member Jose Padilla turned al-Qaeda terrorist or militia 
patsies have links to such diverse incidents as the Oklahoma City bombing? 
Why isn't there more talk about Terry Nichols' Filipino trips, allegedly to 
visit the al-Qaeda linked kidnapping group that got caught in the crossfire 
ending in Martin Burnham's death? What is the affection for so many 11s by 
Ramzi Ahmed Yousef? And what about teenager Charles Bishop who left a note 
of praise for Osma n bin Laden, and crashed a stolen plane into Tampa's 42 
story Bank of America building? Why such neglect in discussing the fact 
Bishop's real name was Bishara, which just happens to be the middle name of 
Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, America's first Palestinian Manchurian candidate 

      If ever there was a time to think outside the box, it's now. 

İLoren Coleman 2002


Loren Coleman, who teaches at the University of Southern Maine, is a 
well-known investigator and author. His recent books include a biography, 
Tom Slick: True Life Encounters in Cryptozoology (Fresno, California: 
Linden, 2002), detailing, among other things, the famed Texanıs 
cryptozoo-CIA links.

A tour of the inexplicable, Mothman and Other Curious Encounters (NY: 
Paraview, 2002), looking at the reality behind the recent Mothman motion 
picture and documentary.

Colemanıs third book of 2002, The Copycat Effect, is due out before yearıs 
end, from Paraview Press.

He can be contacted at Dots@LorenColeman.com

* Credit for a bit of intellectual stimulation which I turned into this 
piece must go to writer Patrick Huyghe, who carried on an exchange with me 
about "dots" during June 2002. When I told Patrick I was thinking about 
writing some of my ideas down, he warned me: "Holy, moly. You're about to 
become a conspiracy writer..." So be it. - Loren

Footnote [linked to the name Sirhan Bishara Sirhan] *Just how important is 
Sirhan Bishara Sirhan in the scheme of things happening in the Middle East 
linked to Yassar Arafat?

Joseph Farah, editor of WorldNetDaily.com and author of This Land Is Our 
Land (NY: St. Martin's Press, 1996), has noted that Sirhan Bishara Sirhan 
has been at the head of lists of "political prisoners" whom Yasser Arafat 
wishes to get released. The "Nahr al-Bard" incident serves as a good 

Farah writes: "Perhaps the most heinous crime against Americans and America 
perpetrated by Arafat personally was the kidnapping and machine-gun murder 
of two U.S. diplomats and a Belgian diplomat in 1973. As I reported last 
year, and as others have confirmed more recently, on March 2, 1973, Yasser 
Arafat ordered the cold-blooded, machine-gun murders of U.S. Ambassador Cleo 
Noel and Charges d'affaires George Curtis in Khartoum, Sudan.

This is no longer a matter of speculation. James J. Welsh, a former National 
Security Agency operative on Cyprus at the time, was the recipient of 
communication intercepts between Arafat and his Al-Fatah guerrilla leaders. 
Eight members of Arafat's Black September organization raided a reception at 
the Saudi Arabian embassy in Khartoum Feb. 27, 1973, rounded up a group of 
diplomats and held them hostage for days. The kidnappers, operating on the 
direct orders of Arafat, says Welsh, demanded the release of Sirhan Bishara 
Sirhan, the convicted assassin of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, as well as other 
Arabs in jails throughout Europe and Israel. President Nixon refused to 
negotiate. Arafat's deputy, Abu Iyad, transmitted a message to the 
terrorists containing the codeword 'Nahr al-Bard' Cold River. That, says 
Welsh, was the signal to kill the Western diplomats, including a Belgian, 
Guy Eid."

Tapes exist showing that Arafat called back later during this 1973 hostage 
situation to make certain that the Black September group understood what he 
meant by "Nahr al-Bard." The gunmen replied the killings had already taken 
place but the media had not broadcast word of this on CNN, yet, for Arafat 
to know.

The origins of Black September began with Arafat's clashes with Jordan due 
to hijacked planes. On September 6-12, 1970, four TWA, Swissair and BOAC 
planes were hijacked (the El Al one failed), destroyed, and this was 
directly tied to Palestine civil uprisings and the resulting suppression 
that was to be called Jordan's "Black September." We must note that on 
September 11, 1972, the Munich Summer Olympics ended. Of course, it was at 
this Olympics that the "Black September" terrorists killed 11 Israeli 
athletes, on the 5th. This has been going on for a long time. 
