The World Energy Cricis.
T. E. Bearden, LTC, U.S. Army (Retired) CEO, CTEC Inc.
Director, Association of Distinguished American Scientists (ADAS) Fellow
Emeritus, Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advanced Study (AIAS) June 12, 2000
The World Energy Crisis is now driving the economies of the world nations.
Presently there is an escalating worldwide demand for electrical power and
transportation, much of which depends on fossil fuels and particularly oil
or oil products. The resulting demand for oil is expected to increase year
by year. Recent sharp rises in some U.S. metropolitan areas included
gasoline at more than $2.50 per gallon already.
At the same time, it appears that world availability of oil may have peaked
in early 2000, if one factors in the suspected Arab inflation of reported
oil reserves. From now on it appears that oil availability will steadily
decline, slowly at first but then at an increasing pace. Additives to aid
clean burning of gasoline are also required in several U.S. metropolitan
areas, increasing costs and refinery storage and handling.
The increasing disparity between demand and supply steadily increasing
demand for electricity using oil products versus decreasing world supplies
of oil, with other factors such as required fuel additives produces a
dramatically increasing cost of oil and oil products. Further, newer
supplies of oil must be taken by increasingly more expensive production
means. At the same time, the burgeoning populaces of the major petroleum
producersand their increasing economic needspress hard for an increasing
inflation of oil prices in order to fund the economic benefits.
As an example, it appears that Saudi moderation of OPEC is vanishing or has
already vanished. The increasing demands of the expanding Saudi Royal
Family group and the guaranteed benefits to the expanding populace have
overtaken and surpassed the present Saudi financial resources unless the
price of OPEC oil is raised commensurately.
The Federal Reserve contributes directly to the economic problem in the
U.S., since it interprets the escalating prices of goods and services (due
to escalating energy prices) as evidence of inflation, and will continue to
raise interest rates to damp the economy, further adding to suppression
factors weighing on business, employment, and trade. The Fed has already
increased interest rates six times in one year as of this date.
International Trade Factors
Under NAFTA, GATT, and other trade agreements, the transfer of production
and manufacturing to the emerging nations is also increasing and trade
barriers are lowered. Some 160 emerging nations are essentially exempt from
environmental pollution controls, under the Kyoto accords. In these
nations, electrical power needs and transport needs are increasing, and will
continue to increase, due to the increasing production and movement of goods
and the building of factories and assembly plants. Very limited pollution
controlsif any will be applied to the new electrical plants and transport
capabilities to be built in those exempted nations.
The transfer of manufacturing and production to many of these nations is a
transfer to essentially "slave labor" nations where workers have few if any
benefits, are paid extremely low wages, work long hours, and have no unions
or bargaining rights. The local politicians can usually be "bought" very
cheaply so that there are also no effective government controls. This has
set up a de facto return to the feudalistic capitalism of an earlier era
when enormous profits could be and were extracted from the backs of
impoverished workers, and government checks and balances were nil.
The personal view of this author is that NAFTA, GATT, and Kyoto were set in
place for this very purpose. As the transfer builds for the next 50 years,
it involves the extraction of perhaps $2 trillion per year, from the backs
of these impoverished laborers. It would not appear accidental that Kyoto
removed the costly pollution control measures from this giant economic
buildup that would otherwise have been required. The end result will be
increased pollution of the biosphere on a grand scale.
Ironically, the Environmental Community itself was deceived into supporting
the Kyoto accords and helping achieve them, hoping to put controls on
biospheric pollution worldwide. In fact the Kyoto accords will have exactly
the opposite effect.
Resulting World Economic Collapse
Bluntly, we foresee these factors and others not covered converging to a
catastrophic collapse of the world economy in about eight years. As the
collapse of the Western economies nears, one may expect catastrophic stress
on the 160 developing nations as the developed nations are forced to
dramatically curtail orders.
International Strategic Threat Aspects
History bears out that desperate nations take desperate actions. Prior to
the final economic collapse, the stress on nations will have increased the
intensity and number of their conflicts, to the point where the arsenals of
weapons of mass destruction (WMD) now possessed by some 25 nations, are
almost certain to be released. As an example, suppose a starving North
Korea launches nuclear weapons upon Japan and South Korea, including U.S.
forces there, in a spasmodic suicidal response.
Or suppose a desperate China whose long range nuclear missiles can reach the
United States attacks Taiwan. In addition to immediate responses, the
mutual treaties involved in such scenarios will quickly draw other nations
into the conflict, escalating it significantly. Strategic nuclear studies
have shown for decades that, under such extreme stress conditions, once a
few nukes are launched, adversaries and potential adversaries are then
compelled to launch on perception of preparations by one's adversary.
The real legacy of the MAD concept is this side of the MAD coin that is
almost never discussed. Without effective defense, the only chance a nation
has to survive at all, is to launch immediate full-bore pre-emptive strikes
and try to take out its perceived foes as rapidly and massively as possible.
As the studies showed, rapid escalation to full WMD exchange occurs, with a
great percent of the WMD arsenals being unleashed. The resulting great
Armageddon will destroy civilization as we know it, and perhaps most of the
biosphere, at least for many decades.
My personal estimate is that, beginning about 2007, on our present energy
course we will have reached an 80% probability of this "final destruction of
civilization itself" scenario occurring at any time, with the probability
slowly increasing as time passes. One may argue about the timing, slide the
dates a year or two, etc., but the basic premise and general time frame
holds. We face not only a world economic crisis, but also a world
destruction crisis.
So unless we dramatically and quickly solve the energy crisis rapidly
replacing a substantial part of the "electrical power derived from oil" by
"electrical power freely derived from the vacuum" we are going to incur the
final "Great Armageddon" the nations of the world have been fearing for so
long. I personally regard this as the greatest strategic threat of all
times to the United States, the Western World, all the rest of the nations
of the world, and civilization itself.
What Is Required to Solve the Problem
To avoid the impending collapse of the world economy and/or the destruction
of civilization and the biosphere, we must quickly replace much of the
"electrical energy from oil" heart of the crisis at great speed, and
simultaneously replace a significant part of the "transportation using oil
products" factor also.
The technical basis for that solution and part of the prototype technology
required, are now at hand. We discuss that solution in this paper.
To finish the task in time, the Government must be galvanized into a new
Manhattan Project to rapidly complete the new system hardware developments
and deploy the technology worldwide at an immense pace.
Once the technology hardware solutions are ready for mass production, even
with a massive worldwide deployment effort some five years are required to
deploy the new systems sufficiently to contain the problem of world economic
collapse. This means that, by the end of 2003, those hardware technology
solutions must have been completed, and the production replacement power
systems must be ready to roll off the assembly lines en masse.
The 2003 date appears to be the critical "point of no return" for the
survival of civilization as we have known it. Reaching that point, say, in
2005 will not solve the crisis in time, and the collapse of the world
economy as well as the destruction of civilization and the biosphere will
still almost certainly occur, even with the solutions in hand.
A review of the present scientific and technical energy efforts to blunt
these strategic threat curves, immediately shows that all the efforts (and
indeed the conventional scientific thinking) are far too little and far too
late. Even with a massive effort on all of the "wish list" of conventional
projects and directions, the results would be totally insufficient to
prevent the coming holocaust.
As one example, the entire hot fusion effort has a zero probability of
contributing anything of significance to the energy solution in the time
frame necessary. Neither will windmills, more dams, oil from tar sands,
biofuels, solar cells, fuel cells, methane from the ocean bottom,
ocean-wave-powered generators, more efficient hydrocarbon combustion, etc.
All of those projects are understandable and "nice", but they have
absolutely zero probability of solving the problem and preventing the coming
world economic collapse and Armageddon.
These conventional approaches are all "in the box" thinking, applied to a
completely "out of the box" problem unique in world history. The
conventional energy efforts and thinking are essentially "business as usual
but maybe hurry a little bit." They constitute a major part of the problem
contributing to the final Armageddon that is hurtling toward us.
If we continue conventionally and with the received scientific view, even
with massively increased efforts and a Manhattan Project, we almost
certainly guarantee the destruction of civilization as we know it, and much
of the biosphere as well. Bluntly, the only viable option is to develop
systems which extract energy directly from the vacuum and are therefore
self-powering, like a windmill in the wind.
Fortunately, analogous open electrical systems far from thermodynamic
equilibrium with the active vacuum are permitted by the laws of physics,
electrodynamics and thermodynamics. They are also permitted by Maxwell's
equations, prior to the arbitrary curtailment by Lorentz symmetrical
regauging. That little mathematical trick by Lorentz made the mathematics
much easier to solve (for the "subset" of the Maxwell-Heaviside systems
However, the bad news is that it also just arbitrarily discarded all EM
systems far from thermodynamic equilibrium (i.e., asymmetrical) with respect
to their vacuum energy exchange. The good news is that we now know how to
easily initiate continuous and powerful "electromagnetic winds" from the
vacuum at will. Once initiated, each free EM energy wind flows continuously
so long as the simple initiator is not deliberately destroyed.
So we have already solved the first half of the energy crisis problem: We
can produce the necessary "EM energy wind flow" in any amount required,
whenever and wherever we wish, for peanuts.
A tiny part of the far frontier of the scientific community is also now
pushing hard into catching and using this available EM energy from the
vacuum. However, they are completely unfunded and working under extremely
difficult conditions. In addition, there are more than a dozen appropriate
processes already available (some are well-known in the hard literature),
which can be developed to produce the new types of electrical energy systems.
What Must Be Done Technically
We have about two and a half years in which to develop several different
types of systems for the several required major applications particularly
the following: self-powering open electrical power systems extracting their
electrical energy directly from the active vacuum and readily scalable in
size and output, burner systems to replace the present "heater" elements of
conventional power plants, increasing the coefficient of performance (COP)
of those altered systems to COP>1.0, and perhaps to COP = 4.0, specialized
self-powering engines to replace small combustion engines,
self-regenerating, battery-powered systems enabling practical electric
automobiles, based on the Bedini process, Kawai COP>1.0 magnetic motorswith
clamped feedback, powering themselves and their loads, magnetic Wankel
engines with small self-powering batteries, which enable a very practical
self-powering automotive engine unit for direct replacement in present
automobiles, permanent magnet motors such as the Johnson approach using
self-initiated exchange force pulses in nonlinear magnetic materials to
provide a nonconservative field, hence a self-powering unit, iterative
retroreflective EM energy flow systems which intercept and utilize
significant amounts of the enormous Heaviside dark energy which surrounds
every electrical circuit but is presently ignored.
Iterative phase conjugate retroreflective systems which passively recover
and reorder the scattered energy dissipated from the load, and reuse the
energy again and again, Shoulders' charge cluster devices which yield
COP>1.0 by actual measurement, self-exciting systems using intensely
scattering optically active media and iterative asymmetrical self-regauging.
NOTEREF _Ref485574275 \h 56}, true negative resistors such as the Kron and
Chung negative resistors, the original point-contact transistor which can be
made into a negative resistor, and the Fogal negative resistor
semiconductor, and overunity transformers using a negative resistor bypass
across the secondary, reducing the back-coupling from secondary to primary
and thus lowering the dissipation of energy in the primary.
What Must Be Done for Management and Organization To meet the critical 2003
"point of no return" milestone, the work must be accomplished under a
declared National Emergency and a Presidential Decision Directive. The work
must be amply funded, with authority because of the extreme emergency to
utilize any available patented processes and devices capable of being
developed and deployed in time, with accounting and compensation of the
inventors and owners separately.
As an example, two of the above mentioned devices the Kawai engine and the
magnetic Wankel engine can be quickly developed and produced en masse.
However, they have been seized by the Japanese Yakuza and are being held
off the world market. The two devices are quite practical and can be
developed and manufactured with great rapidity. As an example, two models
of the Kawai engine were tested by Hitachi to exhibit COP = 1.4 and COP =
1.6 respectively.
Use of these two inventions, under U.S. Government auspices, will greatly
contribute to solving a significant portion of the transportation power
problem, at low risk for this part of the solution. Use of them cannot be
obtained by normal civil means, due to the involvement of the Yakuza. The
technical part of the project to solve the energy crisis is doable in the
required time but just barely, and only if we move at utmost speed.
Thanks to more than 20 years work on unconventional solutions to the
problem, much of the required solution is already in hand, and the project
can go forward at top speed from the outset. The remaining managing and
organizing problem is to marshal the necessary great new Manhattan Project
as a U.S. government project operating under highest national priority and
ample funding. The Project must be a separate Agency, operating directly
under the appropriate Department Secretary and reporting directly to the
President (through the Secretary) and to a designated Joint Committee of the
Senate and the House.
The selection of the managers and directors must be done with utmost care,
else they themselves will become the problem rather than the solution. We
strongly stress that here even the most highly qualified managerial
scientist may have to be disqualified because of his or her own personal
biases and dogmatic beliefs. Leaders and scientists are required who will
run with the COP>1.0 ball on a wide front.
The compelling authority to assign individual tasks to the National
Laboratories and other government agencies is required, but under no
circumstances can the project be placed under the control of the national
laboratories themselves. Those laboratories such as Los Alamos National
Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Oak Ridge National
Laboratory are far too committed to their entrenched Big Science projects
and the resulting bias against electrical energy from the vacuum.
Assigning management of the project to them would be setting the foxes to
minding the hen house, and would guarantee failure. Those agencies whose
favored approaches are responsible for the present energy crisis, cannot be
expected to direct an effective solution to it that is outside their
managerial and scientific ansatz and totally against their institutional and
professional biases. If they are allowed to direct the project, then
implacable scientists who adamantly oppose electrical energy from the vacuum
from the getgo, will hamstring and destroy the project from its inception.
Not only will they fiddle while Rome burns, but they will help burn it.
Enormous EM Energy Flow Is Easily Extracted From the Active Vacuum.
At any point and at any time, one can freely and inexpensively extract
enormous EM energy flows directly from the active vacuum itself. There is
not now and there never has been a problem in readily obtaining as much
electromagnetic energy flow from the vacuum as we wish. Anywhere. Anytime.
For peanuts.
Every electrical power system and circuit ever built already does precisely
that. But almost all the vast EM energy flow that the present flawed
systems extract from the vacuum is unaccounted and simply wasted. It is
wasted by the conventional, seriously flawed circuits and systems designed
and built by our power system scientists and engineers in accord with a
terribly flawed 136-year old set of electrodynamics concepts and
foundations. Specifically, it is wasted because Lorentz discarded it a
century ago {NOTEREF _Ref485971500 \h 36}, and since then everyone has
blindly followed Lorentz's lead.
Our electrical scientists and engineers have not yet even discovered how a
circuit is powered! They have no valid concept of where the electrical
energy flowing down the power line actually comes from. They do not model
the interaction that provides it, in their theoretical models and equations.
This vast scientific "conspiracy of ignorance" is completely inexplicable,
because the actual source of the EM energy powering the external circuits
has been known (and rigorously proven) in particle physics for nearly half a
century! But it has not yet even been added into the fundamental electrical
theory used in designing and building power systems.
We have a scientific mindset problem of epic proportions, and scientific
negligence and electromagnetics dogma of epic proportions. I sometimes
refer to this as an unwitting "conspiracy of ignorance", where I use the
word "ignorance" technically as meaning "unaware". We certainly do not
intend the phrase to be pejorative.
So we do not have an energy problem per se. We have an unwitting conspiracy
of scientific ignorance problem. Because of its bias, our electrical
scientific community also strongly resists updating the 136-year old
electrodynamics foundations even though much of it is known to be seriously
flawed and even incorrect. Indeed, organized science has always fiercely
resisted strong innovation. As Max Planck so eloquently put it, "An
important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning
over and converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul.
What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out, and that the
growing generation is familiarized with the ideas from the beginning."
Arthur C. Clarke expressed it succinctly for our more modern scientific
community, as follows: "If they [quantum fluctuations of vacuum] can be
[tapped], the impact upon our civilization will be incalculable. Oil, coal,
nuclear, hydropower, would become obsolete and so would many of our worries
about environmental pollution." "Don't sell your oil shares yet but don't
be surprised if the world again witnesses the four stages of response to any
new and revolutionary development: 1. It's crazy!
2. It may be possible so what?
3. I said it was a good idea all along.
4. I thought of it first."
With respect to extracting and using EM energy from the vacuum, our present
scientific community is mostly in Clarke's phase 1, with a few scientists in
phase 2 who surmise that "it may perhaps be the science of the next
century." We do not have a century remaining. We have two and a half years.
For nearly half a century (i) the active vacuum, (ii) the vacuum's energetic
interaction with every dipole, and (iii) the broken symmetry of the dipole
in that energetic interaction { NOTEREF _Ref485972497 \h 44} have been
known and proven in particle physics. These proven COP>1.0 vacuum energy
mechanisms have not been incorporated into the electrodynamic theory used to
design and build electrical power and transportation systems. We are still
waiting for the "old scientific opponents" adamantly opposed to the very
notion of electrical energy from the vacuum to "die off and get out of the
Hence our universities, the National Science Foundation, the National
Academy of Science, the National Laboratories, etc. have not taken advantage
of the enormous EM energy so universally available from the active vacuum,
and in fact universally and copiously extracted from the vacuum by every EM
system today and wasted. Indeed, present organized science will not fund
and will not tolerate research which would violate the presently decreed
view of power systems and their functioning.
So our present organized scientific community will strongly resist funding
of a vigorous program to gather all this proven, known physics together and
rapidly use it to change and update (modernize) the terribly flawed EM
theory and the design of electrical power systems. Most scientists
attempting to do this research have had to proceed on their own. They have
undergone vicious and continual ad hominem attacks, lost research funds and
tenure, been unable to get their papers published, and in fact risked being
destroyed by the scientific community itself { NOTEREF _Ref485972568 \h 12}.
The bottom line is this: Left to sweet reason, because of the depth of its
present bias the scientific community is totally incapable of reacting to
the problem in time to prevent the destruction of civilization. If we wish
to survive, government will have to directly force the scientific community
to do the job, over careers and "dead bodies" (so to speak) if necessary.
But first the government itself must be motivated to do so.
That is a task that only the environmental community can do in the extremely
short time in which it must be accomplished. So it would seem that the most
urgent task of all, is to educate and wake up the environmental community
that it has been "had", and it has been "had" since the beginning.
Understanding What Powers Electrical Circuits Let us cut through the
scientific errors in how electrical power systems are presently viewed:
Batteries and generators themselves do not power circuits. They never have,
and they never will. They dissipate their available internal energy to do
one thing and one thing only: forcibly separate their own internal charges
to form a "source dipole". Once the dipole has been formed, the dipole
directly extracts electromagnetic energy from the active vacuum, pouring the
extracted EM energy out from the terminals of the battery or generator.
Batteries and generators make a dipole, nothing else. All the fuel every
burned, the nuclear fuel rods ever consumed, and chemical energy ever
expended by batteries, did nothing but make dipoles. None of all that
destructive activity, of itself, ever added a single watt to the power line.
Once made, the dipole then extracts EM energy from the seething vacuum, and
pours it out down the circuit and through all surrounding space around the
circuit { NOTEREF _Ref485975328 \h 45}. A little bit of that energy flow
strikes the circuit and enters it by being deflected (diverged) into the
wires { NOTEREF _Ref485975369 \h 46}. That tiny bit of intercepted energy
flow that is diverged into the circuit, then powers the circuit (its loads
and losses) { NOTEREF _Ref485975391 \h 47}.
All the rest of that huge energy flow around the circuit, just roars on off
into deep space and is wasted. The Dipole Extracts Enormous Energy from the
Vacuum. The outflow of EM energy extracted from the vacuum by a small dipole
is enormous. It fills all space surrounding the attached external circuit
(e.g., surrounding the power lines attached to a power plant generator). In
the attached circuits, the electrical charges on the surfaces of the wires
are struck by the mere edge of the violent flow of EM energy passing along
those surfaces.
The resulting tiny "intercepted" part of the EM energy flow is deflected
into the wires, very much like placing one's hand outside a moving
automobile and diverting some of the wind into the car. This deflected
energy that enters the wires is the Poynting component of the energy flow.
It is not the entire EM energy flow by any means, but only a very, very tiny
component of it.
Only that tiny bit of the energy flow that is actually diverged into the
wires, is used to power the circuit and the loads. All the rest of the
enormous energy flow that is present and available outside the circuit, is
just ignored and wasted.
A nominal 1-watt generator is actually one whose external circuit can
"catch" only 1 watt of its output. The generator's actual total output in
the great flow which fills all space around the external circuit and is not
intercepted and used is something on the order of 10 trillion watts!
Our Scientists and Engineers Design Dipole-Destroying Systems.
Here is the most inane thing of all. Precisely half of the small amount of
energy that is actually caught by the circuit, is used to destroy the
dipole! That half of the intercepted energy does not power the load, nor
does it power losses in the external circuit. Instead, it is used to
directly scatter the dipole charges and destroy the dipole.
Our scientists and engineers have given us the ubiquitous closed current
loop circuit, which destroys the dipole faster than it powers the load. In
short, the scientists and engineers design and build only those electrical
power systems that "continuously commit suicide" by continuously destroying
the source dipole that is extracting the vacuum energy and emitting it out
along the circuit to power everything in the first place.
So now we have the real picture.
Every electrical load ever powered, and every load powered today, has been
and is powered by electromagnetic energy extracted directly from the
seething vacuum by the source dipole in the generator or battery.
But our scientists and engineers design and build electrical power systems
that only intercept and use a tiny fraction of the vast EM energy flow
available. They also only design and build systems that destroy their
source dipole faster than they power their loads. If one does not destroy
the dipole once it is made, it will continue to freely extract copious EM
energy flow from the vacuum, indefinitely, pouring out a stupendous flow of
EM energy.
As an example, some dipoles in the original matter formed in the Big Bang at
the beginning of the universe, have been steadily extracting EM energy from
the vacuum and pouring it out for about 15 billion years. The energy problem
is not due to nonavailability of copious EM energy flows at will, as much
as one wishes, anywhere, anytime.
The energy problem is in (i) intercepting and utilizing more of the vast
energy flows made available by the common dipole, and (ii) doing so without
using the present inanely designed circuits. These circuits use half their
collected energy to destroy the dipole that is extracting the energy flow
from the vacuum in the first place!
Ignoring the Vacuum as the Source of Electrical Energy in All Circuits In
their conventional theoretical models, our present electrical power system
scientists and engineers do not even include the vacuum interaction or the
dipole's extraction of EM energy from the vacuum. They simply ignore and do
not model what is really powering every electrical system they build.
Consequently, we reiterate that our electrical scientists have never even
discovered how an EM circuit is powered even though it has been discovered
and known for nearly 50 years in particle physics. All the hydrocarbons ever
burned, all the water over all the dams ever built, all the nuclear fuel
rods ever expended in all the nuclear power plants, added not a single watt
to the power line.
Instead, all that expense, effort, and pollution and destruction of the
biosphere was and is necessary in order to keep adding internal energy to
the generator so that it can keep continually rebuilding its source dipole
that is continually destroyed by the inane circuits that the power system
scientists and engineers keep designing and building for us.
It takes as much energy input to the generator to restore the dipole, as it
took the circuit to destroy the dipole. Thus all the systems our scientists
and engineers design and build, require that we continually input more
energy to restore the dipole, than the circuit dissipates in the load.
Our technical folks thus happily design and give us systems which can and
will only exhibit COP<1.0. thus continuing to require that we ourselves
steadily provide more energy to the system to continually rebuild its
dipole, than the inane masochistic system uses to power its load.
In short, we pay the power companies (and their scientists and engineers) to
deliberately engage in a giant wrestling match inside their generators and
Needless to say, that is not the way to run the railroad! One is reminded
of one of the classic comments by Churchill: Most men occasionally stumble
over the truth, but most pick themselves up and continue on as if nothing
had happened. Unfortunately, at present it seems that not very many energy
system scientists and engineers have "stumbled over the truth" as to what
really powers their systems, and how inanely they are really designing them.
Electrical Energy Required from Hydrocarbon Burning Drives the Problem The
heart of the present environmental pollution problem is the ever-increasing
need for electrical energy obtained from burning of hydrocarbon fuels and/or
nuclear power stations. The increasing production of electrical power to
fill the rising needs, increasingly pollutes the environment including the
populace itself (lungs, bodies, etc.). Almost every species on earth is
affected, and every year some species become extinct as a result.
Environmental pollution includes pollution of the soil, fresh and salt
water, and the atmosphere by a variety of waste products. Given global
warming, it also includes excess heat pollution in addition to chemical and
nuclear residues.
Under present procedures, the electrical energy problem is exacerbated by
decreasing available oil supplies, which are believed to have peaked this
year, with a projected decline from now on. But really, the electrical
energy problem is due to the scientific community's adamant defense and use
of electrical power system models and theories that are 136 years old in
their very foundations, riddled with errors and non sequiturs, and seriously
The scientific community has not even recognized the problem, much less the
solution. In fact, it does not even intend to recognize the problem, even
though the basis for it has been known in particle physics for nearly 50
years. As Bunge put it some decades ago: " is not usually acknowledged
that electrodynamics, both classical and quantal, are in a sad state."
The scientific community has done little to correct that fundamental problem
since Bunge made his wry statement. Let us put it very simply: The most
modern theory today is modern gauge field theory. In that theory, freedom
of gauge is assumed from the getgo. Applied to electrodynamics, this means
as all electrodynamicists have assumed for the last century or longer that
the potential energy of an EM system can be freely changed at will.
In other words, in theory it costs nothing at all to increase the EM energy
collected in a system; this is merely "changing the voltage", which does not
require power. In other words, we can "excite" the system with excess
energy (actually taken from the vacuum), at will. For free. And the best
science of the day agrees with that statement. It also follows that we can
freely change the excitation energy again, at will. In short, we can
dissipate that excess energy freely and at will. Without cost.
Well, this means that we are free by the laws of nature, physics,
thermodynamics, and gauge field theory to dissipate that free excess
potential energy in an external load, thus doing "free work".
Since none of the systems our energy scientists and engineers build for us
are doing that, it follows a priori that the fault lies entirely in their
own system design and building. It does not lie in any prohibition by
nature or the laws of physics. A priori, then, the present COP<1.0
performance of our electrical power systems is a monstrosity and the direct
fault of our scientists and engineers. We cannot blame the laws of nature
or the laws of physics.
The present energy crisis then is due totally to that "conspiracy of
ignorance" we referred to, that is maintained by the scientific community,
and that has been maintained by it for more than 100 years.
This is the real situation that the environmentalists must become aware of,
if they are to see the correct path into which their energies and efforts
should be directed to solve both the energy crisis and the problem of
gigantic pollution of the biosphere. Outside Intervention Must Forcibly Move
Energy Science Forward Unless outside intervention occurs forcibly, the
scientific community's lock-up of research funds for "in the box" energy
research may result in the economic collapse of the Western World in perhaps
as little as eight years.
Let us examine the gist of the problem facing us. Suppose we launch a crash
program to develop, manufacture, deploy, and employ the new "vacuum powered"
systems. Once the new self-powering systems are developed and ready to roll
off the production lines en masse, it will require a minimum of five years
worldwide to sufficiently alter the "electrical energy from oil" demand
curve, so that economic collapse can be averted. In turn, this means that
the new systems must be ready to roll off the manufacturing lines by the end
of 2003. While this is a very tight schedule, it can be done if we move
The necessary scientific corrections along the lines indicated in this paper
can be quickly applied to solve the electrical energy problem permanently
and economically, given a Manhattan type project under a Presidential
Decision Directive together with a Presidential declaration of a National
Energy Emergency. In a paper to be published in Russia in July 2000, this
researcher has proposed some 15 viable methods for developing new
"self-powering" systems powering themselves and their loads with energy
extracted from the vacuum. Several of these systems can be developed very
rapidly and easily mass produced.
A second paper will be published in the same proceedings, revealing the
Bedini method for invoking a negative resistor inside a storage battery.
The negative resistor freely extracts vacuum energy and adds it to both the
battery-recharging function and the load powering function. In Bedini's
negative resistor method, decoupling (dephasing) the ion current inside the
battery from the electron current between the outer circuit and the external
surfaces of the battery plates, allows the battery to be charged (with
increased charging energy) simultaneously as the load is powered with
increased current and voltage.
At my specific request, both papers were thoroughly reviewed by qualified
Russian scientists, and the premises passed with flying colors. A third
paper gives the exact giant negentropy mechanism by which the dipole
extracts such enormous energy from the vacuum. We will further explain that
mechanism below.
Conventional Approaches: Too Little, Too Late It appears that the
Environmental Community itself has finally realized that the present
scientific approaches and research are simply too little and too late.
Further, the conventional approaches are largely "in the box thinking"
applied to an "out of the box problem."
We leave it to others such as Loder to succinctly summarize the shortfalls
of these present solutions. Loder, e.g., particularly and incisively
explains how the problem with automobiles breaks down. In fact, no one
single COP>1.0 approach will be all-sufficing. Several solutions, each for
a different application, must be developed and deployed simultaneously.
As an example, it is possible to create certain dipolar phenomena in plasmas
produced in special burners, such that the dipoles extract substantial
excess EM energy from the vacuum and output it as ordinary excess heat well
beyond what the combustion process alone will yield.
Given a Manhattan type project, the inventor of that process (with already
working models and rigorous measurements) could rapidly be augmented to
develop a series of replacement burners (heaters) for ordinary electrical
power plants to use in heating the water to make the steam for the steam
turbines turning the shafts of the generators.
The entire remainder of the power system, grid, etc. could be left intact.
Some fuel would still be burned, but far less would be consumed in order to
furnish the same required heat output. In short, a rather dramatic reduction
in power plant hydrocarbon combustion could be achieved in the present
electrical power plants with minimum modification, and in the necessary time
frame while maintaining or even increasing the electrical energy output of
the power systems. We believe the inventor would fully participate in a
government-backed Manhattan type energy program where a National Emergency
has been declared, given a U.S. government guarantee that his process,
equipment, and inventions will not be confiscated.
Another process capable of quick development and enormous application is the
development of point contact transistors as true negative resistors {NOTEREF
_Ref485918330 \h 30}.
Two other processes that can be developed for massive production in less
than two years are (i) the Kawai process { NOTEREF _Ref485832758 \h 18}, and
(ii) the magnetic Wankel process { NOTEREF _Ref485832783 \h 19}. In
addition, the Johnson { NOTEREF _Ref485832863 \h 20} process can be
developed and readied for manufacture in the same time frame, given a
full-bore sophisticated laboratory team.
There are other processes { NOTEREF _Ref484671577 \h 51} { NOTEREF
_Ref484671613 \h 52} which can also be developed rapidly, to provide major
contributions in solving their parts of the present "electrical energy from
hydrocarbon combustion" problem.
Giant Negentropy and a Great New Symmetry Principle We now summarize some
recent technical discoveries by the present author that bear directly upon
the problem of extracting and using copious EM energy flows from the vacuum.
Any dipole has a scalar potential between its ends, as is well-known.
Extending earlier work by Stoney, in 1903 Whittaker showed that the scalar
potential decomposes into and identically is a harmonic set of bidirectional
longitudinal EM wavepairs. Each wavepair is comprised of a longitudinal EM
wave (LEMW) and its phase conjugate LEMW replica. Hence the formation of
the dipole actually initiates the ongoing production of a harmonic set of
such biwaves in 4-space.
We separate the Whittaker waves into two sets: (i) the convergent phase
conjugate set, in the imaginary plane, and (ii) the divergent real wave set,
in 3-space. In 4-space, the 4th dimension may be taken as -ict. The only
variable in -ict is t. Hence the phase conjugate waveset in the scalar
potential's decomposition is a set of harmonic EM waves converging upon the
dipole in the time dimension, as a time-reversed EM energy flow structure
inside the structure of time.
Or, one can just think of the waveset as converging upon the dipole in the
imaginary plane a concept similar to the notion of "reactive power" in
electrical engineering. The divergent real EM waveset in the scalar
potential's decomposition is then a harmonic set of EM waves radiating out
from the dipole in all directions at the speed of light. As can be seen,
there is perfect 4-symmetry in the resulting EM energy flow, but there is
broken 3-symmetry since there is no observable 3-flow EM energy input to the
Our professors have taught us that output energy flow in 3-space from a
source or transducer, must be accompanied by an input energy flow in
3-space. That is not true. It must be accompanied by an input energy flow,
period. That input can be an energy flow in the 4th dimension, time or we
can consider it as an inflow in the imaginary plane. The flow of energy
must be conserved, not the dimensions in which the flow exists.
There is no requirement by nature that the inflow of energy be in the same
dimension as the outflow of EM energy. Indeed, nature prefers to do it the
other way! Once one unties nature's foot from the usually enforced extra
condition of 3-space energy flow conservation, nature joyfully and
immediately sets up a giant 4-flow conservation, ongoing, where enormous EM
energy is inflowing from the imaginary plane into the source charge or
dipole, and is flowing out of the source charge or dipole in 3-space, at the
speed of light, and in all directions.
In other words, nature then gladly gives us as much EM energy flow as we
need, indefinitely just for paying a tiny little bit initially to "make the
little dipole." After that, we never have to pay anything again, and nature
will happily keep on pouring out that 3-flow of EM energy for us. This is
the giant negentropy mechanism I uncovered, performed in the simplest way
imaginable: just make an ordinary little dipole.
We may interpret the giant negentropy mechanism in electrical engineering
terms. The EM energy flow in the imaginary plane is just incoming "pure
reactive power" in the language of electrical engineering. The outgoing EM
energy flow in the real plane (3-space) is "real power" in the same
language. So the dipole is continuously receiving a steady stream of
reactive power, transducing it into real power, and outputting it as a
continuous outflow of real EM power.
Further, there is perfect 1:1 correlation between the convergent waveset in
the imaginary plane and the divergent waveset in 3-space. This perfect
correlation between the two sets of waves and their dynamics represents a
deterministic re-ordering of a fraction of the 4-vacuum energy a re-ordering
initiated by the formation of the dipole, and spreading radially outward at
the speed of light.
This clearly shows that (i) we can initiate reordering of a usable fraction
of the vacuum's energy at any place, anytime, easily and cheaply (we need
only to form a simple dipole), and (ii) the process continues indefinitely,
so long as the dipole exists, without the operator inputting a single
additional watt of power.
And the greatest benefit of all is that, so long as the dipole exists and
this re-ordering continues, a copious flow of observable, usable EM energy
pours from the dipole in all directions at the speed of light. This is the
full solution to the first half of the energy crisis, totally solved once
and for all.
Ansatz of the Major Players Scientific Community For the most part, the
organized scientific community varies from highly resistant to openly
hostile toward any mention of extracting copious EM energy from the active
vacuum. The "Big Nuclear" part of the community is particularly adamant in
this respect, as witness its ferocious onslaught on the fledgling and
struggling cold fusion researchers a ferocity of scientific attack seldom
seen in the annals of science.
The scientific community also largely suppresses or severely badgers
scientists attempting to advance electrodynamics to a more modern model,
suitable to the needs of the 21st century and the desperate need for cheap,
clean, nonpolluting electrical power worldwide { NOTEREF _Ref485972568 \h
12}. The community still applies classical equilibrium thermodynamics to
the electrical part of all its electrical power systems, even though every
EM system is inherently a system far from equilibrium with the active vacuum
environment, and a different thermodynamics applies. Only if the system is
specifically so designed e.g., so that during the dissipation of its
excitation energy it enforces the Lorentz symmetrical regauging condition
will the system behave as a classical equilibrium system.
The thermodynamics of open dissipative systems is well-known. Such systems
are permitted to (1) self-order, (2) self-oscillate or self-rotate, (3)
output more energy than the operator inputs (the excess energy is freely
received from the active environment), (4) power itself and its load
simultaneously (all the energy is taken from the active environment, similar
to a windmill's operation), and (5) exhibit negentropy.
That our present electrical power systems do not do these five things, even
though every one of them is an open system in violent energy exchange with
the vacuum, a priori reveals that it is the scientific model and the
engineering design that are at fault. It is not any law of nature or
principle of physics that prevents self-powering open electrical power
systems. Instead, it is the scientific community and its prevailing mindset
against extracting and using EM energy from the vacuum.
Environmental Community.
In the past the environmental community has been overly naïve with respect
to physics, and particularly with respect to electrical physics. Its
science advisors have come mostly from the conservative "in the box"
scientific community. Hence the community has failed to realize that
COP>1.0 electrical power systems are normal and permitted by the laws of
nature and the laws of physics. They have no inkling that Heaviside
discovered in the 1880s!the enormous unaccounted EM energy pouring from the
terminals of any battery or generator.
They are unaware that Poynting considered only the tiny component of the
energy flow that enters the circuit. They are also unaware that, completely
unable to explain the astounding enormity of the EM energy flow if the
nondiverged (nonintercepted) Heaviside component is accounted, Lorentz
{NOTEREF _Ref485918180 \h 9 } just arbitrarily used a little procedure to
discard that troublesome Heaviside "dark" (unaccounted) component.
Lorentz reasoned that, since the huge dark energy flow component missed the
circuit entirely, it "had no physical significance." This is like arguing
that none of the wind on the ocean has any physical significance, except for
that small portion of the wind that strikes the sail of one's own sailboat.
It ignores the obvious fact that whole fleets of additional sailboats can
also be powered by that "physically insignificant" wind component that
misses one's own sailboat entirely.
Nonetheless, electrodynamicists continue to use Lorentz's little discard
trick, and try to call the feeble Poynting energy flow component caught by
the circuit the entire EM energy flow connected with it. This is like
arguing that the component of wind hitting the sails of one's own sailboat,
is the entire great wind on the ocean.
As a result, the environmental community has failed to grasp the real reason
for the energy crisis and the increasing pollution of the biosphere. They
have been deceived and manipulated into thinking that conventional organized
science is giving them the very best technical advice possible on electrical
power systems. The environmentalists have been and are further deceived
into believing that the conventional scientific community is advocating and
performing the best possible scientific studies and developments for trying
to solve the energy crisis.
Of major importance, the environmental community itself has been deceived as
to the exact nature of the energy flow in and around a circuit, the vastness
of the unaccounted energy flow (or even that any of the energy flow is
deliberately unaccounted), and the fact that this present but unaccounted EM
energy flow can be intercepted and captured for use in powering loads and
developing self-powering systems.
Worst of all, the environmental community has been deceived as to what
powers every electrical load and EM circuit, and that burning all those
hydrocarbons, using those nuclear fuel rods, building those dams and
windmills, and putting out solar cell arrays are necessary and the best that
can be done. In short, they have been smoothly diverted from solving the
very problem the problem of the increasing pollution and destruction of the
biosphere they are striving to rectify.
However, judging from their continued demonstrations in the street, at least
many environmentalists now suspect that much of the world's continued policy
of "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer" in international trade
agreements are deliberately planned and implemented to the advantage of a
favored financial class and the exploitation of the poorer laboring classes
in disadvantaged nations.
Electrical Power Community.
The electrical power community: ubiquitously uses equilibrium
thermodynamics, believing that COP>1.0 is perpetual motion nonsense and
against the laws of physics, has no notion that the energy flowing down
their power lines and filling all space around them, is extracted directly
from the active vacuum by the source dipole in the generator, erroneously
believes that the hydrocarbons they burn, or the water through the
hydroturbines at the dam, or the nuclear fuel rods they consume, actually
add the power to the transmission lines, uses half of the tiny component of
energy caught by the power lines, to destroy the source dipoles in their
generators, thus requiring ever more shaft input energy via powering a steam
turbine, hydroturbine, etc., believes that energy can be "used" only once,
when in fact it can be used and re-used repeatedly since it cannot be
created or destroyed, allows only a single pass of the EM energy flow down
the power lines, so that only one tiny interception of energy occurs from
the energy flow and the rest (most) of the energy flow is wasted, believes
that the electrical energy problem translates into more hydrocarbon
combustion or nuclear fuel rod consumption rather than a totally different
way of doing business, and believes that the theory they apply is correct,
when in fact it is so seriously flawed as to be inane, and has been inane
for a century.
Industries also acquire their own hidden agendas, when serious threats to
the industry arises. As an example, a potentially serious problem arose some
decades ago when it became apparent that EM radiation from power lines might
detrimentally affect people or at least some people. To put it gently, a
great deal of fuss and fury resulted, and a great deal of money was and is
spent by the power companies (or through organizations and foundations
funded by them) in EM bioeffects research. Not too surprisingly, just about
the entire output of this industry-funded research "finds" that there is no
problem with powerline radiation. Those scientists such as Robert Becker
who advocate or show otherwise, usually wind up having all their funds cut
off, hounded from their jobs, and in the case of Becker forced to retire early.
It is no different in the electrical energy science field { NOTEREF
_Ref485972568 \h 12}.
Storage Battery Companies. Battery companies are primarily of much the same
outlook and ansatz as are the power companies. They have gone to pulse
charging of batteries and improved battery chemistry and materials. They
have no notion that batteries do not power circuits, but only make source
dipoles and it is the source dipole that then extracts EM energy from the
vacuum and pours it out into the external circuit.
Consequently they erroneously believe that chemical energy in the battery is
expended in order to provide power to the external circuit. Instead, it is
expended only to continuously remake the source dipole, which the closed
current loop circuit fiendishly keeps destroying faster than the load is
They also have not investigated deliberately dephasing and decoupling the
major ion current within the battery and between the plates, from the
electron current between the outside of the plates and the external circuit.
Consequently they have no concept of permissible Maxwellian COP>1.0
battery-powered systems. Instead, battery companies, scientists, and
engineers still believe along with the power companies and most
electrodynamicists, and the environmental community that applying the
Lorentz symmetrical regauging to the Heaviside-Maxwell equations retains all
the Maxwellian systems. It does not. Instead, it arbitrarily discards all
Maxwellian systems which are permitted by the laws of nature and the laws of
physics to produce COP>1.0!
University Community.
The University community mostly supports the prevailing EM view and also
suffers from the rise of common "greed" in the universities themselves. The
professor now must attract external funding (for his research, and for his
graduate studentsand especially for the lucrative "overhead" part of the
funding which goes to the University itself). The research funds available
for "bidding" via submitting proposals, are already cut into "packages"
where the type of research to be accomplished in each package is rigorously
specified and controlled. Research on COP>1.0 systems is strictly excluded.
Dramatic revision of electrodynamics is excluded.
Unless the professor successfully bids and obtains packages and their
accompanying funding, he is essentially ostracized and soon discharged or
just "parked" by the wayside. Also, if he tries to "go out of the box" in
his papers submitted for publication, his peer reviewers will annihilate him
and his papers will not be published. Shortly he will effectively be
blacklisted and it will be very difficult for him to have his submitted
papers honestly reviewed, much less published. Again, that means no tenure,
no security, and eventual release or "dead-end parking" by the university.
When one looks at the "innovative" packages so highly touted, they either
(1) are research focused upon some approved thing such as hot fusion which
has spent billions and has yet to produce a single watt on the power line,
and cannot do so in any reasonable time before the collapse of the Western
economy or (2) use clever buzzwords for things which are actually "more of
the same" and "in the box thinking" with just some new words or twists
thrown in for spin control.
Meanwhile, all this makes for a self-policing system which rewards
conservatism conservative publications, conservative research, conservative
thinking, conservative teaching, etc. In short, it selects and approves
electrical power system research that is "too little, too late" to solve the
world energy crisis in time, and ruthlessly rejects all the rest. It also
makes for a self-policing system which roots out and destroys (or parks on
the sidelines) those professors, graduate students, and post-docs who given
a chance to be highly innovative and "out of the box" researchers might
upset the status quo.
In short, the scientific community is itself the greatest arch foe of high
innovation, and the university generally typifies and reflects that overall
attitude because of the control and management of its outside research funds
by the upper echelons of the organized Big Science community, government, etc.
Government Community Technical.
The technical part of the U.S. government research community is drawn from
the universities, private industry, etc. and mostly reflects an even more
conservative group than the universities. Again, papers published and
funding are the major requirements, within given and largely accepted
scientific constraints. Further, the managerial government scientists must
compete for funding, annual budgets, etc. and have their own "channel"
constraints from on high. At the top levels (such as NSF and NAC), cross
fertilization by the aims and perceptions of the conservative scientific
community leaders is achieved.
Hence the government technical community is largely constrained in two
fashions: (1) by its own forced competition for funds, facilities,
positions, programs, etc., and (2) by its strong cross-fertilization from
the top scientific personnel in NSF, NAC, etc. Individual scientists also
face the need to publish or perish, and so are further constrained by the
reviewers etc. of the journals.
Most managers within the government scientific community are striving to
scamper up the managerial ladder, much as managers elsewhere. One's power
and prestige rises as one's position level rises and particularly as the
part of the government's research budget rises that one controls. There is
a fine tight rope to walk whereby, as one gains control of more government
budget for research, one becomes a powerful influence on the large research
corporations which will submit very complex and extensive proposals for the
A sort of "common understanding" thus arises between industry leaders,
higher government research leaders and managers, etc. This can be so
profound that the practical result is almost a sort of "collusion by common
understanding" between the government and industrial complexes and a fusion
into one consortium essentially the "military-industrial complex" which
President Eisenhower warned Americans against.
The end result is that the government managers in their Request for
Quotations (RFQs) use words such as "out of the box" and "highly
innovative", but rarely will fund such proposals because they simply cannot
obtain approval for such budgets and programs from "higher up the chain".
As witnessed by the ultrawideband (UWB) radar controversy, the government
technical community is even more resistant to innovation and change than is
the civilian technical community.
As an example, the early UWB radar pioneers (Harmuth, Barrett, etc.) in
ultrawideband radar were attacked by entrenched government scientists and
government scientific organizations with a viciousness rarely seen in the
annals of government science.
The objection raised was that sinusoidal EM waves could not do such things
even though the UWB radar used nonsinusoidal EM waves, and small UWB radar
sets were commercially available and used to detect voids in concrete
structures, the ground, etc. The real reason for the violent attacks was
the prestige and power of the Stealth community at the time and because UWB
radar had the implication of tracking Stealth vehicles readily.
Interestingly, the arch foes of UWB at the time, today would have us believe
they are "staunch experts" in the UWB field. To understand their remarkable
metamorphosis, one need only recall Arthur C. Clarke's words, quoted earlier.
In the COP>1.0 EM energy field, we are still rather much at the stage where
the UWB researchers started. We are still in the "violent attack, personal
insults, character assassination, slander, libel, etc." stage. Sadly, such
ad hominem savagery is by scientists who themselves have no notion of how
electromagnetic circuits are actually powered, but like ostriches still have
their heads buried in the sand back there in the 1880s when Lorentz
discarded the enormous Heaviside energy flow component.
Government Community Non Technical.
Here we have a rather mixed situation. The nontechnical person e.g., a
Senator or a Congressperson is operating under a distinct disadvantage. If
he or she takes the stance that much better electrical power systems can
readily be achieved, he or she is in fact opposing almost the entire set of
University, Government Technical, Power Company, Battery Company, and
Organized Science communities. Further, in most cases his technical
advisors are themselves from one or the other of those communities, and
likely to go back into that community or those communities when the Senator
or Congressperson leaves office, or even before.
So the Congress and the non-technical government community at large operate
at a great disadvantage. As an example, admittedly there are some very
misguided unorthodox energy system inventors and scientists out there, who
in the guise of furthering COP>1.0 systems, actually contribute to the
problem rather than to the solution. A few do not even realize that they
cannot properly measure a "spiky" output with an RMS meter! Some are also
more interested in selling "dealerships" and "stock" than in furthering the
science of COP>1.0 systems. Few have submitted their purported COP>1
devices to rigorous testing by an independent, Government-certified test
This "noise" seriously dilutes the unconventional scientific community's
legitimate efforts in COP>1.0 systems. By highly playing up such "dilution"
and accenting "the crazies", the orthodox scientific community often
convinces government nontechnical managers and personnel that the entire
unorthodox scientific COP>1.0 community is comprised only of lunatics,
charlatans, stock-scam artists and misguided crank inventors.
Such of course is not the case. A goodly number of reputable, skilled
scientists are seriously struggling with the problems of developing COP>1.0
EM power systems and devices. A few are also struggling to develop an
adequate theory of such systems. Progress is slowly being made and has been
made, in spite of continuing harassment.
The independent assessments that Congress once enjoyed with the OTA are no
more because the OTA was abolished. Now the committees, subcommittees, and
individual Congresspersons and Senators are largely on their own, with their
own staffs and their own technical advisors. That said, nonetheless it can
be seen by savvy Senators and Congresspersons that the U.S. Ship of State is
headed for a great economic bust, and probably the greatest one of all time.
The Government Non-Technical community (the Senate and the Congress, in
particular) are in far better shape than the Government Technical community,
to appreciate the world implications of the pending economic disaster. I am
hopeful that both the environmentalists and the Government Non-Technical
community will rapidly unite in a common goal to get this vacuum energy
program launched, under a National Emergency declaration. If so, then they
can solve the energy crisis and the pending economic crisis, in fairly short
order, and permanently.
In Conclusion:
There is an even more ominous specter looming behind the shadow of the
coming great economic collapse. When national economies get strained to the
breaking point with some of them failing, etc. worldwide as the price of oil
escalates the conflicts among nations will increase in number and grow in
intensity. About a year or so ahead of the "Great Collapse" of the world
economies, the intensity and desperation of the resulting national conflicts
will have increased to the breaking point.
Some 25 nations already have weapons of mass destruction (WMD) including
nuclear warheads; missile, aircraft, boat, and terrorist delivery systems;
biological warfare weaponry; other advanced weapons {NOTEREF _Ref485980960
\h 3} {NOTEREF _Ref485980966 \h 4}, etc.
Any knowledgeable person knows that hostile terrorist agents are already on
site here in the U.S., and some will have smuggled in their WMDs.