! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is important but knowledge is the key!

Metaphyscal Stuff 24

Hi everyone, herewith the next lesson from the most beloved Brotherhood of 
Light. Always something fascinating to learn about ourselves and for 
ourselves, also finally a clear understanding of what our aspects are. 
Embracing all in Golden Radiance and wishing much Love & Light Fredaricka

The Circle of Grace - The Mental Body
by the beloved Brotherhood of Light 
Through Edna G. Frankel

In this third section of the circle of grace, we will discuss the use and 
form of the mental body. It is the third layer of the dense body, after 
physical and emotional. It separates the emotional body from the spiritual 
body. This separation is part of your difficulty and part of your gift. 
Inherent in your consciousness is the element of choice, the state of free 
will that distinguishes you from other planets and dimensions used for 
teaching and learning lessons. What does this mean?

You have lost your conscious link to God and do not feel God's presence as a 
physical vibration inside of you. Most other sentient species do; they know 
for sure that God exists. For them, to break God's law is a horrible 
experience, for they are in direct contact at all times with All That Is. 
For you to survive this breach as you became denser beings, the aspects were 
layered so that each would buffer those on either side.

The emotional body, if in direct contact with the spiritual body, would 
awaken consciousness and reforge the link painfully before the time was 
right. Having the mental body in between insured that this did not happen. 
Having the mental body mediate between its adjacent layers is the perfect 
balance for you to achieve. The mental body was meant to mediate, not to 
lead; the emotional body processes lessons and translates loving energy to 
the other layers; the spiritual aspect inspires soul advancement. In other 
words, you find true peace and health when all these aspects are working 
together in balance. This has been almost impossible for you to achieve, 
since you experience life only through the physical part of your bodies.

Before you lost your awareness of Spirit, your mental body worked in this 
way: The left brain directed and carried the awareness of the physical body, 
while the right brain did the same for the auric body. Your mental body was 
composed of two halves working together. In the disconnection, only your 
conscious connection to the right brain was lost - your auric self is still 
there, fulfilling its functions. It is the seat of your imagination, your 
creativity, your faith, as well as the storehouse of your pain and stress. 

Now do you see why you developed into "left-brained" technological 
societies? It was all you had to work with. The more technological your 
societies became, the more rigidly linked to machines you became. This 
arrangement overuses the left side of the mental body, forcing it to take 
the driver's seat throughout your current lives. Do you see why imagination, 
creativity and faith are such nebulous areas and so difficult for you to tap 
into? It is because you do not have clear, conscious access to your inter 
dimensional aspects.

Please, treasure your artists and dreamers. They might not function well 
according to your left-brain standards, but they are not as incompetent as 
you think! They may seem unrealistic and ungrounded, but in reality they are 
functioning at a higher level, receiving stimuli from more than just your 
third dimension. Treasure your children who have imaginary friends and see 
fairies in the forest. They see Spirit until someone convinces them it is 

Do you see the flow of this pattern? It is now circling back to you. When 
your senses begin to flower, you too might see departed loved ones hovering 
near you and hear voices speaking from other dimensions. What will you do 
then? Deny or rejoice? To enter the kingdom of heaven, be like a child. 
Heaven is a state of consciousness. Regaining conscious awareness of the 
right brain is, therefore, reforging that lost link to Spirit. And how do 
you accomplish this? There is a big leap of faith to be made here, a 
reawakening and rejoining to your true self. 

What remains in your conscious awareness is only your left brain - that 
which controls or directs your physical body. In order to re-assimilate or 
reconnect with your right brain, you must reprogram your left brain and 
teach it to be still at times so that you can stretch and reach for the 
silent right side. For most of you, this requires a real effort of will, 
because you have lived solely through your left brain for many lifetimes. 
How can we help? We can help by teaching you, through the circle of grace. 
Learn this clearing process, and you will be working toward ascension.

In the first section of this work (in the May 2001 Sedona Journal), we said 
that the circle of grace begins on the dominant side of the body, crests at 
the shoulder and goes up the neck. When the energy reaches the top of the 
head, a separate circle begins to pulse, then the energy makes its descent 
on the non dominant side. That separate circle at the crown can now be 
explained. That stimulation of the crown chakra is reawakening the 
right-brain connection and balancing it with the left brain. 

We have said that the circle of grace helps each layer process pain, then 
clear and balance. When you enter the circle, be aware of the separate 
circular pulsing at the top of your head. For the mental body, this is a 
vital part of the new human awakening. If you fall asleep while doing the 
circle, that's even better. It will continue through the night, magnified by 
your awareness and now your new instructions.

Your biggest challenge is awakening your dormant right-brain connection 
while quieting your dominant left-brain mental body. Too much chatter from 
the mental body monopolizes your awareness. Too many mental distractions 
prevent you from connecting with the Earth, feeling in harmony with all 
life, remembering who you are. Television can capture you, telling you what 
to wear, eat, buy, be like and want. Do you realize how much power is in 
those airwaves?  But you have the ultimate power. Turn the set off and go 
for a walk or read in a quiet place. This lets you focus completely. 
Meditating every day, even for only twenty minutes, will focus you, release 
your stress and energize you at the same time. And it's noninvasive! 

The circle of grace is the best remedy for staying healthy that we can offer 
you now. The circle of grace works for each layer of the body in a specific 
way. For the mental body, the left brain is given a rest. It is asked not to 
speak. It is a letting go, if you will, of the temporary 3D reality and its 
many details. That is why it relieves stress to the mental body as well. 
While it is resting, it cannot get in the way, and you can rebuild a rapport 
with your right brain. At these times, you have the best inner growth, when 
the emotional and spiritual bodies intertwine to nourish each other with 
loving energy. This is why meditation is so vital in your ascension process.

The emotion of love from your spirit layer revitalizes the emotional body, 
from which is returned the love with the fuel of emotion behind it. If this 
sounds like a round robin, well, it is. All life is based on the circle. It 
is the basic shape of the flower of life, the basic shape of all life 
everywhere. As you learn that your emotions are actually "things" with 
weight and density - just as pain is to the body - it will become easier to 
stay in the higher octave of love rather than in the lower aspect of fear 
and all its negative effects. One will just feel good and the other bad. Not 
that we want to stress a judgment here, but it is your association with 
feeling good and bad that will identify the quality of what is happening 
around you at the moment, each moment. That is what should guide your actions. 

This is not tangible guidance. It occurs in the auric field, which is 
invisible and inaudible to you. You need to rely on the signals from your 
emotional body to mediate between your mental and physical bodies, which 
will ultimately perform the physical action that the mental body is 
directing. If you follow only the guidance of your mental body without 
adding love from the emotional body, your physical action might be cold and 
precise but devoid of feeling. Please learn to lead with your hearts. Pass 
every mental thought through your heart chakra (or visualize your upper 
chest, with both physical heart and spiritual heart chakras working together 
side by side). The heart is the fulcrum from which the lower and upper 
chakras achieve balance. In the new "energetic signature" you are 
developing, we ask you to lead with the heart to best balance the flowering 
of your gifts.

We have said that the mental body mediates between the emotional body layer 
and the spiritual, and also that the emotional body must mediate between the 
mental and physical bodies to result in actions, thoughts and deeds of a 
positive, loving nature. This is why it is difficult to separate or 
differentiate between the layers; though each has a specific function, the 
health of the body depends on all the layers working together in synchrony. 
We call this totality a waking meditation. Life is a meditation. Once you 
learn to balance all aspects, they will come forth in divine grace, each 
buffering the one on either side, all working together in harmony. If this 
sounds complicated, do not worry.

All your aspects have been working without your conscious knowledge of them. 
Even as you become aware of them, they will continue their functions. They 
will not suddenly stop and wait until you issue direct commands. They are 
ongoing, as are all parts of your individual whole. This thought paradigm 
also applies to the circle of grace. It is the body's natural cleansing 
process, which occurs while you sleep. Becoming conscious of it means 
joining your physical body in the process with a new awareness perspective. 

Observe the sensations, and you will become intimate with your own energetic 
system. You will be able to lie down and clear yourself as the need arises 
and get rid of unpleasant things that happen, rather than stuff them away to 
accumulate as emotional baggage or stress. Remember, pain has physical 
weight and density, just as thoughts do. They are just not in the third 
dimension of experience; you cannot see or touch them.

So are you beginning to understand the association between these different 
aspects of yourself? You are now at a level of more intense learning, having 
walked the material path, found the spiritual path, then found us, your 
devoted guides, waiting to welcome you to the higher realms. These new 
lessons are internal ones, as each of you becomes aware of all of your 
aspects. Once you have reached this awareness, you begin to reconfigure your 
aspects to suit your sense of comfort. Some of you live more in your mental 
bodies, some in your emotional bodies. 

Some of you - athletes, for instance - identify through the accomplishments 
and assets of the physical body. There are many ways to succeed - to learn 
survival, then life, then quest. It is the natural path; you were simply not 
aware of it before. How is all this done? Learn to lead with your hearts. 
Whatever thought you have, pass it through your heart before it passes your 
lips. If it constricts your heart in pain, do not say those words. Choose 
better words, more appropriate to higher self, words that make you feel 
lighthearted. Light of heart, light of mind, light of body, Light of God. 

That is the progression, and you have progressed well. Now it's time to 
prepare for the beautiful birth of a new age of man. As you have progressed 
through the centuries, you have worked on different lessons, aspects of 
being, qualities the soul is learning. Your soul inhabits many lives at 
once, usually separated by ages of time. Thus, you might have a soul mate 
currently living in ancient Greece, another one on Christopher Columbus' 
ship, another in the Civil War.

Watching brothers kill each other was sad - sadder yet, you are all 
brothers, and most still do not realize it. You have withstood many wars and 
gained many lessons, difficult as they were. They no longer need repeating 
for those of you awakened and aware. Unfortunately, not enough of you fit 
into this mindset. Even on the verge of this New Age, war, poverty, 
starvation and disease are rampant around your planet. Since it is mostly in 
the Third World countries, you do not see it every day, and it is easy to 
forget or ignore. 

You do not need to take on their burdens, except for this: Be aware of all 
of it. Know that all people need uplifting. For each of you who becomes 
aware, a dozen more step closer to that reality. It will, in time, reach its 
own exponential curve, and then the changes will come much faster. Now is 
the time to prepare, to become aware, to work together. You need to keep 
moving now that the energy is cresting. The stronger the energy grows, the 
more psychic you become. Stay fluid, open and aware as you flower into full 
sensory perception. This is no less than reuniting with God.

Re-membering. Re-joining. You are not alone in this. The closer you climb to 
our dimension, the more we will be able to interact with you and help pull 
you up. Some days, the energy will set your teeth on edge; other days, you 
will be quiet or tired. The inconsistency is the worst part; you yearn for 
stability right now, for a surcease from the pressure. Please take advantage 
of the circle of grace. Lightworkers, you must clear yourselves before you 
can help others. The circle of grace will help awaken the senses and align 
the energies of the body in an exquisite spiritual attunement, if you 
consciously participate.

The best thing you can do as a collective whole is to include the healing of 
Mother Earth in your prayers, thoughts and meditations. For you healers, 
know that the negative pain-filled energy you drain away from people goes 
directly down into the ground to be recycled as positive energy. Feed the 
Mother and she will, in turn sustain you. So welcome to the new energy. Go 
to the office every day as usual, but change your perspective. See flowers 
along the road, admire trees along the way, do deep breathing as you wait at 
the red light. Expand your awareness into every moment. Can you do this? 
This is what you must practice; simply being aware. 

Be aware of how you speak to people, how your food tastes, how the sunshine 
gleams on your lover's hair. Enjoy every moment; savor each breath you 
take. When you go to sleep at night, join us in a circle dance. Let us help 
you to advance. Be aware of the blood flowing in your veins and the pulsing 
of your heart. Focus on your breathing. Let your thoughts slide away, and 
float as a consciousness on the inner sea of a human being. The journey 
upward is inward. The best thing to learn is not to get in your own way! 
Strive for balance, reach for a kinder tone, be like unto the Earth its own 
heartbeat. We speak here of merging. 

The more you merge your awareness into all that is around you, the higher 
your awareness can take you. Practice first, before you take off and fly. 
When we speak of All That Is, we speak of God. Do you now understand that 
perspective? Being aware, every second, is living in the now. Once you 
master that, you can begin to affect everything around you, including time - 
past, present and future.

Back to the circle, children! There are no accidents at this level. What you 
will see is the emergence of synchronicity. Watch for it - it will happen 
more and more around you. Once you begin to rely on it, then you will have 
arrived. Where? At true faith. Put up a bird feeder. The birds have a lesson 
to teach. They show the cycle of abundance that keeps them fed through the 
seasons of their little lives. When your bird feeder is filled, they stay 
and sing, but if you forget to fill it, they will fly by and move on. They 
are tiny and fragile, yet all around them is food.

Mother Earth nurtures them. Be like the little birds. Arise each day and 
reach for what you know will be there - everything you need. Once you do 
that and truly believe it, the energy within you will rise exponentially 
from your efforts, and others will begin to feel it. Go forward then. Just 
begin to walk, and do it in strength and vitality, with awareness of your 
body, emotions, thoughts and faith all swirling around you in gentle layers 
of invisible, silken energy. The more you feel it, the more quickly it will 
happen. Once your mental body has fully accepted this perspective and begins 
to function from it, your entire being will shift accordingly.

So we come back to the beginning, as the circle always does. We said that 
your challenge had been created by disconnecting your awareness of Spirit 
and that you must find it again. We have explained what this process feels 
like and how you can participate in discovering and actively honing your 
spirituality. You can also think of this process as living every moment with 
a love-filled heart. Once you begin, it will become easy; it will feel 
right. It will feel much better than you have felt in a long time. Use the 
circle of grace to regain and maintain your health, to keep you balanced and 

Use the circle in your healing work, to find and release blockages, to help 
others regain their health and balance. You will achieve a higher balance. 
You will regain your connection with Spirit. You have already affected the 
balance of the New Age, bringing it in with ease and grace. We are proud of 
your accomplishments. Your reaching up will affect all the dimensions above 
you, as any shift affects the whole. For all of the help we offer, you have 
done the hardest part of the work. We are grateful and humbled to serve as 
your guides.

We are, in all love, the Brotherhood of Light