! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is important but knowledge is the key!

Motives and Means of 911 Frame-up

Here are the most important questions, motives, aspects etc. we need to 
return to: 

1. Nothing is more important to breaking the 911-frame-up than the Bosankoe 
enlargment and animation-sequencing of the Pentagon attack. This evidence 
establishes the fact of the small jet (or cruise missile) attack on the 
Pentagon on September 11, using the raw data of the D. of D.'s own security 
video footage. This is the unanswerable "smoking gun." It is sound 
replicable data actually provided by the organization that it proves is lying. 

2. The fact of remote-control hijackings in each of the 911 crashbombing 
planes is further supported by these other well- documented cases of 
crashjacking murders (and one test run of the remote crashjacking 
equipment): [We talk about the remote-control hijackings, but we neglect to 
tell newcomers to the investigation that there have been other 
incontrovertable cases of remote-control crashjackings that were discovered, 
but then forgotten in distraction by the U.S. -Northern-Alliance-Druglord 
invasion and conquest of Taliban Afganistan and by the small anthrax attacks 
on the media and government and daily predicted but never materializing 
large-scale anthrax attack. 

Here are the tree other cases: 
a. American Airlines Airbus A300 in 1999: As it prepared to land in Miami 
the rudder moved back and forth several times on its own causing the jet to 
move violently from side to side. Then it just stopped on its own. "Rudder 
movements extreme" reported the NTSB. Never explained. 

b. Crashed Egypt Air 990 Boeing 767 10/31/99 JFK to Cairo, Egypt. Top 
Egyptian military aboard. A half hour out of New York the pilot left the 
cockpit to go to the toilet. A voice, in English, (not the pilot or 
co-pilot) is heard on the voice recorder saying "Control it." --then the 
plane begins flying countrary to the auto-pilot where it had been set to fly 
the appropriate course. The co-pilot uttering prays to Allah in disbelief, 
turns off the auto-pilot in an attempt to restore proper control of the 
plane. But instead, the plane then goes into a dive. The co-pilot is again 
heard calling on Allah for help. The pilot returns to the cockpit 16 seconds 
into the dive, asking, "What's happening?" Both work to pull up the nose. 

The engine goes full throttle while still in a dive. The co-pilot cuts the 
fuel lines, to stop the engines. Then the right and left elevators move in 
opposite directions. The ailerons on both wings move full up. The pilot 
orders "Shut engines." The co-pilot replies: "They're shut." The last words 
from the cockpit are of those of the pilot exhorting the co-pilot in Arabic: 
"Pull! Pull! Pull!" Suddenly the voice recorder is simply shut off, just 
like in Flight 587. (Presumably the remote-controlling crash-jacker has 
heard enough to know that his mission 
crashjacking mission has succeeded. 

c. Flight 587 on 11/12/01, an Airbus A 300 after taking off in New York 
suddenly has its vertical stabilizers begin to sway back and forth on their 
won, beyond the normal range that even the cockpit controls permit. Flight 
data record "unuslual sideways movments, [called yawing], that violently 
slammed passengers back and forth" -- working the rudder in the stabilizer 
as if someone were trying to wear down the material as one breaks wire 
throughmetal fatigue by working it back and forth. When the stabilizer 
finally broke off under this pounding rudder was gone the plane might still 
have been able to land with a skilled pilot under otherwise normal 
condiotions, except that now the remote crashjacker began playing with the 
flaps, the ailerons and the elevators all at the same time. 

The strain on the plane was terrific. As the recorder indicates, the plane 
turned a full ten degrees in one second. (A feat well beyond the normal 
range of operation.) The plane banked left, even though the blackbox 
recorder indicates that at the same time pilot and co-pilot were working 
controls to move the plane in the opposite direction in the opposite 
direction. Then the remote crashjacker goes for the kill as the recorder 
indicates that the nose drops and the cockpit voice record is cut off (and 
that means both the plane's normal power source and the 
emergeny battery source on a different circuit.). The stresses caused by 
these crashjacking maneuvers -- the full throttle dive followed by the suden 
dropping of the flaps -- caused the in-high-momentum engines to break off as 
the braces fail to hold them back with the slowing flap-down wings. 

Note: The cockpit conversations of these crashes have not been released, 
merely portions of cockpit conversation being paraphrased. Note also that 
the NTSB (Director Marion Blakey a recently appointed D.C. lobbyist with no 
experience in the field) -- blames both the Flight AA-587 crash and the 
EgyptAi r990 crashes on the pilots (pilot error in the AA case and a suicide 
in the EgyptAir case -- both totally inconsistent with any and all available 
evidence -- both determinations together in the face of all contrary 
blackbox flight data being entirely to improbable to leave room for any 
other conclusion than that the National Transportation Safety Board is 
involved in the 911 frame-up cover-up. 

3. The destruciton of the North Tower and WTC Building #7 meant the 
destruction of all the evidence and files in two of the biggest and 
far-reaching suits ever brought against the very top financial leaders of 
the U.S. 

a) The grand jury information about the illegal oil swaps between Kazakhstan 
and then-sanctioned Iran, in a suit brought by businessman Farhat Tabbah 
under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, that involved James H. Giffen and 
Mobil Oil -- evidence and files destroyed in the bomb explosion on the 23rd 
floor of the North Tower and the later collapse of the building and the 
deaths of investigators effectively ended the chances of those cases 

(See #5, below, about the bomb on the 23rd floor; See Seymor M. Hersh's 
article in the July 9, New Yorker for details in the action brought against 
Giffen and Giffen's close criminal ties with Kazakhstan strongman 
Nazarbayev. b). The destruction of Securities and Exchange Commission 
evidence and files and investigators murdered in the largest 
gold-price-fixing case in history, the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee's 
(GATA's) lawsuit, brought by Reginal Howe, involving some of the most 
powerful figures in American finance-- charges against Greenspan, Morgan, 
and other big banking houses, plus Lawrence Sommers (now President of 
Harvard) -- the entire case estroyed in the wtc attack. (Many government 
agencies had been relocated in the wtc buildings. Building number seven, by 
the way, was the New York CIA headquaters -- just as the Pentagon target was 
Naval intelligence.) 

4. The bomb that went off on the 23rd floor of the North Tower near the 
moment of the first plane hitting the building was revealed indirectly on 
the 60 Minutes program a week or so later-- John Tebeak (Sp.?) the new wtc 
security chief being interviewed tells of his rescue of Port Authority 
workers on the 22nd floor totally buried in debris when the bomb-demolished 
23rd-floor roof collapsed on them -- 30 stories below the airliner crash! (I 
have this on tape, and have made the transcript, and can put you in touch 
with Steve in Maine who has the actual video. ) [Is there a connection 
between the 23rd-floor destruction and a phantom missile that people are 
claiming to see hitting the building along with the first plane that 
crashed. People were dead, rescuers had to dig through rubble to rescue the 
Port Authority personel on the floor below those 23rd-floor government 
offices (disguised as health insurance offices) where information in the 
above two cases were being stored. 

5. The important role of Northern Alliance grown opium in the production of 
Chinese heroin, and the revenues those crops generate that are laundered 
into American and British investment banks to be reinvested in the new 
(slave) facorties of Triad-dominated China and that -- with near subsistence 
wages drain middle classes jobs from the the working people of the west. 
(The opium-derived heroin grosses $2 trillion a year in 
subsequently-laundered revenues -- a flow of funds that comprises a large 
portion of the "hot money" that has caused economic havoc throught the 
national economies of the world. 

6. And finally we have the $6 trillion in Central Asian oil and mineral 
wealth -- and the possibility of oil pipelines through Afganistan to carry 
that oil to India, Vietnam and other southeast Asian nations whose economic 
development finance globalism means to control. 

Dick Eastman (Yakima, Washington)