! Wake-up  World  Wake-up !
~ It's Time to Rise and Shine ~

We as spiritual beings or souls come to earth in order to experience the human condition. This includes the good and the bad scenarios of this world. Our world is a duality planet and no amount of love or grace will eliminate evil or nastiness. We will return again and again until we have pierced the illusions of this density. The purpose of human life is to awaken to universal truth. This also means that we must awaken to the lies and deceit mankind is subjected to. To pierce the third density illusion is a must in order to remove ourselves from the wheel of human existences. Love is important but knowledge is the key!

Is Putsch the incarnation of Jesus?
Has the wag run out of dog?

GOP suffers setback after setback-and the media reports it!

By Bryan Zepp Jamieson
Online Journal Contributing Writer

March 6, 2002-As a poll came out showing that only 75 percent of the public 
thought that the administration was either lying or hiding something in 
regards to the Enron scandal, events came together to form a spectacularly 
bad week for the GOPhers. Thirteen percent believed Putsch was neither lying 
or covering up.

Mind you, that's the 13 percent who will swear that Putsch is the 
incarnation of Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi and St. Germain, all rolled up into one 
and made sexy and intelligent in the bargain. In other words, the 13 percent 
who will support Putsch even if he's caught sodomizing three-year olds. The 
13 percent who still supported Nixon the day he resigned.

This came at a time when Democrats were gleefully counting heads in the 
Senate and predicting they had the votes to get Shays-Meehan past the 
filibuster hurdle. It came at a time when Americans were beginning to notice 
the increasing world outrage over the "detainees" at Camp X-ray and asking 
just what we were doing with these people anyway. The administration was 
forced to admit that after six weeks, they still hadn't come up with 
significant evidence against a single one of the captives. But they planned 
to hold them indefinitely anyway.

Word of that Kafkaesque approach reached the prisoners, and it only took a 
spark to create an insurrection. Some idiot soldier obliged, ripping the 
turban from the head of a prisoner while he was praying, and causing over a 
third of the camp to go on a hunger strike. The once-docile media reported 
this on the front page and on the evening news. And questions about just 
what the hell we think we're doing got that much louder and more persistent.

As the Middle East continued to disintegrate into a bloodbath, Ari 
Fleischer, perhaps tired of people asking why the administration wasn't 
trying to end the violence, tried blaming it on Clinton. To everyone's 
surprise, the media reported his little smear, with AP leading off with "The 
White House on Thursday blamed aggressive diplomacy by former President 
Clinton for the current violence in the Middle East, saying Clinton pushed 
Israelis and Palestinians too hard in an attempt to shoot the moon and get 
nothing." After that, the story blew up in Ari's face as both Democrats and 
commentators protested the unfairness and dishonesty of his claim. For the 
first time in his reptilian career, Dirty Ari had to back off, claiming he 
didn't mean Clinton, but was talking about someone else when he referred to 
presidents "shooting the moon" in 2000. Musta been some other president, 
Ari. Yeah, that's the ticket.

The war on terrorism had its setbacks. After announcing that they were going 
to create a Bureau of Disinformation in the Pentagon ("spin troopers") for 
propaganda, Rummy announced, after loud shouts of derision from the press 
and abroad, that the office was closing because publicity ruined its 
purpose. Such operations had to be run in secret. Sure, Rummy, we believe 
you when you say it's closed for good. Uh huh. Sure. Whatever, Rummy.

There were problems in the Philippines, and Rummy made a really clumsy and 
stupid appearance on the subject of the massacre of Afghani "friendlies," 
basically trying to dismiss it by saying "mistakes were made." Mistakes like 
tying them up, shooting them, and leaving mocking notes on the bodies for 
the next of kin to find. Those types of mistakes.

Then it was announced that we were sending 50 troops to the Republic of 
Georgia to teach them to fight terrorism. As if there's anything America 
could teach that part of the world about terrorism.

We apparently forgot to mention to the Russians that we were sending troops 
into an area they regard as a "buffer zone." They were understandably 
unamused, and Dmitry Rogozin, head of the Duma's Commission for 
International Affairs, promptly announced that they would support the 
breakaway Georgian province of Abkhazia. I don't know what the hell Georgian 
President Shevardnaze was thinking of.

Putsch apparently didn't think it worth mentioning to Congress, including 
Trent Lott. When Daschle questioned just what our goals and objectives were 
on the war on terrorism and remarked that Congress would be asking tougher 
questions on this, Lott, apparently caught flat-footed by his bungling 
commander-in-thief, said, "How dare Senator Daschle criticize President Bush 
while we are fighting our war on terrorism, especially when we have troops 
in the field. He should not be trying to divide our country while we are 

Mind you, Trent Lott is a cowardly, unpatriotic bastard who applauded as the 
House released a report full of pornographic speculation against Clinton, 
without any actual evidence, during the war in Kosovo, and while Clinton was 
pressing for support to eliminate bin Laden, tried to convict him and throw 
him out of office for fibbing to the public about a blow job. Thanks, Trent. 
If you'd been half as patriotic then as you claim to be now, the World Trade 
Center would still be standing.

Daschle came back and went right down Lott's throat, saying, "I think the 
Republicans' reaction was nothing short of hysterical. I'm amused, frankly. 
I'd ask them to look at what I said, because I stand by what I said. 
Congress has a constitutional responsibility to ask questions. We are not a 
rubber stamp to the president or to anybody else. We must do what the 
Constitution and what our best judgment requires."

Trent Lott, by now dazed and confused, made the lame reply that he was 
taking offense to Daschle noting that thus far, Putsch had failed in his 
main stated objective of the war on terrorism: the capture or death of Osama 
bin Laden, and the leaders of Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Putsch jumped in, 
saying that the war was bigger than just the capture of one man.

We didn't really want him anyway. We were just bombing Afghanistan for the 
hell of it.

In the meantime, the Middle East and the subcontinent continued to 
destabilize, brought about in part by American games in the area. Now that 
Pakistan is our buddy, they've decided they don't need to be afraid of the 
militarily more powerful Indians any more, and a truly horrific series of 
attacks between the two nations has been taking place, including the burning 
to death of over 300 civilians this week in a ghastly game of fire tag.

On the environment, things went badly for the Pubs. First Putsch released 
his plan on global warming, to nearly universal derision. I can't think of a 
presidential proposal that drew so much sardonic laughter since Jerry Ford's 
Whip Inflation Now fiasco. Remember the stupid WIN buttons?

Less than a week after reneging on his campaign promise not to turn Yucca 
Mountain into a nuclear waste dump, a report came out stating that some 
15,000 Americans were killed by the fallout from the open air tests in the 
'50s. That should firm up public support for Putsch's plan to resume 
underground testing. You think?

On the heels of a court ruling that Cheney must turn over 7,500 pages of 
documents relating to his meetings with petroleum and energy company 
representatives came the very loud resignation of the EPA's chief 
enforcement officer, Eric Shaeffer, who wrote in a public letter, "It is no 
longer possible to pretend that the ongoing debate with the White House and 
Department of Energy is not effecting our ability to negotiate settlements. 
Cinergy and Vepco have refused to sign the consent decrees they agreed to 15 
months ago, hedging their bets while waiting for the Administration's Clean 
Air Act reform proposals. Other companies with whom we were close to 
settlement have walked away from the table. The momentum we obtained with 
agreements announced earlier has stopped, and we have filed no new lawsuits 
against utility companies since this Administration took office. We 
obviously cannot settle cases with defendants who think we are still 
rewriting the law."

Shaeffer was an appointee from a previous administration.
Fellow named George H.W. Bush appointed him, back in 1991.
It's been suggested that perhaps Putsch should have a chat with daddy about 
his energy programs.

Henry A. Waxman got in on the act. Waxman, who has proven to be the biggest 
thorn in the side of the junta, blasted Putsch appointees for the bias they 
showed in whom they discussed policy with while formulating same. He stated 
that a Department of Energy official named Blake had testified that of the 
65 people he met with to formulate policy, 64 were industry representatives. 
You have to wonder who the 65th was; the head of the Sahara Club, perhaps?

The New York Times ran an above-the-fold story that started out, 
"WASHINGTON, Feb. 28-Eighteen of the energy industry's top 25 financial 
contributors to the Republican Party advised Vice President Dick Cheney's 
national energy task force last year, according to interviews and election 

For most politically aware people, this wasn't news. But the fact that the 
mainstream media is now reporting it prominently is news.

Perhaps the most chilling setback for the junta came from an incident where 
it can be safely said that Putsch had nothing to do with it. A new batch of 
Nixonian horrifics were released last week, from tapes made while he was 
president, and while most of it was the usual cold, sanctimonious, tawdry 
dishonesty that we expect from Republican White Houses, one tape showed that 
the moral and ethical rot of the American right isn't a recent development, 
and indeed, infected the most morally heroic figure of the right: the 
Reverend Billy Graham. Agreeing with Nixon that "Jewish control of the 
media" was destroying America, Graham said, ''A lot of Jews are great 
friends of mine. They swarm around me and are friendly to me. Because they 
know that I am friendly to Israel and so forth. But they don't know how I 
really feel about what they're doing to this country, and I have no power 
and no way to handle them.''

Graham apologized, while simultaneously claiming to not remember ever 
holding such opinions or voicing same. A ludicrously disingenuous statement 
that, in a rational world, would finish Graham's moral authority once and 
for all. But of course, standard fare for the followers of the American 
right. They'll swallow it without blinking.

Graham went on to say that he hoped that after he was re-elected, Nixon 
would be able to do something about the Jews.

And there you have it: the best and most moral voice of the American right. 
Sounding more like Hitler than like Jesus.

Elections are coming, folks. If we don't run this scum out now, we might not 
get another chance.

More of Bryan Zepp Jamieson's commentaries may be found at Zepp's Political 
Commentary     .