From --
Other websites -
My name is Purple Crow. This is my chosen name for it is also my spiritual
name. I live in beautiful Vancouver, Canada for the most part. I am a
Freelance investigative journalist, a radio show producer, a professionally
trained audio engineer and album producer as well as an "audio artist". I
feel that I have lived lives within ONE race of reptilian beings on more
than one occasion, and my spiritual energy pattern remains very connected to
that "time/place". (Past=Future=Present: The continuous "now".) I am a
multidimensional being, and am aware that my "physical" body might confuse
you upon first glance. (My human body confuses me at times too) You might
just see my flesh and that's it, assuming that this vessel is all there is
to my being, which is not at all accurate.
Or you might assume that I am just another strange person with a "conspiracy
based web-site"... but I can assure you that I dislike conspiracy claims
without the FACTS to back up said claim, and I have PLENTY of FACTS to share
with you now. That's what my site and work is about: FINDING OUT THE DEEPER
TRUTH from behind the curtain of lies and half truths. Yeah, I know it's not
a glamorous, flashy looking website, but you will soon know WHY this is all
I have to work with. (Besides: Flashy websites are more often than not just
a ruse to cover-up the lack of REAL information. If you disagree then you
are STILL trapped inside "Matrix" type of thinking.)
Research into hidden history, secret circles, UFO sightings and fact based
freelance investigative journalism is what I do by choice of my own free
will, NOT because I get paid to do so. If I got paid to do what I do, there
would no longer be a need to do this! I would much rather just be an artist
to be truthful. "A man is not judged by his income, he is judged by his
morals and efforts." Yeah, I WISH that were true on this planet!
I have done all this for you for FREE under some incredibly stressful
conditions with the help of my close friends. I might also be described as
the "Howard Stern" of the paranormal community by some, but that's not
because I'm rude, it's because I don't take any BS from ANYONE - and I don't
fall for every "new age" gimmic. I always speak my mind and rarely ever edit
myself while speaking or writing. I am compassionate and honest, perhaps
more-so than Mr. Stern. :)
I'm very independent and don't cater to anyone's neurosis or belief system,
even though I allow everyone to share their views with me at least once.
{Note: It's absolutely amazing how many people repeat what others believe as
their own truth without even knowing it} (My past employers loved me, yes)
I'll listen to you, and perhaps even work with you, but I won't "join" you.
I have my own path to follow. To be quite frank, I don't even care what
others think of my path as it is MY business and no one elses where I want
to seek my own truth or how I chose to get there. I will share with you
none-the-less to see if you can handle what I have to say without jumping to
false conclusions of prejudice slander.
The stories that I uncover while working are taken more seriously if they
can be backed up with detail and other witnesses, still I will gladly be one
of the first to open a conversation in just about ANY forum, just to get the
ball rolling as it were. I am a LEADER, not a follower. I'm not a "UFO
believer", "alarmist" or "conspiracy theorist", I'm a fact-based researcher
who can back up what he does with many reports and documents from different
sources. I'm a very STRONG WILLED being who doesn't believe in ridicule or
others' opinions changing who I am in any way. YOU WILL LOOSE if you intend
to change my mind about being a free thinker.
I speak truth even when it hurts, for I feel there is no more time for
goofing off and WAITING "for the rest of the class to catch up" (so to
speak) as this planet becomes completely unlivable or as people get trapped
inside yet another organized religion - the so called "New Age" movement,
which consists mostly of sitting on one's ass and FEARING TAKING ACTION on
any other level than "meditating". (Many of the general public are waking up
slowly - and I remain on the cutting edge, where I prefer to reside - This
leaves a VERY large gap between us unfortunately and you might feel a little
lost or overwhelmed while on my site if this material is NEW to you - I'm
not here to educate every single contact I make from the start of time to
present day, that's up to your own efforts.
This site is YOUR tool to educate yourself) I am often mistaken for a New
ager due to some of my wording, but that's purely because of the language I
was born into and it's complete lack of useful easy to understand words to
describe other dimensions. I refuse to be an intellectual even though I have
an above average IQ, people dislike intellectuals. (I agree with Einstein
and Tesla: I don't even worry about spelling sometimes when I'm in a hurry
to get the message out, you can do your own spelling corrections if that's
your focus in life. It's the MESSAGE that MUST BE UNDERSTOOD, not the shape
of the handwriting.)
Prepare yourself, what I say might overwhelm you. No doubt you might run for
cover in total disbelief from this site's contents...
Please, walk with me and I'll share with you as much as I know to be true.
(I motion for you to follow me as I begin to walk down the path. You see my
physical form as human and my astral body as reptilian. A bright shaft of
Purple light connects to my crown.) Excuse me if I confuse you at times as I
tend to shift from speaking from my higher self, or astral body, to speaking
from my current physical incarnation as a human. Sometimes it's not easy for
me to stay focused for long periods of time, and I have very much to show
you in very little time.
I have been seen as the reptilian image on the left of your screen (above)
by many PSYCHICS, due to my particular energy patterns from one of my past
lives. That is not to say that all humans look like lizards on a higher
level, but in my case that seems to come up an awful lot, with good reason.
I have been seen in people's dreams and visions of the future where contact
with "alien" beings is a daily occurrence. This is not my only form, my
spiritual connections go into hyperspace and beyond the stars.
There are NUMEROUS beings living in human bodies right now since
"reincarnation" is not just a human choice (free will) in this multi-verse,
but an alien choice as well. Energy never dies, it just changes
position/form. (My current energy patterns on a soul level relate to my WORK
here on Earth right now) We are ALL multidimensional light beings of one
type or another who have forgotten many things while living in these bodies
called "Human": Our TRUE hidden "Earth" history being one missing piece of
the puzzle. That, coupled with our genetic evolution and history, as well as
our psychic re-awakening and spiritual destiny is what I am here to remind
you of now.
Let me give you an example of our own hidden genetic past with the words of
Anthony Snyder from
"They already know that the difference between a chimp and a human is about
300 genes, and that 223 of these did not come from normal understood
evolution. They seem to have appeared out of nowhere at a single point in
our past. As a result, a lot of wild theories have formed about how we
received the 223 genes that make humans so unique. Half of them are shared
with bacteria. These genes do not show up in invertebrates at all - so how
did they jump from bacteria to human, skipping the invertebrates? Or was it
the other way around? 1/6th of these mysterious genes are shared by other
vertebrates (cows, rodents, fish, etc.), and 2/6th are identified as unique.
A scientist friend of mine says that these few genes that separate us from
chimps have very little to do with most areas of the body. He says they are
mostly focused on the two additional brains that we have, one of which is
reptilian, the other one is alien. It is his opinion that a brain this
advanced will not be inserted into a chimp body by accidental horizontal
bacterial evolution at a single point in time. Yet this is currently the
only explanation provided by geneticists working on the project."
If that doesn't make you re-think what the history channel tells you about
human life, then I don't know what would. For those of you who have always
wanted to meet an "alien" - there IS hope, and YOU are not alone! WE are not
alone... We never were.
My friend, TAL, has discovered that many humans who have Rh- (Rh negative)
blood have MORE reptilian "alien" DNA than other humans. Their brains are
wired slightly differently, they often have extra ribs or vertebrae and have
a colder blood/body temperature. Many AB- blood types are also born with a
human TAIL which is removed upon birth! The evidence for alien life has been
right here under our very noses all this time, and we are just waking up to
that fact now.
UFO abductees often seem to have a slightly different anatomy or strange
"body anomalies" that are of interest to the beings in these contact/UFO
abduction cases. TAL thinks this is part of some alien hybrid
experimentation project which is being tracked on Earth constantly, and
quite possibly is being directed by reptilian beings who often seem to be in
charge, or are "supervising" each human contact case. As for myself, I have
scales on my body in two areas which are actually not that uncommon, or so
the doc tells me anyway. :)
Imagine an upright walking intelligent being evolving from this raptor
female dinosaur LONG before humans were even thought of... Just imagine if
some of them survived underground for THOUSANDS if not MILLIONS of years now
and have been interacting with us as "UFO ALIENS" from another world...
Could they really be THAT CLOSE right now? Just IMAGINE. Carl Sagan agrees
with this thinking and composed an essay on this very subject long ago.
(BTW: Reverse Sagan = Nagas = Ancient SERPENT gods from the ancient world,
How did I end up on THIS strange site?
Do you believe in "coincidence"? I don't, but I DO experience synchronicity
constantly. I know you are here for a reason. Whether you came here by my
handing you a card with this URL on it, or whether you happened to find me
on your own, or whether a friend directed you here, the path is yours alone
to this site. By whatever means you ended up here on my page, it would be
out of fear of the unknown that you would turn back now. Please, friend, do
not be afraid of what you find here. Only a fool would mock the hand of God
when fate speaks. I mean you no harm, only to share with you as you
re-discover yourself as I have re-discovered my own self. Please let me
explain what I mean...
Welcome to the outermost edge of the "Matrix":
The age that you are living in RIGHT NOW is the time that the ancient
Mayans, Aztecs, Shaman and many other ancient cultures spoke of: 1987-2012
AD: the "Harmonic Convergence". The end of "time" as we know it. This was
taught to the humans in that time by a REPTILIAN ENTITY (plumed serpent)
called, "Quetzalquotl". (Do you see the pattern? - We're back!) Since 1987
the vibratory rate (Earth's 'Schumann resonance frequency' of 7.83 Hz) has
been on the rise after a very long period of stability, and it's heading for
a multidimensional PEAK around 2012. (14-15 Hz peak) Human DNA is
RE-evolving back into it's original form against the will of those in power.
This planet is currently in the 4th dimension, one which our DNA cannot
"see" yet, and is making a B-line for the 5th dimension. "Time is speeding
up", and this shift is completely natural and a regular occurrence. Nicola
Tesla said, "EVERYTHING in the universe RESONATES at it's own frequency, yet
they all relate on a harmonic scale to each other...Understanding my work
means understanding the key to the universe, RESONANCE." (Paraphrase)
Universal existence is like a song, with rhythm and harmonics.
The darkest aspect of the great creator, known perhaps as the "great
destroyer of all things", has entered our reality here on Earth and has been
"running the show" for some time now from WITHIN each end every individual
who finds themselves focusing on CHAOTIC CONTROL and destruction of others.
"Ordo Ab Chao". Whether it be for the death of free will or the death of the
body, this dark THOUGHT-FORM comes from the same inner place. It has
infested every aspect of our 'human' way of life - AND the life of
OTHER-WORLDLY beings as well. It is a virus in the 'program', a 'Cancer' if
you will and DOES NOT represent the RACE, CULTURE or PHYSICAL BODIES of
those who have become infected! The "NWO" is very real and has dark,
sinister plots which go back as far as the ancient world and BEYOND to the
stars and other dimensions where it began. How can this be so? I'll answer
that with the words of Janet Swerdlow...
"How can a small group of beings gain control over a large group of beings
without the large group even knowing that they are controlled? At first
glance, this sounds like an outlandish and preposterous idea that this even
could be done, much less is done. But, take a look at this small, tight-knit
group. They have every physical need met. They do not have the outside
distractions of the average human. They do not have to think or worry about
food, shelter, income, and/or family stability. The wealth stays in the
hands of these self-selected few. Their wealth gives them the power to
create. Their wealth gives them the time to do it, as well as global access
to all known resources."
Now imagine this 'dark culture' of powerful beings having interdimensional
affiliations and powers... Getting chills down your spine yet?
Picture of a Masonic hall, inside and out.
Rent the film "Eyes Wide Shut" if you want a good example of how this
type of situation plays out on a day to day basis.
A whole other world was once here on Earth, long ago, which today would be
completely unrecognizable. It used to be more like "Star Wars" back in the
days of Atlantis, but that time is long gone, yet may soon return. In Africa
and in other surviving (barely) cultures they have always had knowledge of
the star Sirius "B", a star that we couldn't even SEE until the advent of
very powerful TELESCOPES! How did they know of this world, and why were they
so influenced by it's "culture"?
They also speak of the planet "Tiamat" that was DESTROYED which we now call
"the asteroid belt" (between Mars and Jupiter) They also say that Mars once
had life on it which was transplanted on Earth. (Blond hair, blue eyed
genes) Don't believe that one? Science has said this is possible due to the
massive amount of MAGNETITE (organic brain component) presently discovered
on Mars! Who lived there? Where did they go? Evidence of a catastrophe would
be the PLANET WIDE surface crack larger than the Grand Canyon and the
volcano, Olympus mons, larger than Mt. Everest by SEVERAL TIMES over!
Science seems to be discovering that this was not from the planet's
formation, but an event which happened later on, more recently. (Not to
mention the FACE and pyramids on Mars) Q: How could this happen? A: Planet
"X", or "Nemisis", which is a dark star (or "black sun") which orbits
between the Orht cloud (well past Pluto) and Jupiter/Mars, that returns here
about every 3,600 years, causing massive "flooding" (the effect of gravity
on the ocean) and weather changes. The SUN is also severely affected by this
massive sun sized giant, which we have been witnessing since about 1991. Too
much to be true? How about a scientific study report on the subject? Read it
here - then continue with my page.
It would seem that the humans of Atlantis LOST the war to some very dark
entities who enslaved us on Earth, and we are the "survivors" of that
ancient war. These warriors have been hiding in the 4th dimension ever
since, ("The pit" in the Bible) manipulating us with fake religions and
limited science so they can maximise their time playing with our spiritual
limitations and muck about with our DNA. (See exploitation) As our planet
increases it's vibrational frequency these (often reptilian looking)
entities are finding it almost impossible to maintain their FAKE (alternate)
human form. Humanity is being watched VERY closely right now by many diverse
beings, worlds and entities beyond our current ability to "sense" them.
Other beings, sometimes called the "ancient astronauts" are returning to
Earth also, but not before we PROVE ourselves that we can rid this world of
certain controlling behaviours from within ourselves and also rid our planet
of the dark shadow beings which now inhabit every aspect of power in both
government and secret societies. This is how the secret controllers of this
planet have got away with their dastardly deeds and high-level secrets
(black projects like Area 51, Dulce secret underground base, the
Philadelphia experiments, Montauk, HAARP, etc...) for SO long. Many of these
people in power aren't even "human" by our civilian terms, but rather
I use this term loosely. Instead they have deep interdimensional
connections, (see the "American" dollar bill for an example of Masonic
secret symbology), watching and manipulating with apparent "invisible"
hands. We see only their PHYSICAL BODY rather than their true form! Well,
not for much longer, I can assure you. They are LOOSING THEIR GRIP ON
HUMANITY FAST! More and more humans are waking up to the fact that reptilian
entities are being witnessed by hundreds of people, far and wide, in
positions of power or influence in this world, and that these beings can
shimmer (shift) between forms at will.
It's getting harder and harder with the Earth's raising vibrational
frequency for these "aliens" to maintain human form, and they are being seen
more and more every day. After all, they can't control a people who discover
that they have NOT truly been "free" for over 25,000 years or longer, but
rather have been used by "psychic energy vampires" as "live-stock".
IMPORTANT FACT: Not all reptilians act this way, just a ROGUE GROUP of
beings who are here amongst us, and not even all of them agree with this
plan for total control. In fact many ARE doing something about this right
now. We are all individuals, human or otherwise.
possession" is still a problem and can turn entire leagues of beings into
zombified "hive minded" oppressors. ("Group mind" is like a communal
collective of consenting individuals, almost telepathic in nature. "Hive
mind" is more like ONE mind controlling the entire lot, often with a secret
agenda. Almost Hitlar-esque.)
MANY of "us" are here, now, in various positions as "human". We have sought
each other out after going within and listening to our inner light, which
reminded us of our destiny. We are a collective of individuals from all over
and beyond who share a common love... LOVE. What seems so surprising to
those we open up to is that most of us are not in the 'human'
reincarnational cycle. We come and go as we please from form to form, planet
to planet, dimension to dimension. I must say that of all the worlds I have
rested upon, this one, this time is by far the most frustrating and
confusing. To be born here, blinded by birth is no comfortable start to this
life, as I'm sure you well know, my friend. Going within, DEEP inside your
soul, you too have found answers to your path this life, and your OWN unique
lessons and choices.
(I smile a very wide smile as I continue to lead you down the tunnel towards
the other side.)
Should I have mentioned such things long ago, I would have been killed for
heresy against the church, plain and simple. (Reptilian control mechanism
#33) Times have changed, or have they?...
Let me give you an easy example of how these interdimensional beings
operate: Imagine being a radio, (try to anyway) LOCKED onto only ONE signal
due to years of genetic (hardware) manipulation from long ago, blind to the
existence of other "stations or signals", yet they are just as REAL, just as
physical! All you are aware of is ONE reality (the visual one), and anything
outside of that reality just "doesn't exist", period. It's easy to STAY in
power with abilities that simply "Do not exist" to us, that seem like
"science-fiction" and "conspiracy theory". You can't see "radio waves", yet
you are told they exist, and have accepted this as your reality through
years of working with these energies utilizing tools such as radio and TV
receivers. Very simple.
It's very easy to DISMISS something that someone says is "real" when the
listener (IE: You) does not even KNOW about such things. You might think
these stories "Out of this world" at first until you become educated in
otherworldly affairs and the SCIENCE which proves the existence of other
dimensions. (Cosmic string theory is OLD news to interdimensional beings)
These interdimensional controllers and their "great work" appears like
magick to us because we don't know any better. ("Natives dazzled by a simple
match-stick") Take UFOs for instance: Are they truly from another star
system? Or are they from somewhere much closer, like a parallel dimension?
To the interdimensional beings it's a simple science of control.
ALL THAT is about to change though. Scientists have admitted that the
appearance of "physical" density is just an illusion, and in fact we are all
living, evolving patterns of energy. AH HA! Now at last science is catching
up to what the remaining NATIVE SHAMAN always knew! :) We are actually 90%
empty space and use only 10% of our genetic code as well as our brains. What
if the rest of our DNA was "SWITCHED ON"? I'm not talking about your current
2 strands of barely functioning DNA here, rather the 12 strands that we are
supposed to have running at all times! We'd suddenly see/feel and LIVE with
the rest of the beings that also inhabit the SAME SPACE as us right now.
By the law of energy movement - the remaining 90% of "us" could carry the
other 10% (our physical selves) to other levels (or states) of
being/resonance, including travel to other worlds. Ever hear the description
of a UFOs interior? "...There was a complete lack of knobs or physical
controls... Only a central core which could hold some unknown type of energy
was even visible..." (Think about that one a minute) Hmmmmm... ;)
A higher cosmic plan:
Now is the time to take control of your OWN ability to TUNE your internal
radio dial into these other frequencies, but with guided WISDOM. This is our
natural ability, and it's growing in collective power through this "New age"
spiritual re-awakening. Some of those who reside in these other dimensions
are not very friendly at all and are hell bent on "possessing" your mind and
body, while others are more than happy to assist in any way they can. Your
KNOWLEDGE of these different beings and their ACTIVITIES is paramount BEFORE
this final shift becomes a PROBLEM rather than a celebration of our mutual
liberation like it was originally intended. You must learn to protect yourself.
Not all apparently friendly UFO contact is what it seems. Very serious
trouble is afoot, and the war has just gone public! (IE: Now YOU know.)
Imagine the pressure to get humanity under TOTAL CONTROL with micro-chipping
and other such technologies before 2012! This is to be completed before we
fully realise what's going on behind our backs and REBEL against this evil.
THAT is their goal! Yes, panic WILL ensue when this becomes common
knowledge! That I can assure you. If we are invaded from WITHIN, we don't
even see the war coming, and when those who speak out about this do... well,
you get the picture.
This is the message of MANY UFO contact stories from around the world:
"Raise your vibrational frequency with LOVE in your hearts..." James
Gilliland and his on-going contacts at the Sattva ranch near Mt. Adams are a
very interesting focus for me at this writing. The beings that contacted him
ONLY did so after years of his own deeply personal spiritual advancement.
Even he didn't believe them until he was brought outside to see one of their
ships. Now over 700 (Yes, seven hundred) eye witnesses have come forth with
video and audio of these on-going contacts. Many 'sceptics' who have been to
James' ranch and spent a few nights there have come back changed people.
This sort of contact is becoming commonplace on Earth now, and we MUST
remember to keep LOVE in our hearts before making any type of "alien"
contact, mostly for our own safety. However, this in merely ONE example of
what's going on OUTSIDE of the major media. And even so, each "case" might
turn out to be something that it's not on the surface. It's best to be alert
and WISE at all times - there are MANY tricksters about here.
Question: What would it mean to YOU if contact with very advanced beings
were a DAILY occurrence in YOUR life right now? Could you maintain an open
mind and path during this new paradigm? How would your family and friends
react? Fear? Disinterest? Trust? Blind faith? Love? Caution?
As wonderful as LOVE is, you still need to learn the history of what's been
done (and being done) to your body and mind and what you can do to play your
part in regaining your personal freedom:
History always repeats itself:
"The more we do to you - the less you believe it"
Dr Joseph Mengele, NAZI.
"How fortunate for leaders - that the people do not think"
-- Hitler
Strange dark science: Human DNA suppression/manipulation:
A sign of their desperation to control us: One aspect of the "CHEM-TRAILS"
that have been sprayed all over the planet on a near-daily basis since the
spring of 1999 are DNA suppressing agents against our natural human genetic
evolution at this time, among other things. The technique is called
"TRANSCESSION". DNA is transferred from the airborne material right into the
human lungs and blood stream, then cell "transcession" occurs where this new
genetic sequence is added to (or edited from) our bodies. To make matters
worse, part of the AM modulation spectrum RESONATES at the HUMAN GENETIC
SPECTRUM. HAARP uses the AM spectrum at 100 billion watts which covers the
entire magnetosphere and the planet!
If you read the book, "Angels don't play this HAARP", by Nick Begich and
Jeane Manning you will learn about how these frequencies have been PROVEN to
damage DNA by altering it's structure as well as BLOCK it's proper natural
evolution! HIPAS and other "booster stations" are also in use in other parts
of the world. Also that CELL PHONE that you are using RESSONATES at 800-900
Megahertz - the exact same resonant frequency as your very brain itself!
Brain cancer is just the physical after effects of these devices. Some call
it: Mind-control and you will find MUCH evidence of this on my links page.
Many chem-trail investigators are still discovering some of these
connections to the chem-trail issue and many REFUSE to comprehend that this
is even possible. Cliff Carnicom is a wonderful source for up to date
investigations and information which you can verify independently. It's not
just the air and radio waves that are a deep concern for me...
A message from Credo Mutwa, Zulu shaman about vaccinations:
"We were told that there was a great smallpox epidemic coming to the land
and all the children must be vaccinated. My grandfather used to say that the
white man's vaccination makes you blind and if you are to look after the
cattle you must not go to the trading store to get your vaccination.
Inspectors used to come and check each child for signs of vaccination. Our
grandmother used to give us great pain in order to save our spiritual eyes.
Grains of maize would be heated up and pushed against the skin of the child,
and so when the schools inspectors came he saw the blisters and assumed the
child had been vaccinated... and I noticed that school children in mission
schools who had been vaccinated for smallpox or measles could not see
spiritual entities at all. A flying saucer would fly through the sky at
great speed and be seen by many men & women but the children who had been
vaccinated would see nothing and I noticed this hundreds of times."
Credo Mutwa (the reptilian agenda video pt 1 at - see my
links page)
In other words, you'd see only what the Illuminati wants you to see. And
this story comes from a ZULU SHAMAN WARRIOR! The number of UFO sightings and
contact cases was on the rise until recently. Another very valid thought is
that the spraying is a MASS INNOCULATION against our evolving DNA to shut
down our "awakenings" so we cannot even SEE these craft or their occupants
who are often here to assist humanity right now! (There are BOTH military
craft AND alien craft around the Earth - IE: "Star Wars")
For the DETAILED TECHNICAL explanation on Chem-Trails and trancession, read
THIS report from Montalk. (then close that window and continue with this page)
For a detailed report on chem-trails blocking "UFO contacts" - READ THIS
REPORT. (then close that page to continue here)
Another aspect of the chem-trails in this global compartmentalized project
is something called "PROJECT: BlueBeam". For years this rogue black budget
team has been perfecting the projection of HOLOGRAM technology in the form
of UFO sightings. Some of these sightings are reported on UFO witness
programs to "catalogue and monitor" the public's readiness for a STAGED
"ALIEN INVASION". They use the MASSIVE amount of particulates in the
atmosphere to bounce lasers off of which in turn draw a UFO in the air
itself. Mexico city has been the hotbed of sightings due to it's high level
of useable particulates within this hologram technology. Now the CHEM-TRAILS
have reduced visibility to 1/5th the former level on a WORLD WIDE SCALE!
(The stage has been set now for GLOBAL use) "Project: BlueBeam" can make
these objects appear SOLID and many are drawn during the day to enhance the
effectiveness of public reaction.
If these object become a "threat", the planned reaction is to band the
planet's people together under ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT to "fight off" the alien
invaders. (See David Icke: "Problem, reaction, solution") Remember that this
plan goes WAY back, long before RONALD REGAN'S big speech at a TELEVISED
UNITED NATIONS MEETING, "I often wonder... if our differences, WORLDWIDE,
would vanish if we were faced with an ALIEN threat from outside this world.
And I ask you now... IS NOT AN ALIEN FORCE ALREADY AMONG US?" Remember that
one? Think about it. It's part of a global agenda. Of COURSE these
"officials" talk about all this stuff, constantly! Clinton, Bush... you name
it, they deal with it. They engineered many black budget organizations to
deal with these subjects. (NSA, CIA...)
For more on PROJECT: BlueBeam - see my links page.
Did you know that almost every single "elected" government official is a
(Or 'Skull and Bones', or BOTH) Don't you find that just a little strange?
Coincidence? Did you also know that MOST of the US presidents are related to
TWO single ancient "Royal" bloodlines? Meaning that they might seem to have
different last names, but EVERY SINGLE TIME it's the dude with the MOST
ROYAL GENES who gets elected! Think about it. Elections are a scam. This is
NOT just a US problem, it's happening in EVERY country. They are lying to us
and we just sit back and eat it up as we watch the TV pumping our minds with
a FAKE reality. "Oh, it's just a coincidence, I'm sure of it..." How much
you want to lose on that bet, dear sleeper? ;) Dare YOU to run for president!
* * * * * * *
What does all this mean?
In short: Time for you to wake up from the 'Matrix', dear sleeper, and join
the thousands of others just like us who CARE about our collective future,
and who desire peace between ALL species. We want an end to unseen
manipulation of our culture and request the chance to live FREE from
INTERDIMENSIONAL TYRANNY. We want to create PEACE between ALL races who may
or may not reside with us on (or in) Earth presently. This may be our only
hope for survival and must be balanced gingerly.
A council for peace has been established: (COHRA: The Council On
Human-Reptilian Allegiance) {NOT a religious org.} Those of us who have
collected together within this group believe that not all reptilians are
evil, rather BOTH good and evil exists in ALL BEINGS, human and non-human.
We are working on solutions to these global problems BEFORE this becomes
another war. Let's not make the same ignorant mistakes again where we gave
into fear of these beings and sold ourselves out for a "safe" but completely
controlled environment where darkness reigns. Knowledge is power, ignorance
can be fatal bliss.
I have written a book (still being compiled and edited) about my personal
experiences in the above subjects, as well as my own REPTILIAN CONTACT
STORY, which started me on my journey so long ago. (Available on this site)
I have also created many groups, organizations and lists where many of YOU
have shared your own adventures with me in a collective effort to regain
what we once had. Many of you have also shared with me your own re-awakening
stories, to which I am very thankful. It's nice to see so many awake spirits
on Earth right now. Please feel free to join one of my lists to share your
story and to take ACTION for your planet and your future.
The Earth paradigm IS shifting, yet there are still many who need to hear
more about what's been the BIGGEST global phenomena in Earth history! We are
waking up, slowly - speaking out, eventually. However, silence is not the
answer to change one's reality. ACTION is the true path of the spiritual
warrior. Action is your sword of truth and love is your ship to carry you
forward. BE BRAVE - PASS THIS PAGE ON to those who you feel are able to deal
with this information and who can RESPECT others, and mostly THEMSELVES
enough to not just read this, but who can bypass their "ridicule"
programming and understand what is really going on.
It's never easy to express ones' inner self with any great ease, so I will
use another analogy: Go see (or rent) the movie "Final Fantasy" if you
desire to see an example of what I'm attempting to communicate with you.
It's about spirit, hope, peace and inner strength to face the future under
some amazing circumstances, but MOST of all it's about waking up to a new
paradigm from within each and every one of us - a new world begins.
Constant danger:
Why do I sacrifice myself thusly, giving up a more "normal" life for one of
personal danger, great risk and many sleepless nights? Why bother to
remember anything about my spiritual past? Why observe these patterns and
changes in the world? Why bother to HELP any of you with what I know? LOVE
of other beings, human and non-human, including YOU. :) HOPE, and what
remains of it. I struggle with many unseen things daily. I am up against the
very controllers that I speak of here, and am harassed at almost every turn
in various ways, sometimes daily. Until the people of this world STOP
thinking and behaving like SLAVES, they too are my "enimy". I can forgive,
but I never forget. I don't trust easily, even though I WANT to trust.
I might be a strange creature, and yes I am often judged for my uniqueness,
but I am what I am. I don't judge. I am a very deep and passionate being
with MANY aspects to myself that you do not know of. I consider us ALL
connected to the source/creator or "God" at the highest level of existence,
so as I am helping you, I am also helping MYSELF. This is called: The law of
ONE, which goes all the way back to Atlantis, before the great "fall" of
man. I am ALL THINGS, as are YOU. :) (Believe me - there are some "aspects"
of this that I DO NOT LIKE AT ALL.)
I have been beaten physically, emotionally and yes, even spiritually in an
attempt to silence my work. (I have learned to keep my distance from many
strangers as a result of abused trust, yet I persist on my spiritual path.)
Sure, living on Earth is VERY difficult for me at times. Trust me when I say
that I'd do almost anything to hitch a ride on some starship and race away -
I desire to live almost ANYWHERE but here... However since I'm here I know
that I am here for a reason, and continue my path, boldly without a care
what others think of me. (This means YOU too) Earth is very dangerous
indeed. Opinions can ruin someone's life, like they have mine, because
humanity still childishly behaves like a brat that might as well deserve the
"spanking" that it's about to recieve. (Karma)
Question: Why are you not well off and living the high life then if you are
not from here?
Answer: In order to live here, I must live AS a typical human being, with
all it's flaws and setbacks geneticly. (However, this will soon change) In
this way, I am an EQUAL and can fairly judge what is going on here. That
doesn't mean that ALL OF ME is here before you now, just my PHYSICAL FORM
is. That is why those who can SEE BEYOND my physical form can see my energy
matrix and thus can witness my etheric body-form, which as I already stated
has connections to the REPTILIAN WORLD and beyond to other star-systems
where this is great shift in consciousness is also happening.
I am a survivor of many things. I have been "set up" a few times and even
had my SIN/SSN number hacked from the inside as a "show of force" in an
attempt to intimidate me. It would seem that if I get too close to a truth,
often something stops me from completing a task with it's invisible psychic
attacks. I have lost many things this way, and YES, it's very painful.
(Formerly trusted friends, partners, etc...) I have been confronted by some
very strange and angry strangers whom I'd never met before who have
blatantly stated, "You are lucky to be alive, Purple, but if you continue
with this research of yours... no one will know what happened to you, EVER!"
This makes it very difficult to maintain a somewhat normal life when someone
takes your personal private government information and screws it all up on a
regular basis!!!
Yet I persist with what little I have. It makes maintaining a job with
income very troubling at best, let alone my attempt to share my TRUTH with
you now - explaining all this to you without some silly piece of paper (See
"degree" or "PhD" - another control mechanism) so you'll even listen to my
words and hear me out without your harsh judgments. But this is how things
have remained hidden for SO LONG on Earth. This is how SECRETS are kept:
RIDICULE! It's this exact type of attack, control and fear which I am
fighting against! It's not the public I have a major problem with, as
agressive and ignorant as most are... it's the invisible hand of secrecy
which attempts to put a stop to my work and the awareness of the public who
still FOLLOW THE ORDERS of the COMPUTERS who call the shots in our terribly
confused reality.
When machines are trusted MORE than each other as a people, we have nothing
left to do but END this entire charade and leave the stage before we forget
who we really are! This is why I am SO AGAINST THE MICRO-CHIP! WHOLE LIVES
WILL CRUMBLE at the whim of the invisible Masonic or "Demonic" forces, just
for speaking TRUTH about their experiences. At the push of a button these
"people" could DISABLE your money, your access to your own place of work and
your very home, leaving you on the street to die alone and mistrusted for
what happened to you. Think about where electronic MONEY is headed. You
think you have problems NOW?! Just you wait!
I never know when the next attempt will come where my personal data will be
re-written forcing me onto the street where I can be "eliminated" easily as
just another "poor street person". Thank God I have enough strength and
determination to survive the times that I HAVE lived there. I live on the
edge, barely surviving, but not by choice, rather by the result of caring
"where I ought not bother", as I am told. I do not have an "office", or a
"staff". I work from anywhere I can, where I can either work in secret - or
where I am WELCOME to be myself. I volunteer with a global collective of
rebels who exchange information FREELY, perhaps like yourself. I am very
persistent, not unlike Fox Mulder from the "X-Files" TV series.
The major difference is that MY reality is not just a TV show, it's a REAL
adventure, with all the trouble which it attracts. At the end of the day,
the show is NOT over, it continues. "Eyes Wide Open". I still know how to
have fun, don't get me wrong. I have a very dark "Monty Python" style of
humor which I enjoy to the fullest. (Crow humor) I smile, I laugh, I play
with my close friends who love me dearly... However, I must protect myself
spiritually as often as I can to survive these trying times and to continue
my path-work for deeply personal spiritual reasons. Perhaps the reason that
I am still alive is due to the fact that I really do not wish anyone any
harm, even the DARK DRACO. I only want peace for all, reptilian, human or
otherwise. Perhaps this will never be, and perhaps we will all fail this
deeply important task - But I MUST DO MY BEST, ALWAYS, to help where and
when I can. I WILL NOT TOLLERATE CHOSEN IGNORANCE (IE: Prejudice) around me
- I am very selective about my friends - I have to be.
Question: Can "aliens" and humans live and work together in peace?
I know we would all be much happier if we could live in peace and learn that
our diversity is to be understood and respected, not attacked. Many cultures
can live in peace and still maintain their own ways without attacking other
"tribes", in fact there IS NO OTHER WAY for peace to survive, for all of us.
I have seen the future, and the past in dreams/visions/meditations, and at
SOME time we are living, playing and working alongside a whole variety of
beings that are not human. Some of us even have reptilian lovers/partners in
the future! (Gasp!) :)
My current conclusions about "human evolution of thought in preparation of
global contact" during this so called "new paradigm"? Simple:
When a given piece of evidence disagrees with the predominant theory at the
time, people automaticly refuse it. They won't talk about it, and won't
report it out of fear of what others think of them. That means that this new
knowledge, this new paradigm fails to progress and is always CRUSHED beyond
recognition. Evolution seises, and humans become stagnant once again. This
unwillingness to advance leads to a type of extinction, which might never be
recovered before certain disaster falls. This will be humanities last stand,
and most of them will probably die in ignorance, perhaps to be recycled once
again as their fear continues into the post-death realms.
Hey, if the Emperor has no clothes on, it's not my fault. I just call them
as I see them. :) The truth hurts, and by no means are "paranormal
researchers" any different than the average person on the street for the
most part. In turn the internet seems to bring out the WORST in human kind
as a result of it's pseudo anonamous covering. Too many people seem to
thrive on hurting others with their callous words, ignorance, and total lack
of respect for their fellow human beings. This is where organized Religion
has failed humanity the most, and where inner spirituality (not from some
new age book or website) will come to the rescue IF IT IS SAUGHT BY THE
INDIVIDUAL WITH AN EARNEST HEART. Very few seem to understand this reality.
Unlike many I meet, I KNOW my path: I incarnated here for a reason, many of
us are here now. You are not alone. The nature of hidden truth: The longer
it remains hidden the stronger the boiling point is as the pressure of it's
reality explodes into our next paradigm. All this hidden truth is just
beginning to become known in pop culture on Earth now, and is reflected in
many ways. This is a sign that there IS hope in the hearts of humanity. Many
young children being born now are FULLY AWARE and will maintain their
awareness throughout their lives. They are fully psychic. Some call the
children of today - "Beings of the blue ray". (It's something to do with the
SUN shifting frequencies at this time) This is what the "Illuminati" fears
most! This prison Earth and the inhabitants of same are shifting in both
consciousness and genetic form! FREEDOM is being demanded, but not the
freedom of the past, but the true freedom of the future!
* * *
A warning to those who would attempt to attack me:
Let me express a kind and compassionate warning to those who might wish to
bring me any kind of harm: BE AWARE, I am a spiritual warrior! I am NOT
alone. I have a fierce, brave heart - I follow my own path and am not afraid
to do so. I mean you no harm and can respect your unique ways of
self-determination, just as long as you do NOT attack my friends or myself
in ANY WAY and ALWAYS respect our own choices to be free to live our own
lives in peace. Each being has the right to their OWN ways, and to be left
to form their own paths as individuals or in groups. A RETURN of MUTUAL
RESPECT and HONOR for my path-work would be most wise and Karmicly balanced
of you. However, if you intend to attempt to harm me in ANY way, whether
it's through verbal attack, negative rumour or any intentional planning of
action against my being... IE: Any PHYSICAL, PSYCHIC or VERBAL means, then
you WILL get a return of your same energy (the mirror) in defence and
respect of who I am from my higher self!
I am a "witch" (worlock, pagan.... pick your lable) and feel no shame in
putting a stop to any abusive patterns on your part. Trust me on that one.
If you send me ANY negative energy, you are guaranteed a RETURN of same, but
from a higher source! I have seen many "go down" after they have attacked
me. This might manifest in any number of ways at any time to teach you a
lesson in the respect of others' free will. I respond with LOVE for you at
the forefront of my thoughts and actions. As you "attack" me, you are also
asking me for a chance to teach you a Karmic lesson that you so desperately
need to learn, to which I respond to you, "How can I deny the love of my own
brother when s/he asks so daringly for my personal attention in such
matters?" I will GLADLY help you learn your lesson well so that you will
grow from my responce leding to a better world for all of us on Earth.
the gracious hand of the gods who are sympathetic to my decision to help
humanity - and they are VERY protective of me for my HONESTY. I am a kind
and compassionate being, and my spirit guides and I do not take kindly to
negative interference on our quest for truth. We desire freedom for those
who cry out to us for HELP, who are under extreme assault from the dark
secret tyranny which tries to control the lives of many: Human, Reptilian
and otherwise. Our response to this cry of help is to respond with healing
LOVE, compassion and understanding. I have the blessing of the Creator in my
task. I came here to LEARN as well as teach.
I am a guided "visitor" and survivor of many worlds, I know the pattern that
this world is undergoing right now, I've seen it before. You make/are your
OWN decisions, but KNOW that many people are crying out for HELP here on
Earth, and that cry is NOT being ignored. I will NOT ignore those who ask
for my help. Thus I will not stop my quest for the highest truth, for
anyone, for any reason, whether you like what I say or do or not. I LOVE you
and don't want to see you suffer in any way, so please be kind to each other
when your 'brother or sister' speaks about things that you do not understand
at the moment.
If you require an analogy of my behaviour, perhaps the science-fiction TV
series "Star Trek", and those whom are called, "Klingon" are a good example
of the type of protocols that I often find myself in: HONOR above all else,
very SPIRITUAL, with a warrior's passionate heart which beats FIERCELY,
always. Be warned that we are ALL great beings and deserve respect and
non-judgement for our unique actions. I am me, I am free. Be-You-tiful! Be
safe, be WISE, stay ALERT, harm none.
* * *
Where do we go from here?
True Peace: The state of no person imposing
their will upon another.
True Anarchy: The state of no person imposing
their will upon another.
Is humanity spiritually mature? least enough to handle what is about to happen to them?
Einstein didn't think so... but only YOU can answer that one yourself.
How to survive in the new paradigm:
(Words to LIVE by)
"Basic instincts, the circle of life, paradoxes exist side by side. Don't
accept average habits, listen to your heart, open your mind and PUSH THE
LIMITS. - If you're in the eye of the storm, just think of the lonely dove:
The experience of survival is the key to the gravity of love. - Stand up,
- Enigma 4 - ...The mirror...
A poem from a friend of mine which expresses my highest awareness of the
creator, which is all of us at the highest level of being:
"Seize the Moment."
You have not been damaged by others in your life who did what you wish they
had not done, or who didn't do what you wish they had. I tell you
this--again: I have sent you nothing but angels. These people all brought
you gifts, wonderful gifts, designed to help you remember Who You Really
Are. And you have done the same for others. And when you all get through
with this grand adventure, you will see that clearly, and you will thank
each other.
I tell you, the day will come when you will review your life and be thankful
for every minute of it. Every hurt, every sorrow, every joy, every
celebration, every moment of your life will be a treasure to you, for you
will see the utter perfection of the design. You will stand back from the
weaving and see the tapestry, and you will weep at the beauty of it. So love
each other. Every other. All others. Even those you have called your
persecutors. Even those you have cursed as enemies. Love each other, and
love yourself. For God's sake, love yourself. I mean that literally. Love
your Self, for God's sake.
Please recite the following in your mind or out-loud as you seriously
consider the following text as your own personal path as you arrive in this
new paradigm:
"I will speak brave and true for what I believe; Seeking and creating new
ways of being in the world together, new cultures (including 'alien'
cultures), new ways of living, relating, and working; Standing for the
transformation of organizations, education, governance... anything and
everything... even if I don't know how; Consciously evolving always, ready
to take the NEXT STEP on the journey to humanity's evolvement and mutual
collaboration with other positive beings, entities and life-forms; Embracing
grace, wisdom and compassionate understanding as my first choice of working;
Developing a new style of co-operative working to achieve unprecedented
results; Working energetically to bring out the very best in others and to
create the space for others to work together in grace, passionate expression
and amazing vitality."
Thank you. :)
(We are standing at the exit of this long tunnel now, and I show you the
door which leads to the inner chambers.)
Your next challenge is very great, my friend, but is VERY IMPORTANT. Are you
ready to proceed? There is a lot to learn. If you already feel you know
enough about any one particular subject, then simply choose the section you
wish to continue with... All is presented here for you with love, respect
and honour for who YOU are.
(I smile peacefully towards you)
Projected thoughts: LOVE IS GOLDEN. Help comes to those who ASK, and for
those who take ACTION. STAY VIGILANT! Stay STRONG spiritually. Don't stop
sharing information. Seek the higher truth, always. "Zen" and relax in your
own way when you need time to balance yourself. Reward yourself for helping
others. Smile and project peace. Forgive each other. Don't judge or "punish"
anyone: "Live and let live." Enjoy each others' diversity and RESPECT those
you don't agree with as much as those you do. "Difference" is NOT evil
unless attack is involved. Not everyone wants to hear the truth, some just
are not ready yet. Give them a little more time to catch on, but KEEP
SHARING with them anyway, they will eventually catch on.